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Subject : BIOLOGY
Class :7

Topic : Ch-2 Food components

Ch-4.1 Forests
Ch-5.2 Respiration in plants

Student Name: _______________________________________ Class: _______ Section:____________

1. Tasty food is not always nutritious and nutritious food may not always be tasty to eat.
Comment with examples.

2. Observe the items given in Fig. carefully and answer the questions given.

3. Minerals and vitamins are needed in very small quantities by our body as compared to
other components, yet, they are an important part of a balanced diet.’ Explain the

4. ‘Water does not provide nutrients, yet it is an important component of food’. Explain.

5. Read the items of food listed below. Classify them into carbohydrate rich, protein rich and
fat rich foods and fill them in the given table.
Moong dal, fish, mustard oil, sweet potato, milk, rice, egg, beans, butter, butter milk


(chhachh), cottage cheese (paneer), peas, maize, white bread.

6. Explain how forests prevent floods.

7. List five products we get from forests.

8. Why should we worry about the conditions and issues related to forests far from us?

9. Explain how different tribes conserve forest

10. Write few methods of conserving forest.

11. Where is fermentation used?

12. Write the differences between photosynthesis and respiration.

13. Identify the given figure and write its importance.

14. Read the following paragraph and answer the following questions:
Plants respire like us. But it is difficult to observe this through experiments. Both plants and
animals use oxygen during respiration. We might have heard of big hospitals keeping cylinders
filled with oxygen. When a person has breathing problems he is given oxygen. An oxygen mask is
fitted to the nose and mouth of the person and a rubber tube connects the mask to the oxygen
cylinder. Sometimes a patient is given oxygen during an operation.
a) When is the oxygen given to a person?
b) How oxygen is sent from oxygen cylinder to the person?
c) What is the use of oxygen cylinder?
d) Why plants need to use oxygen for respiration?

15. What questions you ask your teacher to know about relationship between photosynthesis
and respiration in plants?


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