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Quarter 4 - Module 2
Judging the Relevance and Worth
of Ideas, Soundness of Author’s Reasoning,
and the Effectiveness of the Presentation

English – Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 - Module 2: Judging the Relevance and Worth of Ideas, Soundness
of Author’s Reasoning, and the Effectiveness of the Presentation
First Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education - Region III

Secretary : Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary : Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer/Illustrator/Layout Artist/Editor:
Raymond O. Dela Cruz
Joanna Marriel C. Villamor
Brenda ‘Lea A. Caranto
Maria C. Alvarez
Vivian G. Babaran
Karen P. Lagos
Jeffrey M. Espino

Content Evaluators : Jennifer S. Estabillo, Christopher Homer A. De Leon

Language Evaluators : Jennifer S. Estabillo, Christopher Homer A. De Leon
Layout Evaluators : Christopher Homer A. De Leon, Jennifer S. Estabillo
Management Team : Gregorio C. Quinto, Jr.
Rainelda M. Blanco
Agnes R. Bernardo
Jay Arr V. Sangoyo
Glenda S. Constantino
Joannarie C. Garcia

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Quarter 4 - Module 2
Judging the Relevance and Worth
of Ideas, Soundness of Author’s Reasoning,
and the Effectiveness of the Presentation
Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, dear learners, can continue
your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions, exercises, and
discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step as you
discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM. This
will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to ask your
facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson. At the end
of each module, you need to answer the post test to self-check your learning. Answer
keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teachers are also provided to
our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can best help you
on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of this
SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercise and tests. Read the
instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the tasks in this
module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.

This module guides you as you judge the relevance and worth of ideas,
soundness of author’s reasoning, and the effectiveness of the presentation.
Various texts and activities are provided for you to strengthen your knowledge and
skills regarding the topic.

At the end of the module, you are expected to:

• determine whether the ideas presented are relevant or irrelevant;
• identify the topic sentence and the subordinating sentences in the text
read to prove the soundness of ideas expressed; and
• judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented in non-linear texts.

Directions: Read the text below. Then, accomplish the tasks that follow. Write your
answer on a separate answer sheet.

4 Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Career Path

Mildred Delgado

On average, we spend around one-third of our lives at work. Therefore, it is

important to pause and reflect on the type of career, job, and field of work that we would
want to spend that amount of time in. It is said that those who enjoy their job never work a
day in their life. It means that in addition to choosing a vocation that best matches your
skills, it is also important to embark on a career that you enjoy, that sparks your interest
and gives you a sense of purpose. So, if you are wondering which long-term career you
may be most suited to, and how to go about achieving your goals, below are some of the
key factors to consider when making your choice.

1. Personality
One of the most valuable things to consider is the nature of your personality and the
level of satisfaction that you would like to achieve from your work. Someone who is
extraverted enjoys interacting with others and finds job satisfaction in roles that require a
lot of socializing. Extraverts perform well in areas such as sales and marketing, medicine,
healthcare, and customer service. “Extraverts may find themselves unhappy in a job that
requires them to work alone for extended periods. On the contrary, those who are more
introverted usually prefer to work alone or in smaller groups. Careers in freelance writing
and editing, software engineering and paralegal are mostly populated by introverts,”
explains Fiona Adams, a writer at 1 Day 2 Write and Write My X.

2. Lifestyle
It’s important to strike a balance between what you need and what you want.
Geography is also another factor to consider. If you are someone who does not like hustle
and bustle, you may not want to pursue a city-based career that involves a long commute.
Likewise, if you are someone who loves the fast-paced city life, you may not want to settle
in a job that requires you to work in remote locations. However, it is important not to place
yourself into a box! Remember that people are complicated, and personality works on a

3. Transferrable Skills
“So, you know the type of career that you want, but what is the best way to go about
getting that dream job? Try choosing a path that utilizes the skills that you already have or
learn to garner skills that will take you in a new direction,” says Rachel Christensen, an
educator at Britstudent and NextCoursework. Matching your future career to your current
skill set may mean that your interests and experience are better aligned, making success
come easier. For example, a car mechanic who’s tired of working in a repair shop may take
an engineering course so they can work on design projects in an office instead. Not only
does the former mechanic now have new design skills, but their prior knowledge in the
industry will also be a great advantage in the new role.

4. A New Path
If it is a complete change that you are looking for, you can study something entirely
different by going back to school or college, or gaining experience in a new industry by
starting in an entry-level position. However, you may have commitments that mean you are
unable to take a career break or temporary pay cut while you re-train. In that case, look for
ways to enroll in an online or evening course. Online courses are very flexible and can work
around your current job. Always remember that when you embark on a new career path,
employers will consider your previous experience as valuable, even if it is in an unrelated
So, when considering your long-term career path, it is wise to spend time reflecting
on several factors and practicalities that will impact overall job satisfaction. Finding a
balance between personality and job role is crucial in finding long-term happiness in your
work, especially since we spend around eight hours a day in our chosen field of expertise.
Managing practical elements, like the time it takes to train, and locational job prospects will
save a lot of stress, allowing you to enjoy the work that you do. Exploring all corners of your
individuality will help you find a career that challenges and inspires you.

A. Identify the sentence is a Topic Sentence or a Subordinating Sentence to prove the
soundness of the text read. Write the letter of your answer on a separate answer sheet.

a. Topic Sentence b. Subordinating Sentence

Sentence a b

1. On average, we spend around one-third of our lives at work.

2. It is important to pause and reflect on the type of career, job, and field
of work that we would want to spend that amount of time in.

3. It is said that those who enjoy their job never work a day in their life.
4. Meaning that in addition to choosing a vocation that best matches your
skills, it is also important to embark on a career that you enjoy, that
sparks your interest and gives you a sense of purpose. sparks your
interest and gives you a sense of purpose.
5. So, if you are wondering which long-term career you may be most suit-
ed to, and how to go about achieving your goals, below are some of the
key factors to consider when making your choice.

B. Judge the relevance of the material you have read. Write your answer on a separate
answer sheet.

Questions 1 3 5 Reason
6. How relevant is the article, for a student like you?
7. How will you rate the comprehensiveness of its
8. How will you judge the timeliness of the
information presented?
9. How will you judge the factuality of the material?
10. How will you judge the clarity and simplicity of its

C. Complete the concept layer map.

A. Directions: Fill the gaps in the paragraph below with appropriate words. Choose your
answer from the word pool.

a. distinguish c. opinions e. statement

b. facts d. reader f. true

Authors have __1___ that influence how they present their subject matter.
Sometimes, an author slants ___2__ toward his or her personal beliefs. As a __3___, it
is useful to recognize the ways in which an author uses bias to slant a piece of writing.
As a reader, it is also important to ___4__ between fact and opinion so you can detect
whether the information is correct or not. A fact is a statement of truth that can be verified
and can be proven as __5___. On the other hand, an opinion is a statement that reflects
an author’s or the speaker’s point of view, beliefs, perspective, personal feelings, and
values. Opinions cannot be verified and proven to be true or false.

B. Directions: Read the sentences below and identify the fact and the opinion. Copy on
your answer sheet the part of the passage that corresponds to your
Research has indicated that a person’s pulse rate, blood pressure and respiratory
rate increase when the person is under stress. All people, therefore, should do stress
management techniques on a daily basis.
1. Fact: ______________________________________________________________
2. Opinion: ___________________________________________________________

Situation: You are doing a research on traveling during Covid-19 period as part of your
Performance Task in English 9, and as you surf the net, you come across
this article about “vaccine passports”.
Directions: Read the article carefully, then judge the relevance of the material based on
the set of standards presented in the table below that you previously learned
from Module 1.

What “vaccine passports” mean for your summer vacation

The words “vaccine passport” have a reassuring ring to them, perhaps conjuring up
the image of a sleek, embossed document with watermarked pages and official stamps of
approval. Flourished at border controls, it would open travel doors that, for so many of us,
have been chosen by Covid-19.

Some destinations -- including the Seychelles, Cyprus and Romania -- have already
lifted quarantine requirements to visitors able to prove they’re vaccinated. Others, such as
Iceland and Hungary, have opened up to people who’ve recovered from Covid-19.
This raises the prospect that proof of inoculation or immunity could be the golden
ticket to rebooting travel and seems good news for people eager to book summer vacation
after months of lockdown, particularly as vaccine roll outs gather pace.
Tech companies such as IBM are also trying to get in on the act, developing smart
phone apps or digital wallets into which individuals can upload details of Covid-19 tests
and vaccinations. These are gaining support from major travel industry players.
Source: CNN‟s Barry Neil, January 23, 2021


1. Does the information relate to your research question?

2. Is the information complete?

3. Does it still reflect the present situation?

4. Is the information correct?

5. Are factual descriptions correct and based on hard facts?

6. Are opinions supported by facts?

7. Is it fake news?

Judging the Relevance and Worth
of Ideas, Soundness of Author’s Reasoning,
and the Effectiveness of the Presentation

Determining Relevance and Worth of a Material

Determining relevance and worth of a material is a reading strategy that you, as a
student, need to use to distinguish between what information in a text is most important
versus what information is interesting but not necessary for understanding. This practical
reading strategy enables you to distinguish between the most and least important
information presented in textbooks and nonfiction reading.
This strategy may be difficult for many students to accurately execute, but it is
essential to comprehending complicated nonfiction text. Thus, you need to develop this
skill so you can determine how to extract the most important information you read.
Remember that not all that you read are relevant and necessary for your purpose.

How do we determine the relevance and worth of ideas?

The Imaginary Camping
To help you make connections with the strategy of determining importance, I bring
out a bag filled with camping items before you and from these items you must choose five
of the most important ones needed for an imaginary camping trip. Rank them according to
importance, and list a compelling reason for each item chosen.

a. fried chicken
b. map
c. canned goods
d. axe
e. compass
f. camera
g. binoculars
h. first aid kit
i. oil lamp
J. tent
k. ketchup

Camping Items Relevance of the Items

In reading, you need to become a detective and search for the most important
points of the text. Along your reading journey, there will be distractors, or less important
information, given to make the selection more interesting or clearer to the reader. This
information, however, is not essential to understanding the point of the nonfiction text.
To help you build your skill and confidence in this strategy, you must read varied
materials and apply the concept you learned from The Imaginary Camping. As a growing
individual, not only as a student, you have acquired practical skills of determining the
importance of things, people, and situations in your life. You know where to put your
priorities on and who and what to value the most. You apply this skill in life, and this same
concept is applied in reading.


You might have experienced going shopping with a very limited cash on hand when
your mother asked you to buy things needed for your sister’s birthday party. This
experience might have taught you how to focus on your purpose – to buy things for the
birthday party. Though you might have other personal wants, you could not just get
whatever you wanted because of the limited budget.
Purpose and focus are essential in life, as well as in reading. As a student, you don’t
simply read materials. Often, your teacher asks you to read for a specific purpose from
which you list down (mentally or manually) the necessary and expected information to
gather. Our purpose determines the relevance and worth of the materials we read.
Let us assume that you were asked to research on the efficacy of the COVID-19
vaccine, and as you surfed the internet to gather information, you came across an article
about teenage depression. Evidently, teenage depression didn’t concern you and was not
relevant to your research question; however, this article might be of relevance to your
classmate who, on the other hand, was working on a paper about the effects of depression
in academic performance of students.

Topic Sentence and Subordinating Sentences

One way to easily determine the soundness of a text,
This lookson the other hand, is to see if the
topic sentence and the subordinating sentencesbut
are effectively woven together in creating
it is not relevant.
unity and coherence.

Independent Activity 1
Relevant vs Interesting
Directions: Determine whether the ideas presented in the material are relevant or simply
interesting. Read the text below and accomplish the task that follows.

Finding Real Happiness

Raymond O. Dela Cruz

I stand in a dimly lighted corner of my room, looking

out the window overseeing the newly plowed fields glistening
as the rays of the summer moon kiss its water. It is pitch black outside and only the moon
in its lonely tone pours light over the sleeping community. My ears are filled with silence, a
deafening silence that has been bothering me for quite a time now. The chirping of the
crickets adds melody to the monotony of the evening’s silent protest.
I am confused. I am deeply anxious. I am in a crossroads. Few months from now, I’ll
be moving on to Grade 12 with an uncertain, blurry vision of my image beyond the horizon.
I still don’t know what I want to be and what course of life I should take. Over the dining
table this evening, mother opened up a topic which I was not ready to face, yet.
“By now, Mark, I guess you must have chosen the university in Manila you plan to
get your degree in. Your Dad and I want you to be a medical doctor....”
I heard nothing else after this. My ears became filled with a strange sound which,
I realized, was coming from by own heart. The sound became stronger and alarming that
I had to stand to get a glass of water.
“Where do you plan to get the entrance exam, Mark?”, Dad firmly asked as I put the
empty glass on the sink.

“Dad, Mom...I suddenly felt dizzy. This must be the effect of the several nights I went
late in bed for my thesis. Can I go to my room now and perhaps discuss this matter next
time?”, I weakly uttered with an apologetic tone.
I walked slowly into my room and closed the door gently after me that sent banging
sound in my ears. I had a heightened senses that time. I even heard what they would be
saying after I’d walked out from the dinning area; I could even see what the people
sleeping must have been thinking about me and how my friends and classmates laughed
at me.
Presently, I peer out trying to find a star in a cloud-covered night sky, but I can’t find
one. I reach out the shelf where my old, dusty books are orderly resting, and randomly grab
one. Now, I am calm as the midnight breeze blows into the window creating a wave out of
the floral curtain sending me a message: Read the book and learn from it.
So, I open the book and turn its familiar pages for I have gone through them many
years ago. These particular page catches my attention the most, and it read:

I know you are in a crossroads right now as your door opens to another level
of academic journey. Before you set your foot forward, know that you must not do it
in a hurry. Stand at the threshold and Know Thyself more than your eagerness to
Know the Destination.
Before choosing a career, you must ask youself the following:
1. What are my interests?
2. What are my skills?
3. What are my talents and strengths?
4. What is my personality?
5. What are my values?
6. What education or training do I need?
7. Are there jobs available in this career?
8. How much money do I want to make?
9. Where do I want to live?
10. Why do I want to pursue this career?
Remember that you are the captain of your own ship. There may be currents
and winds, but make it known to yourself that your ship has its sails that control
where you want to go. Be it known to yourself, as well, that in your heart is a
compass that directs you to Real Happiness.

I look out the window once again and notice a bright star peeping through the
cloud-covered night sky. I stand by the window and take a breath of fresh air.

Text Relevant Interesting
1. I stand in a dimly lighted corner of my room, looking out
the window overseeing the newly plowed fields
glistening as its water is kissed by the rays of the summer
moon. It is pitch black outside and only the moon in its
lonely tone pours light over the sleeping community. My
ears are filled with silence, a deafening silence that has
been bothering me for quite a time now. The chirping of
the crickets adds melody to the monotony of the
evening’s silent protest.
2. I am confused. I am deeply anxious. I am in a
crossroads. Few months from now I’ll be moving on to
Grade 10 with an uncertain, blurry vision of my image
beyond the horizon. I still don’t know what I want to be
and what course of life I should take. Over the dinning
table this evening, mother opened up a topic which I was
not ready to face, yet.
3. “By now, Mark, I guess you must have chosen the
university in Manila you’re going to get your degree in.
Your Dad and I want you to be medical doctor....”
I heard nothing else after this. My ears became
filled with a strange sound which, I realized, was coming
from by own heart. The sound became stronger and
alarming that I had to stand to get a glass of water.
“Where do you plan to get the entrance exam,
Mark?”, Dad firmly asked as I put the empty glass on the
“Dad, Mom...I suddenly felt dizzy. This must be the
effect of the several nights I went late in bed for my
thesis. Can I go to my room now and perhaps discuss
this matter next time?”, I weakly uttered with an
apologetic tone.
4. I walked slowly into my room and closed the door
gently after me that sent banging sound in my ears. I had
a heightened senses that time. I even heard what they
would be saying after I’ve walked out from the dinning
area; I could even see what the people sleeping must
have been thinking about me and how my friends and
classmates laughed at me.

Text Relevant Interesting

5. Before choosing a career, you must ask yourself the

1. What are my interests?
2. What are my skills?
3. What are my talents and strengths?
4. What is my personality?
5. What are my values?
6. What education or training do I need?
7. Are there jobs available in this career?
8. How much money do I want to make?
9. Where do I want to live?
10. Why do I want to pursue this career?

Independent Assessment 1
Determining the Relevance of the Text
Directions: Referring to the text in Independent Activity 1, determine whether the ideas
presented are relevant or irrelevant to a particular individual or group of
individuals. Accomplish the task that follows.

Reader Very Relevant Relevant Not Relevant

1. Grade 3 Students

2. Grade 10 Students

3. College Students

4. Professionals

5. Guidance Counselor

Independent Activity 2
Seeing the Relevance in Nonlinear Text
Directions: Study the graph below. Then, judge the relevance and worth of ideas
presented in it using the standards you learned from your previous lesson.
Situation: You are working on a research paper on Covid-19 as part of your
Performance Tasks in English 9.

COVID-19 still smaller than the biggest pan-

While the coronavirus has already infected more
people than recent outbreaks like SARS in
2002-2003 or Ebola in 2013-2016, it hasn’t yet hit
the scale of the largest modern pandemics – or even
of the seasonal flu.
Source: MPRNEWS, March 11, 2020

Standards YES NO

1. Does the information relate to your research title?

2. Does it still reflect present situation?

3. Is the information correct and complete?

4. Are factual descriptions correct and based on hard facts?

Independent Assessment 2
Seeing the Relevance in Nonlinear Text
Directions: Study
Studythe thegraph
graph below. Then,
below. judgejudge
Then, the relevance and worth
the relevance and ofworth
ideas of
ed in it usinginthe
presented standards
it using you learned
the standards from
you your previous
learned lesson.
from your previous lesson.
Situation: You are working on a research paper on the effects of heavy
Situation: You are working on a research paper on the effects of heavy met-
metals in the atmosphere in human health as part of your Performance
als in the atmosphere in human health as part of your Performance Tasks in
Tasks in English 9.
English 9.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) statistics data

It changes rapidly and may differ by location
This data changes rapidly and might not reflect some
cases still being reported. Some areas may not have
data because they haven’t published their data or
haven’t done so recently. Because data availability
differs by location, date ranges for 14-day data may
start on different dates.
Source: JHU CSSE COVID-19 Data

Standards YES NO

1. Does the information relate to your research title?

2. Does it still reflect present situation?

3. Is the information correct and complete?

4. Are factual descriptions correct and based on hard facts?

5. Is it a fake news?

Independent Activity 3
Seeing the Relevance in the Article
Directions: Read the article below. Then, accomplish the task that follows. Write your
answer on a separate answer sheet.

Official Statement on the Pilot Implementation of Limited Face-to-Face Classes

December 15, 2020 – The Department of Education welcomes the approval of President
Rodrigo Roa Duterte and the Cabinet of the conduct of pilot face-to-face classes in very
select schools within areas with low COVID-19 risk for the whole month of January 2021.
The pilot will provide important experience and learning that will inform the final
recommendation that DepEd intends to make on any broader resumption of face-to-face
DepEd emphasizes that the pilot study will be highly selective based on stringent
The pilot implementation will take place only in areas categorized as low-risk (at least
under Modified General Community Quarantine or MGCQ)
There must be a commitment for shared responsibility of DepEd, the local government unit
(LGU), and the parents or guardians.
Stringent health and safety standards shall be followed at the home, during travel to and
from the schools, and within school premises.
The Department would like to emphasize that participation of learners for the pilot study will
be voluntary, with the requisite permit issued by the parents. Face-to-face classes will not
be conducted for the full week schedule. They will be under staggered or intermittent
schedule, and with reduced class size to allow proper physical distancing within the
Regional Directors have submitted to the Secretary their nominated schools for inclusion in
the pilot study. The limited number of public schools that will participate in the pilot
implementation will be determined within the month upon validation and evaluation of their
compliance and readiness with respect to the risk classification, documentation of
acknowledgment of shared responsibility, students and classroom management plan, and
health standard requirements at home, during travel, and in school premises.

Once selected, the participating schools, LGUs, learners, and parents will undergo a
thorough process of orientation, mobilization, and readiness confirmation before the actual
The conduct and monitoring will be closely coordinated by the Department with the
COVID-19 National Task Force (NTF). External organizations are also invited to support,
give feedback, and help generate resources to ensure the success of the program.


Questions 1 3 5 Reason

1. How relevant is the article, for a student like you?

2. How will you rate the comprehensiveness of its

3. How will you judge the timeliness of the
information presented?
4. How will you judge the factuality of the material?

5. How will you judge the clarity and simplicity of its


Independent Assessment 3
Seeing the Worth of the Material
Directions: Read the article below. Then, accomplish the task that follows. Write your
answer on a separate answer sheet.

House Committee backs DepEd to continue academic ease measures

February 03, 2021 – The House Committee on Basic Education and Culture has
expressed its support to the Department of Education (DepEd) in implementing academic
ease measures to lessen the mental stress of Kinder to Grade 12 learners.
On Thursday, the House Committee approved House Bill (HB) 7961 to protect the mental
health of K to 12 learners through scholastic leniency while amended House Resolution
(HR) 1383 urging DepEd and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to adopt a
pass or drop grading system.
“The provisions of HB 7961 and HR 1383 support the fundamental principles of our
BE-LCP specifically on protecting the health, safety and well-being of learners, teachers,
and personnel. Consistent with our BE-LCP, the Secretary had issued policies in relation
to the implementation of multiple learning delivery modalities and the interim policy
guidelines on grading and assessing our learners. The provisions in HB 7961 had already
been integrated in our past and current issuances,” Assistant Secretary for Curriculum and
Instruction Alma Torio said in the panel.
However, DepEd will not adopt the pass or drop grading system as the Department sees
that remedial classes are the solution for learners who are at risk of failing.

“The recommendation of the ExeCom as well as the ManCom is not to adopt the pass or
drop grading system for our learners. Kasi ang unang konsiderasyon namin ay kung
mayroon na pong mga learners na at risk of failing talagang kailangan pong mayroon
tayong remediation measures,” she said.
“Kapag nakita na po natin na at risk yung mga bata kailangan gumawa na po tayo ng
measures para matulungan sila para po talaga masabi po natin na no one will be left
behind,” added ASec. Torio.
DepEd Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones noted that the Department’s priority is the safety
and welfare of its stakeholders and the Department will continuously implement the
academic ease measures.
“The welfare of our teachers and learners remains to be our priority and we will ensure that
School Year 2020-2021 will be bearable for all while still promoting effective learning
engagement,” Secretary Briones said.
The recommendation not to adopt the pass or drop grading system was supported by
House Committee Chairman Roman Romulo, and members Rep. France Castro, Rep.
Sarah Elago, Rep. Mark Go, Rep. Gabriel Bordado Jr., as well as representatives from the
private education sector.
The House Committee on Basic Education and Culture will amend the HB 7961 and HR
1383 into a house resolution adopting and passing scholastic leniency and academic ease
for DepEd, CHEd, and other educational institutions while leaving the authority for grading
system to them.

Questions Yes No Reason

1. Are you in favor of the matter being discussed in

the material?
2. Is the information presented comprehensive and
3. Does the information presented still reflect
present situation?
4. Is the information factual?

5. Is the material presented in a simple and clear


You have reached this level with high enthusiasm. At this level, I am confident that you
have already acquired the target skills through the series of activities you have gone
Before moving on, I just want you to write your realization by following this template.

In this module, I have learned that my ability to distinguish the relevant from
the irrelevant information in various texts is helpful to me as a student

Directions: Read the text below. Then accomplish the task that follows. Write your
answer on a separate answer sheet.

The Resolution
Raymond O. Dela Cruz

The morning sun invites the birds to sing sweet melodies as they perch on the
branches of our mango trees. This is a particularly different day for me. The confusion and
inner turmoil have been resolved. Now, I am ready to face what my parents would ask me
for I know now how to think better.
“So, how’s the night, son?”, Dad inquires as he lifts his cup of coffee.
“Great, Dad. It was truly great!”, I enthusiastically respond. “Hi, Mom. Please, have a
seat”, as I offer her favorite seat.
“What comes into you, Mark? You are acting strangely, a bit”, Mom remarks.
“It seemed to me that your headache has left you, and I hope its for good!”, she smiles.

“I have never felt better in my life than this morning, Mom...Dad.
I didn’t have enough sleep last night, yet, I feel so light.”
“Really? Why don’t you give me a cup of coffee and tell us more about this strange
change in you”, she jokingly utters.
I sit at the opposite side of the table so I can have a good look at them. With so
much excitement like a child who has found a long lost and forgotten toy, I relate:
“You wanted me to be a doctor of medicine...and I really appreciate that. You wanted
me to be happy and successful just like you...being in the field of medicine, serving the
people in the most prestigious hospital in the city. Grandpa would love to see me take the
same path, I know. Grandma would surely support me all the way”, I pause as I take a
short sip of coffee.
“Mom...Dad, I love you both and you know that. I’ve been a respectful, obedient,
loving son to you. All these good things piled up like a heavy load on me that I couldn’t
breathe. How can these wonderful life, family, and opportunity give me so much
uncertainty? I was confused all along. I never wanted to disappoint you, this family, my
friends, and the world...but I had to make this decision, not for anybody else, but for
myself”, I look out and walk toward the window and notice how the world outside seems to
rejoice for my victory.
“This is, so far, the most crucial decision I would make in my life and I ask you to
listen. I beg you to understand why I chose this. Mom...Dad, I will not be a doctor as you
dreamed me to be,” silence fills the room and time seems to stop for a moment.
“I WILL BE A TEACHER. I will put the money you intend to use for my education in
a bank and invest it in a good business of some kind. Dad, I will be needing your
connections here. I must make a good use of the money you save for me as I take
education course in a state university we have in the province. I will not be JUST a teacher
for I dream of something greater than being just a teacher.
Here’s my plan...Dad, Mom:

• I will be a teacher to the Dumagats and I will live with them.

• I will put up a foundation for them through the savings I would have from the money
that WE shall put in a good investment.

• Every Dumagat child will have an education.

• Every Dumagat home will have a wall where medals and diplomas would be displayed.

• I am determined to change not my own destiny, alone, but the lives of the many
Dumagats up the mountains and hills of DRT.

These...Dad, Mom are my dreams and plans and these will give me real happiness. I
dreamed of creating a difference and I prayed hard that God may grant this and that you
may remain supportive of me. My joy is much more different from your joys; but our
success will be spelled the same way: Real success is rooted on real happiness which
is founded on helping others unconditionally.
My speech leaves my parents speechless. They don’t even care to finish their cups
of coffee. Their eyes are fixed on me as if waiting for more to see. After some moments of
silence, Dad says:
“You are the master of your soul and the captain of your ship. We are here like
winds that silently push your sails away. My son, you are not alone in your journey.”

Standards YES NO Reason

Relevance and Worth of Ideas

1. Is the information practically applicable?

2. Is the information complete?

3. Does the information still reflect present situation?

Soundness of Author’s Reasoning

1. Does the title give you clear idea of what the text is about?

2. Is the topic sentence/introduction supported by concrete

evidence and examples (subordinating details)?

3. Does the conclusion sum up what has been discussed

and end the text with clarity?

Effectiveness of the Presentation

1. Are the examples appropriate to the main topic?

2. Do the examples/details follow a clear organization or
3. Are the examples/details simple and easy to understand?

Directions: Read comprehensively the text below. Then, accomplish the tasks that
follow. Write your answer on your separate answer sheet.

The Best Paying Jobs in the Philippines

Are you curious about what the best-paying jobs in the Philippines are? We take a
look at some of the top roles and how you can send your career in that direction.
The best-paying jobs in the Philippines cover a broad range of industries. Although
you’ll find many that are in the finance, healthcare, and IT sectors, there are plenty of other
high-paying roles in other areas. We take a look at a range of positions that provide a high
salary. We also outline some courses and learning areas that might help for each role.
Of course, there are plenty of other factors aside from money to consider when
you’re choosing a career. As well as how much a job pays, you should also consider
whether it’s a good fit for you. Work environment, work-life balance, and your own passions
and interests should all play a part.

Civil Engineer
engineering is is
oneoneof ofthethesixsixmain
branches of ofengineering.
Professionalsininthis thisfield
deal with thethedesign,
construction,andand maintenance
of infrastructure
of infrastructure
and systems.
and Whether
the publicfororthe
public sector,
or private
civil engineers
sector, civilfocus
roads, tunnels,
such asbridges,
roads, tunnels,
and other
similar projects.
and otherThe similar
The for
a civil
engineeris in₱365,503.
the Philippines is

Financial Broker
A finance
A financial broker is aisprofessional
broker a professional thatthat
arranges transactions
transactionsbetween buyersbuyers
between and sellers.
as aact go-between for the two
as a go-between parties,
for the two
parties, large-scale
facilitating financial transactions.
large-scale Fi-
nancial brokersFinancial
transactions. often work with stocks,
brokers but there
often work with
are other but
stocks, fields there
too. Mortgages,
are otherinsurance,
fields and too.
Mortgages, are insurance,
also the remitandof currency
brokers. Theare aver-
the salary
remit of forbrokers.
a stockbroker in the Philippines
The average salary for is a
civil engineer in the Philippines is ₱350,000.

Aircraft Pilot
Aircraftpilots are responsible
pilots are responsiblefor the oper-
for the
ation, navigation, and overall safety of
operation, navigation, and overall safety of aircraft. air-
craft. It’s about
It’s about moremorethan than just sitting
just sitting at the at controls
the con- —
trols – they take information about
they take information about the route, weather, the route,
weather, and passengers/cargo
and passengers/cargo to make to makeplan.
a flight a flight
plan. They also have to brief the cabin
also have to brief the cabin crew and communicate crew and
with air traffic with air during
control traffic control
the flight.during
It’s atherole
with aIt’slot aofrole with a lot ofand
responsibility, responsibility,
as such is one and of
the best-paying jobs in the Philippines.theThe
such is one of the best-paying jobs in
average salary Theforaverage
an airlinesalary
pilot infortheanPhilippines
pilot in the
is ₱2,365,574. Philippines is ₱2,365,574.

Actuarieswork work
in finance
in finance
to evaluate,
to evaluate,
manage, and andgivegiveadvice
adviceononrisk.risk. Using
Using their
knowledge ofof businesses
business and and financial markets,
they useusestatistics
to provide
to provide
and predict
and future
in various
workareasin various
of finance,
of finance,
pensions. It’s
andone pensions.
of the best
one of jobsthe best-paying
in the Philippines
jobs in
the Philippines
to the de-
the demand
for skilled
The average
Thefor an
actuary salary
in the Philippines
for an actuary
is ₱364, the
Philippines is ₱365,503.

Computer Programmer
programmer(also (alsoknown
known as asa
software developer
developer or software
or software engineer)engineer)
develops new technologies using their
new technologies using their knowledge of Math, knowledge
of Math, Science
Science and Computers.
and Computers. They They
write write
design design programs,
programs, as well as well their
as using as using their
knowledge to find solutions to complex
to find solutions to complex problems. It’s one ofproblems.
the one of the best-paying
best-paying jobs in the jobs in the Philippines
Philippines as well as
as well as other countries around the
other countries around the world. The average world. The
salary of salarya for a computer
computer programmerinin the
programmer the
Philippines is ₱200,219.

Accountants are professionals who specialize
in keeping and understanding finances. Both
individuals and organizations employ these experts
to help them get a deeper insight into their financial
records. Accountants also take on a variety of tasks
related to the management of money. Often, they’ll
specialize in one particular area, such as tax or
auditing. The average salary for an accountant in
the Philippines is ₱300,666.

Statisticians are
are data
data experts.
experts. They
They focus
their efforts on collecting, analyzing and
efforts on collecting, analyzing and
interpreting quantitative information.
interpreting quantitative information. Unlike actu- Unlike
aries who workwhomainlyworkin finance,
mainly in finance,
statisticians work across
cians work across all kindsallofkinds of industries.
industries. Educa-
tion, health,health, sports,
sports, and andotherother sectors
sectors cancanall
all make use of these professionals.
make use of these professionals. They specialize They
in collecting in
and makingdata and based
decisions making
decisions based on their findings. The average
their findings. The average salary for a statisti-
salary for Philippines
cian in the a statistician in the Philippines is
is ₱265,248.

arean anessential
essential part
part of
modern business.
businesses. They
use use
their their
to design,
to design,
and adapt
and adapt
IT systems.
IT systems.
help organizations
help organizations
more more
by by
systems and and
improvements. TheThe
role of
of system
analyst interacts
with justwith
just every
about area
everyofareaa busi-
of a
The average
The average
salary forsalary
a systems
for aanalyst
system in
in the Philippines
is ₱481, ₱481,392.


A. Tell if the sentence is a Topic Sentence or a Subordinating Sentence. Write only the
letter of your answer. a. Topic Sentence b. Subordinating Sentence

Sentence A B
1. Are you curious about what the best-paying jobs in the Philippines are?
2. We take a look at some of the top roles and how you can send your
career in that direction.
3. The best-paying jobs in the Philippines cover a broad range of
4. Although you’ll find many that are in the finance, healthcare, and IT
sectors, there are plenty of other high-paying roles in other areas.
5. Of course, there are plenty of other factors aside from money to consider
5. consid-
er when you’re choosing a
when you’re choosing a career. career.

6. As well as how much a job pays, you should also consider whether it’s a
good fit for you.

7. Work environment, work-life balance, and your own passions and

interests should all play a part.

B. Judge the relevance of the material you have read. Write your answer on your answer

Questions 1 3 5 Reason

8. How relevant is the article, for a student like you?

9. How will you rate the comprehensiveness of its
10. How will you judge the timeliness of the
information presented?
11. How will you judge the factuality of the material?
12. How will you judge the clarity and
simplicity of its presentation?

C. Fill in the table below with appropriate entries from the text you read.

Top 3 Best Paying-Jobs Description Salary

in the Philippines



Additional Activity
Directions: Look for a fiction and nonfiction texts. Read them comprehensively, then,
accomplish the grid below. Submit this to your teacher, together with the
copies of the reading materials.

NAME: _______________________________________ SECTION: ______________

TITLE: _______________________________________ FICTION:_______________
AUTHOR:_____________________________________ NONFICTION:___________

Standards YES NO Reason

Relevance and Worth of Ideas

1. Is the information practically applicable?

2. Is the information complete?

3. Does the information still reflect present situation?

Soundness of Author’s Reasoning

1. Does the title give you clear idea of what the text is

2. Is the topic sentence/introduction supported by

concrete evidence and examples (subordinating

3. Does the conclusion sum up what has been

discussed and end the text with clarity?

Effectiveness of the Presentation

1. Are the examples appropriate to the main topic?

2. Do the examples/details follow a clear organization

or pattern?

3. Are the examples/details simple and easy to


What I Know Independent Independent
1. a 9. Answer varies. Activity 3 Assessment 3
2. b 10. Answer varies. 1. 5 1. (May vary)
3. b 11. (given/bonus) 2. 5 2. Yes
4. b 12. Personality 3. 5 3. Yes
5. b 13. Lifestyle 4. 5 4. Yes
6. Answer varies. 14. Transferrable Skills 5. 5 5. Yes
7. Answer varies. 15. A New Path
8. Answer varies.
What’s In What’s New What I Have Learned What I Can Do
A. B. 1. Yes (Answers vary.) (Answers vary.)
1. c 1. Research has indi- 2. No
cated that a person’s
2. b 3. Yes Assessment
pulse rate, blood
3. d pressure and respira- 4. Yes 1. a 8. Answer Answer
tory rate increase varies. varies.
4. a 5. Yes 2. b
when the person is 9. Answer Answer
5. f under stress. 6. Yes 3. b varies. varies.
2. All people, there- 10 Answer Answer
7. No 4. b
fore, should do stress . varies. varies.
5. b 11 Answer Answer
management tech-
. varies. varies.
niques on a daily 6. b 12 Answer Answer
7. b . varies. varies.
Independent Independent 13. Responsible for
Aircraft the operation,
Activity 1 Assessment 1 ₱2,365,574
Pilot navigation, and
1. Interesting 1. Relevant overall safety of
2. Interesting 2. Very Relevant
14. Uses their com-
3. Interesting 3. Relevant System puter skills to de-
4. Interesting 4. Relevant Analyst sign, modify, and
adapt IT systems.
5. Relevant 5. Very Relevant
15. Works in finance
Actuary to evaluate, man-
Independent Independent ₱364,503.
age, and give
Activity 2 Assessment 2 advice on risk.
1. Yes 1. No
2. Yes 2. Yes
Additional Activity
3. Yes 3. No
4. Yes (Answers vary.)
4. Yes
5. No 5. No

Delgado, Mildred. ”4 Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Career Path.” Accessed
February 5, 2021.

FutureLearn. ”The best paying jobs in the Philippines.” Accessed February 5, 2021.

GOVPH. ”Official Statement on the Pilot Implementation of Limited Face-to-Face

Classes.” Accessed December 15, 2020. https:/

GOVPH. ”Press Releases.” Accessed February 5, 2021.

Montgomery, David. ”COVID-19: How it compares with other diseases in 5 charts.”

Accessed February 5, 2021.

The Ohio State University. ”Determining Importance: Helping Students Recognize

Important Points in Content Text.” Accessed February 5, 2021. https://

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan
Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
Email address:

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