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Ailene F.



1. How is moral courage defined?

Moral courage can be defined as the ability to use ethical principles to do what one
believes is right, even if the outcome is not to everyone's preference or may result in personal
loss. Many ethicists has also defined moral courage in a variety of ways. For instance, Rate et al.
(2007), defines moral courage as a deliberate, purposeful act carried out after careful
consideration, involving objective substantial risk to the bearer, and principally motivated to
achieve a noble good or worthwhile end, notwithstanding the presence of fear. Furthermore,
moral courage, according to Bierhoff (2002), is a prosocial conduct with significant social costs
and no (or few) immediate gains for the actor. In situations requiring moral courage, injustice
occurs, human rights are violated, people are treated unfairly and degradingly, or nature and
cultural assets are threatened; these situations include discrimination against foreigners or
other minorities, violence and aggression against weaker individuals, sexual harassment or
abuse, mobbing, or illegal business practices (Frey, Schaefer & Neumann, 1999). Moreover,
moral courage, according to Lopez, O'Byrne, and Peterson (2003), is "the expression of personal
ideas and values in the face of disagreement and rejection," as well as "when an individual
stands up to someone with power over him or her (e.g. employer) for the greater good."

2. What is an example of moral courage?

The following examples of moral courage are based on real-life events:
 Munich, Germany, January 13th, 2001: A group of about 20 Nazi skinheads harassed a
young Greek and began brutally abusing him. When five young Turks saw the situation,
they decided to help. They were able to spare the crippled and bloodied victim from
being beaten to death by risking their own lives.
 Another person who showed moral courage is Rosa parks.  She is known as “the mother
of the freedom movement”.  On a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, this woman refused to
give up her seat to a white passenger. During this time, blacks and whites were divided.
Rosa Park protested nonviolently because she believed the situation was unjust. She
stood up for herself and others in similar situations, and as a result, the world changed
for the better.
 Mahatma Gandhi also shown moral courage by standing up and fighting for India's
independence despite threats from parties who opposed his actions and ideals.
 Harriet Tubman leading slaves to freedom on the underground railroad.
 Martin Luther King Jr. standing up for equal rights.
 Jesus Christ continuing to follow his faith, beliefs and mission despite being hanged on a
cross, brutally beaten and attacked.
Other examples may include:
 Standing and speaking up for a person being bullied.
 Helping someone pushed a car out of a muddy road, even if it means being late.
3. Why is moral courage important?
Moral courage is important because it enables us to confront ethical dilemmas and act
when doing the right thing is difficult. Moral courage also contributes to the development of
a mindful organizational settings, which help to offset groupthink, reduce hypocrisy and "nod-
and-wink" cultures, and prevent irregularities, misconduct, unfairness, and corruption. Moral
courage is also essential because it allows a person to live with integrity, act in a way that
upholds their fellowman's loyalty, and confidently carry out their duties and responsibilities.

4. Who has moral courage?

People who have moral courage use their ethical convictions to aid others in challenging
ethical situations, despite the difficulties they may experience. These people endeavor to do the
right thing, even if others choose a less ethical path, which could entail doing nothing at all.
Morally courageous people persist in standing up for what is right, even if it means doing it
alone. The  ultimate purpose of people who have moral courage is to put  their ethical ideas into
action and safeguard ethical values that are believed to be at risk.  A great example of people
who have moral courage were our greatest heroes, their actions and courage ensured that we
acted morally. Many things would not have changed in our world if it hadn't been for them;
and many wrongs would still continue to prosper.

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