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J Indian Acad Forensic Med.

2021 Jan-Mar; 43(1): 1-



Work pattern in Forensic Medicine: Challenges to Changes during COVID19 pandemic

Raghvendra Kumar Vidua, Arneet Arora, Daideepya C Bhargava, Vivek Kumar Chauksey, Rituparna Jana, Ankit Dwivedi
Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the prevailing practices in almost all the disciplines of Medical Sciences and the
Forensic medicine could also not bear to be remained isolated to such changes. The old age practice in Forensic Medicine in form of
conducting the autopsy has been changed and it is being avoided in COVID positive as well as brought dead cases as much as
possible. Now it is being largely limited only to the cases where it can't be avoided and that too in minimally invasive form, following
all govt protocols while under the umbrella of full biosafety measures. Due to lockdown measures as people are staying at their home,
the workload in form of autopsy on accidental, suicidal and homicidal deaths has been drastically reduced but it has been increased on
other side where a greater number of COVID positive deaths are coming up which covers aspect ranging from its risk reducing
management to safe disposal. With the high risk involved in dealing with those bodies and emerging challenges of prevention from
contracting disease, now this discipline is also learning to work with riskier procedures under psychological fear of infection and
adapting to work under new conditions.

COVID-19; Work pattern; Challenges; Changes; Risks; Biosafety measures; Dead body management; Facility expansion

Introduction discipline which has been brought out by the ongoing pandemic
of COVID-19.
COVID-19 is an acute respiratory illness caused by the SARS-
CoV-2 virus which is an enveloped, positive-sense single-
stranded RNA virus, affecting primarily the respiratory system COVID-19 death and added challenges
and particularly the lungs. It has been detected in respiratory,
Deaths during COVID-19 pandemic due to corona virus
faecal and blood specimens1 and has caused a large number of
infection and events related directly or indirectly to either
cases and deaths worldwide in form of a global pandemic and
spread of the infection or attempts to control the infection, may
that too on a continuous rise. However, the source and disease
be clubbed together as 'COVID and COVID related deaths'. The
progression are not yet entirely clear and no-one is in position
COVID related deaths would include natural, unnatural and
to talk about the exact and full-blown course of the disease and
incidental deaths, not directly due to a person being infected
associated deaths. To contain this infection and reduce its
with Corona virus. Unnatural deaths include accidental, suicidal
impact various measures like lockdown and social distancing
and homicidal deaths. With this global pandemic, the added
are in place.
challenges to the discipline include the following:
Given the lockdown, the crime rate has been dropped and it has
1. The requirements from a medicolegal autopsy end if cause
reduced the number of medicolegal cases drastically whether it
of death is COVID19 but barring few institutes in India, it
is in terms of accidental, suicidal or homicidal deaths that had
is not mandatory to screen the dead bodies for Corona
been making a significant proportion of total deaths previously.
virus infection before sending it for autopsy. This implies
This shift in the proportion of deaths with medicolegal issues
that the autopsy surgeon is not aware of COVID status of
out of total number of deaths along with risk and fear of
the deceased in most of the cases and the fact is that
contracting the infection in the autopsy related work, have led
COVID status of the deceased is rarely available and they
to a significant drift in form of changes in the continuing
remain as 'COVID status unknown'.
practice of Forensic Medicine in India. This article aims at
highlighting those changes in the working pattern of the 2. The test conducted for detection of COVID is not
available to everyone on demand. If the criteria
Corresponding Author comprising of history of travel in last 14 days, fever,
Dr. Raghvendra Kumar Vidua (Associate Professor) cough, etc. devised by Indian Council of Medical
Email: raghvendra.fmt@aiimsbhopal.edu.in Research (ICMR) is not met, the test is not conducted. If a
Mobile: +91-7747010414 person dies either due to COVID 19 or any other cause
and is brought dead to the hospital, the test cannot be
Article History
Received: 3rd June, 2020; Revision received: 8th January, 2021 applied as the testing strategy till date does not include a
Accepted: 14thJanuary, 2021 dead person. It further reaffirms the prevalent thought that

J Indian Acad Forensic Med. 2021 Jan-Mar; 43(1)

the dead carries less value and deserves lesser attention. reduced at most of the places.
3. The nasal or oropharyngeal swab when taken, may or may 2. The existing manpower has been now subdivided in to
not show positive result in COVID positive person. If a small groups as teams and taking care of work on different
COVID negative person, a few days ago, changed to days and timings.
COVID positive status, it may be missed if not done 3. The academic activities and training programmes in few
mandatorily before autopsy. Also the triage of separating institutes including classes, seminars, demonstration and
COVID and non COVID deaths is the most difficult task training programmes for undergraduates and postgraduate
and involves the risk of infections. medical students are being conducted through online
4. Mortuary in most places of India is not constructed with portals.
negative pressure autopsy room. Oscillating electric saw 4. Now getting and conducting autopsies with PPE,
with suction facility is available only in scarce few conducting minimally invasive autopsies, ensuring proper
institutes in the country. preservation of the samples, post procedure disinfection of
5. The Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that should be table, tools and environment, designing of suitable leak
worn by the team while conducting autopsy, is not proof body bags, transportation and cryopreservation of
available at most places also the current manpower is not dead bodies irrespective of COVID status, post transfer
used to while working with it. Also, the awareness that if a sanitisation, placing identification tags, providing
clinician and his unit is handling a patient needs PPE, a counselling services to the family about best practices for
COVID status unknown dead body where the body disposal, coordinating with clinical departments, local
cavities will be opened and complete autopsy has to be administration and police for ensuring disposal of bodies
conducted, will be a threat to the same extent if not more as per protocol are gaining foremost attention than of
to the autopsy surgeon and the thing is not clear to most of primary work of conducting autopsy.
the decision makers. 5. The discipline is learning stringent infection control
6. The process and protocol for autopsy regarding samples to procedures. More and more of such SOPs and protocols
be preserved for histopathological or other examination are coming up from different sources and even individual
have not been clarified. institutions are making their own SOPs and protocols.
7. Also well-designed body bags suitable for transportation
of these bodies are not available at most places.
8. Overcoming the psychological fear and prevention from
In the ongoing pandemic, people are dying from the
risks of contracting infection during autopsy have also
complications of the disease as well as from things completely
coming as challenges.
unrelated to this. The COVID deaths are taken as natural deaths
9. As the number of cases and deaths are rising, the dead and autopsies are being avoided in such cases as per the
body management with the limited handling capacity is protocol and as it is not recommended in a full-blown case of
getting more trickier in the light of more and more of COVID-19.2 However it is legal mandate to investigate and
guidelines and protocols are coming up from different finding out the cause and manner of death in a medicolegal case
sources and which one is to be followed is really a bag where an appropriate autopsy is needed.3 It is a known fact the
challenge. autopsy generates aerosols and there is risk of contracting
10. Continuing academics with interest through new means is infection from dead at least in some viral diseases.4 Recently,
also posing challenge as both givers and takers are not the death of a forensic personnel from Thailand sparked a
used to that. debate on whether COVID-19 may be transmitted from dead to
a living persons5 otherwise until now there are no such
evidences of transmission.4
Differences of changes in the work pattern
The CDC recommends for considering medicolegal
1. No autopsy is being conducted in confirmed COVID 19 jurisdiction, facility environmental control, availability of
cases as per the protocol of Government of India unless recommended PPEs and family and cultural wishes for
some medicolegal issue is involved. However, the autopsy determining the need for autopsy, minimum number of people
is being conducted in COVID negative persons and in in an airborne infection isolation rooms with negative pressure.6
those with unknown COVID status with some The Royal College of Pathologists advocate against the
medicolegal issues. However, during the lockdown period, presence of multiple hands within the cadaver.7 In India, also, at
the number of medicolegal autopsies has been drastically most of the places, teams have been formed with different days

J Indian Acad Forensic Med. 2021 Jan-Mar; 43(1)

and timings of autopsy related work. Further, many studies have riskier and challenging in terms of its management. However, if
recommended for considering the clinicopathological number of dead rises to a full-blown pandemic then it would be
correlation which is still lacking here. further challenging to manage that number with the limited
Unlike previously, now taking relevant medical history from capacity of handling at most places in a timely manner.
relatives and police as pre-autopsy screening has gained Therefore, various post-mortem procedures and release of the
importance but identifying the asymptomatic and latent cases is body to safe disposal as properly and smoothly as possible with
very challenging task before the forensic pathologists.8,9 adequate biosafety measures are getting much attention. At
Therefore, as a precautionary measure, during pandemic, any most of the places, the discipline is busy in making SOPs and
dead body is regarded as potential source of infection and must planning in terms of dead body management but the expansion
be COVID tested and same biosafety measures applied.2,10 of facility in terms of future estimate of deaths also needs a
Many institutes in India have started doing it before proceeding considerate thought.
for autopsy but this is not the case at other places. The minimal
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