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Assignment 1 A- A A+ B- B B+ C- C C+ D

Orgainsation  Presentation is clear. Logical and  Presentation is generally clear and well- Organisation is haphazard; listeners Not achieved
organised. Listeners can follow organised. A few minor points may be struggle to follow presentation.
line of reasoning. confusing. Arguments are unclear.
Style  Level of presentation is  Level of presentation is generally Aspects of presentation are too Not achieved
appropriate for the audience. appropriate. Pacing is sometimes too fast elementary or too sophisticated for
Presentation is a planned or too slow. Presenters seem slightly audience. Presenters seem
conversation, paced for uncomfortable at times and audience uncomfortable and can be heard only
audience understanding. It is not occasionally has trouble hearing what is with difficulty by listeners. Much of
a reading of a paper or notes. being said. the presentation is read.
Speakers are comfortable in
front of the audience and can be
heard by all.
Use of Communication  Communications aids enhance Communication aids contribute to the Communication aids are poorly Not achieved
Aids presentation. quality of the presentation. prepared or used inappropriately.
 The font on the visuals is  Font size is mostly readable  Font size is too small to read
readable from the back of the  Appropriate information is included  Too much information is included
room  Some material is not supported by visual  Details or some unimportant
 Information is represented and aids. information is highlighted and may
organised to maximise audience confuse audience
 Details are maximised so that
main points stand out.
Content Not achieved
Depth of Content Speakers provide accurate and For the most part, explanations of ideas and Explanations of ideas and concepts
complete explanations of key ideas concepts are accurate and complete. Some are inaccurate or incomplete. Little
and concepts, drawing on relevant helpful information about how the attempt is made to tie theory to
supporting documentation. application(s) is included. practice. Listeners gain little from the
Applications of theory illuminate presentation for decision-making.
issues. Listeners gain insights.
Accuracy/Relevance of No significant errors are made. Listeners Enough errors are made to distract a
Content Information (names, facts, etc.) recognise any errors to be the result of knowledgeable listener. Some
included in the presentation is nervousness or oversight. information is accurate but listeners
consistently accurate. must determine what information is
reliable/relevant to a decision.
Additional Material All additional supporting material Supporting material (e.g. references, Minimal supporting material (e.g. Not achieved
(e.g. references, supporting data supporting data (financial, statistical, etc.)) references, supporting data
(financial, statistical, etc.)) is is mostly documented and included in (financial, statistical, etc.)) is
included either in Notes to the Notes to the slides or as extra appended documented and included in Notes
slides or as an extra appended slides(s) to the slides or as extra appended
slide(s). slides(s) or there are gaps.
Responsiveness to Not achieved
Audience Consistently clarifies, restates and Generally responsive to audience questions Responds to questions inadequately.
Verbal Interaction responds to questions. Summarises and needs for further information. Misses
when needed. some opportunities for interaction.

Reflects some discomfort interfacing with Reveals a reluctance to interact and

Body Language Reflects comfort interacting and the audience, indicating insufficient engage with the audience.
engaging with audience, indicating preparation and practice ahead of the
good preparation and practice presentation.
ahead of the presentation.

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