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10 g Butter

190 gm Onion and sliced thin

540 ml Beef stock or half beef and half chicken stock

To taste each Salt

To taste each Pepper

As needed each French bread

Cooking Method

 Heat the butter in a stockpot over moderate heat

 Add the onion become evenly browned and cook until they are golden. The
process will take 30 minutes
 Add the stock and bring to a boil. Simmer until the onion are very tender and the
flavors are well blended, about 20 minutes
 Season to taste with salt and pepper
 Keep the soup hot for service

 Cut the bread into slides about 1 cm thick. And will need 1 or 2 slices per potion,
or just enough to cover the top of the soup in its serving crock
 Toast the slices in the oven or under the broiler
 For each portion fill an individual service soup crock with hot soup. Take 1 or 2
slices of the toast and toast cover with cheese. Pass under the broiler until the
cheese is bubbling and lightly browned and serve immediately

22 gm Flour

30 gm Onion, chopped fine

125 gm Milk

30 g Butter

To taste each White pepper

To taste each Salt

65 ml Heavy cream

60 gm Mushrooms, chopped

375 ml White stock

15 gm Mushrooms, cut brunoise and sautéed in butter

Cooking Method

 Mushrooms should be cleaned and thereafter boiled it for 3-4 minutes. Take
braised mushrooms had to cut some parts and put into containers before the
 Take saucepot over moderate heat, add butter and garlic until fragrant
 Then put the mushrooms and flour into the container
 Wait until the brown color and add a little chicken stock if the mushrooms are soft
 Leave it for a few minutes later put the pepper and salt
 Milk and heavy cream can enter and leave it for a few minutes, lift the cooked
mushrooms to ground raid
 When ready, serve the mushroom soup in a bowl

3 each Parsley steam, chopped

1 each Bay leaf

120 gm Onion for mirepoix

60 gm Carrot for mirepoix

60 gm Celery for mirepoix

200 gm Lean beef

1 each Whole cloves

¼ tsp Peppercorns, crushed

120 gm Egg whites

Pinch … Dried thyme

120 gm Canned tomatoes, crushed

2.5 ml Cold brown stock

Cooking Method

 Combine the beef, mirepoix, egg white, tomatoes, herbs, and spice in a tall,
heavy stockpot. Mix the ingredients vigorously with a wooden paddle or a heavy
 Add about 1 pint (500 ml) cold stock and stir well. Let stand about 30 minutes.
 Gradually stir in the remaining stock. Be sure the stock is well mixed with the
other ingredients.
 Set the pot on moderately low heat and let it come in a simmering very slowly.
Stir occasionally.
 When the simmering point is approaching stop stirring.
 Move the pot to lower heat and simmer very slowly about 1.5 hours. Do not stir or
disturb the raft that form on top.
 Very carefully strain the consommé through a china cap lined with several layers
of cheesecloth.
 Degrease thoroughly.

45 gm Butter

30 gm Onion, cut brunoise

30 gm Carrots, cut brunoise

200 gm Prawn, shell on

1 each Bay leaf, small piece

Pinch … Dried thyme

2 each Parsley stems

15 gm Tomato paste

1 tsp Paprika

30 gm Flour

90 gm Sparkling white wine

750 gm Fish stock

0.5 cup Heavy cream

To taste … Salt
To taste … White pepper

Cooking Method

 Heat the butter in a saucepan over medium heat.

 Add the oniun and carrots. Sauté until they are lightly browned.
 Add the shrimp, bay leaf thyme, and parsley stems. Sauté until the shrimp turn
 Add the tomato paste and paprika, stir well.
 Add the wine. Simmer until reduced by half.
 Remove the shimp. Peel and devein them. Return the shells to the saucepan.
 Add in the flour and stir well.
 Cut the shimp into small dice and reserve for garnish.
 Add the fish stock to the saucepan. Simmer 10 – 15 minutes.
 Strain. Return the soup to the saucepan and bring back to a simmer.
 At service time, add the hot cream and the diced shrimp.

2 nos Egg yolks

2 tsp Vinegar

1/8 tsp Mustard

250 ml Oil

2 tsp Hot water

½ no Lemon(optional)

Salt and pepper

Cooking Method

 Place the egg yolks in the bowl of a mixer and beat with the whip attachment until
well beaten
 Add 2 tbsp (30 ml) vinegar and beat well
 Mix the dry ingredients and add to the bowl, beat until well mixed
 Turn the mixer to high speed. Very slowly, almost drop by drop, begin adding the
oil. When the emulsion forms, can add the oil slightly faster
 When the mayonnaise becomes thick, thin with a little of the second quantity of
vinegar Gradually beat in the remaining oil alternately oil with the vinegar and
the consistency by beating in a little lemon juice

Add to basic mayonnaise

15 gm Chopped parsley

50 gm Chopped onion

10 gm Gherkins

10 gm Capers

1 nos Chopped hard boiled egg(optional)

Tomato sauce (to taste)

Chili sauce (to taste)

Cooking Method

 Mix the onion, gherkins, capers and parsley

 Add the egg and yolks and beat until smooth
 Place the tomato and chili sauce for taste
 Put into a plate

300 ml Oil

100 ml Vinegar

Sugar, a pinch

Salt and pepper

Cooking Method

 Mix the vinegar, salt, sugar and pepper until the salt is dissolved
 Using a wire whip, begin adding the oil a few drops at a time
 Mix again before using

200 gm Potatoes, boiled

10 gm Onions, chopped

60 ml Mayoinnaise

2 tbsp Vinaigrette

Parsley, chopped

Salt and pepper

Cooking Method

 Scrub the potatoes. Steam or boil until tender, but do not overcook
 Drain the potatoes and leave in the colander or spread out on a sheet pan
until cool enough to handle
 Peel the warm potatoes. Cut into ½-in. (1 cm) dice
 Combine the dressing, salt, and pepper. Add the potatoes and mix
carefully to avoid breaking or crushing them
 Marinate until cold. For the purpose of food safety, chill the potatoes in the
refrigerator before proceeding with the next step
 Add the parsley, onion, and, if desired, any of the optional ingredients
listed below and mix gently. Add vinaigrette a little in put in potatoes
 Add the mayonnaise and mix carefully until evenly blended
 Keep refrigerated until ready to use


120 ml Mayonnaise

10 ml Vinegar

320 gm Cabbage

250 gm Carrot

1 tbsp sugar

Salt and pepper

Cooking Method

 Combine the mayonnaise, vinegar, sugar, salt, and pepper in a stainless-

steel bowl. Mix until smooth
 Add the cabbage and mix well
 Add the vinegar and salt if necessary not taste
 Place a mound of the coleslaw in the center of each plate
 Hold for service in refrigerator


300 gm Red apples

75 gm Celery, small dice

20 gm Walnut, roasted and coarsely chopped

60 ml Chantilly dressings

Salt and pepper

Cooking Method

 Core the red apples and dice them ½ in. (1 cm) without peeling them
 As soon as the apples are cut, add them to the dressing and mix in to
prevent darkening
 Add the celery and walnut. Fold in until evenly mixed
 Arrange the lettuce bases as underlines on cold salad plates
 Place a mound of salad on each plate
 Add salt and pepper to taste


Mixed salad greens

Roasted chicken breast, cut into thin strips

Swiss cheese or cheddar, cut into thin strips

Tomatoes, wedges

Egg, hard boiled, cut into quarters

Carrots, cut into batonnet

Green pepper rings

Cooking Method

 Place the greens in cold salad bowls, approximately 4 oz(125 g) per

 Arrange the chicken and cheese strips neatly on top of the greens. Keep
the items separate-do not mix them all together
 Arrange the remaining items attractively on the salad
 Hold for service. If salads must be held for over 1 hour, they should be
covered so the meats and cheese don’t dry out
 Serve with any appropriate salad dressing on the side in a separate


2.5 -3 kg bones

500 gm mirepoix
250 gm tomato paste

5-6 lit water

1 nos sachet

Cooking Method

 After finish cut the bones, place bones in a roasting pan in a hot oven
and brown them very well
 Remove bones from pan and place in a stockpot. Cover with water and
bring to a simmer. Skim and let stock continue to simmer
 Drain and reserve the fat from the roasting pan. Deglaze the pan with
water and add to stockpot
 Toss the mirepoix with some of the reserved fat and brown well in oven
 Add tomato paste to mirepoix. Continue to brown until tomato paste turns
a rusty brown color
 Add browned mirepoix, tomato product, and sachet to the stockpot
 Add water as needed to keep bones covered
 Cool the stock, vented, in a cold-water bath, and refrigerate


2.5-3 kg chicken bones

500 gm mirepoix

5-6 lit water

1 nos sachet

Cooking Method

 Add water in stockpot as needed to keep the bones covered

 Place the chicken bones in stockpot. After that place all ingredient in a
stockpot. Bring to a simmer
 Simmer 40 minutes with mirepoix and leaved
 Cool the stock, vented, in a cold water, and refrigerate


2-3 kg fish bones(head can also be used)dxk3wg

250 gm white mirepoix

4 lit water

1 nos sachet

Cooking Method

 Place all ingredient in a stockpot. Bring to a simmer

 Simmer 45 minutes, skimming as necessary to remove scum
 Strain through a china cap lined with several layers of cheesecloth
 Cool stock, vented, in a cold-water bath, and refrigerate
Fish are available in several forms :

 Whole or around
 Drawn –viscera removed
 Dressed –viscera, scales, head, tail, and fins removed
 Steaks (la darne) –cross-section slices, each containing a section of backbone
 Fillets –boneless sides of fish, with skin on or off
 Sticks (goujons) –cross-section slides of fillets
 Butterfield fillets –both sides of a fish still jointed, but with bones removed
 Paupiette

Mice en place

 Seabass fillets, breaded, 150 gm (variation using batter may be included)

 Coleslaw
 Tartar sauce
 French fries
 Lemon wedge

Cooking Method

 Set up a breading station for 3 stages

 Place the flour in one pan, the eggs beaten with milk in a shallow bowl,
and the bread crumbs in another pan
 Season the fish lightly with salt and white pepper
 Bread the fillets by passing them through the flour, egg wash, and crumbs.
Press the crumbs on firmly for detailed breading
 Fry the fillets until golden brown in deep fat heated and the same time fry
the French fries
 Drain and serve immediately. Garnish each portion with a parsley sprig
and lemon wedge.
 Serve with tartar sauce and coleslaw

Mice en place

 Snapper fillet, 150 gm

 Clarified butter
 Pomme nature 2 no
 Floret of broccoli 2 no
 Floret of cauliflower 2 no
 Battonnet of carrot 2 no
 Chopped parsley
 Mashed potato

Cooking Method

 Place butter in a frying pan. Heat the butter over high heat until melted
 Rinse the sole fillets with water. Season both sides of the fish with salt
and pepper.
 Place each sole fillet in a shallow container of flour. Flour both sides of
the fillet.
 Add each sole fillet in the frying pan carefully. Sauté until the fish begins
turning opaque around the edges.
 Flip the fish over onto its other side, and finish cooking the fish until it
turns completely opaque.
 The fish only takes three to four minutes to cook completely.
Remove the fish fillet from the frying pan. Serve the fish on a plate.
Squeeze lemon juice over the fish, and garnish with fresh parsley
Served with

Mashed potato
Battonnet of carrot 2 no
Red capsicum 2 no
Cauliflower 2 no
Shallot sauce

Shallot sauce

20 g butter
8 nos shallot, peeled and thinly sliced
3-4 no garlic, finely chopped
Brown stock

Cooking Method

Check to see if the chops or rack has been trimmed of excess meat and tissue
around the bones
If you're doing this a day or two ahead, prepare the marinate the lamb in the
refrigerator until needed. The marinade will add flavor to the meat.
Prepare a hot grill fire
Season the lamb on all sides with salt and pepper or the seasoning of your
When the grill is hot, use barbecue tongs and a paper towel to apply a thin sheen
of oil to the grill grate
This will help prevent sticking and will promote the formation of grill marks.
Add the lamb immediately. If grilling a whole rack, start the lamb with the meat
side down
Grill individual chops about 2 minutes or less per side, turning only once. These
will cook quickly and are best if kept at medium-rare or under
Cook the whole rack for about 3 minutes per side at slightly lower heat, turning
two or three times
Check for doneness with an instant-read thermometer (125 to 130 degrees F is
medium-rare), or use a knife to cut off an end piece
Let whole racks rest for about 10 minutes before slicing

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