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Class VIII

Chapter-19, Pollution of Air

1. Define pollutants and Pollution.

2. What is Air pollution and Air pollutants? Give examples.
3. List any three major causes of air pollution.
4. What is the source of CO and NO2 gas into the atmosphere and Give their harmful
effects on plants and human beings?
5. What is smog? How it is formed. Give its harmful effects
6. What is acid rain. How it is harmful to monuments made up of marble, plants and
7. What is green house? How it is similar to greenhouse effect.
8. Write a short note on Greenhouse effect.
9. Write any three causes of increased in concentration of greenhouse gases in the
10. Give one consequence of Greenhouse effect and global warming.
11. Write any five measures to be taken to check global warming.
12. Write any four methods that should be adopted to check pollution of air caused by
13. Combustion of fossil fuels generates a lot of air pollution. Can you suggest any three
alternative sources of energy which don’t cause pollution?
14. A lot of dry leaves are collected in a school garden and are burnt every day. Do you think
that is right to do so? If not, what should be done to dispose of dry leaves.
15.Level of air pollution is higher at busy traffic intersection. Why?
16. What does CFC’s stand for? Why CFC are considered as pollutants.
17. It is said CO2 contributes to global warming. Explain
18. At an individual level, how can you help in checking air pollution?
19.Name the substance produced on burning wood and coal that produce smog.
20.Which gas is responsible for falling of leaves in plants? Write its one harmful effect on
human beings.
21.State one harmful effects of each of the following, on living organisms: -
a. Nitrogen dioxide
b. Smog
c. Carbon monoxide
22.How do CFCs cause depletion of ozone layer?
23.Read the passage carefully-
Worldwide, net emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities increased by 35
percent from 1990 to 2010. Emissions of carbon dioxide, which account for about
three-fourths of total emissions, increased by 42 percent over this period. As with the
United States, the majority of the world’s emissions result from electricity generation,
transportation, and other forms of energy production and use. It results in Climate
forcing. Climate forcing refers to a change in the Earth’s energy balance, leading to
either a warming or cooling effect over time. An increase in the atmospheric
concentrations of greenhouse gases produces a positive climate forcing, or warming
effect. From 1990 to 2015, the total warming effect from greenhouse gases added by
humans to the Earth’s atmosphere increased by 37 percent. The warming effect
associated with carbon dioxide alone increased by 30 percent.
Answer the following questions-
a. Name two greenhouse gases.
b. List any two main causes of increase in concentration of CO2 gas in the atmosphere.
c. State one consequence of an increase in the greenhouse effect.
d. Write three measures to check global warming.

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