9 Insan Sase Service Review Class: Biology No. 1

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College of Agriculture
MSU Main Campus
1. The most abundant substance in the protoplasm is _______.
a. Fat b. protein c. carbohydrate d. water

2. The site of the majority of photosynthesis in a leaf is the _____.

a. Spongy layer b. cuticle c. epidermis d. palisade layer

3. Which of the following statements is illustrated by the graph beside?

a. As the temperature is lowered, the rate of activity of enzymes decreases. As the temperature is raised,
their activity increases, until a maximum is reached at about 40 oC.
b. As the temperature is raised, the rate of activity of enzymes decreases. As the temperature is lowered,
their activity increases until a maximum is reached at about 40 oC.
c. As the temperature is lowered, the rate of activity of enzymes increases. As the temperature is raised,
their activity decreases, until a maximum is reached at about 40 oC.s
d. The level of activity of enzymes remains constant even if temperature changes. Likewise, temperature
remains constant even if the level of activity increases.

4. Muscle may be controlled or may work without conscious thought. The muscle type(s) considered
involuntary is (are) ______.
a. Smooth b. skeletal c. skeletal and cardiac d. cardiac and smooth

5. Meiosis differs from mitosis in that ______.

a. Meiosis produces 4 daughter cells, while mitosis produces only 2 daughter cells.
b. The chromosome number remains the same in meiosis, but is halved during mitosis.
c. Meiosis produces identical daughter cells, but mitosis produces daughter cells that are genetically
d. Meiosis occurs in somatic cells, while mitosis occurs in sex cells.

6. A root may perform all of the following functions except _______.

a. Anchorage b. absorption of water c. photosynthesis d. storage

7. Which of the following is an example of a biotic factor that will determine which animals or plants inhabit an
a. The acidity of a lake near a factory.
b. The high daytime temperatures and low night time temperature
c. Berry plants growing in abundance at the edge of a forest
d. The amount of oxygen present in the water or a pond.

8. Which of the following is the best description of the pyramid of energy?

a. The base of the pyramid consists of producers which supply the most energy
b. The base of the pyramid consists of the highest consumers who need the most energy
c. The top of the pyramid consists of the producers which supply the most energy
d. The top of the pyramid consists of the highest consumers who need the most energy

9. The breathing rate is increased by an increase in the content of ________.

a. Oxygen b. nitrogen c. CO2 d. H2O (vapor)
10. That evolution has occurred is now generally accepted as a doctrine rather than a theory because
a. There is ample evidence that species have changed over the year
b. Darwin received a posthumous Nobel Prize for his book on natural selection
c. Uranium-lead studies have traced the history of the horse
d. It is now certain that the earth is at least 4B years old.

11. Of the following terms, which one includes the others?

a. Class b. order c. phylum d. family
12. A protozoan causes the disease malaria in a human host. This relationship illustrates
a. Mutualism b. Commensalism c. Parasitism d. Predation
13. Viruses are not considered free-living because
a. Their cells lack cytoplasm.
b. Their cells contain DNA.
c. They are too small to be seen by light microscopy.
d. They cannot reproduce outside a living cell

14. Some organisms living in a garden include dragonflies, bugs, roses, grasshoppers, grasses, worms, and
spiders. Collectively, these organisms represent a __________.
a. Biome b. Community c. Habitat d. Population

15. Green algae are able to manufacture their own food because _________.
a. They live in water.
b. They attach themselves to plants.
c. They have chlorophyll.
d. They are the most immediate relatives of green plants.

16. All of the following are examples of a reflex except __________.

a. Sneezing b. Blinking c. Coughing d. Reading

17. Which of the following is a disease caused by bacteria?

a. Polio b. Smallpox c. Rabies d. Tetanus

18. The greenhouse effect is caused by the increase in the _____.

a. Number of green houses c. Amount of CO2 in the air
b. Number of green plants worldwide d. Amount of O2 in the atmosphere

19. In binomial nomenclature scheme, only ______ and ______ are used to name an organism.
a. Genus and Species c. class and order
b. Kingdom and phylum d. family ad genus

20. Any biological agent that causes disease is called _____.

a. Host b. bacteria c. pathogen d. mushroom

21. Which bacteria is globular-shaped?

a. Bacillus b. coccus c. spirochetes d. AOT

22. Water is transported from the roots to the leaves by _____.

a. Phloem b. xylem c. sieve tubes d. bark

23. It refers to the arrangement of the veins in the leaf.

a. Venation b. Coloration c. Separation d. Adaptation

24. Trees that lose all their leaves at the end of a growing season in temperature regions are called _____.
a. Savannah b. Tundra c. Coniferous d. Deciduous
25. The growth of plants toward light is called
a. Hydrotropism b. geotropism c. Phototropism d. Negative tropism

26. Fluke: Class Trematoda :: Tapeworm: Class _____.

a. Cestoda b. Nematoda c. Annelida d. Rotifera

27. The process of shedding exoskeleton is called ______.

a. Melting b. Chitin c. Molting d. Metamorphosis

28. _______ is a term used to describe methods of introducing new genes into an organism.
a. Genetic eng’r b. recombinant DNA c. Hybridization d. Genetics

29. _______ is the process of bone formation.

a. Oogenesis b. ossification c. peristalsis d. Phagoaxtosis

30. An excretory organ that filters the waste from the blood.
a. Kidney b. Liver c. Stomach d. Intestine

1. D → in various living things, water makes up from 65% to 90% of the protoplasm.
2. D → The palisade layer has cells that are packed together and serves for most photosynthesis. The spongy
layer is a site for gas exchange. The cuticle and epidermis are for protection.
3. A → Most enzymes function best at body temperature.
4. D → Both smooth and cardiac are not controlled by thought but by autonomic system. Skeletal muscles are
attached to the bones and are controlled by an individual consciously.
5. A → Meiosis produces 4 daughter cells each with half of the original chromosome number. Meiosis occurs
only in sex cells, producing sperm and eggs, and since the chromosome number is half the parent cell, these
cells are genetically different from the original parent cell.
6. C → A root does not contain chlorophyll and so is unable to carry on photosynthesis.
7. C → The only biotic or living factor among the choices is option 3. The others are abiotic factors affecting
the ability of an organism to inhabit the area. Birds and small mammals feeding on berries will most likely
thrive in areas teeming with berry plants.
8. A → The base consists of the producers that supply the most energy. As one moves up the pyramid, energy
is lost. Found at the top are the highest consumers who have lost energy from the pyramid in the form of
heat and unavailable chemical energy.
9. C → An increased in the amount of CO 2 in the blood stimulates the cells of the medulla to send impulses to
the diaphragm and the rib muscles, causing them to contract and expand more rapidly. The breathing rate
then increases.
10. A → The doctrine refers to a theory based on carefully worked out principles and taught or advocated by its
adherents. Evolution is now a doctrine because evidence from various fields has convinced its adherents of
its validity. Some of these fields are paleontology, heredity, embryology, and physiology.
11. C → In the system of classification, of the groups (taxons) mentioned the largest is the phylum, followed by
class, order, family. KPCOFGS
12. C → Parasitism is a symbiotic association of two kinds or organisms in which the parasite is benefited while
the host is usually harmed.
13. D → Viruses are not considered free-living since they cannot reproduce outside of a living cell; they have
evolved to transmit their genetic information from one cell to another for the purpose of replication.
14. B → A community refers to the population of different species living in a particular habitat and interacting
with each other.
15. C → The chlorophyll is the green pigment found in the chloroplasts of plant cells. It is essential to the
photosynthetic process.
16. D → Sneezing, blinking, and coughing are reflexes because there is no thought involved in them. Reading,
on the other hand, is a deliberate activity that involves a lot of thinking.
17. D → A tetanus is caused a bacilli. The other diseases mentioned are caused by viruses.
18. C → The greenhouse effect is the warming of the earth and its lower atmosphere caused by trapped solar
radiation. This is brought about by the increasing amount of CO 2 in the atmosphere. Like the glass if a
greenhouse, CO2 allows sunlight to pass through the Earth. As the Earth is warmed by the sunlight, it gives
off infrared rays that are absorbed by the CO2 in the atmosphere, instead of being given off into space.
19. A → ex. Home sapiens (Man)
20. C → mushroom “umbrella-shaped fungus”
21. C → Bacillus “rod-shaped bacteria” Coccus “spherical or nearly spherical”
22. B → Phloem is responsible for the transport of food. Sieve tube is a sap-conducting tube within the phloem
tissue of a plant. Sieve tube cells carry plant nutrients. Bark is the rough outer covering of the stem of
woody trees or bushes.
23. A
24. D
25. C
26. A → Other options are Phylum.
27. C
28. A
29. B
30. A → Other options are organs of the digestive system. (Liver is an accessory organ.)

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