Answer The Phone. He Promised To Be Home by 10 P.M. However, We

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My friend Bernardo liked to eat McDonald’s hamburgers. But he had a problem.

He was gaining weight. He decided to go on a diet. He stopped eating fast food
and started buying more fruit and vegetables. After a month, he had lost a few
pounds. But he wanted to lose more. I suggested joining a gym. Bernardo
disliked exercising, but he agreed to try it. Now he exercises every day and he
looks better. He’s looking forward to losing more weight.


My friend Bernardo enjoys cooking. He also really likes eating. But one month
ago, his girlfriend told him to lose weight, so he decided to join a gym. In the
beginning, it was difficult to go regularly. He tried to go every day, but
sometimes he forgot to go. Yesterday, he drank beer with me instead
of exercising. He prefers drinking alcohol to lifting weights, of course. His
girlfriend called him when we were at the pub. He stopped drinking his beer to
answer the phone. He promised to be home by 10 p.m. However, we
kept drinking until we ran out of money.

Teresa’s boyfriend Bernardo is gaining weight. She wanted him to quit eating fast
food. He agreed to start eating healthily. A few weeks passed. Teresa expected
Bernardo to lose weight, but nothing changed. She noticed that sometimes he
would smell like hamburgers. She started to suspect that he had broken his
promise to eat well.
One day, she followed him home from work. She saw him pass by McDonald’s,
but then he stopped walking. He hesitated to go in, but he finally did. After a
few minutes, she decided to follow him in. She caught him eating a Big Mac. She
attempted to wrestle it from him, but she couldn’t manage to get it out of his
greasy hands. He tried to push her away, but he accidentally hit her in the face.
Naturally, she got angry. He said that he didn’t mean to hit her, but she
started screaming. They both got kicked out of the restaurant. Now they
refuse to speak to each other.

One month ago, my friend Bernardo decided to lose some weight. He
stopped eating chocolate, gave up drinking beer, and he refused to
eat anything high in fat. This was difficult for him because he
enjoyed eating chocolate and he preferred to drink beer to Diet Coke! Luckily,
his girlfriend agreed to help him. She promised to make him a lot of healthy
food, and she did. But after two months, he only managed to lose 3 pounds. Now,
his girlfriend has suggested joining a gym. Bernardo hates exercising, but he will
try it.

Bernardo loves traveling. He began traveling when he was a young child.
He remembers visiting new places every Christmas and summer holiday. In
particular, he’ll never forget visiting Hawaii in 2010. On the day he and his family
were going to depart, there was a big snowstorm. His father tried to get them to
the airport, but the roads were icy. The car kept sliding. In the airport parking lot,
his father actually hit another car. He tried to stop, but he couldn’t. Finally, when
they got inside the airport, Bernardo realized that he had forgotten to
pack clothes. He remembered to bring his passport at least. So after arriving in
Honolulu, his family had to stop to buy some clothes for him. In the end, he had
a great trip. He hopes that he never stops traveling.


“He’s looking forward to losing more weight.”

“…he drank beer with me instead of exercising.”

“He prefers drinking alcohol to lifting weights,”


In the beginning, it was difficult to go regularly.


“He stopped drinking his beer to answer the phone.”

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