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The Sinusoidal Function

The sinusoid is described by the expression

f(t) = Fm cos(ωt + α)
AC Circuit Analysis where
Fm = amplitude or peak value
ω = angular frequency, rad/sec
α = phase angle at t=0, rad


ωt, rad
α π 2π
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering -Fm
University of the Philippines - Diliman

Originally: Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis (EEE33) by Prof. A.P.Magabo

The sinusoid is generally plotted in terms of ωt,

Outline expressed either in radians or degrees. Consider
the plot of the sinusoidal function f(t)=Fmcos ωt.

The Sinusoidal Function T

Effective value of a sinusoid
π 2π ωt, rad
Complex Algebra
180 360 ωt, deg
Impedance and Admittance in AC Circuits -Fm
Network Reduction 2π
When ωt=2π, t=T. Thus we get ωT=2π or ω= .
Power in AC Circuits The function may also be written as
Phasor Transformation 2π
f(t) = Fm cos ωt = Fm cos t
Balanced Three-Phase Systems T

Define: The frequency of the sinusoid The Resistor
iR R
1 Consider a resistor. Let the
f= sec-1 or cycles/sec or Hertz (Hz)
current be described by
T + vR -

Then, the sinusoid may also be expressed as iR = Im cos ωt

f(t) = Fm cos ωt = Fm cos 2πft From Ohm’s law, we get vR = RiR = RIm cos ωt

Note:: The nominal voltage in the Philippines is a vR

sinusoid described by iR
v(t) = 311 cos(377 t + α) V ωt, deg
-90 90 180 270 360
The peak value of the voltage is Vm=311 volts. The
angular frequency is ω=377 rad/sec. The frequency
is f=60 Hz. The period is T=16.67 msec. Note: The current is in phase with the voltage.

Leading and Lagging Sinusoids The Inductor

iL L
Consider the plot of the sinusoidal functions Consider an inductor. Let the
f1(t) = Fm cos(ωt + 60°) current be described by + vL -
f2 (t) = Fm cos(ωt + 30°) iL = Im cos ωt
From vL= L , we get vL = − ωLIm sin ωt
f1(t) dt
-60 60 iL
ωt, deg
-90 -30 30 90 180 270 360
ωt, deg
f2(t) -90 90 180 270 360

Note: We say either “f1(t) leads f2(t) by an angle

of 30°” or that “f2(t) lags f1(t) by an angle of 30°.” Note: The current lags the voltage by 90o.

The Capacitor Effective Value of a Sinusoid
iC C
Consider a capacitor. Let the Consider a DC (constant) current I and an AC
current be described by (sinusoidal) current i(t)=Imcos ωt.
+ vC -
iC = Im cos ωt The sinusoidal current i(t) is said to be as effective
1 I as the constant current I if i(t) dissipates the same
From vC= ∫ iC dt , we get v C = m sin ωt average power in the same resistor R.
C ωC
iC vC Consider R with the DC current I.
The power dissipated by R is I
ωt, deg
-90 90 180 270 360 P=IR 2

Since the current I is constant, then PAV,DC = I2R.

Note: The current leads the voltage by 90o.

Summary: Consider next R with the AC R

current i(t). The instantaneous
1. In a resistor, iR and vR are in phase. power dissipated by R is i(t)
2. In an inductor, iL lags vL by 90o. In a capacitor, p(t) = i2R = Im R cos2 ωt
iC leads vC by 90o (ELI the ICE man).
Simplifying, we get
Note: We will show later that: 2  1 + cos 2ωt 
p(t) = Im R  
 2 
1. For an RL network, the current lags the 2 2
voltage by an angle between 0 and 90°. = 2 Im R + 2 Im R cos 2ωt
1 1

2. For an RC network, the current leads the The average value of any sinusoidal function can be
voltage by an angle between 0 and 90°. shown to be equal to zero. Thus
3. For an RLC network, either 1 or 2 will hold. PAV,AC = 12 Im R

Equating average power, we get Algebra of Complex Numbers
I 2R = 1
Im R Definition: A complex number consists of a real
part and an imaginary part. For example, given
or Im
I= ≈ 0.707 Im A = a + jb
Definition: The effective value of a sinusoidal A is a complex number with real part equal to a
current with an amplitude Im is equal to and an imaginary part equal to b. Note: j= −1 .
Im Example: The following complex numbers are
2 expressed in the rectangular-coordinate form.

Note: The same definition applies to a sinusoidal A = 3 + j4 B = 2.5 − j3.5

voltage v(t)=Vm cos ωt.
C = −0.5 − j3 D = −6 + j4.25

The effective value of a periodic function is also The Complex Plane

called the Root-Mean-Square (RMS) value.
Definition: The complex plane is a Cartesian
That is, given a periodic function f(t), we get coordinate system where the abscissa is for real
numbers and the ordinate is for imaginary numbers.
1 T

FEFF = FRMS = f(t)2 dt Axis
T 0
j4 A=3+j4
Note:: The nominal voltage in the Philippines is a j2 D=0+j2
sinusoid described by C=4+j0
v(t) = 311 cos(377 t + α) V -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 Real Axis
The effective or RMS value of the voltage is F=-3-j3
V = 0 .707(311) = 220 V

Polar-Coordinate Form Addition or Subtraction
Definition: In the polar-coordinate form, the Addition or subtraction of complex numbers can
magnitude and angle of the complex number is only be done in the rectangular-coordinate form.
Given A = a+jb and B = c+jd, then
Consider the complex number A=a+jb.
A + B = (a + c ) + j(b + d)
From the figure, we get
Imag A − B = (a − c ) + j(b − d)
A = a2 + b2
jb A
b For example, given A=8+j6 and B=4+j10
θ = tan−1
a A + B = (8 + 4) + j (6 + 10) = 12 + j 16
Thus, θ

A = a + jb = A ∠θ
a + Real A − B = (8 − 4) + j (6 − 10) = 4 − j 4

Trigonometric Form Multiplication

Consider the complex number A = a + jb = A ∠θ . Multiplication of complex numbers can be done
using the rectangular-coordinate or polar form.
From the figure, we get Imag
jb Given A = a+jb =||A||∠θA and B = c+jd =||B||∠θB, then
a = A cos θ in the rectangular-coordinate form, we get
b = A sin θ θ AB = (a + jb)(c + jd)
Thus, we can also write a + Real = a(c + jd) + jb(c + jd)
A = A (cos θ + j sin θ) = ac + jad + jbc + j2bd
∠36.87° can be expressed as
For example, A=10∠ Since j2=-1, the product is

A = 10(cos 36.87° + j sin 36.87°) = 8 + j6 AB = (ac − bd) + j(ad + bc)

Given A = a+jb =||A|∠θ
|∠θA and B = c+jd =||B|∠θ
|∠θB, then Division
AB = ( A ∠θ A )( B ∠θB ) Division of complex numbers can be done using the
rectangular-coordinate or polar form.
The rule is “multiply magnitude and add angles.”
Given A = a+jb =||A||∠θA and B = c+jd =||B||∠θB, then
We get
in the rectangular-coordinate form, we get
AB = A B ∠(θ A + θB )
∠53.13o and
A a + jb c − jd
For example, given A=3+j4=5∠ = •
B=4+j3=5∠∠36.87o B c + jd c − jd
AB = (3 + j4)(4 + j3) ac − jad + jbc + bd
= 12 + j9 + j16 + j212 = j25 = 25∠90o or c 2 + d2
or A ac + bd bc − ad
= 2 + j 2
AB = 5(5)∠(53 .13 o + 36 .87 o ) = 25 ∠90 o B c +d 2
c + d2

Conjugate of a Complex Number Given A = a+jb =||A|∠θ

|∠θA and B = c+jd =||B|∠θ
|∠θB, then
Definition: The conjugate Imag A A ∠θ A
of a complex number =
|∠θA is defined
jb A B B ∠θB
as The rule is “divide magnitude and subtract angles.”
A* = a − jb = A ∠ − θA a Real We get
-jb A* = ∠(θ A − θB )
∠53.13o and
For example, given A=3+j4=5∠ ∠53.13o and
For example, given A=3+j4=5∠
B=-4-j3=5∠∠-143.13o B=4-j3=5∠∠-36.87o
A * = 3 − j4 = 5∠ − 53 .13 o A 5∠53 .13o
= = 1∠90 o = j1
B* = − 4 + j3 = 5∠143 .13 o B 5∠ − 36 .87 o

Phasor Transformation The Inductor
iL L
Define a transformation from the time domain to Consider an inductor. Let the
the complex frequency domain such that current be described by + vL -
iL = Im cos ωt
f(t) = Fm cos(ωt + α)
Fm From vL= L , we get v L = − ωLIm sin ωt
F( jω) = ∠α dt
2 =ωLImcos(ωt+90o)
Transformation gives
For example, given f1(t)=311 cos (377t+60o) volts
Im ωLIm
and F2(jω)=10∠∠20o Amps IL ( jω) = ∠0o and VL ( jω) = ∠90o
2 2
F1 ( jω) = 220 ∠60 o V VL ( j ω)
Dividing, we get = ω L ∠90 o = j ω L Ω
f2 (t) = 14.14 cos(ωt + 20o ) A IL ( jω)

The Resistor The Capacitor

iR R iC C
Consider a resistor. Let the Consider a capacitor. Let the
current be described by + vR - current be described by
+ vC -
iR = Im cos ωt iC = Im cos ωt
1 I
From Ohm’s law, we get vR = RiR = RIm cos ωt From vC= ∫ iC dt , we get v C = m sin ωt
C ωC
Transformation gives Transformation gives
Im RIm Im Im
IR (jω) = ∠0o and VR (jω) = ∠0o IC ( jω) = ∠0o and VC ( jω) = ∠ − 90o
2 2 2 2ωC
VR(jω) VC ( jω) 1 1
Dividing, we get =RΩ Dividing, we get = = Ω
IR(jω) IC ( jω) ωC∠90 o
jω C

Impedance Summary
Definition: The ratio of transformed voltage to 1. The equation describing any impedance is
transformed current is defined as impedance. algebraic; i.e. no integrals, no derivatives.
V ( jω) V( jω) = Z I( jω) (Ohm’s Law)
Z =
I( j ω )
Note: 2. All the methods of analysis developed for
resistive networks (e.g. Mesh Analysis, Nodal
(1) For a resistor, ZR = R in Ω
Analysis, Superposition, Thevenin’s and Norton’s
(2) For an inductor, ZL = jωL = jXL in Ω Theorems) apply to the transformed network.

(3) For a capacitor, ZC = 1/jωC = -jXC in Ω 3. The phasor transformation was defined for a
cosine function. The magnitude is based on the
(4) XL and XC are the reactance of L and C, RMS value. Other phasor transformations exist.

Admittance Network Reduction

Definition: The ratio of transformed current to Impedances in Series:
transformed voltage is defined as admittance.
Z1 Z2
1 I( j ω ) V( jω)
Y = = V( jω) I( jω) Zeq = = Z1 + Z2
Z V ( jω) - I( jω)
(1) For a resistor, YR = 1/R in Ω-1 Impedances in Parallel:

(2) For an inductor, YL = 1/jωL =-jBL in Ω-1 I( jω) V( jω) Z1Z2

Zeq = =
+ I( jω) Z1 + Z2
(3) For a capacitor, YC = jωC = jBC in Ω-1
V( jω) Z1 Z2
I( jω)
(4) BL and BC are the susceptance of L and - Yeq = = Y1 + Y2
C, respectively. V( jω)

Example: Given From Ohm’s Law, we get the inductor voltage.
v(t)=100 cos 10t volts. + +
Find i(t) and vL(t). v(t) i vL 0.6H VL ( jω) = I( jω)(ZL )
- - = (7.071∠ − 36.87o )(j6)
Transform the source
= (7.071∠ − 36.87o )(6∠90o )
100 = 42.43∠53.13o V
V( jω) = ∠0° = 70.71∠0° volts
2 From the inverse transformation, we get

Convert R and L to impedances vL (t) = 42 .43 2 cos (10t + 53.13 o )

ZR = R = 8 Ω = 60 cos (10t + 53.13 o ) V
ZL = jωL = j(10)(0.6) = j6 Ω Note: The current i(t) lags the source voltage v(t)
by an angle of 36.87°.

Transformed Network We can also apply voltage division to get the
+ +
voltage across the inductor.
The total impedance is
V(jω) I(jω) VL(jω) ZL ZL
Z T = ZR + ZL = 8 + j6 Ω VL ( jω) = V( jω)
- - ZL + Z R
The transformed current is j6
Division of = (70 .71∠0 o )
V(jω) 70.71 ∠0o 8 + j6
I(jω) = = complex
ZT 8 + j6 numbers 6 ∠90 o
= (70 .71∠0 o )
70.71∠0o 10 ∠36 .87 o
= = 7.071∠ - 36.87o A
10∠36.87o = 42 .43∠53 .13 ° V
We get
Note: Voltage division is applied to the transformed
i(t) = 10 cos(10t − 36.87° ) A network.

6Ω 1.2H
Example: Given Solve for current I1(jω).
v(t)=200cos10t volts. i2 i3 V(jω) 141.42∠0o 141.42∠0o
+ i1 5Ω
Find i1, i2 and i3. v(t) 0.01F
I1(jω) = = =
- 0.5H Zin 16 + j12 20∠36.87°
Transform the network. = 7.071∠ − 36.87° A
200 Apply current division to get I2(jω).
V( jω) = ∠0 o = 141 .42∠0o V
2 ZC − j10
I2 ( jω) = I1( jω) = (7.071∠ − 36.87o )
ZL1 = jω L 1 = j(10 ) (1 .2 ) = j12 Ω Z2 + ZC 5 − j5
ZL 2 = jωL 2 = j(10 ) (0 .5 ) = j5 Ω (10∠ − 90o )(7.071∠ − 36.87o )
1 1 7.071∠ − 45o
ZC = = = − j10 Ω
jω C j(10 ) (0 .01) = 10.0∠ − 81.87o A

Transformed network Use KCL to get I3(jω).
Z1 = 6 + j12 Ω + I1(jω) I3( jω) I3(jω) = I1(jω) − I2(jω)
Z2 = 5 + j5 Ω
V(jω) Z2 ZC
- I2(jω) = 7.07∠ − 36.87o − 10.0∠ − 81.87o
ZC = − j10 Ω
= (5.66 − j4.24) − (1.41 − j9.9)
Solution 1: Use network reduction to get the input
impedance. = 4.24 + j5.66 = 7.07∠53.13o A
Z2ZC − j10(5 + j5)
Zeq = = ω), I2(jω
Inverse transform I1(jω ω), and I3(jω
Z2 + ZC 5 + j5 − j10
i1(t) = 10 cos (10t - 36.87 o ) A
50 − j50
= = 10Ω
5 − j5 i2 (t) = 14.14 cos (10t - 81.87 o ) A
Zin = Z1 + Zeq = 16 + j12 Ω i3 (t) = 10 cos (10t + 53.13o ) A

Solution 2: Use mesh Solve for I1(jω). We get
analysis. +
141.2 = (16 + j12) I1(jω)
Z1 = 6 + j12 Ω V(jω) I1(jω) Z2 I3(jω) ZC or
Z2 = 5 + j5 Ω -
141.2 141.2
I1( jω) = =
ZC = − j10 Ω 16 + j12 20∠36.87o
mesh 1: V( jω) = Z1I1( jω) + Z2[I1( jω) − I3(jω)] = 7.071∠ − 36.87o A
mesh 2: 0 = ZC I3(jω) + Z2 [I3(jω) - I1(jω)] Solve for I3(jω). We get

Substitution gives I3 ( jω) = jI1( jω) = (1∠90o ) I1(jω)

141.2 = (6 + j12)I1(jω) + (5 + j5)[I1(jω) − I3(jω)] = (1∠90o )(7.071∠ − 36.87o )
0 = − j10I3(jω) + (5 + j5)[I3(jω) − I1(jω)] = 7.071∠53.1o A

Simplifying the equations, we get Finally, I2(jω) can be found using KCL.

141.2 = (11 + j17) I1(jω) − (5 + j5) I3(jω) (1) I2(jω) = I1(jω) − I3(jω)
0 = −(5 + j5) I1( jω) + (5 − j5) I3 ( jω) (2) = 7.071∠ − 36 .87 o - 7.071∠53.13 o

From (2), we get = (5.66 − j4.24) − (4.24 + j5.66)

5 + j5 7.071∠45o = 1.41 − j9.90 = 10.0∠ − 81.87o A
I3 ( jω) = I1( jω) = I1( jω)
5 − j5 7.071∠ − 45o ω), I2(jω
Inverse transform I1(jω ω), and I3(jω

= 1∠90o I1( jω) = j1 I1( jω) i1(t) = 10 cos (10t - 36.87 o ) A

Substitute in (1) i2 (t) = 14.14 cos (10t - 81.87 o ) A
141.2 = (11 + j17) I1(jω) − (5 + j5) jI1(jω) i3 (t) = 10 cos (10t + 53.13 o ) A

5Ω 0.5H
Example: Given Evaluate the coefficient of VX(jω)
vs=100cos10t volts + iX 1 5 − j5 5 − j5
is=10cos(10t+30o) v
10Ω .01F is ⋅ + 0.1 + j0.1 = + 0.1 + j0.1
amps. Find iX.
5 + j5 5 − j5 50
= 0.2
Transform the network Evaluate the constant term
VS ( jω) = 70.71∠0 V o
70 .71∠0o 70 .71∠0o
= = 10∠ − 45o
IS ( jω) = 7.071∠30o A 5 + j5 7.071∠45o
Substitution gives
ZL = jω L = j(10)(0.5) = j5 Ω
1 1 7.071∠30o = 0.2VX (jω) − 10∠ − 45o
ZC = = = − j10 Ω or
jω C j(10)(0.01)
VX (jω) = 1
[7.071∠30o + 10∠ − 45o ]

Transformed network Z1 + VX(jω) Simplifying, we get

Z1=5+j5Ω + Ix(jω) Vx (j ω) = 5[6 .12 + j3 .54 + 7 .07 − j7 .07]
Z2=10Ω Vs(jω) Z2 Z3 Is(jω)
- = 66.0 − j17.7 = 68.33∠ − 15o V
Solve for Ix(jω).
Solution 1: Nodal Analysis
VX ( jω)
V ( jω) − VS( jω) VX ( jω) VX ( jω) IX ( jω) = = 6.83∠ − 15o A
IS( jω) = X + + 10
Z1 Z2 Z3
Substitution gives Thus, using inverse transformation, we get

 1 1 1  70.71 iX (t) = 9 .66 cos (10t - 15 o ) A

7.071∠30 = 
+ +  VX ( jω) −
5 + j5 10 − j10  5 + j5

Solution 2: Superposition Z1 Consider the current Z1 + VX(jω)
source alone.
Consider the voltage + Is1(jω) Ix1(jω) Ix2(jω)
source alone. Vs(jω) Z2 Z3 Z2 Z3 Is(jω)
Get the input impedance. From KCL, we get

Z2Z3 10(− j10) REF

Zeq = =  1 1 1 
Z2 + Z3 10 − j10 IS ( jω) =  + +  VX ( jω)
5 + j5 10 − j10 
− j10 1 + j1 Substitution gives
= ⋅ = 5 − j5Ω
1 − j1 1 + j1 7.071∠30 o = 0.2VX ( jω)
Zin = Z1 + 5 − j5 = 10Ω VX ( jω) = 35 .36∠30 o V

The source current is Solving for the current, we get

Vs ( jω) 70 .71∠0 o
VX ( jω) 35 .36 ∠30 o
Is1( jω) = = = 7.071∠0o A Ix 2 ( jω) = =
Zin 10 Z2 10
Using current division, we get = 3 .54 ∠30 o = 3 .06 + j1 .77 A
IX1(jω) = Is1(jω) Applying, superposition, we get
Z2 + Z3
Ix ( jω) = IX1 ( jω) + IX2 ( jω)
10∠ − 90o
= (7.071∠0o ) = 3 .54 − j3 .54 + 3 .06 + j1 .77 A
14.14∠ − 45o
= 6.6 − j1.77 = 6.83∠ − 15o A
= 5∠ − 45o = 3.54 − j3.54 A Thus,
iX (t) = 9 .66 cos (10t - 15 o ) A

Solution 3: Simplifying, we get
Thevenin’s Theorem + +
Vth(jω) = − j10(−2.59 + j9.66 + 6.12 + j3.54)
Vs(jω) Vth(jω) Z3 Is(jω)
For mesh 1, - I1(jω) - = 131.94 − j35.36 = 136.6∠ − 15o V
we get
Vs ( jω) = Z1I1( jω) + Z3[I1(jω) + Is (jω)] Find the Thevenin
Z1 a
Substitution gives Z3
Zth = Zab b
Vs ( jω) = (5 + j5)I1 ( jω) − j10 [I1 (jω) + Is (jω)]
Solve for I1(jω). We get Z1Z3 (5 + j5)(− j10)
Zth = = = 10 Ω
Vs ( jω) + j10Is ( jω) Z1 + Z3 5 − j5
I1( jω) =
5 − j5

Simplifying, we get The Thevenin equivalent network

70 .71∠0 + j10(7 .07∠30 )
o o
Vth(jω) = 136.6∠ − 15 o
I1( jω) =
5 − j5
Zth = 10 Ω +
35 .36 + j 61 .24 Vth(jω) IX ( jω) 10Ω
= -
5 − j5 Finally, we put back the 10Ω
70.71∠60 o resistor and solve for the
= = 10∠105o current.
7.071∠ − 45o
Vth ( jω)
The Thevenin voltage is
IX ( jω) =
Zth + 10
Vth(jω) = − j10 [I1(jω) + Is (jω)] 136 .6∠ − 15o
= = 6.83∠ − 15o A
= − j10[10∠105o + 7.07∠30o ] 20

Power Equations From (1) and (2), we get
Consider a voltage source, a current source or a cos α cos β = 12 [cos(α + β) + cos(α − β)]
network of passive elements (R, L and/or C). Let
i(t)=Im cos (ωt+ θI) and v(t)= Vm cos (ωt+θV). The instantaneous power can be expressed as

p= 1
VmIm[cos(2ωt + θ V + θI ) + cos(θ V − θI )]
+ + +
v(t) i(t) i(t) v(t) i(t) v(t) = 1
VmIm cos[(2ωt + 2θI ) + (θV − θI )]
- - -
+ 1
VmIm cos(θ V − θI )
Voltage Current Passive Simplify using trigonometric identity (1). We get
Source Source Network
p = 12 Vm I m [cos(2ωt + θ I ) cos(θ V − θ I )
Note: The current flows from positive to negative
terminal for the passive network. − sin(2ωt + θ I ) sin(θ V − θ I ) + cos(θ V − θ I )]

The instantaneous power supplied by the voltage Collecting common terms, we get
or current source or delivered to the passive
network is p= 1
VmIm cos(θ V − θI )[1 + cos 2(ωt + θI )]
p = v(t)i(t) = VmIm cos(ωt + θV ) cos(ωt + θI ) − 12 VmIm sin(θV − θI ) sin 2(ωt + θI )

Trigonometric Identities: Using the RMS values of the voltage and current,
we get
(1) cos(α + β) = cos α cos β − sin α sin β
p = VI cos(θV − θI )[1 + cos 2(ωt + θI )]
(2) cos(α − β) = cos α cos β + sin α sin β
− VI sin(θ V − θI ) sin 2(ωt + θI )
(3) sin(α + β) = sin α cos β + cos α sin β
(4) cos2 α = 12 (1 + cos 2α) Note: The instantaneous power consists of a
constant term plus two sinusoidal components.

The Resistor The Capacitor
iR R iC C
Consider a resistor. Let the Consider a capacitor. Let the
current be described by + vR - current be described by
+ vC -
iR = Im cos(ωt + θI ) iC = Im cos(ωt + θI )
From Ohm’s law, we get 1 I
iC dt , we get v C = m sin( ωt + θI )
From vC=
vR = RiR = RIm cos( ωt + θI ) ωC
The instantaneous power delivered to the capacitor
The instantaneous power delivered to (dissipated
is I2
by) the resistor is
pC = m
sin( ωt + θI ) cos( ωt + θI )
pR = RI cos (ωt + θI ) = RI [1 + cos 2(ωt + θI )]
2 2 1 2 ωC
m 2 m

or or
p R = I2R[1 + cos 2(ω t + θ I )] p C = I2 X C sin 2(ω t + θI )

The Inductor Real or Active Power

iL L
Consider an inductor. Let the Definition: Real or active power is defined as the
current be described by + vL - average value of the instantaneous power. It is the
power that is converted to useful work or heat.
iL = Im cos(ωt + θI )
Recall the instantaneous power supplied by a
From vL= L , we get v L = − ωLIm sin( ωt + θI ) source or delivered to a passive network.
p = VI cos(θV − θI )[1 + cos 2(ωt + θI )]
The instantaneous power delivered to the inductor
is − VI sin(θ V − θI ) sin 2(ωt + θI )
pL = − ωLIm sin( ω t + θI ) cos( ωt + θ I )

Since the average of any sinusoid is zero, the real

= − 12 ω LI2m sin 2(ωt + θ I ) or active power is
pL = −I2 X L sin 2(ωt + θI ) P = VI cos(θV − θI ) in Watts

Recall the instantaneous power delivered to a The energy stored in the magnetic and electric
resistor, inductor or capacitor. fields are
p R = I2R[1 + cos 2(ω t + θ I )] WL = 1
Li L2 ∝ cos 2 ( ω t + θ I )
pL = −I2 X L sin 2(ωt + θI ) WC = 1
Cv 2C ∝ sin 2 ( ω t + θ I )
p C = I2 X C sin 2(ω t + θI ) Plots of the energy are shown below.
Since the average of any sinusoid is zero, the real WL WC
or active power delivered to R, L and C are
PR = I2R in Watts i
ωt, deg
PL = 0 -90 90 180 270 360
PC = 0 θI

Reactive Power Comments:

i L C 1. When the magnitude of the capacitor voltage
Consider a series LC circuit. Let
the current be described by + vL - + vC - is increasing, the magnitude of the inductor
i=Im cos (ωt+θI). The voltages current is decreasing, and vice versa.
vL and vC can be shown to be 2. When the capacitor is storing energy, the
vL = −ωLIm sin(ωt + θI ) inductor is supplying energy, and vice versa.
I The instantaneous power delivered to the inductor
v C = m sin( ωt + θI )
ωC vL and capacitor are
vC i pL = −I2 X L sin 2(ωt + θI )
ωt, deg p C = I2 X C sin 2(ω t + θI )
-90 90 180 270 360
Definition: The negative of the coefficient of
θI sin2(ωt+θI) is defined as the reactive power Q.

Thus, the reactive power delivered to L and C are The power factor must be specified as lagging or
Q L = ω LI = I X L in Vars (volt-ampere reactive)
2 2

I2 1. The power factor is lagging when the

QC = − = −I2 X C in Vars current lags the voltage.
2. The power factor is leading when the
Recall the expression for the instantaneous power
current leads the voltage.
supplied by a source or delivered to a passive
network. Note:
p = VI cos(θV − θI )[1 + cos 2(ωt + θI )]
1. The reactive power is positive when the
− VI sin(θ V − θI ) sin 2(ωt + θI ) power factor is lagging.
The reactive power is 2. The reactive power is negative when the
power factor is leading.
Q = VI sin(θ V − θI ) in Vars

Apparent Power and Power Factor Summary of Power Equations

Definition: The product of the RMS voltage and 1. Real Power: P = VI cos(θ V − θI ) Watts
the RMS current is defined as the apparent power.
It is also called the volt-ampere. PR = I2R for a resistor
VA = VI in Volt-Amperes 2. Reactive Power: Q = VI sin(θ V − θI ) Vars
Note: Electrical equipment rating is expressed in Q L = I2 X L for an inductor
terms of the apparent power.
Q C = −I2 X C for a capacitor
Definition: The ratio of the real or active power to
the apparent power is defined as the power factor. 3. Apparent Power: VA = VI Volt-Amperes
P 4. Power Factor: PF = = cos( θ V − θ I )
PF = = cos( θ V − θ I ) VA lagging or leading

Power Triangle Example: In the circuit shown, v(t) = 311 cos377t
volts. Find the power and reactive power delivered
The power triangle is a right triangle whose sides
to the load. 0.5Ω 3.06 mH
correspond to the real and reactive power.

P = VI cos( θ V − θ I ) + i(t) 7.5Ω

Q v(t) Load
Q = VI sin( θ V − θ I ) 12.854 mH
θ -

θ = θV − θI Transform the network.
From the power triangle, we get v
V = 220∠0o volts
(1) VA = P 2 + Q2
ZL1 = j377(0.00306) = j1.154Ω
(2) Q = P tan θ
ZL 2 = j377(0.012854) = j4.846Ω

Complex Power Transformed 0.5Ω j1.154Ω

Network v
Definition: The product of the phasor voltage and + 7.5Ω
the conjugate of the phasor v+ I v
v current is defined
v as
V Vx
the complex power S. Let V = V ∠ θ V and I = I∠ θ I . - j4.846Ω
vv -
Get the total
S = V I* = ( V ∠ θ V )(I∠ − θ I ) = VI ∠(θ V − θ I ) impedance.
= VI cos( θ V − θ I ) + jVI sin( θ V − θ I ) Zeq = 0.5 + j1.154 + 7.5 + j4.846
or = 8 + j6 = 10.0∠36.87 o Ω
S = P + jQ
Find the current
Note: The complex power S is a complex number v
whose real and imaginary components are the real v V 220∠0o
and reactive power, respectively. I= = = 22∠ − 36.87o A
Zeq 10∠36.87o

Find the voltage across the load Power and Reactive Power delivered to R and L
v v
VX = I(7.5 + j4.846) PR = I2R = 7.0712 (8) = 400 watts
= (22∠ − 36.87 ) (8.929∠32.87
o o
QL = I2XL = 7.0712(6) = 300 vars
= 196.45∠ − 4.0o volts
Power and reactive power supplied by the source
Find the complex power delivered to the load.
v v Ps = VI cos( θ V − θI ) = 70 .71(7.071) cos 36 .87 o
PL + jQL = VX I* = (196.45∠ − 4o ) (22∠36.87o ) = 400 watts
= 4321 .8∠32.87 o Q s = 70 .71(7 .071) sin 36 .87 o = 300 Vars
= 3,630 + j2,346 or vv
S = V I* = (70 .71∠0 o )(7 .071 ∠36 .87 o )
Thus, PL=3,630 Watts and QL=2,346 Vars.
= 500∠36.87 o = 400 + j300

R1=6Ω L1=1.2H
Example: Given Example: Given
+ i(t)
v(t)=100 cos 10t volts, v=200 cos 10t + i1 i2 R2=5Ω i3
find all Ps and Qs. v(t) 0.6H Volts. Find all
- v 0.01F
real power and - L2=0.5H
reactive power.
Transform the network 8Ω
v v The transformed network
V = 70.71∠0o V v+ I v
V j6Ω V = 141.42∠0o V 6Ω j12Ω
Z = 8 + j6 = 10∠36.87 Ω o
- v
ZL1 = j12Ω v v
Solve for the current v +
I1 I2 5Ω I3
v ZL2 = j5Ω V -j10Ω
v V 70.71∠0o - j5Ω
I= = = 7.071∠ − 36.87o A
Z 10∠36.87 o ZC = − j10Ω

In a previous example, we found We can also use the complex power formula
v vv*
I = 7.071∠ − 36.87o A PS + jQS = V I1
I2 = 10∠ − 81.87o A = (141.42∠0o )(7.07∠36.87o )
I3 = 7.071∠53.13o A = 1000 ∠36 .87 o = 800 + j600
Average power dissipated by the resistors Thus, PS=800 watts and QS=600 vars.
PR 1 = I1 R 1 = 7 .071 (6) = 300 watts
Note: Real and reactive power must always be
2 balanced. That is,
PR 2 = I2 R 2 = 10 2 (5) = 500 watts
PS = PR1 + PR 2 = 800 watts
Reactive Power delivered to the capacitor
QS = QL1 + QL 2 + QC = 600 vars
Q C = −I3 X C = − 7 .071 2 (10 ) = −500 vars

Z1 + VX
Reactive Power delivered to the inductors Example: Given
Q L 1 = I1 X L 1 = 7 .071 (12 ) = 600 vars
2 Z1 = 5 + j5Ω v + I1 v
2 Z2 = 10Ω VS Z2 v Zv3 IS
Q L 2 = I2 X L 2 = 10 2 (5) = 500 v ars Z3 = − j10Ω
Power and reactive power supplied by the source V S = 70 . 71 ∠ 0 o V REF
θ = θV − θI = 0 − (−36.87 ) = 36.87
o o
IS = 7 .071 ∠30 o A Find all P and Q.

PS = VI1 cos θ = 141.42(7.071) cos 36.87o From a previous example, we found

= 800 watts VX = 68.3∠ − 15o V
QS = VI1 sin θ = 600 vars v
IX = 6 .83∠ − 15 o A

v v v
We can also find I1 and IC . Power and reactive power supplied by VS
v v v v*
v VS − VX 70 .71 − (65 .97 − j17 .68 ) PV + jQ V = VS I1 = (70.71)(2.59∠ − 30o )
I1 = =
Z1 Z1 = 183 ∠ − 30 o = 158 .5 − j91 .5
4 . 737 + j17 . 68 18 . 3 ∠ 75 o PV = 158 .5 watts QV = −91.5 vars
= = v
5 + j5 7 . 071 ∠ 45 o Power and reactive power supplied by I S
v v*
= 2 .59 ∠30 o A PI + jQI = VX IS = (68.3∠ − 15o )(7.071∠ − 30o )
v VX 68 .3∠ − 15 o = 4 82 . 95 ∠ - 45 o= 341.5 − j341.5
IC = =
ZC 10 ∠ − 90 o
PI = 341 .5 watts QI = −341 .5 vars
= 6.83∠75o A

Example: Find 0.3+j0.4Ω 0.2+j0.2Ω

Power and reactive power delivered to Z1
2 the power and v + v
PZ1 = I1 R Z1 = 2 .59 2 (5) = 33 .5 watts power factor v + I1 v v I2
2 V
of generator 2. 1 - VL IL V2
QZ1 = I XZ1 = 33.5 vars
1 - -
Power dissipated by the resistor R2 V1 = 220 ∠0o V Gen. 1 Load Gen. 2
PR 2 = IX R 2 = 6 .83 (10) = 466 .5 watts
2 P1=5 kW PL=10 kW
pf1=0.85 lag pfL=0.8 lag

Reactive power delivered to the capacitor For generator 1,

Q C = − I C X C = − 466 . 5 vars P1 = 5,000 watts

Q1 = P1 tan (cos−1 pf1 ) = 3,100 vars

From the complex power formula, we get From the complex power formula, we get
v * P1 + jQ1 v * P + jQ
I1 = v IL = L v L
5,000 + j3,100 10,000 + j7,500
= = 22.73 + j14.08 =
220 207 .6∠ − 1 .34 o
Thus, v
I1 = 22 .73 − j 14 .08 12 ,500 ∠ 36 . 87 o
= 26 .74 ∠ − 31 .79 o A 207 . 6 ∠ − 1 . 34 o
From KVL, we get the voltage at the load v
v v v IL = 60 . 21 ∠ − 38 . 21 o A
VL = V1 − (0.3 + j0.4)I1
= 47.31 − j37.24 A

Substitution gives From KCL, we get the current supplied by Gen 2.

v v v v v
VL = V1 − (0.5∠53.13o )(26.74∠ - 31.79o ) I2 = IL − I1
= V1 − 13.37∠21.34o = (47.31 − j37.24) − (22.73 − j14.08)
= 220 − (12.45 + j4.86) = 24.58 − j23.16
= 207.55 − j4.86 v
v I2 = 33.77∠ − 43.3o A
VL = 207.6∠ − 1.34o V
At the load, From KVL, we get the voltage of Generator 2
v v v
PL = 10,000 watts V 2 = ( 0 . 2 + j0 . 2 ) I2 + VL
QL = 10,000 tan(cos -1 0.8) = 7,500 vars = (0 .2 + j0 .2)(24 .58 − j23 .16 ) + VL

Simplifying, we get For load L1, P1=2,000 watts, pf1=0.85 lag
V2 = 9.55 + j0.28 + 207.55 − j4.86 Q1 = 2,000 tan (cos-10.85) = 1,240 vars
= 217.1 − j4.58 = 217.15∠ − 1.21 V o
From the complex power formula, we get
Applying the complex power formula, v P − jQ 2,000 − j1,240
v v* I1 = 1 v * 1 =
P2 + jQ2 = V2 I2 V1 220
= (217 .15∠ − 1.21o )(33 .77 ∠43 .3o ) = 9.09 − j5.63 = 10.7∠ − 31.79o A

= 7,334 ∠ 42 .1o = 5,443 + j4,915 For load L2, P2=3,000 watts. Since pf2=1, then
Q2=0. Thus
The power is 5,443 watts while the power factor is
v 3,000 − j0
Q2 I2 = = 13.64∠0o A
pf2 = cos(tan −1 ) = 0 .74 lag 220

Example: A small industrial shop has the following For load L3, P3=500 watts, pf3=0.90 lag
connected load:
Q3 = 500 tan (cos-1 0.9) = 242 vars
Load L1: Induction motor 2 kW, 0.85 pf lag
Load L2: Electric Heater 3 kW, 1.0 pf v 500 − j242
I3 =
Load L3: Lighting Load 500 W, 0.9 pf lag 220
Load L4: Outlets 1 kW, 0.95 pf lag
= 2.27 − j1.1 = 2.52∠ − 25.84o A
The voltage across the load is 220 V RMS. Find the
current through each load and the total current For load L4, P4=1,000 watts, pf4=0.95 lag
supplied to the shop.
v v v v Q 4 = 1,000 tan(cos -1 0.95) = 329 vars
+ v I1 I2 I3 I4
It v 1000 − j329
220V L1 L2 L3 L4 I4 =
= 4.54 − j1.49 = 4.78∠ − 18 .19 o A

From KCL, the total current is Solve for the phasor current and voltages. We get
v v v v v v
It = I1 + I2 + I3 + I4 v V 70.71∠α 70 .71∠α
I= = =
= (9.09 − j5.63) + (13.64 − j0) ZT 8 + j6 10∠36.87 o
+ (2.27 − j1.1) + (4.54 − j1.49) = 7.07∠(α − 36.87o ) A
= 29.54 − j8.22 = 30.66∠ − 15.55o A v v
or VR = I ZR = [7.071∠(α − 36.87o )](8)
Pt = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 = 6 ,500 watts = 56.57∠(α − 36.87o ) V
Q t = Q 1 + Q 2 + Q 3 + Q 4 = 1,811 vars v v
VL = I ZL = [7.071∠(α − 36.87o )](6∠90o )
v 6,500 − j1,811
It = = 29 . 54 − j8 . 22 A = 42.43∠(α + 53.13o ) V

Phasor Diagrams Assume α=0o. We get

v v
Phasor diagrams show graphically how KVL and V = 70.71∠0o V I = 7.07∠ − 36 .87 o A
KCL equations are satisfied in a given circuit. v
VR = 56.57 ∠ - 36.87 o V
Consider the circuit shown. v v
Let v=100 cos(10t+α) V. + + vR - + VL = 42.43 ∠53.13 o V V L
v(t) i(t) vL 0.6H The phasor diagram
The transformed network - - is shown.
v v v v
ZR Note: V = VR + VL 53.13o
v v v V
V = 70.71∠α V v v 36.87o
+ -
v+ v VR v+ I is in phase with VR I
V I VL ZL ZR = 8Ω v v
- - I lags VL by 90o
ZL = j6Ω v

Assume α=60o. We get Power and reactive power supplied by the source
v v
V = 70.71∠60o V I = 7.07∠23 .13o A PS = VS IS cos θ S
VR = 56.57 ∠23.13 o V = 70 .71(7 .071) cos 36 .87 o = 400 W
VL = 42.43 ∠11 3.13 o V QS = 70.71(7.071) sin 36.87o = 300 vars
The phasor diagram V Power dissipated by the resistor
is shown.
v PR = I2R = (7 .071 )2 (8) = 400 watts
Note: The entire phasor Reactive power delivered to the inductor
diagram was rotated by
an angle of 60o.
v Q L = I2 X = (7 .071 )2 (6) = 300 vars
v VR

6Ω j12Ω
Assume α=120o. We get Example: v v
v + -
v V1 + I3
V = 70.71∠120o V I = 7.07∠83.13o A Z1 = 6 + j 12 Ω v+ v v 5Ω v
v Z2 = 5 + j 5 Ω V I1 I2 V2 -j10Ω
VR = 56.57 ∠83.13 o V v v - j5Ω
v V
v V = 141.42∠0o V
VL = 42.43 ∠17 3.13 o V V R The total impedance seen by the source
The phasor diagram is shown.
ZT = Z1 + Z2 // ZC
Note: The entire phasor v
v − j10(5 + j5)
diagram was rotated by VL I = 6 + j12 +
another 60o. 5 + j5 − j10
Note: The magnitude and phase displacement = 16 + j12 = 20∠36 .87 o Ω
between the phasors is unchanged. The phasors
are rotating in the counterclockwise direction. Note: Refer to a previous problem.

Source current Power supplied by the source
v vv*
v V 141.42∠0o
I1 = = = 7.07∠ − 36.87o A PS + jQ S = V I1
ZT 20∠36.87o
= (141 .42 ∠0 o )(7 .071 ∠36 .87 o )
Apply current division to get
v = 1000∠36.87o = 800 + j600
I2 = 10 .0∠ − 81 .87 o A or
I3 = 7 .07 ∠53 .13 o A PS = 141 .42(7.071) cos 36 .87 o = 800 watts
Solve for the voltage V1 QS = 141 .42(7.071) sin 36 .87 o = 600 vars
v v
V1 = I1Z1 = (7.07∠ − 36 .87 o )(6 + j12)
Power delivered to ZC
= 94.87∠26.56o V 2
QC = −IC XC = −(7.07)2(10) = −500 vars

Solve for the voltage V2 Power delivered to Z1
v v 2
V2 = I2Z 2 = (10 ∠ − 81 .87 o )(5 + j5) P1 = I1 R1 = (7.071)2 (6) = 300 watts
= 70 .71∠ − 36 .87 o V Q1 = I1 X1 = (7.071)2 (12) = 600 vars
Phasor Diagram V1
We can also use the complex-power formula
v v v*
I3 P1 + jQ1 = V1I1
Note: v
v v v v V = (94.87∠26.56 o )(7.071∠36.87o )
V = V1 + V2 I1
v v v = 670 .82 ∠63 .43 o = 300 + j600
I1 = I2 + I3 v

Power delivered to Z2 Note: (1) Since the network is capacitive, iS must
2 lead vS.
P2 = I2 R 2 = (10)2 (5) = 500 watts v v v
(2) From KVL, VS = VR + VC
Q 2 = I2 X 2 = (10 ) (5) = 500 vars
v v
Phasor Diagram
or IS VR
v v* α
P2 + jQ 2 = V2 I2 γ
= (70.71∠ − 36.87 )(10∠81.87 )
o o v
v VS
= 707.1∠45o = 500 + j500 Apply the cosine law VC

Note: It can be shown that power balance is 150 2 = 220 2 + 120 2 - 2 (220)(120)cos α
We get cos α = 0.763 or α = 40 .25o

Example: A voltmeter reads these voltages for the Apply the cosine law again
network shown below:
VS = 220 V RMS
+ -
1202 = 2202 + 1502 -2(220)(150)cosγ
20Ω + We get cos γ = 0.86 or γ = 31.12o
VR = 120 V RMS v + v v
VC = 150 V RMS - -
VR = 120 ∠0 o volts
a) Find R and ωC. v
VS = 220 ∠ − 40.25o volts
b) Find P and Q supplied by the source. v
v VC = 150 ∠ − 71 .37 o volts
Let VR = 120 ∠0 volts, the reference
o v v
Check: VR + VC = 120 + 47.92 − j142 .14
v VR 120∠0o = 167.92 − j142 .14
Then IS = = = 6∠0o A v
20 20 = 220∠ − 40 .25o = VS

The admittance for the parallel RC branch
IS 6∠0o Balanced Three Phase Voltages
v = = 0.04∠71 .37 o
VC 150∠ − 71.37 o Transforming to phasors, we get
1 r
= 0.013 + j0.038 = + jωC Va = V ∠θ Vc
R Va
Vb = V ∠θ-120°
We get R=78.26Ω and ωC=0.04Ω-1.
Vc = V ∠θ+120° θ
Power supplied by the source
v v* Note: The synchronous
PS + jQS = VS IS = (220∠ − 40.25o )(6∠0o )
generator is a three phase
= 1320∠ − 40.25o machine that is designed to
generate balanced three-
= 1008 − j853 phase voltages. r

Balanced Three Phase Voltages Balanced Three-Phase Currents

Three sinusoidal voltages whose amplitudes are The currents ia = Im cos (ω t + δ)
equal and whose phase angles are displaced by
ib = Im cos(ωt + δ − 120 °)
120o are three-phase balanced.
v a (t) = Vmcos(ωt + θ) ic = Im cos(ωt + δ + 120 °)
r r
vb (t) = Vmcos(ωt + θ − 120) are three-phase balanced.
Ic Ia
In phasor form, we get
v c (t) = Vmcos(ωt + θ + 120) r δ
The RMS value of the voltages is I = I∠δ
Vm Ib = I∠ δ − 120 o
V= ≈ 0.71Vm r
2 Ic = I∠δ + 120o r

Balanced Three-Phase System Example
A balanced three-phase system consists of : Mesh equations using loop currents I1 and I2.
1. Balanced three-phase sinusoidal sources; Va – Vb = 2(Zf + ZL)I1 – (Zf + ZL)I2
Vb – Vc = -(Zf + ZL)I1 + 2(Zf + ZL)I2
2. Balanced three-phase loads; and
3. The connecting wires have equal impedances. Substitution gives
300 + j173.2 = (16 + j12)I1 – (8 + j6)I2
A balanced three-phase load has: - j346.4 = -(8 + j6)I1 + (16 + j12)I2
a) Equal impedances per phase or
Solving simultaneously we get
b) Equal P and Q per phase I1 = 20∠-36.87° A
I2 = 20∠-96.87° A
Note: The load may be connected in wye or delta.

Example Example
Example: Given Va=200/0o volts, Vb=200/-120o Solving for currents Ia, Ib and Ic, we get
volts and Vc=200/120o volts. Find the phasor Ia = I1 = 20∠-36.87° A
currents Ia, Ib and Ic. Also, find P and Q supplied to Ib = I2 – I1 = 20∠-156.87° A
Za, Zb and Zc. Ic = -I2 = 20∠83.13° A
r r Note: Currents Ia, Ib and Ic are balanced.
r Za
r Va I1 Ia
Vc Power and Reactive Power supplied to load impedances
Zb Zc Za, Zb and Zc.
n ZF n'
r r r Pa = Pb = Pc = (20)2(7) = 2800 Watts
Vb r Ib Ic
Qa = Qb = Qc = (20)2(5) = 2000 Var

ZF=1+j1 Ω Za=Zb=Zc=7+j5 Ω

Comments Line-to-line and Phase Voltages
1. The sum of 3 balanced phasors is zero. Consider a 3-phase wye-connected generator or a
2. If a neutral wire is connected between n and n’, no 3-phase wye-connected load.
currents will flow through the neutral wire. a
3. The nodes n and n’ are at the same potential.
4. We can analyze the circuit using single-phase
ZF=1+j1 Ω n n
r r
Va Ia Za=7+j5 Ω
Van, Vbn and Vcn are line-to-neutral (or phase) voltages
n neutral line n' Vab, Vbc and Vca are line-to-line (or line) voltages

Comments Line-to-line and Phase Voltages

Using KVL, we get From KVL, Vab = Van + Vnb = Van – Vbn
Va = (Zf + Za)Ia + Vn’n Vbc = Vbn + Vnc = Vbn – Vcn
Vca = Vcn + Vna = Vcn – Van
Since Vn’n = 0, we get for phase a
Vcn Vab
Va 200∠0°
Ia = = = 20∠-36.87°A Vca
Zf + Za 8 + j6 If Van, Vbn and Vcn
are balanced
Pa = (20)2(7) = 2800 Watts Van
3-phase voltages,
Qa = (20)2(5) = 2000 Watts we get the phasor
For phases b and c, we get diagram shown. Vbn
Ib = Ia∠-120° = 20∠-156.87° A
Ic = Ia∠120° = 20∠83.13° A

Comments ∆-Y Conversion for Loads
1. The line-to-line voltages Vab, Vbc and Vca are also If the impedance of the delta load is specified,
balanced 3-phase voltages; convert the impedance to wye.
a a
2. The magnitude of the line-to-line voltage is 1
square root of three times the magnitude of the ZY = Z∆
line-to-neutral voltage; and 3 ZY
Z∆ Z∆
3. Vab leads Van by 30°, Vbc leads Vbn by 30° and Vca
leads Vcn by 30°. c b c b
r r Z∆
Vab = 3 Van ∠30 o r r
r r Vca = 3 Vcn∠30 o Note: For equivalence, Zab, Zbc and Zca must be
Vbc = 3 Vbn ∠30 o the same for both networks.

∆-Y Conversion for Generators Power Equations

Given a balanced 3-phase delta connected For a single-phase system
generator, what is its equivalent wye ? Pp = VpIp cos θ Qp = VpIp sin θ
a a VAp = VpIp
Vca Vab Vcn For a three-phase system
P3Φ = 3Pp = 3VpIp cos θ = 3VLIp cos θ
b Q3Φ = 3Qp = 3VpIp sin θ = 3VLIp sin θ
Vbc VA3Φ = 3VAp = 3VpIp = 3VLIp
c c where
Note: The line-to-line voltages must be the same. Vp = magnitude of voltage per phase
Ip = magnitude of current per phase
If Vab = VL∠α, then Van = (1/√3) VL∠α-30°
θ = angle of Vp minus angle of Ip

Example Example
A balanced 3-phase load draws a total power of 75 The total volt-ampere is
KW at 0.85 pf lag from a 440-volt line-to-line supply.
2 2
Find the current drawn by the load? VA T = PT + Q T = 154 .7 kva
P3φ = 3 VL IP cos θ Since
we get P3φ VA 3φ = 3VL IP
IP =
3 VL cos θ we get
75,000 154,700
= IP = = 203 A
3 (440)(0.85 ) 3 (440)
IP = 115.8 A

Single-Phase Analysis of a Balanced

Three-Phase System
Another 3-phase load rated 60 KW at 0.9 pf lag is
A balanced three-phase system can be
connected in parallel with the load in the previous
example. Find the total current drawn. replaced by a single-phase equivalent circuit
For load 1, P1=75 kw
Q1 = P1 tan(cos −1 0 .85) = 46 .48 kvars
1. All generators are connected in wye; and
For load 2, P2=60 kw 2. All loads are connected in wye.
Q2 = P2 tan(cos −1 0.9) = 29 .06 kvars
Get P and Q drawn by combined load
PT = P1 + P2 = 135 kw Note: To get the single-phase equivalent,
Q T = Q1 + Q2 = 75 .54 kvars draw the neutral line and isolate one phase.

Example Example
Find the phasor current Is, I1 and I2 and the total power and For load 2,
reactive power supplied by the three-phase voltage source. Van 120 ∠0°
a I2 = Z = 120 ∠0°
Is = 12 ∠-36.87° = 9.6 – j7.2 A
I1 I2 Z
For the source,
Z Is = I1 + I2 = 22.1 – j12.5 A = 25.4 ∠-29.5°
Z Ps + jQs = VanIs* = 120 (25.4 ∠-29.5°)
= 2652 + j1503
b For the three phase source

Source c Load 1 Load 2 P3 φ = 3(2,652 ) = 7,956 watts

Van = 120 /0o V PT = 4.5 kW Z = 8 + j6Ω Q 3 φ = 3(1,503 ) = 4,509 v ars
at 0.92 pf lag

Single-Phase Equivalent Circuit

Van I1 I2 Z

Van = 120∠0º V P1=1,500 W Z=8+j6Ω

0.92 pf lag
For load 1, P1 = 1,500 watts = 13.6∠ − 23.1 A o

Q1 = P1tan(cos-1 0.92) = 639 vars

I1 = 1500 – j369 = 12.5 – j5.3 A

120 = 13.6∠-23.1° A


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