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1st Tiane do Nascimento Vargas 2nd Given Name Surname

Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e Computação (FEEC.) dept. name of organization (of Aff.)
Universidade Estadual de Campinas(UNICAMP.) name of organization (of Aff.)
Campinas, Brazil City, Country email address or ORCID

Abstract—This document is a model and instructions for In the paper [4] the authors had as aims get low losses on
LATEX. This and the IEEEtran.cls file define the components of the switching, for this, was proposed the electric converter
your paper [title, text, heads, etc.]. *CRITICAL: Do Not Use DC-DC ZCS buck. In this converter the soft switching occurs
Symbols, Special Characters, Footnotes, or Math in Paper Title
or Abstract. due to inserting an auxiliary switch in series with the resonant
Index Terms—component, formatting, style, styling, insert capacitor.
On the work [5] was developed a Half Bridge LLC resonant
I. I NTRODUCTION converter for Light Electric Vehicle (LEV) with a aims to had
In the last years, the transport sector has to be some changes a high efficiency and low component cost, in addition to have
like the insertion of the electric vehicle (EV). The United a low switching losses. The efficiency related by the authors
States, Europe, and China are response about 90% of the was the 96.3% for the LLC converter.
world’s production of these vehicles [1]. Although the Brazil Another converter that is widely used for electric chargers
has recently started to invest in EV, there are projected that for EVs is the Vienna Rectifier. This rectifier is a three-
by 2030 the EV will be represent around 5% of the vehicles phase converter that is derived from the boost converter. One
on the streets [2]. example of the use of this converter was presented in the
The EV are one the best solution for future scarcity of paper [6] the authors designed a 3kW Vienna rectifier with
fossil fuels. In addition the EV representing an alternative to an efficiency-related of 99%.
reducing the CO2, emitted into the atmosphere. In another The Vienna Rectifier can condense in each phase three levels
hand the EV have some challenges to overcome, such the of instantaneous voltages, concerning the neutral point, due
limitation of the batteries, and the time to recharge. to this behavior the Vienna rectifier is capable to produce a
In order to overcome these challenges, some alternatives are reduced number of harmonic currents, thus the size of the
studied such the development of the electric power systems filters reduced [7].
more efficient in order to become the recharge of the EV B. A single Phase Boost Converters
more efficient and fast. Thus this paper aims to review electric
converters using to recharge the ev (MELHORA) One of the most converters used on the stage AC-DC of
the chargers for EVs is the converters derived from the PFC
II. E ASE OF U SE boost converter like the bridgeless and interleaving to a single
A. Maintaining the Integrity of the Specifications phase, and the three-phase Vienna rectifier.
The research on EV has been intensified, in the last years, The PFC technique is used when is required to reduce
with the goal to make the adoption of these vehicles greater. the harmonics of the current from the electric network. This
Although the EV use has advantages over combustion cars, technique allows the input current and voltage from the
these vehicles have some disadvantages, such as shorter au- network of mains to be in phase. Thus a high power factor
tonomy and long battery recharge times. These disadvantages (PF) is obtained, in addition, the harmonics from the current
became a obstacles to its large-scale use. and electromagnetic interference are decreased [8].
In light of this, the search for solutions to these challenges The figure is shown one of the most used topologies of
began, like as the development of new electric charges topolo- the boost converter employed for PF correction. However,
gies. One of this search is the work of the authors [3] which when the electric power increases this topology show some
was proposed a three-phase electric charger which use the V2G problems, such as the efforts on the switch [8] [9] [10].
concept. The author got such as advantages these paper the In addition, the electric losses are increase, this behavior is
reduced number of switches and simplified control. Another undesirable when designed an electrical charger for EVs.
advantage is the possibility of filtering current harmonics. To overcome these problems the interleaving technique can
be used, the Figure represents this method employed in the
Identify applicable funding agency here. If none, delete this. boost converter. The main objective of this technique is the
reduction of electric losses, besides that, the method increases
power processing capacity, reduced ripple amplitude of the PARAMETERS USED IN SIMULATION
input current, and increased ripple frequency.
Input voltage (Vin ) 127 Vef
D1 D2 D3 D4 Output voltage (Vou ) 250 V
Network frequency (fr ) 60 Hz
Switching frequency (fs ) 50kHz

Maximum Ripple of voltage (∆Vc ) 1.1%
Maximum Ripple of the current (∆Ic ) 1.5%
Inductance (Lm)
S2 S3 S4 Capacitor (Co )

Fig. 1. Interleaving Boost Converter.

This interleaving technique consists of the power distribu-

tion between the converter cells, that are connected in parallel
and operating with the same frequency, but with control pulses
out of phase [11]. This behavior allows the current can be
split into the switches, which causes lower switching losses,
in addition, the harmonics of the input current are reduced.
Another option, that can be used for the DA-DC stage in Fig. 3. Output voltage and current of the Dual Boost Converter.
the electric charger to EVs is the bridgeless boost converter or
dual boost, shown in the Figure. In this converter the number
of semiconductors is reduced, thus the switching losses are TABLE II
reduced too [12]. In addition, such as each switch work only
a half clock cycle the efforts of current on the switches are
Input voltage (Vin ) 127 Vef
minimize [13]. Besides that, the dual boost converter allows Output voltage (Vou ) 250 V
the rectifier bridge can be removed, thus the electric losses Network frequency (fr ) 60 Hz
can be reduced [14]. Switching frequency (fs ) 50kHz
Maximum Ripple of voltage (∆Vc ) 1.1%
Maximum Ripple of the current (∆Ic ) 1.5%
Inductance (Lm)
D1 D2
Capacitor (Co )



S1 S2



Fig. 2. Dual Boost Converter. 0



C. A Three-Phase Vienna rectifier 10


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Time (s)

In this paper, the PFC dual boost converter is compared with

the PFC interleaved dual boost. For this, the topologies were Fig. 4. Output voltage and current of the Interleaving Bridgeless Converter.
simulated on the software PSIM with the same parameters.

A. Bridgeless Boost Converter

The bridgeless boost converter, which was proposed in
[12] presents some advantages when compared with the
conventional boost converter. One of these advantages is
conduction, which occurs only in two semiconductors at any
time clock. Another advantage is the effective current which
minimizes switches. In another hand, this circuit increases the
electromagnetic interference (EMI) when compared with the
conventional boost [12] [11]. The tab. I presents the parameters Fig. 5. Output voltage and current of the Interleaving Bridgeless Converter.
used for the simulations
B. Interleaving Bridgeless Boost Converter [10] J.E. Baggio, H.L. Hey, H.A. Gründling, H. Pinheiro, J.R. Pin-
heiro,“Modelagem E Controle Discreto Para O Retificador Pfc Boost
C. Abbreviations and Acronyms Três Nı́veis”, Eletrônica de Potência - SOBRAEP, vol. 7, pp.54-61,
D. Equations November 2002.
[11] J.A. Borges,“ Projeto e análise de um conversor CA-CC monofásico
Boost entrelaçado sem ponte de diodos e com correção ativa do fator
de potência empregando a técnica de imposição de corrente média”,
a+b=γ (1) Ms.Thesis, Federal University of Uberlândia, Uberlândia, February 2019
[12] R. Martinez, P.N. Enjeti “A High-Performance Single-phase Rectifier
E. LATEX-Specific Advice with Input Power Factor Correction”, IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, vol 11, , pp 311-317, March 1996.
[13] Y. Yao, Y. Chen,“Analysis and Design of One-CycleControlled Dual-
TABLE III Boost Power Factor Corrector”, in Proc of IPEMC, vol.2, pp.1-4, August
[14] F. Musavi, W. Eberle, G.W. Dunford “ A high-performance single-phase
Table Table Column Head ac-dc power factor corrected boost converter for plug in hybrid electric
Head Table column subhead Subhead Subhead vehicle battery chargers”, Atlanda, September 2010[ 2010 IEEE Energy
copy More table copya Conversion Congress and Exposition]
a Sample of a Table footnote.
[15] J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol.
2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.68–73.
[16] K. Elissa, “Title of paper if known,” unpublished.
[17] R. Nicole, “Title of paper with only first word capitalized,” J. Name
Stand. Abbrev., in press.
[18] Y. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, “Electron spectroscopy
studies on magneto-optical media and plastic substrate interface,” IEEE
Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740–741, August 1987 [Digests 9th
Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301, 1982].
[19] M. Young, The Technical Writer’s Handbook. Mill Valley, CA: Univer-
sity Science, 1989.

Fig. 6. Example of a figure caption.

IEEE conference templates contain guidance text for compos-
ing and formatting conference papers. Please ensure that all
template text is removed from your conference paper prior to
ACKNOWLEDGMENT submission to the conference. Failure to remove the template
The preferred spelling of the word “acknowledgment” in text from your paper may result in your paper not being
America is without an “e” after the “g”. Avoid the stilted published.
expression “one of us (R. B. G.) thanks . . .”. Instead, try
“R. B. G. thanks. . .”. Put sponsor acknowledgments in the
unnumbered footnote on the first page.
[1] Geographic,“ N. Electric Cars May Rule the World’s Roads by 2040”,
[2] Globo, “Carro eletrico no Brasil: do zero aos bilhoes em 10 anos”, 2019
[3] M. Borjrup, P. karlsson, G. Eason, B. Noble, and I. N. Sneddon, “A dual
purpose battery charger for electric vehicles”,IEEE Transl. Fukuoka,
Japan, vol.29, pp. 565–570, Agust 1998 [PESC 98 Record. 29th Annual
IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference].
[4] Ying-Chun Chuang, “High-Efficiency ZCS Buck Converter for
Rechargeable Batteries”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.,
vol.57, pp.2463-2472, July 2010.
[5] X. D. Gumera, A. Caberos, Shu-Chuan. Huang, “Design and Im-
plementation of a High Efficiency Cost Effective EV Charger Using
LLC Resonant Converter,” IEEE. Transl. Singapore, pp.1-6, October
2017 [ 2017 Asian Conference on Energy, Power and Transportation
Electrification (ACEPT)].
[6] Q. Wang, X. Zhang, R. Burgos, D. Boroyevich, A. M. White, M.
Kheraluwala, “Design and Implementation of a Two-Channel Interleaved
Vienna-Type Rectifier With ¿99% Efficiency,” IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics., vol.33, pp226-239, January 2018.
[7] G. Radomski, “Analysis of Vienna rectifier,”Electrical Power Quality
and Utilization, Journal, Vol.11, pp.49-56, 2005.
[8] F.Beltrame, L. Roggia, L.Schuch, J.R.Pinheiro, “ Comparative Analysis
of Single Phase Converters Applied to Power Factor Correction, Eletron-
ica de Potência-SOBRAEP, vol. 15, pp.284-293, November 2010
[9] F.T. Wakabayashi, C. A. Canesin, “ Boost Pre-regulator Rectifier With
High Power Factor and Efficiency, for Telecommunications Systems”,
Eletronica de Potência- SOBRAEP, vol.7, pp.71-78, November 2002.

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