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Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 48 (2017) 112 – 119

Selenium increases hepatic DNA methylation and modulates one-carbon metabolism

in the liver of mice☆

Bodo Speckmann a , Sarah Schulz a , Franziska Hiller a , Deike Hesse b, c , Fabian Schumacher d, e ,
Burkhard Kleuser d, f , Jürgen Geisel g, Rima Obeid g, h , Tilman Grune a, c, i, Anna P. Kipp j,⁎
German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke, Department of Molecular Toxicology, Nuthetal, Germany
German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke, Department of Experimental Diabetology, Nuthetal, Germany
German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD), München-Neuherberg, Germany
Institute of Nutritional Science, Department of Nutritional Toxicology, University of Potsdam, Nuthetal, Germany
Department of Molecular Biology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
NutriAct – Competence Cluster Nutrition Research Berlin-Potsdam, Germany
Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital of the Saarland, Homburg, Germany
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University, Aarhus C, Denmark
German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK), Berlin, Germany
Institute of Nutrition, Department of Molecular Nutrition Physiology, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

Received 14 February 2017; received in revised form 7 June 2017; accepted 6 July 2017


The average intake of the essential trace element selenium (Se) is below the recommendation in most European countries, possibly causing sub-optimal expression of
selenoproteins. It is still unclear how a suboptimal Se status may affect health. To mimic this situation, mice were fed one of three physiologically relevant amounts of Se. We
focused on the liver, the organ most sensitive to changes in the Se supply indicated by hepatic glutathione peroxidase activity. In addition, liver is the main organ for synthesis
of methyl groups and glutathione via one-carbon metabolism. Accordingly, the impact of Se on global DNA methylation, methylation capacity, and gene expression was
assessed. We observed higher global DNA methylation indicated by LINE1 methylation, and an increase of the methylation potential as indicated by higher S-
adenosylmethionine (SAM)/S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) ratio and by elevated mRNA expression of serine hydroxymethyltransferase in both or either of the Se groups.
Furthermore, increasing the Se supply resulted in higher plasma concentrations of triglycerides. Hepatic expression of glycolytic and lipogenic genes revealed consistent Se-
dependent up-regulation of glucokinase. The sterol regulatory element-binding transcription factor 1 (Srebf1) was also up-regulated by Se. Both effects were confirmed in
primary hepatocytes. In contrast to the overall Se-dependent increase of methylation capacity, the up-regulation of Srebf1 expression was paralleled by reduced local
methylation of a specific CpG site within the Srebf1 gene. Thus, we provided evidence that Se-dependent effects on lipogenesis involve epigenetic mechanisms.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Keywords: Selenium; DNA methylation; Liver; Lipogenesis; Srebf1

Abbreviations: 5-mdC, 5-methyl-2′-deoxycytidine; Acaca, acetyl-CoA car-

1. Introduction
boxylase α; CBS, cystathionine beta synthase; dC, 2′-deoxycytidine; DNMT, DNA
methyltransferase; Fasn, fatty acid synthase; Gck, glucokinase; GPx, glutathione The essential trace element selenium (Se) has beneficial effects
peroxidase; Hcy, homocysteine; LINE1, long interspersed nuclear elements; towards human health, including proper functioning of the immune
NQO1, NAD(P)H quinone oxidoreductase 1; Pfkfb3, fructose-2,6-biphosphatase response, and prevention of some forms of cancer [1]. Several of the
3; SAH, S-adenosylhomocysteine; SAM, S-adenosylmethionine; Scd1, stearoyl- human selenoproteins, which contain Se in the form of the
CoA desaturase 1; Se, selenium; Selh, selenoprotein H; SeMet, selenomethionine; proteinogenic amino acid selenocysteine are supposed to mediate
SePP, selenoprotein P; SHMT, serine hydroxy-methyltransferase; Srebf1, sterol these effects by changing the cellular redox status. In parallel,
regulatory element-binding transcription factor 1; T2D, type 2 diabetes; TrxR, selenocompounds such as selenomethionine (SeMet) but also
thioredoxin reductase; TS, transsulfuration.
☆ selenometabolites have direct effects independent of the selenopro-
Grants/founding sources: This work was supported by the German
tein expression, which however has not been fully elucidated for all
Research Foundation (KI 1590/2-1) and NutriAct – Competence Cluster
Nutrition Research Berlin-Potsdam funded by the Federal Ministry of compounds, yet.
Education and Research (FKZ: 01EA1408A-B). Up to now, results from large-scale Se intervention trials have been
⁎ Corresponding author at: Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Institute of inconsistent regarding health effects of Se. Differences in participant's
Nutrition, Department of Molecular Nutrition Physiology, Dornburgerstr. 24, baseline Se status are supposed to be the main confounding factor.
D-07743 Jena, Germany. Tel.: +49 3641 949609. While most Europeans are only suboptimally supplied with Se, the
E-mail address: (A.P. Kipp). intake is substantially higher in countries such as the USA. At present,
0955-2863/© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
B. Speckmann et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 48 (2017) 112–119 113

selenoprotein P (SePP), the main Se transport protein that shuttles Se Animal experiments were performed in compliance with the German animal protection
law (Tierschutzgesetz). The mice were housed and handled in accordance with good animal
from the liver to peripheral tissues, is supposed to be the best marker
practice as defined by the Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations (FELASA,
for the Se status [2]. Plasma concentrations of SePP reach a plateau at and the national animal welfare body (GV-SOLAS, The
plasma Se concentrations of approximately 120 μg/L. Concentrations animal welfare committees of the German Institute of human Nutrition (DIfE) as well as the
above this level appear to have no further beneficial effect but might local authorities (Landesamt für Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz, Brandenburg,
even have adverse effects. Two US cancer prevention trials, the NPC [3] Germany) approved all animal experiments (project number V3–2347–29-2012, date of
approval: 26 October 2012).
and Sel/Cel trial [4], found a trend for a higher diabetes incidence that Primary hepatocytes were freshly isolated from liver tissue of three male 12–14 week
was obvious only in the highest tertile of baseline plasma Se. Several old C57BL/6 J mice [27] fed a standard mouse chow (V153x R/M-H, Ssniff) with a selenium
cross-sectional studies reported that the Se status was positively content of approximately 0.30 ppm to perform three independent cell culture
associated with the presence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) [5,6] and traits of experiments. Hepatocytes were cultured for additional 48 h at 37°C in a 5% CO2
atmosphere in RPMI-1640 medium (Sigma) with 10% fetal calf serum, 100 U/mL penicillin,
the metabolic syndrome such as hypertension [7], elevated fasting
100 mg/mL streptomycin and with or without 200 nM sodium selenite or 1 μM SeMet.
plasma glucose [8], insulin resistance [9], or dyslipidemia [9–14].
While these observational studies cannot prove a putative causal 2.2. Isolation of RNA and real-time qPCR analysis
association, they indicate that the Se intake may be linked to
carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Also in animal studies, long- Total RNA was extracted from murine snap-frozen, pulverized liver by using the
InviTrap Spin Universal RNA kit (Stratec Molecular). For primary mouse hepatocytes, the
term Se supplementation in different forms and doses caused
RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen) was used. Both protocols comprised an efficient elimination of
hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, and weight gain [15–18]. Thus, DNA from the sample. From each sample, 1 μg of RNA was transcribed into cDNA with
Se was hypothesized to interfere with insulin-dependent metabolic SuperScript II reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen) using poly (dT)15 primers in a total
pathways through modulation of intracellular hydrogen peroxide volume of 10 μl. cDNA samples were diluted 1:5 in water before expression of mRNA was
levels [19,20]. analyzed by real-time qPCR using the Mx3005P system (Agilent). 2 μl of diluted cDNA, iQ
SybrGreen Supermix (Biorad) and 0.5 μM of specific primers were combined in a total volume
The development of T2D and the metabolic syndrome is influenced
of 25 μl. Each cycle started at 95°C for 30 s, followed by the annealing phase at 60°C for 30 s
by lifestyle factors including diet. The molecular mechanisms of this and the elongation phase at 72°C for 30 s. The whole procedure was repeated 40 times. The
interaction may affect DNA methylation via epigenetic regulation specificity of the reaction was confirmed by including a melting curve analysis at the end of
[21–23]. DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) catalyze the covalent each qPCR assay. PCR products were quantified by using standard curves in the range
addition of a methyl group to the 5-position of desoxycytosine (5- between 104 and 109 copies of each amplicon (Table S1) and the MxPro qPCR software.
The RT2 Diabetes PCR Array (Qiagen) contains pre-validated primer pairs for the
mdC) using S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) as the methyl donor. detection of 84 mRNA transcripts from diabetes-associated genes, which were
Methylation of CpG dinucleotides is often clustered within gene normalized to 5 reference genes (Table S2). It was used together with the RT2 first
promoters or in repetitive DNA elements such as long interspersed strand kit and the RT2 SybrGreen qPCR master mix on the Mx3005P system following
nuclear elements (LINE1). However, the impact of nutrition on the manufacturer's instructions. Primers were otherwise designed using the Universal
Probe-Library Assay Design Center (Roche) and checked for specificity using NCBI
epigenome-disease interactions remains poorly understood which
BlastN (Table 1). For these custom-designed qPCRs, mouse hypoxanthine phosphor-
also includes the intake of micronutrients such as Se. A number of cell ibosyltransferase 1 (Hprt1) and ribosomal protein L13a (Rpl13a) were used as reference
culture and animal studies have shown that Se modifies marks and genes based on the following criteria described in [28]: least variation in microarray
editors of epigenetic information (reviewed in [24]). As the Se supply data between all samples, mean expression level ratio of −Se over +Se groups close to
enhances the flux of homocysteine (Hcy) through the transsulfuration 1, and an expression level of at least ten times the background. The geometric mean of
reference genes was used for normalization as mentioned elsewhere [29].
(TS) pathway, it may also affect one-carbon metabolism and thereby
the methylation potential [25]. 2.3. Enzyme activity assays
A limitation of most Se feeding studies is the use of non-
physiological Se doses ranging from overt deficiency to excess intake. 20 mg of liver powder (frozen tissue ground under liquid nitrogen) were
Based on that, we aimed to identify the effects of physiologically homogenized in a tissue lyzer (Qiagen) for 2 × 2 min at 30 Hz in 500 μl 100 mM Tris/
HCl, 300 mM KCl, 0.1% Triton X-100, pH 7.6, containing 4 μl of protease inhibitor cocktail
relevant doses of Se on DNA methylation. To this end, mice received (Calbiochem). Cellular debris was removed at 20,000×g, for 15 min, at 4°C. Protein
diets for a six-week feeding period containing Se as SeMet, which is content was estimated according to Bradford and enzyme activities were expressed as
the most relevant selenocompound in foods. As previously established mU/mg protein. Measurements of NAD(P)H quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1),
[26], the suboptimal diet (0.07 ppm) was about half of the adequate thioredoxin reductase (TrxR), and GPx activities were performed as described
previously [26,30,31]. Briefly, NQO1 activity was examined by menadione-mediated
diet (0.15 ppm) full-filling the recommended amount of Se for mice,
reduction of 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT).
while 0.60 ppm was chosen as supranutritional but achievable dose. TrxR activity was measured by the NADPH-dependent reduction of 5, 5′-dithiobis(2-
We used the murine liver as a model to test the hypothesis that nitrobenzoic acid). GPx activity was determined in a NADPH-consuming glutathione
physiological ranges of Se intake can affect one-carbon metabolism, reductase coupled assay. All measurements were carried out in 96-well format using a
global DNA methylation and the expression of genes involved in microplate reader (Synergy2, BioTek).

hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism.

2.4. Quantification of 5-mdC/dC percentage by isotope-dilution LC–MS/MS

2. Materials and methods DNA was extracted from mouse liver using the Invisorb Genomic DNA Kit II (Stratec
Molecular). 10 μg of genomic DNA were hydrolyzed to 2′-deoxynucleosides using
2.1. Mouse feeding trial and preparation of primary hepatocytes micrococcal nuclease from Staphylococcus aureus, bovine spleen phosphodiesterase,
and calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase (all from Sigma-Aldrich) as described
C57BL/6 J mice were housed individually in independently ventilated cages under previously [32] but the incubation time of the two-step digestion approach was 1 h
specific-pathogen-free conditions with a 12-h light/dark cycle and free access to food each. DNA hydrolysates were centrifuged (5 min, 16,000×g) and 10 μl of the
and water. Mice were fed a Torula yeast-based chow (C1045, Altromin), which had a supernatants were diluted 1:10 (v:v) with water. Afterwards, 15 μl of this dilution
basal Se content of 0.07 mg/kg. For the +Se (0.15 ppm) and the ++Se (0.60 ppm) diets, were mixed with 15 μl of an aqueous internal standard solution containing 1 μM
the basal chow was enriched with L(+)-selenomethionine (Fisher Scientific). The Se [15 N2,13C1]dC and 50 nM 5-mdC-d3 (Toronto Research Chemicals). Samples were
concentration of the chow was verified by ICP-MS/MS (in collaboration with Prof. Tanja vortexed, briefly centrifuged and the supernatants were subjected to a LC–MS/MS
Schwerdtle, Potsdam). Directly after weaning at an age of 3–4 weeks, mice were method [33]. Analyses were conducted with an Agilent 1260 Infinity LC system coupled to
randomized to one of three feeding groups (n=6) for further 7 weeks. Then mice were an Agilent 6490 triple quadrupole-mass spectrometer interfaced with an electrospray ion
anesthetized with isoflurane (Abbott) and blood was withdrawn by heart puncture into source operating in the positive ion mode (ESI+). Chromatographic separation was
heparinized tubes. Plasma was obtained after centrifugation of the blood for 15 min carried out using an Agilent Poroshell 120 EC-C18 column (2.7 μm, 3.0 × 50 mm). Water
(1200×g, 4°C). Anesthetized animals were sacrificed by cervical dislocation and whole and acetonitrile (VWR), both acidified with 0.0075% formic acid, were used as eluents.
livers were directly snap-frozen. Before further analysis, frozen liver was pulverized Samples (1 μl) were injected into a mobile phase consisting of 100% water. 2′-
using a tissueLyser II (Qiagen). Plasma and hepatic triglycerides were quantified using Deoxynucleosides were eluted from the column at 30°C with the following gradient at
the colorimetric Triglyceride Quantification Assay Kit (ab65336, Abcam). a flow rate of 0.4 ml/min: 0–5 min (100–96.5% water), 5–6.9 min (96.5–95% water),
114 B. Speckmann et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 48 (2017) 112–119

Table 1 2.8. Statistics

Primer sequences and amplicon lengths for custom qPCR assays (5′ → 3′)
Gene Primer fwd Primer rev Amplicon Statistical analyses were conducted by using GraphPad Prism Version 6 (San Diego, CA, US).
Name length (bp) Data are shown as the mean + SD (standard deviation). The distribution of the data was tested
with the Shapiro–Wilk's Test. The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test and Bonferroni's
Acaca GGCTCAAACTGCAGGTATCC TTGCCAATCCACTCGAAGA 63 post-hoc test were used to investigate the differences between the three Se groups. A p-value
Dnmt1 CGCCCAGTTTGTAGTGAGCCA TTGTTGCTCGCCTCTGTCCC 136 b0.05 was considered as statistically significant, and that between 0.05 and b0.10 was
Selh CCTTATTCCACCAACGCGCCA GCGTCAGCTCGTACAATGCTC 154 3.1. Selenium increases serum triglyceride levels and hepatic Se biomarkers
Srebf1 GGTTTTGAACGACATCGAAGA CGGGAAGTCACTGTCTTGGT 60 C57BL6/J mice were fed diets with different amounts of Se for 7
weeks starting directly after weaning. We controlled the success of our
feeding approach by the assessment of commonly used markers of the
6.9–7.2 min (95–20% water), 7.2–10 min (isocratically 20% water). dC and 5-mdC co- Se status such as GPx (Fig. 1A) and TrxR (Fig. 1B) activities and selenoprotein
eluted from the separation column with their stable-isotope labeled analogues at 1.6 W (Sepw1) transcript levels (Fig. 1C). All three markers were significantly up-
min and 2.9 min, respectively. The total run time for one analysis was 14 min,
regulated in the liver of both adequately fed (+Se) and supplemented
including re-equilibration of the LC system. The following optimized settings of the
ESI source were used: drying gas temperature=80°C, drying gas flow=15 l/min of (++Se) mice in comparison to the suboptimal group (−Se). Activities of
nitrogen, sheath gas temperature=350°C, sheath gas flow=12 l/min of nitrogen, both enzymes were unchanged in ++Se compared to +Se mice.
nebulizer pressure=26 psi, capillary voltage=2250 V, nozzle voltage=500 V. The Accordingly, the selenoprotein expression appeared to be maximized already
optimized ion funnel parameters were: high pressure RF voltage=95 V and low
in the +Se group. Vice versa, the Nrf2-mediated NQO1 activity was increased
pressure RF voltage=60 V. Quantification of 2′-deoxycytidine (dC) and 5-methyl-2′-
deoxycytidine (5-mdC) in relation to their stable-isotope labeled standards was
in the −Se group (Fig. 1D) in comparison to both the +Se and ++Se groups
carried out using the multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) approach. Thereby, the as shown previously [36]. Also here, no significant difference was detected
following mass transitions (loss of 2′-deoxyribose) were used as quantifiers between the +Se and ++Se groups. Moreover, we found that plasma
(optimized collision energies in parentheses): dC: m/z 228.1N112.0 (8 V); triglyceride levels were increased along with increasing the dietary Se content
[15N2,13C1]dC: m/z 231.1N114.9 (8 V); 5-mdC: m/z 242.1N126.0 (8 V); 5-mdC-d3: m/z
(Fig. 1E) while hepatic triglyceride levels were unchanged (Fig. 1F).
245.1N129.0 (8 V). An additional mass transition per analyte was recorded for
unambiguous identification. The dwell time for each of the eight mass transitions
analyzed was 50 ms. 3.2. Se up-regulates global DNA methylation and SAM/SAH levels in the liver

2.5. Murine LINE1 bisulfite sequencing As marker of total DNA methylation, the amount of 5-mdC in
relation to dC was assessed in the livers of mice. Methylation levels in
Methylation of the murine LINE1 element was quantified using a slightly modified
protocol [34]. Briefly, DNA was extracted from mouse liver using the Invisorb Genomic
the −Se group tended to be slightly lower than in the +Se and ++Se
DNA Kit II (Stratec Molecular) and 500 ng DNA were bisulfite-converted with the EZ groups without reaching statistical significance (Fig. 2A). A large
DNA Methylation-Gold Kit (Zymo Research). The following PCR was carried out with proportion of the human genome is rather stable in terms of its 5-mdC
~50 ng bisulfite-converted DNA, 200 nM forward primer LINE1-F (GGTTGAGGTAG- content [37]. We therefore reasoned that global 5-mdC quantification
might be inappropriate to detect methylation changes at more
and HotStarTaq (Qiagen) components in a 20 μl reaction volume. The PCR program
consisted of an initial heat activation for 15 min at 95°C, 40 cycles of 1 min at 95°C, 0.5 flexible genomic sites, e.g. repetitive elements such as LINEs.
min 59.2°C, 1 min 72°C, and a final extension for 10 min at 72°C. The reaction mix was LINE1 methylation is commonly used as surrogate marker of global
electrophoresed on a 2% agarose gel, the amplicon (195 nt) excised, the DNA purified DNA methylation and has been found to respond to dietary and
and sequenced (LGC Genomics). Sequences were analyzed with the Sequence Scanner metabolic changes [38]. LINE1 methylation was significantly increased
Software 2 (Applied Biosystems) and % cytosine methylation at CpG sites were
determined by relative height of cytosine peaks using the formula C/(C + T).
in both the +Se and the ++Se group in comparison to the −Se
group (Fig. 2B) indicating that a suboptimal Se status reduced
2.6. SAM and S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) quantification by UPLC
the steady-state methylation level of a large fraction of the murine
hepatic genome.
Snap frozen liver (approximately 50 mg each) were thawed on ice, extracted by One possible explanation for this phenomenon is that Se interferes
using 1 N acetic acid (10 μl for each 1 mg tissue). After centrifugation (1000×g, 10 min, with cellular DNA methylation capacity per se. This capacity essentially
4°C), the supernatant was collected and 50 μl were used for SAM and SAH
depends on the relative amounts of the methyl donor SAM and its
measurements. The concentrations of SAM and SAH in liver tissue extracts were
measured by using established methods that depend on labeled isotopes as internal reaction product SAH. The amounts of hepatic SAM and SAH were
standards (13C5-SAH and 2H3-SAM) using a Waters 2795 alliance HT, which was considered as markers for the flow of methyl groups. Liver tissue SAM
coupled to a MicroMass Quattro Micro API tandem mass spectrometer (Waters did not differ between all feeding groups (Fig. 2C), while SAH was
Corporation) as described before [35]. The sample volume of liver extracts was adjusted lower in the +Se group in comparison to the −Se group (Fig. 2D).
to obtain final concentrations within the range of the standard curve (up to 300 nmol/L
SAM and 150 nmol/L for SAH). The between-day coefficient of variations of the SAM and
Thus, the hepatic SAM/SAH ratio was higher in the +Se versus −Se
SAH assays was b10% at a mean SAM concentration of 86 nmol/L and SAH of 13.7 nmol/L. group (Fig. 2E).

2.7. MSRE-qPCR 3.3. Se increases hepatic SHMT1 expression

Methylation of a CpG site located within the second exon of Srebf1 (genome assembly:
We speculated that Se increases the cellular methylation capacity
GRCm38/mm10; chr11:60,206,956) was quantified by a methylation-sensitive restriction
enzyme qPCR assay. Aliquots of 500 ng genomic DNA from hepatocyte cultures were treated via enhanced conversion of Hcy to SAM, the active methyl donor in
with MspI or HpaII restriction enzymes (New England Biolabs) or left untreated (mock- the cell. As shown in Fig. 2F, Se increased the mRNA expression of
treated) at 37°C for 16 h, followed by 20 min at 80°C. 50 ng of these DNA samples was used in serine hydroxy-methyltransferase (SHMT) in a dose-dependent
qPCR reactions as described above using the primers CCACTCACCATCCTACAGCC manner. SHMT is known to catalyze the first step of the formation of
and CGGCCACTCTTCTTCCATCA. Percent methylation of the CpG site located within the
recognition sequence of the two restriction enzymes was calculated with the equation %
5-methyl tetrahydrofolate, and thus indirectly increases the formation
methylation = amplifyableDNAHpaII/(amplifyableDNAmock-amplifyableDNAMspI). As a reference, qPCRs of SAM. The mRNA expression of Dnmt1 was however unaffected by
of totally methylated and unmethylated DNA were performed in parallel. the Se status (Fig. S1D).
B. Speckmann et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 48 (2017) 112–119 115

3.4. Se increases gene expression of key regulators of glycolysis and lipogenesis phosphodiesterase 1, was significantly and consistently down-
regulated both in the +Se and ++Se group in comparison to the −Se
Differential DNA methylation as well as a supranutritional Se intake group. Enpp1 has been shown to act as a negative inhibitor of
have both been implicated in the development of T2D [23,39]. As we insulin signaling [40] which could explain an enhanced insulin signaling
found modulation of the methylation machinery by Se, we reasoned under +Se/++Se conditions. In line with that, Gck catalyzing the first
whether this might correlate with differential expression of T2D- step of glycolysis was up-regulated under +Se and ++Se conditions. To
associated genes. Thus, we analyzed mRNA levels by means of a confirm the results obtained by PCR Array, expression levels of Gck and
Diabetes RT2 profiler PCR Array in livers of the respective Se-fed mice as Srebf1 were further analyzed in primary murine hepatocytes. Treatment
a first screening approach. Out of 84 genes, eight genes were with sodium selenite or SeMet resulted in higher levels of the Se-sensitive
significantly altered by a Se intervention (either +Se or ++Se) in transcript of selenoprotein H (Selh) (Fig. 3A), and in increased Gck
comparison to the −Se group, while further seven genes showed a (Fig. 3B) and Srebf1 mRNA expression (Fig. 3C).
trend (Pb.1) (Table 2). Out of those, mRNA expression of several
important transcription factors such as C/EBPα, HNF1β, PPARα, and 3.5. Selenium-dependent DNA methylation of Srebf1 in hepatocytes
SREBP1 (Srebf1) was increased in the ++Se compared to the −Se
group. However, mRNA levels of target genes of lipogenic SREBP1 such Next, we determined whether the methylation-sensitive Srebf1
as acetyl-CoA carboxylase α (Acaca), fatty acid synthase (Fasn), gene [41] was differentially methylated in response to Se. We assessed
and stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (Scd1) were unaffected by the Se status methylation of one CpG site located within the second exon of Srebf1
(Fig. S1A-C). Only Enpp1, the ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/ by MSRE qPCR. In whole liver samples, the average methylation rate of

Fig. 1. Characterization of the selenium status and of triglyceride levels. Total GPx (A) and TrxR (B) activities were analyzed in liver together with the NQO1 activity (D) expressed as mU/mg
protein. Selenoprotein W (Sepw1) mRNA levels were quantified by qPCR and normalized to the reference genes Hprt and Rpl13a (C). In addition, plasma (E) and hepatic (F) triglyceride
levels were quantified. Data are shown as Scatter dot blot with mean (n=5–6 mice per group). Significant differences were calculated in comparison to the −Se group using a one-way
ANOVA with Bonferroni's post-test: *Pb.05; **Pb.01; ***Pb.001.
116 B. Speckmann et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 48 (2017) 112–119

this site was 60% independent of the Se status (Fig. S1E). As effects on suboptimal status. In parallel, the hepatic SAM/SAH ratio was up-
DNA methylation are often cell type-dependent we also analyzed regulated upon Se feeding together with an increased SHMT1 mRNA
primary murine hepatocytes. In those samples, methylation of the CpG expression. In contrast to global DNA methylation, local DNA methylation
site in exon 2 of the Srebf1 gene was significantly reduced by both of the Srebf1 gene was reduced in hepatocytes after 48 h of Se incubation,
selenocompounds (Fig. 3D). Thus, Se reciprocally affects mRNA which appears to be essential for Se-dependent changes in Srebf1
expression and methylation of the Srebf1 gene in primary hepato- expression and down-stream effects on plasma triglyceride levels.
cytes. The lack of difference in methylation pattern in liver Se has been previously shown to modulate global DNA methylation
homogenates probably results from the impact of non-hepatocyte using different cell culture and animal models [24]. We addressed this
cells masking an effect, which takes place in hepatocytes only. topic by means of a feeding study in mice with a physiologically relevant
range of Se intakes. Results from related rodent studies are inconsistent
4. Discussion in this regard, which may be explained by chow- and strain-specific
effects [24]. It is obvious that numerous factors affect LINE1 or global
The current study shows that the hepatic selenium status, which is DNA methylation. Interestingly, a sex-specific correlation between
highly sensitive to changes in the nutritional Se supply [25], has a relevant plasma Se status and LINE1 methylation was found in human rectal
impact on both global and local DNA methylation capacities of liver cells. mucosa samples, which was positive only for females [42]. Cancer cells
Global DNA methylation indicated by LINE1 methylation was increased in typically have hypomethylated global DNA while local sequences can be
mice with adequate or supranutritional Se intake in comparison to a hypermethylated in parallel resulting in e.g. silencing of tumor

Fig. 2. Selenium-modulated effects on global DNA methylation and levels of the methyl donor SAM. The amount of 5-mdC in relation to dC was quantified by LC–MS/MS (A) and the
percentage methylation rate of CpGs within the murine LINE1 element was assessed by bisulfide sequencing (B) in whole liver. Furthermore, hepatic SAM (C) and SAH (D) levels were
analyzed by UPLC and expressed as hepatic SAM/SAH ratio (E). Shmt1 mRNA levels were quantified by qPCR and normalized to the reference genes Hprt and Rpl13a. Data are shown as
Scatter dot blot with mean (n=4–6 mice per group). Significant differences were calculated in comparison to the −Se group using a one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni's post-test: *Pb.05.
B. Speckmann et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 48 (2017) 112–119 117

suppressor genes. Our finding of increased hepatic global DNA respective proteins catalyze key steps in glycolysis and lipogenesis,
methylation when comparing an adequate with a suboptimal Se supply such as Gck and Srebf1. Animal studies wherein Se was supplemented
is therefore in agreement with a putative preventive function of Se at supranutritional doses (between 0.4 and 3 ppm) for longer time
against the development of hepatocellular carcinoma, which has been periods (≥8 weeks) have partially reported the development of insulin
suggested by results from a recent cohort study [43]. resistance and traits of the metabolic syndrome (summarized in [39]).
Besides that, global DNA methylation essentially depends on the Several rodent studies are in support of our finding of a hyperlipidemic
availability of methyl donors because DNMTs are SAM-dependent. We effect of dietary Se. Female Wistar rats fed 3 versus 0.3 ppm Se starting
have shown previously that hepatic Hcy levels are drastically reduced from 5 weeks before breeding had increased plasma triglyceride levels
upon adequate Se feeding in comparison to a suboptimal Se supply [25]. on day 19 of gestation. Their offspring fed the same diet subsequently
In addition, the protein expression of cystathionine beta synthase (CBS) developed insulin resistance and glucose intolerance [17]. Similarly,
was up-regulated during an adequate Se status, which indicates an overexpression of GPx1 caused hyperlipidemia in mice [20], which
enhanced flux of Hcy through the TS pathway [25]. Thus, our present was attenuated in the liver by feeding a Se-depleted chow [46].
results on low SAH and high expression of SHMT in the +/++Se groups Increased hepatic triglyceride content was also reported for rats fed
appear to be the natural and very much expected consequence of the 0.15 ppm Se as selenate for 8 weeks compared to rats fed a Se deficient
up-regulation of the TS pathway. Up-regulation of SHMT expression diet [16]. This study also found higher expression of Srebf1 in livers of
upon Se feeding would reflect an important metabolic flexibility of one- Se-fed rats. Our study showed that this effect became apparent after a
carbon metabolism: if more SAH will flow via Hcy and CBS to cysteine relatively short feeding period and, more importantly, within a range
and glutathione, more methyl groups will be derived from folate to of Se doses that is of physiological relevance. In addition, we provide
compensate and balance SAM and cell needs for SAM. However, effects for the first time evidence that Se effects on Srebf1 expression in
on SHMT1 expression have only been analyzed on mRNA level, which hepatocytes can be explained by Se-induced changes in DNA
should be confirmed on protein or activity level in future experiments. methylation of the Srebf1 gene. Thus, DNA methylation appears to
In contrast to our results, Uthus and Ross reported that both SAM and link Se (i.e., selenite and SeMet) to hepatic lipogenesis. A recent
SAH levels did not change in Se-deficient rodents [44,45], which might feeding study (20 weeks) directly comparing effects of Se (as selenite,
be not directly comparable to the suboptimal Se group studied herein. selenate, and SeMet) at concentrations of 0.15 ppm and 0.75 ppm
In parallel with the observed changes in DNA methylation and one- revealed that plasma triglycerides were increased in comparison to
carbon metabolism, we showed that dietary Se significantly increased the −Se group independent of the Se species but the effects were more
plasma triglyceride levels, while hepatic triglycerides remained pronounced with the two inorganic Se compounds [47]. Regarding
unaffected. Our gene expression data provides an explanation for humans, a recent study found significant interactions between plasma
this outcome by showing Se-dependent induction of genes whose lipid and Se concentrations with variants of genes involved in

Table 2
Fold changes (FC) of mRNA levels of type 2 diabetes-associated genes in the liver of mice fed +Se and ++Se compared to −Se diets with p-values b0.1 (n=4). P-values b0.05 are
printed in bold. FCN1.2 are highlighted in green, FCb−1.2 in red

Group 1 (+Se) Group 2 (++Se)

Symbol Gene name
FC p–value FC p–value

Cebpa CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha 1.089 0.524 1.404 0.075

ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/
Enpp1 –1.175 0.047 –1.340 0.010
phosphodiesterase 1

Fbp1 fructose bisphosphatase 1 1.232 0.018 1.277 0.018

Gck glucokinase 1.411 0.069 1.552 0.036

Hnf1b hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 beta –1.305 0.159 1.364 0.014

mitogen–activated protein kinase 8 –1.331 0.275 –1.322 0.080

Nos3 nitric oxide synthase 3, endothelial cell 1.625 0.014 1.636 0.095

Pfkfb3 fructose–2,6–biphosphatase 3 1.334 0.317 2.497 0.017

phosphatidylinositol 3–kinase, regulatory

Pik3r1 1.131 0.292 1.439 0.035
subunit, polypeptide 1
peroxisome proliferator activated receptor
Ppara 1.032 0.799 1.251 0.064
Ppargc1a peroxisome proliferative activated
–1.765 0.074 –1.322 0.213
(Pgc1a) receptor, gamma, coactivator 1 alpha

Sell selectin L 2.363 0.037 2.374 0.042

sterol regulatory element binding

Srebf1 1.306 0.411 1.747 0.071
transcription factor 1

Trib3 tribbles pseudokinase 3 –1.235 0.349 –1.556 0.078

Vapa vesicle–associated membrane protein A –1.123 0.270 –1.181 0.095

118 B. Speckmann et al. / Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 48 (2017) 112–119

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reference genes Hprt and Rpl13a. Methylation of a CpG site located within the second exon of Srebf1 was quantified by a methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme qPCR assay (D). Data
are shown as mean + SD (n=3). Significant differences were calculated in comparison to the −Se group using a one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni's post-test: *Pb.05; **Pb.01.

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