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Paper for Semester 2 of 2020-2021, Dynamics of Mechanical Systems (International Students)

Theory and Application of Dynamics of Mechanical Systems

Rana mir
School of Mechatronic, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu
Province, 221116

Abstract: Please summarize the whole report. (Abstract, self-writing, 150~300 words)
Keywords: Dynamics; Mechanical Systems; (3~5 keywords, self-fitting, separated by semicolon)

Author information: Name, student number, class

Contact phone number:XXX;E-mail:XXX
Paper for Semester 2 of 2020-2021, Dynamics of Mechanical Systems (International Students)

1. Introduction As we know dynamic is a Mechanical engineering subject that taught in

university-level. Mainly dynamic is the study of motion object's. dynamic teaches us to think
about that how objects move and react to forces. We learn how understand problems and
how to find the important information and solve them easily. Dynamics course comes from
physical science and mechanic's combination that is mainly focus to the motion of objects.

2. Dynamic parameters (Take each actual case of single degree of freedom, two degree of freedoms,
and multi-degree of freedoms mechanical systems, such as in engineering machinery, mining machinery,
etc. According to the case, carry out the modeling from the actual model to the equivalent mechanical
model and the corresponding mathematical model, then by Using your ID and MATLAB software to solve
and describe its dynamic parameters such as frequency and mode shape)

2.1 Figure and table

Figures can be in color or black and white format. Image resolution is not less than 300
dpi. The header of figures and tables should be in 10.5 points and aligned in the center. The
text in tables should be in 10.5 point.
Figures and tables can be single- or double-column width as appropriate. For example, if
the width of the figure or table is less than that of a column, use double column, aligned in the
center, as shown in Figure 1. If the width is greater than that of a column, use single column,
aligned in the center, as shown in Table 1.

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus

2.2 Formula
The sequence number of the formula is expressed in half-angle parentheses plus numbers,
right aligned. Try to use the Word's own formula editor, as shown in Equation (1).
 
K  B  B 2 h0 (1)
h0 h0

Paper for Semester 2 of 2020-2021, Dynamics of Mechanical Systems (International Students)
Table 1 Lubricating oil characteristics
PB450 DM500 DM200
Viscosity(Pa·s) 0.480 0.550 0.220
Refractive index 1.50 1.403 1.404

3. Application analysis of vibration isolation (Based on the actual case of single-degree-of-freedom

mechanical system, the application analysis of vibration isolation is described after modeling)

1. 4. Application of dynamic shock absorber in mechanical systems

2. 4.1 Actual engineering case) In their simplest form, shock absorbers are hydraulic (oil) pump
like devices that help to control the impact and rebound movement of your vehicle's springs and
suspension. Along with smoothening out bumps and vibrations, the key role of the shock absorber is
to ensure that the vehicle’s tyres remain in contact with the road surface at all times, which ensures
the safest control and braking response from your car.Essentially, shock absorbers do two things.
Apart from controlling the movement of springs and suspension, shock absorbers also keep your
tyres in contact with the ground at all times. At rest or in motion, the bottom surface of your tyres is
the only part of your vehicle in contact with the road. Any time that a tyre's contact with the ground
is broken or reduced, your ability to drive, steer and brake is severely compromised.Despite popular
belief, shock absorbers do not support the weight of a vehicle.

Firstly, a little bit of science. Shock absorbers work by taking the kinetic energy (movement) of
your suspension and converting it to thermal energy (heat) that is then dissipated into the
atmosphere through the mechanism of heat exchange. But it's nowhere near as complicated as it
may sound. As mentioned, shock absorbers are basically oil pumps. A piston is attached to the end
of a piston rod and works against hydraulic fluid in the pressure tube. As the suspension travels up
and down, the hydraulic fluid is forced through orifices (tiny holes) inside the piston. Because the
orifices only allow a small amount of fluid through the piston, the piston is slowed which in turn
slows down spring and suspension movement. Dynamic Shock absorbers automatically adjust to
road conditions because the faster the suspension moves, the more resistance they provide


Author information: Name, student number, class

Contact phone number:XXX;E-mail:XXX
Paper for Semester 2 of 2020-2021, Dynamics of Mechanical Systems (International Students)

4. 4.2 Comparison we write a code for multi degree of freedom system with vary the value of n we can convert
it any kind of dof functiononResult=MDOF_simulation(M,C,K,f,fs)

5. input:

6. M:mass matrix (n*n)

7. C:damping matrix (n*n)

8. K:stiffness matrix (n*n)

9. f:external force matrix(n,N)

10. fs: sampling frequency

11. where n is the number of degrees of freedom, N is the length of data points of dynamic force

12. Output:

13. Result: is a structure consist of

14. Result.Displacement: Displacement (n*N)

15. Result.Velocity: Velocity (n*N)

16. Result.Acceleration: Acceleration (n*N)

17. Result.Parameters.Freq=Natural Frequency (n*1)

18. Result.Parameters.DampRatio=Damping Ratio (n*1)

Result.Parameters.ModeShape=Mode Shapes Matrix (n*n)

4.3 Application of dynamic shock absorbers (Give no less than 3 cases to illustrate the industrial
application of dynamic shock absorbers)
The main application of shack absorber is to absorb the impact and damper the vibration. Following are the industrial
application of dynamic shock absorber.

* Aerospace Industry:
In the aerospace industry, Shock absorber are used in the landing gear where the absorber must damper the shock and
quickly dissipate. The thermal energy created in order to execute a safe landing. Due to the heavy loads that the aircraft
and the helicopter carry. That experience high stress and strain on there lansing Gear.

*Marine Industry:
Due to the vibration Noise at ships and submarine Produce, Ship builders are standing to install dampers a long propetor
shafting system. Under water vibration noise is a most common thing.

Automobile Industry : In automobile industry the shock absorber can be used to generate power for the vehicle. For the
shock absorber to generate power or electricity for the vehicle it would be best is if a twin tube design shocks are use.
Paper for Semester 2 of 2020-2021, Dynamics of Mechanical Systems (International Students)
The fluid used in these Designs would decrease the amount of kinetic energy which can be stored for later use.

5. Summary (Overview and summary of this course content)

The displacement response was calculated through the use of a pole-residue method, frequency-domain method, and a
time-domain method. There were two structures studied in this thesis. The first structure was a six degree-of-freedom
system and the second was a one hundred and twenty degree-of-freedom system. The calculated displacement response
from these three methods were compared. The first structure studied represented one half of a railway vehicle. The
railway car was represented as a rigid body with two degrees of freedom, vertical displacement, and pitch angle. The
railway car was connected to two nodes located at the front and rear end of the car representing the secondary
suspension. These nodes were modelled as a rigid body with a single degree of freedom comprised of a vertical
displacement. The secondary suspension nodes were connected through the primary suspension to a wheelset modelled
as an unsprung mass with a single degree of freedom, comprised of a vertical displacement. The interaction between the
wheel set and the track was modelled by linearized springs. The track was assumed to be fixed and rigid. The second
structure studied was a five story building. The five story building was represented as a three dimensional frame
element with six degrees of freedom. The building suffered from axial motion, transverse motion, and torsion. The axial
motion was defined by the structure’s cross sectional area, elastic modulus, and mass density. The transverse motion
was governed by the structure’s mass density, elastic modulus, cross sectional area, and moment of inertia. This
structure underwent torsion which was governed by the shear modulus of elasticity, elasticity, and polar moment of
inertia. The linkages were modelled as a three dimensional frame
element with twelve degree of freedoms, six displacements, and six moments. A frequency-domain method was
implemented through the use of Fourier transform. The excitation was transferred from the time domain to the
frequency domain through the fast Fourier transform. The complex frequency response was determined from the
system’s modes which were found by implementing a statespace model to simplify the problem. The complex
frequency response was multiplied with the complex periodic excitation, and then shifted back to the timedomain
through the inverse fourier transform. The resulting displacement response was found to be steady-state and lacks the
transient compnents. A time-domain method was implemented utilizing the functions ss and lsim found within MatLab.
The ss command transferred the system into the required state-space model. The lsim command simulated the
displacement response of continuous or discrete linear systems to arbitrary inputs through linear interpolation. The
displacement response was calculated through the implementation of a pole-residue method. The poles and residues
associated with the excitation were determined from the implementation of a modified Prony’s method. The poles and
residues for the system were found using eigen analysis of the state-space model. These excitation and system poles and
residues were then used to construct the displacement response.

6. Acknowledgements (In this section, please write down your experiences and gains from this course,
including your comments and suggestions on the course.)

References (if you need)

[1] Wen S.Z. Tribology Principles [M]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 1990. (Textbook Format)
[2] Andharia P.I., Gupta J.L., Deheri G.M.. Effect of surface roughness on hydrodynamic lubrication of slider
bearings [J]. Tribology Transactions, 2001, 44(5): 291-297. (Journal paper Format)

Paper for Semester 2 of 2020-2021, Dynamics of Mechanical Systems (International Students)

A brief overview of the course

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