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HRMG703 Global Mobility Semester 1, 2021 Overall Grade

Assessment 1 Marking Criteria - Rubric Final Mark

Subject to late penalty if applicable*

Student Name: Student ID:

Please note: the work is examined holistically and sometimes clear boundaries between each of the assessment criteria may not necessarily be evident.

Indicators of ACHIEVED WITH Indicators of ACHIEVED WITH

Indicators of ACHIEVED Indicators of NOT ACHIEVED

Demonstrates a thorough Demonstrates a substantial Demonstrates some Demonstrates a lack of

understanding of their HR understanding of their HR/ER understanding of their HR/ER understanding of their major
field(s) of study, and their field(s) of study, and their field(s) of study, but limited field(s) of study, and limited or
Be connected to business relationships with the wider relationships with the wider recognition of the interaction no recognition of the
business landscape. business landscape, but with between their field/s of study interaction of their field with
some shortcomings. and the wider business areas of business.

Examples drawn from the Examples drawn from the Has provided some examples Little or no attempt to identify
student’s individual practice, student’s individual practice, drawn from the student’s specific examples drawn from
experience and/or context are experience and/or context are individual practice, experience the student’s individual
Be self-directed reflective clearly identified, relevant and clearly identified, relevant and and/or context. Examples are practice, experience and/or
learner integrated into the discussion. integrated into the discussion. identified, factual, mainly context..
There may have been some relevant and discussed to some
Examples used may be general
minor inconsistencies and/or extent.
and/or inappropriate.

The student has drawn on an The student has drawn on a The student has drawn on a The student has not drawn on
excellent range (5-7) of very good range (up to 5) of limited range (up to 5) of appropriate and relevant
appropriate academic articles appropriate academic articles academic articles and academic articles and
and other relevant resources. and other relevant resources. resources which are not resources.
consistently appropriate or
Comprehensive understanding Analysis, synthesis and No or limited reproduction of
Demonstrate in-depth always relevant.
knowledge of specialist of relevant concepts and application of knowledge is relevant concepts and theories
discipline(s) theories; the analysis, synthesis generally clear and effective Analysis and application of and/or impaired in parts by
and application of knowledge but has occasional knowledge is mostly clear and considerable inaccuracies.
is consistently clear and shortcomings in understanding effective but in parts reveals
effective. of relevant concepts and rather superficial
theories. understanding of relevant
concepts and theories.

Examines the topics Examines a range of Describes a range of Identifies a limited range of
extensively and discusses appropriate perspectives and perspectives and analyses perspectives. Very limited
multiple perspectives analyses topics. topics. There may be gaps. analysis.
appropriate to the topics.
Very good engagement in Some engagement in critical Little or no engagement in
Excellent engagement in critical reflection, analysis and reflection, analysis and critical reflection, analysis and
Be critical enquirers and
creative problem solvers critical reflection, analysis and evaluation. evaluation. evaluation.
A clear indication of some in- While there is some evidence Focuses on description rather
Excellent indications of in- depth thinking in both written of in-depth thinking it may not than reflection and analysis or
depth thinking throughout blogs. be consistent across both may not be consistent across
both written blogs. written blogs. both written blogs.
Very good insights
Excellent insights. Some insights Limited insights.

Be effective Expressed ideas clearly and Clear and concise expression of Ideas correctly expressed but Expression of ideas is confused
communicators concisely. ideas with only few at times may not be clear and or difficult to understand.
inconsistencies. to the point.
The language contains very Errors in language and
few, if any errors in grammar The language is generally The language is sufficient for vocabulary are frequent and
and vocabulary. If slips are accurate but contains some understanding but contains distracting.
present, the meaning is still errors in grammar and errors in grammar and Does not adhere to the
clear. vocabulary. vocabulary that are distracting. conventions of academic
Conventions of academic Conventions of academic Conventions of academic writing (e.g. references,
writing (e.g. references, writing (e.g. references, writing (e.g. references, citations).
citations) are followed citations) are followed apart citations) are followed but
meticulously. from the occasional oversight. show errors and


*Please refer to page 9 of your Study Guide to read more on late assessments.

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