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1 Decide firmly that you will set aside 5 minutes every day for your
meditation. You can meditate more than 5 minutes if you feel like
it, but it is important to make this task as simple as possible in
order for your habit to form. So, commit to just 5 minutes daily
and never let a day pass without meditation.

Select a good time for meditation. It should be a general time,

2 not an exact one, for example, after you have woken up in the
morning, or some time in the afternoon. You could also select a
trigger, which should be any activity that you perform on a regular
basis, such as drinking your morning juice, your afternoon cup
of coffee, or when you come home from work.

3 Find your quiet place for meditation. If you have chosen to

meditate at home, it can be a quiet spot in your bedroom where
you feel relaxed and comfortable. If you meditate during the day,
it can be a desolate park bench where you can sit without being
disturbed or upset for a couple of minutes.

Sit restfully and freely. It is not important so much how you sit
4 or what your body posture is. It is not important what you wear.
You can sit on the floor if you like or in a chair or couch. Some
people find it easier to sit with their legs crossed, but you should
not pay too much attention to these details as long as you feel
good and physically relaxed.

5 Your goal is to meditate for just 5 minutes. Not 20 or 30 minutes.

Some people think that they can easily meditate half an hour, but
in fact, they can't. Remember that what you are trying to do here
is form a habit of meditation, one that will last for years. You
don't want to meditate 30 minutes today and then entirely skip your
meditation tomorrow. Once you have meditated for 14 straight
days, you can think about extending your meditation to 10 minutes.
After the next 14 days, you can go to 15 minutes, until you reach
the limit of 20 minutes per meditation session.

During the 5 minutes of your daily meditation exercise you should

6 focus your attention on the breath. Close your eyes (or keep them
open if you have to) and follow the air that is coming in through
your nose, filling your lungs and belly. Then visualize how it goes
out during your breathing out. Don't try to force or regulate your
breathing. Just mentally follow its natural course.

7 After a while you will notice that you lose track of your breathing.
The focus of your mind has shifted, something else has drawn
your attention, or some thoughts have made your mind restless.
That's nothing to worry about, it is very natural for your mind to
do that. When that happens, start over. Don't force anything. Just
gently bring your mind back on the breath. That's it. Enjoy.

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