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EE 230 (2021-22/I) – Autumn

Analog Circuits Lab Schedule (Ver 3)

Lab slot: Friday, 14:00 – 17:00 hrs; Online mode (MS Teams and Google Meet)

Date Lab Experiment (tentative list) Remarks

30/7/21 Fri Expt 1
a) Intro to NGSPICE based circuit simulation (RC Switching
ckts, RC Lowpass and Highpass filters, RC Bandpass filter, and
RLC Bandpass filter)
b) Familiarization with Lab equipment
6/8/21 Fri Expt 2 – DC Power supply – unreg, Zener regulator, BJT series
pass regulator, and IC Regulator.
13/8/21 Fri Expt 3 – CE Amp, CC amp, and BJT Inverter
20/8/21 Fri Expt 4 – BJT Current source, Current mirror, diff amp, diff amp
with active load
27/8/21 Fri Expt 5 – NMOS arrays - NMOS characteristics, Current source,
Diff Amp, CMOS Inverter.
3/9/21 Fri Expt 6 - Opamp amplifiers – for specific applications – to
illustrate their major application and uniqueness. (inverting
amp, non-inverting, difference amp – meas of Ad and Acm);
LM324 – single supply opamp.
10/9/21 Fri Holiday: Ganesh Chaturthi
EE230 - Midsem Exam (SAFE) 1 hour exam, during
6/9 Mon - 9/9 Thu
Midsem Exam week: 11/9 Sat – 18/9 Sat
24/9/21 Fri Expt 7 - Opamp instrumentation amplifier – Load cell (3-
opamp diff amp using TL084, INA 128).
1/10/21 Fri Expt 8 - Precision rectifiers; Active filters.
8/10/21 Fri Expt 9 - Non-idealities in an Opamp – measurement of Opamp
15/10/21 Fri Holiday: Dussehra
22/10/21 Fri Expt 10 – Phase-sensitive detection (PSD).
29/10/21 Fri Final Lab Exam 2 hour exam using SAFE
5/11/21 Fri Free slot (last day of instruction) Last day of instruction
Lab Lecture: On MS Teams

Tutorial session + Quiz (video proctoring): On Google Meet

Lab Schedule
2:00 – 3:45 pm – Lab Lecture
3:45 – 4:15 pm – Tutorial session (doubts, problem solving) by TAs in Google Meet groups of 25 to 30
4:15 – 4:45 pm – Lab Quiz (SAFE App) - based on the Expt Video, Lab lecture and Tut session; Video
proctoring using Google Meet.
- Lab report (brief report) submission on Moodle (deadline: Saturdays 8pm – the day following the Lab
- Lab report should have circuit diagrams (drawn properly using a good software, preferably using Xcircuit)
for each part and a few calculations etc as per the Lab sheet questions. Also, one or two NGSPICE
simulations as per the lab handout.

10% - Lab Reports (uploaded on Moodle) – individual lab reports
30% - Weekly Quiz on SAFE (10 quizzes, best 8) – no makeup quizzes
20% - Midsem Exam on SAFE (1 hour exam) – date to be decided
40% - Final exam on SAFE (2 hour Exam) – on 29/10/2021 Fri during the Lab slot

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