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Describe TEN mandatory documented information (procedures and records) needed to ensure the effectiveness of the occupational

safety and health management system implementation.

DB = Design Basis Review DE= Design Engineering Review

1.0 HEALTH , SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL (Responsible Group(s) for Consultation: HSE) Y N N ST
1.1 PERSONNEL HAZARDS - Do the modifications create any unusual exposure to personnel from: flame, DB
noise, heated or cold surfaces, electrical hazards, toxic or flammable gas leaks, cryogenic leaks? Can the
design be changed to minimize the possibility of such exposures?
1.2 Are additional engineering controls required (shielding, fans, ventilation, continuous gas monitors, alarms, DB
remote indication)?
regulations (factories Act, EPCA etc) that may apply to this modification?
1.4 STATUTORY COMPLIANCE - Need to consider compliance to MOM regulations, NEA requirements DB
etc? Require consideration of the relevant Codes of Practice and Specifications?
1.5 RISK ASSESSMENT - Is Hazard review (QRA, HAZOP, Job Safety Analysis, Risk matrix) required? DB
1.5.1 Has the risk assessment considered the site changes and any new exposures to the public? DB
1.6 LARGE STORAGE TANKS - Does the site modification involve the addition of large storage tanks DB
that could create an off-site risk if a leak or spill occurs? Are tanks containing flammables being added
to the
1.7 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS – Is there any changes to the existing fire protection system or are any DB
new fire protection systems required in accordance with good engineering practice or local building
codes? Has the SCDF been notified of any changes or additions to the site fire protections systems?
1.8 CONFINED SPACE REQUIREMENTS – Sometimes we need the contractor to provide special safety DE
requirements such as full time site safety officers , or lifting supervisors,or Confined space attendents,
continuous gas monitoring portable devices near hot work area, adequate ventilation blowers etc; we need
to inform or specify in Scope of Work for contractors. This will allow them to budget and plan for the
requirements. Otherwise, they will find it unviable to comply. Is the inclusion into Scope of Work
1.9 EQUIPMENT LAYOUT – Sometimes piping and equipment layout can cause maintainability or DE
operability problems. Best way to avoid is formally inform the contractor upfront on layout quidelines and
best practices. Make it mandatory for the contractor to submit the Isometric drawings to the Unit Opn
supervisors for signature endorsement before fabricating. The O&M SV must visit the site itself to
physically check against the isometrics drawings before endorsing it. The principle here is to avoid
tripping hazards and overhead obstructions unnecessarily; while ensuring ergonomically easy access to
important valves and equipments for operation and maintenance. When the layout is congested, have steps,
walkways, walking surfaces, signposts, sufficient lighting to ensure that personnel do not become
exposed to ergonomic hazards. Is this required?
1.10 NOISE - Will noise levels increase? Have mitigation methods been considered (lagging, noise curtains, DB
barriers, vent or in-line silencers, enclosures, levels at plant boundary)? Is the cost for noise
mitigating devices such as noise hoods factor into the modification Budget?
Will the addition require the installation of equipment to work at elevations or gain access to the
modification at unsafe heights? Check the requirements for additions of platforms, handrails, guard rails,
1.12 BARRICADES - Are barricades, machine guards, bump posts, chain guards to restrict access, or railings DE
1.13.1 CHEMICAL USE - Will new chemicals (including catalysts) be brought onsite? DB
1.13.2 Will the volume of existing chemicals stored onsite increase? DB
1.13.3 Will there be new or increased sources of oil created, e.g., compressors, expanders, machinery? If so,
changes in chemical inventories may need to be reported to government agencies and emergency DB
response agencies. Site emergency and spill contingency plans may need to be modified.
1.13.4 Has the MSDS been considered for the affect on handling, design for maintenance, or installation DB
1.13.5 Flammable material – Are any new flammable materials to be introduced. Does any licence required by DB
Is additional respiratory protection required because of personnel hazards created by air contaminants DB
released or created during installation, startup, normal operation or maintenance of the modification?
1.15.1 PROCESS AND UTILITY VENTS – Will there be any new vents being added to the site? DE
1.15.2 Have these been considered for proper location and size to prevent the formation of a hazardous DE
atmosphere in the working areas?
1.15.3 Is vent location, elevation adequate to prevent exposure to personnel? DE
1.15.4 If The vent is a flammable vent stack, an analysis of heat radiation from the stack must be performed to DE
ensure personnel are not exposed to unsafe levels of heat.
1.15.5 Are any new ladders, platforms, or walkways being located where personnel could be exposed to a DE
hazardous release from existing process and utility vents?
1.16.1 DEMOLITION - Will the change require demolition of equipment? DE
1.16.2 Will this cause any specific health or safety problems as a result of contained materials being released or DE
discharged during demolition (asbestos, mercury, lead, catalyst dust, rockwool fibers, etc.)?
1.16.3 Is monitoring required to assess exposure during the demolition process? DE
1.17 SYSTEM ISOLATION - To accomplish the tie-in of the new equipment to the existing system, determine DE
if the proper systems isolation can be accomplished in accordance with lockout-tagout procedures. Will
additional valves, blinds, or vent be needed to perform safe maintenance of the system?
1.18 DISPOSAL - Will demolition or disposal of any of the unused equipment create special health or safety DE
hazards that must be considered in the change?
1.19.1 LIFTING DEVICES - Have cranes been considered for the removal of heavy objects? DE
1.19.2 Do the lifting devices meet safety standards? DE
1.19.3 Check capacity, stability, location, etc. Is lifting Supervisor required during the construction? DE
1.19.3 Do we need to put this requirement in the Scope of Work? DE
1.20.2 Will any existing discharges be modified (volume, cooling water chemistry, chemical content, increase in DB
cooling tower cycles of concentrate, location of discharge point)? If so, permits or permit modifications may
be required.
1.21 CHEMICAL AND PRODUCT STORAGE TANKS - Does the storage involve the installation of DB
aboveground or underground tanks (for chemicals, lubes, products, and byproducts)? If so, proper
containment and leak detection monitoring must be provided and the site emergency and spill contingency
plans may need to be modified. Registration of tanks with agencies may be required. Changing raw
materials stored in existing tanks may require agency notification. (UNDERGROUND TANKS SHOULD
1.22.1 Alter the amount, composition or means of disposal of effluent? DB
1.22.2 Will any new or increased waste streams be created? DB
1.22.3 Will construction/demolition waste, asbestos waste, tank clean-out waste, excess freons, PCBs, catalysts, DB
paint wastes, blast material with paint chips, or other waste chemicals or oils be generated as a result of the
project? If so, waste testing, disposal arrangements, and waste registrations may be required.
1.23 RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS - Will any new sources of radioactive materials be created, e.g., analyzers, DB
special level gauges, etc.? If so, registration of materials with government agencies may be required.
1.24.1 EXCAVATION/FILL MATERIALS - Will excess excavation fill be generated? Will this fill be hauled DB
1.24.2 If so, an evaluation of suspected soil contamination may be required prior to offsite disposal. Will fill DB
materials be brought onsite? If so, an evaluation of the source may be required to prevent contaminated fill
from being brought onsite.
1.25 ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY CHEMICALS - Have any new chemicals been reviewed to select DB
the most environmentally-friendly substitute? Chemicals to avoid include certain freons (CFCs and
ammonia, chlorine, mercury and mercury-containing devices, PCBs, 1,1,1-Trichloroethane, etc.
Consultation: Operations) Y N NA STG
2.1 COOLING DUTY - Will change increase the cooling duty on any particular coolers? Is there any DB
exceeding of loadings here?
2.2 PUMPING CAPACITY - Will change increase the requirement for cooling water pump capacity? Is DB
there any exceeding of loadings here?
2.3 CHEMICAL FEED - Will change affect the water treatment equipment including side stream filters or DB
chemical feed systems?
2.4 CHEMICAL TREATMENT PROGRAM - Will change affect water treatment chemistry program? DB
2.5 UPSTREAM OR DOWNSTREAM PROCESSES - Will any upstream or downstream processes or DB
equipment be affected by changes in pressure, temperature, fluid compositions and flow rate?
2.6.1 PRODUCT QUALITY - Do the modifications jeopardize product integrity? DB
2.6.2 Is product quality changed in any way as to affect any special customers or customer contractual DB
2.7 PRODUCTIVITY OR EFFICIENCY - Do you forsee that the modifications will adversely affect DB
productivity or efficiency?
2.8 CRITICAL SAFETY SYSTEMS - Do the modifications change any critical safety shutdown interlock DB
2.9 INCOMPATIBLE FLUIDS - Are any materials being used potentially incompatible with process fluids DB
or inconsistent with Engineering Standards?
2.10 TOXIC OR FLAMMABLE GAS - Will this change result in any possibility of introducing TOXIC or DB
flammable gas into machinery or equipment that was previously on air or inert service?
2.11.1 PROCESS HAZARDS - Will the new process changes introduce any of the following hazards: Over DB
pressurization due to boiling of trapped saturated liquids?
2.11.2 Any other new over pressurization possibilities; e.g., (1) high pressure source added, (2) increase in valve DB
size between high- and low-pressure systems, (3) new pump or compressor or change of capacity.
2.11.3 Introduce or alter any potential cause of over or under pressurizing (or lowering or raising temperature) DB
in the system?
2.11.4 Introducing air or oxygen into flammable gases? DB
2.11.5 Introducing flammable into air? DB
2.11.6 Introducing flammable into an inert header? DB
2.11.7 Introduce a risk of creating a vacuum in the system or part of it? DB
2.11.8 In any way affect equipment already installed for the purpose of preventing or minimizing over or under DB
2.11.9 Alter the chemical composition or the physical properties of the process material? DB
2.11.10 Affect the reaction stability or controllability of the process? DB
2.11.11 Affect any existing trip or alarm system or require additional trip or alarm protection? DB
2.11.12 If so, comment on the hazards and the corrective actions required to prevent control the hazard? DB
2.12 MAINTAINABILITY – Do the modifications design incorporate positive isolation means (such as DB
block & bleed, flanges for inserting spectacle blinds, spools etc) to ensure safety when isolating
equipment for performing maintenance work?
2.13 OPERABILITY – Are there valves or means for depressurization, defrosting, thermal relief,
draining, releasing of vapor lock etc? All details, such as the addition of check valves, bleed valves for DB
depressurization, defrost, purge points or drain valves for dead-legs, sampling points , pressure guages ,
regulators, insulation, etc., have been reviewed and are included in the submitted marked-up PID?
Operability studies must be done before approving it for construction.
2.14 NEW RELIEF DEVICES - Are new relief devices required? It is not acceptable to use a lock-open DB
valve to eliminate the need for a relief device. In most cases, safety valves or other safety devices will
to be downstream of check valves.
2.15.1 PROCEDURES – Directly alter the operating procedure of existing system? DB
2.15.2 Affect drastically existing operating & maintenance or quality procedures? DB
2.15.3 Need to prepare procedure before modification goes live? DB
2.16 TRAINING NEEDS - Is it necessary to spell in the Scope of Work for contractor to include Vendor DB
training for specialised & expensive equipments such as analysers, flow computers etc?
2.17 COOLING WATER BALANCE - Will change affect the cooling water balance within the facility? DB
2.18 LOAD ON THE COOLING TOWER / CHILLER - Will change increase the loading excessively on DB
the cooling tower or cooling capacity of heat exchangers or chiller?
2.19 PRECLEANING – Will change require pre-cleaning? Will this create environmental issues? DB

2.20 Boiler Systems Y N NA STG

2.20.1 EXISTING STEAM, CONDENSATE, OR BFW feed - Will change affect the existing steam, DB
condensate, or BFW water load?
2.20.2 CHEMICAL CONTROL – Will change require special chemical control, i.e., anti-corrosion DB
chemicals, amine addition?
2.20.3 CONTAMINANTS – Will change add any contaminants to the boiler system? DB
2.20.4 STEAM PURITY – Will change affect steam purity due to carryover, desuperheating or modified DB
steam drum operation?
2.20.5 PROCESS CONTROL – Will change require special process control, i.e., de-superheating? DB
2.20.6 WATER OR STEAM ANALYZERS – Will change affect existing steam or water analyzers? Will DB
change equire additional analyzers?
2.20.7 SYSTEM OPERATING PRESSURE – Will change affect system operating pressure? DB
2.20.8 CHEMICAL FEED SYSTEMS – Will change affect chemical feed systems? DB
2.20.9 MAKEUP WATER PRETREATMENT – Will change affect makeup water pretreatment system? DB
2.20.10 PRECLEANING – Will change require pre-cleaning? Will this create environmental issues? DB
2.20.11 BASIC ENGINEERING PRACTICES FOR SAFETY – Has a review been performed of the Basic DB
Engineering Practices for Safety to determine if specific hazards are being introduced or created by the
change and has the design included all the necessary countermeasures?
2.20.12 If specific hazards are being introduced or created by the change and has the design included all the DB
necessary countermeasures?
2.21 Is there any Site Acceptance Test that should be carried out before allowing commissioning to DB
proceed? The Project Chart or Gnatt Chart should be reviewed by the Operations to ensure that
they are carried out ahead before commissioning can be allowed to takes place.


CONSTRUCTION (Responsible Group(s) for Consultation: Mechanical Engineering) Y N NA STG
3.1 SAFETY FEATURES – Will this change alter safety features or safety requirements of affected DB
machinery and equipment?
3.2 MIS-OPERATION – Will there be an affect on the machinery or mechanical equipment due to mis- DB
operation or failure of the intended modification?
3.3 AUXILIARY SYSTEMS – Will this change affect any of the auxiliary systems for the affected DB
machinery or equipment: lube system, seal gas system, vent system, cooling water system, etc.?
3.4 RELIABILITY – Will this change reduce the reliability of affected machinery or equipment? DB
3.5 SPARES – Will this change involve replacement of parts with modified or non-OEM parts? Is there a DB
risk here?
3.6.1 Will new modifications cause the process conditions to exceed the design maximum conditions – DB
pressures, temperatures and flows?
3.6.2 Are there any cyclic pressure/temperature conditions or vibrations? Cyclic pressure/temp changes may DB
cause material fatigue and failure.
3.6.3 Will the design conditions be changed? DB
3.7 CODES/SPECIFICATIONS – What design/fabrication codes and specs apply? Are they specified DE
upfront in the new equipment design specifications?
3.8 MATERIALS - Are all the materials compatible with process fluid within design envelope? For oxygen DE
service, check velocity and compatibility against Eng. Stds. And O 2 Compatibility Manual. For process
fluid which is corrosive, special gaskets and suitable piping material need to be used.
3.9.1 'CODED' VESSEL OR PIPEWORK - Is an authorized or independent inspection authority required? DE
3.9.2 What is scope of their involvement in both design and fabrication? DNV or ABS engineering DE
review required?

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