เอกสารประกอบการเรียน TOEFL Itp

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Part 1…………………………………………………………………………. 2
Part 2 ………………………………………………………………………….8
Part 3 ………………………………………………………………………….10
Script ………………………………………………………………………….13
เนือ้ หา …………………………………………………………………….20
แบบฝึ กหัด ……………………………………………………………………. 27
เนือ้ หา .…………………………………………………………………….30
แบบฝึ กหัด ……………………………………………………………………. 49
Oceanography …………….………………………………………………....54
Baltimore ……………………………………………………………….58
Plains Indians …..……………………………………………………………60
Dolls …..…………..……………………………………………....62
Bacteria …..…………………………………………………………....64
Bird Molting .…………………………………………………………….. 66
Phillis Wheatley ………………….………………………………………….. 68

Vocabulary ……………………………………………………………………… 70
เฉลย Listening …………………………………………………………………….. 74
เฉลย Structure …………………………………………………………………….. 76
เฉลย Error ……………………………………………………………………… 77
เฉลย Reading …………………………………………………………………….. 79

Listening Part 1

1. What does the woman mean?

(A) She will fill in for John
(B) She would rather not make the presentation
(C) She needs to think about it
(D) She will talk to John later
2. Did you go to the school choir’s summer concert?
(A) The summer weather
(B) A musical performance
(C) A new record
(D) The seasonal sales
3. What does the woman mean?
(A) Things are not going well
(B) She is in a hurry
(C) It’s a really busy time
(D) She’s not doing much
4. What does the man imply?
(A) He needs to go to the dentist
(B) He hasn’t paid his bill yet
(C) He may not meet his deadline
(D) He can’t find the book he needs
5. What does the woman mean?
(A) She doesn’t like coffee
(B) She must make an important call
(C) She has a meeting to attend tonight
(D) She needs to stay at the office longer

6. What is the couple probably going to do?
(A) Eat some ice cream
(B) Buy some chocolate on Sunday
(C) Go on a drive on Sunday
(D) Go downtown and go shopping
7. What are the man and woman discussing?
(A) Mary’s age
(B) Mary’s new baby
(C) Mary’s decision not to have a baby now
(D) Mary’s promotion
8. What does the man mean?
(A) He would rather go to the play
(B) He wants to go on Saturday
(C) He is unable to go tonight
(D) It doesn’t matter to him
9. What does the man mean?
(A) He owes some money, too
(B) He won’t have time to help her
(C) He doesn’t know how
(D) He’s already helped her
10. What does the man suggest the woman?
(A) She should skip reading the book
(B) She should make more effort
(C) She should read more quickly
(D) She should take a break

11. What is the man’s problem?
(A) The food order was mixed up
(B) The electricity was shut off
(C) The woman has arrived too late
(D) The order was not clear
12. What does the woman mean?
(A) She doesn’t have the questions ready
(B) He can’t take the examination early
(C) He needs to ask a different person
(D) She won’t have time to prepare
13. What does the man say about checking accounts?
(A) The minimum service charge is $10
(B) The service charge is 10 cents per check
(C) There is no service charge
(D) The maximum service charge is $10 a month.
14. What does the woman mean?
(A) Charlie could tutor the man
(B) The woman knows Charlie
(C) Charlie should do the calculus
(D) The woman could help Charlie
15. What does the man imply?
(A) The doctor has canceled her appointments
(B) Today the schedule is too crowded
(C) He will check the woman’s condition himself
(D) The doctor will probably examine the woman

16 . What do we learn from this conversation?
(A) The newsstand is sold out of the magazine
(B) Magazines cannot leave the library
(C) That periodical is not available in the library
(D) The magazine should have been returned sooner
17. What does the woman mean?
(A) The man is welcome to read the newspaper
(B) The newspaper does not belong to the woman
(C) The man should visit her home
(D) The man should mind his own business
18. What does the woman say about the espresso maker?
(A) She has always wanted to buy one
(B) She has never used hers
(C) She doesn’t think it makes very good coffee
(D) She doesn’t want to talk about it
19. What does the woman suggest?
(A) The man needs to take it easy
(B) It is time to clean the garage
(C) It is a shame he changed apartments
(D) The man should return the tires
20. What does the woman imply?
(A) There are too many people at the beach
(B) She is tired of standing in line
(C) She doesn’t know where to put her trash
(D) She doesn’t feel like going swimming

21. What does the man plan to do?
(A) Get refreshed during the summer break
(B) Continue his insurance coverage
(C) Fix his car this summer
(D) Return to the same university
22. What does the man mean?
(A) Professor Johnson is a difficult teacher
(B) The textbook was excellent
(C) He doesn’t like geography very much
(D) The class was hard to understand
23. What do the man and woman think about Tim?
(A) He is arrogant
(B) He is rather smart
(C) He is too impatient
(D) He is overly shy
24. Where can I get a list of next term’s course offerings?
(A) It doesn’t offer the courses the woman is looking for
(B) It is next to the concourse on campus
(C) It is now open for course registration
(D) It probably has the information that the woman needs
25. What does the woman mean?
(A) She doesn’t care about the play
(B) She doubts the quality of the performance
(C) She enjoyed the play very much
(D) The play was too far away for her to attend

26. What had the man assumed?
(A) He could return the clothes to the shop
(B) The suit was less expensive
(C) The store assistant would help him
(D) He could have the suit adjusted for free
27. Did you pass the comprehensive exam?
(A) The exams were canceled
(B) Everyone failed
(C) He changed his field of study
(D) The students were successful
28. What does the woman say about Paul?
(A) He eats too much
(B) He has trouble with his foot
(C) He should watch his diet
(D) He is not careful with his words
29. What does the woman want to know?
(A) What the car ran over
(B) What the man wants
(C) What she should do now
(D) What the man said
30. What does the woman imply?
(A) She hasn’t seen Robert recently
(B) Robert likes to play basketball
(C) Robert is probably in court today
(D) She doesn’t know Robert well

Part 2
In this part, you will hear longer conversation. After each conversation you will hear several
questions. The conversations and questions will not be repeated.
After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your book and choose the best
answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that
corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
31. What does the doctor believe is the cause of Jack’s illness?
(A) A viral infection
(B) A bacterial infection
(C) Pneumonia
(D) A high fever
32. How many times has Jack seen the doctor regarding this illness?
(A) This is the first time
(B) This is the second time
(C) This is the third time
(D) This is the fourth time
33. What is the most important thing for Jack to do?
(A) To take the medicine regularly
(B) To drink lots of fluids
(C) To get plenty of rest
(D) To come back for further tests
34. What does the doctor prescribe for Jack?
(A) Antibiotics
(B) Cold medicine
(C) Virus killer
(D) Aspirin

35. Where is this conversation probably taking place?
(A) A student union
(B) A cafeteria
(C) A library
(D) A dormitory
36. Why are the two speakers still on campus?
(A) They are both finishing a paper
(B) They are working part-time
(C) They still have not completed classes
(D) They live too far away to return home
37. What is the woman worried about?
(A) She is running low on money
(B) She is behind on her thesis
(C) Her advisor will require her to do more work
(D) Her parents are disappointed she has not come home
38. What does the speakers want to do when they finish their degrees?
(A) Work on a PhD
(B) Continue research
(C) Get a teaching job
(D) Write a book

Part 3
Directions : In this part, you will hear several talks. After each talk, you will hear some questions.
The talks and questions will not be repeated.
After you hear a conversation, read the four possible answers in your book and choose the best
answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that
corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
39. Where was Samuel Wilson born?
(A) Massachusetts
(B) New York
(C) Washington D.C.
(D) Philadelphia
40. What did Wilson intend for the letters U.S. to mean when he stamped them on the crates
of meat?
(A) Under Storage
(B) Uninspected Shipment
(C) Uncle Sam
(D) United States
41. When did the name Uncle Sam become associated with the military?
(A) During the Revolutionary War
(B) During the War of 1812
(C) In the 1830’s
(D) In Troy, New York
42. What is not true of Samuel Wilson?
(A) He had a pleasant personality
(B) He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War
(C) He was a drummer boy at age eight
(D) He made up the joke about the letters on the meat crates

43. What is the main topic of this talk?
(A) Cancer detection
(B) Cancer pain
(C) The origin of cancer
(D) Treatment of cancer
44. What does the speaker say about the principle problem in diagnosing cancer?
(A) It happens too late
(B) The tests are often ineffective
(C) It is costly
(D) Fear must be avoided
45. Who is the audience for this talk?
(A) Cancer patients
(B) Medical researchers
(C) Nursing students
(D) Prospective doctors
46. What does the speaker ask the listeners to do?
(A) Take careful notes
(B) Be watchful for signs of cancer
(C) Support cancer screening
(D) Study this procedure well
47. What is the main topic of this talk?
(A) Electricity in the body
(B) The design of new battery cells
(C) Chemical reactions in the brain
(D) How the eye works

48. According to the experts, how do our eyes rate as optical instruments?
(A) As too sensitive
(B) As rather poor
(C) As almost perfect
(D) As average
49. What role do sodium ion play in the eye?
(A) They carry electrical charges
(B) They focus light
(C) They relax the retina cells
(D) They cause cells to open
50. Why do our eyes need time to adjust when we enter a dark room?
(A) It is necessary for the electrical current to recharge
(B) It takes time for enough sodium ions to stimulate the optic nerve
(C) It takes longer to send messages to the brain
(D) The retina cells do not open quickly enough


1. Man : Would you be willing to take John’s place and give your presentation early?
Woman : Well, Why not?
Question: What does the woman mean?
2. Man : Did you go to the school choir’s summer concert?
Woman : Yes, it was tremendous
Question: What are the man and woman discussing?
3. Man : How are you doing?
Woman : To be honest, pretty lousy.
Question: What does the woman mean?
4. Woman : What’s wrong, Bill? You look so down in the mouth today.
Man : My paper’s due tomorrow and I haven’t even started to do my research yet.
Question: What does the man imply?
5. Man : Why don’t we call it a day and go have a cup of coffee?
Woman : I’d love to, but I have to finish planning for tomorrow’s meeting.
Question: What does the woman mean?
6. Man : You know, I haven’t had a chocolate sundae in years.
Woman : That’s a great idea? Let’s drive downtown and get one.
Question : What is the couple probably going to do?
7. Man : Mary has decided to postpone having a child until she’s 35.
Woman : Good for her? That will help her career.
Question : What are the man and woman discussing?
8. Woman : Would you rather go to the play tonight or on Saturday?
Man : Either is fine.
Question : What does the man mean?
9. Woman : I’m getting near the deadline. Any chance you could give me a hand with my
taxes tomorrow?

Man : I don’t think so. I’ve got my own to do.
Question : What does the man mean?
10. Woman : I just can’t seem to make it through this book
Man : Maybe you should just try to skim it.
Question : What does the man suggest the woman?
11. Woman : What do you mean the food isn’t ready? I called in the order more than an
hour ago.
Man : I know, but our power suddenly went off for thirty minutes, and we’re way
behind on take-out orders.
Question : What is the man’s problem?
12. Man : Professor Thames, would you mind if I took the final exam early?
Woman : Tom, I’m afraid that’s out of the question.
Question : What does the woman mean?
13. Woman : Do you have a service charge for checking accounts?
Man : Yes, we do - 20 cents a check up to $10 a month maximum.
Question : What does the man say about checking accounts?
14. Man : Could you recommend someone who could tutor me in calculas?
Woman : How about Charlie?
Question : What does the woman mean?
15. Woman : I have a terrible cold. Do you think the doctor could see me today?
Man : You may be in luck. She just had a cancellation.
Question : What does the man imply?
16. Man : Can I check this magazine out?
Woman : Sorry. Periodicals can’t be taken from the reference room.
Question : What do we learn from this conversation?
17. Man : Do you mind If I look at this newspaper?
Woman : Be my guest.
Question : What does the woman mean?

18. Man : I bought one of those automatic espresso machines, and it makes the best
coffee I’ve ever had.
Woman : Really? I have one, too, and I can’t say much for it.
Question : What does the woman say about the espresso maker?
19. Man : These are terrible tires. I’ve got another flat
Woman : How about taking them back to the garage where you got them?
Question : What does the woman suggest?
20. Man : I can’t stand it when people litter at the beach.
Woman : Me, neither. Nobody wants to swim in such a mess.
Question : What does the woman imply?
21. Woman : Our student insurance expires at the end of spring term.
Man : I think we can renew it for the summer.
Question : What does the man plan to do?
22. Woman : Did you enjoy the textbook Professor Johnson used in his class? He wrote
it himself, you know.
Man : Did I, it was out of this world!
Question : What does the man mean?
23. Woman : Tim always think he’s right.
Man : Yes, and he likes nothing better than to say “I told you so”.
Question : What do the man and woman think about Tim?
24. Woman : Where can I get a list of next term’s course offerings?
Man : Have you tried the registrars’ office?
Question : What does the man imply about the registrars’ office?
25. Man : Wasn’t the play excellent?
Woman : No doubt about it as far as I’m concerned.
Question : What does the woman mean?

26. Man : I’d like to return this suit. It’s too small.
Woman : I’m sorry, sir. It’s our store policy not to offer refunds on clothing.
Question : What had the man assumed?
27. Woman : Did you pass the comprehensive exam?
Man : No one did.
Question : What does the man imply?
28. Man : Boy, Paul put his foot in his mouth this afternoon.
Woman : Not again? He really better watch it.
Question : What does the woman say about Paul?
29. Man : We just ran over something.
Woman : What?
Question : What does the woman want to know?
30. Man : Have you seen Robert around anywhere?
Woman : Did you check the basketball court?
Question : What does the woman imply?

Question 31-34
A : Come in Jack. Are you any better today?
B : Not really. I still feel terrible.
A : I just got your tests back from your first visit the other day, and it looks like you have a
virus. There aren’t any signs of bacterial infection. Your lungs are clear, so it’s not
pneumonia. You just need to get lots of rest and let your body recover.
B : Can you give me antibiotics or something to fight it?
A : I’m afraid antibiotics only work against bacteria. A virus is quite another type of infection.
We’ve seen several cases like this recently. The incubation period of the virus is about
four days, followed by three to six days of fever and general cold symptoms. Then, if the
person takes care of himself, he gets better.

B : Jeez. I guess I don’t have any choice but to take it easy.
A : Get lots of rest- that’s number one. And drink plenty of fluids. I’m going to write you out a
prescription for some regular cold medication-antihistamines, decongestants, that kind of
B : Thanks a lot, Doctor Brandon.
31. What does the doctor believe is the cause of Jack’s illness?
32. How many times has Jack seen the doctor regarding this illness?
33. What is the most important thing for Jack to do?
34. What does the doctor prescribe for Jack?
Question 35-38
M : Cindy, I thought I was the only one staying in the dorm during winter break!
W : Are you kidding, Patrick? I have to finish my thesis, too.
M : Oh, that’s right. We started the M.A. program at the same time.
W : How’s your paper coming? M
: Well, it’s really going slowly. I thought I had all the books I needed but then when the
library closed, of course I discovered there were a few more I should have. Still, I’m
making progress. How about you?
W : I almost have a first draft finished. It’ really rough, though. It’ll take a lot of revision, and I’m
really afraid that when I finally turn it into my advisor, he’ll want me to redo it.
M : At least we’ve got all our course work out of the way.
W : Say Patrick, what are you going to do when you finally get a degree?
M : I’d like to look around for a teaching job. I heard there might be an opening at
Central High next fall. Do you have any plans?
W : I’d like to teach, too. But I’m aiming for a junior college. I had enough of high school when
I was a high school student.
M : I know what you mean. Well, see you around.
35. Where is this conversation probably taking place?
36. Why are the two speakers still on campus?
37. What is the woman worried about?
38. What do the speakers want to do when they finish their degrees?

Questions 39-42
Most people are not aware that there was a real-life Uncle Sam. This symbol of the United
States in striped pants and top hat was a meat packer and politician from upstate New York who
came to be known as Uncle Sam as the result of a joke. The proof of Uncle Sam’s existence was
unearthed only a quarter of a century ago, when someone found the evidence in the yellowed
pages of a newspaper printed in 1830.
Uncle Sam was Samuel Wilson. He was born in Massachusetts in 1766. At age eight he
served as a drummer boy in the Revolutionary War, and later joined the army as a soldier in that
war. After the war he moved to Troy, New York, where he opened a meat-packing company.
Because of his friendly nature, he was known by the townspeople as Uncle Sam. During the War
of 1812, government troops were stationed near Troy, and Wilson had the contract to provide
them with meat. The crates of meat that were for the military he marked with the letters U.S.,
though this abbreviation for the country was not commonly used at the time. When government
inspectors saw the letters they asked what they meant. A worker at the plant joked that the letters
must represent the initials of his employer’s name, Uncle Sam. Soon soldiers began to refer to all
military rations as supplies from Uncle Sam, and they even saw themselves as Uncle Sam’s men.
39. Where was Samuel Wilson born?
40. What did Wilson intend for the letters U.S. to mean when he stamped them on the
crates of meat?
41. When did the name Uncle Sam become associated with the military?
42. What is not true of Samuel Wilson?

Questions 43-46
Good afternoon students. Today I’m going to continue my discussion of non-infectious
disease. When you become nurses-and I hope some of you won’t stop there- you will be the
primary care-givers in your hospital or clinic. And even though it’s not supposed to be part of your

job, you may be able to help diagnose disease and save some lives. So listen carefully. At
present, about two-thirds of all people seeking medical treatment for cancer already have distant
metastases -meaning cancer has spread elsewhere in their bodies. This is because cancer is still
seldom detected in its early stages. People rarely come in for tests before they experience
discomfort, and by the time they experience discomfort it’s too late- the cancer may be well along
in its development and usually has spread beyond its point of origin. Occasionally, of course,
cancer is detected during treatment of other disease or routine screening, but the big problem is
still that we don’t get diagnosis early enough. If, as nurses, you are able to keep your eyes open
for symptoms in patients - or in friends - that may be cancer-related, you may be helping
someone in a way that they will be very grateful for.
43. What is the main topic of this talk?
44. What does the speaker say about the principle problem in diagnosing cancer?
45. Who is the audience for this talk?
46. What does the speaker ask the listeners to do?
Questions 47-50
Just how do our eyes rate as optical instruments? According to experts, the human eye
is a nearly perfect device, sensitive enough to respond to a single light particle, or photon. When it
hits the retina, the photon’s tiny amount of energy must be amplified many times before it can
register in the brain. This electrical amplification is accomplished by retinal cells. These cells react
to light by opening to allow electrically charged sodium ions to enter. This electrical current passes
from cell to cell until it stimulates the optic nerve, which then sends a message to the brain. The
dimmer the image you are trying to see, the more sodium ions are needed. This explains why your
eyes must adjust when you move from a bright room into the dark one. It takes a few moments for
your eyes to accumulate enough sodium ions to activate the optic nerve.
47. What is the main topic of this talk?
48. According to the experts, how do our eyes rate as optical instruments?
49. What role do sodium ions play in the eye?
50. Why do our eyes need time to adjust when we enter a dark room?


สาหรับในส่ วนของ Structure จะประกอบไปด้ วยข้ อสอบจานวน 40 ข้ อ 25 นาที แบ่ งเป็ น 2 part
1. Structure 15 ข้ อ
2. Error 25 ข้ อ

The 2018 explosion of __________ the first volcanic eruption in the Philippines in over 60 years.
(A) Mount Mayon
(B) was Mount Mayon
(C) it was Mount Mayon
(D) Mount Mayon was

มาทาความเข้ าใจ โครงสร้ างประโยคกันก่อน

1. ประโยคง่ายๆ Subject + verb + object

- She eats mango.
2. ประโยคที่มีใจความขยาย ที่มีคาเชื่อม who, whom, which, that, when, where
ซึง่ จะทาให้ ประโยคมี 2 หรือ 3 ท่อนก็ได้
- We don’t know the person who donated money to the hospital.
- My mother, who was born in Hong Kong, has always been a great traveller.

ในภาษาอังกฤษสามารถลดรูปประโยคให้ สนลง ั ้ โดยตัดคาเชื่อมเหล่านี ้ได้ ด้วย

- My mother, born in Hong Kong, has always been a great traveller.
** ดังนันในข้
้ อสอบ เราจะต้ องเลือกว่าจะใช้ แบบเต็มรูปประโยค หรื อแบบย่อ **
- The new sports complex, which was built on the site of the old school,
provides facilities for ping-pong and badminton. (เต็ม)
- The new sports complex, built on the site of the old school,
provides facilities for ping-pong and badminton. (ย่อ)
โครงสร้ างส่วนขยายแบบย่อนี ้ เรียกว่า Participle
วิธีการทาข้ อสอบ Structure
1. เรียงโครงสร้ างประโยคแบบนี ้ทุกครัง้
Subject + Verb + Object
ประธาน + กริยา + กรรม
2. หาให้ ได้ ก่อนว่า ส่วนไหนของประโยคที่ขาดหายไป
The 2018 explosion of __________ the first volcanic eruption
in the Philippines in over 60 years.
3. ถ้ ามีตวั เลือกที่เป็ น Pronoun พยายามตัดออกไปก่อน
(A) Mount Mayon
(B) was Mount Mayon
(C) it was Mount Mayon
(D) Mount Mayon was
4. เลือก choice ที่สนที
ั ้ ่สดุ จะมีโอกาสถูกมากกว่า (แต่ไม่เสมอไปนะ)
The 2018 explosion of __________ the first volcanic eruption in The Philippines in over 60 years.
(A) Mount Mayon
(B) was Mount Mayon
(C) it was Mount Mayon
(D) Mount Mayon was

Pattern หลักที่ออกสอบ

➢ การวางส่วนขยายในไว้ ในประโยคให้ เราสับสน ส่วนขยายมักจะวางไว้ หลังประธาน

มักจะมีเครื่องหมาย comma ใส่ไว้ ให้ ด้วย
1. Toyota Prius, introduced in 1997, __________ 15,000 dollars.
(A) the price was
(B) a price of
(C) to be priced at
(D) was priced at

หลักการทาเหมือนเดิมคือ เรี ยงโครงสร้ างประโยค
Subject + Verb + Object
ประธาน + กริยา + กรรม
Toyota Prius, introduced in 1997, __________ 15,000 dollars.
Subject ส่วนขยาย Verb Object
เราสามารถตัดส่วนขยายแล้ วเขียนใหม่ให้ ดไู ด้ ง่ายขึ ้นว่า
Toyota Prius ___________ 15,000 dollars
ทีนี ้จะเห็นได้ ชดั เจนเลยว่า ส่วนที่ขาดหายไปคือ กริ ยา
เราก็ดู choice เลยว่า ตัวเลือกไหนเป็ น Verb ซึง่ คือ (D) was priced at
➢ การซ ้ากริ ยา is ในโจทย์ และ ตัวเลือก
2. The light from an electrical lamp includes many different wavelengths,
_______ in a laser is concentrated on only one wavelength.
(A) all the energy
(B) it is all the energy
(C) while all the energy
(D) while all the energy is

ประโยคนี ้มีคาว่า while ซึง่ เป็ นคาเชื่อมมาให้ ด้วย มีความเป็ นไปได้ ว่า จะมี 2 ประโยคอยู่ในโจทย์
จะเห็นว่าประโยคแรกมีประธาน กริ ยา กรรมครบแล้ ว
แต่ในประโยคที่ 2 _______ in a laser is …… ดูแปลกๆ เหมือนประธานไม่สมบูรณ์
The light from an electrical lamp includes many different wavelengths,
_______ in a laser is concentrated on only one wavelength.
ตัดตัวเลือกที่มี Pronoun ออกก่อน เพราะมันซ ้าซ้ อน ข้ อ (B)
*** และตัดตัวเลือกที่มี is ออกด้ วย เพราะในโจทย์ ก็มี is แล้ ว ***
(A) all the energy
(B) it is all the energy
(C) while all the energy
(D) while all the energy is

เหลือ 2 choice ซึง่ โครงสร้ างแทบจะเหมือนกันเลย ต่างกันที่คาว่า while ซึง่ แปลว่าในขณะที่ (ใช้ เชื่อม 2
ประโยคที่มีความแตกต่างกันได้ ) ดังนันเราต้
้ องแปลความหมาย
(A) all the energy
(C) while all the energy

The light from an electrical lamp includes many different wavelengths,

while all the energy in a laser is concentrated on only one wavelength.

➢ ส่วนขยายหายไป (แบบเต็ม)
3. Petroleum and natural gas, _________, are the primary ingredients in plastic.
(A) that are hydrocarbons
(B) which are hydrocarbons
(C) hydrocarbons which are
(D) as being hydrocarbons

จะเห็นว่าโครงสร้ างประโยคหลักครบแล้ ว ทังประธาน

้ กริ ยา กรรม
Petroleum and natural gas, _________, are the primary ingredients in plastic.
Subject , ส่วนขยาย, verb object

ที่หายไปคือส่วนขยาย ซึง่ ปรกติเวลาจะขยายประโยคให้ ยาวขึ ้น เราก็ใช้ which หรื อ that อยู่แล้ ว แต่ข้อ (C)
วาง which ผิดที่ และ (D) คาว่า being ซึง่ ไม่ถกู

อย่าเลือกคาว่า being ในข้ อสอบ เพราะแทบจะไม่ถกู เลย

Petroleum and natural gas, _________, are the primary ingredients in plastic.
(A) that are hydrocarbons
(B) which are hydrocarbons
(C) hydrocarbons which are
(D) as being hydrocarbons
ตามหลัก grammar แล้ ว คาว่า which/that ใช้ แทนกันได้ เลย แต่ว่ามีกฏยกเว้ นอยู่นิดนึงตรงที่ ถ้ าจะใช้ that
จะต้ องไม่มีเครื่องหมาย comma หน้ า that
้ อ (B) ถูก

➢ Tenses คือถามว่าคากริ ยาจะอยู่ในรูปไหน

4. The Amazon River ________ for a distance of 4,400 miles.
(A) travel
(B) travels
(C) to travel
(D) it travels

เราสามารถตัด choice (D) ออกไปได้ เลย เพราะว่า คานามจะไม่ติดกับ Pronoun

และ choice (C) ก็ไม่ใช่รูปของคากริยาที่จะตามหลังประธาน
เหลือเพียง (A) และ (B) ที่เหมือนกันทังคู
้ ่ ต่างกันที่การเติม S
ในข้ อนี ้ The Amazon river เป็ นเอกพจน์ ดังนัน้ กริยาที่ตามมาต้ องเติม S
(Present Simple Tense) คาตอบเลยเป็ น choice (B) travels

➢ การเรียงประโยคที่คล้ ายกันมาก choice ที่สนก็

ั ้ ไม่ได้ ถกู เสมอไป ต้ องดู grammar ด้ วย
5. Many insects use defensive chemicals to protect themselves when______
(A) are disturbed
(B) they disturbed
(C) they are disturbed
(D) are they disturbed

Choice (A) ไม่ถกู ต้ อง เพราะแค่อ่าน when are disturbed ก็แปลกแล้ ว when เป็ นประธานไม่ได้
Choice (B) ก็ยงั ไม่ถกู เพราะ they คือ insects ซึง่ เป็ นแมลง แล้ วคาว่า disturb แปลว่ารบกวน
แมลงไม่ได้ รบกวนตัวเอง แต่ถกู รบกวน ด้ วยหลักการนี ้จึงต้ องใช้ Passive Voice เข้ ามาช่วย ซึง่ มีโครงสร้ างว่า
Subject + V.to be +V.3

Choice (C) จึงเป็ นคาตอบที่ถกู ที่สดุ they are disturbed แปลว่า แมลงจะปล่อยสารเคมีป้องกันตัวออกมา

➢ ส่วนขยายหายไป (แบบย่อ)
6. Beans and rice, _________, satisfy most minimum daily requirements for protein intake.
(A) as eaten together
(B) if together they are eating
(C) when eaten together
(D) together eaten

Choice (B) ผิดแน่นอน เพราะ ถัว่ กับข้ าว ไม่สามารถทากริยา eating ได้

Choice (A) ก็ผิดตรงความหมาย เพราะ as แปลว่า ในขณะที่
เหลือ (C) และ (D) ซึง่ กริยา ล้ วนอยู่ในรูป V.3 นัน่ ก็คือ eaten

ทาไม V.3 อยู่ลอยๆแบบนี ้ได้

- คาตอบ มันคือหลักการของ Participle ซึง่ มาจากการลดรูปประโยคเต็มๆ
Beans and rice, when they are eaten together,
สามารถตัด they are แล้ วย่อให้ เหลือ แค่ when eaten together ได้
Beans and rice, when eaten together,…….
Choice (C) ถูก

➢ ถามคาเชื่อมประเภท conjunction
7. ________ they are often thought of as vegetables, tomatoes are botanically
regarded as fruits.
(A) However
(B) Because
(C) Even though
(D) Instead

โจทย์ที่ถามคาเชื่อมประโยคเหล่านี ้ จะต้ องใช้ การแปลความหมาย และหลักแกรมม่าควบคู่กนั
แต่ในข้ อนี ้ใช้ การแปลเพียงอย่างเดียว
จะเห็นว่า 2 ประโยคในโจทย์นนขั ั ้ ดแย้ งกัน เพราะประโยคแรกมีคาว่า vegetables
แต่ประโยคหลังกลายเป็ นคาว่า fruits
้ อเพียง 2 ตัวเลือกที่เป็ นคาบอกความขัดแย้ งคือ

(A) However แปลว่า อย่างไรก็ตาม

(C) Even though แปลว่า ถึงแม้ ว่า (Although)

➢ คาถามประเภทถามการเปรี ยบเทียบ Adjective ขันกว่

้ า ขันสู
้ งสุด
8. Of large land mammals, _____________ bigger than the rhinoceros.
(A) elephant is only the
(B) only the elephant is
(C) is the elephant only
(D) only elephant is

ถ้ าดูจากโครงสร้ างประโยค Choice (C) จะผิด เพราะประโยคนี ้ต้ องเรียงประธานขึ ้นก่อน กริ ยา elephant
ต้ องขึ ้นก่อน is
และถ้ าดูจากประโยคหลัง ____ bigger than the rhinoceros แสดงว่าประโยคหน้ า ต้ องมีคาว่า the
ทาให้ เหลือแค่ Choice (A) และ (B)
8. Of large land mammals, _____________ bigger than the rhinoceros.
(A) elephant is only the
(B) only the elephant is

คาถามที่ถามแกรมม่าเรื่ องอื่นๆ ที่เราไม่ได้ สอน ให้ เดาได้ แล้ วรี บๆทา

Part Structure ให้ จบ เผื่อจะได้ ไปทา Part Error ต่อ
** grammar บนโลกมีมากมาย เราเน้ นทาเฉพาะเรื่องที่ออกบ่อยๆ **

แบบฝึ กหัด 15 ข้ อ
1. A spring tide occurs only _______ the moon is in one of the two phases:
full or new.
(A) on
(B) during
(C) when
(D) whether
2. The cockroach __________ the most disliked, city-dwelling insect in the world.
(A) it is probably
(B) that is probably
(C) is probably
(D) probably
3. Gertrude Stein was considered a writer of “the Maze Runner” ________ themes such as identity
and alienation.
(A) whose focus on
(B) which focused on
(C) they focused on
(D) she was focusing on
4.The skin, contrary to popular belief, _______ of the human body.
(A) is the largest organ
(B) the largest organ
(C) it is the largest organ
(D) a large organ
5. Child psychologists believe _______ between the ages of one and five
increases a child’s skill at spatial reasoning.
(A) music is listened to
(B) that listening to music
(C) that in music listening
(D) listen to music

6. Because of its scenic beauty and ________, Marin County has some of the
most valuable real estate in all of California.
(A) it is close proximity to San Francisco
(B) San Francisco is in close proximity
(C) its close to San Francisco in proximity
(D) its close proximity to San Francisco
7. After hibernating all winter, it takes ____________________wake up.
(A) fully several days for bears
(B) bears several days to fully
(C) bears several fully days to
(D) several days fully for bears
8. Coral islands such as The Philippines are the tips of reefs built during
periods of warm climate, when ______________ higher.
(A) sea levels were
(B) sea had levels
(C) having sea levels
(D) were sea levels
9. Children ______ in rural areas often have a greater appreciation for nature
than their urban counterparts.
(A) they are raised
(B) who raised
(C) raised
(D) who being raised
10. _________ most important event in New York’s history was the 9/11 event in 2001.
(A) The
(B) It was the
(C) That the
(D) There was a

11. Microscopes allow us to see small things appear larger than_______.
(A) really are
(B) are really
(C) are they really
(D) they really are
12. The city of Chicago _______________ over 60 square miles.
(A) covers
(B) that covers
(C) covering
(D) is covered
13. _________ many food preservation methods for inhibiting the growth of bacteria.
(A) The
(B) Since
(C) There are
(D) Having
14. Telephone cables that use optical fibers can be _______ conventional
cables, but they carry much more information.
(A) they are smaller and lighter
(B) than the smaller and lighter
(C) smaller and lighter than
(D) so small and light that
15. ________, is coagulated by enzyme action or by lactic acid.
(A) Casein is the chief milk protein
(B) Casein, being that the chief milk protein
(C) The chief milk protein is casein
(D) Casein, the chief milk protein

ข้ อไหนที่ร้ ูสกึ ว่ายากเกิน ให้ ข้ามได้ เลย เพราะเรามีเวลาจากัด

ไปเก็บคะแนน part error ดีกว่า

วิธีการทาข้ อสอบ Error

Grammar มีหลายเรื่อง พยายามเลือกหาข้ อที่เราจากฎแกรมม่าได้

*** ไม่จาเป็ นต้ องทาเรี ยงข้ อ ***

Part of speech

คานามคือคาที่ลงท้ ายด้ วย suffix เหล่านี ้

-ance,-ence difference
- th death
- tion dehydration
- ment development
- ess success
- ity safety, creativity
-logy biology, technology

Adjective adjective จะลงท้ ายด้ วย suffix เหล่านี ้

- le comfortable
- al commercial
- ant, - ent significant, different
- ul successful
-thy healthy
-ic economic
-ive exclusive

โครงสร้ างประโยคในภาษาอังกฤษคือ

Subject + Verb + Object

Noun Noun
A woman eats durian.
A pretty woman eats the delicious durian in the kitchen.

Adjective จะอยู่หน้ า NOUN Adjective + Noun

จริงๆแล้ ว Adjective อยู่หลัง V.to be ได้ ด้วย เช่น The durian is delicious.

แต่สว่ นใหญ่ในข้ อสอบ TOEFL นัน้ Adjective จะอยู่หน้ า Noun ซะมากกว่า

V. to be - is/are, was/were/, be, being, been
➢ Noun - Verb

1. Animation is a technique for creativity the illusion of life in

inanimate things.

คาตอบคือข้ อ

➢ Verb – Noun

2. During the early period of ocean navigate, there was hardly any need for
sophisticated instruments and techniques.

คาตอบคือข้ อ


ตาแหน่ง Adverb

1. ติด verb (หน้ าหรื อหลัง คากริ ยา) เช่น

- I usually go to school by bus.

- I ran quickly to the bedroom.

2. ห่าง verb เช่น The boy finished his homework quietly.

3. หน้ า Adjective เช่น

TOEFL ITP is not a very difficult exam.

➢ Adjective สลับกับ Adverb

3. Scientists at universities are often more involved in theoretical research

than in practically research.

คาตอบคือข้ อ

สรรพนาม (Pronoun) คือ คาที่ใช้ แทนคน สัตว์ สิ่งของ เพื่อเลี่ยงการพูดซ ้า
Personal Possessive 5. Reflexive
1. Subject 2. Object 3. adjective 4. Pronoun
I Me my Mine myself
You You your Yours yourself
We Us our Ours ourselves
they Them their Theirs themselves
He Him his His himself
She Her her Hers herself
it It its Its itself

ความแตกต่างระหว่าง pronoun ในคอลัมน์ที่ 3 กับ 4

ทุกตัวในคอลัมน์ที่ 3 จะต้ องมี noun ตามหลังเช่น her cat, their books
This is your dog = This dog is yours.
This is theirs house. X

➢ ใช้ pronoun สลับกัน เอกพจน์ – พหูพจน์

4. The cornea is the only part of a human body that has no blood supply,
they gets oxygen directly through the air.
คาตอบคือข้ อ

➢ การใช้ pronoun ติดกับ noun เลย

5. Ed Sheeran he composed several songs, including Shape of You, which
peaked at no.1 on the single charts of 34 countries.
คาตอบคือข้ อ

➢ การใช้ pronoun ผิดตาแหน่ง

6. Commercial letters of credit are often used to finance export trade, but
them can have other uses.

คาตอบคือข้ อ

Relative Pronoun

Person who + Verb

whom + Subject (กรรมของประธาน)
whose + Noun ใช้ แสดงความเป็ นเจ้ าของ
Thing which ใช้ กบั สัตว์หรื อสิ่งของ
Place where ใช้ กบั สถานที่
Time when, while ใช้ กบั เวลา
that ใช้ กบั คน สัตว์ และสิ่งของ

ตัวอย่างการใช้ Relative Pronoun

- My boss, who is very nice, lives in Los Angeles.
- The woman whom I talked to yesterday is my aunt.
- We bought a car which / that is 30 years old.
คาว่ า that จะสามารถใช้ แทน relative pronoun ตัวอื่นๆได้ เกือบทัง้ หมด

- The iPad (which/that) connects to the iCloud was created by Apple.

- The girl that I talked to last night is my cousin.
7. Yamasaki Watanabe achieved a reputation as an engineer which works
departed from others after the Second World War.
คาตอบคือข้ อ

8. Dry Farming is commonly practiced in areas of the Great Plains of western

North America, when the annual rainfall is approximately 30 inches.
คาตอบคือข้ อ


การเปรี ยบเทียบขันต่
้ างๆ

1. ขันปรกติ
้ จะใช้ as + adjective / adverb +as
- TOEIC is not as difficult as TOEFL. (adjective)
- I walk as slowly as I can. (adverb)
2. ขันกว่
้ า adjective จะเติม more หรือ - er (มักมีคาว่า than ตามหลังมาในประโยค)
- Micky is taller than Thomas.
- Sonya is more beautiful than Kate.

รูปแบบข้ อสอบ จะเน้ นการซ ้ากันของขันกว่

้ า

- The coffee is more stronger today than it was last week.

more stronger ไม่ถกู ต้ อง เพราะคาว่า strong ได้ กลายเป็ น stronger แล้ ว จึงไม่จาเป็ นจะต้ องมีคาว่า more

3. ขันสู
้ งสุด adjective จะเติม the most หรือ the ….- est (จะต้ องมีคาว่า the นาหน้ าเสมอ)
รูปแบบข้ อสอบ จะเน้ นการซ ้ากันของขันสู
้ งสุด
- The most biggest car in the world

9. The grizzly bear, which can grow up to eight feet tall, has been called
a more dangerous animal of North America.

คาตอบคือข้ อ


➢ Present tenses

1) Present Simple Subject + V1

2) Present Continuous Subject + is/am/are + V.ing

3) Present Perfect Subject + has/have + V.3

➢ Past Tenses

1) Past Simple Subject + V2

2) Past Continuous Subject + was / were + V.ing

3) Past Perfect Subject + had + V.3

➢ Future tenses

1) Future Simple Subject + will + V.1

2) Future Continuous Subject + will be + V.ing

3) Future Perfect Subject + will have + V.3

คอร์ สนี ้จะขอกล่าวถึงแค่ Tense ที่ออกข้ อสอบบ่อยเท่านัน้ และมุ่งไปที่การทาข้ อสอบเลย

เพื่อเจาะประเด็นไม่ให้ ผ้ เู รี ยนเสียเวลาต้ องท่องโครงสร้ าง Tense อะไรมากมาย
Subject + V.1
➢ Present Simple Tenses

V.1 จะเติม S เมื่อประธานเป็ นเอกพจน์ เช่น

- She writes an e-mail to her sister every week.

10. One type of Australian snake lay up to 30 eggs at a time and then
swallows them for protection.
คาตอบคือข้ อ

➢ Present Continuous Tense Subject + is/are + V.ing

11. The behavior of a particular chemical element is depend on the number

of electrons in its outermost shell.

คาตอบคือข้ อ

➢ Present Perfect Tense Subject + has/have + V.3

12. Because the powerful forces of erosion, which continuously change the
landscape impact craters have became features of our planet.

คาตอบคือข้ อ

➢ Past Simple Tenses Subject + V.2

ข้ อสอบ Past Tense ยังมักจะเล่นเรื่องเวลาให้ เราสับสนว่าเหตุการณ์ไหนเป็ นอดีต เหตุการณ์ไหนเป็ นปัจจุบนั


13. President Barack Obama serves two terms in the White House and
ended up being more popular than his predecessor, George W. Bush.
คาตอบคือข้ อ

Subject + was/ were+ V.ing

➢ Past Continuous Tense
14. The foundation of quantum physics were laid in the early part of this
century, but refinements of the theory continue even today.
คาตอบคือข้ อ

➢ Past Perfect Tense Subject + had + V.3

15. The process of western expansion had results in major changes in the
political map of the United States during the early 19th century.

คาตอบคือข้ อ

➢ Future Simple Tense Subject + will + V.1

16. It is possible to get a sunburn on a cloudy day because more than 80

percent of UV rays from the Sun will penetrating cloud cover.
คาตอบคือข้ อ

Modal Verb

Modal Verb คือกริ ยาช่วย เช่น will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might, must

ซึง่ กริยาช่วยเหล่านี ้จะไม่สามารถอยู่โดดๆในประโยคได้ ต้ องมี V.1 ตามหลัง

โครงสร้ างคือ will + V.1 , would + V.1 . . . . . . . . . must + V.1

- Pete can drive a car.

- Gus must enter his password to log into Twitter.

ในข้ อสอบมักจะให้ กริยาที่ตามหลัง modal verb อยู่ในรูปอื่นๆ ที่ไม่ใช่ V.1

17. Mosquito eggs can remained dormant for 10-15 years throughout all four
seasons and not hatch until the summer under ideal conditions.

คาตอบคือข้ อ
Active & Passive

Active Voice คือ ประโยคที่ประธานเป็ นผู้ทากริยา

เช่น We write an e-mail.
Passive Voice คือ ประโยคที่ประธานเป็ นผู้ถกู กระทาด้ วยกริยา
เช่น An e-mail is written.

** โครงสร้ างของ Passive Voice คือ V.to be + V.3 **

ตารางนี ้จะยกตัวอย่างเฉพาะรูปแบบ Passive Voice ที่พบบ่อยในห้ องสอบ

Tense โครงสร้ าง Examples

Present is, are + V.3 Many cars are made in Thailand.

Past simple was, were + V.3 Jonas was invited to speak at the

Future will be + V.3 All the reservations will be made by

the wedding planner.

Present has/ have + been + V.3 The letters have been delivered by
perfect Kerry Service.

Past perfect had + been + V.3 All the employees had been hired
before the store opened.

Tense โครงสร้ าง Examples

can, could
A passport can only be issued to
Modal Verb may, might + be +V.3 people who have completed the
shall, should

18. Employees who receive training only for a specific job can replace by
a machine.

คาตอบคือข้ อ หลักการสังเกต V.3 + by

19. Guppies are sometimes call rainbow fish because of the males’ bright

คาตอบคือข้ อ


คาบุพบท (Prepositions) คือ คาที่ใช้ เชื่อมคานามเข้ าด้ วยกัน

➢ Preposition ที่พบบ่อยในข้ อสอบ
• for : บอกช่วงเวลา Tanya went to the market for 2 hours.
• during : ในขณะที่ It must have rained during the concert.
• until = จนกระทัง่ Justin will be working until next month.
• since = ตังแต่
้ He has studied Japanese since he arrived Okinawa.
• between = ระหว่าง They lived in Seoul between 2002 and 2005.
• from = จาก There is a direct flight from Bali to Bangkok.

20. Electrical disturbances on earth are frequently caused with storms

on the surface of the Sun
คาตอบคือข้ อ

คาสันธาน คือ คาใช้ เชื่อมคา วลี หรื ออนุประโยค เข้ าด้ วยกันเพื่อแสดงความสัมพันธ์
ไม่ว่าจะเป็ นการแสดงความคล้ อยตามกัน ขัดแย้ งกัน เป็ นเหตุเป็ นผล
*** วิธีทาข้ อสอบง่ายมาก สังเกตคู่ที่เขาให้ มา ***
Both ……and ทังคู
้ ่
Either ….. or หรือ / อย่างใดอย่างหนึ่ง
Neither …..nor ไม่ทงสองอย่
ั้ าง
Not only ….. but also ไม่เพียงแต่ ... แต่ก็ยงั …..
Whether….. or ไม่แน่ใจว่า ... หรื อ ...

21. During adolescence, the changes that boys and girls go through are
both physical or mental.

คาตอบคือข้ อ

22. Ed Warren was not only a lawyer, and also a governor, before he
became a Supreme Court judge.
คาตอบคือข้ อ

กลุม่ ที่ต้องพิจารณาความสัมพันธ์ของทัง้ 2 ประโยค

โครงสร้ างไวยากรณ์ ตัวอย่าง
Matthew did not go to school because
Because of + Noun
of the heavy rain.
Martina did not go to the supermarket because
Because + ประโยค (Subject + verb)
she was sick.

23. Because its rhythm and sound, poetry has traditionally been considered
one of the best ways to express deep feelings.

คาตอบคือข้ อ

โครงสร้ างไวยากรณ์ ตัวอย่าง
• We enjoyed our holiday in spite of/ despite the
Despite/ In spite of + Noun
Although the holiday was great, the hotel was not
Although / Even Though + ประโยค
very nice.

24. Although it may vary slightly during the day, human body temperature
remains relative constant at 37.0 degrees Celsius.

คาตอบคือข้ อ

คาประเภทอื่นๆที่ออกข้ อสอบ ** แต่ออกแค่บางรอบ**


Enough + noun : enough people

Adjective + enough : tall enough

25. The students are trying to find out If the river is enough shallow to walk
คาตอบคือข้ อ

rather than

rather than มีความหมายเหมือน more than

26. Benjamin Franklin believed that the turkey than rather the eagle

should become the symbol of the United States.


คาตอบคือข้ อ

Each, Every

สองคานี ้ ถึงแม้ จะมีความหมายต่างกัน (each = แต่ละ…. , every = ทุกๆ……..)

แต่ใช้ หลักไวยากรณ์เดียวกันคือ each/every + คานามเอกพจน์

This magazine is published every week. 

Each child received a present on Christmas day. 

27. It is not essential to be good at every subjects to be successful but you


should have at least an average mark.


คาตอบคือข้ อ

Like, Unlike

- Like / Unlike + Noun

John is like Tommy.  หรือ John is unlike Tommy. 
เอาขึ ้นต้ นประโยคก็ได้
Like Tommy, John is tall.  หรือ Unlike Tommy, John is tall. 

Alike นาหน้ าคานามไม่ ได้ และขึน้ ต้ นประโยคไม่ ได้

28. Alike many first-time authors, Rowling struggled to get her first book,
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone published.
คาตอบคือข้ อ
29. The crocodile and the alligator are like except for the size and shape of
the head and snout.
คาตอบคือข้ อ

one of the + Adjective ขันสู

้ งสุด + Noun พหูพจน์

30 . Al Smith was one of the most important political figure during the first
quarter of the twentieth century.
คาตอบคือข้ อ

Another, Other, Others
Another + Noun เอกพจน์

- I have another book

Other + Noun พหูพจน์

- I have other ideas.

** Others จะไม่มี Noun ตามหลัง **

- One of the cars is green. Others are blue.

31. Florida has reduced its smog by requiring more complete oxidation of

fuel in cars, and others cities can do the same thing.


คาตอบคือข้ อ


1. Found in large numbers in the American Southwest, the mountain cougar

uses both speed and stealth to attack their prey.

2. Soil acidity is influenced by vegetation and rainfall and can vary great
from region to region

3. Despite of the narrow margin of his election, John F. Kennedy became

one of the most admired American presidents.

4. Hydrogen can produced simply by separating the single oxygen atom

from the two hydrogen atoms in a molecule of water.

5. The behavioral differences between men and women in a society depend

not only upon culture and also biology.

6. A two principal forms of formal reasoning are deductive logic and inductive logic

7. Lighter than others metals, aluminum is extensively used in home

construction for siding and roofing.

8. Many psychologists argue that excessively control over children’s eating

may cause them to later suffer from eating disorders.

9. Transcendental meditation, whom relaxation techniques have been found

to markedly reduce stress, first came to prominence in the 1960’s.

10. William Fulbright, Senator of Arkansas, was one of the first of him
generation to criticize American foreign policy.

11. Many skin specialists are skeptical of the claim that diet is the main
factor in skin healthy.

12. Not many people know that the Brooklyn Bridge, built in 1883, were the
world’s first suspension bridge.

13. Consumer activists were successful in promoting laws that set safety
standards for automobiles and a widely range of household products.

14. When she retires in 1999, tennis champion Steffi Graf was the most
famous woman athlete in the United States.

15. Dinosaurs are traditionally classified as cold-blooded reptiles, but recent

evidence based on eating habits, posture, and structural suggests some
may have been warm-blooded.

16. Scientists at Harvard Medical School have discover that a protein

called TMC1 converts sound and head motion into electrical signals.

17. One experiment looked at the images of babies’ brains while they were
listening to difference sounds.

18. Each new day brings the wonderful mystery of life, many people do not
appreciate theirs success.

19. Christmas is just two months away and the celebration this year is
going to be a same as they have been previously.

20. A new architectural styles are characterized by the features that make
a building or other structures notable or historically identifiable.


21. Moby dick, perhaps the finest novel of the 19th century, was large
ignored for more than 50 years after its publication.

22. Much early American lawyers found themselves on the wrong side
of the law.

23. Speed, powerful, and fierceness are qualities that make the lioness
a remarkable predator.

24. By the mid-20th century, American novelists such as Hemingway and
Steinbeck received finally the critical acclaim they had long deserved.

25. The use widespread of social media may soon make not only air mail
but also potentially even e-mail outdated.


In the nineteenth century, oceanography benefited from the new

desire to study phenomena on a global scale. Many scientists collected
information on the chemical composition, temperature, and pressure of
the ocean at various depths and in different regions. The difficulty of
Line 5 gathering information about the ocean depths was immense. At first it
was believed that the temperatures in the depths never fell below 4
degrees Celsius, until it was shown that the figures were distorted by the
effect of pressures on the thermometers. There was intensive study of
tides and ocean currents, and a number of physicists examined the forces Line
10 responsible for the movements of the water. For example, James Rennell
provided the first accurate map of the currents in the Atlantic Ocean, and
the United States Coast Survey made extensive studies of the Gulf
Stream. The zoologist Edward Forbes argued that no life existed below a
depth of 300 fathoms (about 600 meters), a view widely accepted until Line
15 disproved by the voyage of the British research vessel HMS Challenger

The HMS Challenger expedition provided valuable information about

the seabed, including the discovery of manganese nodules that are now
being seen as a potentially valuable source of minerals. The first detailed
Line 20 map of the seabed was provided for the Atlantic by the American
geographer Matthew F. Maury. He devised new techniques for measuring
ocean depths, and his work proved of great value in laying the first
transatlantic telegraph cables. He also studied global wind patterns and
was able to provide sailors with guides that significantly reduced the time
Line 25 taken on many routes. Some oceanographers believed that the winds

were responsible for producing ocean currents such as the Gulf Stream,
but Maury disagreed. He argued that they were produced by changes in
the density of seawater due to temperature, which set up systems of
movement between warm and cool regions of the world. Maury believed Line
30 that the circulation of a warm current would produce ice-free sea around
the North Pole, a claim not disproved until Fridtjof Nansen allowed his
vessel The Fram to be carried to within a few degrees of the pole in the
years 1893-1896.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) Exploration of the Atlantic Ocean seabed
(B) Differences between the Gulf Stream and other ocean currents
(C) Oceanography in the nineteenth century
(D) The reaction of water to temperature changes

2. According to the passage, what led to advances in the study of oceans?

(A) An interest in conducting ocean research on a worldwide level
(B) A disagreement between American and British oceanographers
(C) The development of new global weather patterns
(D) The use of thermometers that could withstand deep ocean pressures

3. The word “accurate” in line 11 is closest in meaning to

(A) correct
(B) published
(C) detailed
(D) accepted

4. According to the passage, Edward Forbes held which of the following opinions?
(A) The Gulf Stream did not extend below 300 fathoms.
(B) Nothing lived in the ocean below 300 fathoms.
(C) The discoveries of the HMS Challenger were false.
(D) Manganese nodules were a potentially valuable source of minerals.
5. The word “expedition” in line 17 is closest in meaning to
(A) boat
(B) evidence
(C) voyage
(D) route
6. The word “devised” in line 21 is closest in meaning to
(A) tested
(B) understood
(C) popularized
(D) developed
7. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the discoveries of the HMS
(A) They led zoologists to argue that there were no measurable currents below 300
(B) They confirmed theories about tides and ocean currents.
(C) They provided no new information about the seabed.
(D) They revealed an important new mineral source.

8. The word “they” in line 27 refers to

(A) routes
(B) oceanographers
(C) winds
(D) currents

9. Which of the following is true about Matthew F. Maury?
(A) His ship traveled to the North Pole in 1893.
(B) He believed winds to be the source of currents.
(C) His studies of wind patterns enabled sailors to shorten their travel times.
(D) He believed that currents flowed only form warmer regions to cooler ones.

10. The passage suggests which of the following about the visit of the Fram to the North
(A) Matthew F. Maury was aboard The North Pole.
(B) During the Fram’ s visit to the North Pole, Matthew F. Maury’s belief about the
North Pole’s sea was tested.
(C) The discoveries of The Fram were later refuted by Matthew F. Maury’s
(D) The Fram found that the water surrounding the North Pole was ice free.

Baltimore was settled by the British in 1661, and flourished initially as a busy tobacco port.
Maryland was at that time on a par with Virginia where tobacco farming was concerned, and the
area surrounding Baltimore abounded with small tobacco farm as well as a handful of larger
plantations. The relatively warm and frost-free climate of Maryland, along with its fertile growing
5 regions such as Piedmont, suited tobacco farming perfectly. Furthermore, high prices for the
commodity did nothing to discourage farmers from cultivating the lucrative crop.

As is the case with the majority of port towns, Baltimore’s shipbuilding industry also grew
rapidly, Indeed, the Baltimore Clipper, a fast-sailing ship, is still renowned in shipbuilding circles.
Although the origins of the Baltimore Clipper are fairly obscure, it would be reasonable to assume
10 that the ships were customarily built in the port itself. What is clear is that the clipper was
internationally respected as a high-performance sailing ship. It also had the dubious honor of
being favored by pirates and smugglers alike.

During the 18th century, Baltimore experienced something of a development explosion due
to the wheat growing taking place around Pennsylvania and Maryland. This activity generated a
15 huge amount of income, and cities in the region, particularly Baltimore and Philadelphia,
benefited greatly. The market for the crop appeared infinite, and in order to meet the huge
demand, mills sprang up all over Baltimore. Mill owners contributed to the booming economy by
building warehouses and offices. The advertising industry also profited from the intense
competition between merchants of different towns.

20 The wheat milling industry, in fact, turned Baltimore into the economically diverse city that it
is today. Yet, the city’s present industries reflect two centuries’ worth of development.

11. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
(A) The development of Baltimore city
(B) The booming of wheat export in Baltimore
(C) The history of Baltimore Clipper
(D) The expansion of shipbuilding industry in Baltimore

12. The world “lucrative” in line 6 is closest in meaning to

(A) renowned
(B) scarce
(C) fruitful
(D) profitable

13. It can be inferred from the passage that the Baltimore Clipper
(A) was the fastest ship in the world at that time.
(B) was built by the British’s shipping industry.
(C) was internationally recognized as a powerful sailing ship.
(D) was used to protect the port from pirates.

14. The word “generated” in line 14 is closest in meaning to

(A) motivated
(B) eliminated
(C) produced
(D) decreased

15. The word “infinite” line 16 is closest in meaning to

(A) temporary
(B) tiny
(C) limited
(D) enormous

16. The word “it” in line 20 refers to

(A) The wheat milling industry
(B) The advertising industry
(C) Baltimore
(D) The competition

17. The author mentioned “warehouses and offices” in line 18 in order to

(A) describe the competition between merchants in Baltimore and other cities.
(B) explain that milling industry were expanding in Baltimore.
(C) emphasize that advertising industry was growing in Baltimore.
(D) suggest that farmers need more space to store wheat in Baltimore.

18. Which of the following could be implied from the passage?

(A) Farmers were discouraged from growing tobacco because of its high price.
(B) Mill owners had to advertise their business to keep up with the competition.
(C) Baltimore used fast-sailing ships to deliver wheat to other port towns.
(D) Baltimore was the only city in the region that could grow wheat in 18th century.

The Great Plains of North America cover about a million square miles. The Plains’ immense
size and few natural barriers create almost inconceivable space that seems to reach in all
directions. Persistent winds sweeping through this vastness meet little resistance.

Coping with the extremes of this environment was a skill that the Native Americans commonly
5 called “Plains Indians” perfected, and it was only during usually bitter winters, or when an
accident of fate created a dangerous situation, that there was any real threat to the survival of
their nomadic communities. In a sheltered wooded valley with the teepees tucked well back into
a grove of cottonwoods and banked high with brush, a Plains Indian camp was secure against all
but the most severe winter storms.

10 Since families were usually too small to offer adequate protection and tribes too large to be
supported by the conditions of Plains’ environment, the band was the basic unit to which a
person belonged. It was a social entity consisting of a series of families united both politically and
economically under the leadership of a chief and a council; it averaged about three hundred
members. The security offered by the band was of essential economic importance in winter when
15 unpredictable and often extremely harsh weather could make it impossible to hunt or travel.

The children of the Plains tribes were encouraged to follow the moral values that emphasized
respect for tribal rules and elders and to avoid greed, egotism, and irresponsibility. The young
men were taught that it was their duty to provide food and to protect the community, while
young women were instructed to uphold a virtuous life of service to their parents, their future
20 husbands, their children, and their tribe.

19. What does this passage mainly discuss?

(A) The people of the Great Plains
(B) The geography of the Great Plains
(C) The economy of the Plains Indians
(D) The climate of the Great Plains

20. According to the passage, what was the main reason that Plains Indian united as a band?
(A) The safety of a family during harsh weather condition
(B) The political agreement between people in a tribe
(C) The large size of the Great Plains
(D) The lack of natural resources to build a shelter

21. Why does the author mention “bitter winters” in line 5?

(A) To explain the type of weather that affected the social structure of the Plain Indians
(B) To reveal the unique weather condition found only in the Great Plains
(C) To provide the example of threat to the existence of the Plain Indians.
(D) To compare the characteristics of the Great Plains with other areas in North America

22. According to the passage, what was the greatest threat to the Plains Indians?
(A) Winter
(B) War
(C) Animals
(D) Other tribes

23. The word “adequate” in line 10 is closest in meaning to

(A) useless
(B) sufficient
(C) poor
(D) sacred

24. The word “their” in line 18 refers to

(A) rules
(B) elders
(C) young men
(D) young women

25. The word “uphold” in line 19 is closest in meaning to

(A) neglect
(B) abandon
(C) assist
(D) prevent

26. It can be inferred from the passage that the Plains Indian children
(A) learned how to fight animals.
(B) were separated from their parents.
(C) were expected to hunt for food.
(D) were well-disciplined.

When the early European immigrants arrived in North America in the late 16 th century,
they brought their dolls with them. It was not until 1858, however, that the first original North
American doll was patented by Ludwig Greiner, a German-born toy-maker in Philadelphia. By
1862, several designers had developed dolls that could walk and say simple words or phrases,
5 such as “mama” or “papa”. The next two decades saw a flurry of activity by doll-makers to try
to get them to perform actions typical of human children, like nursing, swimming or
consuming food. Even the famous inventor Thomas Edison became involved. In the early
1880’s, he succeeded in reducing the size of the record player he had invented so one could
fit inside the body of a doll, making it able to speak. Other patents were issued for dolls that
10 could wave their hands or walk.
During the first half of the 20th century, the emphasis among doll-makers was on
developing new types of materials for the construction of dolls. Consumers demanded
durability and realism, both in form and feel. Dolls modeled after newborn babies were
popular in the 1920’s, and in the 1930’s the rising popularity of motion pictures led to the
15 creation of portrait dolls, dolls made to resemble well-known people, especially movie stars.
The late 1940’s represented a watershed in the history of dolls. With the development of
modern plastics, notably vinyl, the degree of realism doll manufactures could attain increased
dramatically. The close of the 1950’s saw the introduction of the Barbie doll. Unlike the
fashion dolls of the previous century, these dolls were first and foremost meant to be played
20 with, rather than being intended primarily as way of displaying clothing fashions.

27. What aspect of dolls that the passage mainly discusses?

(A) The development of dolls in America
(B) The popularity of dolls in America
(C) The origin of Barbie doll
(D) The fashion of American dolls

28. The word “them” in line 6 refers to

(A) decades
(B) doll-makers
(C) dolls
(D) actions

29. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an example of human behavior performed
by dolls in the first paragraph?
(A) waving hands
(B) eating food
(C) walking
(D) singing

30. The word “durability” in line 12 is mentioned to show that people in the 20th century
expect a doll to
(A) stay forever
(B) last a long time
(C) be made of plastics
(D) portray the feeling of babies

31. According to the passage, Thomas Edison was important because

(A) he designed the body of a modern doll.
(B) he created the first commercial doll.
(C) he used a new material to create a doll.
(D) he developed a talking doll.

32. The word “resemble” in line 15 is closest in meaning to

(A) contrast
(B) look like
(C) follow
(D) advertise

33. It can be inferred that dolls in the 1950’s

(A) looked like famous movie actors and actresses.
(B) had smaller but more expensive wardrobes.
(C) displayed the newest fashions.
(D) were mainly intended to be used as toys

34. All of the following are defined in the passage EXCEPT

(A) Ludwig Greiner (line 3)
(B) Portrait dolls (line 14)
(C) Motion pictures (line 14)
(D) Barbie doll (line 18)

Bacteria are among the smallest of living creatures and their identification is often
difficult. Among the kinds of information used for their classification are their size, shape, and
appearance, the structure of their bacterial “ colonies” and the chemical changes they
undergo as they multiply. Many kinds of bacteria that have been identified have been studied
5 very little; hundreds of other kinds wait to be discovered.

Although bacteria are popularly believed to be disease- causing, they are in reality
essential to life on earth. Soil, air, and even water are to some extent “produced” by bacteria.
In practical terms, because bacteria often use the same vitamins as human beings or animals,
they are valuable aids in the laboratory. For instance, the amount of vitamin in a given
10 solution can be measured, under carefully controlled conditions, by observing the
multiplication of a particular kind of bacterium. In many instances, a few dozen test tubes of
growing bacteria can measure in several days what would require many weeks and hundreds
of animals to accomplish.

To grow bacteria one must use a “culture medium”. This is a food prepared usually in
15 liquid form. Bacteria grow on the surface of the culture medium and spread into colonies that
can be easily seen under a microscope. The foods provided for bacterial colonies vary
depending on the species. Some bacteria grow best on powdered sulfur and other inorganic
substances. Other kinds thrive on sugars, amino acids, or vitamins. There is practically no limit
to the varieties of food that support bacteria.

35. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) The benefit of bacteria
(B) The discovery of bacteria
(C) The classification of bacteria
(D) The colonies of bacteria

36. The word “undergo” in line 3 is closest in meaning to

(A) go through
(B) suffer
(C) release
(D) reject

37. According to the passage, which of the following is true?

(A) All bacteria are dangerous to human beings and animals.
(B) Bacteria are useful only in the laboratory under controlled condition.
(C) Water contains most of the bacteria on earth.
(D) Most people learn about bacteria in the context of disease.

38. The word “essential” in line 6 is closest in meaning to
(A) healthy
(B) abundant
(C) dangerous
(D) necessary

39. In the second paragraph, the author mainly discusses all of the following EXCEPT
(A) the place that bacteria can be found
(B) the names of bacteria that can be grown in the laboratory.
(C) the important role of bacteria on global ecosystem
(D) the reason bacteria is useful for study

40. According to the passage, scientists are able to use bacteria to analyze chemicals such as
vitamins by observing _______.
(A) the rate at which the bacteria multiply
(B) the types of bacteria that survive in the laboratory.
(C) the shape of test tubes that bacteria grow
(D) the amount of vitamin the bacteria produce

41. The word “they” in line 8 refers to

(A) vitamins
(B) animals
(C) human beings
(D) bacteria

42 . Why a culture medium is required in the laboratory study?

(A) To support the growth of bacteria
(B) To turn solid food into liquid form
(C) To protect bacteria from animals
(D) To prevent bacteria from spreading

Bird Molting
Molting is one of the most involved processes of a bird’s annual life cycle.

Notwithstanding preening and constant care, the marvelously intricate structure of a bird’s

feather inevitably wears out. All adult birds molt their feathers at least once a year, and

Line upon close observation, one can recognize the frayed, ragged appearance of feathers that

(5) are nearing the end of their useful life. Two distinct processes are involved in molting.

The first step is when the old, worn feather is dropped, or shed. The second is when a new

feather grows in its place. When each feather has been shed and replaced, then the molt

can be said to be complete. This, however, is an abstraction that often does not happen:

incomplete, overlapping, and arrested molts are quite common.

(10) Molt requires that a bird find and process enough protein to rebuild approximately

one-third of its body weight. It is not surprising that a bird in heavy molt often seems

listless and unwell. But far from being random, molt is controlled by strong evolutionary

forces that have established an optimal time and duration. Generally, molt occurs at the

time of least stress on the bird. Many songbirds, for instance, molt in late summer, when

(15) the hard work of breeding is done but the weather is still warm and food still plentiful.

This is why the woods in late summer often seem so quiet, when compared with the

exuberant choruses of spring.

Molt of the flight feathers is the most highly organized part of the process. Some species,

for example, begin by dropping the outermost primary feathers on each side (to retain

(20) balance in the air) and wait until the replacement feathers are about one-third grown before

shedding the next outermost, and so on. Others always start with the innermost primary

feathers and work outward. Yet other species begin in the middle and work outward on both

weeks while the replacement feathers grow. Most ducks shed their wing feathers at once, and

remain flightless for two or three weeks while the replacement feathers grow.

41. The passage mainly discusses how

(A) birds prepare for breeding (B) bird feathers differ from species

(C) birds shed and replace their feathers (D) birds are affected by seasonal changes

42. The word “Notwithstanding” in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) despite (B) because of (C) instead of (D) regarding

43. The word “intricate” in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) regular (B) complex (C) interesting (D) important

44. The word “random” in line 12 is closest in meaning to

(A) unfortunate (B) unusual (C) unobservable (D) unpredictable

45. The word “optimal” in line 13 is closest in meaning to

(A) slow (B) frequent (C) best (D) early

46. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason that songbirds molt in the late summer?

(A) Fewer predators are in the woods. (B) The weathers is still warm.

(C) The songbirds have finished breeding. (D) Food is still available.

47. Some birds that are molting maintain balance during flight by

(A) constantly preening and caring for their remaining feathers

(B) dropping flight feathers on both sides at the same time

(C) adjusting the angle of their flight to compensate for lost feathers

(D) only losing one-third of their feathers

48. The word “Others” in line 21 refers to

(A) ducks (B) sides (C) species (D) flight feathers

49. The author discusses ducks in order to provide an example of birds that

(A) grow replacement feathers that are very long

(B) shed all their wing feathers at one time

(C) keep their innermost feathers

(D) shed their outermost feathers first

50. The molting patterns of birds ________

(A) are exactly the same in all species

(B) are different in each species

(C) take months to complete

(D) always start with the inner layer feathers

Phillis Wheatley, ignored as a poet for almost two hundred years was not only a talented
writer, recognized in Europe more than in the United States, but she was also the first African
American to publish a book, the first woman writer whose publication was promoted and
nurtured by a community of women, and the first American woman author who for a while
5 earned a living by means of her writing. She was also a slave and survived the horrific “middle
passage” from Africa to North America.

Phillis Wheatley was born in West Africa, along the fertile lowlands of the Gambia River.
But when she was seven or eight, she was captured by salve traders, transported to Boston,
and on July 11, 1761, sold to John and Susanna Wheatley. Unlike most slave owners of the
10 time, the Wheatleys permitted the young girl to learn to read her new language, and soon
after, her poetic talent began to emerge. Her earliest published poem appeared when she
was fourteen and relates how two men narrowly escaped being drowned of Cape Cod in
Massachusetts. Much of her subsequent poetry also deals with mortality. Of her surviving
fifty-five poem, for instance, nineteen are elegies, poems written about herself and her
15 career.

Wheatley’s first book, simply entitled Poems, having been turned down for publication in
Boston because of her race and sex, appeared in London in 1773. The following year she was
granted her freedom, probably because a group of British women, her literary patrons, paid
for her release from slavery. In 1778 Wheatley married John Peters, a free African American
20 who managed a store and sometimes represented African Americans in the courts of law. But
neither her writing nor her husband’s work could protect their family from tragedy, and in
1784, she died after a difficult child-birth with her newborn infant in a shack on the edge of

1. What is the main purpose of the passage?

(A) To introduce the life and work of Phillis Wheatley
(B) To indicate the origin of the poem in America
(C) To illustrate the life of African slaves in the past
(D) To emphasize the importance of Phillis Wheatley work in North America.

2. According to the passage, Phillis Wheatley

(A) was better known in the United States than in Europe.
(B) moved to the United States when she was fourteen.
(C) was sold into slavery and shipped to the United States.
(D) began her writing since she was a child in Africa.

3. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that

(A) Phillis Wheatly lived in West Africa most of her life.
(B) John and Susanna Wheatley were the owners of a publishing company.
(C) Most slaves did not know how to read and write in English
(D) Many slaves escaped from Boston in 1761.

4. The word “emerge” in line 11 is closest in meaning
(A) maintain
(B) finish
(C) appear
(D) lessen

5. What is true of Phillis Wheatley’s first book?

(A) It was about African American women.
(B) It was published in Boston.
(C) It was called Poem.
(D) It was about the death of her child.

6. The word “granted” in line 17 is closest in meaning to

(A) lost
(B) given
(C) arrived
(D) donated

7. How did Phillis Wheatley receive her freedom?

(A) The publisher recognized her talent.
(B) A group of women bought her out of slavery.
(C) She married John Peters.
(D) A store manager purchased her freedom.

8. Which of the following was NOT Phillis Wheatley’s accomplishment?

(A) She was the first African American to publish a book.
(B) She was the first female writer who made money from writing.
(C) She was the first African American lawyer in the court.
(D) She was the first woman writer who was supported by other women.

ศัพท์ เกี่ยวกับทะเล และการเดินเรือ
- Current กระแสนา้
- Coast ชายฝั่ ง
- Continent ทวีป
- Explore สารวจ
- Tide กระแสนา้
- Ocean มหาสมุทร
- Vessel เรือ
- Transatlantic ข้ ามมหาสมุทรแอตแลนติค
- Navigation การเดินเรือ
- Harbor ท่ าเรือ
- Pier ท่ าเรือ
- Wave คลื่น
- Immigrant ผู้อพยพ

ศัพท์ เกี่ยวกับนิตยสาร และนิยาย

- Novel นิยาย
- Author ผู้แต่ ง นักประพันธ์
- Poem กวี โคลงกลอน
- Poet นักกวี
- Literature วรรณคดี
- Publish ตีพิมพ์
- Publisher สานักพิมพ์
- Audience ผู้อ่าน
- Article บทความ
ศัพท์ เกี่ยวกับสัตว์
- Bee ผึง้
- Chimpanzee ลิงชิมแปนซี
- Prey เหยื่อ
- Predator นักล่ า
- Escape หลบหนี
- Behavior พฤติกรรม
- Habitat ที่อยู่อาศัย
- Nest รัง
- Insect แมลง
- Organism สิ่งมีชีวิต
- Variety ความหลากหลาย
- Threat ภัย อันตราย
- Tools อุปกรณ์

ศัพท์ เกี่ยวกับการเกษตร
- Agriculture การเกษตร
- Crop พืชผล
- Cultivate เพาะปลูก
- Productivity ความสามารถในการผลิต
- Harvest เก็บเกี่ยว
- Pesticide ยาฆ่ าแมลง
- Fertilizer ปุ๋ย
- Soil ดิน
- Wheat ข้ าวสาลี
- Grain เมล็ดพืช
- Drought ความแห้ งแล้ ง
ศัพท์ เกี่ยวกับสิ่งแวดล้ อม
- Climate สภาพอากาศแต่ ละพืน้ ที่เช่ น เมืองไทยเป็ นเมืองร้ อน อังกฤษเป็ นเมืองหนาว
- Weather สภาพอากาศ (ในแต่ ละวัน เช่ นพรุ่งนีฝ้ นตก มะรืนแดดออก)
- Precipitation ฝน
- Atmosphere ชัน้ บรรยากาศ
- Evolution วิวัฒนาการ
- Desert ทะเลทราย

- Surface พืน้ ผิว
- Hurricane พายุเฮอริเคน
- Lightning สายฟ้ า
- Moisture ความชืน้
ศัพท์ เกี่ยวกับสถาปั ตยกรรม ผังเมือง
- Urban ในเมือง
- Architecture สถาปั ตยกรรม
- Population ประชากร
- Colony อาณานิคม
- Factory โรงงาน
- Industry อุตสาหกรรม
- Industrialization การปฏิวัติอุตสาหกรรม
- Establish ก่ อตัง้ จัดตัง้
- Council สภาเมือง
- Mayor ผู้ว่าการเมือง
- Resident ผู้อยู่อาศัย
- Investment การลงทุน
- Railway รถไฟ
- Settlement การตัง้ ถิ่นฐาน
- Shelter ที่พกั
- Community ชุมชน
- Region ภูมภิ าค
ศัพท์ เกี่ยวกับเศรษฐกิจและการค้ า
- Economy เศรษฐกิจ
- Export ส่ งออก
- Import นาเข้ า
- Investor นักลงทุน
- Investment การลงทุน
- Trade การค้ า

ศัพท์ เกี่ยวกับวัฒนธรรม ประเพณี
- Culture วัฒนธรรม
- Ceremony พิธีการ
- Tradition ประเพณี
- Tribe ชนเผ่ า
- Sacred ศักดิ์สิทธิ์
- Holy ศักดิ์สิทธิ์
- Ancestor บรรพบุรุษ
- Religion ศาสนา
- Religious เกี่ยวกับศาสนา
- Civilization อารยธรรม
คากริยาที่พบบ่ อย
- Obtain ได้ รับ
- Expand ขยาย
- Hunt ล่ า
- Gather รวบรวม
- Invent ประดิษฐ์
- Provide จัดหา
- Supply จัดหา
- Demand ต้ องการ
- Develop พัฒนา
- Travel เดินทาง
ชื่อเมืองใหญ่ ในอเมริกา
- New York
- Philadelphia
- Chicago
- Boston
- Los Angeles
- San Francisco
- Boston

เฉลย Listening
1. A. fill in แปลว่า แทนที่
2. B. performance แปลว่า การแสดง

3. A. things are not going well แปลว่า ช่วงนี ้อะไรๆไม่คอ่ ยดี

4. C. due = deadline แปลว่า กาหนดส่ง

5. D. stay longer คืออยู่นานขึ ้น

6. A. Sundae คือไอศรี มซันเดย์

7. C. decision แปลว่า การตัดสินใจ
8. D. doesn’t matter แปลว่า ไม่มีผล ไม่สาคัญ
9. B. my own แปลว่า ของตัวเอง (ในที่นี่แปลว่า งานของตัวเอง)
10. C. skim คือการอ่านไวๆ
11. B. electricity แปลว่า กระแสไฟฟ้า
12. B. early แปลว่า ไวๆ เร็วๆ เนิ่นๆ

13. D. maximum charge ชาร์ ตเงินสูงสุด

14. A. tutor คือสอนติว
15. D. examine = ตรวจสอบ มาจากคาว่า exam (ในที่นี ้แปลว่า ตรวจร่างกาย)
16. B. leave แปลว่า ออกจาก ในที่นี ้แปลว่านาออกจากห้ องสมุด
17. A. Be my guest แปลว่า เชิญตามสบาย
18. C. I can’t say much แปลว่า ไม่ร้ ูจะพูดอะไรดี (ไม่มีข้อดีให้ พดู ถึง)
19. D. tire แปลว่า ยางรถยนต์
20. D. litter แปลว่าขยะ
21. B. insurance แปลว่า ประกันภัย
22. B. out of this world = excellent

23. A. arrogant หยิ่ง อวดดี

24. D. Have you tried…? คุณลองรึยงั

25. C. No doubt แปลว่าไม่ต้องสงสัยเลย (แน่นอน ใช่เลย)
26. A. refund แปลว่า ขอเงินคืน
27. B. failed แปลว่า สอบตก
28. D. careful แปลว่า ระมัดระวัง

29. A. ran over คือ ขับรถชน อะไรสักอย่าง

30. B. basketball court คือ สนามบาสเกตบอล

31. A. A viral infection คือการติดเชื ้อไวรัส
32. B. second time เพราะว่านี่เป็ นการกลับมาหาหมอครัง้ ที่ 2 หลังจากตรวจร่างกายแล้ ว
33. C. plenty of rest แปลว่า พักผ่อนเยอะๆ
34. B. cold medicine แปลว่า ยาแก้ หวัด

35. D. A dormitory แปลว่า หอพัก

36. A. finishing a paper คือ ทารายงานให้ เสร็ จ

37. C. advisor แปลว่า ที่ปรึกษา

38. C. Get a teaching job เพราะสองคนนี ้คุยกันว่าจะไปทางานในโรงเรี ยน ให้ ฟังคาว่า high school

39. A. Massachusetts Uncle Sam เกิดในเมืองนี ้

40. D. United States U.S. จริ งๆคือคาย่อของประเทศอเมริ กา

41. B. Uncle Sam เกี่ยวข้ องกับกองทัพในสงคราม 1812

42. D. Uncle Sam ไม่ได้ เป็ นคิดเรื่ องตลกเกี่ยวกับตัวอักษร U.S. บนลังเนื ้อ แต่เป็ นลูกน้ องเขาที่เล่นมุกตลกนี ้

43. A. Cancer detection แปลว่า การตรวจพบมะเร็ง

44. A. ปั ญหาหลักในการวินิจฉัยมะเร็งคือ มันเกิดขึ ้นช้ าไป (กว่าจะตรวจเจอ มะเร็งก็ลามแล้ ว)

45. C. ผู้ฟังคือนักเรี ยนพยาบาล

46. B. ผู้พด
ู ขอให้ ผ้ ฟู ั งจับตาดูสญ
ั ญาณของมะเร็ง
47. D. หัวข้ อหลักของเรื่ องนี ้คือการทางานของดวงตา

48. C. เมื่อจัดอันดับความสามารถของดวงตาแล้ ว ตาของมนุษย์เกือบจะ perfect

49. A. sodium ion มีบทบาทในการลาเลียงประจุไฟฟ้า
50. B. ตาของเราต้ องใช้ เวลาในการปรับจูนการมองเห็น เพราะ sodium ion ต้ องใช้ เวลาในการกระตุ้นประสาทการมอง

เฉลย Structure

Part เนื ้อหา

1. D. was priced at

2. C. while all the energy

3. B. which are hydrocarbons

4. B. travels

5. C. they are disturbed

6. C. when eaten together

7. C. Even though

8. B. only the elephant is

Part แบบฝึ กหัด

1. C. when

2. C. is probably

3. B. which focused on

4. A. is the largest organ

5. B. that listening to music

6. D. its close proximity to San Francisco

7. B. bears several days to fully

8. A. sea levels were

9. C. raised

10. A. The

11. D. they really are

12. A. covers

13. C. There are

14. C. smaller and lighter than

15. D. Casein, the chief milk protein

เฉลย Error
1. D. their → its

2. C. great → greatly

3. A. Despite of → Despite

4. A. can produced → can be produced

5. D. and → but

6. A. A → The

7. B. others → other

8. B. excessively → excessive

9. A. whom → whose

10. B. him → his

11. D. healthy → health

12. C. were → was

13. D. widely → wide

14. A. retires → retired

15. C. structural → structures

16. B. discover → discovered

17. D. difference → different

18. D. theirs → their

19. C. a same as → the same as

20. A. A → The

21. B. large → largely

22. A. Much → Many

23. A. powerful → power

24. C. received finally → finally received

25. A. use widespread → widespread use

เฉลย Reading

1. C. เนื ้อเรื่ องพูดถึงการสารวจมหาสมุทรในศตวรรษที่ 19

2. A. ความสนใจในการทาวิจยั เกี่ยวกับมหาสมุทรทัว่ โลก ทาให้ เกิดความก้ าวหน้ าทางด้ านการศึกษา

3. A. correct แปลว่า ถูกต้ อง แม่นยา

4. B. Edward Forbes คิดว่าไม่มีสิ่งไหนอยู่ใต้ ความลึก 300 fathoms

5. C. Voyage แปลว่า การเดินทาง

6. D. developed แปลว่า ประดิษฐ์ คิดค้ น

7. D. การค้ นพบที่สาคัญของ HMS Challenger คือการเปิ ดเผยแหล่งแร่ ธาตุใหม่ที่สาคัญ

8. D. they หมายถึง กระแสน ้า (currents)

9. C. การศึกษาวิจยั ของ Matthew F. Maury ช่วยให้ กะลาสีเรื อย่นระยะเวลาเดินทางได้ ไวขึ ้น

10. B. การทีเ่ รื อ The Fram ไปขัวโลกเหนื

้ อ ทาให้ ทฤษฏีความเชือ่ ของ Maury ถูกทดสอบ

11. A. เพราะเนื ้อเรื่ องพูดถึงการพัฒนาเมือง Baltimore ตั ้งแต่แรกเริ่ ม

12. D. profitable แปลว่า กาไรดี

13. C. Baltimore Clipper เป็ นเรื อที่ได้ รับการยอมรับจากนานาชาติวา่ เป็ นเรื อที่กาลังสูง

14. C. produce แปลว่า สร้ าง

15. D. enormous แปลว่า เยอะ มากมาย

16. C. Baltimore

17. B. ผู้แต่งพูดถึง warehouses and offices เพื่อจะอธิบายว่าอุตสาหกรรมโรงสีกาลังขยายตัว

18. B. เจ้ าของโรงสีต้องโฆษณาธุรกิจของตนเองเพื่อสามารถแข่งขันกับคนอื่นได้

19. A. เนื ้อเรื่ องนี ้พูดเกี่ยวกับชนเผ่า Plains Indian ที่อาศัยอยูใ่ น The Great Plains

20. A. สาเหตุทชี่ าว Plains Indian มารวมกันเป็ นหมู่คณะ เพื่อความปลอดภัยของครอบครัวในฤดูหนาวอันโหดร้ าย

21. C. ผู้แต่งพูดถึง bitter winters เพื่อยกตัวอย่างภยันตรายทีค

่ กุ คามการอยู่รอดของขาว Plains Indians

22. A. ภัยคุกคามที่อน
ั ตรายที่สดุ ต่อขาว Plains Indians คือ ฤดูหนาว

23. B. sufficient มีความหมายว่าพอเพียง

24. C. young men

25 C. assist

26. D. well-disciplined แปลว่า มีความประพฤติดี มีระเบียบวินยั

27. A. เนื ้อเรื่ องพูดถึงการพัฒนาของตุ๊กตาในอเมริ กาเป็ นหลัก

28. C. dolls

29. D. singing เพราะตุ๊กตาทาได้ ทกุ อย่าง ยกเว้ นร้ องเพลง

30. B. last a long time

31. D. Thomas Edison สาคัญต่อการพัฒนาตุ๊กตาเพราะเขาประดิษฐ์ ต๊ กุ ตาที่พด

ู ได้
32. B. look like

33. D. ตุ๊กตาในช่วงปี 1950 ถูกใช้ เพื่อเป็ นของเล่นเป็ นหลัก

34. C. Motion pictures ไม่ได้ มีการอธิบายความหมายไว้

35. A. เนื ้อเรื่ องพูดถึงประโยชน์ของแบคทีเรี ยเป็ นหลัก

36. A. go through

37. D. คนส่วนใหญ่เรี ยนรู้เกี่ยวกับแบคทีเรี ยในแง่มม

ุ ของเชื ้อโรค
38. D. bacteria

39. B. พารากราฟที่สองไม่ได้ พด
ู ถึงชื่อของแบคทีเรี ยเลย

40. A. นักวิทยาศาสตร์ สามารถวิเคราะห์สารเคมี ได้ โดยการสังเกตอัตราการเพิ่มจานวนของแบคทีเรี ย

41. C. เนื ้อเรื่ องกล่าวถึงวิธีที่นกสลัดขนและสร้ างขนใหม่

42 A. Notwithstanding แปลว่า ถึงแม้ ว่า (Despite)

43. B. intricate แปลว่า ซับซ้ อน

44. D. random แปลว่า สุ่มเลือก (คาดการณ์ไม่ได้ )

45. C. optimal แปลว่า ดีที่สด

46. A. การที่มีนกั ล่าน้ อยลงในป่ า ไม่ใช่เหตุผลของการที่นกสลัดขนในฤดูร้อน (Fewer แปลว่า น้ อยลง)

47. B. นกบางชนิดสามารถรักษาสมดุลการทรงตัวในขณะบินได้ เพราะว่า พวกมันสลัดขนที่ใช้ ในการบิน บนปี กทัง้ 2

ข้ างพร้ อมๆกัน

48. C. Others หมายถึง species

49. B. ผู้แต่งพูดถึงเป็ ดเพื่อที่จะยกตัวอย่างว่า เป็ นนกที่สลัดขนออกทังหมดในคราวเดี

้ ยว

50. B. รูปแบบในการสลัดขนของนกนันต่
้ างกันในแต่ละ species

แบบฝึ กหัด

1. A. วัตถุประสงค์หลักของเรื่ องนี ้คือเพื่อแนะนาชีวต

ิ และงานของ Phillis Wheatley

2. C. Phillis Wheatley ถูกขายเป็ นทาสและส่งมาที่อเมริกา

3. C. ทาสส่วนใหญ่ไม่ร้ ูหนังสือ

4. C. appear

5. C. หนังสือเล่มชื่อ Poem

6. B. given

7. B. ผู้หญิงกลุ่มหนึ่งซื ้ออิสรภาพให้ กบ
ั Phillis Wheatley

8. C. Phillis Wheatley ไม่ได้ เป็ นทนาย


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