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Manipur have come a long way since the ancient times, migrating from
one place to another until properly settled in the Manipur Hills. However
migration has not stopped them and there. The significant reason for the
migration is for the search of better opportunities. Today many young
Manipur have migrated in different places mainly for either education or jobs.
Some have settled for long duration whereas some for short. However the
movement now seems to be more than before but the only differences in that
today Manipur have their own permanent base i.e. Nagaland (and some other
parts in North-East). From the history of Manipur, it can be said that Manipur
are cohesive society but after the arrival of the British, things began to change
politically. Britishers adopted the policy of 'Divide and Rule' and therefore
separations in the society were coming to be seen, also after the
Independence of India this policy still seems to prevail. Therefore Manipur
have always come together. Perhaps the cohesiveness of the Manipur and its
emergence of students' union also have some link to its historical background
and its culture.

This paper deals with Manipur particularly emphasizing on MSUB.


1. The MSUB has succeeded in maintaining the solidarity and

fraternity,preserving culture, customs and traditions of Manipur
youth away from their homeland.

2. MSUB has helped to act as guiding and motivating force for the
youth in the city of Banglore in education.

According to the research data MSUB has played an important

role in guiding and motivating the students especially while in need of
the students not merely on academic but also in social problems as
well. This proves the Hypotheses No 1 that MSUB succeeds in
maintaining solidarity and fraternity among Manipur Youth.

Every year activities are held and performed by the students,

coordinated by MSUB officials. Manipur Students' union help students
in pursuing their education and also encourage students to study
outside the state but most importantly it helps in bringing unity among
the Manipur Youth and create awareness amongst each other. This
proves the Hypotheses No 2 that MSUB acts as guiding and motivating
force for the Manipur youth.

MSUB mostly helps when one is in need or in trouble. Students'

union has also created a sense of unity; it also helps non students
(Manipur) when necessary. Manipur Students' Union Banglore has
shown concern for students who are in need and also showed that
solidarity does exist even outside Nagaland.

Though Banglore is quite far away from Nagaland which is 2005

Miles / 3226 Km from Dimapur to Banglore yet students (mostly) travel
far away from home as it gives ample opportunities in many areas such
as varieties of options in academic field and in job sector. Not only
Banglore is attractive because of education institution and ITs but due
to transportation facilities which has made travel easier and has made
travelling in shorten duration.

From this research it is quite interesting to get some unexpected

results. Manipur are well organized in terms of forming a union or
organization however it is found out in this study that many
respondents feels MSUB needs to improve and need to be better
organized. Respondents also are of the view that there is no good
networking among the students and MSUB officials. Therefore, creating
its own website or a group in facebook were suggested by the
respondents so that students will get timely updates regarding MSUB or
other relevant information since many (respondents) felt that they are
left without information regarding MSUB or other activities conducted
for the Manipur youth. Students also feel sense of secureness with
MSUB acting as the guardian for the Manipur youth who have come in a
new and faraway place from home. Since MSUB is not finance drive and
lack of financial source results in some strains in organizing programs.
Students having moved to Banglore with the sole purpose for education
have made some students to be inactive or reluctant to participate in
MSUB activities as they do not want to compromise with their
education which is their priority. While interviewing, some respondents
suggested that politics of any kind should be kept minimal inorder for
the Union to carry with least interruption and smooth functioning and
to focus more on students' concern. Respondents are also of the view
that a good leader effectively unites Manipur and this also helps in
making the organization strong. Overall Manipur youth are happy with
the existence of MSUB and overwhelming majority wants MSUB
continue serving for the Manipur youth as it motivates to pursue for
excellence and also encourage sense of unity among the Manipur

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