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Task 1

Calculate the number of administrative and managerial personnel of the

enterprise by the method of Rosenkranz. Data for calculation:
The number of
Time required to
actions to
Management works perform an action
implement the kind
of work
1 Calculation of cash 600 1,2
2 Revenue-cost of the company 3600 0,6
3 Calculation of the consolidated 360 3,6

Annual fund of time for one employee in accordance with the contract - 1920
hours. Coefficient, which takes into account the time spent on additional work - 1,3;
coefficient, which takes into account the time spent on the rest - 1,12; coefficient of
conversion actual number in accounting staff - 1,1.


∑m i  ti
Staff number  i 1
 C nta

where n - number of organizational and managerial work;

mi - the average number of specific actions within the i-th type of work for a
specified period of time;
ti - time needed to perform one action in the i-th type of organizational and
managerial work;
T - working time per employee under a contract for a certain period of time;
Cnta - coefficient of necessary time allocation. It is calculated as the
multiplication of all coefficients.
Task 2
Target size of of personnel management department

Personnel management department of the company consists of several functional

subsystems. Useful fund of working time per worker – 1940 hours per year. The
coefficient of additional costs of time not included in labor intensity – 1,15. Coefficient
of holding more than one type of work: for 2 types – 1.3; for 3 types – 1.5.
Annual labor intensity of functions for each subsystem of department:
Recruitment, selection and accounting staff - 13812 hours;
Staff Development - 9876 hours;
Planning and marketing personnel - 16320 hours;
Development of stimulating and motivation - 12132 hours;
Labor Relations – 6129,6 hours;
Conditions of work - 7344 hours;
Social infrastructure - 1656 hours;
Legal Services - 2484 hours.
Calculate target size of each subsystem of personnel management department
and the overall target size of the department using methods:
1) full employment and
2) part-time employment (sharing workplaces).

Calculate by the formula:

LI  C
Staff number 

LI - labor intensity of the management function for the year, hours;
C - coefficient of additional costs of time not included in labor intensity;
F - a useful fund of working time per employee per year, hours.
1) full employment:
NS (Staff Development) = 9876 / 1940 * 1,15 = 5,9 = 6 employees
Example: you receive 3,2 employees => 4 full-time workers
2) part-time employment (sharing workplaces).
NS (Staff Development) = 9876 / 1940 * 1,15 = 5,9 employees = 5 empl. -
NS Planning and marketing personnel = 16320 / 1940 * 1,15 = 9,7 emp. = 9
NS additional = (0,9 + 0,7 + …) * 1.3 = 2,2 empl. => 2 full-time (regular + 1
Task 3

Determine the stability of the company staff (average number of employees -

150) in September. Over 23 working days of the month, the company was such
Truancy - 15;
Delays - 45;
Cases of departure from the workplace before the end of the day - 12;
Other violations of labor regulations - 30;
Violations of public order - 3.
Employees who resigned - 2.
The cost of absenteeism - 45 man-days, the cost due to leave with permission of
the administration - 8 man-days. The coefficient of the lack of measures to prevent
violations - 3 points. Normative coefficient stability company - 0,9. Make conclusions.
Tr  D  Dep  V  Vp  R ( Ltr  L)  10Cm
CSP  (1 - )
E E  WD

where the CSP - the coefficient of stability of the personnel;

Tr - number of truancy;
D - the number of delays;
Dep - the number of departures from the workplace before the end of the
working day;
V - number of other violations of the working regulations;
Vp - the number of violations of public order;
R - the number of resignations;
Ltr - losses from truancy, work-days;
L - losses due to leave with the permission of the administration, man-days;
Cm - the coefficient of the lack of measures to prevent violations;
E - average number of employees;
WD - number of working days
0,8 – 1 – perfect coefficient
<0,8 – over 20% of time employees are absent

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