Practical Case Development of Personnel

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Development of personnel

The organization created a reserve for filling vacancies for leaders.

The number of heads is 15, of which 10 positions have reserve. Average
number of persons who were in reserve during the year - 20 people (5 of
them were in list of organization). 2 people who were in reserve during the
year freed, 5 executives freed from positions for which reserve has been
made (1 position abolished), 3 vacancies were filled by candidates from
the reserve (2 from regular staff). Duration of stay in the reserve of
candidates, who take vacancies – 5, 7 and 8.5 years.
Organizational expenses for work with reserve: 15000 UAH/year
(for established posts) and 790 UAH for unlisted reservists. Average
growth of productivity caused by changing organizational structure 3750
UAH/month per manager (for filled vacancies).
Calculate performance indicators of training and work with a
reserve to fill vacancies.
Make decision about manager responsible for working with
Methodical instructions:
1.1) General Efficiency Rate of training employees who were in reserve within the
Еtr-res = Nkp / Nv, where
Nkp – number of key positions occupied by employees who are in the reserve;
Nv – number of displaced workers from positions for which was created reserve during the
0,8 < Normal value = tend to 1

1.2) Special Efficiency Rate of training employees who were in reserve within the
Еtr-res(sp) = Nkp-Nkp(unlisted) / Nv-Nap, where

Nkp – number of key positions occupied by employees who are in the reserve;
Nv – number of displaced workers from positions for which was created reserve during the
Nap – number of abolished positions.
0,5 < Normal value = tend to 1

2) Rate of turnover of reserve.

Rtu-res = NSleft / NSav, where

NSleft – number of staff from the reserve, which left for a certain period;
NSav – average number of employees who were in reserve during the same period.
0,25 < Normal < 0,9

3) The average period of stay in reserve to occupy key positions.

Pres_av = Dres / Nkp, where

Dres – number of years between enrollment in reserve and enrollment to the post;
Nkp – employees who were in reserve and occupied the position.
Normal < 2 years

4) Readiness of reserve:
Rres = Nres / TNres, where

Nres – number of positions for which provision has been made;

Tnres – number of key positions.
Should tend to 1

5) The average number of reservists:

Nav = The average number of persons who were in reserve during the year / number of
positions for which provision has been made.
2 <= Normal < 4

6) Absolute effectiveness of preparing reserve:

∆Eff = ∑LP (org.) – Expenses (res.)

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