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Airplanes are aircraft that are heavier than air, have fixed wings,
and can fly on their own power. In general, the term airplane is often
referred to as an airplane or airplane or simply an airplane with the same
definition as a vehicle capable of flying in the atmosphere or air.
However, in the world of aviation, the term airplane is different from an
airplane, the term airplane is much broader because it includes airplanes
and helicopters.
The advantages of riding an airplane are that it can reach remote
locations, the highest speed, and has good comfort / facilities. Flying a
plane also has its own drawbacks, namely expensive ticket costs,
requires large investment and infrastructure and has a high risk because
airplane flights are prone to weather disturbances such as thick clouds,
winds, storms and heavy rain.
Even though, many people use this air transportation because it is
considered fast to reach their destination even though the travel costs are
expensive and have a rather high risk of accidents because they often
experience weather disturbances on their way.

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