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Fourth Quarter


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Leraning Activity Sheet in ENGLISH
(Grade 8)
Copyright @ 2021

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This material has been developed for the implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum through the Curriculum and
Learning Management Division (CLMD). It can be reproduced for educational purposes and the source must be
acknowledged. Derivatives of the work including creating a edited version, an enhanced supplementary work
are permitted provided all original works are acknowledged and the copyright is attributed. No work may be
derived from this material for commercial purposes and profit.

Regional Director : BENJAMIN D. PARAGAS, PhD
Assistant Regional Direction : JESSIE L. AMIN, PhD
Schools Division Superintendent : REYNANTE Z. CALIGUIRANN, PhD
Assistant Division Superintendent : MARITES L. LLANES, PhD
Chief Education Supervisor, CLMD : OCTAVIO V. CABASAG, PhD
Chief Education Supervisor, CID : ESTELA S. CABARO, PhD

Development Team
Writers : Fe Taguba; Janette Tuppil; Vanesa D. Vecaldo; Jonalyn D. Estrada
Gogeryn Aquino
LRQAT : Jennifer Oliquiano, Luisa Artates, Lilibeth J. Robillos

Content Editors/ : JOSEPHINE I GAMMAD


Printed by: DepEd Regional Office No. 02

Regional Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Table of Contents

Competency Page Number

Fourth Quarter

I. Use Parallel Structure ……………………………..…………….. 1-12

II. Use Appropriate Grammatical Signals or ………………………. 13-20
Expressions Suitable to each Pattern of Idea
III. Expand the Content of an Outline Using ………………………… 21-38
Notes for Primary and Secondary Sources
IV. Compose Effective Paragraphs …………………………………. 39-48
V. Deliver a Sel-Composed Speech Using ………………………… 49-59
All the Need Speech Conventions

ii | P a g e
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Name of Learner:________________________ Grade Level:________________

Section:________________________________ Score:_____________________



Background Information for Learners

❖ Parallelism is the placement or use of similar grammatical forms to express equal

parallel ideas. Parallel structures maybe two or more clauses of the same type, or
two or more sentences of equal ideas.
❖ The use of parallelism in sentence construction improves writing style and
readability. Compare the following examples.
➢ Without parallelism: A. She likes cooking, jogging, and to read.
B. The youth of today are more outspoken, more
practical and defy conventional practices.
➢ Parallel: A. She likes cooking, jogging, and reading.
B. The youth of today are more outspoken, more practical and
more critical of conventional practices.
❖ Other examples:
1. The healthcare workers were tired, hungry and sleepy.
2. Mayor Jefferson Soriano was helpful both to the front liners and to patients
inflicted with Covid -19.
3. The philanthropists must have heard the good news or they would not have
given that large donation for the healthcare workers.
*Note the parallel constructions in the above sentences:
• in sentence 1, words (adjectives, complements of healthcare workers),
• in sentence 2, phrases ( infinitives, modifiers of the verb phrase was
• in sentence 3, clauses ( independent clauses)
*Note also that when there are two or three parallel items, as in sentence 1, the
items are separated by commas, and the conjunctions and ( or) comes before
the last item.


Use parallel Structures ( Quarter 4) EN8G-Ia-7

Directions /Instructions: Write C if the sentence has parallel structures. If the sentence
does not have parallel structures, rewrite the part to make the sentence correct.
__________1. They believe in asserting their rights, pressing their demands, and acting out
situations to problems.
__________2. As students, let us not forget thanking our parents for their support, doing our
responsibilities in school, and to accomplish our tasks at home.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
__________3. Everyone aims to attain his dreams, to have a good future and to improve his
__________4. Respecting elders, valuing work, and to say the Angelus are three very
important practices our youth must not forget.
__________5. Some citizens are misunderstood because of the way they live, the manner
they talk, and the way they act.
__________6. To come, to see and conquering are his objectives in visiting the place.
__________7. They will relax, cook and sleep outdoors this weekend.
__________8. Feeding the hungry, visiting the imprisoned, and to clothe the naked are works
of mercy.
__________9. They lament that the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.
__________10. I have a book report to complete, a science project to submit, and a research
paper needs revising.

Directions: Rewrite the following sentences so that each has a list using the same verb
or noun form.

1. The English teacher spoke in a nasal tone, unpleasantly, but conveying the
information clearly and was funny.
2. The coach told his players that they should get plenty of water, to not eat sugary snacks,
and being sure they are getting plenty of sleep.
3. Benefits of coaching include: knowing each player, helping that player to improve and
to get to see that person succeed in life.
4. At the party, my sister helped us make the cake, gathering the kids for games, clean up,
and to drive some kids home.
5. Exercises that I enjoy doing are marathon running, to swim lengths in a pool, riding
my bicycle in the park, and to walk along the trails in a forest.
6. We must either change the laws about drunk driving or it will be necessary to start
enforcing them more strictly.
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
7. The protestors were gathering outside, held signs, starting to shout loudly and stopped
the speaker from being heard.
8. My sister-in-law loves fad diets and has tried: eating only meat, to not eat anything but
rice, smoothies every morning while not restricting anything else, and fasting 12 hours
a day.
9. To my horror, my wedding dress looked stained, torn and it had wrinkles.
10. Our latest math instructor was enthusiastic, cracked a lot of jokes, is demanding, and
failed half the class.

Directions: Using parallel words or phrases, complete each of the following

1. When I was a child, I loved to play in the leaves, skip down the driveway, and
_____ against the wind.
2. I still enjoy playing in the leaves, skipping down the driveway, and _____ against
the wind.
3. Merdine danced a jig and then _____ a song that took my heart away.
4. Merdine said that she wanted to dance a jig and then _____ a song that would take
my heart away.
5. The children spent the afternoon playing video games, watching TV, and _____
6. If you want to learn how to play video games, watch TV, or _____ donuts, spend an
afternoon with my children.
7. All that you need to make a great tomato sandwich is whole-wheat bread, a sliced
sweet onion, two lettuce leaves, mustard or mayonnaise, and a juicy ______.
8. To make a great tomato sandwich, begin by toasting two pieces of whole-wheat
bread and _____ a sweet onion.
9. Whatever you have, you must either use it or _____ it.
10. It is easier to build strong children than to _____ broken adults.

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct word/phrase that completes each of the
following sentences with correct parallel structure.

1. Justin was excited about inviting friends over, eating a good meal, and _______
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
A.. …a game of cards. B. …to play cards. C. ...playing a game of
2. I have always enjoyed reading the book more than _____________________.
A. …I watched the movie version. B. …watching the movie. C. …to watch the
3. When the weather outside is cold and ________, I like to be indoors.
A. …starting to get windy… B. …windy… C. …getting windy…
4. Running, lifting, and ____________ are three of Ashley’s favorite exercises.
A. …racquetball… B. …a spinning class… C. …bicycling…

1. The greatest of evils and worst of crimes is poverty. -George Bernard Shaw.
2. It was beautiful and simple as all truly great swindlers are.- O. Henry.
3. I would say to the house, as I would say to those who joined the Government, “ I have
nothing to offer but blood, sweat and tears”. Winston Churchill.
4. Last scene of all
That ends this strange eventful history
Is second childishness and oblivion
Sans teeth , sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything. – Shakespeare, As You Like It.

5.reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. – Francis

6. Light creates understanding, understanding creates love, love creates patience, and
patience creates unity.- Malcolin.

Directions: Read the following sentences. Choose the right parallel structure from the options
enclosed in the parentheses. Write the letter of your choice in your notebook.

1. Tom has__________________________________.( A. a beautiful wife , a big

house and he has lovely children, B. a beautiful wife, a big house and lovely

2. Complaints were made by __________________ ( A. teachers and administrators,

B. teachers and administrators also.)

3. I learned__________________ ( be attentive to my teachers and to do my

homework, B. to be attentive to my teachers and I do my homework)

4. She was known _____________ ( A. for her beauty and generous, B. for her
beauty and generosity)

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
5. This is what I want _________________ ( A. to study hard, to get the best grades
and getting a good job when I graduate, B. to study hard, to get the best grades and
to get a good job when I graduate.)

6. I advise you ________________ ( A. to sleep early, eat healthy food and exercise
regularly, B. to sleep early, eat healthy food and to exercise regularly.)

7. I hate __________________ ( A. washing the linen by hand and to cook, B.

washing the linen by hand and cooking.)

8. I consider your behavior _____________________ ( A. rude, irresponsible, and I

think it is offensive, B. rude, irresponsible and offensive)

9. She decided to ________________ ( A. forget about her ex- boyfriend, start a new
relationship and work hard on her project, B. forget about her ex- boyfriend, start
a new relationship and working hard on her project.)
10. To apply to this job ____________________________ ( have university
degree in linguistics and five year experience as an interpreter. B. to have univesrity
degree in linguistics and to have five year experience as an interpreter)

Directions: Complete each sentence below by adding related ideas to it. Use parallel

1. When I was a child, I loved to play in the leaves, skip down the driveway, and
_____ against the wind.
2. I still enjoy playing in the leaves, skipping down the driveway, and _____ against
the wind.
3. Merdine danced a jig and then _____ a song that took my heart away.
4. Merdine said that she wanted to dance a jig and then _____ a song that would take
my heart away.
5. The children spent the afternoon playing video games, watching TV, and _____
6. If you want to learn how to play video games, watch TV, or _____ donuts, spend an
afternoon with my children.
7. All that you need to make a great tomato sandwich is whole-wheat bread, a sliced
sweet onion, two lettuce leaves, mustard or mayonnaise, and a juicy ______.
8. To make a great tomato sandwich, begin by toasting two pieces of whole-wheat
bread and _____ a sweet onion.
9. Whatever you have, you must either use it or _____ it.
10. It is easier to build strong children than to _____ broken adults.

Directions: Rewrite each sentence to create parallel structure. Write the correct answers on
your notebook.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
1. I spent the weekend working in the yard, painting a door, and to fix a cracked

2. Regina said she would fix supper, set the table, and that she would clean up
3.That candidate has energy, concern, and she is honest.

4.When Taro got home, he found mud on the carpet, scratch marks on the furniture,
and having broken glass on the floor.
5. Jo likes people who are kind, thoughtful, funny, and when they are rich.

6. The fortuneteller told Ana that she would get a great job, that she would lose
money, and she should move to another city.

7 The workshop explained how to speak clearly, appearing skilled, and how to ask for
a raise.
8. When Felicia had the flu, she took aspirin, drank plenty of fluids, and she slept a
9. Long ago I discovered that I could relax by sipping a cup of hot tea or if I listened
to soft music.
10.One of life’s greatest sorrows is to have a child, to care for him lovingly as he grows,
then when you lose him to drugs.


*Correct – 1,3,5,7,9
*Faulty parallelism – 2,4,6,8,10
2. and accomplishing out tasks.
4. and saying the Angelus
6.and to conquer
8. and clothing the naked
10. and a research paper to revise and improve.

Here are some sample answers to the exercises above with the parallel elements in bold:

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
1. The English teacher had an unpleasant, nasal tone, but conveyed the
information clearly and humorously.
2. The coach told his players to get plenty of water, not eat sugary snacks and be
sure they get plenty of sleep.
3. Benefits of coaching include: knowing each player, helping that player improve,
and seeing that person succeed in life.
4. At the party, my sister helped us make the cake, gathered the kids for
games, cleaned up the mess, and drove some kids home.
5. Exercises I enjoy doing are running marathons, swimming lengths in a
pool, riding my bicycle in the park, and walking along the trails in a forest.
6. We must either change the laws about drunk driving or start enforcing them more
7. The protesters gathered outside, held signs, started shouting loudly, and stopped the
speaker from being heard.
8. My sister-in-law loves fad diets and has tried: eating only meat, consuming nothing
but rice, drinking smoothies in the morning (while not restricting anything else),
and fasting 12 hours every day.
9. To my horror, my wedding dress looked stained, torn, and wrinkled.
10. Our latest math instructor was enthusiastic, joking, and demanding; in fact, she failed
half of the class.

1. When I was a child, I loved to play in the leaves, skip down the driveway,
and run against the wind.
2. I still enjoy playing in the leaves, skipping down the driveway, and running against the
3. Merdine danced a jig and then sang a song that took my heart away.
4. Merdine said that she wanted to dance a jig and then sing a song that would take my
heart away.
5. The children spent the afternoon playing video games, watching TV, and eating donuts.
6. If you want to learn how to play video games, watch TV, or eat donuts, spend an
afternoon with my children.
7. All that you need to make a great tomato sandwich is whole-wheat bread, a sliced sweet
onion, two lettuce leaves, mustard or mayonnaise, and a juicy tomato.
8. To make a great tomato sandwich, begin by toasting two pieces of whole-wheat bread
and slicing a sweet onion.
9. Whatever you have, you must either use it or lose it.
10. It is easier to build strong children than to fix broken adults.


A. 1.c, 2. b, 3. b, 4. c
B. 1.greatest evils and worst of crimes
2.beautiful and simple
3. blood, sweat and tears
4. sans teeth……sans everything
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
6. . As it is written


1. Tom has a beautiful wife, a big house and lovely children.

2. Complaints were made by teachers and administrators.
3. I learned to be attentive to my teachers and to do my homework.
4. She was known for her beauty and generosity
5. This is what I want: to study hard, to get the best grades and to get a good
job when I graduate.
6. I advise you to sleep early, eat healthy food and exercise regularly.
7. I hate washing the linen by hand and cooking.
8. I consider your behavior rude, irresponsible, and offensive.
9. She decided to forget about her ex-boyfriend, start a new relationship and
work hard on her project.
10. To apply to this job to have university degree in linguistics and five year
experience as an interpreter.


1. When I was a child, I loved to play in the leaves, skip down the driveway,
and run against the wind.
2. I still enjoy playing in the leaves, skipping down the driveway,
and running against the wind.
3. Merdine danced a jig and then sang a song that took my heart away.
4. Merdine said that she wanted to dance a jig and then sing a song that would
take my heart away.
5. The children spent the afternoon playing video games, watching TV,
and eating donuts.
6. If you want to learn how to play video games, watch TV, or eat donuts,
spend an afternoon with my children.
7. All that you need to make a great tomato sandwich is whole-wheat bread, a
sliced sweet onion, two lettuce leaves, mustard or mayonnaise, and a
juicy tomato.
8. To make a great tomato sandwich, begin by toasting two pieces of whole-
wheat bread and slicing a sweet onion.
9. Whatever you have, you must either use it or lose it.
10. It is easier to build strong children than to fix broken adults.

1.I spend the weekend working in the yard, painting a door, and fixing a cracked window.
2. Regina said she would fix supper , set the table, and clean up afterwards.
3. That candidate has energy,, concern, and honesty.
4. When taro got home, he found mud on the carpet, scratch marks on the furniture, and
broken glass on the floor.
5. Jo like people who are kind, thoughtful, funny and rich.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
6. The fortuneteller told Ana that she would get a job, that she would lose money, and that
she would move to another city.
7. The workshop explained how to speak clearly, how to appear skilled, and how to ask for
a raise.
8.When Felisa had the flu, she took aspirin ,drank plenty of liquids, and slept a lot.
9.Long ago I discovered that I could relax by slipping a cup of hot tea or listening to a music.
10.One of life’s greatest sorrows is to have a child, to care for him lovingly as he grows, and
then to lose him to drugs.

Bermudez, Virginia et al ( 2012) English Expressways
Gonzales, Carolina, English for 21st Century Learning ( Afro – Asian) Teacher’s

Prepared by:

Master Teacher 1
Gosi National High School

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.

Name of Learner: ___________________________ Grade Level: ____________________

Section: ___________________________________Date:


Background Information for Learners

Patterns of Idea Development

Patterns of idea development are great ways to help you look for what’s already happening
with your topic or in a draft, to help you to write more, or to help you reorganize some parts
of an essay that seem to lack connection or feel disjointed. Look for organizational patterns
when you are reading work by professional writers. Notice where they combine strategies
(e.g a problem-solution pattern that uses cause-and-effect organization, or a comparison-
contrast pattern that uses narrative or chronology to develop similarities or differences). Pay
attention to how different writers emphasize and develop their main ideas and use what you
find to inspire you in your own writing. Better yet, work on developing completely new
patterns of your own.

General to particular/specific is a pattern of development that begins with a general idea

or statement and is followed by specific details to support and explain it. The details may
become specific as development continues. The pattern ends with a general statement that
summarizes all the details.

Claim and Counterclaim

Claim is a statement that presents an arguable position. It reflects your interpretation,
belief, or opinion. The claim typically answers the question: “What do I think?”
Counterclaim is the strongest argument against a claim.

Problem-Solution Pattern is one method of organization, composed of two main sections:

(1) the problem and (2) the solution. The problem-solution pattern is used in persuasive

Cause and effect is used to show relationship between ideas, topics, etc. It describes how
one event influenced a later event or what caused an event to take place.

These patterns of ideas can be achieved by using grammatical signals or expressions.

Grammatical signals are writing devices that serve to maintain text coherence. They signal
relationship between sentences by means of back reference through the use of pronominal
forms, determiners, repetition of key words, ellipsis, parallelism, synonyms and super

Grammatical signals for General to particular/specific pattern: for example, namely, in

fact, such as, for instance, in other words, like, that is, indeed, etc.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Grammatical signals for Claim and Counterclaim: according to, imagine, likely, might,
perhaps, probably, seem, suggest, etc.
Grammatical signals for Problem-Solution Pattern: the problem is, obviously, the
question is, a solution next, one answer is, to solve, clearly, etc.

Grammatical signals for Cause and effect: as a result, if..then, because, therefore, due to,
thus, etc.

Use of appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of idea

• General to particular
• Claim and counterclaim
• Problem-solution
• Cause and effect

Activity 1
Directions: Identify which type of pattern of development is used in each of the
statements. Write your answer on the space provided before each item number. Also,
underline the signal word/s used in each statement.
1. We need to work hard so that we can be successful.
2. Everybody likes his stories because they are unique and interesting.
3. Cyber bullying is very rampant nowadays; in order to avoid this,
parents and teachers should educate their children.
4. I love fruits, such as oranges and apples.
5. They said internet is addicting, but I say, it depends on the user.
6. Some say that the earth is round; in contrary, Aristotle discovered
through constellations that it is spherical in shape.
7. My cousin seldom brushes his teeth; thus, he had cavities.
8. I was so hungry, so I ate a lot.
9. Most snakes are venomous; it includes king cobra and rattlesnakes.
10. I had a tooth ache that is why I visited my dentist for checkup.

Activity 2
Directions: Match the thoughts expressed in Column A with the ideas in Column B to
show general to specific concepts.
Column A Column B
a. therefore, he always gets honors and
1. The rainbow has seven different colors
2. I was too busy b. instead, piano and flute.
3. Jack studies his lessons well c. like guitar and violin.
4. They said Mr. Richard is rich d. and as far as I know, he owns a yacht.
5. I can play several instruments e. that I forgot my dental appointment.
f. such as red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo and violet
g. besides, he always fails his subjects.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Activity 3
Directions: Read each statement and write your counterclaim for each one. Make sure to
use grammatical signals to make the statements coherent.
1. Claim: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Counterclaim: _____________________________________________
2. Claim: Ilocanos are known to be thrifty.
Counterclaim: _____________________________________________
3. Claim: Everyone loves to dance.
Counterclaim: _____________________________________________
4. Claim: Coffee keeps us awake.
Counterclaim: _____________________________________________
5. Claim: People snore when they are tired.
Counterclaim: _____________________________________________
6. Claim: The best way to lose weight is to exercise.
Counterclaim: _____________________________________________
7. Christmas is the most awaited day of the year.
Counterclaim: _____________________________________________
8. Claim: Singing makes you happy.
Counterclaim: _____________________________________________
9. Claim: Having a laptop makes your life easy.
Counterclaim: _____________________________________________
10. Claim: It is easy to forgive and forget.
Counterclaim: _____________________________________________

Activity 4
Directions: Combine the statements from column A and column B to show cause and
effect relationship of ideas.

Cause Effect
1. Due to bad weather a. Mario transferred to a different
2. because it makes him happy b. classes were suspended
3. If we know how to appreciate c. thus, she has wide vocabulary
4. because his family migrated to d. then, we could be contented and
Japan. happy
5. I have slept late these past days e. as a result, I always get late at
6. Grace loves books f. Mike donates to charity

Activity 5
Directions: Fill in the empty boxes with appropriate pieces of information. Then, connect
the two ideas in each item using correct signal words to show a problem-solution pattern of
development. Write these signals on the line found in between the boxes.

You can choose appropriate signal words from the following:

• In order to solve this • A thing we can do is
• One answer is • One solution is
• In order to overcome this/these
• A second/third/final answer is

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Problem Solution

Some people find drinking milk before going

difficulty in sleeping at Some solutions are __ to bed, just simply closing
night. Signal word/s your eyes and praying.

1. Problem Solution

The room is messy. ________________

Signal word/s

2. Problem Solution
Students are addicted to
technology. ________________
Signal word/s

Problem Solution
I always spend too much
money. ________________
Signal word/s

4. Problem Solution
My friend had difficulty
in reading. ________________
Signal word/s

5. Problem Solution

My grades are low. ________________

Signal word/s

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Activity 6
Directions: Read each paragraph and identify which pattern of idea development was

1. Writing is a complex sociocognitive process involving the construction of recorded

messages on paper or on some other material, and, more recently, on a computer
screen. The skills needed to write range from making the appropriate graphic marks,
through utilizing the resources of the chosen language, to anticipating the reactions
of the intended readers. The first skill area involves acquiring a writing system, which
may be alphabetic (as in European languages) or nonalphabetic (as in many Asian
languages). The second skill area requires selecting the appropriate grammar and
vocabulary to form acceptable sentences and then arranging them in paragraphs.
Third, writing involves thinking about the purpose of the text to be composed and
about its possible effects on the intended readership. One important aspect of this last
feature is the choice of a suitable style. Because of these characteristics, writing is
not an innate natural ability like speaking but has to be acquired through years of
training or schooling (Swales & Feak, 1994, p. 34).
2. There are many reasons why a lot of people participate or watch the Olympic Games
on television or other platforms. First, because of tradition. The Olympics, the torch,
and the flame custom have obviously been patterned after the ancient games. People
can beat the monotony of daily life by joining in or watching the Olympics. They like
to identify themselves with someone who had done some sacrifices and made
achievements. The second is due to national pride. They believe that a participant’s
hard-earned victory becomes a nation’s success. Thus, a nation and its people keep
track by their athletes.
3. The National Park is in danger! A plant called kudzu threatens the park’s ecosystem.
Kudzu, a plant that is so called “the vine that ate the South”, grows so fast and only
a few animals eat it. It can grow a foot a night! It grows even after it has been treated
with herbicide or plant killer. Kudzu may kill native plants and trees because it grows
right over them. It takes the sunlight that plants need to grow. Then, trucks came to
the park. The trucks were there to build a road. Obviously, the park guards can cut all
the kudzus. They may also put herbicide to the plant’s huge root. They can bring in
goats because goats eat kudzu. But goats also eat native plants. Solving the kudzu
problem will be tricky.
4. Getting college education in a private school in the Philippines is expensive because
of several reasons. First, the college tuition fees, and miscellaneous fees range from
PhP10,000.00 to even more than PhP100,000.00 (depending on the academic
program being undertaken). Second, the books are costly. Third, material like papers,
notebooks and other school and office supplies are also costly. Finally, there are also
special fees, like fees for removal examinations or completion of grades. The fees
that college students pay seem not only endless, but increasing in prices, as well.
5. Loneliness is not the same as aloneness. In big cities, thousands of people live closely.
Illogically, this cramming of people together creates widespread loneliness. The
hustle and bustle of city life can prevent many from getting to know their neighbors.
Thus, city dwellers end up living among strangers. More so, the all-too-common
distrust of strangers and the desire to protect one’s privacy may truly paly a big rate
of loneliness in big cities.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Activity 7
Directions: Choose among the topics below and write a short paragraph using any of
the patterns of idea development. Rubrics for scoring is provided below for your

• Covid-19
• Distance Learning
• Family
• Friends
• Love

Category 4-above 3-meets 2-approaching 1-below

standards standards standard standard
Transitions A variety of Transitions Some The transitions
thoughtful show how ideas transitions between ideas
transitions are are connected, between work are unclear or
used. They but there is well but some nonexistent.
clearly show little variety. connections
how ideas are between ideas
connected. are fuzzy
Grammar and Author makes Author makes Author makes Author makes
spelling or errors in 1-2 errors in 3-4 errors in more than 4
grammar or grammar or grammar or errors in
spelling that spelling that spelling that grammar or
distract the distract the distract the spelling that
reader from the reader from the reader from the distract the
content. content. content. reader from the
Content The overall The content is The content is The content is
content is very well presented acceptable but not suitable to
well presented and quite is minimal. the chosen
and suitable for suitable to the topic.
the chosen chosen topic.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Activity 1
Directions: Identify which type of pattern of development is used in each of the
statements. Write your answer on the space provided before each item number. Also,
underline the signal word/s used in each statement.
Cause and 1. We need to work hard so that we can be successful.
Cause and 2. Everybody likes his stories because they are unique and interesting.
Problem- 3. Cyber bullying is very rampant nowadays; in order to avoid this,
parents and teachers should educate their children.
General to 4. I love fruits, such as oranges and apples.
Claim- 5. They said internet is addicting, but I say, it depends on the user.
Claim- 6. Some say that the earth is round; in contrary, Aristotle discovered
through constellations that it is spherical in shape.
Cause and 7. My cousin seldom brushes his teeth; thus, he had cavities.
Cause and 8. I was so hungry, so I ate a lot.
General to 9. Most snakes are venomous; it includes king cobra and rattlesnakes.
Cause and 10. I had a tooth ache that is why I visited my dentist for checkup.
Activity 2
Direction: Match the thoughts expressed in Column A with the ideas in Column B to show
general to specific concepts.

Column A Column B
a. therefore, he always gets honors and
f 1. The rainbow has seven different colors
e 2. I was too busy b. instead, piano and flute.
a 3. Jack studies his lessons well c. like guitar and violin.
d. and as far as I know, he owns a
d 4. They said Mr. Richard is rich
c 5. I can play several instruments e. that I forgot my dental appointment.
f. such as red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo and violet
g. besides, he always fails his subjects.
Activity 3
Answers may vary
Sample answer:
Claim: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Counterclaim: On the other hand, too much apple can contribute to gain weight.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Activity 4
Directions: Create at least 5 cause and effect statement by combining statements from
column A(cause) and column B(effect).

1. Due to bad weather, classes were suspended.

Classes were suspended due to bad weather.
2. Mike donates to charity because it makes him happy.
3. If we know how to appreciate things; then, we could be happy and contented.
4. Mario transferred to a different school because his family migrated to Japan.
5. I have slept late these past days; as a result, I always get late at school.
6. Grace loves books; thus, she has wide vocabulary.

Answers may vary
Problem Solution

Is to help one another to

The room is messy. one thing we can do
Signal word/s

Activity 6
1. General to particular
2. Cause and effect
3. Problem– solution
4. General to particular
5. Claim and counterclaim

Gonzales, C., Franciso, N., De Vera, Estrella, Yu, P. (2018) English for 21st Century
(Afro-Asian) Rex Book Store, Inc,


NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Name of Learner:________________________ Grade Level:________________

Section:________________________________ Score:_____________________


Primary and Secondary Sources
Learning Competencies with Codes

Expand the content of an outline using notes from primary and secondary sources
(Quarter 4, Week 2) EN8WC-IIIc-1.1.6

Background Information for Learners

Primary Sources
A primary source provides direct or firsthand evidence about an event, object, person,
or work of art. Primary sources provide the original materials on which other research is based and
enable students and other researchers to get as close as possible to what actually happened during
a particular event or time period. Published materials can be viewed as primary resources if they
come from the time period that is being discussed, and were written or produced by someone with
firsthand experience of the event. Often primary sources reflect the individual viewpoint of a
participant or observer. Primary sources can be written or non-written (sound, pictures, artifacts,
etc.). In scientific research, primary sources present original thinking, report on discoveries, or
share new information.
Examples of primary sources:
• Autobiographies and memoirs
• Diaries, personal letters, and correspondence
• Interviews, surveys, and fieldwork
• Internet communications on email, blogs, listservs, and newsgroups
• Photographs, drawings, and posters
• Works of art and literature
• Books, magazine and newspaper articles and ads published at the time
Public opinion polls
• Speeches and oral histories
• Original documents (birth certificates, property deeds, trial transcripts)
• Research data, such as census statistics
• Official and unofficial records of organizations and government agencies
• Artifacts of all kinds, such as tools, coins, clothing, furniture, etc.
• Audio recordings, DVDs, and video recordings
• Government documents (reports, bills, proclamations, hearings, etc.)
• Technical reports
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
• Scientific journal articles reporting experimental research results

Secondary Sources
Secondary sources describe, discuss, interpret, comment upon, analyze, evaluate,
summarize, and process primary sources. A secondary source is generally one or more steps
removed from the event or time period and are written or produced after the fact with the
benefit of hindsight. Secondary sources often lack the freshness and immediacy of the
original material. On occasion, secondary sources will collect, organize, and repackage
primary source information to increase usability and speed of delivery, such as an online
encyclopedia. Like primary sources, secondary materials can be written or non-written
(sound, pictures, movies, etc.).
Examples of secondary sources:
• Bibliographies
• Biographical works
• Reference books, including dictionaries, encyclopedias, and atlases
• Articles from magazines, journals, and newspapers after the event
• Literature reviews and review articles (e.g., movie reviews, book reviews)
• History books and other popular or scholarly books
• Works of criticism and interpretation
• Commentaries and treatises
• Textbooks
• Indexes and abstracts

Organizing Ideas

When you write, you need to organize your ideas in an order that makes sense. The
writing exposes how analytically and critically your mind works. You can make a good
impression by spending time ordering your ideas.

Order refers to your choice of what to present first, second, third, and so on in your
writing. The order you pick closely relates to your purpose for writing. For example, when
telling a story, it may be important to first describe the background for the action. You may
want to group your support effectively to convince readers that your point of view on an
issue is well reasoned and worthy of belief.

In longer pieces of writing, you may organize different parts in different ways so that
your purpose stands out clearly and all parts of the paper work together to consistently
develop your main point.

Methods of Organizing Writing

The three common methods of organizing writing are chronological order, spatial
order, and order of importance. keep these methods of organization in mind as you plan
how to arrange the information you have gathered in an outline.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Order Purpose
To explain the history of an event or a
Chronological Order
To tell a story or relate an experience
To explain how to do or make something
To explain the steps in a process
To help readers visualize something as you
want them to see it
Spatial Order To create a main impression using the
senses (sight, touch, taste, smell, and
To persuade or convince
Order of Importance To rank items by their importance, benefit,
or significance

An outline is a written plan that serves as a skeleton for the paragraphs you write.
Later, when you draft paragraphs in the writing process, you will add support to create “flesh”
and “muscle.”

When you write, your goal is to write for a specific purpose—perhaps to inform, to
explain, to persuade, or for a combination of these purposes. Your purpose for writing should
always be in the back of your mind, because it will help you decide which pieces of
information belong together and how you will order them. In other words, choose the order
that will most effectively fit your purpose and support your main point.

Writing a Thesis Statement

One legitimate question readers always ask about a piece of writing is “What is the
big idea?” A short essay needs a big idea, or a controlling idea, as the spine for the work.
The controlling idea is the main idea that you want to present and develop.

The big idea, or controlling idea, you want to present in an essay is expressed in
a thesis statement. A thesis statement is often one sentence long, and it states your point of
view. The thesis statement is not the topic of the piece of writing but rather what you have
to say about that topic and what is important to tell readers.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Topic Thesis Statement
The recording industry fears that so-called
music piracy will diminish profits and
Music piracy
destroy markets, but it cannot be more
Everyone wants the newest and the best
The number of consumer choices available digital technology, but the choices are
in media gear extensive, and the specifications are often
E-books and online newspapers increasing E-books and online newspapers will bring
their share of the market an end to print media as we know it.
Someday, students and teachers will send
Online education and the new media
avatars to their online classrooms.

Writing an Outline

For an essay question on a test or a brief oral presentation in class, all you may need
to prepare is a short, informal outline in which you jot down key ideas in the order you will
present them. This kind of outline reminds you to stay focused in a stressful situation and to
include all the good ideas that help you explain or prove your point.

A formal outline is a detailed guide that shows how all your supporting ideas relate
to each other. It helps you distinguish between ideas that are of equal importance and ones
that are of lesser importance. You build your paper based on the framework created by the

There are two types of formal outlines: the topic outline and the sentence outline. You
format both types of formal outlines in the same way.

• Place your introduction and thesis statement at the beginning, under roman numeral
• Use roman numerals (II, III, IV, V, etc.) to identify main points that develop the thesis
• Use capital letters (A, B, C, D, etc.) to divide your main points into parts.
• Use arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.) if you need to subdivide any As, Bs, or Cs
into smaller parts.
• End with the final roman numeral expressing your idea for your conclusion.

Remember that a topic outline lists words or phrases. A sentence outline lists complete

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
A topic outline arranges your ideas hierarchically (showing which are main and
which are sub-points), in the sequence you want, and shows what you will talk about. As
the name implies, it identifies all the little mini-topics that your paper will comprise, and
shows how they relate.

A sentence outline does all of this, plus it shows exactly what you will say about
each mini-topic. Each sentence, instead of simply identifying a mini-topic, is like a mini-
thesis statement about that mini-topic. It expresses the specific and complete idea that that
section of the paper will cover as part of proving the overall thesis.

The following are examples of topic outline and sentence outline:

Thesis Statement: The abuse of alcohol and drugs can affect a person economically,
psychologically, and physically.

Topic Outline

I. Economical effects (Main idea)

A. Alcohol (Sub-idea)

1. Cost of alcohol purchases (Detail of A)

2. Cost of DUIs (Detail of A)

B. Drugs (Sub-point)

1. Cost of drug purchases (Detail of B)

2. Cost of drug arrest (Detail of B)

II. Psychological effects

A. Alcohol

1. Mental impairment

2. Mental addiction

B. Drugs

1. Mental impairment

2. Mental addiction

III. Physical effects

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
A. Alcohol

1. Liver disease

2. Alcohol poisoning

B. Drugs

1. Brain damage

2. Drug overdose

Sentence Outline

I. Alcohol and drug abuse can affect one economically.

A. The cost of alcohol abuse is high and getting higher.

1. The costs of DUIs can be enormous.

2. Alcohol costs are always rising because of rising production costs as well as state
and local taxes.

B. The cost of drug abuse can be high.

1. Even the arrest for the possession of a minute amount of drugs can result in high
bail and court cost.

2. The cost of drugs fluctuates drastically according to the type of drug, its
availability, and the amount.

II. Alcohol and drug abuse can have severe psychological effects.

A. Alcohol abuse can damage a person psychologically.

1. Alcohol is a depressant and can alter the personality of anyone.

2. The abuse of alcohol can lead to the psychological addiction to alcohol.

B. Drug abuse can be detrimental to one psychologically.

1. Drugs impair one's ability to function normally because of the hallucinations or

numbness of "getting high."

2. Drugs can become a psychological addiction.

III. Alcohol and drug abuse can affect one physically.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
A. Alcohol and drug abuse can cause physical problems.

1. The most common disease among alcoholics is cirrhosis of the liver.

2. The massive consumption of alcohol can lead to alcohol poisoning and death.

B. Drug abuse has many physical implications.

1. Drug abuse has been linked to the damage of brain tissue.

2. The unpredictability of drugs can lead to an overdose and death.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 1. What It Really Means
Directions: Rewrite the definitions below in your own words.

Primary—not made or coming from Firsthand— coming directly from

Something else: original the original source

Source—a person, publication, or

object that gives information

Secondary— coming from or Secondhand—not original; taken

from someone or something else created using an original source

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 2. Brainstorm

Directions: Using your definitions, brainstorm examples of Primary Sources

in the web diagram below. Draw more circles if you need to.


NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Source Scenarios
Exercise 3. Source Scenarios
Directions: Read each scenario inside the box carefully and identify
whether the source is primary or secondary source.
identify examples of primary and secondary sources in your

1. I was watching IBC news and 2. I found a letter to one of my

one of the reporters said he friends in the locker room after
had heard good reviews school the other day. I know it’s
about a new sports movie. private, but I want to read it!
When he talks about the What is the letter?
movie, what is he?

3. My friends and I found an old 4. At school we use textbooks

wedding dressin our attic. My to learn about the history of the
father said it belonged to my Philippines. When we use
grandmother. textbooks, what are we using?
What is the dress?

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
5. I like to read People 6. My mom has CDs of my
magazine. I really like the grandparents telling stories
articles written by others about when they were kids. We
about the richest man in the love to listen to these at family
world. When I read these gatherings. What are we
stories, what am I reading? listening to?

7. When I am doing homework 8. My friend Kate said I should

for Philippines’ Government read a book that he really liked.
and I read the commentaries She told me about it- it sounds
by Supreme Court Justices on really good! When Kate talks
landmark cases, what am I about the book, what is she?

9. When I was at summer 10. I am writing an essay on

camp a few years ago, I found Emilio Aguinaldo for my History
an arrowhead; I did research class. I used articles from
and found out it has been Wikipedia and another
made bythe Cherokee Indians. encyclopedia. What am I using?
What is my arrowhead?

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
A primary source is:

What is an example of a primary source that
you have used or you have created?

A secondary source is:

What is an example of a secondary source that
youhave used or you have created?

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 5. Write For A Purpose: Do you know how many overseas Filipino workers are
working in the Middle East? Or how many Filipino nurses are employed in the United States
and England? You can learn about these when you write a report. A report is a composition
that makes use of information from books, magazines, newspapers, the internet and other

Here are some steps that can help you write your report.

1. Write about a subject that interests you. Look through books on it. Encyclopedias,
almanacs, dictionaries, and magazines are good sources of your needed data. You can
also surf the internet for more data.
2. Take notes as you go through your sources. Writing the facts on index cards will help
you organize the information you need. You can easily refer to your notes as you write
the report. Remember to write the data you gathered in your own words. Jotting down
the key words is also helpful.
3. Arrange your notes in a logical order. Go over them and classify them into main ideas
and supporting details. Be sure to discard the notes that do not fit into these headings.
4. Make an outline to arrange your information.
5. Write your report. Remember that a report has three main parts. The introduction states
the main idea and should capture the interest of your readers. The middle paragraphs or
the body of the report gives the facts of the report. Each paragraph usually states the
main topic and is supported to subtopics. To achieve unity and smooth flow thought,
signal words such as first, then, finally, in addition to, and also may be used. The ending
paragraph signals the end of your report. A good ending must be clear. It may summarize
the main ideas or state your opinion on the topic.

A. List possible subjects for a report. You can brainstorm on other interesting subjects. Then
select one that interests you. Gather data from primary or secondary sources and write
notes about it. Organize your notes and make an outline. Then write aa draft of your

B. Edit your report. The following questions can help you proofread.

1. Is the topic clearly stated in the introduction? Will the readers be interested in reading
your report?
2. Does the body of the report contains relevant information?
3. Does each paragraph start with a new topic? Are there supporting details in each
4. Is the ending clear enough to let the readers know that the report is finished?

Exercise 6. The Search Is On!

Directions: To reinforce your writing and outlining skills, do the following task.
1. Research on one government program/project for COVID 19 for the poor and give
at least three reasons why it failed or succeeded.
2. Make a sentence outline of your essay. Then write it.
3. Use the following format to do this activity:

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Government Project:

Thesis statement




Exercise 7. Expand It!

Directions: A formal outline can be made up of either phrases (topic outline) or sentences
(sentence outline). Below is a sample topic outline, expand the content of the outline using
your notes from primary or secondary sources.

I. Causes of air pollution

A. Factory emissions

B. Vehicle emissions

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
C. Smoking

II. Effects of air pollution

A. Respiratory problems
1. Lung disease
2. Tuberculosis
B. Global warming
1. Destruction of Ozone Layer
2. Trapping of gases in the atmosphere

III. What to do about air pollution

A. Limit levels of toxic emissions

B. Avoid using products which release global warming gases
C. Stop smoking

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.

Complete this statement below:

What I have learned in this activity is that…






English for Today’s World II, de Guzman Falgui, Jose Felix, pp 156-157.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Answer Key

Exercise 1. What It Really Means? Answers may vary

Exercise 2. Brainstorm! Answers may vary

Exercise 3. Source Scenarios
1. Secondary Source
2. Primary Source
3. Primary Source
4. Secondary Source
5. Secondary Source
6. Primary Source
7. Primary Source
8. Secondary Source
9. Primary Source
10. Secondary Source
Exercise 4. Sum It Up! Answers may vary

Exercise 5. Write For A Purpose! Answers may vary

Exercise 6. The Search Is On! Answers may vary

Exercise 7. Expand It! Answers may vary

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Name of Learner: ______________________ Grade Level:_______________
Section: ______________________________ Date:_____________________


Writing Effective Paragraphs

Background Information for the Learners:

What is a paragraph?
A paragraph is a sentence or group of sentences about a topic. It may come in
different types such as expository, narrative, descriptive, persuasive or literary;
however, regardless of its content, it follows a specific set of parts. It usually includes a
topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence. The topic sentence
introduces a paragraph by presenting the topic, while the supporting sentences provide
further explanation or information about the topic. Moreover, the concluding sentence
often rephrases what was mentioned in the topic sentence or sums up the information
that is presented in the paragraph.
A good and effective paragraph integrates the elements of unity and coherence.
Unity is observed when all sentences revolve around a single idea. On the other hand,
coherence implies organization; supporting details are arranged correctly so that
information that goes together, appears together. Furthermore, sentences should be
correctly constructed avoiding fragments and run-ons.
In formatting a paragraph, margins, indention, connectedness of sentences, and
title need to be considered. Usually, a paragraph has a margin on both sides and the first
sentence is indented. In addition, sentences should follow each other and do not
individually begin on a new line. Finally, the title captures the topic of the paragraph.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Developing a Paragraph
Read the paragraph below and note the topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding
Barefoot Girl
topic sentence
I had a frightening experience when I was a young
girl. One night while my Papa and Mama were eating dinner,
I was playing barefoot in the yard with my favorite dolls.
Until now I still vividly recall the scent of sampaguita and
the dampness of the grass. While sitting on the ground, I supporting
looked up the sky and was so mesmerized by the stars.
Suddenly, I felt something cold and smooth glided over my
feet. I tried to stay still, but my heart started to beat fast when
I saw a snake sliding over my toes. I felt extremely scared.
When the snake moved away, I screamed for help.
This experience gave me awful fright that’s why I concluding
never went barefoot outside again. sentence

Let’s examine!
1. What is the topic sentence?
2. How many supporting sentences are there?
3. Do the supporting sentences explain or clarify the topic sentence?
4. What is the concluding sentence?
5. Does it summarize or restate the information in the topic sentence?
Unity and Coherence
Effective paragraphs should have both unity and coherence. A paragraph with unity
contains a single idea thoroughly, while coherence is achieved when sentences are arranged
logically with clear and correct transitions.
Analyze the following paragraph:
COVID – 19
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a
newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus
experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring
special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems
like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer
are more likely to develop serious illness. The best way to prevent and slow
down transmission is by being well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the
disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection
by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not
touching your face. The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of
saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes,
so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette. At this time, there
are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19.
Source: World Health Organization
NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Let’s examine!
What is the topic or main idea of the paragraph?
Are there any off-topic sentences?
Is there unity?
Is there coherence?
Let’s add!
In writing effective paragraph, it is also necessary to consider the following points:
• In a descriptive paragraph, the writer describes a person, place, thing, or event. It uses
vivid adjectives to make the readers visualize clearly what is being described.
• In a narrative paragraph, the writer tells a story. This may contain different elements
of a story like characters, setting, conflicts and resolutions.
• In an expository paragraph, the writer provides information about a subject or
explains an event.
• In a persuasive paragraph, the writer convinces the reader to adopt or act on a
particular viewpoint.
• Correct punctuation and capitalization should be observed in all sentences.
• A sentence fragment has missing parts, which can either be a subject or a verb. This
should be avoided.
• Run-on sentences should likewise be avoided since they violate correct punctuation.

Competency (Code): Compose effective paragraphs (Quarter 4, Week 5) EN8WC-IVa-4.8

Activity 1. On TS, SS, and CS

Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Write TS before the topic sentence, SS next to the
three supporting sentences, and CS next to the concluding sentence.

1. ______ I finished writing my paper in English 8, and was just checking it for
______ The incident made me lose many hours of work, so I could not turn in my
requirement on time.
______When I was about to save my essay, my desktop computer screen suddenly went
blank, the power was gone
______ Later, I learned that a mouse got on the power line and disrupted the electricity.
______ My paper was submitted late because something happened to my computer.

2. ______ Medical Chief Dr. Glenn Mathew Baggao said that the testing center is equipped
with three RT-PCR machines.
______ Cagayan Valley Medical Center (CVMC) has inaugurated its Corona virus disease

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
2019 (COVID-19) testing center on August 3, 2020.
______ CVMC is first COVID referral hospital in the region.
______ He also said that with the three testing machines, the COVID center can test up to
600 specimens a day to expedite release of results.
______ Also, with the GeneXpert testing machine of the Department of Health in the
region, all specimens are brought to the regional office for testing.

3. ______ The bakery has been her profession since she started working there at 13.
______ My grandmother has a lot of respect in our barangay as the owner of the bakery
called “Pan”.
______ Everyone admires her very much because of her being an honest and hardworking
______ Her most famous recipe ube-cheese pandesal is liked by many people within and
outside our small community.
______ Today, although she asks someone to do the baking because her legs bother her,
people still come to see her and pay their respects.
4. ______ Despite the adjustments on the schedules and activities made, 2020 NSPC
finished successfully.
______ After its previous postponement due to the threat of the coronavirus disease
(COVID 19), the Department of Education (DepEd), opened the 2020 National
Schools Press Conference (NSPC) on March 9 in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
______ Thousands of campus journalists and student paper advisers from all over the
country battled it out on different journalistic contests.
______ Young scribes from elementary and secondary schools nationwide locked horns
on several writing contests such as news, feature, editorial, sports,
copyreading and headline writing, and science and technology writing,
photojournalism, editorial cartooning, and column writing.
______ Other delegates competed in group categories, which consist of radio and TV
scriptwriting and broadcasting, collaborative desktop publishing, and online
5.______It is loved by many because of its moist texture and native peanut taste.
______ Unknown to most Cagayanos, the term came from a Chinese word ‘pau’, which
means “to wrap”.
______ Locals of Piat create a bed of banana leaf for each piece of pawa to rest, make
packs of ten in a paper plate covered with plastic wrap, and sell it for P25.
______ Together with sinabalu, Pawa is one of the most loved food in Piat.
______ Famous in Piat, Cagayan is its pawa or steamed buns made of ground sticky rice
stuffed with ground and sweetened peanuts.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Activity 2. Recognizing Unity and Coherence
Directions: Read the paragraphs. Underline the two sentences that violate the elements of
unity and coherence.

1. Life in a New Place

I am from Abulug, Cagayan, but now living in Tuguegarao City to study.
There are many adjustments that I must make. First of all, I must get used to do
all the household chores since I am living in a small apartment all by myself.
Especially, I need to learn how to prepare my own food even if fast food chains
are just around the corner. My favorite though is Jollibee; its fried chicken with
gravy is the best. The busyness of the place requires another kind of adjustment.
In my hometown, there aren’t any malls yet, the number of people is small, and
activities are limited. Abulug is a coastal municipality in the province of
Cagayan. Lastly, my school then is small; but now I need to adapt to a big
institution with big buildings and new facilities. I am adjusting to Tuguegarao
City in some ways, but it is not a problem for me because I love this place as
much as I love my hometown.

2. My Staycation
When the community quarantine started, I had to think of making my
stay at home productive. There were many things I learned, such as baking
cookies, making a plant box, and growing vegetables in the backyard. I also
tried simple yoga in the rooftop of the house. I had plenty of time that’s why I
thought of doing new things that would make me creative, busy, and fit.
Moreover, I was more than glad to spend more bonding days with my family,
cousins, and other relatives. We cooked barbecue under the trees and shared
them with everyone. Then we watched a lot of movies together while munching
on our popcorn and homemade fish balls. Popcorn is basically corn kernels that
popped when heated. I love it especially when sprinkled with cheese powder.
The quarantine caused by the COVID 19 pandemic taught me many new things
and allowed me to spend more time with my loved ones.

3. Remote Enrollment 2020

Schools under the Department of Education (DepEd) all over the

Philippines started their remote enrollment in June. This mechanism is
beneficial in several ways. First, there was no physical contact between teachers
and students nor teachers and parents. Both parents and teachers love using
mobile phones anyway. This way their safety was assured. Furthermore,
everyone was spared from the inconvenient and expensive transportation since
no one was required to physically report to school. The Department of
Education included this in its string of innovations for the year 2020. In
addition, data were also secured since all information was stored in a protected
database. This year’s remote enrollment did not stop schools from conducting
their annual listing of students for the next academic year.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
4. Who Discovered the First Coronavirus?

June Almeida became a pioneer of coronavirus imaging. She is the

daughter of a Scottish driver and decided to leave school at 16. Further, she was
born as June Hart in the year 1930 in Alexandra Park, in Glasgow, Scotland,
United Kingdom. The United Kingdom comprised the whole island of Great
Britain. She left school with inadequate formal education but had a good job as
laboratory technician in histopathology in Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Then later
she moved to London to boost her career. During this time of pandemic, her
work got back into although; although Covid-19 is a new illness, it is still caused
by the first type of coronavirus Dr. Almeida identified at her laboratory in 1964.
Then she got married to an artist in 1954. She truly is a woman to remember
whenever coronavirus is in focus.

5. Summer by the Sea

My favorite memory is about my family. It happened a few years ago

before my sister got married and moved out. We are all seven in the family. All
seven of us piled in one van for a summer holiday by the beach in Sta. Ana,
Cagayan. We traveled in a crowded van for several hours. My sisters and
brothers are big and stout. Finally, we arrived at a small house near the beach.
It had one big room with many beds and a separate room for dining and cooking.
We all spent the day outside playing in the water. The water tastes salty. Later
my Mama made a picnic dinner, so we sat on the sand to eat and to watch the
sun set. At night, we brought out our blankets and slept by the water. It was so
much fun. We talked and stared at the stars until late at night. This summer
holiday was the best moment of my life.

Activity 3. Correcting Fragments and Run-on Sentences

Directions: Rewrite the following as complete and correct sentence.

1. Playing chess everyday.


2. SM City Downtown, where people go for shopping and dining


3. Both teachers and students during the new normal.


4. I hope Facebook, Messenger, and Google Meet.


5. The usual activities at school.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.

6. I can’t wait I have to get to school now I’m going to be late.


7. Health crisis further creates economic crisis all countries should work hand in hand.

8. The best weapon against the virus is to stay healthy to help others stay healthy.
9. Transportation is a major concern today the problem is social distancing.

10. Religious activities are temporarily limited issues of space and transmission.

Activity 4. Editing for Fragments and Run-on Sentences

Directions: Correct the fragments and run-on sentences in the following paragraph. Use
appropriate punctuation and capitalization.
Nutrition Month Celebration the #NewNormal way
According to the WHO, childhood stunting is “one of the most significant impediments
to human development, globally affecting approximately 162 million children under the age of
5 years it is largely an irreversible outcome of inadequate nutrition and repeated bouts of
infection during the first 1000 days of a child’s life”. The WHO estimates that by 2025, about
sss127 million children under five years will be stunted. assuming that current trends continue.
With the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a possibility that more children will be stunted. if there
are no mitigating measures in place. In the Philippines, stunting among children below five
years of age is considered high in magnitude and severity based on WHO cut-off points. In
fact, the Philippines ranks fifth among countries in the East Asia and Pacific Region. with the
highest stunting prevalence and one of 10 countries with the highest number of stunted children
in the world.

Activity 5. Writing a Paragraph

Directions: Choose one of the following topics. Brainstorm ideas using the given graphic
• How I Spent My Summer Vacation
• The New Normal in Education
• The Best Learning Platform Today at Schools
• Frontliners : Today’s Heroes
• Staying Healthy Amidst the Pandemic
• My Favorite Hobby

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Directions: Write your first draft here.






NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Directions: Review your paragraph. Answer the questions on the checklist. Revise the
paragraph as necessary.

Post-Writing Checklist
Put a check (√) as appropriate. Fill the Comments field as necessary.

____ 1. Does the paragraph have a topic sentence?

____ 2. Do the supporting sentences provide details about the topic sentence?
____ 3. Does it have a concluding sentence that restates the topic sentence and recaps
the content of the paragraph?
____ 4. Are there no off-topic sentences?
____ 5. Are all sentences written correctly?
____ 6. Are there no fragments nor run-on sentences?


Directions: Write your final draft.






NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Looking back to your experience in writing paragraphs, consider answering the
1. I learned that

2. I enjoyed

3. I want more exercises in


Prepared by:



NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Answer Key
Activity 1
1.SS 2. SS 3. SS 4. CS 5.SS
Activity 2
1. Life in a New Place
I am from Abulug, Cagayan, but now living in Tuguegarao City to study.
There are many adjustments that I must make. First of all, I must get used to
doing all the household chores since I am living in a small apartment all by
myself. Especially, I need to learn how to prepare my own food even if fast food
chains are just around the corner. My favorite though is Jollibee; its fried
chicken with gravy is the best. The busyness of the place requires another kind
of adjustment. In my hometown, there aren’t any malls yet, the number of
people is small, and activities are limited. Abulug is a coastal municipality in
the province of Cagayan. Lastly, my school then is small; but now I need to
adapt to a big institution with big buildings and new facilities. I am adjusting to
Tuguegarao City in some ways, but it is not a problem for me because I love
this place as much as I love my hometown.

My Staycation
2. When the community quarantine started, I had to think of making my
stay at home productive. There were many things I learned such as baking
cookies, making a plant box, and growing vegetables in the backyard. I also
tried simple yoga in the rooftop of the house. I had plenty of time that’s why I
thought of doing new things that would make me creative, busy, and fit.
Moreover, I was more than glad to spend more bonding days with my family,
cousins, and other relatives. We cooked barbecue under the trees and shared
them with everyone. Then we watched a lot of movies together while munching
on our popcorn and homemade fish balls. Popcorn is basically corn kernels
that popped when heated. I love it especially when sprinkled with cheese
powder. The quarantine caused by the COVID 19 pandemic taught me many
new things and allowed me to spend more time with my loved ones.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
3. Remote Enrollment 2020

Schools under the Department of Education (DepEd) all over the

Philippines started their remote enrollment in June. This mechanism is
beneficial in several ways. First, there was no physical contact between teachers
and students nor teachers and parents. Both parents and teachers love using
mobile phones anyway. This way their safety was assured. Furthermore,
everyone was spared from the inconvenient and expensive transportation since
no one was required to physically report to school. The Department of
Education included this in its string of innovations for the year 2020. In
addition, data were also secured since all information was stored in a protected
database. This year’s remote enrollment did not stop schools from conducting
their annual listing of students for the next academic year.

Who Discovered the First Coronavirus?

June Almeida became a pioneer of coronavirus imaging. She is the

daughter of a Scottish driver and decided to leave school at 16. Further, she was
born as June Hart in the year 1930 in Alexandra Park, in Glasgow, Scotland,
United Kingdom. The United Kingdom comprised the whole island of Great
Britain. She left school with inadequate formal education but had a good job as
laboratory technician in histopathology in Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Then later
she moved to London to boost her career. During this time of pandemic, her
work got back into although; although Covid-19 is a new illness, it is still caused
by the first type of coronavirus Dr. Almeida identified at her laboratory in 1964.
Then she got married to an artist in 1954. She truly is a woman to remember
whenever coronavirus is in focus.

Summer by the Sea

My favorite memory is about my family. It happened a few years ago

before my sister got married and moved out. We are all seven in the family. All
seven of us piled in one van for a summer holiday by the beach in Sta. Ana,
Cagayan. We traveled in a crowded van for several hours. My sisters and
brothers are big and stout. Finally, we arrived at a small house near the beach.
It had one big room with many beds and a separate room for dining and cooking.
We all spent the day outside playing in the water. The water tastes salty. Later
my Mama made a picnic dinner, so we sat on the sand to eat and watch the sun
set. At night, we brought out our blankets and slept by the water. It was so much
fun. We talked and looked at the stars until late at night. This summer holiday
was the best moment of my life.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Activity 3 (Suggested Answers)
1. Playing chess everyday relaxes my brain.
2. SM City Downtown is a place in Tuguegarao where people go for shopping and dining.
3. Both teachers and students during the new normal should adapt to the call of the times.
4. I hope Facebook, Messenger, and Google Meet will be used for academic endeavors.
5. The usual activities at school are surely canceled this academic year.
6. I can’t wait. I have to get to school now. I’m going to be late.
7. Health crisis further creates economic crisis that’s why all countries should work hand in
8. The best weapon against the virus is to stay healthy and to help others stay healthy.
9. Transportation is a major concern today. The problem is social distancing.
10. Religious activities are temporarily limited due to issues of space and transmission.

Activity 4
According to the WHO, childhood stunting is “one of the most significant impediments
to human development, globally affecting approximately 162 million children under the age of
5 years It is largely an irreversible outcome of inadequate nutrition and repeated bouts of
infection during the first 1000 days of a child’s life”. The WHO estimates that by 2025, about
127 million children under five years will be stunted assuming that current trends continue.
With the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a possibility that more children will be stunted if there
are no mitigating measures in place. In the Philippines, stunting among children below five
years of age is considered high in magnitude and severity based on WHO cut-off points. In
fact, the Philippines ranks fifth among countries in the East Asia and Pacific Region with the
highest stunting prevalence and one of 10 countries with the highest number of stunted children
in the world

Brocklehurst, S. (2020). The woman who discovered the first corona virus. Retrieved from
Kahulugan, K. (2020). CVMC inaugurates COVID 19 center. Retrieved from
Molina, C.J. (2020). NSPC to kick off in Tuguegarao City amid coronavirus scare. Retrieved
Savage, A. & Shafiei, M. (2007). Effective academic writing. Oxford University Press: USA
The Northern Forum. (2020). Nutrition month celebration the #newnormal way. Retrieved
World Health Organization. (2020). Coronavirus. Retrieved from

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Name of Learner: ______________________ Grade Level: _______________
Section: ______________________________ Date: _____________________


Deliver a Self-Composed Speech
Using All the Needed Speech Conventions

Background Information for the Learners:

Speaking is one of the macro skills that many students find difficulty in expressing
their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and emotions. Thus, the ability to speak confidently and
fluently is a skill that a person must learn to communicate with others effectively and convey
information in a manner that listeners can understand.

Speaking skills can be separated into formal and informal, and these two are both used
in a variety of ways in a person’s life. The informal way of speaking is normally used when
talking casually to family or friends. On the other hand, formal speaking happens in business
or academic situations or when meeting a person for the first time.

The manner a person speaks varies in different circumstances. Whatever the situation
is, one must be able to speak effectively by taking into consideration every possible means
to ensure the message is delivered and understood.

There are three elements of effective speaking. These are (1) word choice, (2) voice,
and (3) body language. In choosing words to convey a message, it is important to consider
the overall level of understanding of the audience on the topic to be discussed. In this
manner, you could be able to determine the kind of language to use.

One’s voice is also vital in communication. This can provide a clue on an individual’s
emotional state. For people who find it hard to speak in public, they must improve their
command over their voices to speak confidently. Also, it helps to get used to the sound of
your voice. Speaking or reading aloud helps you to become used to the more fluent sound
of your voice.

Body language or other non-verbal communication is also important. It refers to the

speaker’s posture, gestures, head and hand movements or whole body movements. Just bear
in mind that whatever the non-verbal communication we are showing, it must always be
congruent to the words we are saying.

Learning Competency: Deliver a self-composed speech using all the needed speech

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Your goal in this lesson is to deliver a self-composed speech using the necessary speech
conventions. To help you prepare in your performance for the final task, there are various
activities for you to accomplish in this activity sheet. Do the given exercises by following the
given instructions for each.

Activity 1: HOW’S YOUR VOICE!

You have the ability to improve the sound of your voice and the way you speak by doing these
simple exercises to develop your effective speaking skills.

1. Find any text to read—the first few pages of a book would work well.
2. Read the material silently first, then read it again in your normal
speaking voice. (Don’t worry if you stumble or falter, just pick up and
continue to the end.)
3. Read it a third time, and record your voice.
❖ Slow down: It is a natural reaction to want to get it over as fast
as possible and this often causes people to stumble over their
words. Speeding up also occurs when you are nervous and
usually makes you more difficult to understand.
❖ Keep your head up: Try not to tuck your chin into the book as
your voice is then addressing the floor. Hold your book higher
and project your voice.
❖ Pause occasionally: Let the end of a sentence or the end of a
paragraph give you a chance of a small, two or three second rest.
Pauses can be useful for emphasis.
4. Practice this exercise as often as you can.


1. Did you like the sound of your voice? Why? Why not? _________________________


2. How did you feel in doing this activity? _____________________________________


3. What do you think are your strong points? ___________________________________


4. What are the things you need to improve? ___________________________________


NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


❖ We inquire to request for information, assistance, services, or supplies without

persuasive effort.
❖ We convey information or inform by providing instructions or directions, description
of something, or explanation of how or why an object or a process operates, or reports.
❖ We persuade to convince our audience to agree with our position. We try to get
audience action on a matter.
❖ We entertain by giving information and by persuading. We divert, amuse, decrease the
tension or build rapport with the audience.

Identify the intended purpose in the following sentences. The word

inquire, inform, persuade, or entertain on the blank before the item number.

_______________1. A computer programmer speaks about a new software.

_______________2. Most television shows have a negative impact on the behavior of children.

_______________3. The mayor tells the public to observe health and safety protocols.

_______________4. Be a humanitarian aid volunteer and change the world.

_______________5. A person shares about fun facts about the groom or the bride in a wedding.

_______________6. A Grade 8 student talks about his or her investigatory project.

_______________7. Your friend tells of the things you wouldn’t know without the movies.

_______________8. A speaker talks about how to earn money in vlogging.

_______________9. A delivery man calling and asking you about your address.

_______________10. Online classes are better than face to face classes.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Previewing Activity:
❖ You are to watch a speech being delivered on YouTube using this link:

❖ Note: For learners who cannot access the link, do the activity below.
Watch the evening news and observe the news anchors deliver the news.

While Viewing:
❖ Listen attentively to the speaker/news anchor and observe how the speech/news is

Post Viewing Activity:

Provide the answer to the following questions based on the viewing activity.

1. What kind of speech did the speaker deliver, informative or persuasive? Explain your
answer. ______________________________________________________________

2. What is the overall impression you have on the speaker/news anchor? _____________

3. How important are non-verbal cues in giving a speech/news? ____________________


4. How does vocal production (volume, pitch, clarity, variety) contribute to the
effectiveness of a speech? ________________________________________________

5. How does the speaker’s physical delivery (facial expression, eye contact, gesture,
posture, movement, and personal appearance) help him convey his message? _______

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.


1. Know the purpose.
2. Know your audience.
3. Plan your introduction. Make sure it will captivate your target audience.
4. Structure your speech by dividing it into three: introduction, body, and
5. Write, revise, practice, revise.

PRE-WRITING: Choose one from the following topics. Bullying: A Serious Matter
❖ Mental Health Challenges of Students
❖ Healthy Ways to Relieve Stress
❖ Managing COVID-19 Pandemic Anxiety
❖ Online Learning: Triumphs and Challenges

WRITING: On a whole sheet of paper, write your own original speech.

POST-WRITING: Review your speech. Revise and edit where necessary. Encircle YES
or NO as you answer the following questions:
1. Is the purpose of your speech clear? YES NO
2. Does it have a catchy introduction? YES NO
3. Are your main ideas in the body discussed properly? YES NO
4. Did you sum up your ideas very well? YES NO
5. Are the sentences written properly? YES NO
6. Are there errors on capitalization, spelling, grammar, and punctuation? YES NO

Write the final draft of your speech on the box below.

___________________________________________________________________ 56
NOTE: ___________________________________________________________________
Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Content Writing is Writing is Write related Writing is
confident and purposeful and quality limited in
clearly focused focused. paragraphs. communicating
Organization of Writing Writing Uses correct Writing is brief
Ideas includes a includes a writing format. and
strong, strong Incorporates a underdeveloped
beginning, beginning, coherent with very weak
middle, and end middle, and closure. transitions and
with clear end, with some closure
transitions and transitions and
a focused good closure.
Sentence Consistent Frequent and Uses simple Many run-ons
Fluency variety of varied sentence compound, and or fragments.
sentence structure. complex, Little variety in
structure sentences. sentence
throughout. structure.
Conventions Uses consistent Consistent Maintains Inconsistent
agreement agreement agreement agreement
between parts between parts between parts between parts
of speech. No of speech. Uses of speech. Few of speech.
errors in correct errors in Many errors in
mechanics. punctuation, mechanics. mechanics.
Creative and capitalization, Applies basic Limited
effective use of etc. Consistent grade level evidence of
spelling use of spelling spelling. spelling
strategies. strategies strategies.


Performance Task: Deliver your self-composed speech using the necessary speech
conventions through a video presentation. Submit it to your teacher’s email address. Be
guided by the rubric provided.
5 3 1
States the The purpose is clear and The purpose is The purpose is not
purpose captures the listener’s apparent. evident.
Organizes the The content is organized The organization of The content lacks
content logically with fluid the content is organization;
transitions to capture congruent; transitions transitions are abrupt
and hold the listener’s are evident. and distracting.
attention throughout the
entire presentation.

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Incorporates Relevant examples or Stories and examples Stories and examples
stories and stories work to interest obviously relate to are missing or
examples. the listener and further the content of the unrelated.
develop main ideas. speech.
Speaks clearly Vocabulary is Vocabulary provides Vocabulary is
with descriptive & accurate, clarity & avoids awkward or
appropriate engaging the listener confusion. inappropriate for the
vocabulary through imagery. topic, making the
and speaker difficult to
information. understand.
Uses tone, Speaker manipulates Speaker avoids Vocal fillers are
speed, and tone, speed, & volume, distracting vocal present throughout the
volume as using these tools to fillers or physical presentation. Speed &
tools. emphasize important mannerisms and uses volume are
ideas & hold listener’s adequate speed & inappropriate for the
attention volume throughout presentation.
Appears Eye contact, interaction Eye contact, Eye contact with the
comfortable with aids, and physical interaction with aids, audience is lacking.
with gestures demonstrate the and physical gestures Gestures are missing
audience. speaker’s energy and are natural and fluid. or awkward. Speaker
interest, guiding the depends heavily on
listener through the written speech or
presentation. notes.

REFLECTION: Complete these statements:

1. The most important insight I learned in this lesson is __________________________

2. To speak effectively, I realized that I _______________________________________


Bullying a serious matter. (2019, August 7). The Tifton Gazette. Retrieved from

Cutrara, Joanna (2019). “If You Want to Write a Great Speech, Here’s How to Do It.”
Retrieved from

Different types of speeches. (2016). Retrieved from

NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.
Four Methods of Delivery. Retrieved from

How to write a speech. Retrieved from


Martinez, Norma D. (2007). Responsible Speech Communication. National Bookstore:

Mandaluyong City.

Rubric for Public Speaking. Retrieved from

Skills You Need. Effective Speaking. Retrieved from

Writing Rubric. (2013). Retrieved from


2nd Voice of the Youth National Oratorical Competition (2012). Retrieved from

Activity 1 Activity 3
Answers vary. Answers vary
Activity 2
1. inform 6. inform Activity 4
2. persuade 7. entertain See rubric
3. inform 8. inform
4. persuade 9. inquire Activity 5
5. entertain 10.persuade See rubric

Prepared by:


NOTE: Practice personal hygiene protocols at all times.

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