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MAR 2021

March 2021

This catalogue contains the current range of Codan quality hoses.

Codan manufactures quality hoses to OEM businesses within several industries such as
foodstuff, medico, electronics, furniture and design articles.
For further information please contact us on Email: or tlf: +45 56646464

This is an interactive document

Click the hoses to navigate



















INDEX (alphabetical display of all products)

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT This is an interactive document

Click the Product number to navigate

AIR CONDITION 1005 1900 2656 3121 4205 8037

BRAKE 1104 1905 2657 3122 4219 8038
BREATHING 1106 1915 2658 3133 4411 8040
BUNKER 1158 1918 2700 3135 4426 8502
1161 2001 2703 3136 4715 8503
1200 2004 2710 3217 4801 8504
1206 2005 2715 3301 4804 8505

1207 2006 2801 3304 4820 8512

1208 2007 2802 3310 4826 8516
1210 2010 2803 3311 4827 8518
1211 2011 2804 3312 4830 8519
1212 2033 2806 3320 4854 8520
1217 2042 2808 3321 4893 8522
1220 2052 2812 3418 5034 8525
1222 2057 2813 3419 5035 8530
1225 2106 2820 3421 5036 8540
1227 2111 2823 3423 5038 16150282
1228 2116 2825 3424 6001 corrugated breathing hose
1229 2118 2901 3501 6015
1231 2119 2903 3512 6016
1232 2151 2915 3514 6017
1235 2152 2920 3516 7301
1236 2206 2930 3517 8002
1240 2300 2940 3518 8003
1243 2315 2950 3550 8004
1255 2321 3006 3581 8006
1316 2322 3009 3582 8007
1500 2601 3010 3583 8008
1518 2605 3012 3584 8009
1600 2606 3014 3585 8021
1605 2612 3015 4002 8024
1633 2614 3020 4004 8031
1701 2636 3024 4006 8033
1703 2637 3106 4025 8034
1705 2654 3111 4084 8035

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021
1005 1240


1104 1255

1106 1500

1200 2001

COOLANT 1207 2007


FUEL 1208 2116


1210 2118

1211 2119

1212 2825

INDEX 3304










This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1005 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1005 - -

Bl a ck, rei nforced, l a yfl a t wa ter hos e. Ea s y to ha ndl e Type nr. 1005
a nd extremel y s pa ce-s a vi ng. Fl exi bl e, even when Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
us ed a t l ow tempera tures . Often us ed on bui l di ng Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC s i tes for i mmers i on pumps , etc. or where l i qui ds Working Temperature: -30°C to 90°C
a re ca rri ed under pres s ure. Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed Inside: NR/SBR
us i ng hos e cl a mps , Ba uer or Stortz fi tti ngs , or Colour: Bl a ck
OIL s i mi l a r. Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
i nforma ti on. Outside: NR/SBR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,0 31,4 5 15 250 420 1005025000
32,0 38,4 5 15 300 520 1005032000
38,0 44,4 5 15 380 610 1005038000
45,0 51,4 5 15 440 700 1005045000
51,0 57,4 5 15 500 790 1005051000
63,0 70,0 5 15 630 960 1005063000
76,0 82,4 5 15 750 1.450 1005076000
102,0 108,8 5 15 1.000 1.580 1005102000
110,0 117,2 5 15 1.120 1.730 1005110000
127,0 134,2 5 15 1.250 2.000 1005127000
152,0 159,2 5 15 1.500 2.380 1005152000
203,0 211,4 5 15 2.000 3.750 1005203000
254,0 264,0 5 15 2.500 5.680 1005254000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1104 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1104 -

Fl exi bl e, red, ri bbed hos e ma de of rubber. Idea l for Type nr. 1104
wa ter. Us ed es peci a l l y to repl a ce PVC ga rden hos es . Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
Fi ts s ta nda rd connectors . Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Working Temperature: -15°C to 75°C
Inside: NR/SBR
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: NR/EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Ora nge
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
13,0 20,0 6 18 0 270 1104013000
19,0 26,0 6 18 0 450 1104019000
25,0 33,0 6 18 0 550 1104025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1106 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1106 - ISO 1307

Ca bl es a re mos tl y unprotected. Extremel y fl exi bl e Type nr. 1106
a nd res i s ta nt to tors i on, ca bl e protecti on hos es a re Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
us ed a s a phys i ca l protecti on for fl exi bl e el ectri c Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC ca bl es i n a ppl i ca ti ons s uch a s robot joi nts a nd Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
a utoma ti c wel di ng ma chi nes . They a re Inside: SBR
ma nufa ctured wi th i ns ul a ti ng rubber compounds , Colour: Bl a ck
OIL hi ghl y a gei ng- a nd ozone res i s ta nt, non-conducti ve Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
a nd res i s ti ng chemi ca l s a nd mi nera l oi l . Outside:
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: ISO 1307
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,0 27,0 - - - 110 1106025
32,0 34,0 - - - 150 1106032
38,0 40,0 - - - 180 1106038
60,0 62,0 - - - 280 1106600

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1200 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1200 - ISO 8031 + ISO 1431-1

Anti s ta ti c ma ndrel bui l t hos e for tra ns fer of wa ter Type nr. 1200
a nd other i nert fl ui ds . Speci a l l y devel oped by Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
CODAN for fi re hos e reel s . Protected wi th bl a ck Standard Length: 30 metres
HYDRAULIC NBR/PVC rubber wi th good wea ther res i s ta nt Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
properti es . Li ned wi th foa m res i s ta nt Bl a ck Inside: EPDM
a nti s ta ti c EPDM rubber. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL El ectri ca l l y conducti ve: R< 106 Ohm/m (ISO Reinforcement: Hi gh s trength s yntheti c texti l e ya rns
8031:2009). Outside: NBR/PVC
Ozone res i s ta nt a cc. DIN ISO 1431-1:2012-08. Colour: Bl a ck
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Standards: ISO 8031 + ISO 1431-1
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,0 37,0 20 62 255 950 1200025000
32,0 45,5 20 62 300 1.250 1200032000
38,0 51,0 20 62 350 1.484 1200038000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1207 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1207 -

Bl a ck tubi ng, ma i nl y us ed for va cuum i n engi ne Type nr. 1207
compa rtments , a l s o us a bl e for wi ndow wa s h Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
s ys tems on ca rs (s pri nkl er s ys .) Standard Length: metres
HYDRAULIC Working Temperature: -25°C to 80°C
Inside: EPDM
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement:
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
3,0 6,0 - - - 35 1207003000
4,0 7,0 - - - 45 1207004000
5,0 9,5 - - - 55 1207005000
6,0 11,0 - - - 65 1207006000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1208 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1208 -

Speci a l cos tumer bui l d EPDM hos e for hot wa ter i n Type nr. 1208
the pl a s ti c moul d i ndus try. Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
Standard Length: 30 metres
HYDRAULIC Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
Inside: EPDM
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
19,1 27,0 20 60 100 480 1208019000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1210

1210- Air / Water Hose







FOOD Codan 1210 -

Bl a ck wa ter hos e for us e where a fl exi bl e, ha rd- Type nr. 1210
wea ri ng, wea ther a nd ozone-res i s ta nt hos e i s Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
requi red. Pea k temp. 100 C. Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC hos e cl a mps a nd pos s i bl y a fl us hi ng hea d. Pl ea s e Working Temperature: -30°C to 90°C
conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Inside: EPDM
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Hi gh Strength Syntheti c Texti l e Ya rns
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -

Inside dia. Outside
i de di a . Outs
dia. (mm)i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,4 13,0 20 60 40 152 121006000
9,5 16,5 20 60 50 230 121001000
12,7 21,5 20 60 65 360 121001300
19,0 27,0 20 60 105 450 121001900
25,0 35,0 20 60 200 760 121002500
38,0 48,0 10 30 320 1.115 121003800

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021
CONTENT Codan 1211 Air / Water Hose







FOOD Codan 1211 -

Bl ue wa ter hos e for us e where a fl exi bl e, ha rd- Type nr. 1211
wea ri ng, wea ther a nd ozone-res i s ta nt hos e i s Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
requi red. Pea k temp. 100 C. Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC hos e cl a mps a nd pos s i bl y a fl us hi ng hea d. Pl ea s e Working Temperature: -30°C to 90°C
conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Inside: EPDM
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Hi gh Strength Syntheti c Texti l e Ya rns
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl ue
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
9,5 16,5 10 30 50 230 121101000
12,7 21,5 10 30 65 360 121101300
19,0 27,0 10 30 105 450 121101900
25,0 35,0 10 30 200 760 121102500
32,0 44,0 10 30 270 939 121103200
38,0 48,0 10 30 320 1.115 121103800
50,0 61,0 10 30 421 1.467 121105000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021
CONTENT Codan 1212 Air / Water Hose







FOOD Codan 1212 -

Red wa ter hos e for us e where a fl exi bl e, ha rd- Type nr. 1212
wea ri ng, wea ther a nd ozone-res i s ta nt hos e i s Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
requi red. Pea k temp. 100 C. Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC hos e cl a mps a nd pos s i bl y a fl us hi ng hea d. Pl ea s e Working Temperature: -30°C to 90°C
conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Inside: EPDM
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Hi gh Strength Syntheti c Texti l e Ya rns
Outside: EPDM
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
9,5 16,5 10 30 50 230 121201000
12,7 21,5 10 30 65 360 121201300
19,0 27,0 10 30 105 450 121201900
25,0 38,0 10 30 200 760 121202500
32,0 42,0 10 30 270 939 121203200
38,0 48,0 10 30 320 1.115 121203800
50,0 61,0 10 30 421 1.467 121205000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail:


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1217 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1217 - DIN ISO 1431-1:2011-05

Ma ndrel bui l t hos e for compres s ed a i r tra ns fer, Type nr. 1217
wa ter a nd other i nert fl ui ds . Speci a l l y devel oped by Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
HARDI a nd CODAN. Protected wi th bl a ck EPDM Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC rubber, good a nd i mproved a gei ng a nd wea ther Working Temperature: -25°C to 70°C
res i s ta nt. Li ned wi th a i r res i s ta nt Bl a ck SBR rubber. Inside: SBR
Ozone res i s ta nt a cc. DIN ISO 1431-1:2011-05. Pl ea s e Colour: Bl a ck
OIL conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: Hi gh Strength s yntheti c texti l e ya rns
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: DIN ISO 1431-1:2011-05
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
32,0 46,0 20 60 320 1.249 1217032000
38,0 51,0 20 60 350 1.484 1217038000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1220 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1220 - BS5118 Type 2

Extremel y s turdy a nd pl i a bl e hos e for compres s ed Type nr. 1220
a i r a nd wa ter. Des i gned for hea vy-duty work. Hi gh Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
degree of res i s ta nce to i mpa ct a nd rough s urfa ces . Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC Idea l for us e i n mi nes , qua rri es , tunnel s , s hi pya rds , Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
etc. Inside: SBR/NR
Fi ts s ta nda rd cl a w coupl i ngs i n di a meters l es s tha n Colour: Bl a ck
OIL 51 mm. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Yel l ow
Standards: BS5118 Type 2
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
13,0 22,6 20 60 120 500 1220013000
19,0 29,4 20 60 180 670 1220019000
25,0 36,2 20 60 250 930 1220025000
32,0 45,6 20 60 320 1.300 1220032000
38,0 51,6 20 60 350 1.490 1220038000
51,0 65,4 20 60 500 2.180 1220051000
63,0 77,0 20 60 600 2.610 1220063000
76,0 91,6 20 60 900 3.100 1220076000
90,0 106,0 20 60 1.050 4.700 1220090000
102,0 118,0 20 60 1.150 5.190 1220102000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1222 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1222 -

Spool hos e for i ndus tri a l us e. Speci a l l y des i gned for Type nr. 1222
GAS pa peri ndus try. Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
Standard Length: - metres
HYDRAULIC Working Temperature: -40°C to 90°C
Inside: Syntheti c Rubber
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Yel l ow
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,4 38,2 10 57 180 670 1222025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1225 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1225 -

Bl a ck wa ter hos e for us e where a fl exi bl e, ha rd- Type nr. 1225
wea ri ng, wea ther a nd ozone-res i s ta nt hos e i s Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
requi red. Pea k temp. 160 C. We recommend cri mp on Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC fi tti ngs . Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further Working Temperature: -30°C to 140°C
i nforma ti on. Inside: EPDM
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Hi gh Strength Syntheti c Texti l e Ya rns
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 13,0 20 60 40 152 1225016000
9,5 16,5 20 60 50 230 1225010000
12,7 21,5 20 60 65 360 1225013000
19,0 27,0 20 60 105 450 1225019000
25,0 35,0 20 60 145 800 1225025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1227 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1227 -

Green wa ter hos e for us e where a fl exi bl e, ha rd- Type nr. 1227
wea ri ng, wea ther a nd ozone-res i s ta nt hos e i s Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
requi red. Pea k temp. 160 C. We recommend cri mp on Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC fi tti ngs . Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further Working Temperature: -30°C to 140°C
i nforma ti on. Inside: EPDM
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Hi gh Strength Syntheti c Texti l e Ya rns
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Green
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
9,5 16,5 20 60 50 230 1227010000
12,7 21,5 20 60 65 360 1227013000
19,0 27,0 20 60 105 450 1227019000
25,0 35,0 20 60 145 800 1227025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1228 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1228 -

Bl ue wa ter hos e for us e where a fl exi bl e, ha rd- Type nr. 1228
wea ri ng, wea ther a nd ozone-res i s ta nt hos e i s Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
requi red. Pea k temp. 160 C. We recommend cri mp on Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC fi tti ngs . Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further Working Temperature: -30°C to 140°C
i nforma ti on. Inside: EPDM
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Hi gh Strength Syntheti c Texti l e Ya rns
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl ue
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 13,0 20 60 40 152 1228016000
9,5 16,5 20 60 50 230 1228010000
12,7 21,5 20 60 65 360 1228013000
19,0 27,0 20 60 105 450 1228019000
25,0 35,0 20 60 145 800 1228025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1229 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1229 -

Red wa ter hos e for us e where a fl exi bl e, ha rd- Type nr. 1229
wea ri ng, wea ther a nd ozone-res i s ta nt hos e i s Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
requi red. Pea k temp. 160 C. We recommend cri mp on Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC fi tti ngs . Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further Working Temperature: -30°C to 140°C
i nforma ti on. Inside: EPDM
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Hi gh Strength Syntheti c Texti l e Ya rns
Outside: EPDM
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 13,0 20 60 40 152 1229016000
9,5 16,6 20 60 50 230 1229010000
12,7 21,5 20 60 65 360 1229013000
19,0 27,0 20 60 105 450 1229019000
25,0 35,0 20 60 145 800 1229025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1231 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1231 - ISO 1403: 1995

Bl a ck, i ndus tri a l -qua l i ty wa ter hos e for us e i n a l l Type nr. 1231
types of i ndus tri a l fl us hi ng, cl ea ni ng, etc. Ha rd- Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
wea ri ng s urfa ce tha t a l s o ha s excel l ent wea ther Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC a nd ozone res i s ta nce. Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Inside: EPDM
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: ISO 1403: 1995
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
51,0 61,0 10 30 - 1.360 1231051000
63,0 76,0 10 30 - 2.100 1231063000
76,0 90,0 10 30 - 2.740 1231076000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1232 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1232 - ISO 1403: 1995

Red, i ndus tri a l -qua l i ty wa ter hos e for us e i n a l l Type nr. 1232
types of i ndus tri a l fl us hi ng, cl ea ni ng, etc. Ha rd- Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
wea ri ng s urfa ce tha t a l s o ha s excel l ent wea ther Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC a nd ozone res i s ta nce. Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
From 32 mm: wra pped hos e s uppl i ed i n 40 m Inside: EPDM
l engths . (ol d type 1210) Worki ng temp. -30°C to +80°C. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL BP 3x s a fety fa ctor. SBR/SBR. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: EPDM
Standards: ISO 1403: 1995
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
12,7 20,7 10 30 0 250 1232013000
15,9 23,9 10 30 0 300 1232016000
19,1 28,5 10 30 0 500 1232019000
25,4 34,8 10 30 0 580 1232025000
32,0 42,4 10 30 0 880 1232032000
38,0 48,4 10 30 0 1.020 1232038000
45,0 55,4 10 30 0 1.200 1232045000
50,0 61,0 10 30 0 1.360 1232051000
63,0 76,2 10 30 0 2.100 1232063000
70,0 83,2 10 30 0 2.360 1232070000
76,0 90,4 10 30 0 2.740 1232076000
102,0 116,8 10 30 0 3.690 1232102000
127,0 143,0 10 30 0 4.950 1232127000
152,0 168,0 10 30 0 5.870 1232152000
203,0 225,0 10 30 0 7.120 1232203000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1235 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1235 -

Bl a ck uni vers a l a i r/wa ter hos e for i ndus tri a l us e, Type nr. 1235
e.g. i n the bui l di ng a nd cons tructi on, s hi pbui l di ng Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
a nd mi ni ng s ectors . Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Working Temperature: -30°C to 70°C
Inside: SBR/NR
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: NR/EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 12,5 10 50 44 135 1235006000
8,0 14,4 10 50 56 165 1235008000
10,0 17,0 10 50 70 215 1235010000
12,5 20,5 10 50 88 300 1235013000
16,0 25,0 10 50 112 420 1235016000
20,0 30,0 10 50 140 560 1235019000
25,4 35,0 10 50 175 1.120 1235025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1236 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1236 -

Bl a ck uni vers a l a i r/wa ter hos e for i ndus tri a l us e, Type nr. 1236
e.g. i n the bui l di ng a nd cons tructi on, s hi pbui l di ng Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
a nd mi ni ng s ectors . Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC i nforma ti on. Working Temperature: -25°C to 70°C
Inside: SBR
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Hi gh s trength s yntheti c tecti l e ya rns .
Anti s ta ti c copper wi re.
Colour: Bl a ck
PVC Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
13,0 21,0 20 60 120 440 1236013000
19,0 29,0 20 60 180 630 1236019000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1240 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1240 -

Yel l ow, s teel -rei nforced, s turdy compres s ed-a i r Type nr. 1240
hos e. Hi gh res i s ta nce to compres s i on, yet hi ghl y Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
fl exi bl e. Res i s ta nt to oi l s pra y a nd wa ter Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC tempera tures up to 90°C. Working Temperature: -30°C to 90°C
For us e on bui l di ng s i tes a nd oi l ri gs where grea t Inside: NBR
dema nds a re ma de on the hos e wi th rega rd to both Colour: Bl a ck
OIL s ucti on a nd pres s ure. Cri mp-on fi tti ngs a re Reinforcement: Spi ra l i s ed s teel wi res
recommended for thi s hos e type. Outside: NR
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Yel l ow
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
13,0 24,0 40 185 91 590 1240013000
19,0 30,0 40 139 133 790 1240019000
25,0 38,0 40 168 175 1.000 1240025000
32,0 47,0 40 173 224 1.570 1240032000
38,0 53,0 40 281 266 1.990 1240038000
51,0 66,0 40 222 357 2.480 1240051000
63,0 82,0 40 173 441 3.330 1240063000
76,0 94,0 35 147 532 3.910 1240076000
102,0 126,0 28 110 714 6.350 1240102000
127,0 152,0 24 90 889 7.790 1240127000
152,0 177,0 24 77 1.064 9.180 1240152000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1255 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1255 -

Ma ndrel bui l t premi um qua l i ty hos e des i gned a s a Type nr. 1255
wa ter a nd a i r tra ns fer cool a nt hos e i n mel ti ng Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
furna ces a t s teel - works , foundri es a nd thos e Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC envoi renments of hi gh tempera tures a nd pos s i bl e Working Temperature: -25°C to 100°C
conta cts wi th red a tempora ry ra di a ti on Inside: Syntheti c Rubber
tempera ture of 400C. Ava i l a bl e wi th di fferent fi ber Colour: Bl a ck
OIL covers (Cera mi c, gl a s s , nomex...) a nd non conducti ve Reinforcement: Syntheti c texti l e
qua l i ty rubber of el ectri ca l res i s ta nce over 10^10 Outside: Cera mi c, gl a s s , nomex
OIL COOLING Ohm/m. Colour: Whi te
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
40,0 59,0 10 40 0 0 1255040000
48,0 63,0 10 40 0 0 1255048000
65,0 85,0 10 40 0 0 1255065000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1500 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 1500 -

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e uni vers a l hos e for a i r a nd wa ter. Type nr. 1500
Hi gh-qua l i ty EPDM i ns i de a nd outs i de ens ures good Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
wea ther a nd ozone res i s ta nce i n a ny envi ronment. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC For us e i n i ndus tri a l a ppl i ca ti ons for col d a nd hot Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
wa ter, compres s ed a i r a nd chemi ca l s (a ci ds Inside: EPDM
excepted). Des i gned for wa s hi ng ma chi nes . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Res i s ta nt to a ceta tes a nd ketones . Pel a s e conta ct Reinforcement: PET
Coda n for futher i nforma ti on Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
12,5 19,3 6 19 80 240 1500013
13,5 20,2 6 19 85 250 1500014

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2001 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 2001 -

Bl a ck, wra pped, fl exi bl e, i ndus tri a l Type nr. 2001
s ucti on/pres s ure hos e for a i r or wa ter, wi th Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
rei nforci ng s teel hel i x. For us e throughout i ndus try, Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC es peci a l l y the bui l di ng a nd cons tructi on s ector, Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
s hi pya rds , etc. Inside: SBR
Sui ta bl e for us e wi th DIN cl a mps . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Ma x. va cuum: 90%. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter wi th s teel hel i x
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: SBR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,0 35,0 10 30 150 870 2001025000
32,0 42,0 10 30 180 1.080 2001032000
38,0 49,2 10 30 220 1.360 2001038000
51,0 62,0 10 30 310 1.830 2001051000
63,0 75,0 10 30 380 2.600 2001063000
76,0 88,8 10 30 460 3.090 2001076000
90,0 104,0 10 30 535 3.940 2001090000
102,0 117,2 10 30 620 4.990 2001102000
127,0 143,4 10 30 880 7.440 2001127000
152,0 168,8 10 30 1.000 9.720 2001152000
203,0 223,4 10 30 1.200 13.900 2001203000
254,0 280,4 10 30 1.750 16.550 2001254000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2007 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 2007 - ISO 188/ISO 2398

Bl a ck compres s ed-a i r hos e for pneuma ti c Type nr. 2007
equi pment, tool s , compres s ors , etc. Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
Al s o s ui ta bl e for wa ter. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Fi ts s ta nda rd cl a w coupl i ngs us ed i n the bui l di ng Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
s ector. Inside: SBR
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: SBR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: ISO 188/ISO 2398
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
10,0 18,0 20 60 70 300 2007010000
13,0 23,0 20 60 91 450 2007013000
16,0 26,0 20 60 112 550 2007016000
19,0 30,0 20 60 133 650 2007019000
25,0 36,0 20 60 175 900 2007025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2116 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 2116 -

Red wa ter hos e for us e where a fl exi bl e, ha rd- Type nr. 2116
wea ri ng, wea ther a nd ozone-res i s ta nt hos e i s Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
requi red. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps a nd pos s i bl y Working Temperature: -40°C to 80°C
a fl us hi ng hea d. Inside: EPDM
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: EPDM
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
12,7 20,7 10 40 40 270 2116013000
15,9 23,9 10 40 60 330 2116016000
19,1 28,5 10 40 90 430 2116019000
25,4 34,8 10 40 120 570 2116025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2118 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 2118 - BS5118 Type 2

Extremel y s turdy a nd pl i a bl e hos e for compres s ed Type nr. 2118
a i r a nd wa ter. Smooth cover. Des i gned for hea vy- Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
duty work. Hi gh degree of res i s ta nce to i mpa ct a nd Standard Length: - metres
HYDRAULIC rough s urfa ces . Idea l for us e i n mi nes , qua rri es , Working Temperature: -30°C to 90°C
tunnel s , s hi pya rds , etc. Fi ts s ta nda rd cl a w coupl i ngs Inside: SBR/NR
i n di a meters l es s tha n 51 mm. Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n Colour: Bl a ck
OIL for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Yel l ow
Standards: BS5118 Type 2
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
10,0 17,0 20 64 70 236 2118010000
12,5 22,5 20 64 150 350 2118013000
20,0 30,0 20 64 230 580 2118019000
25,5 36,0 20 64 300 750 2118025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2119 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 2119 - BS5118 Type 2

Extremel y s turdy a nd pl i a bl e hos e for compres s ed Type nr. 2119
a i r a nd wa ter. Smooth cover. Des i gned for hea vy- Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
duty work. Hi gh degree of res i s ta nce to i mpa ct a nd Standard Length: - metres
HYDRAULIC rough s urfa ces . Idea l for us e i n mi nes , qua rri es , Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
tunnel s , s hi pya rds , etc. Fi ts s ta nda rd cl a w coupl i ngs Inside: SBR/NR
i n di a meters l es s tha n 51 mm. Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n Colour: Bl a ck
OIL for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: BS5118 Type 2
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
20,0 30,0 20 64 230 580 2119019000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2825 Air / Water Hose










GAS Codan 2825 -

Long l ength twi n brown/yel l ow hos e for a i r a nd Type nr. 2825
MATERIAL HANDLING wa ter for di fferent i ndus tri a l a ppl i ca ti ons . Hi gh Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
a gei ng a nd wea ther res i s ta nce Standard Length: 50 metres
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps or s wa ged on Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
OIL COOLING fi tti ngs . Inside: EPDM / SBR
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
POWERSTEERING Reinforcement: Hi gh Strength Syntheti c Texti l e Ya rns
Outside: EPDM
Colour: Yel l ow
STEAM Standards:
Std. branding: -


Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
5,0 11,4 20 60 60 290 2825505000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3301 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 3301 - ISO 1403: 1995

Bl a ck uni vers a l hos e. Sui ta bl e for col d a nd hot Type nr. 3301
wa ter, compres s ed a i r a nd chemi ca l s (a ci ds Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
excepted). Res i s ta nt to a ceta tes a nd ketones . Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC In s i zes l a rger tha n 32.0 mm di a meter, wra pped Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
hos e i s s uppl i ed i n 40 m l engths (1215), worki ng Inside: EPDM
pres s ure a nd burs ti ng pres s ure a re reduced to 15 Colour: Bl a ck
OIL ba r a nd 45 ba r res pecti vel y a t worki ng tempera tures Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
of -30 to +80°C. SBR/SBR. Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: ISO 1403: 1995
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 14,3 25 80 45 174 3301006000
7,9 15,9 25 80 50 202 3301008000
9,5 17,5 25 80 60 230 3301010000
12,7 21,5 25 80 65 320 3301013000
15,9 24,7 25 80 75 386 3301016000
19,1 30,5 25 80 90 546 3301019000
25,4 36,2 20 50 110 708 3301025000
32,0 43,6 15 45 0 1.000 3301032000
38,0 50,0 15 45 0 1.200 3301038000
51,0 65,4 15 45 0 1.930 3301051000
63,0 78,6 15 45 0 2.550 3301063000
76,0 92,0 15 45 0 3.090 3301076000
102,0 118,0 15 45 0 4.040 3301102000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3304 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 3304 - ISO 1403: 1995

Extremel y fl exi bl e, grey uni vers a l hos e. Sui ta bl e for Type nr. 3304
col d a nd hot wa ter, compres s ed a i r a nd certa i n Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
chemi ca l s . Res i s ta nt to a ceta tes a nd ketones . Standard Length: 40/50 metres
HYDRAULIC The outer rubber coa ti ng ens ures excel l ent Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
res i s ta nce to ozone. For a i r a nd wa ter where there Inside: EPDM
a re hi gh dema nds on qua l i ty. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL ID 32,0 mm a nd 38,1 mm: the hos e i s ma ndrel bui l t, Reinforcement: Es ter
wra pped a nd a va i l a bl e i n 40 meter l engths . Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Grey
Standards: ISO 1403: 1995
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 14,3 25 80 50 179 3304006000
7,9 15,9 25 80 60 207 3304008000
9,5 17,5 25 80 65 236 3304010000
12,7 21,5 25 80 75 330 3304013000
15,9 24,7 25 80 90 397 3304016000
19,1 29,5 25 70 105 560 3304019000
25,4 36,2 20 50 130 724 3304025000
32,0 41,7 10 40 150 766 3304032000
38,1 48,0 10 40 170 898 3304038000
51,0 62,0 10 40 200 1.200 3304051000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3310 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 3310 - ISO 1403: 1995

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e uni vers a l hos e for a i r a nd wa ter. Type nr. 3310
Hi gh-qua l i ty EPDM i ns i de a nd outs i de ens ures good Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
wea ther a nd ozone res i s ta nce i n a ny envi ronment. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC For us e i n i ndus tri a l a ppl i ca ti ons for col d a nd hot Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
wa ter, compres s ed a i r a nd chemi ca l s (a ci ds Inside: EPDM
excepted). Res i s ta nt to a ceta tes a nd ketones . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: Es ter
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: ISO 1403: 1995
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 13,1 10 40 40 142 3310006000
7,9 14,7 10 40 44 166 3310008000
9,5 16,3 10 40 50 191 3310010000
12,7 19,9 10 40 60 254 3310013000
15,9 23,1 10 40 70 305 3310016000
19,1 27,1 10 40 80 402 3310019000
25,4 33,6 9 33 110 525 3310025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3311 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 3311 -

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e uni vers a l hos e for a i r a nd wa ter. Type nr. 3311
Hi gh-qua l i ty EPDM i ns i de a nd outs i de ens ures good Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
wea ther a nd ozone res i s ta nce i n a ny envi ronment. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC For us e i n i ndus tri a l a ppl i ca ti ons for col d a nd hot Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
wa ter, compres s ed a i r a nd chemi ca l s (a ci ds Inside: EPDM
excepted). Res i s ta nt to a ceta tes a nd ketones . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: Es ter
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 13,1 20 60 53 142 3311006000
8,0 14,8 20 60 60 169 3311008000
10,0 18,0 20 60 72 242 3311010000
13,0 20,8 20 60 85 286 3311013000
16,0 24,0 20 60 92 350 3311016000
19,0 27,4 20 60 100 482 3311019000
25,0 33,4 20 50 116 539 3311025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3312 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 3312 - ISO 1403: 1995

Grey, s mooth, fl exi bl e uni vers a l hos e. Type nr. 3312
For col d or hot wa ter, compres s ed a i r a nd ma ny Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
chemi ca l s (a ci ds excepted). Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Res i s ta nt to a ceta tes a nd ketones . Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Inside: EPDM
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Es ter
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Grey
Standards: ISO 1403: 1995
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 13,1 10 40 40 143 3312006000
7,9 14,7 10 40 44 171 3312008000
9,5 16,3 10 40 50 197 3312010000
12,7 19,9 10 40 60 261 3312013000
15,9 23,1 10 40 70 314 3312016000
19,1 27,1 10 40 80 412 3312019000
25,4 33,6 9 33 110 525 3312025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3320 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 3320 - EN ISO 8031: 1997

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e uni vers a l hos e for a i r a nd wa ter. Type nr. 3320
GAS Ava i l a bl e wi th ei ther bl ue or red s tri pes . El ectri ca l l y Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
conducti ve l i ner prevent the bui l d-up of s ta ti c Standard Length: 50 metres
el ectri ci ty; R < 106 Ω i n a ccorda nce wi th EN ISO 8031: Working Temperature: -40°C to 95°C
1997. Inside: EPDM
Hi gh-qua l i ty EPDM i ns i de a nd outs i de ens ures good Colour: Bl a ck
OIL wea ther a nd ozone res i s ta nce i n a ny envi ronment. Reinforcement: PVA
For us e i n i ndus tri a l a ppl i ca ti ons for col d a nd hot Outside: EPDM
wa ter, compres s ed a i r a nd chemi ca l s (a ci ds Colour: Bl a ck
excepted). Res i s ta nt to a ceta tes a nd ketones . Standards: EN ISO 8031: 1997
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
INDEX (mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,0 13,0 20 60 40 150 3320006000
8,0 15,0 20 60 50 180 3320008000
10,0 17,0 20 60 60 210 3320010000
13,0 21,0 20 60 80 300 3320013000
16,0 24,0 20 60 100 350 3320016000
19,0 28,0 20 60 115 470 3320019000
25,0 35,0 20 60 150 670 3320025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3321 Air / Water Hose








FOOD Codan 3321 - EN ISO 2398:2008 1A

Bl a ck fl exi bi l e a i r/wa ter hos e for i ndus tri a l us e, e.g. Type nr. 3321
GAS i n the bui l di ng a nd cons tructi on, s hi pbui l di ng a nd Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
mi ni ng s ectors . Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Sui ta bl e for oi l -l a den a i r. The l i ner a nd cover i s Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
coa ted wi th conducti ve EPDM, gi vi ng the hos e Inside: EPDM
excel l ent a nti s ta ti c properti es a ccordi ng to EN ISO Colour: Bl a ck
OIL 8031: 1997 Reinforcement: Texti l e s pri a l cons tructi on
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: EN ISO 2398:2008 1A
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 12,7 20 60 50 120 3321060000
8,0 14,4 20 60 60 160 3321080000
10,0 17,0 20 60 80 210 3321100000
13,0 22,0 20 60 100 340 3321130000
16,0 25,0 20 60 120 390 3321160000
19,0 29,0 20 60 135 510 3321190000
25,0 35,0 20 60 165 680 3321250000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021
CONTENT Codan 4826 Air / Water Hose







FOOD Codan 4826 -

AISI304 Sta i nl es s Steel bra i ded, fl exi bl e s i l i cone Type nr. 4826
hos e ma de i n hea t res i s ta nt ma teri a l . Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
Common a ppl ca ti ons : Commerci a l vehi cl e hea ti ng Standard Length: 25 metres
HYDRAULIC a nd cool i ng. Hi gh tempera ture a i r a nd wa ter Working Temperature: -40°C to 170°C
a ppl i ca ti ons i n genera l Cool i ng s ys tems i n Inside: Si l i cone
genera tors a nd fi xed engi nes . As k Coda n for further Colour: Tra ns pa rent
OIL i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: Sta i nl es s s teel bra i ded - bl ue ri bbon
OIL COOLING Colour: Grey
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
9,5 14,0 25 75 20 170 4826010000
13,0 17,5 25 75 38 290 4826013000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021
CONTENT Codan 4827 Air / Water Hose







FOOD Codan 4827 -

AISI304 Sta i nl es s Steel bra i ded, fl exi bl e s i l i cone Type nr. 4827
hos e ma de i n hea t res i s ta nt ma teri a l . Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
Common a ppl ca ti ons : Commerci a l vehi cl e hea ti ng Standard Length: 25 metres
HYDRAULIC a nd cool i ng. Hi gh tempera ture a i r a nd wa ter Working Temperature: -40°C to 170°C
a ppl i ca ti ons i n genera l Cool i ng s ys tems i n Inside: Si l i cone
genera tors a nd fi xed engi nes . As k Coda n for further Colour: Tra ns pa rent
OIL i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: Sta i nl es s s teel bra i ded
OIL COOLING Colour: Grey
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
9,5 14,0 25 75 20 140 4827010000
13,0 17,5 25 75 38 290 4827013000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021
CONTENT Codan 4830 Air / Water Hose







FOOD Codan 4830 -

AISI304 Sta i nl es s Steel bra i ded, fl exi bl e s i l i cone Type nr. 4830
hos e ma de i n hea t res i s ta nt ma teri a l . Application: Ai r / Wa ter Hos e
Common a ppl ca ti ons : Commerci a l vehi cl e hea ti ng Standard Length: 25 metres
HYDRAULIC a nd cool i ng. Hi gh tempera ture a i r a nd wa ter Working Temperature: -40°C to 170°C
a ppl i ca ti ons i n genera l Cool i ng s ys tems i n Inside: Si l i cone
genera tors a nd fi xed engi nes . As k Coda n for further Colour: Tra ns pa rent
OIL i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: Sta i nl es s s teel bra i ded - red ri bbon
OIL COOLING Colour: Grey
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
9,5 14,0 25 75 20 140 4830010000
13,0 17,5 25 75 38 280 4830013000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021



















This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 5034 Air conditioning








FOOD Codan 5034 - SAE J 2064 A :1993

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e hi gh-qua l i ty hos e wi th excepti ona l Type nr. 5034
i nner l i ner of CIIR rubber whi ch prevents Freon Application: Ai r condi ti oni ng
R134a from permea ti ng the hos e. For us e i n mobi l e Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC a nd s ta ti ona ry refri gera ti on s ys tems i n whi ch R134a Working Temperature: -30°C to 120°C
i s us ed. Inside: CIIR
Purpos e-a pproved, cri mped-on fi tti ngs a re Colour: Bl a ck
OIL recommended. Reinforcement: PVA
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: SAE J 2064 A :1993
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
8,0 18,4 24 137 70 325 5034008000
10,5 22,4 24 137 90 440 5034010000
13,0 24,8 24 137 100 515 5034013000
16,0 27,8 24 137 110 600 5034016000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 5035 Air conditioning








FOOD Codan 5035 - SAE J 2064-C :1993

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e hi gh-qua l i ty hos e wi th l ow Type nr. 5035
permea ti on, exceedi ng the i ndus try s ta nda rd of Application: Ai r condi ti oni ng
+80C-5kg/m 2/yea r. Thi s i s due to a thi n l a yer of PA Standard Length: 50 metres
bui l d i n the hos e. i ns i de a hi gh qua l i ty EPDM. Working Temperature: -40°C to 125°C
For us e i n mobi l e a nd s ta ti ona ry refri gera ti on Inside: EPDM
s ys tems i n whi ch ONLY R134a i s us ed. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Purpos e-a pproved, cri mped-on or reus a bl e fi tti ngs Reinforcement: PVA/PET-EPDM-PA
a re recommended. Al s o a va l i a bl e i n reduced Outside: EPDM
di mens i ons s ee type nr. 5038. Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n Colour: Bl a ck
for further i nforma ti on. Standards: SAE J 2064-C :1993
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
7,9 18,3 37 180 55 0 5035008000
10,3 22,4 37 180 65 0 5035010000
12,7 24,6 37 180 75 0 5035013000
15,9 27,7 20 180 90 0 5035016000
22,2 33,3 20 180 135 0 5035022000
28,5 39,7 20 180 180 0 5035028000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 5036 Air conditioning








FOOD Codan 5036 - SAE J 2064-E:2011

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e hi gh-qua l i ty s mooth cover hos e wi th Type nr. 5036
l ow permea ti on, exceedi ng the i ndus try s ta nda rd Application: Ai r condi ti oni ng
for us e wi th R134a /R1234yf, +80�: Ma x.3kg/m 2/yea r. Standard Length: 50 metres
The i ns i de tube i s ma de wi th hi gh qua l i ty PA l i ner. Working Temperature: -40°C to 140°C
Tes ted i n: PAG(SP10, SP-A2, ND12) Inside: PA
For us e i n mobi l e a nd s ta ti ona ry refri gera ti on Colour: Bl a ck
OIL s ys tems i n whi ch R134a a nd YF1234 i s us ed. Reinforcement: PET
Meets : SAEJ3062 E, VW TL82316 Outside: EPDM
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: SAE J 2064-E:2011
Std. branding: Coda n 5036 SAE J2064-E:2011 di m.


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
8,0 14,5 35 180 55 133 5036008000
10,5 16,5 35 180 65 142 5036010000
16,1 23,5 15 120 85 262 5036016000
18,0 25,5 15 120 95 298 5036018000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 5038 Air conditioning








FOOD Codan 5038 - SAE J 2064-C:2011

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e hi gh-qua l i ty s mooth cover hos e wi th Type nr. 5038
l ow permea ti on, exceedi ng the i ndus try s ta nda rd Application: Ai r condi ti oni ng
for us e wi th R134a /R1234yf, +80�: Ma x.3kg/m 2/yea r. Standard Length: 50 metres
The i ns i de tube i s ma de wi th hi gh qua l i ty IIR. Working Temperature: -40°C to 125°C
Tes ted i n: PAG(SP10, SP-A2, ND12) Inside: ��Peroxi de IIR/PA
For us e i n mobi l e a nd s ta ti ona ry refri gera ti on Colour: Bl a ck
OIL s ys tems i n whi ch R134a a nd YF1234 i s us ed. Reinforcement: PET
Meets : SAEJ3062 C, ESDS7H-19B591_AA_rev_J, Outside: EPDM
GMW14319 Colour: Bl a ck
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Standards: SAE J 2064-C:2011
Std. branding: Coda n 5036 SAE J2064-E:2011 di m.


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
8,2 14,8 35 180 55 140 5038008000
10,8 17,3 35 180 65 162 5038010000
16,1 23,6 15 120 90 269 5038016000
19,4 27,4 15 120 130 344 5038019000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT 16150282








GAS 4025









This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 16150282 Brake Hose








FOOD Codan 16150282 - DOT 4 - Costumer spec.

Coda n Low Pres s ure bra ke hos e for tra ns fer of bra ke Type nr. 16150282
fl ui ds . Approved for DOT 4. Hi gh qua l i ty EPDM i ns i de Application: Bra ke Hos e
a nd outs i de a dds l ong l i fe ti me a nd good Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC res i s ta nce to bra ke fl ui ds . Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Inside: EPDM
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: PVA
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: DOT 4 - Cos tumer s pec.
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,0 12,0 5 20 90 - 161502826
8,0 14,0 5 20 100 - 161502828

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 4002 Brake Hose








FOOD Codan 4002 - SAE J 1402 A / BSAU 110 A

Bl a ck, s mooth, fl exi bl e hos e wi th outer a nd i nner Type nr. 4002
s urfa ces of oi l -res i s ta nt rubber. Al s o wea ther a nd Application: Compres s ed Ai r - Vehi cl es
ozone-res i s ta nt. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Ma i nl y for us e a s fl exi bl e connecti on between Working Temperature: -40°C to 93°C
l orri es a nd tra i l ers , but a l s o s ui ta bl e el s ewhere on Inside: CR
hea vy goods vehi cl es . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng s peci a l l y des i gned cl a w Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
coupl i ngs . Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: SAE J 1402 A / BSAU 110 A
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
9,5 19,1 14 63 90 310 4002010000
11,0 21,0 14 63 120 340 4002011000
12,7 22,1 14 63 125 370 4002013000
14,5 24,1 14 63 130 410 4002014000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 4004 Brake Hose








FOOD Codan 4004 - SAE J 1402 A: 1985 / FMVSS 106

Bl a ck, s mooth, fl exi bl e hos e wi th outer a nd i nner Type nr. 4004
s urfa ces of oi l -res i s ta nt rubber. Al s o wea ther a nd Application: Compres s ed Ai r - Vehi cl es
ozone-res i s ta nt. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Ma i nl y for us e a s fl exi bl e connecti on between Working Temperature: -40°C to 93°C
l orri es a nd tra i l ers , but a l s o s ui ta bl e el s ewhere on Inside: NBR
hea vy goods vehi cl es . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng s peci a l l y des i gned Reinforcement: PET
coupl i ngs . Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: SAE J 1402 A: 1985 / FMVSS 106
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,8 13,4 10 62 70 172 4004005000
6,3 15,9 10 62 80 233 4004006000
7,9 17,5 10 62 90 266 4004008000
9,5 19,1 10 62 90 300 4004010000
11,1 20,7 10 62 115 333 4004011000
12,7 22,2 10 62 124 362 4004013000
15,9 27,0 10 62 140 522 4004016000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 4006 Brake Hose








FOOD Codan 4006 - DIN 74310: 1976

Bl a ck, s mooth, fl exi bl e hos e wi th outer a nd i nner Type nr. 4006
s urfa ces of oi l -res i s ta nt rubber. Al s o wea ther a nd Application: Compres s ed Ai r - Vehi cl es
ozone-res i s ta nt. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Ma i nl y for us e a s fl exi bl e connecti on between Working Temperature: -40°C to 70°C
l orri es a nd tra i l ers , but a l s o s ui ta bl e el s ewhere on Inside: EPDM
hea vy goods vehi cl es . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng s peci a l l y des i gned cl a w Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
coupl i ngs . Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: DIN 74310: 1976
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
5,0 12,0 10 25 50 134 4006005000
7,0 14,0 10 25 55 166 4006007000
9,0 16,0 10 25 65 198 4006009000
11,0 18,2 10 50 70 224 4006011000
13,0 25,0 10 50 100 468 4006013000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 4025 Brake Hose








FOOD Codan 4025 - UIC 830.1

Bl a ck, wra pped hos e wi th i nnerl a yer ma de s peci a l Type nr. 4025
for a i r wi th oi l moi s ture. Wea ther a nd ozone- Application: Compres s ed Ai r - Ra i l wa y
res i s ta nt cover. Hos e for us e i n a i r bra ke s ys tems on Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC tri a ns . Compl i es UIC 830.1. Working Temperature: -30°C to 70°C
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng s peci a l l y des i gned cl a w Inside: NR
coupl i ngs . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: Hi gh Tens i l e Syntheti cTexti l e Ya rns
Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: UIC 830.1
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
12,0 26,0 10 70 0 600 4025012000
16,0 30,0 10 70 0 750 4025016000
19,0 33,0 10 70 0 850 4025019000
22,0 36,0 10 70 0 1.000 4025022000
28,0 47,0 10 70 0 1.250 4025028000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 4205 Brake Hose








FOOD Codan 4205 - SAE J 1403

Hos e to tra ns mi t ma ni fol d va cuum i n a utomoti ve Type nr. 4205
a ppl i ca ti ons . Res i s ta nt to oi l , petrol , hea t a nd Application: Va cuum Bra ke Hos e - Vehi cl es
wea ther. 80% Va cuum. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Working Temperature: -40°C to 125°C
Inside: CR
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Hi gh Strength Ra yon Rei nforcement
Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: SAE J 1403
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
9,5 17,5 10 40 30 252 4205010000
12,7 20,0 10 40 40 299 4205013000
15,9 23,9 10 40 60 350 4205016000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT 8002 8519


8003 8520


BUNKER 8004 8522


8006 8525


GAS 8007 8530


8008 8540


8502 Corrugated breathing hose








This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8002 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8002 - EN ISO 5359

Whi te PVC hos e ma de for medi ca l ga s es . Norma l l y Type nr. 8002
i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps on s ta i nl es s or bra s s Application: Brea thi ng Hos e
fi tti ngs . Standard Length: 30 metres
HYDRAULIC Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Si zes Working Temperature: -10°C to 60°C
a cc. to ISO 1307. Inside: PVC
Colour: Tra ns pa rent
OIL Reinforcement: PES
Outside: PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Whi te
Standards: EN ISO 5359
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 12,4 10 45 40 130 8002006

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8003 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8003 - EN ISO 5359

Bl ue PVC hos e ma de for medi ca l ga s es . Norma l l y Type nr. 8003
i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps on s ta i nl es s or bra s s Application: Ana es theti cs
fi tti ngs . Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further Standard Length: 30/20 metres
HYDRAULIC i nforma ti on. Si zes a cc. to ISO 1307. Working Temperature: -10°C to 60°C
Inside: PVC
Colour: Cl ea r
OIL Reinforcement: PES
Outside: PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl ue
Standards: EN ISO 5359
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 12,4 10 45 40 130 8003006

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8004 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8004 - EN ISO 5359

Red PVC hos e ma de for medi ca l ga s es . Norma l l y Type nr. 8004
i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps on s ta i nl es s or bra s s Application: Brea thi ng Hos e
fi tti ngs . Standard Length: 30 metres
HYDRAULIC Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Si zes Working Temperature: -10°C to 60°C
a cc. to ISO 1307. Inside: PVC
Colour: Tra ns pa rent
OIL Reinforcement: PES
Outside: PVC
Standards: EN ISO 5359
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 12,4 10 45 40 130 8004006

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8006 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8006 - EN ISO 5359

Grey PVC hos e ma de for medi ca l ga s es . Norma l l y Type nr. 8006
i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps on s ta i nl es s or bra s s Application: Brea thi ng Hos e
fi tti ngs . Standard Length: 30 metres
HYDRAULIC Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Si zes Working Temperature: -10°C to 60°C
a cc. to ISO 1307. Inside: PVC
Colour: Tra ns pa rent
OIL Reinforcement: PES
Outside: PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Grey
Standards: EN ISO 5359
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 12,4 10 45 40 130 8006006

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8007 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8007 - EN ISO 5359

Yel l ow PVC hos e ma de for medi ca l ga s es . Norma l l y Type nr. 8007
i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps on s ta i nl es s or bra s s Application: Ana es theti cs
fi tti ngs . Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC i nforma ti on. Si zes a cc. to ISO 1307. Working Temperature: -10°C to 60°C
Inside: PVC
Colour: Cl ea r
OIL Reinforcement: PES
Outside: PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Yel l ow
Standards: EN ISO 5359
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 12,4 10 45 40 130 800700600

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8008 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8008 - EN ISO 5359

Green PVC hos e ma de for medi ca l ga s es . Norma l l y Type nr. 8008
i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps on s ta i nl es s or bra s s Application: Ana es theti cs
fi tti ngs . Standard Length: 30/20 metres
HYDRAULIC Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Working Temperature: -10°C to 60°C
Si zes a cc. to ISO 1307. Inside: PVC
Colour: Cl ea r
OIL Reinforcement: PES
Outside: PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Green
Standards: EN ISO 5359
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 12,4 10 45 40 130 800800600

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8502 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8502 - EN 739: 1998

Bl a ck PVC pres s ure s uppl y hos e for medi ca l ga s es . Type nr. 8502
Ma i nl y for us e i n a na es theti cs a s fl exi bl e Application: Ana es theti cs
connecti on between a na es theti c equi pment a nd Standard Length: 30 metres
HYDRAULIC wa l l s uppl y poi nts . Working Temperature: -10°C to 60°C
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps on s ta i nl es s Inside: PVC
or bra s s fi tti ngs . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: PES
Outside: PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: EN 739: 1998
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,4 13,4 10 45 40 130 8502006000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8503 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8503 - EN 739: 1998

Bl ue PVC pres s ure s uppl y hos e for medi ca l ga s es . Type nr. 8503
Ma i nl y for us e i n a na es theti cs a s fl exi bl e Application: Ana es theti cs
connecti on between a na es theti c equi pment a nd Standard Length: 30 metres
HYDRAULIC wa l l s uppl y poi nts . Working Temperature: -10°C to 60°C
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps on s ta i nl es s Inside: PVC
or bra s s fi tti ngs . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: PES
Outside: PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl ue
Standards: EN 739: 1998
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,4 13,4 10 45 40 130 8503006000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8504 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8504 - EN 739: 1998

Yel l ow PVC pres s ure s uppl y hos e for medi ca l ga s es . Type nr. 8504
Ma i nl y for us e i n a na es theti cs a s fl exi bl e Application: Ana es theti cs
connecti on between a na es theti c equi pment a nd Standard Length: 30 metres
HYDRAULIC wa l l s uppl y poi nts . Working Temperature: -10°C to 60°C
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps on s ta i nl es s Inside: PVC
or bra s s fi tti ngs . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: PES
Outside: PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Yel l ow
Standards: EN 739: 1998
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,4 13,4 10 45 40 130 8504006000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8505 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8505 - EN 739: 1998

Whi te PVC pres s ure s uppl y hos e for medi ca l ga s es . Type nr. 8505
Ma i nl y for us e i n a na es theti cs a s fl exi bl e Application: Ana es theti cs
connecti on between a na es theti c equi pment a nd Standard Length: 30 metres
HYDRAULIC wa l l s uppl y poi nts . Working Temperature: -10°C to 60°C
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps on s ta i nl es s Inside: PVC
or bra s s fi tti ngs . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: PES
Outside: PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Whi te
Standards: EN 739: 1998
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,4 13,4 10 45 40 130 8505006000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8512 Breathing Hose








Codan 8512 - EN 250:2014
FUEL Bl a ck s mooth cover. Medi um pres s ure hos e for Type nr. 8512
res pi ra tory equi pment. Fl a me, hea t a nd ki nk Application: Brea thi ng Hos e
res i s ta nt. Anti s ta ti c properti es . Fi tti ngs norma l l y Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC a tta ched us i ng a cri mp ferrul e. Pl ea s e conta ct Working Temperature: -50°C to 120°C
Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Inside: Brea th qua l i ty NBR
Reinforcement: PVA
Outside: Hea t, Oi l , Anti s ta ti c CR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: EN 250:2014
POWERSTEERING Std. branding: Coda n 8512 Brea thi ng hos e WP 30 ba r


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,4 12,7 30 120 63 134 851200600
7,9 14,3 30 120 75 158 851200800

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8516 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8516 - EN 14593 / EN 14594:2018

Fl exi bl e, bl a ck a nti s ta ti c hos e wi th one l a mi na ted Type nr. 8516
green s tri pe i n a ccorda nce wi th Application: Brea thi ng Hos e
EN 14593/EN 14594. Ava i l a bl e i n other col ours to Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC order. For ca rryi ng brea thi ng a i r a t hi gh pres s ure Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
from compres s or to fi l ter. Good ozone res i s ta nce Inside: NBR
a nd externa l res i s ta nce to s evera l chemi ca l s . Idea l Colour: Bl a ck
OIL for us e when cl ea ni ng ta nks , etc. or where the outer Reinforcement: PVA
s urfa ce of the hos e i s expos ed to a dvers e Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING condi ti ons . Ins ta l l ed us i ng bra s s or s ta i nl es s Colour: Bl a ck
cri mped-on fi tti ngs . Choi ce of connector s houl d be Standards: EN 14593 / EN 14594:2018
cons i dered ca reful l y. Al s o a ccordi ng to EN 139: 1994. Std. branding: -
PVC Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on.



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 15,3 10 60 62 192 8516006000
7,0 16,4 10 60 66 217 8516007000
9,5 19,5 10 60 78 286 8516010000
12,7 22,7 10 60 104 381 8516013000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8518 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8518 - EN 14593 / EN 14594 2018

Fl exi bl e, bl a ck a nti s ta ti c hos e wi th one l a mi na ted Type nr. 8518
bl ue s tri pe i n a ccorda nce wi th EN 14593/EN 14594. Application: Brea thi ng Hos e
Ava i l a bl e i n other col ours to order. For ca rryi ng Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC brea thi ng a i r a t hi gh pres s ure from compres s or to Working Temperature: -30°C to 120°C
fi l ter. Good ozone res i s ta nce a nd externa l Inside: EPDM
res i s ta nce to s evera l chemi ca l s . Idea l for us e when Colour: Bl a ck
OIL cl ea ni ng ta nks , etc. or where the outer s urfa ce of Reinforcement: PVA
the hos e i s expos ed to a dvers e condi ti ons . Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Ins ta l l ed us i ng bra s s or s ta i nl es s cri mped-on Colour: Bl a ck
fi tti ngs . Choi ce of connector s houl d be cons i dered Standards: EN 14593 / EN 14594 2018
ca reful l y. Std. branding: -
PVC Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on.



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
9,5 19,5 10 60 78 286 851801000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8519 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8519 - To Customer Spec.

New, i mproved, bl a ck, fl exi bl e l i ghtwei ght hos e. Type nr. 8519
Inner l i ner wi th va ni l l a a roma (a va i l a bl e wi thout Application: Compres s ed Ai r
va ni l l a to order). For us e a s a fl exi bl e a i r hos e on Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC pres s ure cyl i nders , e.g. for fi re bri ga de s moke Working Temperature: -40°C to 70°C
hel mets . Inside: NBR
Conforms to DIN 58648: 1989 concerni ng l i ghtwei ght Colour: Bl a ck
OIL hos es . Reinforcement: PVA
Cri mped-on fi tti ngs mus t a l wa ys be us ed (wi thout Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING cri mped-on fi tti ngs , the requi rements of EN 139 Colour: Bl a ck
a ppl y). Standards: To Cus tomer Spec.
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
7,0 13,9 18 100 55 171 8519070000
7,4 14,6 18 100 60 172 8519074000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8520 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8520 - EN ISO 5359

Medi ca l brea thi ng oxygen Type nr. 8520
Application: Ana es theti cs
Standard Length: - metres
HYDRAULIC Working Temperature: -10°C to 60°C
Inside: PVC
Colour: -
OIL Reinforcement: PES
Outside: PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Whi te
Standards: EN ISO 5359
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,0 11,0 10 40 0 0 8520006000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8522 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8522 - -

Bl a ck a nti s ta ti c hos e for a na es theti cs us e wi th Type nr. 8522
fa i ntl y vi s i bl e cord pa ttern. Application: Ana es theti cs
Both i nner a nd outer compound i s pres cri bed a nd Standard Length: - metres
HYDRAULIC confi rmed by Drä ger. Working Temperature: -30°C to 60°C
Inside: Anti s ta ti c CR
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: PVA
Outside: Anti s ta ti c CR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 12,7 20 88 50 130 8522063
6,8 12,7 20 88 50 124 8522068000
7,0 14,0 20 88 50 157 8522007000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8525 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8525 - EN ISO 5359 / EN739

Whi te PVC a nti s ta ti c pres s ure s uppl y hos e for Type nr. 8525
medi ca l ga s es . Ma i nl y for us e a s fl exi bl e Application: Ana es theti cs
connecti on between equi pment a nd wa l l s uppl y Standard Length: 20/50/100 metres
HYDRAULIC poi nts . DEHP Free. Bra i ded hos e rei nforced wi th Working Temperature: -10°C to 40°C
pol yes ter ya rns . Inner l a yer wi th s emi -conducti ve Inside: Semi -Conducti ve compound
compound, vol umetri c res i s ti vi ty <10^ Excel ent Colour: Bl a ck
OIL res i s ta nce to s ta ti c el ectri ci ty. Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
for further i nforma ti on. Outside: TPE Compound free of Phta l a tes
OIL COOLING Colour: Whi te wi th bl a ck s tri pes
Standards: EN ISO 5359 / EN739
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,7 12,7 20 60 40 120 8525006000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8530 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8530 - EN 14593-1 / EN 14593-2 / EN 14594 (EN 139:1994)

Fl exi bl e, bl a ck a nti s ta ti c hos e for us e wi th Type nr. 8530
brea thi ng a i r fl ow di s tri buti on pa nel where l a rger Application: Brea thi ng Hos e
i ns i de di mens i on hos e ca n del i ver hi gher vol ume of Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC a i r from a di s ta nt s ource. Indi vi dua l us er hos es a re Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
then connected to the fl ow di s tri buti on pa nel . The Inside: NBR
hos e cover i s oi l a nd keros ene res i s ta nt a nd both Colour: Bl a ck
OIL l i ni ng a nd cover a re ma de us i ng Anti -s ta ti c rubber Reinforcement: PVA
compounds . Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING The hos e ca n a l s o be us ed a s a genera l purpos e Colour: Bl a ck
compres s ed a i r del i very hos e s ui ta bl e i n Standards: EN 14593-1 / EN 14593-2 / EN 14594 (EN
envi ronments conta mi na ted by oi l s . 139:1994)
PVC Outer cover res i s ta nce to Di es el a nd Keros ene Std. branding: -
tes ted i n a ccorda nce ISO 1817 (BS903 A16). Ai r puri ty
STEAM tes t i n a ccorda nce wi th EN12021-1999.
Res i s ta nce to, el ectri ca l res i s ta nce, hea t a nd
fl a mma bi l i ty i n a ccorda nce wi th EN 14593 / EN 14594
INDEX (EN 139:1994).

Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
19,1 29,5 2 6 110 521 8530019000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8540 Breathing Hose








FOOD Codan 8540 - -

Bl a ck conducti ve EPDM. Suppl i ed wi th cuffs . Type nr. 8540
We s tock ma ny s i zes a nd l engths . Pl ea s e conta ct Application: Brea thi ng Hos e
Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Standard Length: - metres
HYDRAULIC Working Temperature: -°C to -°C
Inside: EPDM
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: -
Outside: -
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
30,0 33,0 - - - - 3006270440

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021
CONTENT Codan Corrugated breathing hose Breathing Hose







FOOD Codan Corrugated breathing hose - EN 12342:1998 + A1:2009 EU Dir 93/42/EEC

FUEL amended 2007/47/EC Class IIa SMD
GAS Bl a ck, fl exi bl e, a nti -s ta ti c (ISO 2878:2011), Type nr. Corruga ted brea thi ng hos e
corruga ted, l a tex free, brea thi ng tube. Application: Brea thi ng Hos e
For us e wi th res pi ra tory / di vi ng / s a fety brea thi ng Standard Length: Va ri ous metres
MATERIAL HANDLING a ppa ra tus , a na es thes i a ci rcui ts , medi ca l ga s Working Temperature: -30°C to 110°C
del i very. Inside: EPDM
OIL Sta nda rd ra nge s hown i ncl ude a fl a t 25mm cuff a t Colour: Bl a ck
ea ch end. Reinforcement: None
Thes e tubes ca n be ma de to cus tomer s peci fi c Outside: EPDM
POWERSTEERING di mens i ons on cuff s i ze, wa l l thi cknes s of rubber, Colour: Bl a ck
corruga ti on s i ze a nd l ength – a gui de from 9.5mm ID Standards: EN 12342:1998 + A1:2009 EU Di r 93/42/EEC
to 50mm ID 90mm l ong to 2000mm l ong. a mended 2007/47/EC Cl a s s IIa SMD
STEAM Std. branding: -
Tube corruga ti ons ca n be compres s ed duri ng
WELDING & GAS producti on to a dd grea ter fl exi bi l i ty a nd ki nk
res i s ta nce. Pl ea s e ca l l Coda n for deta i l s .

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021









GAS 2950










This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1905 Bunker Hose








FOOD Codan 1905 - -

Bl a ck, wra pped bunker hos e wi th two cha rge Type nr. 1905
el i mi na tor wi res to ens ure compl ete di s cha rge of Application: Loa di ng a nd Unl oa di ng
s ta ti c el ectri ci ty. Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC For us e i n the oi l i ndus try, e.g. a s unl oa di ng pi pe Working Temperature: -30°C to 70°C
from s hi p to qua y, or for tra ns porti ng mi nera l oi l , Inside: NBR
fuel , etc. on s hi ps . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Fi ts DIN cl a mps . Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Ma x. 50% a roma ti cs . Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
51,0 62,0 16 48 0 1.740 1905051000
76,0 90,4 16 48 0 2.250 1905076000
102,0 116,8 16 48 0 3.040 1905102000
127,0 142,2 16 48 0 3.830 1905127000
152,0 169,6 16 48 0 5.360 1905152000
203,0 224,2 16 48 0 8.450 1905203000
254,0 275,6 16 48 0 10.730 1905254000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2920 Bunker Hose








FOOD Codan 2920 - BS-1435

Hos e for l oa di ng a nd unl oa di ng dock a nd ba rge Type nr. 2920
opera ti ons wi th hydroca rbons wi th a roma ti c content Application: Loa di ng a nd Unl oa di ng
up to 50%. Ful l y i n a ccorda nce wi th BS-1435. Free Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC ends or wi th s teel fl a nges vul ca ni zed wi th the hos e. Working Temperature: -25°C to 85°C
Other di mens i ons , l engths or fea tures a va i l a bl e on Inside: SBR
reques t. We ma nufa cture a ny type of s peci a l hos es . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL 40 m coi l s up to 3" a nd 20 m coi l s a bove. "L10" Type. Reinforcement: Hi gh Tens i l e Strength Syntheti c Cord
Outside: SBR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: BS-1435
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
50,0 66,0 10 50 300 2.200 2920050000
63,0 80,0 10 50 400 3.000 2920063000
75,0 96,0 10 50 450 4.200 2920075000
102,0 124,0 10 50 600 5.500 2920102000
127,0 147,0 10 50 800 6.500 2920127000
152,0 174,0 10 50 900 7.600 2920152000
203,0 228,0 10 50 1.200 10.900 2920203000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2930 Bunker Hose








FOOD Codan 2930 - BS-1435

Hos e for l oa di ng a nd unl oa di ng dock a nd ba rge Type nr. 2930
opera ti ons wi th hydroca rbons wi th a roma ti c content Application: Loa di ng a nd Unl oa di ng
up to 50%. Ful l y i n a ccorda nce wi th BS-1435. Free Standard Length: 20 metres
HYDRAULIC ends or wi th s teel fl a nges vul ca ni zed wi th the hos e. Working Temperature: -25°C to 85°C
Other di mens i ons , l engths or fea tures a va i l a bl e on Inside: SBR
reques t. We ma nufa cture a ny type of s peci a l hos es . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL 40 m coi l s up to 3" a nd 20 m coi l s a bove. "S7" Type. Reinforcement: Hi gh Tens i l e Strength Syntheti c Cord.
Hel i x wi re a nd a nts ta ti c wi re
Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: BS-1435
PVC Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
102,0 129,0 7 35 560 6.300 2930102000
152,0 183,0 7 35 850 12.500 2930152000
203,0 249,0 7 35 1.200 19.800 2930203000
254,0 298,0 7 35 1.350 25.400 2930254000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2940 Bunker Hose








FOOD Codan 2940 - BS-1435

Hos e for l oa di ng a nd unl oa di ng dock a nd ba rge Type nr. 2940
opera ti ons wi th hydroca rbons wi th a roma ti c content Application: Loa di ng a nd Unl oa di ng
up to 50%. Ful l y i n a ccorda nce wi th BS-1435. Free Standard Length: 20 metres
HYDRAULIC ends or wi th s teel fl a nges vul ca ni zed wi th the hos e. Working Temperature: -25°C to 85°C
Other di mens i ons , l engths or fea tures a va i l a bl e on Inside: SBR
reques t. We ma nufa cture a ny type of s peci a l hos es . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL 40 m coi l s up to 3" a nd 20 m coi l s a bove. "S10" Type. Reinforcement: Hi gh Tens i l e Strength Syntheti c Cord.
Hel i x wi re a nd a nts ta ti c wi re
Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: BS-1435
PVC Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
102,0 132,0 10 50 650 7.600 2940102000
152,0 191,0 10 50 850 14.500 2940152000
203,0 249,0 10 50 1.200 22.800 2940203000
254,0 298,0 10 50 1.350 32.400 2940254000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2950 Bunker Hose








FOOD Codan 2950 - BS-1435

Hos e for l oa di ng a nd unl oa di ng dock a nd ba rge Type nr. 2950
opera ti ons wi th hydroca rbons wi th a roma ti c content Application: Loa di ng a nd Unl oa di ng
up to 50%. Ful l y i n a ccorda nce wi th BS-1435. Free Standard Length: 20 metres
HYDRAULIC ends or wi th s teel fl a nges vul ca ni zed wi th the hos e. Working Temperature: -25°C to 85°C
Other di mens i ons , l engths or fea tures a va i l a bl e on Inside: SBR
reques t. We ma nufa cture a ny type of s peci a l hos es . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL 40 m coi l s up to 3" a nd 20 m coi l s a bove. "S15" Type. Reinforcement: Hi gh Tens i l e Strength Syntheti c Cord.
Hel i x wi re a nd a nts ta ti c wi re
Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: BS-1435
PVC Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
102,0 132,0 15 75 650 7.600 2950102000
152,0 191,0 15 75 850 14.500 2950152000
203,0 249,0 15 75 1.200 22.800 2950203000
254,0 298,0 15 75 1.350 32.400 2950254000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021









GAS 2322










This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1316 Chemical Hose








FOOD Codan 1316 - EN 12115/99 - DIN 2823

Bl a ck, wra pped, fl exi bl e S&D hos e. For us e i n the Type nr. 1316
chemi ca l s i ndus try, e.g. a s fl exi bl e connecti on Application: Chemi ca l s , EPDM
between pi pel i nes a nd ta nks /ta nkers . Sui ta bl e for Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC a ci ds a nd other chemi ca l s . For ma xi mum s a fety, Working Temperature: -30°C to 90°C
pl ea s e cons ul t the chemi ca l res i s ta nce l i s t to check Inside: EPDM
the chemi ca l us ed. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng s ta i nl es s DIN cl a mps . Reinforcement: Pol yes ter w/doubl e s teel hel i x wi re
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. a nd a nti -s ta ti c wi re
Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: EN 12115/99 - DIN 2823
PVC Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
19,0 31,0 10 48 125 720 1316019000
25,0 37,0 10 48 150 900 1316025000
32,0 44,0 10 48 175 1.120 1316032000
38,0 51,0 10 48 225 1.350 1316038000
51,0 66,0 10 48 275 1.870 1316051000
63,0 79,0 10 48 210 2.160 1316063000
76,0 92,0 10 48 350 3.250 1316076000
102,0 102,0 10 48 450 4.950 1316102000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2300 Chemical Hose








FOOD Codan 2300 - EN12115 - DIN2823

Bl a ck, wra pped, fl exi bl e S/D hos e wi th doubl e s teel Type nr. 2300
wi re hel i x a nd i ntegra ted cha rge el i mi na tor copper Application: Chemi ca l s , UHMW-PE
wi re (mus t be a tta ched to fi tti ngs a t both ends ). For Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC us e i n the chemi ca l i ndus try, e.g. a s fl exi bl e Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
connecti on between pi pel i nes a nd ta nks /ta nkers Inside: UHMW-PE bl a ck
for va ri ous chemi ca l s . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL For ma xi mum s a fety, pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for Reinforcement: Pol yes ter w/ doubl e s teel hel i x a nd
chemi ca l res i s ta nce. a nti -s ta ti c wi re.
OIL COOLING Va cuum: 90%. Outside: EPDM
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng s ta i nl es s DIN cl a mps . Colour: Bl a ck wi th col our codi ng a cc to norm
Standards: EN12115 - DIN2823
PVC Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
19,0 0,0 10 48 125 690 2300019000
25,0 37,0 10 48 150 880 2300025000
32,0 44,0 10 48 200 1.140 2300032000
38,0 51,0 10 48 230 1.390 2300038000
51,0 65,0 10 48 300 2.000 2300051000
63,5 79,5 10 48 390 3.170 2300063000
76,0 92,0 10 48 450 3.170 2300076000
102,0 119,0 10 48 620 4.650 2300102000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2315 Chemical Hose








FOOD Codan 2315 -

Bl a ck, wra pped s ucti on a nd pres s ure hos e wi th Type nr. 2315
doubl e s teel hel i x a nd cha rge el i mi na tor wi re. Application: Chemi ca l s , EPDM
Note! The wi re mus t be connected to the fi tti ngs a t Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC both ends to ens ure compl ete el ectri ca l di s cha rge. Working Temperature: -30°C to 150°C
For us e i n i ndus tri a l a ppl i ca ti ons , e.g. a s fl exi bl e Inside: EPDM
connecti on between pi pel i nes a nd ta nks /ta nkers . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Sui ta bl e for a ci ds a nd other chemi ca l s . Reinforcement: Pol yes ter w/ doubl e s teel hel i x a nd
Va cuum: 90%. For ma xi mum s a fety, pl ea s e cons ul t a nti -s ta ti c wi re.
OIL COOLING the chemi ca l res i s ta nce l i s t. Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed Outside: EPDM
us i ng DIN cl a mps . Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further Colour: Bl a ck
i nforma ti on. Standards:
PVC Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
19,0 30,6 16 50 95 710 2315019000
25,0 37,8 16 50 125 1.060 2315025000
32,0 46,4 16 50 160 1.300 2315032000
35,0 49,0 16 50 175 1.340 2315035000
38,0 52,4 16 50 190 1.460 2315038000
51,0 65,4 16 50 250 1.950 2315051000
63,0 79,0 16 50 350 2.930 2315063000
76,0 93,2 16 50 450 3.480 2315076000
102,0 122,4 16 50 610 5.770 2315102000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2321 Chemical Hose








FOOD Codan 2321 - EN12115

Bl a ck, wra pped s ucti on a nd pres s ure hos e wi th Type nr. 2321
s teel wi re hel i x a nd cha rge el i mi na tor copper wi re. Application: Chemi ca l s , Vi ton
Note! The wi re mus t be connected to the fi tti ngs a t Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC both ends to ens ure compl ete el ectri ca l di s cha rge. Working Temperature: -20°C to 100°C
The i nner FKM(Vi ton) l a yer provi des the hos e wi th Inside: FKM
res i s ta nce to hot oi l s , petro-chemi ca l products Colour: Bl a ck
OIL conta i ni ng benzol a nd tol uol . For us e i n i ndus tri a l Reinforcement: Pol yes ter w/s teel wi re hel i x a nd a nti -
a ppl i ca ti ons , e.g. a s fl exi bl e connecti on between s ta ti c copper wi re.
OIL COOLING pi pel i nes a nd ta nks /ta nkers . Va cuum: 90%. Outside: CR
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng DIN cl a mps . Colour: Bl a ck
For ma xi mum s a fety, pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for Standards: EN12115
PVC chemi ca l res i s ta nce ques ti ons . Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
19,0 31,0 10 48 115 800 2321019000
25,0 38,0 10 48 190 1.010 2321025000
32,0 0,0 10 48 190 1.230 2321032000
38,0 52,0 10 48 230 1.690 2321038000
51,0 66,0 10 48 350 2.220 2321051000
65,0 81,5 10 48 450 3.210 2321063000
76,0 93,0 10 48 550 3.840 2321076000
102,0 120,0 10 48 850 5.420 2321102000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2322 Chemical Hose








FOOD Codan 2322 - -

Bl a ck, wra pped s ucti on a nd pres s ure hos e wi th Type nr. 2322
doubl e s teel hel i x a nd cha rge el i mi na tor wi re. Application: Chemi ca l s , Na tura l Rubber
Note! The wi re mus t be connected to the fi tti ngs a t Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC both ends to ens ure compl ete el ectri ca l di s cha rge. Working Temperature: -20°C to 80°C
For us e i n i ndus tri a l a ppl i ca ti ons , e.g. a s fl exi bl e Inside: NR
connecti on between pi pel i nes a nd ta nks /ta nkers . Colour: Bri ght
OIL Sui ta bl e for a ci ds a nd other chemi ca l s . Va cuum: Reinforcement: Pol yes ter w/ doubl e s teel hel i x a nd
90%. a nti -s ta ti c wi re.
OIL COOLING For ma xi mum s a fety, pl ea s e cons ul t the chemi ca l Outside: NR
res i s ta nce l i s t. Colour: Bl a ck
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng DIN cl a mps . Standards: -
PVC Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,0 39,0 10 40 125 1.050 2322025000
32,0 46,0 10 40 160 1.260 2322032000
38,0 52,5 10 40 190 1.430 2322038000
51,0 65,5 10 40 255 1.910 2322051000
63,0 78,5 10 40 350 2.690 2322063000
76,0 93,0 10 40 450 3.440 3222076000
89,0 106,0 10 40 535 3.970 2322089000
102,0 121,0 10 40 610 5.430 2322102000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2804 Chemical Hose








FOOD Codan 2804 -

Bl ue, s mooth, fl exi bl e, l i ghtwei ght pres s ure hos e Type nr. 2804
wi th el ectri ca l conducti ve of R<10_6 Ω/m. For us e i n Application: Chemi ca l Hos e
ca r pa i nt s hops , pa i nt ca bi ns , pa i nt guns etc. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Res i s ta nt to chemi ca l s a nd s ol vents . Si l i cone-free Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
s urfa ce ens ures probl em-free pa i nti ng. Abra s i on Inside: EPDM
a nd wea ther res i s ta nt cover. For ma xi mum s a fety, Colour: Bl a ck
OIL pl ea s e cons ul t the chemi ca l res i s ta nce l i s t. Reinforcement: Hi gh s trength s yntheti c texti l e ya rns
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng bra s s fi tti ngs . Pl ea s e Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING conta ct Coda n for futher i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl ue
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 12,3 20 60 63 146 2804063000
9,5 16,5 20 60 100 210 2804095000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 6001 Chemical Hose








FOOD Codan 6001 - -

Green, s mooth, fl exi bl e, l i ghtwei ght pres s ure hos e Type nr. 6001
wi th a nti -s ta ti c, cha rge-el i mi na ti ng i nner rubber Application: Pa i nt Spra y
l a yer. For us e i n ca r pa i nt s hops , pa i nt ca bi ns , pa i nt Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC guns , etc. Res i s ta nt to chemi ca l s a nd s ol vents . Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
Idea l for ni tro l a cquer. The hos e mus t be fl us hed Inside: EPDM
wi th s ol vent before us e. Si l i cone-free s urfa ce Colour: Bl a ck
OIL ens ures probl em-free pa i nti ng. For ma xi mum Reinforcement: PVA
s a fety, pl ea s e cons ul t the chemi ca l res i s ta nce l i s t. Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng bra s s fi tti ngs , a nd ei ther Colour: Green
hos e cl a mps or cri mped-on l ow-pres s ure fi tti ngs . Standards: -
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,0 12,4 20 60 40 127 6001006000
9,0 16,0 20 60 50 188 6001009000
11,0 18,0 20 60 55 218 6001011000
13,0 21,0 20 60 60 247 6001013000
16,0 24,0 20 60 75 342 6001016000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 6015 Chemical Hose








FOOD Codan 6015 - -

Bl ue, s mooth, hi gh-qua l i ty s pra y-pa i nt hos e wi th Type nr. 6015
excepti ona l l y s mooth pol ya mi de i nner l i ner. Application: Pa i nt Spra y
Res i s ta nt to oi l , benzene, chemi ca l s a nd a roma ti c Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC s ol vents . For us e i n the i ndus tri a l pa i nt s ector for Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
va ri ous purpos es . Si l i cone-free s urfa ce ens ures Inside: PA 66
probl em-free pa i nti ng. For ma xi mum s a fety, pl ea s e Colour: Bri ght
OIL cons ul t the chemi ca l res i s ta nce l i s t. Reinforcement: Ra yon
Ca re mus t be ta ken when fi tti ng connectors beca us e Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING of the i nner pol ya mi de l i ner. Colour: Bl ue
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
10,0 17,0 20 60 80 208 6015010000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 6016 Chemical Hose








FOOD Codan 6016 - BGR 132

Green, s mooth, hi gh-qua l i ty s pra y-pa i nt hos e wi th Type nr. 6016
s mooth pol ya mi de i nner l i ner. Res i s ta nt to oi l , Application: Pa i nt Spra y
benzene, chemi ca l s a nd a roma ti c s ol vents . For us e Standard Length: - metres
HYDRAULIC i n the i ndus tri a l pa i nt s ector for va ri ous purpos es . Working Temperature: -10°C to 60°C
Si l i cone-free s urfa ce ens ures probl em-free Inside: Pol ya mi d
pa i nti ng. For ma xi mum s a fety, pl ea s e cons ul t the Colour: Bl a ck
OIL chemi ca l res i s ta nce l i s t. Ca re mus t be ta ken when Reinforcement: Pol yes ter wi th a nti s ta ti c wi re
fi tti ng connectors beca us e of the i nner pol ya mi de Outside: PVC/NBR
OIL COOLING l i ner. Anti s ta ti c properti es a cc. BGR 132 through the Colour: Green
bui l d i n copper wi re. Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for Standards: BGR 132
further i nforma ti on. Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
8,0 14,0 20 60 35 135 6016008000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 6017 Chemical Hose








FOOD Codan 6017 - BGR 132

Bl a ck, s mooth, hi gh-qua l i ty s pra y-pa i nt hos e wi th Type nr. 6017
s mooth pol ya mi de i nner l i ner. Res i s ta nt to oi l , Application: Pa i nt Spra y
benzene, chemi ca l s a nd a roma ti c s ol vents . For us e Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC i n the i ndus tri a l pa i nt s ector for va ri ous purpos es . Working Temperature: -10°C to 60°C
Si l i cone-free s urfa ce ens ures probl em-free Inside: PA
pa i nti ng. For ma xi mum s a fety, pl ea s e cons ul t the Colour: Bl a ck
OIL chemi ca l res i s ta nce l i s t. Ca re mus t be ta ken when Reinforcement: Pol yes ter wi th a nti s ta ti c wi re
fi tti ng connectors beca us e of the i nner pol ya mi de Outside: PVC/NBR
OIL COOLING l i ner. Anti s ta ti c properti es a cc. BGR 132 through the Colour: Bl a ck wi th a whi te s tri pe
bui l d i n copper wi re. Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for Standards: BGR 132
further i nforma ti on. Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,0 12,0 20 60 25 120 6017006000
8,0 14,0 20 60 35 135 6017008000
10,0 17,0 20 60 60 170 6017010000
13,0 20,0 20 60 60 220 6017013000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 7301 Chemical Hose








FOOD Codan 7301 - EN/ISO 5771

Bl a ck, s mooth, fl exi bl e, hi gh-qua l i ty hos e wi th Type nr. 7301
i mpervi ous i nner CIIR l i ner whi ch ens ures tha t Application: Ammoni a
a mmoni a ca nnot permea te the hos e. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Ma i nl y for us e i n a gri cul ture a s fl exi bl e connecti on Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
for tra ns ferri ng a mmoni a from ta nker to ta nk. Al s o Inside: CIIR
s ui ta bl e for ma ny other purpos es tha nks to the Colour: Bl a ck
OIL i dea l i nner l i ner a nd hi gh pres s ure ra nge. Reinforcement: PVA
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: EN/ISO 5771
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 17,3 25 125 52 274 7301006000
12,7 23,7 25 125 71 413 7301013000
19,1 31,1 25 125 93 619 7301019000
25,4 37,4 25 125 112 763 7301025000
50,0 68,0 40 160 490 2.050 7301050000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021









GAS 4820









This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1206 Coolant Hose








FOOD Codan 1206 -

Cus tomer s peci fi ed Bl a ck Hos e, ma de s peci a l l y wi th Type nr. 1206
a cover for us e i n oi l /grea s y envi roments a round Application: Cool a nt / Anti -freeze / Gl ycol
moul di ng ma chi nes . The Li ner ens ures cool i ng of Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC the moul di ng ma chi ne. The hos e i s outs i de s mooth Working Temperature: -30°C to 120°C
ti l l /i ncl . 25mm a nd wra pped from 32mm a nd up- Inside: EPDM
Length from 32mm i s 40mtr. The i ndi ca ted bend Colour: Bl a ck
OIL ra di us i s a n es ti ma te, ca l cul a ted on va l ues for Reinforcement: PET
hos es wi thout s teel hel i x wi re. For further Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING i nforma ti on pl ea s e conta ct Coda n. Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
12,5 21,0 20 60 190 300 1206013000
19,0 28,0 20 60 220 470 1206019000
25,0 36,0 20 60 310 660 1206025000
32,0 43,0 12 36 390 920 1206032000
38,0 51,0 12 36 440 1.031 1206038000
50,0 65,0 10 30 500 1.960 1206050000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021
Codan 4219 Coolant Hose HOSES

Codan 4219
4219 Coolant
Coolant Hose




BUNKER Codan 4219 - SAE J20 R5

Bl a ck corruga ted hos e wi th cuffs both ends , Type nr. 4219
i ntended for a utomoti ve a nd i ndus tri a l Application: Cool a nt / Anti -freeze / Gl ycol
a ppl i ca ti ons
Codan 4219 . The -hos
es aJ20
re equi R5pped wi th a n Standard Length: - metres
FOOD i nterna l ga4219 l va ni zed SAE
s pri ngJ20
tha t R5
rei nforces the hos e Working Temperature: -25°C to 120°C
a nd ens ures s ta bi l i ty. The hi gh-qua l i ty product i s Inside: EPDM
FUEL Bl a ck corruga ted hos e wi th cuffs both ends , Type nr. 4219
Bl anufa
ma ck corruga
cturedted hosEPDM
from e wi th cuffs both aends
compounds nd , Type nr.Bl4219
Colour: a ck
i ntended for a utomoti ve a nd i ndus tri a l Application: Cool a nt / Anti -freeze / Gl ycol
nforcedfor to ameet
utomotia ndveexceed
a nd i ndus
SAE triJ20a lR5 Application:
a nt /hel
i x-freeze
wi re i ns/ iGl
GAS a ppl i ca ti ons . The hos es a re equi pped wi th a n Standard Length: - metres
ppl i ca ti ons
fi ca ti ons. The
. Thehoshos esesa re
a reequi
a vapped
i l a bl ewii nthmore
an StandardEPDM
Outside: Length: - metres
i nterna l ga l va ni zed s pri ng tha t rei nforces the hos e Working Temperature: -25°C to 120°C
n 40ldigafferent
l va ni zed s pri
s i zes ng thang
, coveri t rei
a nforces
wi de ra nge the hos
of e Working
Colour: BlTemperature:
a ck -25°C to 120°C
a nd ens ures s ta bi l i ty. The hi gh-qua l i ty product i s Inside: EPDM
nd ens
a ppl i ca tiures
ons .s ta bi l i ty. The hi gh-qua l i ty product i s Inside: EPDM
Standards: SAE J20 R5
MATERIAL HANDLING ma nufa ctured from EPDM compounds a nd Colour: Bl a ck
ma nufa ctured from EPDM compounds a nd Colour: Bl a ck -
Std. branding:
rei nforced to meet a nd exceed SAE J20 R5 Reinforcement: Steel hel i x wi re i ns i de
OIL rei nforced to meet a nd exceed SAE J20 R5 Reinforcement: Steel hel i x wi re i ns i de
s peci fi ca ti ons . The hos es a re a va i l a bl e i n more Outside: EPDM
s peci fi ca ti ons . The hos es a re a va i l a bl e i n more Outside: EPDM
tha n 40 di fferent s i zes , coveri ng a wi de ra nge of Colour: Bl a ck
OIL COOLING tha n 40 di fferent s i zes , coveri ng a wi de ra nge of Colour: Bl a ck
a ppl i ca ti ons . Standards: SAE J20 R5
a ppl i ca ti ons . Standards: SAE J20 R5
POWERSTEERING Std. branding: -
Std. branding: -
Ins i de Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
di a . (mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR Pres s ure BAR (mm) (g/m) code
STEAM 25,0 0,0 2 5 180 100 42190250180
WELDING & GAS 25,0 0,0 2 5 210 100 42190250210
25,0 i de Outs
0,0 i de Worki2 ng Burs
5 t Bend360 Ra di us Wei
100 ght 42190250360 Product
Ins i de Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
INDEX di a . (mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR Pres s ure BAR (mm) (g/m) code
di a25,0
. (mm) di a0,0
. (mm) Pres s 2 ure BAR Pres s 5
ure BAR (mm)
486 (g/m)
100 code
26,0 0,0
0,0 2
2 5
5 180
571 100
100 42190250180
25,0 180 42190250180
28,0 0,0
0,0 2
2 5
5 210
500 100
100 42190250210
25,0 210 42190250210
30,0 0,0
0,0 2
2 5
5 360
210 100
100 42190250360
25,0 360 42190250360
30,0 0,0
0,0 2
2 5
5 486
270 100
100 42190250486
25,0 486 42190250486
30,0 0,0
0,0 2
2 5
5 571
310 100
100 42190260571
26,0 571 42190260571
30,0 0,0
0,0 2
2 5
5 500
450 100
100 42190280500
28,0 500 42190280500
30,0 0,0
0,0 2
2 5
5 210
187 100
100 42190300210
210 42190300210
30,0 0,0
0,0 2
2 5
5 270
250 100
100 42190300270
270 42190300270
32,0 0,0
0,0 2
2 5
5 310
275 100
100 42190300310
30,0 310 42190300310
32,0 0,0
0,0 2
2 5
4 450
325 100
100 42190300450
30,0 5 450 42190300450
32,0 0,0
0,0 2
2 5
5 187
375 100
250 42190320187
30,0 187 100 42190320187
32,0 0,0
0,0 2
2 5
5 250
400 100
250 42190320250
30,0 250 100 42190320250
32,0 0,0
0,0 2
2 5
5 275
425 100
250 42190320275
275 100 42190320275
32,0 0,0
0,0 2
2 4
5 325
525 100
250 42190320325
4 325 100 42190320325
32,0 0,0
0,0 2
2 5
5 375
575 250
250 42190320375
375 42190320375
32,0 0,0
38,0 2
2 5
5 400
400 250
200 42190320400
0,0 250 42190320400
32,0 0,0
38,0 2
2 5
5 425
450 250
200 42190320425
0,0 425 250 42190320425
32,0 0,0
38,0 2
2 5
5 525
500 250
200 42190320525
0,0 525 250 42190320525
33,0 0,0
34,0 2
2 5
5 575
350 250
200 42190320575
32,0 0,0 575 250 42190320575
34,0 38,0
38,0 2
2 5
5 400
300 200
200 421932380400
32,0 400 421932380400 Cont’d
34,0 38,0
38,0 2
2 5
5 450
600 200
200 421932380450
32,0 450 421932380450
35,0 38,0
0,0 2
2 5
5 500
450 200
250 421932380500
32,0 38,0 500 200 421932380500
35,0 34,0
0,0 2
2 5
5 350
285 200
250 421933340350
33,0 34,0 350 200 421933340350
34,0 38,0 2 5 300 200 421934380300
34,0 38,0 2 5 300 200 421934380300
34,0 38,0 2 5 600 200 421934380600
34,0 38,0 2 5 600 200 421934380600
35,0 0,0 2
This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the 5 450 250 42190350250
The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
35,0 0,0 2
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with
5 450 250 42190350250
that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
35,0 0,0 2
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber 5 285 250 42190350250
Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
35,0 0,0 2
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any
5 285 250
with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

Codan 4219
4219 Coolant
Coolant Hose
38,0 0,0 2 5 146 250 42190380146 Cont’d
AIR CONDITION 38,0 0,0 2 5 190 250 42190380190
38,0 0,0 2 5 273 250 42190380273
38,0 0,0 2 5 311 268 42190380311
BREATHING 38,0 0,0 2 5 350 302 42190380350
BUNKER 38,0 0,0 2 5 400 325 42190380400
38,0 0,0 2 5 438 357 42190380438
40,0 0,0 2 5 350 100 42190400350
COOLANT 40,0 0,0 2 5 401 200 42190400401
Codan 4219 - SAE J20 R5
FOOD Codan
40,0 4219 - 0,0
SAE J20 R5 2 5 450 200 42190400450
40,0 44,0
Bl a ck corruga ted hos e wi th cuffs both ends , 2 5 Type nr. 4219 260 200 421940440260
i ntendeda ck40,0
corrugafor ated hos44,0
utomoti e ve
wi athnd cuffs
i ndusboth tri2aends
l , 5 Type nr. 4219
Application: Cool370 200/ Gl ycol
a nt / Anti -freeze 421940440370
ppl40,0 for .aThe
i ca ti ons utomoti
44,0es ve aarendequi
i nduspped tri2a lwi th a n 5 Application: Cool440
Standard Length: a- nt / Anti -freeze
metres 200/ Gl ycol
ppl i caltigaons . The hos
45,0 l va ni zed0,0
s pri a retha
t reipped
nforces 2
wi ththe a nhos e Standard Length: - metres
5 Working Temperature:
156 -25°C to 120°C
100 42190450156
HYDRAULIC ianterna
nd ensl ures ga l vasni
tazed s pri
bi l i ty. Theng hitha t rei nforces
gh-qua the hos
l i ty product is e Working Temperature: -25°C to 120°C
Inside: EPDM
a ndnufa 45,0
ures s ta bi l i0,0
ty. hi gh-qua l i 2tya nd
Thecompounds product i s 5 Inside: EPDM 211 100 42190450211
ma from EPDM Colour: Bl a ck
ma 45,0ctured
rei nforced from a0,0
to meet EPDM compounds
nd exceed SAE J202aR5 nd 5 Colour: Bl a ck 286
Reinforcement: Steel hel i x wi re300
i ns i de 42190450286
OIL srei nforced
peci 45,0 to meet
fi ca ti ons . The a0,0 nd es
hos exceed
a re aSAEva i l aJ20
bl2eR5i n more 5 Reinforcement:
Outside: EPDM 337 Steel hel i x wi re330
i ns i de 42190450337
peci fi caditifferent
40 ons . The hos, es
s i zes
0,0 a re ng
coveri a vaai lwia blde2e rai nnge
more of 5 Outside:
Colour: BlEPDM
a ck 371 200 42190450371
ca tidions
. s i zes , coveri ng a wi de ra nge of
0,0 2
Colour: Bl a ck
5 Standards: SAE J20420R5 200 42190450420
a ppl i ca ti ons . Standards: SAE- J20 R5
Std. branding:
POWERSTEERING 45,0 0,0 2 5 Std. branding: - 476 200 42190450476
PVC 45,0 0,0 2 5 597 615 42190450597
45,0 56,0 2 5 891 200 421945560891
50,0 0,0 2 5 576 300 42190500576
Ins i de 0,0
Outs i de 2
Worki ng 5
Burs t 609
Bend Ra di us 620
Wei ght 42190500609
diInsa50,0 i de
. (mm) diOuts
a57,0 i de
. (mm) Pres Workis 2ureng BAR PresBurss 5uretBAR Bend 310
(mm) Ra di us Wei200ght 421950570310
(g/m) Product
di a . (mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR Pres s ure BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,0 0,0
0,0 2 2 55 180
180 200
100 42190510180
51,0 0,0
0,0 222 5
55 180
311 100
316 42190250180
25,0 0,0 210 100 42190250210
51,0 0,0
0,0 2 2 55 210
359 100
200 42190250210
25,0 0,0 2 5 360 100 42190250360
56,0 0,0
0,0 222 5
55 360
221 100
200 42190250360
25,0 0,0 486 100 42190250486
57,0 0,0
0,0 2 2 55 486
269 100
168 42190250486
26,0 0,0 2 5 571 100 42190260571
57,0 0,0
0,0 222 5
55 571
320 100
200 42190260571
28,0 0,0 500 100 42190280500
57,0 0,0
0,0 2 2 55 500
355 100
400 42190280500
30,0 0,0 2 5 210 100 42190300210
57,0 0,0
0,0 222 5
55 210
431 100
450 42190300210
30,0 0,0 270 100 42190300270
57,0 0,0
0,0 2 2 55 270
560 100
500 42190300270
30,0 0,0 2 5 310 100 42190300310
63,0 0,0
0,0 2
22 5
55 310
482 100
600 42190300310
30,0 0,0 450 100 42190300450
30,0 0,0 2 5 450 100 42190300450
30,0 0,0 2 5 187 100 42190320187
30,0 0,0 2 5 187 100 42190320187
30,0 0,0 2 5 250 100 42190320250
30,0 0,0 2 5 250 100 42190320250
32,0 0,0 2 5 275 100 42190320275
32,0sheet has been prepared with0,0 great care in order to provide you with 2 5 vulcanised Rubber Products). The275 100will affect the42190320275
advice must be32,0 obtained from Codan Rubber 0,0 2all theorinformation 4ofplease 325 100
our written product42190320325
This hose specification you need. Written individual conditions of an application life time of each product. Therefore
before using any hose with untested media before using in applications not ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in information is complied with. Codan
32,0data sheet. Codan Rubber0,0
covered in the product recommends regular maintenance, care 2and inspection of hoses before use. 4Rubber’s warranty is void in the event325 100
of misuse such as excessive bending, 42190320325
crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
32,0if any physical damage is 0,0
Hoses should be replaced 2in the area around the couplings. All 5environments outside the hose specification.
seen, especially to the cover of the hose or 375 250 42190320375
products must be32,0 0,0
stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage 2 5Please contact Codan Rubber for 375
individual product manufacturing 250
tolerances. 42190320375
32,0 0,0 2 5 400 250 42190320400
32,0 0,0 2 5 400 250 42190320400
32,0 0,0 2 5 425 250 42190320425
32,0 0,0 2 5 425 250 42190320425
32,0 Codan Rubber 0,0 A/S Værkstedsvej 2 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark 5 Tel. +45 56 64 525 64 64 Fax +45 56250 64 65 48 42190320525
32,0 0,0
Mail: www.codan.com2 5 525 250 42190320525
32,0 0,0 2 5 575 250 42190320575
32,0 0,0 2 5 575 250 42190320575
32,0 38,0 2 5 400 200 421932380400
32,0 38,0 2 5 400 200 42193238040021/03/2019
32,0 38,0 2 5 450 200 421932380450
32,0 38,0 2 5 450 200 421932380450
32,0 38,0 2 5 500 200 421932380500
32,0 38,0 2 5 500 200 421932380500
33,0 34,0 2 5 350 200 421933340350
33,0 34,0 2 5 350 200 421933340350
34,0 38,0 2 5 300 200 421934380300
34,0 38,0 2 5 300 200 421934380300
34,0 38,0 2 5 600 200 421934380600
34,0 38,0 2 5 600 200 421934380600
35,0 0,0 2 5 450 250 42190350250
This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. 35,0
35,0 0,0 2 5 450 250 42190350250
Written advice must be obtained 0,0 from Codan Rubber before 2 using any hose with that5resistance to chemicals and cleaning 285 procedures in our 250 written product 42190350250
information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
35,0 0,0 2
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any
5 285
with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
250 42190350250
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 4801 Coolant Hose








FOOD Codan 4801 - SAE J 20 R3 EC (D-1)

Bl a ck, s mooth, fl exi bl e rubber hos e s peci a l l y Type nr. 4801
des i gned for refri gera nts . Application: Cool a nt / Anti -freeze / Gl ycol
For us e throughout i ndus try where engi ne cool i ng Standard Length: 25/50 metres
HYDRAULIC wi th cl os ed cool i ng s ys tems i s requi red. Working Temperature: -40°C to 125°C
Ca pa bl e of wi ths ta ndi ng hot oi l s pra y. Tes ted i n Inside: EPDM
a ccorda nce wi th SAE J1684 for el ectrochemi ca l Colour: Bl a ck
OIL res i s ta nce. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps . Pl ea s e Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: SAE J 20 R3 EC (D-1)
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 12,7 10 40 65 130 4801006000
7,9 15,0 10 40 70 165 4801008000
9,5 16,3 10 40 80 195 4801010000
12,7 19,5 10 40 88 249 4801013000
14,0 21,0 10 40 98 282 4801014000
15,0 21,8 10 40 105 289 4801015000
16,0 22,8 10 40 112 310 4801016000
19,1 26,3 10 40 133 387 4801019000
22,3 29,5 10 40 148 458 4801022000
25,4 32,6 10 40 170 518 4801025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021
Codan 4804 Coolant Hose
Codan 4804 Coolant Hose
CONTENT Codan 4804 Coolant Hose




Codan 4804 - DIN 73411/A 1&2:1996

Bl a ck, wra4804 pped cool - DIN
a nt hos 73411/A
e for cool a nt1&2:1996
a nd a nti - Type nr. 4804
freeze i n ca rs , bus es , l orri es , tra ctors , etc. (1102) Application: Cool a nt / Anti -freeze / Gl ycol
FOOD Codan
Bl l l y i4804
a ck, wra pped ed- us
ns ta l lcool DIN
a nt 73411/A
i nghos
hose efor mpsa.nt1&2:1996
cl acool a nd a nti - Standard Length: 1 metres
Type nr. 4804
Ava i l a bl
freeze i neca i nrsl ong
, busles
, l orrion
es ,reques
tra ctorst., etc. (1102) Working Temperature:
Application: -40°C-freeze
Cool a nt / Anti to 125°C
/ Gl ycol
Norma s ewra
a ck, l lconta
y ipped
ns tact lCoda
ed usan nt
ifor further
hos cl aicool
e efor nforma
mpsa.nt tiaon
nd aand
nti - Inside:
Type nr.EPDM
Standard Length: 1 metres
di mens
freeze i ineons
i l a bl ca . l ong
i nrs , busles
, l orrion
es ,reques
tra ctorst., etc. (1102) Colour: BlTemperature:
Working a ckCool a nt / Anti
Application: -40°C-freeze
to 125°C
/ Gl ycol
Pl ea s el lconta
Norma ct lCoda
y i ns ta n ifor
l ed us ng further
hos e cl ai nforma
mps . ti on a nd Reinforcement:
Standard Length:Pol
EPDM yes ter
1 metres
i l a bli ons
e i n. l ong l engths on reques t. Outside:BlEPDM
Working a ck
Temperature: -40°C to 125°C
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on a nd Colour: Bl a ck Pol yes ter
Inside: EPDM
di mens i ons . Standards:
Colour: DIN 73411/A 1&2:1996
a ck
Std. branding:
Colour: Bl a ck - Pol yes ter
Outside: EPDMDIN 73411/A 1&2:1996
OIL COOLING Std. branding:
Colour: Bl a ck -
Standards: DIN 73411/A 1&2:1996
Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Std.sbranding:
Burs t Pres ure -
Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
PVC (mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code

STEAM Ins13,0
i de di a . Outs
20,0i de Worki 5 ng Burs t 15
Pres s ure Bend200 Ra di us Wei
210ght 4804013000 Product
15,0 di a22,0
. (mm) Pres s ure5 BAR BAR
15 (mm)
205 (g/m)
290 code
i de di a . Outs
20,0 i de Worki 5 ng Burs t 15
Pres s ure Bend200 Ra di us Wei
210 ght 4804013000Product
16,0 23,0 210 300 4804016000
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
INDEX 15,0
18,0 22,0
24,0 5 15 205
215 290
350 4804015000
16,0 20,0
23,0 5
5 15
15 200
210 210
300 4804013000
19,0 25,0 220 600 4804019000
18,0 22,0
24,0 5
5 15
15 205
215 290
350 4804015000
22,0 30,0 260 490 4804122000
19,0 23,0
25,0 5
5 15
15 210
220 300
600 4804016000
25,0 32,0 300 650 4804025000
22,0 24,0
30,0 5
5 15
15 215
260 350
490 4804018000
28,0 36,0 330 610 4804128000
25,0 25,0
32,0 5
5 15
15 220
300 600
650 4804019000
30,0 38,0 350 670 4804130000
28,0 30,0
36,0 5
5 15
15 260
330 490
610 4804122000
32,0 40,0 370 710 4804032000
30,0 32,0
38,0 5
5 15
15 300
350 650
670 4804025000
35,0 43,0 400 850 4804135000
32,0 36,0
40,0 5
5 15
15 330
370 610
710 4804128000
38,0 46,0 425 820 4804038000
35,0 38,0
43,0 5
5 15
15 350
400 670
850 4804130000
40,0 48,0 435 860 4804040000
38,0 40,0
46,0 5
5 15
15 370
425 710
820 4804032000
42,0 50,0 450 960 4804042000
40,0 43,0
48,0 5
5 15
15 400
435 850
860 4804135000
45,0 54,0 470 1.070 4804045000
42,0 46,0
50,0 5
5 15
15 425
450 820
960 4804038000
48,0 56,0 500 1.200 4804148000
45,0 48,0
54,0 5
5 15
15 435
470 860
1.070 4804040000
50,0 59,0 540 4804050000
48,0 50,0
56,0 5
5 15
15 450
500 960
1.200 4804042000
51,0 61,0 540 1.210 4804051000
50,0 54,0
59,0 5
5 15
15 470
540 1.070
1.070 4804045000
55,0 65,0 580 1.200 4804055000
51,0 56,0
61,0 5
5 15
15 500
540 1.200
1.210 4804148000
57,0 65,0 600 1.340 4804057000
55,0 59,0
65,0 5
5 15
15 540
580 1.070
1.200 4804050000
60,0 69,0 610 1.610 4804060000
57,0 61,0
65,0 5
5 15
15 540
600 1.210
1.340 4804051000
63,0 72,0 620 1.480 4804063000
60,0 65,0
69,0 5
5 15
15 580
610 1.200
1.610 4804055000
65,0 75,0 640 1.480 4804065000
63,0 65,0
72,0 5
5 15
15 600
620 1.340
1.480 4804057000
65,0 75,0 660 1.660 4804065000
60,0 69,0 5 15 610 1.610 4804060000 Cont’d
70,0 75,0
80,0 5 15 640
650 1.480
1.500 4804065000
65,0 72,0
75,0 5
5 15
15 620
660 1.480
1.660 4804063000
75,0 87,0 785 1.970 4804075000
70,0 75,0
80,0 5
5 15
15 640
650 1.480
1.500 4804065000
76,0 86,0 660 1.760 4804076000
75,0 75,0
87,0 5
5 15
15 660
785 1.660
1.970 4804065000
80,0 90,0 810 2.010 4804080000
76,0 80,0
86,0 5
5 15
15 650
660 1.500
1.760 4804070000
80,0 87,0
90,0 5
5 15
15 785
810 1.970
2.010 4804075000
This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
76,0 advice must be obtained
information you need. Written 86,0 from Codan Rubber before5 using any hose with that 15 660procedures in our written
resistance to chemicals and cleaning 1.760 4804076000
product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
80,0 care and inspection
recommends regular maintenance, 90,0of hoses before use. Hoses should
5 be replaced if any with 15 810 outside the hose specification.
incorrect media or use in environments 2.010 4804080000
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

Codan 4219
4804 Coolant
Coolant Hose
85,0 97,0 5 15 820 2.020 4804085000 Cont’d
AIR CONDITION 90,0 102,0 5 15 850 2.100 4804090000
BRAKE 102,0 114,0 5 15 930 2.300 4804102000
110,0 122,0 5 15 1.000 2.500 4804110000
125,0 137,0 5 15 1.230 2.650 4804125000
BUNKER 152,0 164,0 5 15 1.410 3.500 4804152000


Codan 4219 - SAE J20 R5
FOOD Codan 4804 - DIN 73411/A 1&2:1996
This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not
of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan

Bl a ck corruga ted hos e wi th cuffs both ends , Type nr. 4219

covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use.
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All
Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
environments outside the hose specification.
Bl a ck, wrafor
i ntended pped cool a nt
a utomoti vehosa nde ifor
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage
l a nd a nti - Type nr. 4804
Application: Cool a nt / Anti -freeze / Gl ycol
Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

a ppl i cai ti
n ons
ca rs. ,The
bushoses , es
l orria re
es ,equi
tra ctors
pped , etc.
wi th(1102)
an Application: Cool a- nt
Standard Length: / Anti -freeze / Gl ycol
nternal ll yga
i ns
l vatanil lzed
ed us i ngnghos
s pri thaetclrei
a mps .
nforces the hos e Standard Length: 1 metres
Working Temperature: -25°C to 120°C
a ndi lens
a blures
e i n lsong
ta billengths
Codan iRubber
ty. TheA/Son requeslt.i ty 45-49,
gh-qua productDK-4600 Working
i s Køge, Denmark
+45 56 64 64 64 -40°C
Fax +45to56125°C
64 65 48
Pl eanufa
s e conta Mail:
ma cturedctfrom Coda n for further
EPDM compounds i nforma ti on a nd
a nd Inside: EPDM
Colour: Bl a ck
nforcedi onsto. meet a nd exceed SAE J20 R5 Colour: Bl a ck Steel hel i x wi re i ns i de
OIL s peci fi ca ti ons . The hos es a re a va i l a bl e i n more Reinforcement:
Outside: EPDM Pol yes ter 16/01/2020
tha n 40 di fferent s i zes , coveri ng a wi de ra nge of Outside:
Colour: BlEPDM
a ck
a ppl i ca ti ons . Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: SAE J20 R5
Std. branding:DIN- 73411/A 1&2:1996
Std. branding: -



i dei de
di a . Outsiide
Outs de Working
Worki ng BursBurs
t Pres
t s ure BendRaRa
Bend didi
usus Wei
Wei ght
ght Product
di a(mm)
. (mm) diaa.. (mm)
di (mm) Presssure
Pres ureBAR
Pres s ure (mm)
(mm) (g/m)
(g/m) code
25,0 20,0
0,0 25 515 180200 100 210 4804013000
25,0 22,0
0,0 25 515 210205 100 290 4804015000
25,0 23,0
0,0 25 515 360210 100 300 4804016000
25,0 24,0
0,0 25 515 486215 100 350 4804018000
26,0 25,0
0,0 25 515 571220 100 600 4804019000
28,0 30,0
0,0 25 515 500260 100 490 4804122000
30,0 32,0
0,0 25 515 210300 100 650 4804025000
30,0 36,0
0,0 25 515 270330 100 610 4804128000
30,0 38,0
0,0 25 515 310350 100 670 4804130000
30,0 40,0
0,0 25 515 450370 100 710 4804032000
30,0 43,0
0,0 25 515 187400 100 850 4804135000
30,0 46,0
0,0 25 515 250425 100 820 4804038000
32,0 48,0
0,0 25 515 275435 100 860 4804040000
32,0 50,0
0,0 25 415 325450 100 960 4804042000
32,0 54,0
0,0 25 515 375470 1.070
250 4804045000
32,0 56,0
0,0 25 515 400500 1.200
250 4804148000
32,0 59,0
0,0 25 515 425540 1.070
250 4804050000
32,0 61,0
0,0 25 515 525540 1.210
250 4804051000
32,0 65,0
0,0 25 515 575580 1.200
250 4804055000
32,0 65,0
38,0 25 515 400600 1.340
200 4804057000
32,0 69,0
38,0 25 515 450610 1.610
200 4804060000
32,0 72,0
38,0 25 515 500620 1.480
200 4804063000
33,0 75,0
34,0 25 515 350640 1.480
200 4804065000
34,0 75,0
38,0 25 515 300660 1.660
200 4804065000
34,0 80,0
38,0 25 515 600650 1.500
200 4804070000
35,0 87,0
0,0 25 515 450785 1.970
250 4804075000
This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
76,0 advice must be obtained
information you need. 35,0
Written 86,0
0,0 from Codan Rubber 25 using any hose with
before that515 285660
resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our 1.760
written product 4804076000
information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
80,0 care and inspection
recommends regular maintenance, 90,0of hoses before use. Hoses should
5 be replaced if any with 15 810 outside the hose specification.
incorrect media or use in environments 2.010 4804080000
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021
Codan 4820 Coolant Hose
Codan 4820 Coolant Hose
CONTENT Codan 4820 Coolant Hose





Codan 4820 - SAE J20 (class A)
COOLANT Codan 4820 - SAE J20 (class A)
FOOD Codan 4820 - SAE J20 (class A)
Bl ue wra pped, fl exi bl e pres s ure hos e ma de i n hea t
res i s ta nt s i l i cone ma teri a l .
Type nr. 4820
Application: Cool a nt / Anti -freeze / Gl ycol
Bl ue wra pped, fl exi bl e pres s ure hos e ma de i n hea t Type nr. 4820
res i s ta a nti
nt s i lfreeze,
i cone heaterit aand
l . soi l s pl a s h res i s ta nt. Standard Length: Cool a1nt
Bl ue wra pped, fl eximabl e pres ure hos e ma de i n hea t Application:
Type nr. 4820 / Anti -freeze / Gl ycol
Ozone, a ppl
a nti ca ti ons : Commerci a l vehi cl e hea ti ng Working
Standard Temperature: -40°C to 175°C
res i s ta nt s i lfreeze,
i cone ma heaterit aand
l . oi l s pl a s h res i s ta nt. Application:Length:
Cool a1nt
/ Anti -freeze / Gl ycol
GAS aCommonnd cool iang. Hicagh tempera ture aai rl avehind wae ter Inside: Si lTemperature:
i cone
Ozone, a nti freeze, hea t a nd oi l s pl a s h cl
ppl ti ons : Commerci res ihea ti ng
s ta nt. Working
Standard Length: 1 metres -40°C to 175°C
aa pplnd cooli ca tiions i n genera l Cool i ngasi rysatems waei nter Colour: Bllue
HYDRAULIC Common ang.
pplHicagh tempera
ti ons : Commerciture nd cl
a l vehi hea ti ng Inside: Si
Working i cone
Temperature: -40°C to 175°C
aa ppl i cators
tiions a nd
i ngh fi xed engi
genera nesi ng
l Cool . The hos e iisnnorma l l y Reinforcement: Three pl i es of pol yes ter
nd cool ng. Hi tempera ture asi rysatemsnd wa ter Colour: Bllue
Inside: Si i cone
tta ched to athe sfitub
xed by mea ns. The
of a cl a mpe iisnor hos el l y Outside: Si l i cone
a ppl i cators ti ons nd i n genera engi nes
l Cool i ng s yshostems norma Reinforcement:
Colour: Bl ue Three pl i es of pol yes ter
cl i p.ched
tta Al l s ito
zesthe a res tub
a vaby
i l amea
bl e insn 90 of degree
a cl a mp elorbows
hos.el l y Colour: BlSiue
Outside: l i cone
OIL tors a nd fi xed engi nes . The hos e i s norma Reinforcement: Three pl i es of pol yes ter
cl k Coda
i p. Al l snito for afurther
zes iilnforma el bows . Standards: SAE J20 (cl a s s A)
a tta ched theres tub a vaby amea
bl e ins of a cl a mp or hos e Colour: BlSiue
Outside: l i cone
As k Coda Std. branding: -
OIL COOLING cl i p. Al l sni zes
for afurther
re a va iilnforma
a bl e i nti90 el bows . Standards:
Colour: Bl ueSAE J20 (cl a s s A)
As k Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Std. branding:
Standards: SAE- J20 (cl a s s A)
Std. branding: -
Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
Ins(mm) diOuts
a . (mm) Pres s ureng
BAR Burs tBAR (mm) (g/m) code
i de di a . i de Worki Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
de di a . diOuts
. (mm)
i de Pres s0
Pres s ure (mm)
Ra di us (g/m)
Wei code
6,0 di a12,0
. (mm)
16,0 Pres s 0
44 (mm)
60 (g/m)
110 code
8,0 18,0
16,0 0 33
36 100
80 190
150 4820010000
10,0 21,0
18,0 0 25
33 130
100 240
190 4820013000
13,0 24,0
21,0 0 21
25 160
130 290
240 4820016000
16,0 27,0
24,0 0 19
21 190
160 360
290 4820019000
19,0 33,0
27,0 0 15
19 250
190 450
360 4820025000
25,0 34,0
33,0 0 14
15 280
250 500
450 4820028000
28,0 40,0
34,0 0 12
14 320
280 580
500 4820032000
32,0 43,0
40,0 0 14
12 350
320 625
580 4820035000
35,0 46,0
43,0 0 11
12 380
350 680
625 4820038000
38,0 48,0
46,0 0 10
11 400
380 720
680 4820040000
40,0 50,0
48,0 0 11
10 420
400 750
720 4820042000
42,0 53,0
50,0 0 9
10 450
420 760
750 4820045000
45,0 56,0
53,0 0 10
9 480
450 860
760 4820048000
48,0 58,0
56,0 0 9 500
480 890
860 4820050000
50,0 62,0
58,0 0 8
9 540
500 950
890 4820054000
54,0 65,0
62,0 0 9
8 570
540 1.000
950 4820057000
57,0 68,0
65,0 0 8 600
570 1.080
1.000 4820060000
60,0 71,0
68,0 0 7
8 630
600 1.130
1.080 4820063000
63,0 78,0
71,0 0 7
8 700
630 1.260
1.130 4820070000
70,0 83,0
78,0 0 6
7 750
700 1.350
1.260 4820075000
75,0 78,0
83,0 0 7
6 700
750 1.260
1.350 4820070000
75,0 83,0 0 6 750 1.350 4820075000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.
This hoseinspecification
the product sheet
data has
sheet. Codan
been Rubber
prepared withrecommends regular
great care in order tomaintenance, care
provide you with andinformation
all the inspection ofyou
hoses before
need. use.
Written Rubber’s warranty
of vulcanised is void
Rubber in the event
Products). The of misuse such
individual as excessive
conditions of an bending, crushing,
application stretching,
will affect the lifeuse
timewith incorrect
of each media
product. or use in
mustbebereplaced if any
obtained fromphysical
Codan damage
Rubberis before
seen, especially
using any to the
hosecover of the hose
with untested or in or
media thebefore
area around
using inthe couplings.not
applications All environments
please ensure outside the hose specification.
that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
This hose products
specification sheetin has been with
prepared with (Storage
great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of for
application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
covered must
in thebe stored
product accordance
data sheet. Codan ISO 2230:2002
Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Please contact
Rubber’s Codan
warranty Rubber
is void in the product
event of misuse manufacturing
such tolerances.
as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All
that environments
resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
outside the hose specification.
untested media
productsor before
must using
be stored in applications
in accordance not covered
with ISO 2230:2002 (Storagein the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s
Please warranty
contact Codan is for
Rubber void in theproduct
individual eventmanufacturing
of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

Codan 4854 Coolant
Coolant Hose











Codan 4854
4854 -- SAE
J20 R3
R3 D2
D2 (Up
(Up to
to 31.8mm)
31.8mm) SAE
J20 R4
R4 D2
D2 (Above
(Above 31.8mm)
Bl a ck, ss mooth EPDM rubber 90 degree hos ee for Type nr. 4854
ck, s mooth
mooth EPDM EPDM rubber
rubber 90 90 degree
degree hos hos e for for Type
Type nr.
nr. 4854
cool aaa ntnt aaa nd
nd aaa ntinti -freeze
-freeze iii n n ca
ca rs rs ,,, bus
bus es
es ,,, lll orri
orri es
es ,,, Application:
Application: Cool
Cool aaa nt
nt /// Anti
Anti -freeze
-freeze /// Gl
Gl ycol
cool nt nd nti -freeze n ca rs bus es orri es Application: Cool nt Anti -freeze Gl ycol
tra ctors
tra ctors , etc Standard Length:
Length: 8 8 metres
POWERSTEERING tra ctors ,, etc etc Standard
Standard Length: 8 metres
Al sss o
o us
us eded iii n
n iii ndus
ndus tri
tri aaa lll aaa ppl
ppl iii ca
ca ti ti ons
ons for
for hot hot wa wa ter.
ter. Working
Working Temperature:
Temperature: -40°C -40°C to
to 125°C
Al o us ed n ndus tri ppl ca ti ons for hot wa ter. Working Temperature: -40°C to 125°C
Pa rt
Pa rt ss uppl
uppl ii ed
ed wi wi th
th 203mm
203mm (8”) (8”) ll egs egs whi
whi ch ch ca ca n
n be cutcut Inside: EPDM
Pa rt s uppl i ed wi th 203mm (8”) l egs whi ch ca n be Inside:
be cut Inside: EPDM
to sss ui
ui ttt the
the aaa ppl
ppl iii ca
ca ti
ti on.
on. Colour:
Colour: Bl
Bl aaa ck
STEAM to ui the ppl ca ti on. Colour: Bl ck
Norma ll ll yy ii ns
Norma ns ta ll ll ed
ed us ii ng ng hos ee cl cl a mps .. Reinforcement: Pol Pol yes ter ter
Norma l l y i ns ta ta l l ed usus i ng hos hos e cl aa mps mps . Reinforcement:
Reinforcement: Pol yes yes ter
Pl ea
ea sss eee conta
conta ct ct Coda
Coda n n for
for further
further iii nformanforma ti ti on.
on. Outside:
Outside: EPDM
WELDING & GAS Pl ea conta ct Coda n for further nforma ti on. Outside: EPDM
Colour: Bl
Colour: Bl a ck
Colour: Bl aa ck
INDEX Standards:
Standards: SAE SAE J20
J20 R3 R3 D2D2 (Up
(Up to
to 31.8mm)
31.8mm) SAE SAE J20
J20 R4
R4 D2
Standards: SAE J20 R3 D2 (Up to 31.8mm) SAE J20 R4 D2
(Above 31.8mm)
(Above 31.8mm)
(Above 31.8mm)
Std. branding:
branding: ---
Std. branding:

Ins i de di a. Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres ss ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
Ins ii de
de di
di aa .. Outs
Outs ii de de Worki
Worki ng ng Burs
Burs tt Pres
Pres s ure
ure Bend
Bend Ra Ra di
di us
us Wei
Wei ght
ght Product
(mm) di aa .. (mm)
di (mm) Pres ss ure
Pres BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR
BAR (mm)
(mm) (g/m)
(g/m) code
9,4 17,5
17,5 6
6 17
17 -- 100
100 4854010
9,4 17,5 6 17 - 100 4854010
12,7 20,7
20,7 6
6 17
17 -- 105
105 4854013
12,7 20,7 6 17 - 105 4854013
15,9 23,9
23,9 6
6 17
17 -- 145
145 4854016
15,9 23,9 6 17 - 145 4854016
19,1 27,1
27,1 5
5 14
14 -- 150
150 4854019
19,1 27,1 5 14 - 150 4854019
22,0 30,0
30,0 5
5 14
14 -- 200
200 4854022
22,0 30,0 5 14 - 200 4854022
25,4 33,4
33,4 4
4 12
12 -- 300
300 4854025
25,4 33,4 4 12 - 300 4854025
28,6 36,6
36,6 4
4 12
12 -- 320
320 4854028
28,6 36,6 4 12 - 320 4854028
31,8 39,8
39,8 4
4 12
12 -- 350
350 4854031
31,8 39,8 4 12 - 350 4854031
35,0 43,0
43,0 3
3 9
9 -- 400
400 4854035
35,0 43,0 3 9 - 400 4854035
38,1 46,1
46,1 3
3 8
8 -- 410
410 4854038
38,1 46,1 3 8 - 410 4854038
51,0 59,0
59,0 2
2 7
7 -- 520
520 4854051
51,0 59,0 2 7 - 520 4854051
63,0 71,0
71,0 2
2 6
6 -- 680
680 4854063
63,0 71,0 2 6 - 680 4854063
76,0 84,0
84,0 1
1 4
4 -- 850
850 4854076
76,0 84,0 1 4 - 850 4854076

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
This hosemust
advice specification
be obtainedsheetfrom
has been
Rubberwith greatusing
before care inany
order to provide
hose you with
with untested all the
media orinformation
before usingyou need. Written
in applications not of vulcanised
please ensure Rubber Products).
that resistance to The individual
chemicals andconditions of an application
cleaning procedures will affect
in our written the life
product time of each
information product.with.
is complied Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
advice must
covered in thebe obtained
product datafromsheet.Codan
Rubberbefore using any
recommends hosemaintenance,
regular with untested media
care and or before using
inspection ofin applications
hoses not
before use. please ensure
Rubber’s that isresistance
warranty void in theto chemicals
event andsuch
of misuse cleaning procedures
as excessive in our
bending, writtenstretching,
crushing, product information is complied
use with incorrect with.orCodan
media use in
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses in the
should beproduct
replaceddataif anysheet. Codan
physical Rubber
damage recommends
is seen, especiallyregular maintenance,
to the cover care
of the hose and
or in theinspection of hoses
area around before use.
the couplings. All Rubber’s warranty
environments is void
outside in thespecification.
the hose event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
Hoses should
products must bebereplaced
stored inifaccordance
any physicalwith
damage is seen, especially
ISO 2230:2002 (Storageto the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments
Please contactoutside
Codan the hosefor
Rubber specification.
individual product manufacturing tolerances.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 4893 Coolant Hose








FOOD Codan 4893 - -

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e, corruga ted, moul ded cool a nt hos e Type nr. 4893
for pres s urel es s us e. Application: Cool a nt / Anti -freeze / Gl ycol
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Standard Length: 1 metres
HYDRAULIC Working Temperature: -30°C to 110°C
Inside: EPDM
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: None
Outside: -
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,0 33,0 0 0 20 610 4893025000
32,0 40,0 0 0 30 690 4893032000
38,0 46,0 0 0 50 820 4893038000
45,0 53,0 0 0 75 970 4893045000
51,0 59,0 0 0 75 1.100 4893051000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021









GAS 8033









This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8009 Food Hose








FOOD Codan 8009 - BfR, kap XXI, kat. 2. EU Reg. No.: 1935/2004 & 2023/2006
Red, s mooth, fl exi bl e hos e wi th BfR-a pproved i nner Type nr. 8009
rubber l a yer. For hot a nd col d bevera ges , e.g. beer, Application: Food / Bevera ges
wi ne, frui t jui ce a nd mi l k. Inner a nd outer s urfa ces Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC res i s ta nt to vegeta bl e a nd a ni ma l oi l s . Certi fi ca ti on Working Temperature: -20°C to 100°C
ca n be s uppl i ed. It i s recommended tha t new hos es Inside: NBR
a re fl us hed wi th 5% s oda s ol uti on before us e. Colour: Whi te
OIL Fl us hi ng a fter us e i s a l s o recommended. Norma l l y Reinforcement: PVA
i ns ta l l ed us i ng s ta i nl es s connectors or hos e Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING cl a mps . Colour: Red
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Standards: BfR, ka p XXI, ka t. 2. EU Reg. No.: 1935/2004
& 2023/2006
PVC Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
12,7 21,6 20 60 70 0 8009013000
19,1 28,6 20 60 90 0 8009019000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8021 Food Hose








FOOD Codan 8021 - BfR, kap XXI, kat. 2. EU Reg. No.: 1935/2004 & 2023/2006
Grey, s mooth, fl exi bl e hos e wi th BfR-a pproved i nner Type nr. 8021
rubber l a yer. For hot a nd col d bevera ges , e.g. beer, Application: Food / Bevera ges
wi ne, frui t jui ce a nd mi l k. Inner a nd outer s urfa ces Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC res i s ta nt to vegeta bl e a nd a ni ma l oi l s . Working Temperature: -20°C to 100°C
Certi fi ca ti on ca n be s uppl i ed. Inside: NBR
It i s recommended tha t new hos es a re fl us hed wi th Colour: Whi te
OIL 5% s oda s ol uti on before us e. Fl us hi ng a fter us e i s Reinforcement: PVA
a l s o recommended. Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng s ta i nl es s connectors or Colour: Grey
hos e cl a mps . Standards: BfR, ka p XXI, ka t. 2. EU Reg. No.: 1935/2004
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. & 2023/2006
PVC Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 15,0 20 60 60 203 8021006000
9,5 18,5 20 60 74 275 8021010000
12,7 21,6 20 60 86 333 8021013000
15,9 25,1 20 60 100 411 8021016000
19,1 28,6 20 60 114 490 8021019000
22,3 32,3 20 60 130 592 8021022000
25,4 35,6 20 60 142 673 8021025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8024 Food Hose








FOOD Codan 8024 - BfR, kap XXI, kat. 2. EU Reg. No.: 1935/2004 & 2023/2006
Bl ue, s mooth, fl exi bl e hos e wi th BfR-a pproved i nner Type nr. 8024
rubber l a yer. For hot a nd col d bevera ges , e.g. beer, Application: Food / Bevera ges
wi ne, frui t jui ce a nd mi l k. Inner a nd outer s urfa ces Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC res i s ta nt to vegeta bl e a nd a ni ma l oi l s . Working Temperature: -20°C to 100°C
Certi fi ca ti on ca n be s uppl i ed. Inside: NBR
It i s recommended tha t new hos es a re fl us hed wi th Colour: Whi te
OIL 5% s oda s ol uti on before us e. Fl us hi ng a fter us e i s Reinforcement: PVA
a l s o recommended. Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng s ta i nl es s connectors or Colour: Bl ue
hos e cl a mps . Standards: BfR, ka p XXI, ka t. 2. EU Reg. No.: 1935/2004
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. & 2023/2006
PVC Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 15,0 20 60 60 192 8024006000
9,5 18,5 20 60 74 262 8024010000
12,7 21,6 20 60 86 317 8024013000
15,9 25,1 20 60 100 392 8024016000
19,1 28,6 20 60 114 469 8024019000
25,4 35,6 20 60 142 645 8024025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8031 Food Hose








FOOD Codan 8031 - FDA

Whi te, wra pped pres s ure hos e, hi ghl y res i s ta nt to Type nr. 8031
oi l s , for a ni ma l a nd vegeta bl e oi l s . Inner rubber Application: Ani ma l / Vegeta bl e Oi l s
s urfa ce, odour a nd ta s te free (FDA s ta nda rds ). Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC Ma i nl y for us e i n the food i ndus try where oi l s a nd Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
a ni ma l fa ts often reduce hos e s ervi ce l i fe. Inside: NBR
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng s ta i nl es s hos e cl a mps or Colour: Whi te
OIL cl a mp fi tti ngs . Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: CR/NBR
OIL COOLING Colour: Whi te
Standards: FDA
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,0 40,0 10 30 0 1.080 8031025000
32,0 47,0 10 30 0 1.300 8031032000
38,0 56,0 10 30 0 1.790 8031038000
40,0 59,0 10 30 0 2.090 8031040000
51,0 72,0 10 30 0 2.790 8031051000
63,0 85,0 10 30 0 3.540 8031063000
76,0 103,0 10 30 0 5.280 8031076000
89,0 118,0 10 30 0 6.430 8031089000
102,0 131,0 10 30 0 7.240 8031102000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8033 Food Hose








FOOD Codan 8033 - FDA

Bl ue, wra pped, fl exi bl e pres s ure hos e wi th s peci a l Type nr. 8033
compound outer coa ti ng whi ch ens ures tha t the Application: Cl ea ni ng
hos e i s excepti ona l l y ha rd-wea ri ng a nd wea ther Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC res i s ta nt. Ma i nl y for us e a s a hot wa ter hos e for Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
cl ea ni ng purpos es i n da i ri es , s l a ughterhous es a nd Inside: EPDM
el s ewhere i n the food i ndus try where hot wa ter i s Colour: Whi te
OIL us ed for fl us hi ng/cl ea ni ng. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng s ta i nl es s or bra s s fi tti ngs Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING a nd hos e cl a mps . Colour: Bl ue
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Standards: FDA
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
13,0 24,0 10 40 0 490 8033013000
16,0 27,0 10 40 0 610 8033016000
19,0 31,0 10 40 0 730 8033019000
25,0 39,0 10 40 0 1.020 8033025000
30,0 44,0 10 40 0 1.200 8033030000
32,0 46,0 10 40 0 1.260 8033032000
38,0 53,0 10 40 0 1.580 8033038000
51,0 70,0 10 40 0 2.620 8033051000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8034 Food Hose








FOOD Codan 8034 - FDA

Red, wra pped s ucti on/pres s ure hos e wi th s peci a l Type nr. 8034
compound outer coa ti ng whi ch ens ures tha t the Application: Beer, Wi ne etc.
hos e i s excepti ona l l y ha rd-wea ri ng a nd wea ther Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC res i s ta nt. Doubl e s teel hel i x i mproves bend ra di us . Working Temperature: -40°C to 85°C
Ma i nl y for us e i n breweri es a s fl exi bl e connecti on Inside: NR
between pi pel i nes a nd ta nks or ta nkers . Va cuum: Colour: Whi te
OIL 90%. Ca pa bl e of wi ths ta ndi ng bri ef peri ods of hi gh Reinforcement: Pol yes ter w/ doubl e s teel hel i x
tempera ture (120°C) duri ng fl us hi ng/cl ea ni ng. Outside: CR/SBR
OIL COOLING Ava i l a bl e i n l engths of 60 m. Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed Colour: Red
us i ng s ta i nl es s cri mped-on fi tti ngs or hos e cl a mps . Standards: FDA
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,0 38,0 10 30 125 1.060 8034025000
32,0 45,0 10 30 160 1.300 8034032000
38,0 52,0 10 30 190 1.620 8034038000
40,0 54,0 10 30 200 1.680 8034040000
45,0 59,0 10 30 225 1.880 8034045000
51,0 65,0 10 30 255 2.140 8034051000
55,0 70,0 10 30 275 2.330 8034055000
60,0 76,0 10 30 320 2.700 8034060000
63,0 79,0 10 30 350 2.940 8034063000
70,0 86,0 10 30 390 3.250 8034070000
76,0 92,0 10 30 450 3.480 8034076000
80,0 96,0 10 30 480 3.700 8034080000
89,0 105,0 10 30 535 4.040 8034089000
90,0 106,0 10 30 540 4.090 8034090000
102,0 121,0 10 30 610 5.560 8034102000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8035 Food Hose








FOOD Codan 8035 - FDA

Red, wra pped, hi gh-qua l i ty pres s ure hos e wi th Type nr. 8035
s peci a l compound outer coa ti ng whi ch ens ures tha t Application: Beer, Wi ne etc.
the hos e i s excepti ona l l y ha rd-wea ri ng a nd wea ther Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC res i s ta nt. Ma i nl y for us e i n breweri es a s fl exi bl e Working Temperature: -40°C to 85°C
connecti on between pi pel i nes a nd ta nks or ta nkers . Inside: NR
Ca pa bl e of wi ths ta ndi ng bri ef peri ods of hi gh Colour: Whi te
OIL tempera ture (120°C) duri ng fl us hi ng/cl ea ni ng. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng s ta i nl es s cri mped-on Outside: CR/NR
OIL COOLING fi tti ngs , hos e cl a mps or cl a mp fi tti ngs . Pl ea s e Colour: Red
conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Standards: FDA
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
13,0 25,0 10 30 0 530 8035013000
16,0 28,0 10 30 0 620 8035016000
19,0 31,0 10 30 0 690 8035019000
25,0 38,0 10 30 0 880 8035025000
30,0 43,0 10 30 0 1.030 8035030000
32,0 45,0 10 30 0 1.090 8035032000
35,0 48,0 10 30 0 1.160 8035035000
38,0 51,0 10 30 0 1.250 8035038000
40,0 53,0 10 30 0 1.300 8035040000
45,0 59,0 10 30 0 1.630 8035045000
51,0 66,0 10 30 0 1.820 8035051000
55,0 70,0 10 30 0 1.960 8035055000
60,0 75,0 10 30 0 2.100 8035060000
63,0 78,0 10 30 0 2.190 8035063000
70,0 86,0 10 30 0 2.640 8035070000
76,0 92,0 10 30 0 2.830 8035076000
80,0 96,0 10 30 0 3.000 8035080000
89,0 105,0 10 30 0 3.270 8035089000
90,0 106,0 10 30 0 3.300 8035090000
102,0 118,0 10 30 0 3.790 8035102000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8037 Food Hose








FOOD Codan 8037 - FDA

Bl ue, wra pped pres s ure hos e for mi l k a nd other Type nr. 8037
fa tty foods . Application: Mi l k Hos e
Ma i nl y for us e i n da i ri es a nd on mi l k ta nkers a s Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC fl exi bl e connecti on between pi pel i nes /ta nks a nd Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
ta nkers . Inside: NBR/NR
It i s recommended tha t hos es be fl us hed wi th hot Colour: Whi te
OIL 5% s oda s ol uti on before us e. Fl us hi ng a fter us e i s Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
a l s o recommended. Outside: CR/NR
OIL COOLING Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng s ta i nl es s DIN cl a mps or Colour: Bl ue
hos e cl a mps . Standards: FDA
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,0 37,0 12 36 0 700 8037025000
32,0 44,0 12 36 0 890 8037032000
38,0 50,0 12 36 0 1.020 8037038000
51,0 63,0 10 30 0 1.340 8037051000
63,0 75,0 7 21 0 1.610 8037063000
76,0 88,0 7 21 0 1.910 8037076000
102,0 114,0 5 15 0 2.520 8037102000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8038 Food Hose








FOOD Codan 8038 - FDA

Bl ue, wra pped s ucti on/pres s ure hos e wi th two Type nr. 8038
hel i xwi res . For hot a nd col d bevera ges , e.g. beer, Application: Mi l k Hos e
wi ne, frui t jui ce a nd mi l k. Res i s ta nt to mos t Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC vegeta bl e a nd a ni ma l oi l s . It i s recommended tha t Working Temperature: -20°C to 90°C
new hos es be fl us hed wi th hot 5% s oda s ol uti on Inside: NBR/SBR
before us e. Fl us hi ng a fter us e i s a l s o Colour: Whi te
OIL recommended. Bri ef cl ea ni ng: +120°C. Norma l l y Reinforcement: Pol yes ter - 2 s teel hel i x
i ns ta l l ed us i ng s ta i nl es s DIN cl a mps or s ta i nl es s Outside: CR
OIL COOLING hos e cl a mps ti ghtened wi th Al l en key. Pl ea s e Colour: Bl ue
conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Standards: FDA
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,0 35,0 10 30 80 730 8038025000
32,0 42,4 10 30 100 910 8038032000
38,0 49,0 10 30 120 1.160 8038038000
40,0 51,6 10 30 130 1.200 8038040000
42,0 53,6 10 30 150 1.260 8038042000
45,0 56,6 10 30 160 1.320 8038045000
51,0 62,0 10 30 200 1.550 8038051000
54,0 65,6 10 30 220 1.690 8038054000
60,0 72,0 10 30 240 2.050 8038060000
63,0 76,0 10 30 250 2.160 8038063000
76,0 90,0 10 30 300 2.750 8038076000
89,0 105,0 10 30 330 3.700 8038089000
102,0 116,4 10 30 400 6.280 8038102000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 8040 Food Hose








FOOD Codan 8040 -

A very ha rd-wea ri ng s ucti on/pres s ure hos e. Food Type nr. 8040
qua l i ty. Bl a ck wra pped l ook. Va cuum 70-99%. Application: Ma teri a l Ha ndl i ng - Food qua l i ty
Lengths : up to 4" - 40 m; 115 mm – 15 m; 127 a nd 152 Standard Length: 31 metres
HYDRAULIC mm – 25 m; 203 mm – 20 m. Working Temperature: -35°C to 85°C
Inside: NR
Colour: Whi te
OIL Reinforcement: Syntheti c Texti l e ya rns a nd 2 s teel
s pi ra l
Colour: Bl a ck
PVC Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
51,0 65,0 10 30 153 1.500 8040051000
63,0 77,0 10 30 189 1.830 8040063000
76,0 92,0 10 30 228 2.810 8040076000
102,0 118,0 10 30 306 3.730 8040102000
115,0 131,0 10 30 460 4.200 8040115000
127,0 143,0 10 30 381 5.130 8040127000
152,0 168,0 10 30 608 6.010 8040152000
203,0 219,0 5 15 812 9.000 8040203000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT 2903 3421


3106 3423


BUNKER 3111 3424




GAS 3122










This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2903 Fuel Hose








FOOD Codan 2903 -

Li ghtwei ght, fl exi bl e, corruga ted s ucti on a nd Type nr. 2903
pres s ure hos e for oi l a nd l ea ded or unl ea ded Application: Oi l / Fuel
petrol . Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC Ma x. 50% a roma ti cs . Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
Va cuum: 90%. Inside: NBR
Suppl i ed wi th s teel hel i x a nd cha rge el i mi na tor Colour: Bl a ck
OIL wi re. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter w/ doubl e s teel hel i x a nd
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. a nti -s ta ti c wi re
Colour: Bl a ck
PVC Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
51,0 63,0 5 15 150 1.770 2903051000
76,0 86,5 5 15 200 2.120 2903076000
102,0 115,0 5 15 250 3.550 2903102000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3106 Fuel Hose








FOOD Codan 3106 - -

FUEL Fl exi bl e, bl a ck, bra i ded hos e for l ea ded or Type nr. 3106
unl ea ded petrol . For fuel pi pes , e.g. connecti ng Application: Fuel / Di es el
ca rburettor a nd fuel pump, i n ca rs , motorcycl es , Standard Length: 30 metres
HYDRAULIC mopeds , ga rden tra ctors , etc. Ba s ed on DIN 73379 Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
B:1984. Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps . Mus t Inside: NBR/PVC
not be us ed i n ca rs wi th i njecti on s ys tems . Pl ea s e Colour: Bl a ck
OIL conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: -
Outside: Pol yes ter
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
3,2 7,2 13 50 20 44 3106032000
3,5 7,5 13 50 20 46 3106035000
4,0 9,0 11 45 20 68 3106040000
4,5 9,5 11 45 20 73 3106045000
5,0 10,0 10 42 20 80 3106050000
5,5 10,5 10 39 20 85 3106055000
6,0 11,0 10 39 20 90 3106060000
6,5 11,5 10 39 20 95 3106065000
7,0 12,0 9 35 20 100 3106070000
7,5 12,5 9 35 30 105 3106075000
8,0 13,0 8 32 30 110 3106080000
9,0 14,0 6 23 40 123 3106090000
9,5 15,0 6 23 40 130 3106095000
10,0 15,0 6 23 40 133 3106100000
11,0 16,0 5 20 40 144 3106110000
12,0 17,0 5 20 40 160 3106120000
12,7 17,7 5 15 40 180 3106127000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48
This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification. 20/05/2019
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3111 Fuel Hose








FOOD Codan 3111 - SAE J30 R6

Fl exi bl e, bl a ck hos e for l ea ded a nd unl ea ded Type nr. 3111
petrol , to SAE 30 R6. Application: Fuel / Di es el
Good ozone res i s ta nce. Res i s ta nt to oi l s pra y i n Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC engi ne compa rtments . Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
For fuel pi pes i n ca rs , l orri es , l a wn mowers , ga rden Inside: NBR
cul ti va tors , etc. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Acc. EN228:2008 a nd EN590:2010 Reinforcement: PVA
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: SAE J30 R6
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
3,2 9,2 10 50 15 95 3111032000
3,5 9,5 10 50 15 98 3111035000
4,0 10,0 10 50 15 100 3111040000
4,8 10,8 10 50 15 110 3111048000
5,0 11,0 10 50 20 120 3111050000
5,5 11,5 10 50 20 125 3111055000
6,0 12,0 10 50 20 130 3111060000
6,3 12,7 10 50 20 130 3111063000
7,9 14,7 10 50 45 160 3111079000
8,0 14,0 10 50 25 180 3111080000
9,5 16,7 10 50 40 200 3111095000
10,0 17,0 10 50 40 230 3111100000
11,0 18,2 10 50 45 250 3111110000
12,7 19,7 10 50 50 257 3111127000
13,0 20,0 10 50 50 270 3111130000
16,0 24,0 10 50 80 320 3111160000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information 20/05/2019
is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3121 Fuel Hose








FOOD Codan 3121 - -

Fl exi bl e, green hos e for l ea ded or unl ea ded petrol . Type nr. 3121
Good wea ther a nd ozone res i s ta nce a nd good Application: Fuel / Di es el
res i s ta nce to oi l s pra y i n engi ne compa rtments of Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC ca rs . Working Temperature: -35°C to 135°C
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Inside: NBR/PVC
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: CSM
OIL COOLING Colour: Green
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,0 10,8 5 30 33 118 3121040000
4,8 11,6 5 30 35 129 3121048000
5,6 12,4 5 30 37 140 3121056000
6,3 13,1 5 30 40 150 3121063000
7,6 14,4 5 30 43 170 3121076000
9,5 16,3 5 30 49 198 3121095000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3122 Fuel Hose








FOOD Codan 3122 - SAE J30 R6,R7, R8, R11

Fl exi bl e, bl a ck hos e for l ea ded a nd unl ea ded Type nr. 3122
petrol . Good ozone res i s ta nce. Res i s ta nt to oi l Application: Fuel / Di es el
s pra y i n engi ne compa rtments . For fuel pi pes i n Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC ca rs , l orri es , l a wn mowers , ga rden cul ti va tors , etc. Working Temperature: -40°C to 135°C
The hos e i s ba s ed on SAE J30 R6, R7, R8, R11 [1998] Inside: NBR
Acc. EN228:2008 a nd EN590:2010. Pl ea s e conta ct Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: CPE
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: SAE J30 R6,R7, R8, R11
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,0 10,8 5 50 33 111 3122004000
4,8 11,6 5 50 35 122 3122005000
5,6 12,6 5 50 37 140 3122005600
6,3 13,3 5 50 40 150 3122006000
7,6 14,6 5 50 43 170 3122008000
9,5 16,5 5 50 49 198 3122010000
11,5 18,5 5 50 55 223 3122011500
12,0 19,0 5 50 57 236 3122012000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3133 Fuel Hose








FOOD Codan 3133 - SAE J30 R9 and MGRES22RU49 Class 1A

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e hos e for fuel i n a utomoti ve or engi ne Type nr. 3133
a ppl i ca ti on. Hi gh res i s ta nce to a l l a bove medi a a nd Application: Fuel / Di es el / Bi o-di es el
es peci a l l y us ed i n Ca r, Truck, Agri cul tura l a nd Standard Length: 25 metres
HYDRAULIC Cons tructi on equi pment vehi cl es for fuel i njecti on Working Temperature: -30°C to 130°C
s ys tems . Hi gh temp hos e wi th l ow permea ti on for Inside: FKM/NBR
Petrol a t l es s tha n 15g/m 2/24hrs . Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed Colour: Bl a ck
OIL us i ng cri mped ferrul es or petrol hos e cl i ps . Sui ta bl e Reinforcement: PET
for petrol , di es el , etha nol , ga s ol i ne, oxi di zed s our Outside: CSM
ga s , oi l a nd bi odi es el . Colour: Bl a ck
Intermi ttent Tempera ture: +150 ºC Standards: SAE J30 R9 a nd MGRES22RU49 Cl a s s 1A
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
INDEX (mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,8 11,8 10 62 46 195 3133048000
5,6 12,0 10 62 52 130 3133056000
6,0 12,0 10 62 55 140 3133060000
6,3 12,7 7 62 56 150 3133063000
7,0 14,6 7 62 60 195 3133070000
7,1 13,2 7 62 60 195 3133071000
7,9 14,5 7 62 58 180 3133079000
9,5 16,5 7 62 62 230 3133095000
12,0 19,0 7 34 65 240 3133120000
12,7 19,9 7 34 68 250 3133127000
15,6 22,4 7 34 76 271 3133156000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3135 Fuel Hose








FOOD Codan 3135 - DIN 73379-1:1997

Fl exi bl e, bl a ck hos e for l ea ded a nd unl ea ded petrol Type nr. 3135
Acc. to DIN 73379-1:1997. Good ozone res i s ta nce. Application: Fuel / Di es el
Res i s ta nt to oi l s pra y i n engi ne compa rtments . For Standard Length: - metres
HYDRAULIC fuel pi pes i n ca rs , l orri es , l a wn mowers , ga rden Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
cul ti va tors , etc. Tol era nces di mens i ons a cc. DIN Inside: NBR
1307, Ava i l a bl e on pl a s ti cs pol l s i n va ri ous l engths . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: PVA
Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: DIN 73379-1:1997
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
3,0 9,0 10 30 38 80 3135030000
3,2 9,2 10 30 38 83 3135032000
3,5 9,5 10 30 38 85 3135035000
4,0 10,0 10 30 40 90 3135040000
4,5 10,5 10 30 43 94 3135045000
5,0 11,0 10 30 45 102 3135050000
5,3 11,3 10 30 46 108 3135053000
5,5 11,5 10 30 48 115 3135055000
6,0 12,0 10 30 50 120 3135060000
7,0 13,0 10 30 55 122 3135070000
7,3 13,3 10 30 60 124 3135073000
7,5 13,5 10 30 60 126 3135075000
8,0 14,0 10 30 63 154 3135080000
9,0 15,0 10 30 70 160 3135090000
9,3 15,3 10 30 70 165 3135093000
10,0 17,0 10 30 70 168 3135100000
11,3 18,3 10 30 75 122 3135113000
12,0 19,0 10 30 80 180 3135120000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48
This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must Mail:
obtained from Codan
before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3136 Fuel Hose








FOOD Codan 3136 - SAE J30R12

Bl a ck fl exi bl e hos e for fuel i n a utomoti ve or engi ne Type nr. 3136
a ppl i ca ti ons . Hi gh res i s ta nce to a l l a bove medi a Application: Fuel / Di es el
a nd es peci a l l y us ed i n Ca r, Truck, Agri cul tura l a nd Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Cons tructi on equi pment vehi cl es for fuel i njecti on Working Temperature: -40°C to 150°C
s ys tems . Hi gh temp. hos e wi th l ow permea ti on for Inside: FKM + ECO
Petrol a t l es s tha n 15mg/m2/24hrs . Norma l l y Colour: Bl a ck
OIL i ns ta l l ed us i ng cri mped ferrul es or petrol hos e Reinforcement: ARAMID
cl i ps . Sui ta bl e for petrol , di es el , etha nol , ga s ol i ne, Outside: ECO
OIL COOLING oxi di zed s our ga s , oi l a nd bi o-di es el . Intermi ttent Colour: Bl a ck
tempera ture: + 150C. Ava i l a bl e a s s ha ped hos e on Standards: SAE J30R12
reques t. Std. branding: -
PVC Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on.



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,8 11,8 10 80 47 149 3136048
5,5 12,5 10 80 50 163 3136055
7,3 14,3 10 80 53 182 3136073
7,5 14,5 10 80 55 183 3136075
10,7 20,0 10 80 100 313 3136107
11,0 18,0 10 80 90 240 3136110
12,5 20,0 10 80 100 284 3136125

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3418 Fuel Hose








FOOD Codan 3418 -

Bl a ck, s mooth, fl exi bl e hos e wi th fa bri c Type nr. 3418
rei nforcement (s i ngl e cha rge el i mi na tor wi re) for Application: Di es el / Pumps
us e on petrol pumps . The hos e i nner compound ha s Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC a res i s ta nce of 49 KΩ(49*10³) ma ki ng i t conducti ve. Working Temperature: -55°C to 80°C
Speci a l l y des i gned for l ow tempera tures . Good Inside: NBR
wea ther a nd ozone res i s ta nce, wi th ha rd-wea ri ng Colour: Bl a ck
OIL outer s urfa ce. Fi ts s ta nda rd, reus a bl e, bra s s petrol Reinforcement: PVA, Anti -s ta ti c wi re
pump connectors . Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
15,0 25,0 20 80 100 433 3418015000
15,9 25,9 20 80 105 451 3418016000
19,1 31,1 20 80 125 647 3418019000
25,4 37,4 20 80 150 803 3418025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3419 Fuel Hose








FOOD Codan 3419 - -

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e hos e wi th fa bri c rei nforcement a nd Type nr. 3419
conducti ng i nner rubber coa ti ng. Application: Fuel / Di es el / Pumps
For us e on petrol pumps for a l l fuel types , i ncl udi ng Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC unl ea ded a nd di es el . Oi l , wea ther a nd ozone- Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
res i s ta nt CSM rubber ens ures l ong s ervi ce l i fe a nd Inside: NBR
col our s ta bi l i ty. Fi ts s ta nda rd, reus a bl e petrol pump Colour: Bl a ck
OIL connectors . Reinforcement: PVA
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: CSM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
15,0 25,0 20 80 100 440 3419150000
15,9 25,9 20 80 110 459 3419159000
19,1 31,1 20 80 125 666 3419191000
25,4 38,4 20 80 154 915 3419254000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3421 Fuel Hose








FOOD Codan 3421 - -

Red, fl exi bl e hos e wi th fa bri c rei nforcement a nd Type nr. 3421
conducti ng i nner rubber coa ti ng. Application: Fuel / Di es el / Pumps
For us e on petrol pumps for a l l fuel types , i ncl udi ng Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC unl ea ded a nd di es el . Oi l , wea ther a nd ozone- Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
res i s ta nt CSM rubber ens ures l ong s ervi ce l i fe a nd Inside: NBR
col our s ta bi l i ty. Fi ts s ta nda rd, reus a bl e petrol pump Colour: Bl a ck
OIL connectors . Reinforcement: PVA
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: CSM
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
15,0 25,0 20 80 100 441 3421150000
15,9 25,9 20 80 110 458 3421159000
19,1 31,1 20 80 125 664 3421191000
25,4 38,4 20 80 150 913 3421254000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3423 Fuel Hose








FOOD Codan 3423 - -

Green, fl exi bl e hos e wi th fa bri c rei nforcement a nd Type nr. 3423
conducti ng i nner rubber coa ti ng. Application: Fuel / Di es el / Pumps
For us e on petrol pumps for a l l fuel types , i ncl udi ng Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC unl ea ded a nd di es el . Oi l , wea ther a nd ozone- Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
res i s ta nt CSM rubber ens ures l ong s ervi ce l i fe a nd Inside: NBR
col our s ta bi l i ty. Fi ts s ta nda rd, reus a bl e petrol pump Colour: Bl a ck
OIL connectors . Reinforcement: PVA
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: CSM
OIL COOLING Colour: Green
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
15,0 25,0 20 80 100 441 3423150000
15,9 25,9 20 80 110 458 3423159000
19,1 31,1 20 80 125 664 3423191000
25,4 38,1 20 80 150 913 3423254000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3424 Fuel Hose








FOOD Codan 3424 - -

Bl ue, fl exi bl e hos e wi th fa bri c rei nforcement a nd Type nr. 3424
conducti ng i nner rubber coa ti ng. Application: Fuel / Di es el / Pumps
For us e on petrol pumps for a l l fuel types , i ncl udi ng Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC unl ea ded a nd di es el . Oi l , wea ther a nd ozone- Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
res i s ta nt CSM rubber ens ures l ong s ervi ce l i fe a nd Inside: NBR
col our s ta bi l i ty. Fi ts s ta nda rd, reus a bl e petrol pump Colour: Bl a ck
OIL connectors . Reinforcement: PVA
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: CSM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl ue
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
15,0 25,0 20 80 100 441 3424150000
15,9 25,4 20 80 110 458 3424159000
19,1 31,1 20 80 125 664 3424191000
25,4 38,4 20 80 150 913 3424254000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021









GAS 2612











This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1633 Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 1633 - BS 3212/1: 1991

Bl a ck LPG/ga s tubi ng, non-rei nforced, for l ow- Type nr. 1633
pres s ure a ppl i ca ti ons . Application: LPG / Propa ne / Buta ne
Ma nufa ctured to Bri ti s h Sta nda rd 3212/1:1991. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC For us e i n ca ra va ns , hea ters , etc. Working Temperature: -30°C to 90°C
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mp on bra s s Inside: NBR
nozzl e. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: -
Outside: -
Standards: BS 3212/1: 1991
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
8,0 14,4 0 4 13 165 1633008000
9,5 14,0 0 4 13 165 1633010000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2601 Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 2601 - EN ISO 3821:2019 / EN 559: 2003

Fl exi bl e, s mooth, ora nge hos e for l i quefi ed Type nr. 2601
petrol eum ga s (LPG), propa ne/buta ne, to EN ISO Application: LPG / Propa ne / Buta ne Standard
3821/EN559. Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC In a ccorda nce wi th the new EN ISO 3821:2019 a nd Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C Inside: NBR
EN559, the hos e i s pri ma ri l y for us e i n i ndus tri a l Colour: Bl a ck
wel di ng a nd cutti ng a ppl i ca ti ons . The 6.3 mm a nd Reinforcement: Es ter
OIL 11.0 mm hos es a re DG a pproved. Pl ea s e conta ct Outside: EPDM
Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Ora nge
OIL COOLING Standards: EN ISO 3821:2019 / EN 559: 2003
Std. branding: -



WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,0 11,0 20 60 35 110 2601004000
5,0 11,4 20 60 40 116 2601005000
6,3 13,3 20 60 40 141 2601006000
8,0 15,0 20 60 40 173 2601008000
9,0 16,0 20 60 115 188 2601009000
10,0 17,0 20 60 50 203 2601010000
11,0 18,0 20 60 55 221 2601011000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2605 Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 2605 - DG 2240

Fl exi bl e, ora nge, hi gh-pres s ure l i qui d-ga s hos e for Type nr. 2605
buta ne a nd propa ne. For us e wi th hi gh-pres s ure Application: LPG / Propa ne / Buta ne
regul a tors for porta bl e ga s -cons umi ng equi pment. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Approved by the Da ni s h ga s tes ti ng a uthori ty (Da ns k Working Temperature: -20°C to 70°C
Ga s prøvni ngs i ns ti tut) i n a ccorda nce wi th DG Inside: NBR
s ta nda rd 2240. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: Es ter
Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Ora nge
Standards: DG 2240
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 14,3 30 88 67 200 2605006000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2606 Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 2606 -

Fl exi bl e, ora nge, hi gh-pres s ure l i qui d-ga s hos e for Type nr. 2606
buta ne a nd propa ne. For us e wi th hi gh-pres s ure Application: LPG / Propa ne / Buta ne
regul a tors for porta bl e ga s -cons umi ng equi pment. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Speci a l Cos tumer Produced Hos e. Working Temperature: -20°C to 70°C
Inside: NBR
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: PVA
Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Ora nge
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 14,3 50 125 0 200 2606006000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2612 Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 2612 - DG 2239

Ora nge, l ow-pres s ure l i qui d-ga s hos e for LPG Type nr. 2612
(buta ne/propa ne). Often us ed to connect ga s Application: LPG / Propa ne / Buta ne
cyl i nder to ga s -cons umi ng devi ce, e.g. porta bl e Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC ba rbecues a nd hea ters . Approved by the Da ni s h ga s Working Temperature: -20°C to 70°C
tes ti ng a uthori ty (Da ns k Ga s prøvni ngs i ns ti tut) for Inside: NBR
l ow-pres s ure a ppl i ca ti ons i n a ccorda nce wi th DG Colour: Bl a ck
OIL 2239. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Ora nge
Standards: DG 2239
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
11,0 18,0 2 10 38 232 2612011000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2614 Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 2614 - EN 16436-1 Class 2 / EN 16436-1:2014

Fl exi bl e, s mooth, ora nge hos e for l i quefi ed Type nr. 2614
petrol eum ga s (LPG), propa ne/buta ne, to EN 16436-1 Application: LPG / Propa ne / Buta ne
Cl a s s 2. The hos e i s pri ma ri l y for us e i n a s s embl i es Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC of LPG a ppl i ca ti ons . Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
For us e wi th ba rbecues , pa ti o hea ters , ca ra va n Inside: NBR
i ns ta l l a ti ons a nd weed burners . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL The hos e i s DG-a pproved for s i zes 6.3 - 10.0 Reinforcement: Es ter
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Ora nge
Important: The Europea n Commi ttee For Standards: EN 16436-1 Cl a s s 2 / EN 16436-1:2014
Sta nda rdi za ti on ha s i ntroduced new s ta nda rds for Std. branding: -
PVC LPG hos es : EN16436-1 2014.
Cl i ck here [3] to rea d a bout the new regul a ti ons .


Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,0 11,0 10 30 35 110 2614004
6,3 13,3 10 30 40 141 2614006
8,0 15,0 10 30 - 173 2614008
9,0 16,0 10 30 45 195 2614009
10,0 20,0 10 30 47 216 2614010

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2636 Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 2636 - BS 3212: 1991 type 2

Ora nge, l i qui d-ga s hos e for buta ne a nd propa ne, to Type nr. 2636
BS3212:1991 type 2. For us e wi th ga s -fuel l ed l ei s ure Application: LPG / Propa ne / Buta ne
a ppl i a nces , e.g. ba rbecues a nd hea ters . Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Working Temperature: -20°C to 80°C
Inside: NBR
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: PVA
Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Colour: Ora nge
Standards: BS 3212: 1991 type 2
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,0 10,4 18 52 36 106 2636004000
4,8 11,6 18 52 58 115 2636005000
6,3 13,1 18 52 65 137 2636006000
8,3 15,5 18 52 76 178 2636008000
9,5 17,3 18 52 60 239 2636010000
12,7 20,5 18 52 72 293 2636013000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2654 Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 2654 - EN ISO 3821:2019 / EN

FUEL 16436-1 Type nr. 2654
Application: LPG / Propa ne / Buta ne
GAS Fl exi bl e, s mooth, ora nge hos e for l i quefi ed
Standard Length: 50 metres
petrol eum ga s (LPG), propa ne/buta ne, to EN ISO
HYDRAULIC Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
3821:2019 a nd EN 16436. The hos e i s pri ma ri l y for us e of
Inside: NBR
MATERIAL HANDLING a s s embl i es of LPG a ppl i ca ti ons .
Colour: Bl a ck
Important: The Europea n Commi ttee For
OIL Reinforcement: Es ter
Sta nda rdi za ti on ha s i ntroduced new s ta nda rds for
Outside: CR
LPG hos es : EN16436-1 2014.
OIL COOLING Colour: Ora nge
Cl i ck here [3] to rea d a bout the new regul a ti ons .
Standards: EN ISO 3821:2019 / EN 16436-1
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,0 12,0 30 90 35 120 2654004
6,3 16,3 30 90 45 185 2654006

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2656 Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 2656 - BS 3212/2 : 1991

Bl a ck s mooth rubber hos e for hi gh pres s ure LPG. Type nr. 2656
Approved a cc. Ca l or Ga s . Hos e a l s o na med i n the Application: LPG / Propa ne / Buta ne
ma rket a s the pi gta i l hos e. Us ed for connecti on Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC between bottel s , often wi th a s pl i tter to s evera l Working Temperature: -30°C to 70°C
bottel s . Inside: NBR
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: BS 3212/2 : 1991
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 15,0 18 117 62 204 2656006000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2657 Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 2657 - EN ISO 3821:2019 / EN

FUEL 16436-1 Type nr. 2657
Application: Ga s Hos e
GAS Fl exi bl e, s mooth, bl a ck hos e for l i quefi ed
Standard Length: 50 metres
petrol eum ga s (LPG), propa ne/buta ne, to EN ISO
HYDRAULIC Working Temperature: -30°C to 90°C
3821:2019 a nd EN 16436. The hos e i s pri ma ri l y for us e of
Inside: NBR
MATERIAL HANDLING a s s embl i es of LPG a ppl i ca ti ons .
Colour: Bl a ck
Important: The Europea n Commi ttee For
OIL Reinforcement: EN ISO 3821 / EN 16436-1
Sta nda rdi za ti on ha s i ntroduced new s ta nda rds for
Outside: CR
LPG hos es : EN16436-1 2014.
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Cl i ck here [3] to rea d a bout the new regul a ti ons .
Standards: EN ISO 3821:2019 / EN 16436-1
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,0 12,0 30 90 35 120 2657004
6,3 16,3 30 90 45 185 2657006

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2658 Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 2658 -

Bl a ck s mooth rubber hos e for l ow pres s ure LPG. Type nr. 2658
Hos e for tra ns porti ng propa ne- buta ne ga s i n Application: LPG / Propa ne / Buta ne
a utomoti ve a ppl i ca ti ons . Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Working Temperature: -25°C to 125°C
Inside: NBR
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: SBR/EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,0 10,0 10 30 26 75 2658004000
5,0 11,0 10 30 32 94 2658005000
10,0 17,0 10 30 58 192 2658010000
12,0 19,0 10 30 70 230 2658012000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 4084 Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 4084 - EN1763-1:2000 & DG0553

Bl a ck LPG/Ga s tubi ng, non-rei nforced, for Type nr. 4084
l owpres s ure a ppl i ca ti ons . Ma nufa ctured to EN1763- Application: LPG / Propa ne / Buta ne
1:2000 a nd i s DG0553 a pproved. Standard Length: metres
HYDRAULIC For us e i n tes tequi pment a nd l a bora tori es . Working Temperature: -30°C to 90°C
The worki ng pres s ure for thi s hos e i s 0.1 ba r. Inside: NBR
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mp on bra s s Colour: Bl a ck
OIL nozzl e. Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further Reinforcement:
i nforma ti on. Outside: NBR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Important: The Europea n Commi ttee For Standards: EN1763-1:2000 & DG0553
Sta nda rdi za ti on ha s i ntroduced new s ta nda rds for Std. branding: -
PVC LPG hos es : EN16436-1 2014.
Cl i ck here [3] to rea d a bout the new regul a ti ons .


Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
8,0 15,0 0 4 13 168 4084008000
9,5 16,5 0 4 13 165 408470003

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021









GAS 3516












This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3024 Hydraulic Hose








FOOD Codan 3024 - OLN

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e hos e for hydra ul i c oi l s , di es el oi l , Type nr. 3024
etc. Ca pa bl e of wi ths ta ndi ng tempera tures of ma x. Application: Low-pres s ure Hydra ul i cs
+140°C for bri ef peri ods , ma ki ng i t i dea l for oi l Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC cool i ng on hi gh-performa nce ca rs , motorcycl es , Working Temperature: -40°C to 125°C
boa ts , etc. Inside: NBR
Cri mped-on l ow-pres s ure fi tti ngs a re recommended Colour: Bl a ck
OIL for thi s hos e type. Reinforcement: Es ter
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: OLN
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,0 10,2 25 75 30 99 3024004000
6,0 12,4 25 75 36 132 3024006000
8,0 14,4 25 75 42 160 3024008000
9,0 15,4 25 75 45 174 3024009000
9,5 15,9 25 75 46 181 3024095000
10,0 16,4 25 75 48 187 3024010000
11,0 18,2 18 55 54 235 3024011000
12,0 20,2 14 42 60 295 3024012000
13,0 22,0 14 42 66 351 3024013000
15,0 24,0 14 42 72 391 3024015000
16,0 25,0 14 42 75 410 3024016000
20,0 30,0 12 36 90 557 3024020000
28,0 40,0 12 36 120 904 3024028000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3501 Hydraulic Hose








FOOD Codan 3501 - SAE 100 R3

Bl a ck hydra ul i c hos e wi th fa bri c i ns ert for hydra ul i c Type nr. 3501
fl ui ds . For us e a s return hos e i n hydra ul i c s ys tems , Application: Low-pres s ure Hydra ul i cs
but a l s o s ui ta bl e for medi um-pres s ure s ys tems . Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Cri mped-on fi tti ngs a re recommended a t pres s ures Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
hi gher tha n 20 ba r a nd tempera tures hi gher tha n Inside: NBR
23°C. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: PVA
Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: SAE 100 R3
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,8 13,2 105 420 52 162 3501005000
6,3 14,7 88 350 59 189 3501006000
7,9 17,5 84 335 70 263 3501008000
9,5 19,1 79 315 77 296 3501010000
12,7 23,9 70 280 96 440 3501013000
15,9 27,0 60 241 108 506 3501016000
19,1 31,7 52 210 127 689 3501019000
25,4 38,0 40 155 152 856 3501025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3512 Hydraulic Hose








FOOD Codan 3512 - SAE 100 R6 / EN 854

Bl a ck hydra ul i c hos e wi th fa bri c i ns ert i dea l for Type nr. 3512
hydra ul i c oi l s , di es el oi l , etc. Application: Low-pres s ure Hydra ul i cs
For us e a s return hos e i n hydra ul i c s ys tems . Al s o Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC s ui ta bl e for us e a s pres s ure hos e, e.g. for oi l Working Temperature: -40°C to 120°C
cool i ng i n i nterna l combus ti on engi nes . Inside: NBR
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps or cri mped- Colour: Bl a ck
OIL on l ow-pres s ure fi tti ngs . Thi s hos e exceeds the BP Reinforcement: PVA
EN 854 pres s ure ra ti ng. Outside: CR/SBR
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: SAE 100 R6 / EN 854
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,8 11,1 34 138 50 111 3512005000
6,4 12,7 28 110 63 134 3512006000
7,9 14,3 28 110 75 158 3512008000
9,5 15,9 28 110 75 181 3512010000
12,7 19,8 28 110 100 257 3512013000
15,9 23,0 24 97 125 308 3512016000
19,1 27,0 21 82 135 408 3512019000
25,4 35,0 20 80 175 647 3512025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3514 Hydraulic Hose








FOOD Codan 3514 - SAE 100 R6 / EN 854 - 1TE

Bl a ck, hi gh-tempera ture hydra ul i c hos e wi th fa bri c Type nr. 3514
i ns ert i dea l for hydra ul i c oi l s , di es el oi l , etc. Application: Low-pres s ure Hydra ul i cs
For us e a s return hos e i n hydra ul i c s ys tems . Al s o Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC s ui ta bl e for us e a s pres s ure hos e, e.g. for oi l Working Temperature: -40°C to 135°C
cool i ng i n i nterna l combus ti on engi nes . Inside: NBR
Cri mped-on fi tti ngs a re recommended. Thi s hos e Colour: Bl a ck
OIL exceeds the BP EN 854 pres s ure ra ti ng. Reinforcement: PVA
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: CPE
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: SAE 100 R6 / EN 854 - 1TE
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,8 11,1 34 138 50 117 3514005000
6,4 12,7 28 110 63 141 3514006000
7,9 14,3 28 110 75 165 3514008000
9,5 15,9 28 110 75 188 3514010000
12,7 19,8 28 110 100 268 3514013000
15,0 22,0 24 97 119 310 3514015000
15,9 23,0 24 97 125 320 3514016000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3516 Hydraulic Hose








FOOD Codan 3516 - CNOMO E07.21.115.N

Red, s mooth, l ow-pres s ure, 'PUSH-ON' hydra ul i c Type nr. 3516
hos e. PN3A. Ma nufa ctured to CNOMO E07.21.115N, Application: Low-Pres s ure Hydra ul i cs / Pus h-On
a nd compl i es wi th the s tri ngent pul l -off/pus h-on Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC requi rements s ta ted i n the s ta nda rd. For us e a s a i r Working Temperature: -20°C to 90°C
hos e on roboti c equi pment, etc., a nd for wa ter/oi l Inside: NBR/PVC
emul s i ons both a s pres s ure a nd return hos e. Al s o Colour: Bl a ck
OIL a va i l a bl e i n bl ue a nd bl a ck. Reinforcement: PVA
Coda n pus h-on fi tti ngs a re recommended. Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Red
Standards: CNOMO E07.21.115.N
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,0 10,2 12 83 45 90 3516040000
6,7 13,0 12 83 63 127 3516067000
10,0 16,4 12 83 75 174 3516100000
13,3 20,3 12 83 100 242 3516133000
16,3 23,3 12 83 125 285 3516163000
19,4 26,6 12 70 140 340 3516194000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3517 Hydraulic Hose








FOOD Codan 3517 - CNOMO E07.21.115.N

Bl ue, s mooth, l ow-pres s ure, 'PUSH-ON' hydra ul i c Type nr. 3517
hos e. PN3A. Ma nufa ctured to CNOMO E07.21.115N, Application: Low-Pres s ure Hydra ul i cs / Pus h-On
a nd compl i es wi th the s tri ngent pul l -off/pus h-on Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC requi rements s ta ted i n the s ta nda rd. For us e a s a i r Working Temperature: -20°C to 90°C
hos e on roboti c equi pment, etc., a nd for wa ter/oi l Inside: NBR/PVC
emul s i ons both a s pres s ure a nd return hos e. Al s o Colour: Bl a ck
OIL a va i l a bl e i n red a nd bl a ck. Reinforcement: PVA
Coda n pus h-on fi tti ngs a re recommended. Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl ue
Standards: CNOMO E07.21.115.N
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,0 10,2 12 83 45 90 3517040000
6,7 13,0 12 83 63 127 3517067000
10,0 16,4 12 83 75 174 3517100000
13,3 20,3 12 83 100 242 3517133000
16,3 23,3 12 83 125 285 3517163000
19,4 26,6 12 70 140 340 3517194000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3518 Hydraulic Hose








FOOD Codan 3518 - CNOMO E07.21.115.N

Bl a ck, s mooth, l ow-pres s ure, 'PUSH-ON' hydra ul i c Type nr. 3518
hos e. PN3A. Ma nufa ctured to CNOMO E07.21.115N, Application: Low-Pres s ure Hydra ul i cs / Pus h-On
a nd compl i es wi th the s tri ngent pul l -off/pus h-on Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC requi rements s ta ted i n the s ta nda rd. For us e a s a i r Working Temperature: -20°C to 90°C
hos e on roboti c equi pment, etc., a nd for wa ter/oi l Inside: NBR/PVC
emul s i ons both a s pres s ure a nd return hos e. Al s o Colour: Bl a ck
OIL a va i l a bl e i n bl a ck a nd red. Reinforcement: PVA
Coda n pus h-on fi tti ngs a re recommended. Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: CNOMO E07.21.115.N
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,0 10,2 12 83 45 90 3518040000
6,7 13,0 12 83 63 127 3518067000
10,0 16,4 12 83 75 174 3518100000
13,3 20,3 12 83 100 242 3518133000
16,3 23,3 12 83 125 285 3518163000
19,4 26,6 12 70 140 340 3518194000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3550 Hydraulic Hose








FOOD Codan 3550 - SAE 100 R4

Bl a ck, wra pped, fl exi bl e, di mens i ona l l y s ta bl e hos e Type nr. 3550
for us e a s return hos e i n hydra ul i c s ys tems . Al s o Application: Low-pres s ure Hydra ul i cs
s ui ta bl e a s s ta nda rd s ucti on/pres s ure hos e for Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC i ndus tri a l a ppl i ca ti ons . Doubl e s teel hel i x ma kes Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
the hos e i dea l for us e i n confi ned a rea s . Inside: NBR
Va cuum: Decrea s i ng 90-40%. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hea vy-duty hos e cl a mps Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
ti ghtened wi th Al l en key or DIN cl a mps . Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: SAE 100 R4
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
19,1 31,0 20 82 127 740 3550019000
25,4 37,0 17 69 152 900 3550025000
32,0 44,0 14 55 203 1.120 3550032000
38,0 51,2 10 41 254 1.370 3550038000
51,0 63,8 7 27 305 1.815 3550051000
63,0 77,0 4 17 356 2.505 3550063000
76,0 90,0 3 15 457 2.960 3550076000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3581 Hydraulic Hose








FOOD Codan 3581 - DIN 20022 1SN

Bl a ck, wra pped hydra ul i c hos e. Ma nufa ctured to DIN Type nr. 3581
20022 1SN wi th s i ngl e l a yer of bra i ded s teel to Application: Hi gh-Pres s ure Hydra ul i cs
ens ure compl i a nce wi th the pres s ure i mpul s e Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC requi rements s ta ted i n the s ta nda rd. For hydra ul i c Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
fl ui ds ba s ed on mi nera l oi l s a nd emul s i ons of Inside: NBR
wa ter a nd oi l . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Il l us tra ti on va ri es from a ctua l product. Reinforcement: One s teel 3-wa y bra i ded wi re
Fi ts s ta nda rd hydra ul i c connectors . Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Ava i l a bl e i n l engths from 5 to <50 m. Colour: Bl a ck
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Standards: DIN 20022 1SN
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,4 13,4 200 900 100 0 3581006000
7,9 15,0 215 850 115 0 3581008000
9,5 17,4 180 720 130 0 3581010000
12,7 20,6 160 640 180 0 3581013000
15,9 23,7 130 520 200 0 3581016000
19,1 27,7 105 420 240 0 3581019000
25,4 35,6 88 350 300 0 3581025000
31,8 43,5 63 250 420 0 3581032000
38,1 50,6 50 200 500 0 3581038000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3582 Hydraulic Hose








FOOD Codan 3582 - DIN 20022 2SN

Bl a ck, wra pped hydra ul i c hos e. Ma nufa ctured to DIN Type nr. 3582
20022 2SN wi th doubl e l a yer of bra i ded s teel to Application: Hi gh-Pres s ure Hydra ul i cs
ens ure compl i a nce wi th the pres s ure i mpul s e Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC requi rements s ta ted i n the s ta nda rd. For hydra ul i c Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
fl ui ds ba s ed on mi nera l oi l s a nd emul s i ons of Inside: NBR
wa ter a nd oi l . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Il l us tra ti on va ri es from a ctua l product. Reinforcement: Two s teel 3-wa y bra i ded wi re
Ava i l a bl e i n l engths from 5 to <50 m. Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Fi ts s ta nda rd hydra ul i c connectors . Colour: Bl a ck
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Standards: DIN 20022 2SN
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,4 15,0 400 1600 100 0 3582006000
7,9 16,6 350 1400 115 0 3582008000
9,5 19,0 330 1320 130 0 3582010000
12,7 22,2 275 1100 180 0 3582013000
15,9 25,4 250 1000 200 0 3582016000
19,0 29,3 215 850 240 0 3582019000
25,4 38,1 165 650 300 0 3582025000
31,8 48,3 125 500 420 0 3582032000
38,1 54,6 90 360 500 0 3582038000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3583 Hydraulic Hose








FOOD Codan 3583 - EN 857 1SC

Bl a ck wra pped hydra ul i c hos e wi th s teel wi re bra i d Type nr. 3583
rei nforcement a ccordi ng EN 857 1SC. Sui ta bl e to Application: Hi gh Pres s ure Hydra ul i cs
tra ns fer hydra ul l i c fl ui ds , mi nera l oi l s , fuel s , Standard Length: metres
HYDRAULIC hydroca rbons , etc. The 1 SC hos e i s more fl exi bl e Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
tha n the s ta nda rd DIN 1SN hos e a nd i s us ed on Inside: NBR
pl a ces where s ma l l bend ra di us i s needed. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Ava i l a bl e i n l engths from 5 to <50 m. Reinforcement: One s teel 3-wa y bra i ded wi re
Fi ts s ta nda rd hydra ul i c connectors . Outside: SBR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: EN 857 1SC
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,4 11,5 225 900 75 173 3583006000
7,9 13,6 215 860 85 218 3583008000
9,8 15,6 180 720 90 262 3583010000
12,7 18,9 160 640 130 338 3583013000
15,9 22,0 130 520 150 397 3583016000
18,9 26,0 105 420 180 515 3583019000
25,5 33,3 88 352 230 725 3583025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3584 Hydraulic Hose








FOOD Codan 3584 - EN 857 2SC

Bl a ck wra pped hydra ul i c hos e wi th s teel wi re bra i d Type nr. 3584
rei nforcement a ccordi ng EN 857 2SC. Sui ta bl e to Application: Hi gh-Pres s ure Hydra ul i cs
tra ns fer hydra ul l i c fl ui ds , mi nera l oi l s , fuel s , Standard Length: metres
HYDRAULIC hydroca rbons , etc. The 2 SC hos e i s more fl exi bl e Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
tha n the s ta nda rd DIN 2SN hos e a nd i s us ed on Inside: NBR
pl a ces where s ma l l bend ra di us i s needed. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Ava i l a bl e i n l engths from 5 to <50 m. Reinforcement: Two s teel 3-wa y bra i ded wi re
Fi ts s ta nda rd hydra ul i c connectors . Outside: SBR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: EN 857 2SC
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,4 13,0 400 1600 75 289 3584006000
7,9 15,0 350 1400 85 346 3584008000
9,8 17,2 330 1320 90 416 3584010000
12,7 20,4 275 1100 130 518 3584013000
15,9 23,9 250 1000 170 629 3584016000
18,9 27,7 215 860 200 763 3584019000
25,5 35,4 165 660 250 1.042 3584025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3585 Hydraulic Hose








FOOD Codan 3585 - EN 853

Bl a ck, wra pped hydra ul i c hos e. Ma nufa ctured to EN Type nr. 3585
853 wi th s i ngl e l a yer of bra i ded s teel to ens ure Application: Hydra ul i c Hos e
compl i a nce wi th the pres s ure i mpul s e Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC requi rements s ta ted i n the s ta nda rd. Working Temperature: -40°C to 120°C
For hydra ul i c fl ui ds ba s ed on mi nera l oi l s a nd Inside: NBR
emul s i ons of wa ter a nd oi l . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Il l us tra ti on va ri es from a ctua l product. Reinforcement: One s teel 3-wa y bra i ded wi re
Fi ts s ta nda rd hydra ul i c connectors . Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Ava i l a bl e i n l engths from 5 to <50 m. Colour: Bl a ck
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Standards: EN 853
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,4 12,0 200 900 100 0 3585006

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021









GAS 1703










This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1243 Material Handling Hose








FOOD Codan 1243 - -

Bl a ck, wra pped pres s ure hos e wi th very s turdy, extra Type nr. 1243
ha rd-wea ri ng, a nti -s ta ti c i nner rubber l a yer tha t Application: Concrete / Grout Hos e
ens ures l ong s ervi ce l i fe. Wea ther-res i s ta nt, ha rd- Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC wea ri ng outer rubber l a yer. For us e i n the Working Temperature: -20°C to 70°C
cons tructi on i ndus try for i njecti ng wet grout, mi xed Inside: NR
concrete a nd other wet, a bra s i ve ma teri a l s . Al s o Colour: Bl a ck
OIL s ui ta bl e for pl a s ter, etc. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: SBR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
19,0 31,5 40 140 0 655 1243019000
25,0 38,2 40 140 0 810 1243025000
32,0 46,0 40 140 0 1.300 1243032000
35,0 49,4 40 140 0 1.390 1243035000
38,0 53,6 40 140 0 1.440 1243038000
51,0 68,6 40 140 0 2.100 1243051000
63,0 85,4 40 140 0 3.270 1243063000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1600 Material Handling Hose








FOOD Codan 1600 - -

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e, wra pped pres s ure hos e wi th s trong, Type nr. 1600
pa rti cul a rl y ha rd-wea ri ng i nner l i ni ng whi ch i s a nti - Application: Sa ndbl a s ti ng
s ta ti c. Di s cha rge i s a l s o ens ured by the a nti -s ta ti c Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC wi re i ncorpora ted i n the hos e. For us e i n Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
s a ndbl a s ti ng a nd cl ea ni ng of meta l , s tone, Inside: NR
concrete, etc. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Ins ta l l ed us i ng s peci a l s a nd-bl a s ti ng connectors . Reinforcement: Pol yes ter - Anti -s ta ti c wi re
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: SBR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
13,0 25,0 10 30 0 480 1600013000
16,0 30,0 10 30 0 630 1600016000
19,0 34,0 10 30 0 780 1600019000
25,0 40,0 10 30 0 950 1600025000
32,0 48,0 10 30 0 1.330 1600032000
38,0 56,0 10 30 0 1.640 1600038000
42,0 60,0 10 30 0 1.790 1600042000
51,0 73,0 10 30 0 2.590 1600051000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1605 Material Handling Hose








FOOD Codan 1605 - DIN 53516: 70 +/-5mm3

Abra s i on res i s ta nt s oftwa l l hos e, us ed for the Type nr. 1605
del i very of s a nd or ca s t s teel s hot. It i s Application: Sa ndbl a s ti ng
ma nufa ctured wi th a n a nti s ta ti c rubber compound. Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC Al s o a va i l i bl e i n other di mens i ons a nd l ength upon Working Temperature: -40°C to 70°C
reques t. Pl s conta ct CODAN for further i nforma ti on. Inside: SBR/NR
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Hi gh Strength Cord
Outside: SBR/NR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: DIN 53516: 70 +/-5mm3
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,0 39,0 10 30 - - 1605025000
32,0 48,0 10 30 - - 1605032000
38,0 56,0 10 30 - - 1605038000
50,0 60,0 10 30 230 1.600 1605050000
60,0 70,0 10 30 250 2.150 1605060000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1701 Material Handling Hose








FOOD Codan 1701 - -

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e, wra pped pres s ure hos e wi th s trong, Type nr. 1701
pa rti cul a rl y ha rd-wea ri ng i nner l i ni ng whi ch i s a nti - Application: Dry Cement
s ta ti c. Di s cha rge i s a l s o ens ured by the a nti -s ta ti c Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC wi re i ncorpora ted i n the hos e. For va ri ous s trongl y Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
a bra s i ve ma teri a l s , i ncl udi ng dry cement, Inside: NR
gra nul a tes , etc. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Ins ta l l ed us i ng s peci a l s a nd-bl a s ti ng connectors . Reinforcement: Pol yes ter - Anti -s ta ti c wi re
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: EPDM/SBR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
51,0 64,0 8 24 0 1.470 1701051000
63,0 79,0 8 24 0 2.660 1701063000
76,0 94,8 8 24 0 3.240 1701076000
80,0 99,0 8 24 0 3.430 1701080000
90,0 110,0 8 24 0 4.050 1701090000
102,0 122,4 8 24 0 4.520 1701102000
127,0 147,4 8 24 0 5.520 1701127000
152,0 174,0 8 24 0 7.180 1701152000
203,0 230,0 8 24 0 9.660 1701203000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1703 Material Handling Hose








FOOD Codan 1703 - FDA

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e, wra pped pres s ure hos e wi th l i ght, Type nr. 1703
s mooth, s trong i nner l i ni ng whi ch, together wi th the Application: PVC Gra nul a te
a nti -s ta ti c wi res i ncorpora ted i n the hos e, ens ures Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC rel i a bl e tra ns port of the medi um. Speci a l l y Working Temperature: -30°C to 90°C
devel oped for PVC gra nul a tes , but the l i ght i nner Inside: SBR/NR
l i ni ng a l s o ma kes i t s ui ta bl e for coa rs e foods tuffs . Colour: Bri ght
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter wi th 2 Anti -s ta ti c wi res
Outside: SBR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: FDA
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
51,0 67,4 8 24 0 1.940 1703051000
63,0 81,0 8 24 0 2.440 1703063000
76,0 95,2 8 24 0 2.980 1703076000
80,0 100,4 8 24 0 3.630 1703080000
90,0 109,2 8 24 0 4.040 1703090000
102,0 123,6 8 24 0 5.000 1703102000
102,0 122,4 8 24 0 4.500 1703103000
110,0 130,0 8 24 0 5.200 1703110000
127,0 149,0 8 24 0 6.240 1703127000
152,0 176,0 8 24 0 7.470 1703152000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1705 Material Handling Hose








FOOD Codan 1705 - DIN 53516: 70 +/-5mm3

Ha rdwa l l hos e us ed for s ucti on a nd del i very of dry Type nr. 1705
cement, s a nd, gra vel , etc. Al s o a va i l i bl e i n other Application: Dry Cement
l engths , di mens i ons etc. Pl s conta ct CODAN for Standard Length: 15 metres
HYDRAULIC further i nforma ti on. Working Temperature: -30°C to 70°C
Inside: SBR/NR
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Hi gh Strength Syntheti c Cord. Steel
Hel i x wi re a nd a nti s ta ti c copper wi re
Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: DIN 53516: 70 +/-5mm3
PVC Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
114,0 138,0 10 30 0 6.340 1705114000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2637 Material Handling Hose








FOOD Codan 2637 -

Ma ndrel bui l t hos e for concrete wet/dry, cement, Type nr. 2637
pl a s ter, gra nul a ted a nd a bra s i ves ma teri a l s i n Application: Dry Cement
genera l . Whi te NR rubber l i ner wi th excel l ent Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC a bra s i on res i s ta nce. Hi gh s trength pol yes ter texti l e Working Temperature: -25°C to 70°C
ya rns . Anti s ta ti c copper wi re for s ta ti c el ectri ci ty Inside: NR
di s s i pa ti on. Intermedi a te rubber l a yer a s s uri ng Colour: Whi te
OIL perfect a dhes i on between l i ni ng a nd cover. Pl ea s e Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
conta ct CODAN for further i nforma ti on. Outside: SBR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
di a . (mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR Pres s ure BAR (mm) (g/m) code
55,0 74,4 10 30 270 2.450 26370550000
75,0 97,0 10 30 400 4.340 26370750000
102,0 134,0 10 30 500 8.920 26371020000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2700 Material Handling Hose








FOOD Codan 2700 -

Bl a ck, wra pped s ucti on/pres s ure hos e wi th s trong, Type nr. 2700
s mooth, ha rd-wea ri ng i nner l i ni ng whi ch i s a nti - Application: Abra s i ve ma teri a l s - s ucti on
s ta ti c. Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC For va cuumi ng s a nd, dry cement a nd other s trongl y Working Temperature: -30°C to 70°C
a bra s i ve ma teri a l s . Inside: NR
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Pol yes ter wi th s teel hel i x
Outside: SBR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
51,0 65,0 5 15 310 1.900 2700051000
63,5 78,0 5 15 380 2.700 2700063000
76,0 91,0 5 15 460 3.100 2700076000
80,0 96,0 5 15 500 3.450 2700080000
90,0 106,0 5 15 550 3.900 2700090000
102,0 118,0 5 15 610 4.500 2700102000
110,0 128,0 5 15 690 5.200 2700110000
127,0 145,0 5 15 760 6.180 2700127000
152,0 172,0 4 12 910 8.800 2700152000
203,0 223,0 3 9 1.250 11.900 2700203000
254,0 279,0 3 9 1.800 17.950 2700254000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2703 Material Handling Hose








FOOD Codan 2703 - FDA

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e, wra pped pres s ure hos e wi th l i ght, Type nr. 2703
s mooth, s trong i nner l i ni ng whi ch, together wi th the Application: PVC Gra nul a tes - Sucti on
a nti -s ta ti c wi res a nd doubl e s teel hel i x Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC i ncorpora ted i n the hos e, ens ure rel i a bl e tra ns port Working Temperature: -30°C to 90°C
of the medi um. Speci a l l y devel oped for Inside: NR
s ucti on/tra ns port of PVC gra nul a tes , but the l i ght Colour: Bri ght
OIL i nner l i ni ng a l s o ma kes i t s ui ta bl e for a bra s i ve Reinforcement: Pol yes ter w/ doubl e s teel hel i x a nd
foods tuffs . a nti -s ta ti c wi re.
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: SBR
Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: FDA
PVC Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
51,0 67,4 8 24 310 2.400 2703051000
63,0 79,0 8 24 380 3.050 2703063000
76,0 94,0 8 24 460 3.790 2703076000
80,0 102,8 8 24 530 5.070 2703080000
90,0 112,8 8 24 570 5.610 2703090000
102,0 124,8 8 24 650 6.500 2703102000
110,0 133,0 8 24 720 6.800 2703110000
127,0 152,0 8 24 850 9.420 2703127000
152,0 176,0 8 24 1.050 11.980 2703152000
203,0 232,0 8 24 1.320 18.200 2703203000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2710 Material Handling Hose








FOOD Codan 2710 - -

An ea s y a nd fl exi bl e s ucti on hos e wi th hi gh Type nr. 2710
wea ra bi l i ty. Bl a ck a nd corruga ted s urfa ce. Application: Abra s i ve ma teri a l s - s ucti on
90% Va cuum. Standard Length: - metres
HYDRAULIC Lengths : up to 4" - 40 m; 127 a nd 152 mm – 25 m; 203 Working Temperature: -40°C to 80°C
mm – 20 m. Inside: Na tura l Rubber
Colour: Brown
OIL Reinforcement: Syntheti c Texti l e ya rns a nd s teel
s pi ra l
Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: -
PVC Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
40,0 51,0 0 0 0 830 2710040000
50,0 61,0 0 0 0 1.150 2710050000
63,0 76,0 0 0 0 1.430 2710063000
76,0 89,0 0 0 0 1.740 2710076000
90,0 104,0 0 0 0 2.450 2710090000
102,0 116,0 0 0 0 2.950 2710102000
127,0 144,0 0 0 0 3.600 2710127000
152,0 169,0 0 0 370 4.400 2710152000
203,0 220,0 0 0 610 8.230 2710203000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2715 Material Handling Hose








FOOD Codan 2715 -

Bl a ck, wra pped s ucti on/pres s ure hos e wi th s trong, Type nr. 2715
s mooth, ha rd-wea ri ng a nti -s ta ti c i nner l i ni ng. Application: Ma teri a l Ha ndl i ng Hos e
For va cuumi ng s a nd, dry cement a nd other s trongl y Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC a bra s i ve ma teri a l s . Working Temperature: -20°C to 80°C
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Inside: NR
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Pol yes ter wi th s teel hel i x
Outside: SBR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
51,0 65,0 10 30 150 1.650 2715051000
64,0 77,0 10 30 220 2.010 2715063000
76,0 90,0 10 30 300 2.510 2715076000
102,0 116,0 10 30 350 3.510 2715102000
110,0 126,0 10 30 150 4.010 2715110000
127,0 143,0 5 15 550 5.220 2715127000
152,0 168,0 5 15 600 6.240 2715152000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT 1900 3010


1915 3012


BUNKER 1918 3014


2006 3015


GAS 2106 3020


2206 3217







This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1900 Oil Hose








FOOD Codan 1900 - -

Bl a ck, wra pped pres s ure hos e wi th i ntegra ted a nti - Type nr. 1900
s ta ti c wi re a nd excel l ent l ow-tempera ture Application: Fuel Ta nker Hos e
tol era nce. Ha rd-wea ri ng, wea ther-res i s ta nt outer Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC l a yer of rubber. Inner rubber l a yer i s res i s ta nt to Working Temperature: -35°C to 70°C
ma x. 50% a roma ti cs . Inside: NBR
For us e a s pres s ure oi l hos e a nd ta nker hos e i n Colour: Bl a ck
OIL i ndus tri a l a ppl i ca ti ons . Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Ins ta l l ed us i ng DIN cl a mps or hos e cl a mps Outside: CR
OIL COOLING ti ghtened wi th Al l en key. Colour: Bl a ck
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
32,0 43,0 10 30 200 1.020 1900032000
38,0 49,0 10 30 230 1.170 1900038000
42,0 56,0 10 30 245 1.430 1900042000
45,0 60,0 10 30 285 1.500 1900045000
51,0 65,0 10 30 315 1.670 1900051000
63,0 78,0 10 30 425 2.040 1900063000
75,0 91,0 10 30 530 2.700 1900076000
90,0 106,0 10 30 625 3.120 1900090000
102,0 118,0 10 30 700 3.530 1900102000
152,0 173,0 10 30 1.200 6.000 1900152000
203,0 227,0 10 30 1.600 8.600 1900203000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1915 Oil Hose








FOOD Codan 1915 -

Bl a ck, wra pped pres s ure hos e wi th i ntegra ted a nti - Type nr. 1915
s ta ti c wi re. Ha rd-wea ri ng, wea ther-res i s ta nt outer Application: Oi l /Fuel
l a yer of rubber. Inner rubber l a yer i s res i s ta nt to Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC ma x. 50% a roma ti cs . Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
For us e a s pres s ure oi l hos e a nd ta nker hos e i n Inside: NBR
i ndus tri a l a ppl i ca ti ons . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Ins ta l l ed us i ng DIN cl a mps or hea vy-duty hos e Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
cl a mps ti ghtened wi th Al l en key. Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
32,0 45,2 15 48 200 1.030 1915032000
38,0 50,0 15 48 220 1.190 1915038000
40,0 53,2 15 48 275 1.240 1915040000
45,0 59,4 15 48 290 1.520 1915045000
51,0 65,4 15 48 320 1.690 1915051000
63,0 77,8 15 48 425 2.100 1915063000
76,0 92,0 15 48 530 2.740 1915076000
80,0 96,0 15 48 565 2.880 1915080000
90,0 106,8 15 48 640 3.200 1915090000
102,0 120,0 15 48 720 3.900 1915102000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1918 Oil Hose








FOOD Codan 1918 - -

Bl a ck, wra pped del i very hos e wi th i ntegra ted a nti - Type nr. 1918
s ta ti c wi re a nd excel l ent l ow-tempera ture Application: Oi l /Fuel
tol era nce. Ha rd-wea ri ng, wea ther-res i s ta nt outer Standard Length: - metres
HYDRAULIC l a yer of rubber. Inner rubber l a yer i s res i s ta nt to Working Temperature: -35°C to 70°C
ma x. 40% a roma ti cs . For us e a s pres s ure oi l hos e Inside: NBR
a nd ta nker hos e i n i ndus tri a l a ppl i ca ti ons . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter, Anti s ta ti c copper wi re
Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
19,0 31,0 18 54 0 630 1918019000
25,0 37,0 18 54 0 750 1918025000
32,0 44,0 18 54 0 950 1918032000
38,0 51,0 18 54 0 1.200 1918038000
45,0 59,0 18 54 0 1.550 1918045000
51,0 65,0 18 54 0 1.700 1918051000
63,5 79,0 18 54 0 2.400 1918063000
76,0 91,0 18 54 0 2.650 1918076000
102,0 118,0 18 54 0 3.700 1918102000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2006 Oil Hose








FOOD Codan 2006 - DNV/LLOYDS

Bl a ck, wra pped, hi gh-qua l i ty hos e a pproved for us e Type nr. 2006
a s wet di es el exha us t pi pe a nd fuel pi pe on boa ts Application: Ma ri ne Exha us t
l es s tha n 15 m i n l ength. Ma x. 55% a roma ti cs . Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC Approved by Ll oyds a nd Det Nors ke Veri ta s . Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
Incorpora ted doubl e s teel hel i x a l l ows the hos e to Inside: NBR
be bent wi thout ki nki ng i n s ma l l engi ne Colour: Bl a ck
OIL compa rtments wi th l i mi ted a cces s . Fi re-reta rda nt Reinforcement: Pol yes ter w/ doubl e s teel hel i x
outer rubber coa ti ng. Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng Outside: CR
OIL COOLING hea vy-duty hos e cl a mps ti ghtened wi th Al l en key. Colour: Bl a ck
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Standards: DNV/LLOYDS
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,0 35,0 10 30 110 750 2006025000
32,0 42,0 10 30 160 920 2006032000
38,0 48,0 10 30 200 1.060 2006038000
40,0 50,4 10 30 220 1.094 2006040000
42,0 52,4 10 30 215 1.147 2006042000
45,0 55,0 10 30 240 1.230 2006045000
48,0 58,4 10 30 235 1.440 2006048000
51,0 64,0 10 30 280 1.660 2006051000
55,0 67,8 8 24 285 1.790 2006055000
57,0 70,0 8 24 300 1.840 2006057000
60,0 72,8 8 24 310 1.950 2006060000
63,0 76,0 8 24 330 2.400 2006063000
70,0 82,8 8 24 340 2.620 2006070000
76,0 89,0 7 21 430 2.840 2006076000
80,0 90,0 7 21 440 2.990 2006080000
90,0 104,0 7 21 475 3.300 2006090000
102,0 116,0 7 21 600 4.680 2006102000
152,0 172,0 6 18 1.060 9.400 2006152000
203,0 223,0 5 15 1.200 12.450 2006203000
254,0 276,0 5 15 1.500 17.360 2006254000
305,0 329,0 5 15 2.000 20.480 2006305000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
This hose products
specification sheetin has
must be stored been with
accordance prepared with (Storage
ISO 2230:2002 great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions
Please contact Codan Rubberof for
application will
product affect the life
manufacturing time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2106 Oil Hose








FOOD Codan 2106 -

Bl a ck, corruga ted, l i ghtwei ght, hi gh-qua l i ty hos e Type nr. 2106
a pproved for us e a s wet di es el exha us t pi pe a nd Application: Ma ri ne Exha us t
fuel pi pe on boa ts l es s tha n 15 m i n l ength. Ma x. Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC 55% a roma ti cs . Incorpora ted doubl e s teel hel i x Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
a l l ows the hos e to be bent wi thout ki nki ng i n s ma l l Inside: NBR
engi ne compa rtments wi th l i mi ted a cces s . Fi re Colour: Bl a ck
OIL reta rda nt outer rubber coa ti ng. Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed Reinforcement: Pol yes ter w/ doubl e s teel hel i x
us i ng hea vy-duty hos e cl a mps ti ghtened wi th Al l en Outside: CR
OIL COOLING key. Colour: Bl a ck
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Standards:
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,0 34,0 10 30 100 670 2106025000
32,0 41,0 10 30 130 810 2106032000
38,0 47,0 10 30 150 940 2106038000
40,0 49,0 10 30 165 990 2106040000
42,0 51,0 10 30 170 1.040 2106042000
45,0 54,0 10 30 180 1.110 2106045000
48,0 57,0 10 30 190 1.411 2106048000
51,0 60,0 10 30 200 1.500 2106051000
55,0 65,0 8 24 220 1.765 2106055000
60,0 70,0 8 24 240 1.923 2106060000
63,0 73,0 8 24 250 2.020 2106063000
70,0 80,0 7 21 280 2.201 2106070000
76,0 86,0 7 21 300 2.390 2106076000
80,0 90,0 7 21 320 2.515 2106080000
90,0 100,4 7 21 360 2.830 2106090000
102,0 113,0 7 21 450 3.320 2106102000
152,0 164,0 6 18 700 6.980 2106152000
203,0 217,0 5 15 950 9.710 2106203000
254,0 270,0 5 15 1.250 13.777 2106254000
305,0 322,0 5 15 1.500 15.410 2106305000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2206 Oil Hose








Codan 2206 - LLOYDS
FUEL Bl a ck, wra pped, hi gh-qua l i ty hos e a pproved for us e Type nr. 2206
a s wet di es el exha us t pi pe on boa ts l es s tha n 15 m Application: Ma ri ne Exha us t
i n l ength. Approved by Ll oyds . 2 s teel wi re hel i ces Standard Length: - metres
a nd 2 nyl on pl i es up to di a m 102mm i ncl uded, for Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
l a rger s i zes 2 ra yon pl i es a nd 2 s teel wi re hel i ces Inside: NR/SBR
MATERIAL HANDLING a l l ows the hos e to be bent wi thout ki nki ng i n s ma l l Colour: Bl a ck
engi ne compa rtments wi th l i mi ted a cces s . Fi re- Reinforcement: 2 nyl on pl i es w/2 s teel wi re hel i ces
reta rda nt outer rubber coa ti ng. Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed Outside: NR/SBR
OIL COOLING us i ng hea vy-duty hos e cl a mps ti ghtened wi th Al l en Colour: Bl a ck
key. Standards: LLOYDS
POWERSTEERING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
19,0 27,0 0 10 82 490 2206019000
22,0 30,0 0 10 95 560 2206022000
25,0 33,0 0 10 110 620 2206025000
28,0 36,0 0 10 125 680 2206028000
32,0 40,0 0 10 140 760 2206032000
38,0 47,0 0 10 170 1.040 2206038000
40,0 49,0 0 10 180 1.080 2206040000
45,0 54,0 0 10 200 1.200 2206045000
51,0 60,0 0 10 230 1.410 2206051000
55,0 64,0 0 10 255 1.600 2206055000
60,0 70,0 0 10 270 1.840 2206060000
63,5 73,5 0 10 290 1.930 2206063000
65,0 75,0 0 10 300 1.980 2206065000
76,0 86,0 0 10 380 2.320 2206076000
80,0 90,0 0 6 400 2.430 2206080000
90,0 100,0 0 6 400 2.920 2206090000
102,0 113,0 0 6 460 3.330 2206102000
110,0 124,0 0 6 480 4.760 2206110000
120,0 134,0 0 6 500 5.180 2206120000
127,0 140,0 0 6 650 5.440 2206127000
140,0 154,0 0 6 680 5.970 2206140000
152,0 168,0 0 6 700 7.780 2206152000
203,0 223,0 0 6 1.400 11.840 2206203000

This hose This

specification sheetsheet
hose specification hashasbeen prepared
been prepared withwith great
great care caretoin
in order order
provide youto
withprovide you with
all the information youall theWritten
need. The individual
of vulcanisedconditions of an The
Rubber Products). application will affectofthe
individual conditions life time of
an application will each
affectproduct. Therefore
the life time please
of each product. ensure
information you must
advice need.beWritten
obtained advice mustRubber
from Codan be obtained from
before using anyCodan Rubber
hose with before
untested media or using
usinghose with not
in applications that please
ensure to chemicals
that resistance to and cleaning
chemicals andprocedures in our inwritten
cleaning procedures product
our written productinformation is complied
information is complied with.
with. Codan
untested media
covered or before
in the productusing in applications
data sheet. Codan Rubbernot covered regular
recommends in themaintenance,
product datacare andsheet. Codan
inspection Rubber
of hoses before use. Codan Rubber’s
Rubber’s warranty
warranty is void inisthe
void inofthe
event event
misuse suchof
as misuse
excessivesuch as crushing,
bending, excessive bending,
stretching, usecrushing, stretching,
with incorrect use
media or use in
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2901 Oil Hose








FOOD Codan 2901 - BS 3492 type D

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e, wra pped s ucti on a nd pres s ure hos e Type nr. 2901
for oi l a nd petrol , wi th doubl e s teel hel i x a nd a nti - Application: Oi l /Fuel
s ta ti c wi re. Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC Idea l for mi nera l oi l s , e.g. grea s e, oi l a nd pa ra ffi n, Working Temperature: -40°C to 70°C
a nd l ea ded or unl ea ded petrol . Ma x. 50% a roma ti cs . Inside: NBR
The extremel y ha rd-wea ri ng, wea ther a nd ozone- Colour: Bl a ck
OIL res i s ta nt outer rubber coa ti ng ens ures l ong s ervi ce Reinforcement: Pol yes ter w/ doubl e s teel hel i x a nd
l i fe. a nti -s ta ti c wi re
OIL COOLING Va cuum: Decrea s i ng 90-40%. Outside: CR
Sui ta bl e for us e wi th DIN cl a mps . Colour: Bl a ck
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Standards: BS 3492 type D
PVC Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,0 35,0 10 30 150 790 2901025000
32,0 42,4 10 30 160 1.010 2901032000
38,0 49,6 10 30 210 1.280 2901038000
45,0 59,0 10 30 250 1.460 2901045000
51,0 65,0 10 30 280 1.720 2901051000
57,0 71,4 10 30 315 2.295 2901057000
60,0 74,4 10 30 330 2.300 2901060000
63,0 78,6 10 30 340 2.750 2901063000
76,0 91,6 10 30 420 3.215 2901076000
90,0 105,6 10 30 530 3.800 2901090000
102,0 119,0 10 30 610 4.875 2901102000
127,0 146,6 10 30 715 6.710 2901127000
152,0 171,0 10 30 910 10.140 2901152000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2915 Oil Hose








FOOD Codan 2915 - -

Bl a ck, hea vy-duty, wra pped s ucti on a nd pres s ure Type nr. 2915
hos e for oi l a nd petrol , wi th doubl e s teel hel i x a nd Application: Oi l /Fuel
a nti -s ta ti c wi re. Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC Idea l for mi nera l oi l s , e.g. grea s e, oi l a nd pa ra ffi n, Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
a nd l ea ded or unl ea ded petrol . Ma x. 50% a roma ti cs . Inside: NBR
The extremel y ha rd-wea ri ng, wea ther a nd ozone- Colour: Bl a ck
OIL res i s ta nt outer rubber coa ti ng ens ures l ong s ervi ce Reinforcement: Pol yes ter w/ doubl e s teel hel i x a nd
l i fe. a nti -s ta ti c wi re.
OIL COOLING Va cuum: Decrea s i ng 90-40%. Outside: CR
Sui ta bl e for us e wi th reus a bl e DIN cl a mps . Colour: Bl a ck
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Standards: -
PVC Std. branding: -



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
19,0 30,6 16 48 110 710 2915019000
25,0 36,6 16 48 150 900 2915025000
32,0 44,0 16 48 160 1.120 2915032000
38,0 51,2 16 48 200 1.375 2915038000
40,0 53,2 16 48 220 1.425 2915040000
45,0 57,0 16 48 250 1.720 2915045000
51,0 64,2 16 48 280 1.900 2915051000
63,0 79,0 16 48 330 2.880 2915063000
76,0 92,0 16 48 420 3.380 2915076000
80,0 96,0 16 48 470 3.870 2915080000
90,0 107,2 16 48 530 4.290 2915090000
102,0 121,2 16 48 600 5.370 2915102000
127,0 147,4 16 48 710 7.820 2915127000
152,0 172,8 16 48 900 10.240 2915152000
203,0 227,8 16 48 1.200 14.390 2915203000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with
The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3006 Oil Hose








FOOD Codan 3006 -

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e, a nti -s ta ti c pres s ure hos e for oi l . A Type nr. 3006
cl a s s i c oi l hos e for a l l -round i ndus tri a l us e, e.g. Application: Oi l / Grea s e / Uni vers a l
di es el , pa ra ffi n, grea s e a nd other oi l -ba s ed medi a . Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Extremel y ha rd-wea ri ng, wea ther a nd ozone- Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
res i s ta nt, s el f-exti ngui s hi ng outer CR rubber Inside: NBR
coa ti ng. Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps , but Colour: Bl a ck
OIL cl a mp or s crew fi tti ngs ca n a l s o be us ed. Note! Ca re Reinforcement: Es ter
mus t be ta ken to a voi d da ma gi ng the ya rn i ns ert. Outside: CR
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 14,3 20 80 20 191 3006006000
7,9 15,9 20 80 25 221 3006008000
9,5 17,5 20 60 30 250 3006010000
12,7 21,5 20 60 50 350 3006013000
15,9 24,7 20 60 70 417 3006016000
19,1 29,5 15 50 90 588 3006019000
22,3 33,1 15 50 100 694 3006022000
25,4 36,2 15 50 120 770 3006025000
32,0 42,0 15 45 220 920 3006032000
38,0 48,0 15 45 250 1.060 3006038000
51,0 61,0 15 45 350 1.340 3006051000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3009 Oil Hose








FOOD Codan 3009 -

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e pres s ure hos e for oi l , wa ter a nd a i r. Type nr. 3009
Uni vers a l hos e for i ndus tri a l a ppl i ca ti ons . Application: Oi l / Grea s e / Uni vers a l
Di rt-repel l ent outer coa ti ng a nd good ozone a nd Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC wea ther res i s ta nce. Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps or s crew Inside: NBR
coupl i ngs . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 12,7 15 45 40 143 3009006000
8,0 14,4 15 45 40 169 3009008000
10,0 16,4 15 45 50 199 3009010000
13,0 19,6 15 45 65 254 3009013000
15,9 22,9 15 45 80 323 3009016000
19,1 27,0 15 45 95 433 3009019000
25,4 34,4 15 45 125 561 3009025000
38,0 49,0 10 30 190 841 3009038000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3010 Oil Hose








FOOD Codan 3010 - -

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e pres s ure hos e for oi l , wa ter a nd a i r. Type nr. 3010
Uni vers a l hos e for i ndus tri a l a ppl i ca ti ons . Application: Oi l / Grea s e / Uni vers a l
Di rt-repel l ent outer coa ti ng a nd good ozone a nd Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC wea ther res i s ta nce. Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps or s crew Inside: NBR
coupl i ngs . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,3 12,7 15 45 40 143 3010006000
8,0 14,4 15 45 40 169 3010008000
10,0 16,4 15 45 50 199 3010010000
13,0 19,6 15 45 65 254 3010013000
15,9 22,9 15 45 80 323 3010016000
19,1 27,0 15 45 95 433 3010019000
25,4 34,4 15 45 125 561 3010025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3011 Oil Hose








FOOD Codan 3011 - -

Bl a ck, s mooth, fl exi bl e pres s ure hos e wi th Type nr. 3011
i mproved i nner rubber coa ti ng res i s ta nt to a l l new Application: Oi l / Grea s e / Uni vers a l
oi l s a nd grea s es on the ma rket. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Good wea ther a nd ozone-res i s ta nt outer coa ti ng. Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
For us e throughout i ndus try for oi l , a i r, wa ter a nd Inside: NBR
chemi ca l s . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Ins ta l l ed us i ng s crew coupl i ngs or fi tti ngs a nd hos e Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
cl a mps a s requi red. Outside: NBR/EPDM
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
5,0 11,4 20 60 35 110 3011005000
6,3 12,7 20 60 45 130 3011006000
8,0 14,4 20 60 55 150 3011008000
10,0 17,0 20 60 70 205 3011010000
12,5 21,5 20 60 90 330 3011013000
16,0 25,4 20 60 110 415 3011016000
20,0 30,0 20 60 140 540 3011019000
25,0 36,0 20 60 170 725 3011025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3012 Oil Hose








FOOD Codan 3012 -

Long l ength a nti s ta ti c oi l hos e for tra ns fer a nd Type nr. 3012
del i very of mi nera l oi l s , grea s es a nd petrol eum Application: Oi l / Grea s e / Uni vers a l
ba s ed products up to a ma xi mum a roma ti c content Standard Length: 50 metres
of 50%. The l i ner i s el ectri ca l l y conducti ve: R < 106 Working Temperature: -25°C to 100°C
Inside: NBR
MATERIAL HANDLING Ohm/m (ISO 8031:2009). The cover i s i s ol a ti ng R> 109 Colour: Bl a ck
Ohm/m. Reinforcement: PVA
Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,0 14,0 25 75 60 190 3012006000
8,0 16,0 25 75 80 220 3012008000
10,0 18,0 25 75 100 251 3012010000
13,0 21,0 25 75 120 352 3012013000
16,0 25,0 25 75 150 415 3012016000
19,0 29,0 25 75 180 593 3012019000
25,0 36,0 25 75 240 785 3012025000
32,0 44,0 20 60 320 1.130 3012032000
38,0 51,0 20 60 380 1.470 3012038000
50,0 65,0 20 60 500 2.190 3012050000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3014 Oil Hose








FOOD Codan 3014 - EN228:2004, EN 590:2004

Long l ength oi l hos e for tra ns fer a nd del i very of Type nr. 3014
mi nera l oi l s , grea s es a nd petrol eum ba s ed Application: Oi l / Grea s e / Uni vers a l
products up to a ma xi mum a roma ti c content of 50%. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC El ectri ca l l y conducti ve: R < 10^6 Ohm/m (ISO Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
8031:2009). Inside: NBR
Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: PVA
Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: EN228:2004, EN 590:2004
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,0 12,0 10 40 45 150 3014006000
8,0 14,0 10 40 55 120 3014008000
10,0 17,0 10 40 60 170 3014010000
13,0 20,0 10 40 80 240 3014013000
16,0 24,0 10 40 100 330 3014016000
19,0 28,0 10 40 120 430 3014019000
22,0 31,0 10 40 132 500 3014022000
25,0 35,0 10 40 150 620 3014025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3015 Oil Hose








FOOD Codan 3015 -

New i mproved vers i on of our Coda n 3009. Improved Type nr. 3015
i nner l i ner wi th better oi l /di es el res i s ta nce. Application: Oi l Hos e
Fl exi bl e uni vers a l hos e for i ndus tri a l a ppl i ca ti ons . Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Us a bl e for Agri di es el pumps , on reel s , i n Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
works hops etc. Di rt-repel l ent outer cover wi th good Inside: NBR
ozone a nd wea ther res i s ta nce. Cover ens ures good Colour: Black
OIL coi l -up on reel s . PET Ya rn wi th hi gh dra g force Reinforcement: PET
ma kes the hos e s trong pul l i ng i n the l ongi tudi na l Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING di recti on. Norma l l y fi tted us i ng hos e cl a mps or Colour: Black
cri mped ferrul es . Standards:
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Std. branding: Coda n 3015 – 'Di m'– Oi l Fl ow – 15 BAR
PVC WP – ba tchno.



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
19,1 27,0 15 45 95 433 3015019000
25,4 34,4 15 45 125 561 3015025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3020 Oil Hose








FOOD Codan 3020 - -

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e pres s ure hos e for oi l , wa ter a nd a i r. Type nr. 3020
Uni vers a l hos e for i ndus tri a l a ppl i ca ti ons . Application: Oi l / Grea s e / Uni vers a l
Di rt-repel l ent outer coa ti ng a nd good ozone a nd Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC wea ther res i s ta nce. Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps or s crew Inside: NBR
coupl i ngs . Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: -
Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
10,0 16,4 20 60 55 200 3020010000
13,0 19,6 20 60 70 260 3020013000
19,1 27,0 20 60 100 450 3020019000
25,4 34,4 20 60 135 570 3020025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 3217 Oil Hose








FOOD Codan 3217 - NFT47-255: 1984

Bl a ck, wra pped petrol ta nker hos e, to NFT 47-255, Type nr. 3217
1984. Application: Fuel Ta nker Hos e
Li ghtwei ght hos e s ui ta bl e for reel i ng. For mi nera l Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC oi l s , petrol eum, di es el oi l , etc. Anti -s ta ti c outer Working Temperature: -30°C to 100°C
rubber coa ti ng ens ures cha rge el i mi na ti on duri ng Inside: NBR
us e. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Ma x. 40% a roma ti cs . Reinforcement: PVA
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: NBR/PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: NFT47-255: 1984
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
31,8 44,8 15 60 135 1.082 3217032000
34,8 47,9 15 60 145 1.169 3217035000
38,1 51,7 15 60 155 1.324 3217038000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021





















This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 4715 Oil Cooling Hose








FOOD Codan 4715 - SAE J1532A: 2014

Bl a ck tra ns mi s s i on oi l cool i ng hos e (TOC) wi th Type nr. 4715
s mooth cover a nd 1 l a yer of bra i ded a ra mi d Application: Oi l Cool i ng Hos e
rei nforcement. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC AEM cover a nd l i ner together wi th the Ara mi d Working Temperature: -40°C to 150°C
rei nforcement wi ths ta nds hi gh temp a ppl i ca ti ons , Inside: AEM
hi gh fl exi bi l i ty a nd l ow vol ume expa ns i on. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Us ed i n the a utomoti ve s ector by the OEM’s – Type A. Reinforcement: Ara mi d
Outside: AEM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: SAE J1532A: 2014
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
7,5 14,5 20 50 72 153 4715007500
9,5 17,0 20 80 80 200 4715009500
11,0 18,5 20 80 88 219 4715011000
12,0 19,5 10 50 95 237 4715012000
18,5 27,0 10 50 133 384 4715018500
20,0 27,5 10 40 137 357 4715020000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021




















This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 4411 Powersteering Hose








FOOD Codan 4411 - SAE J 188

Bl a ck Hi gh pres s ure power s teeri ng hos e wi th Type nr. 4411
wra pped cover a nd 2 l a yers of bra i ded Application: Power Steeri ng
rei nforcement. Low vol ume expa ns i on, l ow noi s e Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC tra ns mi s s i on a nd hi gh fl exi bi l i ty. Us ed i n the Working Temperature: -20°C to 125°C
a utomoti ve s ecti on both i n the OEM a nd the Inside: NBR
Afterma rket. Us ed for the hi gh pres s ure s i de of the Colour: Bl a ck
OIL powers teeri ng s ys tem. Reinforcement: PA
For the l ow pres s ure s i de pl ea s e s ee hos e type Outside: CM
OIL COOLING 4426. Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: SAE J 188
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
9,5 19,7 105 500 75 308 4411095000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 4426 Powersteering Hose








FOOD Codan 4426 - SAE J 189

Bl a ck Low pres s ure power s teeri ng hos e wi th Type nr. 4426
s mooth cover. Low vol ume expa ns i on, l ow noi s e Application: Powers teeri ng Hos e
tra ns mi s s i on a nd hi gh fl exi bi l i ty. Us ed i n the Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC a utomoti ve s ecti on both i n the OEM a nd the Working Temperature: -40°C to 135°C
Afterma rket. Us ed for the l ow pres s ure s i de of the Inside: NBR
powers teeri ng s ys tem. For the hi gh pres s ure s i de Colour: Bl a ck
OIL pl ea s e s ee hos e type 4411. Reinforcement: PET
Outside: CM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: SAE J 189
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
5,6 11,8 17 70 50 113 4426006
7,6 11,4 17 70 60 156 4426008
9,5 16,5 17 70 65 190 4426095
10,0 18,0 17 70 72 234 4426010
11,8 19,8 17 70 96 264 4426012
12,8 19,8 17 70 102 236 4426013
15,9 23,0 17 70 127 282 4426016

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021









GAS 2033










This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2004 PVC Hose








FOOD Codan 2004 -

Grey corruga ted s ucti on hos e. Idea l for us e a s Type nr. 2004
va cuum-cl ea ner hos e a nd extra cti on hos e for Application: Indus tri a l Va cuum, EVA
wel di ng equi pment, etc. Standard Length: 20 metres
HYDRAULIC Va cuum: 60%. The hos e i s not a nti s ta ti c. Working Temperature: -40°C to 60°C
Note! 76.0 mm hos e s uppl i ed i n 20 m rol l s . Inside: EVA
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Gra y
OIL Reinforcement:
OIL COOLING Colour: Grey
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
38,0 47,3 0 0 100 295 2004038000
45,0 54,5 0 0 125 380 2004045000
50,0 60,3 0 0 150 430 2004050000
63,0 75,0 0 0 250 575 2004063000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2005 PVC Hose








FOOD Codan 2005 - Electrical Resistivity <10^6 Ohm

Bl a ck Conducti ve corruga ted EVA s ucti on hos e. Idea l Type nr. 2005
for us e a s va cuum-cl ea ner hos e a nd extra cti on hos e Application: Indus tri a l Va cuum, EVA
for wel di ng equi pment. Standard Length: 20 metres
HYDRAULIC El ectri ca l Res i s ti vi ty <10^6 Ohm Working Temperature: -25°C to 60°C
Va cuum: 60%. Inside: EVA
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: None
Outside: -
Standards: El ectri ca l Res i s ti vi ty <10^6 Ohm
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
32,0 39,8 0 0 80 270 2005032000
38,0 46,1 0 0 100 320 2005038000
50,0 59,8 0 0 150 440 2005050000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2010 PVC Hose








FOOD Codan 2010 - -

Yel l ow corruga ted EVA s ucti on hos e. Idea l for us e Type nr. 2010
a s va cuum-cl ea ner hos e a nd extra cti on hos e for Application: Indus tri a l Va cuum, EVA
wel di ng equi pment. Standard Length: 20 metres
HYDRAULIC Va cuum: 60%. Working Temperature: -40°C to 60°C
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Inside: EVA
Colour: Yel l ow
OIL Reinforcement: None
Outside: -
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,0 33,4 0 0 60 210 2010025000
32,0 39,8 0 0 80 270 2010032000
38,0 46,1 0 0 100 320 2010038000
45,0 52,5 0 0 125 380 2010045000
50,0 59,8 0 0 150 440 2010051000
64,0 72,0 0 0 250 540 2010064000
76,0 88,0 0 0 315 641 2010076000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2011 PVC Hose








FOOD Codan 2011 - BGA/FDA

Tra ns pa rent, ca dmi um-free, non-rei nforced PVC Type nr. 2011
hos e for a i r, wa ter, certa i n chemi ca l s , a ci ds , oi l s , Application: PVC Hos e
etc. under l ow pres s ure. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Tra ns pa rent des i gn a l l ows effecti ve fl ow control . Working Temperature: -20°C to 55°C
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps . Inside: PVC
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Tra ns pa rent
OIL Reinforcement: None
Outside: -
Standards: BGA/FDA
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
3,0 6,0 0 0 50 15 2011003000
4,0 6,0 0 0 50 18 2011004000
5,0 8,0 0 0 65 26 2011005000
6,0 9,0 0 0 70 45 2011006000
8,0 11,0 0 0 85 57 2011008000
10,0 16,0 0 0 130 108 2011010000
12,0 15,0 0 0 120 138 2011012000
16,0 22,0 0 0 175 181 2011016000
19,0 25,0 0 0 200 231 2011019000
25,0 31,0 0 0 250 321 2011025000
32,0 38,0 0 0 300 411 2011032000
38,0 47,0 0 0 375 501 2011038000
50,0 62,0 0 0 495 681 2011050000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2033 PVC Hose








FOOD Codan 2033 - -

Indus tri a l venti l a ti on of a i r hea vy wi th a bra s i ve Type nr. 2033
pa rti cl es or very rea cti ve s ubs ta nces . Sucti on, Application: Uni vers a l , PVC
ca rryi ng or i mpul s i on of hot ga s a nd fumes , for Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC exa mpl e oi l s , s ha vi ngs , dus t, s a wdus t, fi bres etc. Working Temperature: -10°C to 60°C
Nontoxi c. Inside: PVC
Colour: Gra y
OIL Reinforcement: PVC Spi ra l
Outside: -
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
40,0 46,4 0 0 40 280 2033040000
50,0 57,0 0 0 50 450 203305000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2042 PVC Hose








FOOD Codan 2042 - ISO 3994

Ma i nl y i n a gri cul ture for l i ght s ucti on a nd conveyi ng Type nr. 2042
wa ter wi th el ectropumps a nd motorpumps . Application: Uni vers a l , PVC
Standard Length: - metres
HYDRAULIC Working Temperature: -10°C to 55°C
Inside: PVC
Colour: Green
OIL Reinforcement: Ri gi d Hel i x
Outside: -
Standards: ISO 3994
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
20,0 26,2 0 0 100 300 2042020000
32,0 38,6 0 0 160 425 2042032000
40,0 47,2 0 0 200 575 2042038000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2052 PVC Hose








Codan 2052 - -
FUEL Fl a t hos e rei nforced wi th pol yes ter ya rn, medi um Type nr. 2052
pres s ure. Ma i nl y for conveyi ng wa ter. Application: La yfl a t, PVC
Standard Length: - metres
HYDRAULIC Working Temperature: -20°C to 50°C
Inside: PVC
Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl ue
Standards: -
POWERSTEERING Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
25,0 29,0 7 15 0 0 2052025000
32,0 36,0 7 15 0 200 2052032000
38,0 41,0 5 15 0 230 2052038000
50,0 54,0 0 15 0 333 2052050000
63,0 69,0 4 15 0 430 2052063000
76,0 82,0 4 10 0 570 2052076000
102,0 108,0 4 10 0 865 2052102000
125,0 133,0 3 10 0 1.080 2052125000
152,0 160,0 3 10 0 1.482 2052152000
200,0 211,0 3 8 0 2.020 2052200000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2057 PVC Hose








FOOD Codan 2057 - -

Ai r hos e wi th good res i s ta nce to oi l s , fuel s a nd Type nr. 2057
grea s es . Application: Uni vers a l , PVC
e.g. Cl ea ni nghos e i n the dry i ce i ndus try. Tol ora nces Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC a cc. DIN16940. Inner a nd outer Shore A 85. Tens i l e Working Temperature: -40°C to 80°C
s trength 37 MPa , El onga ti on 550%, Abra s i on Los s 25 Inside: TPU
mm3. Colour: Cl ea r
OIL Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: TPU
OIL COOLING Colour: Cl ea r
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
19,0 26,0 15 45 50 0 2057019000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2111 PVC Hose








FOOD Codan 2111 - BGA/FDA

Tra ns pa rent, ca dmi um-free, rei nforced PVC hos e for Type nr. 2111
a i r, wa ter, certa i n chemi ca l s , a ci ds , oi l s , etc. under Application: PVC Hos e
pres s ure. Pol yes ter fa bri c l i ner provi des s ta bl e Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC worki ng a nd burs ti ng pres s ures a nd grea t fl exi bi l i ty. Working Temperature: -20°C to 55°C
Tra ns pa rent des i gn a l l ows effecti ve fl ow control . Inside: PVC
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps . Colour: Tra ns pa rent
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Tra ns pa rent
Standards: BGA/FDA
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
6,0 12,0 15 60 40 82 2111006000
8,0 14,0 15 60 65 113 2111008000
10,0 16,0 10 40 80 130 2111010000
12,5 18,5 10 40 100 166 2111013000
16,0 23,0 8 32 130 202 2111016000
19,0 27,0 7 28 150 285 2111019000
25,0 33,0 6 24 200 508 2111025000
32,0 42,0 6 22 255 413 2111032000
38,0 48,0 4 16 300 508 2111038000
50,0 60,0 3 12 400 698 2111050000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2151 PVC Hose








FOOD Codan 2151 - 2002/72/EC, CL. ABC

Bl ue, ca dmi um-free, rei nforced PVC hos e for a i r, Type nr. 2151
wa ter, certa i n chemi ca l s . Wi ne, frui tjui ce, l i mona de Application: Uni vers a l , PVC
a nd mi nera l wa ter under pres s ure. Pol yes ter fa bri c Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC l i ner provi des s ta bl e worki ng a nd burs ti ng Working Temperature: -20°C to 65°C
pres s ures a nd grea t fl exi bi l i ty. Tra ns pa rent des i gn Inside: PVC
a l l ows effecti ve fl ow control . Tol ora nces a cc. to DIN Colour: Tra ns pa rent
OIL 16940. Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps . Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: PVC
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl ue
Standards: 2002/72/EC, CL. ABC
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
10,0 16,0 10 40 40 0 2151010000
13,0 19,0 10 40 70 0 2151013000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2152 PVC Hose








FOOD Codan 2152 - 2002/72/EC, CL. ABC

Red, ca dmi um-free, rei nforced PVC hos e for a i r, Type nr. 2152
wa ter, certa i n chemi ca l s . Wi ne, frui tjui ce, l i mona de Application: Uni vers a l , PVC
a nd mi nera l wa ter under pres s ure. Pol yes ter fa bri c Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC l i ner provi des s ta bl e worki ng a nd burs ti ng Working Temperature: -20°C to 65°C
pres s ures a nd grea t fl exi bi l i ty. Tra ns pa rent des i gn Inside: PVC
a l l ows effecti ve fl ow control . Tol ora nces a cc. to DIN Colour: Tra ns pa rent
OIL 16940. Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps . Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: PVC
Standards: 2002/72/EC, CL. ABC
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
10,0 16,0 10 40 40 0 2152010000
13,0 19,0 10 40 70 0 2152013000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021




















This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1158 Steam Hose








FOOD Codan 1158 - BS 5342 Type 2 A

Red, hea vy-duty, s pi ra l i zed s tea m hos e Type nr. 1158
ma nufa ctured to BS 5342 Type 2 Cl a s s A. Application: Sa tura ted Stea m a nd Wa ter
For us e i n i ndus try for s a tura ted s tea m a nd hot Standard Length: 20/40 metres
HYDRAULIC wa ter i n l a undri es , da i ri es , s l a ughterhous es , power Working Temperature: -20°C to 235°C
s ta ti ons , etc. Al s o a va i l a bl e i n bl a ck. Inside: EPDM
For s tea m, mus t be i ns ta l l ed us i ng s peci a l Colour: Bl a ck
OIL connectors . Cri mped-on fi tti ngs a re recommended Reinforcement: Bra i ded Steel
for pres s uri s ed s tea m. Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Red
Standards: BS 5342 Type 2 A
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
13,0 25,0 17 170 70 550 1158013000
16,0 30,0 17 170 85 655 1158016000
19,0 33,0 17 170 100 770 1158019000
25,0 40,0 17 170 140 1.030 1158025000
32,0 47,0 17 170 200 1.270 1158032000
38,0 53,0 17 170 250 1.470 1158038000
44,0 61,0 17 170 288 1.945 1158044000
51,0 68,0 17 170 350 2.500 1158051000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1161 Steam Hose








FOOD Codan 1161 -

Ma ndrel bui l t premi um qua l i ty hos e for us e wi th Type nr. 1161
s a tura ted s tea m a t tempera tures up to 170ºC, i n Application: Stea m Hos e
pa per mi l l s , food i ndus tri es a nd a wi de ra nge of Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC i ndus tri a l s ervi ces . Ozone a nd wea ther res i s ta nt. Working Temperature: -25°C to 170°C
Wra pped fi ni s h. Conta ct Coda n for further Inside: EPDM
i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Hi gh s trength s yntheti c texti l e ya rns
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
12,7 24,0 7 70 120 470 1161130000
19,0 32,0 7 70 190 790 1161190000
25,0 39,5 7 70 250 960 1161250000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 1518 Steam Hose








FOOD Codan 1518 - -

Whi te, wra pped hos e des i gned for l ow-pres s ure Type nr. 1518
s tea m a nd hot wa ter. Application: Sa tura ted Stea m a nd Wa ter
For i ndus tri a l cl ea ni ng i n da i ri es , s l a ughterhous es , Standard Length: 40 metres
HYDRAULIC l a undri es , etc. Working Temperature: -30°C to 170°C
When us ed for s tea m, i t i s recommended tha t one Inside: EPDM
hos e end rema i ns open. Colour: Whi te
OIL Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Whi te
Standards: -
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
13,0 25,0 7 70 130 410 1518013000
16,0 28,0 7 70 160 470 1518016000
19,0 32,0 7 70 190 600 1518019000
25,0 38,0 7 70 250 740 1518025000
32,0 47,0 7 70 320 1.007 1518032000
38,0 54,0 7 70 380 1.340 1518038000
45,0 60,0 7 70 450 1.460 1518045000
51,0 66,2 7 70 510 1.590 1518051000
63,0 81,0 7 70 630 2.425 1518063000
76,0 94,8 7 70 760 3.100 1518076000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021








FOOD 2806






PVC 2813





This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2801 Welding & Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 2801 - ISO 3821:2019

Li ghtwei ght, fl exi bl e, s mooth, red hos e for Type nr. 2801
a cetyl ene, to EN559. For us e wi th i ndus tri a l Application: Acetyl ene
a utogeni c wel di ng equi pment, us ua l l y together Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC wi th bl ue oxygen hos e. Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
Al s o i dea l for na tura l ga s a nd a i r. Inside: EPDM
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Es ter
Outside: EPDM
Standards: ISO 3821:2019
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,0 11,0 20 60 35 130 2801004000
6,3 13,3 20 60 63 146 2801006000
8,0 14,6 20 60 80 172 2801008000
9,0 16,0 20 60 115 188 2801009000
10,0 17,0 20 60 100 203 2801010000
12,5 19,4 20 60 125 257 2801013000
20,0 27,2 20 60 200 399 2801019000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2802 Welding & Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 2802 - ISO 3821:2019

Li ghtwei ght, fl exi bl e, s mooth, bl ue hos e for oxygen, Type nr. 2802
to EN559. For us e wi th i ndus tri a l a utogeni c wel di ng Application: Oxygen
equi pment, us ua l l y together wi th red a cetyl ene Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC hos e. Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
Al s o i dea l for na tura l ga s a nd a i r. Inside: SBR/EPDM
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: PVA
Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl ue
Standards: ISO 3821:2019
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
5,0 12,0 20 60 50 110 2802005000
6,3 13,3 20 60 63 146 2802006000
8,0 14,6 20 60 80 172 2802008000
9,0 16,0 20 60 115 188 2802009000
10,0 17,0 20 60 100 203 2802010000
12,5 19,4 20 60 125 257 2802013000
20,0 27,2 20 60 200 399 2802019000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2803 Welding & Gas Hose










GAS Codan 2803 - EN ISO 3821:2019

Li ghtwei ght, fl exi bl e twi n hos e for oxygen a nd Type nr. 2803
MATERIAL HANDLING a cetyl ene, des i gned for us e wi th mobi l e a nd Application: Oxygen / Acetyl ene
s ta ti ona ry a utogeni c wel di ng equi pment. Di vi di ng Standard Length: 50 metres
groove a l l ows ea s y s epa ra ti on a nd s i mpl e fi tti ng to Working Temperature: -30°C to 80°C
OIL COOLING ga s cyl i nder or wel di ng gun. Al s o i dea l for other Inside: Ace: EPDM Oxy: SBR/EPDM
purpos es , e.g. a i r i nl et/outl et on s a ndbl a s ti ng Colour: Bl a ck
POWERSTEERING equi pment. Reinforcement: Es ter
Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng bra s s fi tti ngs , ei ther wi th Outside: EPDM
hos e cl a mps or cri mp-on fi tti ngs . Colour: Red/Bl ue
STEAM Standards: EN ISO 3821:2019
Pl ea s e note tha t the 6.3 twi n hos e i s ma nufa ctured Std. branding: -
WELDING & GAS wi th di fferent ID di mens i ons :
6,3 = 6,3 / 6,3
6,8 = 6,3 / 8,0
6,9 = 6,3 / 9,0
6,1 = 6,3 / 10,0
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on.

Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,0 11,0 20 60 45 253 2803404000
5,0 11,0 20 60 50 253 2803505000
6,1 17,0 20 60 100 490 2803601000
6,3 13,0 20 60 63 301 2803606000
6,8 15,0 20 60 100 382 2803608000
6,9 16,0 20 60 100 390 2803609000
8,0 15,0 20 60 80 355 2803808000
10,0 17,0 20 60 100 419 2803010000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information 02/08/2020
is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2806 Welding & Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 2806 - EN ISO 3821: 2019

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e hos e for a rgon a nd ni trogen. Ma i nl y Type nr. 2806
for us e i n i ndus tri a l a rgon-wel di ng a ppl i ca ti ons . Application: Argon / ni trogen
Speci a l l y devel oped to prevent moi s ture from Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC permea ti ng i nto the hos e from the outs i de. A very Working Temperature: -25°C to 80°C
s trong, non-porous wel d i s thus a chi eved. Inside: EPDM
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
Outside: SBR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: EN ISO 3821: 2019
Std. branding: -


WELDING & GAS Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
4,0 11,0 20 60 35 130 2806004000
5,0 11,0 20 60 0 0 2806005000
6,3 13,3 20 60 0 0 2806006000
8,0 15,0 20 60 0 0 2806008000
10,0 17,0 20 60 0 0 2806010000
12,5 22,5 20 60 0 0 2806013000
16,0 26,0 20 60 0 0 2806016000
19,1 29,0 20 60 0 0 2806019000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2808 Welding & Gas Hose










GAS Codan 2808 - EN ISO 3821:2019

Fl exi bl e twi n hos e for propa ne/buta ne a nd oxygen. Type nr. 2808
MATERIAL HANDLING Di vi di ng groove a l l ows ea s y s epa ra ti on. Application: Oxygen / LPG (Propa ne / Buta ne)
Speci a l l y des i gned for i ndus tri a l cutti ng a nd Standard Length: 50 metres
wel di ng ta s ks . Working Temperature: -25°C to 80°C
OIL COOLING Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps or s wa ged on Inside: NBR
fi tti ngs . Colour: Bl a ck
Pl ea s e note tha t the 6.3 twi n hos e i s ma nufa ctured Outside: SBR
wi th di fferent ID di mens i ons : Colour: Bl ue/Ora nge
STEAM 6,3 = 6,3 / 6,3 Standards: EN ISO 3821:2019
6,8 = 6,3 / 8,0 Std. branding: -
WELDING & GAS Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on.

Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
5,0 11,0 20 60 55 300 2808505000
6,3 12,0 20 60 60 350 2808606000
6,3 16,0 20 80 80 400 2808608000
8,0 15,0 20 60 90 500 2808808000
10,0 17,0 20 60 120 760 2808909000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2812 Welding & Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 2812 - ISO 3821:2019

Li ghtwei ght, fl exi bl e, bl ue wel di ng hos e. The ri bbed Type nr. 2812
s urfa ce a l l ows the hos e to be dra gged ea s i l y a cros s Application: Oxygen
the fl oor a nd prevents i t becomi ng di rty. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC For tra ns porti ng oxygen i n a utogeni c wel di ng Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
equi pment us ed i n i ndus tri a l pl a nt, s hi pya rds , Inside: EPDM
bui l di ng s i tes , etc. As i t i s l i ghtwei ght, the hos e i s Colour: Bl a ck
OIL a l s o i dea l for compres s ed a i r. Al s o a va i l a bl e i n 100 Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
m l engths . Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps a nd s peci a l l y Colour: Bl ue
des i gned bra s s fi tti ngs . Note! Cri mped-on fi tti ngs Standards: ISO 3821:2019
a re recommended. Std. branding: -
PVC Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on.



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
5,0 11,4 20 60 50 110 2812005000
6,3 12,9 20 60 63 140 2812006000
8,0 14,8 20 60 80 165 2812008000
9,5 16,5 20 60 100 210 2812010000
12,7 19,7 20 80 110 260 2812013000
15,9 26,9 20 80 180 560 2812016000
19,1 30,1 20 80 190 640 2812019000
25,4 36,4 20 80 210 795 2812025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2813 Welding & Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 2813 - ISO 3821:2019

Li ghtwei ght, fl exi bl e, red wel di ng hos e. The ri bbed Type nr. 2813
s urfa ce a l l ows the hos e to be dra gged ea s i l y a cros s Application: Acetyl ene
the fl oor a nd prevents i t becomi ng di rty. Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC For tra ns porti ng a cetyl ene i n a utogeni c wel di ng Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
equi pment us ed i n i ndus tri a l pl a nt, s hi pya rds , Inside: EPDM
bui l di ng s i tes , etc. As i t i s l i ghtwei ght, the hos e i s Colour: Bl a ck
OIL a l s o i dea l for compres s ed a i r. Al s o a va i l a bl e i n 100 Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
m l engths . Outside: EPDM
OIL COOLING Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps a nd s peci a l l y Colour: Red
des i gned bra s s fi tti ngs . Note! Cri mped-on fi tti ngs Standards: ISO 3821:2019
a re recommended. Std. branding: -
PVC Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on.



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
5,0 11,4 20 60 50 110 2813005000
6,3 12,9 20 60 63 140 2813006000
8,0 14,8 20 60 80 165 2813008000
9,5 16,5 20 60 100 210 2813010000
12,7 19,7 20 80 160 260 2813013000
15,9 26,9 20 80 180 560 2813016000
19,1 30,1 20 80 190 640 2813019000
25,4 36,4 20 80 210 795 2813025000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2820 Welding & Gas Hose










GAS Codan 2820 - EN ISO 3821:2019

Fl exi bl e twi n hos e for a cetyl ene a nd oxygen. Type nr. 2820
MATERIAL HANDLING Speci a l l y des i gned di vi di ng groove a l l ows ea s y Application: Acetyl ene / Oxygen
s epa ra ti on for fi tti ng to ga s cyl i nder or wel di ng gun. Standard Length: 50 metres
For us e throughout i ndus try for tra ns porti ng Working Temperature: -40°C to 100°C
OIL COOLING a cetyl ene a nd oxygen i n mobi l e a nd s ta ti ona ry Inside: EPDM
a utogeni c wel di ng equi pment. Colour: Bl a ck
POWERSTEERING Norma l l y i ns ta l l ed us i ng hos e cl a mps a nd s peci a l l y Reinforcement: Pol yes ter
des i gned bra s s fi tti ngs . Outside: EPDM
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Colour: Red/Bl ue
STEAM Standards: EN ISO 3821:2019
Pl ea s e note tha t the 6.3 twi n hos e i s ma nufa ctured Std. branding: -
WELDING & GAS wi th di fferent ID di mens i ons :
6,3 = 6,3 / 6,3
6,8 = 6,3 / 8,0
6,9 = 6,3 / 9,0
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on.

Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
5,0 11,4 20 60 45 260 2820505000
6,3 13,5 20 60 60 340 2820606000
6,8 15,2 20 60 75 415 2820608000
6,9 16,4 20 60 80 480 2820609000
8,0 15,2 20 60 75 410 2820808000
9,5 16,7 20 60 90 450 2820959000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021

CONTENT Codan 2823 Welding & Gas Hose








FOOD Codan 2823 - EN ISO 3821:2019

Bl a ck, fl exi bl e dry-fl ow hos e for a rgon a nd ni trogen. Type nr. 2823
Ma i nl y for us e i n i ndus tri a l a rgon-wel di ng Application: Argon / ni trogen
a ppl i ca ti ons . Standard Length: 50 metres
HYDRAULIC Speci a l butyl rubber devel oped to prevent moi s ture Working Temperature: -25°C to 100°C
from permea ti ng the hos e a nd mi xi ng wi th the Inside: CIIR
medi um. Colour: Bl a ck
OIL A very s trong, non-porous wel d i s thus a chi eved. Reinforcement: Es ter
Pl ea s e conta ct Coda n for further i nforma ti on. Outside: CIIR
OIL COOLING Colour: Bl a ck
Standards: EN ISO 3821:2019
PVC 3821:2019 2 MPa (20BAR)



Ins i de di a . Outs i de Worki ng Burs t Pres s ure Bend Ra di us Wei ght Product
(mm) di a . (mm) Pres s ure BAR BAR (mm) (g/m) code
5,2 12,6 20 60 60 138 2823005000
6,3 13,9 20 60 63 150 2823006000
10,0 18,4 20 60 100 233 2823010000
15,0 24,0 20 60 150 341 2823015000

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the information you need. Written of vulcanised Rubber Products). The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore
advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with untested media or before using in applications not please ensure that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with. Codan
covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use with incorrect media or use in
Hoses should be replaced if any physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All environments outside the hose specification.
products must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Fax +45 56 64 65 48


This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.

© Codan Rubber A/S Værkstedsvej 45-49, DK-4600 Køge, Denmark

Tel. +45 56 64 64 64 Mail: March 2021
Codan Rubber A/S

Since 1925 Codan has been devoted to creating

flexible connections, rubber moulded parts and
CONTENT sealing solutions.
Codan now holds a leading position as an OEM
and Tier 1 supplier to the automotive, industrial
and agriculture sectors.

BUNKER Codan production facilities are TS16949 / ISO9001

and ISO14001 accredited.
Codan’s 6000 m2 European warehouse, production
and test site in Køge stocks hoses for immediate delivery.

GAS Codan’s flexible hose systems are specified for

HYDRAULIC respiratory equipment, vehicles, construction and
farming machinery, food processing, gas and welding
appliances and for use in the manufacturing industry.
Codan’s extruded profiles and moulded parts are
used extensively in cars, buses and plant machinery
PVC and are designed to meet OEM specifications.



March 2021

This hose specification sheet has been prepared with great care in order to provide you with all the The individual conditions of an application will affect the life time of each product. Therefore please ensure
information you need. Written advice must be obtained from Codan Rubber before using any hose with that resistance to chemicals and cleaning procedures in our written product information is complied with.
untested media or before using in applications not covered in the product data sheet. Codan Rubber Codan Rubber’s warranty is void in the event of misuse such as excessive bending, crushing, stretching, use
recommends regular maintenance, care and inspection of hoses before use. Hoses should be replaced if any with incorrect media or use in environments outside the hose specification.
physical damage is seen, especially to the cover of the hose or in the area around the couplings. All products
must be stored in accordance with ISO 2230:2002 (Storage of vulcanised Rubber Products). Please contact Codan Rubber for individual product manufacturing tolerances.
Codan Rubber A/S
Værkstedsvej 45-49 · DK-4600 Køge · Tlf. +45 56646464 ·
March 2021

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