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1) We moved on discussing such questions ....every one of us

A) as maybe of great concern to
B) having caused great concern for
C)causing great concern for
D) that they were of great concern for
Key :A

2) the baleen whales that they probably are not able to have
stereoscopic vision
A ) So restricted is the position of the eyes to the field of vision
B Such was the restriction of the field of vision on the position of the
C) the position of the eyes so restricts the field of vision that
D) The restriction of the field of vision on the position of the eye is
Key: C

Scientists know that eventually this process advances scientific
knowledge . ......, children need to experience failure to learn and
A) all the same
B by the same token
C) in like manner
D) in similar fashion
Key : C
1.The outdated printers are the major ...... (bottle) in this process.

2. I would observe that the hotel was incredibly wonderful but its service was a bit .... (lack)

3. The boss ..... his new workers into accepting and signing a long-term contract. (road)

4. Hardly had Sarah moved to a new city when she got tired of the ......... of city life. (hurly)

5. John got the sack 3 months ago. In addition, his wife just left him this week. Now, he's a
real ......... loser. (out)

6. Donald Trump is greeted by other leaders with the usual ........ slap on his back and handshake.

7. Fired 3 days ago, the man, shabbily and raggedly dressed, looks so ......... (down)

1. Bottleneck
2. Lackluster/Lackadaisical
3. Railroaded
4. Hurly-burly
5. Down-and-out
6. Hail-fellow-well-met
7. Down-at-(the)-heel(s)

1. FOBA (Fear of Being Alone) = sợ bị bỏ rơi

2. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) = sợ bị tụt hậu
3. instant communication and feedback = giao tiếp và phản hồi tức thì
4. to be top on their agenda = ưu tiên hàng đầu
5. the children of millennials = những đứa trẻ của thế hệ thiên niên kỉ
6. an extension of their own consciousness and identity = sự mở rộng của ý thức và bản sắc
của chính họ
7. "bulldozer/ snowplow/ lawnmower/ helicopter parents" = bố mẹ quan tâm, can thiệp quá
mức vào cuộc sống của con cái
8. interrelatedness = mối quan hệ tương hỗ
9. to leverage their differences = làm đòn bẩy, tận dụng sự khác biệt
10. the knowledge-holder = người nắm giữ tri thức
11. to impart wisdom to = truyền đạt trí tuệ cho
12. to facilitate young people’s development as contributing members of society = tạo điều
kiện thuận lợi sự phát triển của người trẻ như là người đóng góp cho xã hội
13. to work across demographic lines of differences = làm việc trên các dòng khác biệt về
nhân khẩu học
14. to harness the power of the collective = khai thác sức mạnh tập thể

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