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Mathematical Expectation

Historically, the term mathematical expectation pr expected value is derived from games of
chance. In such games, the gamblers were concerned with how much, on the average, one would
expect to win if the game is continued for a sufficiently long time. In statistical terminology, this
term is associated with a random variable and in fact, is the average value of this random
variable generated through a random experiment.

The computation of expected value of a random variable is straight forward. When the variable is
discrete, it is simply the sum of the products of all possible values of the random variables
multiplied by their respective probabilities. For continuous variable, it is analogously defined.

If X is a discrete random variable with the probability function f(x), then the expected value or
the mathematical expectation of X, E(X), is defined as

E ( X ) =∑ xf ( x)

If X is continuous having a density function f(x), then

E ( X ) =∫ xf ( x ) dx

Example #01:

Suppose a lot contains 4 items. Let the random variable X denotes the number of defective items
in the lot. Suppose the probability function of the random variable X is

X:x 0 1 2 3
P(x) .50 .3 .15 .05
Find the expected number of defective items in the lot.

E ( X ) =∑ xf ( x )

¿ 0 ×.50+1 ×.3+ 2×.15+ 3× .05

¿ .75

A fair coin is tossed twice. Then the number of heads is a random variable that takes values 0,1,2
with the following probability function

X:x 0 1 2
P(x) .50 .3 .15
Find the expected number of heads.

E ( X ) =∑ xf ( x )

¿ 0 ×.50+1 ×.3+ 2×.15

¿ 0.6

Example #03

In a coin tossing game, a man is promised to receive TK. 5 if he gets all heads or all tails when
coins are tossed three times and he plays off (loses) TK. 3 if either one or two heads appear. How
much is he expected to gain in the long run?


X= no. of heads in the toss

Outcome No. of heads P(x) Gain

HHH 3 1/8 5
HTT 1 1/8 -3
HHT 2 1/8 -3
THT 1 1/8 -3
THH 2 1/8 -3
TTH 1 1/8 -3
HTH 2 1/8 -3
TTT 0 1/8 5

E ( X ) =∑ xf ( x )

2 6
¿ 5 × −3 ×
8 8

Example #04

A life insurance company in Bangladesh offers to sell a TK. 25000 one year term life insurance
policy to a 25 years old man for a premium of TK. 2500. According to Bangladesh life table, the
probability of surviving one year for a 25 year old man is .97 and of dying is .03. What is the
company’s expected gain in the long run??


X= The gain which can take values TK. 2500, if the man survives, and (2500-25000)= -22500 if
the man dies

The probability distribution

x 2500 -22500
P(x) .97 .03

E ( X ) =∑ x f ( x )

¿ 2500 ×.97−22500 ×.03

¿ 1750

Consider the following PDF

f ( x )= x 0< x < 4

¿ 0 , elsewhere

Find E(X)
E ( X ) =∫ xf ( x ) dx

E ( X ) =∫ x dx
0 8
Variance of a discrete random variable:
If X is a discrete random variable with mean μ which can take values x 1 , x 2 , … … .. x n with the
associated probabilities p ( x 1) , p ( x 2) … … …. , p ( x n) , then the variance of X denoted by σ 2 is
defined as
2 2
σ 2=E[ X −E ( X ) ] =E [ X−μ]2 =E [ X 2 ] −[E ( X ) ]

Here, E [ X 2 ]=x 21 p ( x 1 ) + x 22 p ( x 2 ) +… … … .+ x 2n p ( x n )

Example #05

Let the random variable X have the following probability distribution

x: -1 0 1
f(x): .2 .3 .5
Compute the expected value of

i. E(X)
ii. E(2X)
iii. E(X+2)
iv. E(X2)
v. E(3X+1)

Properties of expectation:

1. E(C)= C
2. E(CX)=CE(X)
3. E(a+bx)=a+bE(X)
4. V(C)= 0
5. V(a+bx)=b2V(X)
In this section we shall discuss some important probability distributions, which are found to
have wide applications in real life. There are a large number of probability distributions, but
we shall limit ourselves only in three important probability distributions, two of which are
discrete and the other is continuous. The two discrete distributions are
1. Binomial distribution and
2. Poisson distribution

Moreover, we shall discuss the most important continuous distribution known as normal

Some concepts related to binomial distribution are discussed below.

Bernoulli trial:
Binomial distribution is related with Bernoulli trial. A trial is an unit experiment. An experiment
is called Bernoulli trial if it has two possible outcomes namely success and failure. For example,
in a die throwing experiment, if our desired number is six, then six is our success and other is our
failure. The probability of success as well as the probability of failure remains same from trial to

Binomial Experiment:
An experiment is a binomial experiment when it has the following properties:

1. The experiments consists of n Bernoulli trials.

2. Each trial has two possible outcomes namely success and failure.
3. The probability of success remains same from trial to trial.
4. The repeated trials are independent.

Binomial Distribution:
A discrete random variable X is said to have a binomial distribution if its probability function is
defined by

p ( x ) =nC p x qn −x ; x=0,1,2… ….n


Where p+q=1

The binomial variable X with parameter n and p is symbolically written as X B(n , p).

The unknown constants required to define a distribution are called the parameters of the
distribution. A distribution is completely known if the parameters are known.
Mean and Variance of the distribution:
Mean E ( X ) =μ=np

Variance σ 2=npq

SD σ =√ npq


Suppose X is a binomial variate with parameters n=4 and p=.45.Find the following probabilities

1. P[X=2]
2. P[X>3]
3. P[X≤ 2]

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