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Test Vocabulary Unit 8

A Look and complete.

1 lips 2

3 4

5 6


B Read and complete.

1 I love m usicals because I love singing and dancing.

2 I’m really interested in crime stories, so I watch d movies.

3 I go to the movies to laugh, so I always watch c .

4 I think the drawing in a movies is amazing. It’s so clever!

5 My brother likes h movies, but I’m too scared of them to watch.

6 My parents are watching a d about animals and the planet.


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Test Grammar Unit 8

A Read and complete.

1 Do you want to see the new movie that everyone’s talking about?
2 That’s the actor is in the play in New York.

3 I can tell you the name of the theater the movie is showing.

4 This is the play I was in last year.

5 You left your costume in the theater we were rehearsing.

6 Is she the woman directed the play?


B Read and choose.

1 I think reading is very relaxing / relaxed, so I love getting a new book.

2 This movie is frightening / frightened. I’m really scared!

3 We were all surprising / surprised by the ending of the movie.

4 You shouldn’t feel embarrassing / embarrassed by what the teacher said.

5 The students were talking because they were very boring / bored watching the movie.

6 My friend was being so annoying / annoyed yesterday—he kept calling me.


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Test Reading Unit 8

“You’re a Genius!”
The director paced the movie studio and watched as the make-up
artist worked on the actor, Dave Diamond.
“The movie that I want is a horror, not a comedy! I want more
make-up,” grumbled the director. “Anything that will make
Mr. Diamond look more scary. A big scar. A long wig!”
“Right away,” said the make-up artist. She reached for a huge, ugly wig.
“But no one will see my face,” complained Dave when he saw the wig.
“I might as well wear a mask.”
The director clicked her fingers. “A mask! Get me a mask!”
“Right away,” said the make-up artist.
“Brilliant idea, Mr. Diamond! You’re a genius,” said the director.
Dave Diamond blushed. “A genius? Really? How nice of you to say.”

A Read and choose.

1 Why doesn’t Dave Diamond want to wear 4 What line of dialogue comes first?
a long wig? a. “How nice of you to say.”
a. He doesn’t want his face covered. b. “The movie that I want is a horror.”
b. He wants to wear a mask. c. “Right away,”
c. He is feeling hot.
5 In the story, paced means the same as …
2 At the start of the story, how do you think a. ran fast.
the director feels?
b. complained.
a. scared
c. walked up and down.
b. unhappy
c. happy 6 Dave Diamond blushes. What is the cause?
a. The director wants him to wear a wig.
3 The director wants Dave to look more
scary. What is the effect? b. The director calls him a genius.

a. The make-up artist reaches for c. The make-up artist gets a mask.
a huge, ugly wig.
b. Dave blushes.
c. The make-up artist complains.

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