Small Quiz 3 (Basic Management Principles)

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Small Quiz 3 ( basic management

1. The process by which managers set the structure of working relationships among
workers in an organization is called organizing. A. true B. false
2. Organizational design reflects the organization’s mission statement irrespective
of the situation. A. true B. false
3. According to contingency theory, there can be only one best way to design an
organization’s structure. A. true B. false
4. The more skilled it workforce is, the less likely an organization is to apply a
flexible, decentralized structure. A. true B.false
5. The greater the level of uncertainty in the organization’s environment, the
A. Less likely managers are to design a structure and a culture that is innovative
B. Les likely managers are to design a structure and a culture that changes
C. More likely managers are to design an organizational structure that is formal
and controlling
D. More likely managers are to design a structure and a culture that are flexible

6. Managers should design flexible structures characterized by decentralized

authority and empowered employees for their organization when
A. It’s environment is stable
B. Technology is simple
C. It’s workforce is highly skilled
D. It’s strategy is simple

7. Pizza Hut established a basic division for labor among “ chefs” and “ food
server” in which chefs perform all tasks involved in actual cooking and food
servers carry out all tasks involved in giving food to the consumers. Pizza Hut
implemented …………………………..:
A. A functional structure
B. Job design
C. Divisional structure
D. Matrix structure
8. A manager increases the number of task that a subordinate has to do in order to
make the job more interesting for him/ her. This is known as:
A. Job simplification
B. Job enlargement
C. Job enrichment
D. Task identity
9. The degree to which a manager feels that his/ her job is meaningful because of
the way in which the job affects other people is known as:
A. Skill variety
B. Feedback
C. Autonomy
D. Task significance
10. The units of ABC company, are grouped together such that the functions that
work together to produce a product are grouped together. This is an example
of……………….. structure
A. Market
B. Divisional
C. Functional
D. Transitional
11. In the design of an organization, another name for “ market structure”
is………………………. Structure
A. Product
B. Geographic
C. Customer
D. Matrix

12. Using the controlling function, managers monitor and evaluate whether the
organization’s strategy is working as intended
A. True B. false
13. The control function is limited to reacting to events in a business after they have
already occurred.
A. True B. false
14. Organizational control procedures can give managers feedback about the
quantity, but not the quality of products produced by the organization . A. True B.
15. Managers use feedforward control to anticipate the problem. A true B. False
16. Even an effective control system does not give managers enough time to
respond to opportunities and threat. A. true B. false
17. The type of control that managers typically use in the input stage of the process
of transforming raw material in to finished goods is …………………………control
A. Feedforward
B. Concurrent
C. Feedback
18. The managers of FOODEX, a fast food restaurant, record outputs on a daily
basis by counting how many customers their employees serve, the time each
transaction takes, and how much money each customer spends every day. With
reference to the control process, the managers of FOODEX are :
A. Establishing the standards of performance
B. Measuring the actual level of performance of employees
C. Comparing the actual performance against chosen standards of performance
D. Evaluating the results

19. MBO is a mechanism of control with ………………….organizational control

A. Output
B. Clan
C. Behavior
D. Input.
20. In an adaptive culture, employees often receive rewards based on:
A. Their performance
B. Union contract
C. Organizational commitment
D. Random chance

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