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Geological Society, London, Special Publications

Introduction: new insights into structural interpretation and

D. A. Nieuwland

Geological Society, London, Special Publications 2003; v. 212; p. 1-5

doi: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2003.212.01.01

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© The Geological Society of London

Introduction: new insights into structural
interpretation and modelling

D. A. N I E U W L A N D
Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, Tectonics, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1085,
1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands (e-mail: dick.nieuwland@falw,

This book is a follow-up to a Geological Society lowed by gradually more 'artificial' approaches.
of London conference with the same title, held in Although the multidisciplinary nature of many pap-
Burlington House, London, in February 2000. Fol- ers makes a straightforward order of appearance
lowing the conference it was decided to compile a according to topic difficult, the chapters dealing
Special Publication based in part on papers with natural geological data appear in principle
presented at the conference and in part on papers early, interpretation precedes modelling and ana-
that were added later to form a balanced content. logue modelling precedes numerical modelling.
The content of New Insights into Structural Since the publication of the predecessor of this
Interpretation and Modelling presents a balanced Special Publication (Buchanan & Nieuwland 1996)
overview of what the title promises. It is intended much progress has been made. This has been prim-
as a book that will serve the experienced pro- arily thanks to the continuously increasing comput-
fessional as well as more advanced students in ing speed and computer memory capacity, which
Earth sciences with a wide range of topics has positively affected all fields in structural
described in high quality publications. Some chap- interpretation, seismics and modelling, directly or
ters are by leaders in the field, other chapters are indirectly.
written by young authors with fresh ideas.
Structural interpretation and modelling go hand
in hand in structural geology. Interpretation needs Interpretation
to be based on data. These data can be found on
many scales and involve direct observations of Natural data sets have the obvious advantage that
natural phenomena based on fieldwork, and they are real, however strange they may appear to
indirect observations of natural data by such means be. The data result directly from natural defor-
as seismic or stress measurements. Interpretation is mation processes that have deformed natural rocks
no longer limited to drawing lines along fault in natural time. However, data from outcrops also
planes in cross-sections or to constructing horizon have problems associated with them. It is often dif-
maps. New methods and techniques have ficult or even impossible to observe and measure a
developed in many fields of acquisition processing feature (fault, fold or fracture) completely in 3D.
and interpretation. Modelling relies on two comp- Commonly some elements need to be estimated
lementary approaches: analogue models using because they cannot be observed. Another problem
physical materials as analogues to rocks, and with natural data is the time factor. Deformation
numerical models that are based on mathematical processes that took place over geological time-
algorithms to mimic rocks and deformation pro- scales cannot be observed in a human lifetime.
cesses with computer programs. What we see in outcrop is a static end result of a
These approaches to solving complex structural very dynamic process. The 3D problem with natu-
problems have their specific advantages and limi- ral data is in part resolved when 3D seismic can
tations. Significant progress in structural geology is be applied. Unfortunately the method is costly and
therefore to be expected due to improved integrated therefore almost exclusively used for commercial
methods. In this book a collection of papers has purposes, preferably on offshore locations where
been compiled with the intention to provide the the acquisition is so much better and easier than in
reader with a comprehensive overview of state-of- the mountainous areas where field geologists often
the-art approaches and techniques in structural like to work because of the abundance of outcrop-
interpretation and modelling. The chapters are ping rocks. The quality of 3D seismic has
organized following the view that the topics that improved significantly over the last ten years or so.
are closest to the natural world appear first, fol- It has become a standard tool for geologists and

From: NmUWLAND,D. A. (ed.) New Insights into StructuralInterpretationand Modelling. Geological Society, Lon-
don, Special Publications, 212, 1-5. 0305-8719/03/515
© The Geological Society of London 2003.

is no longer the exclusive domain of the trained Hindle's approach is specifically suitable for the
geophysicist/seismic interpreter. reconstruction of displacements on a much larger
The section on interpretation begins with a chap- scale. In his example he uses displacement fields
ter by Cello et al. The work relies on a large data- rather then vectors to reconstruct movements on
base collected in the Apennines. The project was the scale of mountain belts rather than along indi-
based on collaboration between industry and acad- vidual faults.
emia, a combination that may become more com- Projects in the oil and gas industry and in civil
mon in the near future. Industry has decreased its engineering routinely require accurate structural
own research efforts and relies more heavily on interpretations of complicated fault systems and the
university projects, focused on geological problems related stress fields. Accurate definition of the
that are of interest to the industry. The chapter by present-day tectonic stress is a fundamental
Cello et al. illustrates that for fracture systems, requirement to perform such tasks correctly and
fieldwork is still the most important source of reliably. The reliability of the results depends to a
information. large extent on the quality assurance of the data.
Details of complex fault structures can be inter- The requirements for this quality assessment and
preted very well from high-resolution 3D seismic, implementation have been laid down in a program
as demonstrated by the examples in the chapter by called TENSOR. The program is the basic tool for
Schroot & de Haan. However, faults with an offset the World Stress Map but also has other appli-
smaller than some 20 m cannot be interpreted cations in the field of stress inversion. Delvaux &
reliably and tension fractures cannot be observed Sperner explain more about this widely used pro-
at all. Nine-component seismic may be able to gram. The World Stress Map provides the data in
identify tension fracturing (joints), but cannot dis- the form of a freely accessible global database as
tinguish between a few large fractures and many described in the chapter by Sperner et al.
small fractures. Orientations of tension fracture A different field of structural interpretation with
systems derived from seismic data are also uncer- relevance for modern society is that of earthquake
tain because conjugate fractures tend to become mechanics. Predicting earthquakes has been
averaged along the bisectrix of the acute angle. attempted for decades if not longer, but so far pre-
Nevertheless, without 3D seismic there would be dictions have not been very successful. In a new
no hope of interpreting the vast and complex sub- unconventional approach to earthquake prediction,
surface structures that form reservoirs for natural Volti & Crampin present an application of seismic
resources such as oil and gas. The message is shear-wave splitting, based on a long-term field
again, integration of fieldwork, modelling and seis- study. The first chapter on this topic describes the
mics, to combine full 3D and intricate fault geo- background, preliminary observations, and analysis
metries at all scales is the key to reliable struc- of shear-wave splitting in Iceland. The second
tural interpretation. chapter discusses potential applications of this
Next to fault geometries, the kinematics of fault- approach including monitoring hydrocarbon pro-
ing processes is just as important, presenting a duction, stress-forecasting earthquakes and some
problem in another dimension - time. One volcanic eruptions.
approach to the kinematics problem is that of pal-
inspastic reconstruction, which presents problems Modelling
of its own. Traditionally, palinspastic reconstruc-
tion (or section balancing) can only be performed In this time of massive computing power a com-
on dip sections of strata that were deformed in monly asked question with regard to analogue
plain strain. As many deformations take place in modelling (AM) is, does it still have a place in
3D, a palinspastic reconstruction requires a 3D science, and why not solve all our problems with
approach also. In order to reconstruct faults cor- computers? This simple question immediately
rectly in 3D, one needs to know the complete brings forward the strengths and weaknesses of
strain-path. Preservation of line length and area is both modelling techniques. In the modelling sec-
necessary, but not sufficient to perform a mechan- tion a brief treatment of some fundamental aspects
ically correct palinspastic reconstruction; the strain of analogue modelling and numerical modelling
path needs to be incorporated as well. (NM) is presented.
Rutten & Verschuren have worked out a 3D In analogue modelling the small size of the mod-
approach to this problem. They apply their tech- els directly raises questions about scaling. (Mandl
nique on the scale of a delta. To attack this problem 1988; McClay 1990; Brunet al. 1994). The results
on the much larger scale of mountain belts, Hindle of computer models are seemingly free of a scaling
has developed a technique that can be seen as simi- problem, especially when model results are given
lar to that used by Rutten & Verschuren in that dimensions that are of the same order as in natural
it is also based on displacement paths. However, examples. This is misleading in that, for example,

in the much used finite element (FE) technique, the Such a stress measurement has an advantage of
size of the mesh elements is very large compared being continuous in time, but it is limited to being
to the smallest elements in natural deformation pro- a point in 3D space. Numerical models lack much
cesses. For comparison, a typical analogue model in the field of geometry and to a lesser extent kin-
contains about 30000000 sand grains. In order to ematics because free-growing faults cannot yet be
reach the same resolution as such an AM experi- generated. However, concentrations of deformation
ment, a FE mesh should also be built of 30000000 in shear bands can give useful information:
elements. FE meshes of such dimensions are still especially in the early deformation stages, stresses
unthinkable. The sand grains in analogue models calculated with numerical methods are much more
are not scaled; in a typical model 1:10000 to detailed than the AM point measurements even
1:100000 sand grains with an average diameter of though the NM stress measurements are not con-
0.1 mm would resemble boulders of roughly 1 m to tinuous in time.
10 m in size. However, the resolution of analogue So far deformation in the brittle domain has been
models in terms of definition of individual fault discussed. When viscous or ductile materials start
planes and intricate fault patterns is much greater to play a role, the material properties become more
than in numerical models. Without going into the important. In numerical models material properties
mathematics of scaling, a good argument in sup- can be varied more easily than materials in ana-
port of the validity of scaled analogue models logue models. However, the viscous material sili-
comes from nature itself. Field observations of cone putty in a variation of qualities can be modi-
faults of all types on almost all scales, indicate that fied to suit many desired mechanical properties and
fractal properties can be applied to faulting and stepping engines provide the required control over
fracturing (Mandelbrot 1989). Self-similarity has strain rates. Temperature effects are still a major
as a consequence that small fault systems created problem in analogue experiments. Numerical mod-
in analogue models have a similar geometry as els can treat this aspect better by simply varying
larger scale systems. the input parameters in algorithms that are hope-
Whereas numerical models rely on mathematical fully realistic enough to model the processes that
algorithms to mimic natural processes and we are trying to understand.
materials, analogue models work with natural
materials to mimic rocks; however, the defor-
Analogue modelling
mation processes are all natural, not imitated by
algorithms. A disadvantage of using analogue The contribution by Dooley et al. is a good illus-
materials to simulate rocks is that the choice of tration of an integrated approach in which field data
materials is limited compared to the variation in (from seismic) and modelling have been brought
natural rocks. For most brittle rocks this does not together to interpret and understand a complex
pose a problem. The reason is that the most multiphase fault system. The example also makes
important mechanical parameter that governs clear the importance of stratigraphy for reliable
deformation geometries and processes is the modelling and interpretation of deformation pro-
internal friction angle ~b, which is about 30 ° for cesses. The mechanical stratigraphy is the basis for
most brittle rocks and is also about 30 ° for sand. a good model, be it analogue or numerical. In the
The main difference between sand and rocks is chapter by Schellart & Nieuwland the emphasis
strength; however, strength governs only the mag- lies on the kinematics of a growing complex fault
nitude of the stress that is required to drive a defor- system, and the related changes in the local stress
mation process. The resulting structural geometries field. The results make clear that with an unchang-
are independent of the stress magnitude. For both ing regional stress field, the local stresses within a
methods (AM and NM) scaling is a real but man- structure can change dramatically. The work makes
ageable problem: not everything can be exactly intensive use of computed tomograph (CT) scan-
scaled, but most of the important parameters can ning to generate 3D data volumes. CT scans permit
be scaled satisfactorily. non-destructive acquisition of 3D data volumes of
The main goal of analogue models is to study the analogue models. The resulting series of 3D data
geometries and kinematics of tectonic deformation volumes through time forms a powerful 4D data-
processes in manageable space and time. The dur- base for detailed structural interpretation that can
ation of the deformation process (strain rates), high be performed on 3D seismic interpretation systems.
resolution and free formation of faults are of funda- This implies that advances made in 3D seismic
mental importance to this method. software are also of immediate use for the analysis
Stress orientations and magnitudes are much and interpretation of analogue models that have
more difficult to acquire from AM experiments had the benefit of CT scanning. Tentler & Tem-
than geometric and kinematic information. S o far perley have focused their analogue modelling on a
only directional point measurements are possible. large scale of deformation including the asthenos-

phere, which they approximate with carefully effects and velocity problems. Their approach has
chosen silicon polymers of two different viscosities now been applied to an interesting geoscience
and densities. The model highlights the strength of problem, that of imaging an axial magma chamber
analogue modelling in representing the develop- on the East Pacific Rise, but could well be modified
ment of intricate 3D structures in time, and at the for application to economic targets as well.
same time demonstrates the complexity of making The next chapter on geomechanical modelling
the appropriate analogue materials for experiments by Heidbach & Drewes deals with a large-scale
that include layers with brittle and ductile or vis- problem - tectonic processes in the Eastern Medit-
cous behaviour. erranean. Although their approach is to a large
Mulugeta & Sokoutis have applied analogue extent based on geomechanics with an elasto-
modelling to gain more insight into the mechanics visco-plastic 3D finite element model at the core,
of thrust tectonics. Their chapter describes the use important boundary conditions still need to be pro-
of analogue experiments for studying the dynamic vided as input. The model does not generate faults;
and rheologic control of hanging wall accommo- however, on the scale of the problem individual
dation in ramp-fiat thrust models. The complexity faults are not so important. 3D geomechanical
of 3D deformation processes in time becomes more finite element models are still in a development
apparent as strain rate and rheology are also used stage and this paper marks a significant step for-
as variables. Much can be learned from such ana- ward.
logue models about the strain path of complicated The next two chapters, by Cornu et al., avoid the
structures. The study highlights the usefulness of problem of 3D geomechanics by using a kinematic
modelling tectonic processes with analogue approach to large scale geometrical problems. A
materials and at the same time draws attention to disadvantage of this is that input of fault geo-
the practical difficulty involved with such models. metries is required, but an advantage is that rela-
Variations in material are much more easily achi- tively complicated structural geometries can be
eved in numerical models, but here the algorithms modelled. Cornu et al. describe their approach and
that need to be applied form another challenge. apply it to three cases: basin deformation, and com-
pressional and extensional tectonics.
In the last two chapters, Skar & B e e k m a n and
Numerical modelling
van Wees et al. apply geomechanical finite element
Following the observations and conclusions of the modelling to problems on smaller scales than entire
analogue models, the next logical step is to find out basins and limit themselves to the brittle upper
how numerical techniques can be applied to find crust. The method is possible in the case worked
answers to questions that cannot be solved by ana- on by Skar & Beckman because it is not necessary
logue modelling. In their chapter Burov & Poliakov to grow faults; they are part of the starting
use a numerical approach to model basin dynamics. geometry and derived from well defined geological
The work is exemplary for numerical modelling. cross-sections. The complicated structural cross-
In addition to the main topic of the paper, erosional section that has been used as the basis for their
forcing of basin dynamics, they present advances work could be used because the model is 2D. The
in the mathematics of 3D basin modelling. The work demonstrates that in many cases, where it is
work also demonstrates the quantitative insights valid to approximate the deformation history with
that can be gained from this approach and that are plain strain, there is a definite advantage in using
such a welcome complementary result to the more 2D instead of 3D. As the lithosphere is not
qualitative analogue experiments. Burov & Pol- involved, the rheological model can be elasto-
iakov and also Robin et al. work with a variable plastic, a viscous element is not required. Van
that has not yet been successfully controlled in ana- Wees et al. also base their calculations on a wealth
logue models - temperature. In analogue models of geological and geophysical data. They integrate
of the brittle upper crust, temperature effects are these in a geomechanical 3D finite element model
normally not a factor that needs to be considered; and successfully model the quantitative effects of
however, as soon as the deeper lithosphere or hydrocarbon depletion from reservoirs.
asthenosphere is involved in the modelling, tem- From the chapters on numerical modelling it can
perature effects become important. Robin et al. be concluded that numerical modelling and ana-
integrate a wealth of geological data with their logue modelling are indeed complementary in
numerical work. many ways. Both methods continue to evolve and
The chapter by Hobbs et al. deals with 3D seis- to produce new approaches and techniques. Geo-
mic data, a field in which a lot of progress has been mechanical numerical models cannot yet generate
made over the last five years. Hobbs et al. have free-growing faults; however, in very large scale
written an important contribution on seismic pro- problems individual faults are not so important and
cessing of difficult data with severe topography geomechanical numerical models can produce

realistic results. On scales where individual faults land; J. Reijs; P. Richard; K. Rutten; W. Schellart; A.
become important the technique that is most suit- Seihl; J.D. van Wees; B.F. Windley and R. Zoetemeijer.
able depends on the nature of the problem.
Whether a kinematic or a mechanical approach is
chosen depends on the question that needs to be
answered. BRUN, J., SOKOUTIS,D. & VAN DEN DRIESSCHE,J. 1994.
Analogue modelling of detachment fault systems and
Acknowledgements core complexes. Geology, 22, 319-322.
BUCHANAN, P. G. & NIEUWLAND, D. A. (eds) 1996.
Modern Insights into Structural Interpretation, Vali-
The editor wishes to thank the Geological Society of Lon- dation and Modelling. Geological Society, London,
don for giving the opportulfity to organize the conference Specal Publications, 99.
which inspired this volume and their subsequent support MANDELBROT,B. 1989. Multifractal measures, especially
during the compilation of this book. The book would not for the geophysicist. Geophysics, 1/2, 5-42.
have appeared without the help of the referees who spent MANDL, G. 1988. Mechanics of tectonic faulting. In:
considerable time reviewing the manuscripts. The follow- ZWART, H. J. (ed.) Developments in Structural
ing referees are gratefully acknowledged: G. Bertotti; T. Geology. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
den Bezemer; J.C. Blom; P. v.d. Boogaert; S. Cloetingh; McCLAY, K. R. 1990. Extensional fault systems in sedi-
T. Dooley; H. Doust; T. van Eck; R. Gabrielsen; O. Heid- mentary basins. A review of analogue model studies.
bag; D. Hindle; F. Kets; Y. Leroy; I. Moretti; F.J. Nieuw- Marine and Petroleum Geology, 7, 206-233.

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