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This is my quest to follow that star no matter how hopeless, no matter how far ...to write
the right... though my dexterity in making a treatise is ambiguos...I see in my
unimaginable wit as I visualize Don Quixote in the movie Man of La Mancha, as he
stands vigil over his armor, in response to Dulcinea's question about what he means by
"following the quest".

The pencil-pushing task of doing my personal, professional, and career profile, I could
only dash off a silhouette of the entirety of its permanence.

The helices of my DNA have the parallelism to my progenitors, in that the red blood cells
running within my veins and even the arterial blood gases in my peripherals have the ear
mark to that of my ancestors in their professional and military lives; And to shy away
from the vitality and cease breath of my ancestors' in having the "Pusong Makabayan"
(patriotism) is a chagrin. Hence, as Pablo Casals said.... "The love of one's country is a
splendid thing. But why should love stop at the border." And so, just after taking the
Physician's Licensure Examination, I joined The Armed Forces of the Philippines and
was assigned to task on community based health care under the supervision of higher
headquarters. Having earned and received my license as full pledged Physician, I was
immediately commissioned as one of the men in uniform because I came to the
realization that ...." It is not always the same thing to be a good man and a good citizen.
"....as Aristotle have said.

Sans with the technical glitches, I could have written a litany of words and phrases as to
my write up for a Dossier, but there was flawed in the blip of my composition of
discourse that marred my dexterity as it affects my sound judgement in my day to day
living and doing in knocking off patients to an opioid-benzodiazepine induced sleep and I
am afraid to even commit a single tort that will result into negligence. Hence, the
excitability of neurons within the neuronal axons in the convoluted grey matter in-
between my ears is restrained by the toxicities of intensive surgical procedures that
presents problem in patient care. Hence, my supposedly writing a personal profile waxes
and wanes as I brave the sight and sound of blinking and beeping patient's monitor and
my zealousness evaporates as a volatile anesthetic gas, and my punching and swiping my
android has become arduous as my carpo-metacarpal carpal bones turned into an arthritic
like motion.

So, therefore, as a diligent student of Master of Management Major in Hospital

Administration, I shall abide with the jurisprudence of the school and let myself trivialize
the struggle and further ingrain the long standing of accomplishing the task given unto us
and be indoctrinated by the teachings.

And so, this is my way of presenting .... my way to my auctorial pursuits, as I face one of
the final curtains of class assignments.

Since becoming a full-time private practicing anesthesiologist in the province, I have had
a wide range of working responsibilities and experiences within the military.

I was in The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). I started my military career as a
Commissioned Officer in the Philippine Air Force (PAF), with the initial rank of a

In pursuit for a higher strata of learning, I applied and was accepted for a Residency
Training program in Anesthesiology at The Armed Forces of the Philippines Medical
Center (AFPMC), V. Luna General Hospital.

While having our residency training we were mandated to be in the frontline for medical
support for military personnel and their dependents when chosen and assigned.

Having finished my residency training and specialization, I was assigned in the General
Headquarters as member of Medical Support Group. I was again back and reassigned to
the Air Force wherein a General Command was directed unto me to head and manage an
Infirmary Hospital as a Commanding Officer.

In my role as Flight Physician-Surgeon, I have had the privilege to be in different flight

missions, attending to wounded military personnel in the battlefields. These adrenaline-
pumping experiences brought and added feathers to my cap as several commendations,
awards and medals were bestowed upon me.

In the advancement of my military career, opportunities for my professional progress

were accorded by Commanding Generals and Commanding Officers as I was chosen and
sent for schooling in Australia, Japan and places of US Military jurisdiction within the
Asia-Pacific region to further enhance and acquire military physician training.

Equipped with the knowledge gained, and as my tools sharpened for professional growth,
I was assigned as Executive Officer to a one hundred twenty (120) bed capacity hospital
of the Northern Luzon Command (NOLCOM).

Becoming a full time Executive Officer of a 120 bed capacity station hospital, I have a
wide range of leadership responsibilities within the areas of responsibility with regards to
military-medical services and training. I was the Program Director of the Hospital, and in
my role, I have the responsibility for the medical services of military personnel and their
dependents, training and education of Paramedics and other civilian employees of the

I have directed the effort to enhance the education and training of our men in uniform in
several ways. I led the change in the forms of medical services to one that focuses on
improving the critical thinking of the men in my command. I headed and strengthened the
role of our men in uniform when it comes to rendering quality medical services to their
fellow soldiers, and led the effort to establish and innovate medical services for qualified
paramedics within my area of command.

I led and participated regular teachings, lectures, seminars, and small group discussions. I
have been a regular facilitator of numerous seminars and conferences.

In my stint as commanding officer of a military station hospital, I developed a

community practice elective for paramedics during which a paramedic spends medical
time with a physician in the community. Goals and objectives for this activity were
established, and I actively recruited numerous community facility to participate in this
endeavor. This has served to better prepare paramedics for medical situations and had
given them practical experience with which they are better equipped to make decisions
about medical situations.

I was sent and had attended several international equipping conferences and seminars
regarding updates on military physicians' tactical and strategical approaches on
insurgency, and upon each return, share and supervise empowering lectures to military
health care personnel and civilian employees.

Heavy weight with several belts, I was directed to led a group of military paramedics and
becoming a Medical Company Commander with mission to bolster military personnel
and their dependents as well as civilians that need quality medical assistance and
services. Heightened my being a military physician as the group that I lead was one of the
chosen medical escorts for local and foreign dignitaries as well as local and foreign
military attaches.

I glided and soared high in my work experiences and accomplishments as I was one of
the few privileged military physicians chosen and assigned to join and serve the RP - US
Balikatan Military Exercises held in the different strategic areas of the country which
aims to promote peace through medical, surgical, dental missions, and other civic
activities; And several awards and commendations were conferred upon me for my skills,
accomplishments and participation.

Because of my background in the RP - US Military Balikatan Exercises, the AFP sent me

to some areas of the Asia - Pacific US military area of responsibility to further enhance
my military professional growth.

Armed with nothing but the strong desire to be more competent not only in intellectual
skills but also on the processes of military science, tactics and strategies of uniformed
ranked medical officer, little did I know what a dedicated military physician is and how it
is to be able to survive in insurgency as physicians in the battlefields.... I lived a life that's
full, ... I traveled each and every highway .... and so, much more than this, ......

The time had me when I face the equilibrium to exercise the right and responsibility of a
diligent daughter to a good father of the family when my family especially my father
needed me the most because of a deteriorating health condition. It was this time then that
a resolution had to come up for a verdict, hence, the fulcrum of equality had me to turn
180 degrees back from my rigorous military existence into an obedient being, thus, my
private profession as practicing anesthesiologist commenced.
I was marching on with my private practice when I was made to oversee and care for a
secondary 15 bed capacity hospital for more than a decade. Indeed, it was a responsibility
that was larger than life. The carrying of day to day activities and operations of the
hospital was laid on me for several years. Loaded with armaments of acquired
knowledge, skills and leadership abilities from military schooling and experiences I was
able to make an upheaval to the slumping situation of its staff especially the hospital such
that it has become the barometer of almost every health care facility in the area. And once
again census of patients and physicians coming in heightened because of the
improvement in services and patient care to name a few. Hospital staff were better
equipped, their moral boosted, and work ethics improved.

I poured my time to managing the hospital and drenched a river of strength that devoured
my time for my family that even my private practice was curtailed by the laborious task I
assumed. My personal and professional growth became lethargic associated with
restriction to spread my wings causing my horizon to become limited. But in the
adjournment of my perpetual duty of service, great and enormous improvements were
realized, facilities added, a total facelift of the hospital was made and became visible that
patients as well as others within the catchment area are now enjoying.

So much said and done, appalled and brushed with invisible contusions and hematoma of
life's experiences and lessons, scorned and covered with scars, once again I must defy the
pendulum of a throbbing inflamed cardiac tissue and nerves so as to resuscitate my
retarded professional growth and give pulse to a new facet of a whimsical, ecstatic,
aspiring, goal oriented journey of my personal and professional existence.. And, as I
adduce and recollect several of Mega Star, Sharon Cuneta's blockbuster movies that stir
up my innermost, relatable to past life's situation : …Pinasan ko ang Daigdig Babangon
Ako at Dudurugin Kita Maging Sino Ka Man Dahil Ikaw ay Bituing Walang Ningning
Hindi Ka Dapat Mahalin Bukas Luluhod Ang Mga Tala... For as long as I have the love
and support of my family most especially my mother, Sa Hirap at Ginhawa; I can brave
the storm and scale walls for she is the spring board in every endeavor I take, ..... for her
love is Kapantay ay Langit.
Nowadays, as I forge ahead of my then docile practice of anesthesia, I rev up and keep
my motor going by joining, attending and participating numerous personal, professional
and moral upliftment that sets my dynamo going which I know will empower me as I go
through life.

I feel fortunate to have been given the opportunity to return to a challenging, profound
student's life in a Masteral Class while always on the run hustling-bustling my practice.
To be in such a group of masteral class is a true honor. I look forward with great
anticipation to listen and participate in teaching sessions with our professors, and I strive
to impart each one as valuable experience.

And to cite example of appropriated art in my masteral class from a television series of
Sharon Cuneta is that: ...In our class, We All as classmates have and possess a Dear
Heart, and I see and experience Tatlong Mukha Ng Pag-ibig, because of the excitement,
the fun, the cohesiveness that we have and the bond as mighty that we have created as a
group because we are all Friends In Love.

So this is my quest to follow that star....to be willing to give when there's no more to
give ...I bring my experience and love for continuing equipping, empowering and sharing
knowledge gained to others... And I know if I'd only be true to this glorious quest....
Hence, my philosophy of education is to engage all individual within the area of my
profession to facilitate active involvement for all learning, to teach logical, practical
approach to medicine, and to emphasize the compassionate, humanistic aspect of patient

Thus, as Father Bulatao said in his book We Are What We Are; .... Father Bulatao said..."
Education is nothing if we can not develop what we are.".... Thus, education to be
meaningful and legitimate to every individual, it must strive to develop the ARE ---- A-
R- E.... A – stands for the AWARENESS of the individual on his environment and self; R
– for his RESPONSIVENESS to his needs, to challenges, and to stimuli for a better life,
and; E – for his EFFECTIVENESS as a person. This is my quest, .... to reach .... and
have a star.

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