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Upstreaffi l*igeria

eornposite Wrap Repairs AA I QC ClTeckSheet

{Attach tc .lab Ccmpletien Certificate}

Relrair .iob Descritticn

Site / Description of Equipment reparred:

C",'rl"-f* 4*4* D+ +" '-iL!-bc -69101 I*As
Composite Wrap V*adcir Name: AUTOAMTION TECH}I*'-$GY LIMITED

QAIQC Checklist

Yes No Actual Onsite Reading & additicnal

Csnfirm repair surface was thoroughly cleaned per
vendor repair procedure priar tc ccmposite wrap
sy*tem appiication
V n h?
e anfirm vendcr minimurlr surface roughness \r
erlte;1sn was achieved prior tr campasite wrap ft n N A..... microns
systen'i application

Confirm minimum reguired hardness level '.lsas

achieved cn the iinal wrap layer pri*r t* start-up g m KS . .... Barcol / shcr* #
1) Finai \frlrap Layer $urfac* Area 3lt5 *q r.
2) Totel number ol layers ir":st*lled 6 L^1--r
Any signs o{ leak around wrap repair *uring siart-
up? n d

UN Setvice I $laterial End User (Asset Maintenance Supervisor)

Name bg*rs 6=s ftteT
$iqnature "h.
Date t**tt * t7
Flrone -r-,.lr1
--\ t -r' ra

fllthw Lltat/rt'c't

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