Moshi Moshi Japan

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Ben and Gwen Journey to Japan

Ben and Gwen are very happy that they have finally fulfilled their dream to go to Japan! And as promised,
here is what they want to share about Japan. They will share on things you need to do, where to go and
how to tour around in Japan.

When Ben started to plan to go to Japan, he was so excited and lots of thing start to go around inside his
mind. Such as anime, manga, tokusatsu, sakura, Mount Fuji, shinkansen, Japanese street fashion, and
last but not least the advanced technology in Japan.

During the flight, he was dreaming on and on about what should be the first thing to do when they
touchdown in Haneda Airport and when he finally make it there, the first thing that pops to his mind was
TOILET! He didn't realize he was holding it for so long. It was probably because the weather was freaking
cold due to winter that he didn’t actually 'feel' it until he entered a warmer place. He quickly rushed to the
restroom once he has checked through the immigration. Did he tell you the queue was actually this -->
"1,2,3,4...30...50"'s long!

One word for the toilet – WOW! When he went in to the toilet, the word “wow” was repeatedly spoken out
from his lips. It was amazing experience - from the moment he stepped into the toilet - the light was
automatically turned on as if it was welcoming him to the toilet! He felt awesome even thou he know it is
just a sensor light to save electricity. Next thing that amazes him are the amount of buttons next to the
toilet bowl, from flush sensor, the automatic water jet, water temperature to even "Dryer". He wonders if
people spend their day in the toilet, just to play with the buttons.

Tokyo is a huge and busy city which his tour guide - Lisa actually describe it as "stressful". He took a
picture of the Tokyo Railway Map. He thinks there are 20 lines! That railway are only belongs to one
operator named JR-East. Imagine the traffic and one notably thing about Japanese train are they stop on
each station right on time. It is the best choice for budget traveler to move around the town.

He loves Japan and it is a well-known fact among his family and friends and he often watch Japanese
movies. Inside the movies, there are often scenes showing a busy junction with lots of people crossing it as
if they are heading to somewhere. He has always wanted to experience walking among the crowd in that
busy junction. His wish has finally come true; He has finally experienced the amazing busy junction
known as "Shibuya Hachiko Crossing". Believe it or not, he did nothing but crossing from left to right,
forth and back until he himself also lost count of it, but he will never forget the feeling of walking among
the huge and busy crowd, not to mention the experience of bumping into so many people.
Tips from Ben, if you plan to make a trip here, remember to catch up with the famous "Hachiko"
memorial statue at the East exit from Shibuya station. Hachiko, a famous dog in Japan, remembered for
his loyalty to his owner whom he waited for every single day at the train station for 9 years even after his
owner has passed away. Hachiko memorial statue is a famous meet-up point for many Japanese and there
are a lot of people queuing up just to take photo with him.

“Konnichiwa! I’m back from Japan!” says Gwen. This was her very first time to Japan and it was filled
with lots of surprises and wonderful experience. They (Ben and Gwen) went to Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka
on a whirlwind tour. It was tiring due to long hour walking and lack of sleeps but her mind was filled with
endless happiness. 

On the first day in Japan, she was attracted by the beauty of Tokyo Ginkgo trees & its fallen yellow leaves.
Ginkgo trees decorated the city landscape perfectly that form bold impression on how a modern and
beautiful city should be. Japanese people are extremely polite. They will queue up and wait patiently,
speak gently and help restlessly. These are something that we can learn from them.
One of her wonderful memories in Japan is experience the first ‘SNOWING’ in her life. They are the lucky
tourists that day because Mt Fuji was snowing when they got there. She was very excited at the touch of
snow onto her cheek. They gathered the snow and made it into the Mr. Snowman! 

Another never-to-be-forgotten memory was her first fully naked bath! She went to Onsen house in Isawa
area and she was very shy to take off her clothes when other ladies were treating the onsen like home but
in the end, she managed to gather her courage to join them. Apart from the embarrassing moment, she
can actually feel her skin and her hair becoming smoother after the onsen hot bath. It is good to soak into
hot water during winter. You all should try it.

The last thing that they must not miss out is the Japanese food. Sashimi, Tempura, Shabu-shabu, Ramen,
Takoyaki and many more! She miss Japanese food so much, especially Yoshinoya and sushi. No local
Japanese restaurants here can meet the authentic taste like the ones they tried in Japan or maybe she has
not tried enough? She loves Japan and she will definitely come back again.

All in all, Japan is a charming place with wonderful characteristics. They can't help but to think of going
back again. They love it so much!

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