2015 - POMS - Jaehyung Et Al - Aggregating Smallholder Farmers in Emerging Economies

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Vol. 24, No. 9, September 2015, pp. 1414–1429 DOI 10.1111/poms.

ISSN 1059-1478|EISSN 1937-5956|15|2409|1414 © 2015 Production and Operations Management Society

Aggregating Smallholder Farmers in Emerging

Jaehyung An
Samsung Electronics, Seoul, Korea, jhahn85@gmail.com

Soo-Haeng Cho
Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213, USA, soohaeng@andrew.cmu.edu

Christopher S. Tang
UCLA Anderson School of Management, Los Angeles, California 90024, USA, chris.tang@anderson.ucla.edu

he agricultural sector plays an important role in emerging economies even though most farmers are trapped in the
T poverty cycle owing to their smallholdings. Aggregating farmers through formal or informal cooperatives (coops) can
enable them to: (i) reduce production cost; (ii) increase/stabilize process yield; (iii) increase brand awareness; (iv) elimi-
nate unnecessary intermediaries; and (v) eliminate price uncertainty. To examine whether these effects will benefit the
members of such aggregation when they compete with other individual farmers, we present separate models to capture
the essence of these five effects. For each effect, we find that it is beneficial for a farmer to be part of the aggregation only
when the size of the aggregation is below a certain threshold. Also, while certain effects are beneficial to the market as a
whole, other effects are hurtful due to higher market price and/or lower production quantity.
Key words: cooperatives; socially responsible operations; cournot competition
History: Received: October 2013; Accepted: February 2015 by Mohan C.F. Sodhi, after 2 revisions.

are aggregating farmers to establish formal or

1. Introduction informal cooperatives (coops) as well as self-help
In emerging markets, the agricultural sector accounts groups. For example, in India, the National Co-
for a significant portion of economic activities. For operative Development Corporation (NCDC), estab-
example, in India, this sector accounts for 50% of the lished in 1963, is a statutory Corporation under the
workforce and for 17% of its GDP. Despite fast eco- Ministry of Agriculture. NCDC helps (formal or
nomic growth, most farmers in India and other informal) cooperatives to create common infrastruc-
emerging economies such as Brazil or China remain tural facilities and other income-generating assets
poor partly due to the fact that most farmers own to alleviate poverty in rural areas. Amul (http://
<2 hectares of land. According to the World Bank, www.amul.com), the largest food brand in India
over 660 million people in rural areas earned less and the world’s largest pouched milk brand with
than US$2 per day in 2011. As stated in the “India annual revenue of US$2.2 billion, is a cooperative.
Country Overview 2008” report issued by the World Private initiatives such as those of ITC’s e-Choupal
Bank (http://www.worldbank.org.in), there is a con- in India (http://www.itcportal.com) and Walmart’s
cern over current agricultural practices that are nei- Direct Farm program in China (http://www.wal-
ther economically nor environmentally sustainable. martchina.com) are the other examples of aggregat-
Specifically, India’s yields for many agricultural com- ing smallholder farmers. Self-help groups are other
modities are low, partly because farmers have limited forms of aggregation; for example, the Sadhu Cha-
access to advanced farming practice, reliable market ithanya Self Help Group in Kerala (India) conducts
information, and efficient sales channels, not to men- training for illiterate women from the farming
tion other obstacles such as access to credits, loans, communities in vegetable cultivation, mushroom
water and electricity.1 cultivation, fisheries, plant propagation, bee keep-
As a way to alleviate poverty among farmers ing, etc. so that these women can improve their
in emerging economies, government agencies, earnings (http://www.hindu.com/seta/2009/03/05
NGOs, social enterprises, and private companies /stories/2009030550161500.htm).
An, Cho, and Tang: Aggregating Smallholder Farmers
Production and Operations Management 24(9), pp. 1414–1429, © 2015 Production and Operations Management Society 1415

A notable aggregation takes the form of a formal 3. Stronger brand. By selling products under one
cooperative. The modern cooperative began in Eur- brand, aggregation members can collaborate on
ope in the late 19th century as a mechanism to help their marketing and develop better brand
farmers to alleviate poverty (Hoyt 1989). An agricul- awareness so as to increase the demand for
tural cooperative is an association that is managed by their products.
its farmer members who cooperate with other coop 4. Shorter supply chain. The aggregation can
members to generate economic benefit for its mem- increase their selling price by eliminating chan-
bers. According to the national council of farmer nel inefficiency (e.g., by selling through a direct
cooperatives (http://www.ncfc.org), there are over channel to the market).
3,000 cooperatives with over 2 million farmers in the 5. Exclusive direct sales with a guaranteed selling
United States. price. When the market price is uncertain, the
Aggregations of farmers focus on providing differ- aggregation can utilize its scale to create an
ent benefits to their members, including: (i) helping option by selling directly to a firm that offers a
members to reduce their cost by consolidating their guaranteed selling price (ex ante). However,
purchase of seeds, fertilizers, and farm machinery; individual farmers who are not part of the
and (ii) helping members to market their crops by cre- aggregation can only sell to the market at an
ating brand awareness. While aggregations of farmers uncertain price.
can potentially provide these benefits, the net effect is
We examine each of these five effects by analyzing
unclear because “aggregation members” (i.e., farmers
separate models so as to isolate the impact of each
who are part of the aggregation) and other “individ-
effect on the equilibrium values of (i) production
ual farmers” (i.e., farmers who are not part of the
quantity and profit, (ii) market price and total output,
aggregation) do compete in the commodity market.
and (iii) the size of the aggregation. Our analysis dem-
This has motivated us to develop analytical models to
onstrates the following results for each of the afore-
examine the impact of an aggregation of farmers on
mentioned effects:
the production quantities of its members and
other individual farmers, as well as its impact on the 1. Lower cost. The aggregation is beneficial to the
market in terms of selling price and total production market by reducing price and increasing total
quantity. quantity. Under open membership, all farmers
In this study, we consider a situation in which mul- will join the aggregation. However, under
tiple farmers produce a common crop (e.g., corn, exclusive membership, not all farmers will join
wheat, etc.). Because the farmers produce the same the aggregation.
crop, we shall assume that they engage in Cournot 2. Stable process yield. As the uncertainty of the
competition (i.e., the farmers compete on outputs) so total output of the aggregation is reduced, the
that the realized unit price for the farmer’s crop is a aggregation is beneficial to the market by
decreasing function of the total amount produced by reducing price and increasing total quantity.
all farmers. We shall examine a situation in which Under open membership, all farmers will join
there is one aggregation (which may be organized as the aggregation. However, under exclusive
an informal self-help group or a formal cooperative membership, not all farmers will join the
organized by a private company, a government aggregation.
agency or an NGO), and the membership of the aggre- 3. Stronger brand. The aggregation is beneficial to
gation is either “open” (under which each farmer is the market by increasing total quantity. How-
free to join) or “exclusive” (under which the admis- ever, improved brand awareness of the aggre-
sion of a new member is subject to the consent of exist- gation enables the aggregation to charge a
ing members of the aggregation). The aggregation can higher price than other individual farmers.
create five different effects to alleviate poverty: Under open membership, all farmers will join
the aggregation. However, under exclusive
1. Lower cost. Each member of the aggregation membership, not all farmers will join the
can reduce his marginal production cost via: (i) aggregation.
aggregate purchase of raw material; (ii) aggre- 4. Shorter supply chain. The aggregation does not
gate process by sharing facilities; or (iii) aggre- affect the market in terms of its price and total
gate investment in farming equipment and in quantity. Under open membership, not all
learning new farming techniques. farmers will join the aggregation. However,
2. Stable process yield. The aggregation can facili- under exclusive membership, once a farmer
tate mutual learning and idea exchanges for its joined a partnership with downstream partner(s)
members to reduce the uncertainty of their out- to shorten his supply chain, he will block all
put quantities. potential farmers joining this partnership.
An, Cho, and Tang: Aggregating Smallholder Farmers
1420 Production and Operations Management 24(9), pp. 1414–1429, © 2015 Production and Operations Management Society

when the aggregation size is less than production quantity of each aggregation member i in
6 f1 þ 1 þ 12ðn þ bÞg. Hence, the equilibrium
1 equilibrium satisfies:
aggregation size s ¼ 16 f1 þ 1 þ 12ðn þ bÞg. ðn  s þ 1ÞðaðsÞ  aÞ þ a  c
qi ¼ for i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; s;
kðn þ 1Þ
Corollary 2 reveals that all n farmers will join the ð14Þ
aggregation under open membership. Under exclu-
sive membership, the equilibrium aggregation size s
is increasing in the degree of yield uncertainty b. where qi is increasing in s if and only if @aðsÞ aðsÞ  a
@s [ n  s þ 1.
Also, the production quantity of each individual farmer j
5. Focusing on Improving Brand in equilibrium satisfies:
Awareness sða  aðsÞÞ þ a  c
qj ¼ for j ¼ s þ 1; s þ 2; . . .; n;
An aggregation can help its members to increase kðn þ 1Þ
demand by creating brand awareness (e.g., launching ð15Þ
promotion campaign using “cause marketing”). For
example, Lijjat Papad (http://www.lijjat.com) of where qj is decreasing in s. Moreover, qi  qj and
Mumbai founded in 1959 is a coop that focuses on pi ðsÞ  pj ðsÞ in equilibrium for any given s ≥ 1.
helping women to overcome hardship. This coop
manufactures and sells various products including Because each aggregation member enjoys a higher
Papad, Appalam, and Masala. Because many people selling price by increasing brand awareness, Proposi-
are aware of the mission of Lijjat Papad, its brand tion 2 suggests that each aggregation member i will
is well-recognized throughout India. Besides Lijjat always produce more and earn larger profit than an
Papad, Amul is another successful coop founded in individual farmer j in equilibrium.
1946 in India (http://www.amul.com). Not only are Now, let us examine the impact of the aggregation
Amul is the largest dairy coop in India, it has pro- on the market as a whole. In equilibrium, the total
moted its brands in USA, Australia, China, Singapore, output is Q ¼ sqi þ ðn  sÞqj , and the market price
and Hong Kong. Finally, in the developed economies, for an aggregation member i is pi ¼ aðsÞ  kQ , and
Fonterra of New Zealand (http://www.fonterra.com) the market price for an individual farmer j is
is the largest dairy coop with 10,500 members produc- pj ¼ a  kQ . By substituting qi and qj into these
ing 30% of the world’s dairy products. results, we show that the total output in equilibrium
To model consumer brand awareness of the is Q ¼ sðaðsÞ kðnaÞþþ1Þnða  cÞ that is increasing in s. Also,
aggregation, we consider the case when the con-
the market price for an aggregation member
sumer base of the products produced by the aggre-
gation with s members is equal to a(s), where a(s) is pi ¼ ðn  s þ 1ÞðaðsÞ  aÞ
þ aðn þ 1Þ  nða  cÞ
is increasing in s if
increasing for s ≥ 1 (For notational convenience, we and only if a(s) is increasing fast enough; that is,
@aðsÞ aðsÞ  a
define a(1) = a). Each farmer i who belongs to the @s [ n  s þ 1; however, the market price for an indi-
aggregation with s members produces qi , and will vidual farmer pj ¼ a þ nc n þ
sðaðsÞ  aÞ
is decreasing in s.
obtain a unit price pi ¼ aðsÞ  kQ for i = 1, 2, . . ., s,  

where Q is the total amount produced by all n farm- Moreover, pi  pj for s ≥ 1. This result reveals that
ers. Hence, the profit of each aggregation member i the market as a whole can benefit from the existence
can be written as: of an aggregation in terms of higher quantity. How-
ever, in terms of market price, the result is mixed.
pi ¼ faðsÞ  kQ  cgqi for i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; s: ð12Þ Specifically, the impact of the aggregation on the
member’s selling price pi is non-monotonic, while
Similarly, any individual farmer j produces qj will individual farmer’s selling price pj is monotonically
obtain a unit price pj ¼ a  kQ for j = s + 1,
decreasing in s. Hence, when the aggregation
s + 2, . . ., n, so that his profit is:
increases its brand awareness, the market price of the
pj ¼ fa  kQ  cgqj for j ¼ s þ 1; s þ 2; . . .; n: ð13Þ product produced by the aggregation members can
be higher. However, due to market competition, the
By considering the first-order conditions associated market price of the product produced by other indi-
with Equations (12) and (13), we establish the follow- vidual farmers is actually lower.
ing result: Finally, let us examine the size of the aggregation in
equilibrium. Proposition 2 reveals that, when the
PROPOSITION 2. Suppose there is an aggregation with s admission option is available to all farmers (i.e., under
members that improves brand awareness. Then the open membership), it is beneficial for all farmers to
An, Cho, and Tang: Aggregating Smallholder Farmers
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Although this stream of research has addressed dif- pannan (2012) reports that this coop reduces its pro-
ferent value-creation mechanisms of social enterprises duction cost by consolidating the purchase of fuel, oil,
in emerging economies, we analyze five other value- lubricants, and cane crushing equipment and by
creation mechanisms through aggregation that are improving the production efficiency of the sugar mill
commonly used to create value for smallholder farm- operations (e.g., preventive maintenance to reduce
ers. Because the impact of the effects of an aggrega- downtime, and production planning and scheduling
tion (as stated in the section 1) remains unclear to increase output). In South Africa, agricultural coops
especially when farmers are operating in a competi- have helped farmers to aggregate their purchase of
tive environment, we are interested in examining the seeds and fertilizers so that the coop members can
impact of these effects on the equilibrium outcomes of reduce their supply cost (Ortmann and King 2007).
aggregation members, other individual farmers, and Specifically, we consider the case when the unit
the market. production cost is c=s for each of the s aggregation
members.4 For any farmer i who belongs to the aggre-
gation with s (≥1) members and produces qi units, the
3. Focusing on Cost Reduction profit can be written as:5
Throughout this study, we consider a situation in  c h ci
which n symmetric (identical) smallholder farmers pi ðsÞ ¼ p  qi ¼ ða  kQÞ  qi for i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; s:
who produce a common crop (e.g., corn, wheat, etc.).2 s s
Because the farmers produce the same crop, we shall ð1Þ
assume that they engage in Cournot competition (i.e.,
Also, for any individual farmer j who is not part of
the farmers compete on outputs). Therefore, the real-
the aggregation, his profit is:
ized unit price for the farmers’ crop p can be
expressed as p = a  kQ, where Q is the total amount pj ðsÞ ¼ ðp  cÞqj ¼ ½ða  kQÞ  cqj for
produced by all n farmers. We examine a situation in ð2Þ
j ¼ s þ 1; s þ 2; . . .; n:
which there is one aggregation (which may be orga-
nized as a self-help group or organized as a formal or Throughout this study, we reserve the subscript i to
informal coop by a government agency, an NGO, a denote an aggregation member and j to denote an
social enterprise, or a private company),3 and the individual farmer who is not part of the aggrega-
aggregation membership is either “open” (under tion, respectively.
which each farmer is free to join) or “exclusive” By considering the first-order condition associated
(under which the admission of a new member is sub- with Equations (1) and (2), we establish the following
ject to the consent of existing aggregation members). result:
Both types of membership admission mechanisms are
commonly observed (Bloch 2001). Figure 1 depicts PROPOSITION 1. Suppose there is an aggregation with s
our model setup as described. members that focuses on cost reduction. Then for each
In this section, we examine the case when the aggre- aggregation member i, the output in equilibrium is:
gation focuses on reducing the marginal production
cost c. For example, consider the Chengalrayan coop a þ nc  ðs  1Þc c
qi ¼  for i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; s; ð3Þ
sugar mills located in the Tamil Nadu of India. Karup- kðn þ 1Þ ks
Figure 1 Unified Framework where qi is increasing in s if and only if s \ n þ 1.
For each individual farmer j, the output in equilibrium is:

a þ nc  ðs  1Þc c
s aggregation qj ¼  for j ¼ s þ 1; s þ 2; . . .; n;
kðn þ 1Þ k

where qj is decreasing in s. Moreover, qi  qj ¼

k ð1  s Þ  0 and pi ðsÞ  pj ðsÞ in equilibrium for any
p = a − bQ c 1

given s ≥ 1.

PROOF. All formal proofs are provided in

(n − s ) individual Appendix B. h
Because each aggregation member enjoys a lower
unit production cost, Proposition 1 suggests that each
An, Cho, and Tang: Aggregating Smallholder Farmers
1418 Production and Operations Management 24(9), pp. 1414–1429, © 2015 Production and Operations Management Society

aggregation member i will always produce more than process yield of farmer j that has Eðzj Þ ¼ l and
an individual farmer j in equilibrium. Varðzj Þ ¼ r2 . With the establishment of an aggrega-
Now, let us examine the impact of the aggregation tion with s members, an aggregation farmer i who
on the market as a whole. By noting that the total out- processes qi units will obtain an output, oi ¼ yi qi ,
put in equilibrium Q ¼ sqi þ ðn  sÞqj and the where Eðyi Þ ¼ ls and Varðyi Þ ¼ r2s . Hence, the “total
market price in equilibrium p ¼ a  kQ , it is easy actual output” from all n farmers is equal to:
to check from Equations (3) and (4) that O ¼ si¼1 yi qi þ nj¼sþ1 zj qj . We use O instead of the
Q ¼ nða kðn
cÞ þ ðs  1Þc
þ 1Þ and p ¼ a þ ncnþðs1  1Þc , where Q is deterministic variable Q to denote the total quantity
increasing in s and p is decreasing in s. Therefore, we as a way to highlight the fact that O is a stochastic var-
can conclude that, the market as a whole can benefit iable. To capture the benefit of improved yield for
from the existence of an aggregation due to lower aggregation members, we shall assume that ls  l
market price p and higher total quantity Q . and r2s  r2 , where ls ¼ l and r2s ¼ r2 when s = 1.
Finally, let us examine the size of the aggregation in For ease of our exposition, we shall assume the pro-
equilibrium. As one would expect, Proposition 1 cess yields are independent; i.e., yi ’s are independent;
implies that pi ðsÞ  pj ðsÞ so that an aggregation mem- the zj ’s are independent; and yi ’s and zj ’s are indepen-
ber i will always earn a higher profit than an individ- dent. Even though the process yield of different farm-
ual farmer j. Consequently, if the admission is left to ers within the same region may be correlated due to
the farmers (i.e., under open membership), then all n regional climate, we shall assume independent pro-
farmers will join the aggregation so that the equilib- cess yields for tractability.
rium aggregation size is equal to n. However, if the When the total actual output of all n farmers is
admission process requires the approval of existing equal to O, the market selling price of the crop is
aggregation members (i.e., under exclusive member- equal to (a  kO). By noting that each aggregation
ship), then existing members would admit a new member i can generate an output of oi units by pro-
member only if this new member will improve the cessing qi units, we can express the expected profit
profit of the existing members. To determine the equi- pi ðsÞ for each aggregation member i (= 1, . . ., s) as:
librium size of the aggregation which maximizes the
aggregation member’s profit under exclusive mem- pi ðsÞ ¼ Efða  kOÞoi  cqi g:
bership, we can utilize Q and qi given in Proposition
1 to check that the equilibrium size of an aggregation Similarly, we can express the expected profit pj ðsÞ
(i.e., aggregation size s that maximizes pi ðsÞ ¼ kðqi Þ2 ) for each individual farmer j (= s + 1, . . ., n) who
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi does not belong to the aggregation as:
is s ¼ n þ 1. This result suggests that, under
exclusive membership, the equilibrium aggregation
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pj ðsÞ ¼ Efða  kOÞoj  cqj g:
size s ¼ n þ 1ð\ nÞ. This result explains why vari-
ous aggregations (such as coops) in practice do not
By using Eðyi Þ ¼ ls and Varðyi Þ ¼ r2s for i = 1, . . ., s,
include all farmers in their local communities.
and Eðzj Þ ¼ l and Varðzj Þ ¼ r2 for j = s + 1, . . ., n,
we can show that the first-order condition for each
4. Focusing on Process Yield farmer can be expressed as follows:
@pi X X
When farmer’s crop is subject to random yield, aggre- ¼ als c2kqi r2s kqi l2s kl2s ql kls l ql
gations (or coops) can enable farmers to improve or @qi l¼1...;s l¼sþ1;...;n
stabilize their process yield. For example, the Agricul- ¼ 0 for all i;
tural Cooperatives for Ethiopia (ACE) program has ð5Þ
fostered the development of cooperative farms in
Ethiopia. Through the ACE program, coop members @pj X X
¼ alc2kqj r2 kqj l2 kl2 ql kls l ql
can learn the best farming skills to improve their @qj l¼sþ1;...;n l¼1...;s
process yield (Dorsey and Assefa 2005). Founded in
¼ 0 for all j:
1984, the Kilimanjaro Native Coop Union (KNCU) is
the Africa’s oldest coop that serves 60,000 coffee ð6Þ
farmer members who grow coffee on the slopes of
Kilimanjaro (http://www.kncutanzania.com). The The above equations enable us to establish the follow-
core function of this coop is to help farmers to improve ing relationship between (qi ) and (qj ) in equilibrium:
their process yield of the highest quality coffee.  
Traditionally, by processing qj units, an individual ð2r2s þ l2s Þ  ð2r2 þ l2 Þ  c 1 1
qi  qj ¼   0: ð7Þ
farmer j’s actual output is oj ¼ zj qj , where zj is the ls l k l ls
An, Cho, and Tang: Aggregating Smallholder Farmers
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Also, by solving (5) and (6), we get: Also, it is easy to check that the expected total out-
put O ¼ sls qi þ ðn  sÞlqj ¼ ðakðb þcÞðss2 ssþþnÞnÞ. From

ðals  cÞð2r þ ðn  s þ 1Þl Þ

2 2
Equations (10) and (11), we note that qi  qj for
 ðal  cÞls lðn  sÞ
qi ¼ s ≥ 1, which verifies Lemma 1(c).
kfð2rs þ ðs þ 1Þl2s Þð2r2 þ ðn  s þ 1Þl2 Þ
Next, let us examine the impact of the aggregation
 sðn  sÞðls lÞ2 g on the market as a whole. By noting that the total
for i ¼ 1; . . .; s ð8Þ
expected output in equilibrium is O ¼ sls qi þ
  ðn  sÞlqj ¼ ða  cÞðs2  s þ nÞ
2r2s þ l2s l  cð1  ll Þ kðb þ s2  s þ nÞ
and the expected market
qj ¼ qi  s
ða  cÞðs2  s þ nÞ
2r2 þ l2 ls kð2r2 þ l2 Þ selling price is p ¼ a  kO ¼ a  ðb þ s2  s þ nÞ
, it is
for j ¼ s þ 1; . . .; n: ð9Þ easy to check the following:

By examining (7), (8) and (9), we obtain the follow- COROLLARY 1. Suppose there is an aggregation with s
ing result: members that focuses on reducing the variance of the pro-
cess yield so that ls ¼ 1 and 2r2s ¼ bs  1. Then the
LEMMA 1. Suppose there is an aggregation with s mem- total expected output in equilibrium O is increasing in
bers that focuses on process yield improvement. Then the s, while the expected market price in equilibrium p is
following is true in equilibrium: decreasing in s.

(a) The process quantity of each aggregation member, Corollary 1 reveals that, when an aggregation
qi , is decreasing in r2s , whereas the process quan- focuses on reducing the variance of yield, the market
tity of each individual farmer, qj , is increasing in can benefit from the existence of an aggregation in
r2s . terms of higher production and lower price. Further-
ð2r2s þ l2s Þ
\ ð2r lþ l Þ, each aggregation mem-
2 2
(b) When ls more, Corollary 1 shows that the total expected out-
ber i will process more than an individual farmer j put O increases as the aggregation size s increases.
in equilibrium (i.e., qi [ qj ). This result is intuitive because, as the aggregation size
(c) When the aggregation can help its members to s increases, the variance of the process yields for the
reduce the variance of the process yield only so that aggregation members decreases. Consequently, the
ls ¼ l but r2s \ r2 ; each aggregation member i total expected output of the aggregation members
will process more than an individual farmer j in sEðyi qi Þ increases in the aggregation size s. In response
equilibrium (i.e., qi [ qj ). to this increase in process quantity of the aggregation
members, other individual farmers will process less
Lemma 1 reveals that, when an aggregation enables to avoid further reduction in the market price. Essen-
its aggregation members to gain a competitive edge tially, one can check from Equations (10) and (11) that
through a lower variance in process yield, aggrega- the increase in the total expected output of the aggre-
tion members can afford to process more as r2s gation members sEðyi qi Þ dominates the decrease in
decreases in equilibrium. However, to avoid further the total expected output of other individual farmers
reduction in the market price, other individual farm- ðn  sÞEðzj qj Þ, resulting in an increase of the total
ers will process less in equilibrium. expected output when the aggregation size s
Due to the complexity of Equations (8) and (9), let increases.
us consider a specific functional form of ls and r2s so Finally, let us examine the size of the aggregation in
that we can generate additional insights. To illustrate, equilibrium. By substituting the equilibrium outputs
consider the case when the aggregation can only qi ; qj ; O into the profit function pi ðsÞ and pj ðsÞ, we
reduce the variance of the process yield. Specifically, get:
we set ls ¼ l ¼ 1 and 2r2s ¼ bs  1 so that r2s is
convex-decreasing in s, where b (≥s) captures the COROLLARY 2. When ls ¼ 1 and 2r2s ¼ b
s  1, the fol-
uncertainty level of production yield.6 By substituting lowing results hold:
ls ¼ l ¼ 1 and 2r2s ¼ bs  1, and 2r2 ¼ b  1 into
(a) When the aggregation membership is open, each
Equations (8) and (9), we get:
farmer is always better off joining the aggregation
sða  cÞ in the equilibrium (i.e., pi ðsÞ [ pj ðsÞ for s ≥ 1).
qi ¼ ð10Þ Hence, the equilibrium aggregation size is equal
kðb þ s2  s þ nÞ
to n.
ða  cÞ (b) When the aggregation membership is exclusive, a
qj ¼ ð11Þ
kðb þ s2  s þ nÞ farmer can be admitted to the aggregation only
An, Cho, and Tang: Aggregating Smallholder Farmers
1420 Production and Operations Management 24(9), pp. 1414–1429, © 2015 Production and Operations Management Society

when the aggregation size is less than production quantity of each aggregation member i in
6 f1 þ 1 þ 12ðn þ bÞg. Hence, the equilibrium
1 equilibrium satisfies:
aggregation size s ¼ 16 f1 þ 1 þ 12ðn þ bÞg. ðn  s þ 1ÞðaðsÞ  aÞ þ a  c
qi ¼ for i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; s;
kðn þ 1Þ
Corollary 2 reveals that all n farmers will join the ð14Þ
aggregation under open membership. Under exclu-
sive membership, the equilibrium aggregation size s
is increasing in the degree of yield uncertainty b. where qi is increasing in s if and only if @aðsÞ aðsÞ  a
@s [ n  s þ 1.
Also, the production quantity of each individual farmer j
5. Focusing on Improving Brand in equilibrium satisfies:
Awareness sða  aðsÞÞ þ a  c
qj ¼ for j ¼ s þ 1; s þ 2; . . .; n;
An aggregation can help its members to increase kðn þ 1Þ
demand by creating brand awareness (e.g., launching ð15Þ
promotion campaign using “cause marketing”). For
example, Lijjat Papad (http://www.lijjat.com) of where qj is decreasing in s. Moreover, qi  qj and
Mumbai founded in 1959 is a coop that focuses on pi ðsÞ  pj ðsÞ in equilibrium for any given s ≥ 1.
helping women to overcome hardship. This coop
manufactures and sells various products including Because each aggregation member enjoys a higher
Papad, Appalam, and Masala. Because many people selling price by increasing brand awareness, Proposi-
are aware of the mission of Lijjat Papad, its brand tion 2 suggests that each aggregation member i will
is well-recognized throughout India. Besides Lijjat always produce more and earn larger profit than an
Papad, Amul is another successful coop founded in individual farmer j in equilibrium.
1946 in India (http://www.amul.com). Not only are Now, let us examine the impact of the aggregation
Amul is the largest dairy coop in India, it has pro- on the market as a whole. In equilibrium, the total
moted its brands in USA, Australia, China, Singapore, output is Q ¼ sqi þ ðn  sÞqj , and the market price
and Hong Kong. Finally, in the developed economies, for an aggregation member i is pi ¼ aðsÞ  kQ , and
Fonterra of New Zealand (http://www.fonterra.com) the market price for an individual farmer j is
is the largest dairy coop with 10,500 members produc- pj ¼ a  kQ . By substituting qi and qj into these
ing 30% of the world’s dairy products. results, we show that the total output in equilibrium
To model consumer brand awareness of the is Q ¼ sðaðsÞ kðnaÞþþ1Þnða  cÞ that is increasing in s. Also,
aggregation, we consider the case when the con-
the market price for an aggregation member
sumer base of the products produced by the aggre-
gation with s members is equal to a(s), where a(s) is pi ¼ ðn  s þ 1ÞðaðsÞ  aÞ
þ aðn þ 1Þ  nða  cÞ
is increasing in s if
increasing for s ≥ 1 (For notational convenience, we and only if a(s) is increasing fast enough; that is,
@aðsÞ aðsÞ  a
define a(1) = a). Each farmer i who belongs to the @s [ n  s þ 1; however, the market price for an indi-
aggregation with s members produces qi , and will vidual farmer pj ¼ a þ nc n þ
sðaðsÞ  aÞ
is decreasing in s.
obtain a unit price pi ¼ aðsÞ  kQ for i = 1, 2, . . ., s,  

where Q is the total amount produced by all n farm- Moreover, pi  pj for s ≥ 1. This result reveals that
ers. Hence, the profit of each aggregation member i the market as a whole can benefit from the existence
can be written as: of an aggregation in terms of higher quantity. How-
ever, in terms of market price, the result is mixed.
pi ¼ faðsÞ  kQ  cgqi for i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; s: ð12Þ Specifically, the impact of the aggregation on the
member’s selling price pi is non-monotonic, while
Similarly, any individual farmer j produces qj will individual farmer’s selling price pj is monotonically
obtain a unit price pj ¼ a  kQ for j = s + 1,
decreasing in s. Hence, when the aggregation
s + 2, . . ., n, so that his profit is:
increases its brand awareness, the market price of the
pj ¼ fa  kQ  cgqj for j ¼ s þ 1; s þ 2; . . .; n: ð13Þ product produced by the aggregation members can
be higher. However, due to market competition, the
By considering the first-order conditions associated market price of the product produced by other indi-
with Equations (12) and (13), we establish the follow- vidual farmers is actually lower.
ing result: Finally, let us examine the size of the aggregation in
equilibrium. Proposition 2 reveals that, when the
PROPOSITION 2. Suppose there is an aggregation with s admission option is available to all farmers (i.e., under
members that improves brand awareness. Then the open membership), it is beneficial for all farmers to
An, Cho, and Tang: Aggregating Smallholder Farmers
Production and Operations Management 24(9), pp. 1414–1429, © 2015 Production and Operations Management Society 1421

join the aggregation so that the equilibrium aggrega- Farm program in China under which Walmart pur-
tion size is equal to n. However, under the exclusive chases the crops directly from farmers.7 By cutting
membership, we can determine the equilibrium size the middlemen, farmers can obtain a higher price
of the aggregation s by maximizing an aggregation and Walmart can reduce their cost and improve the
member’s profit pi ðsÞ. From Equations (14) and (15), freshness of the produce.
we can conclude the following: While it is clear that the farmers should get a higher
selling price when all farmers are selling in a supply
COROLLARY 3. Suppose there is an aggregation with s chain through one distributor (e.g., a social enter-
members that improves brand awareness. Then under prise), it is not clear if this is the case when there are
exclusive membership,
 the equilibrium aggregation size s two competing supply chains operating in the same
satisfies @aðsÞ
¼ naðs Þa
 s þ 1
market: one supply chain has s aggregation members
s¼s selling through one distributor, and a competing sup-
ply chain has (n  s) individual farmers selling
To illustrate, let us examine the case when a(s) is through a supply chain with m layers of middlemen.
concave-increasing in s to reflect the case when the To ease our exposition, we shall consider the case
marginal benefit in brand awareness from adding a when m = 2.8
new member to the aggregation decreases as the Consider two competing supply chains. In the first
aggregation size increases. The same analysis can be supply chain, there is an aggregation of s (≥1) farm-
used to analyze the case when a(s) is convex-increas- ers who first sets its unit price r, and then sells its
ing to capture the potential “network effect” (i.e., crop directly to a single social enterprise. Given the
the consumer base grows exponentially as the size unit price r, the social enterprise determines the
of the aggregation grows). By applying Corollary 3
pffiffi quantity qi to be purchased from each aggregation
for the case when aðsÞ ¼ a s, the equilibrium aggre- member i so that sqi will be sold in the market by the
gation size satisfies: s ¼ 19 ð3n þ 5  2 3n þ 4Þ. first supply chain. In the second supply chain, there
Clearly, s is increasing in n. This is consistent with are (n  s) individual farmers who set their unit
the results presented in sections 3 and 4 for the price w1 and sell their crop to Intermediary 1. Given
aggregation that reduces marginal cost and yield w1 , Intermediary 1 sets it unit price w2 and sells the
uncertainty, respectively. crop to Intermediary 2. Given the unit price w2 ,
Intermediary 2 determines ðn  sÞqj , the total
6. Focusing on Improving Selling amount to be purchased from Intermediary 1,
which is the amount to be sold in the market by the
Prices Using Direct Channel second supply chain. As the social enterprise and
We now examine a situation in which an aggrega- intermediary 2 engage in Cournot competition, the
tion that helps members to increase their selling market price is equal to p = a  bQ, where
price through a direct channel that is often run by a Q ¼ sqi þ ðn  sÞqj represents the total quantity
social enterprise. Consider the coconut farmers in available for sales in the market. Figure 2 depicts the
the Philippines who usually sell their coconut prod- two competing supply chain as described.
ucts through many intermediaries and get only a We now analyze these two supply chains using
small fraction of the final market selling price for backward induction. First, we analyze the equilib-
their crop. Because these farmers do not have the rium outcomes of the social enterprise and intermedi-
requisite knowledge, experience or resources to sell ary 2 for any given selling prices set by the farmers
direct, the best alternative is to sell through a social and intermediary 1; that is, ðr; w1 ; w2 Þ. Second, we
enterprise by eliminating all other non-value added determine the equilibrium outcomes of intermediary
middlemen so that the farmers can get a higher 1 for any given selling prices set by the farmers,
price. For example, a for-profit social enterprise ðr; w1 Þ. Third, we analyze the equilibrium outcomes of
Coconut World is a distributor/retailer who buys the farmers (i.e., aggregation members and other indi-
coconut sugar (and other coconut products) directly vidual farmers).
from farmers in the Philippines and sells directly to To begin, for any given selling prices ðr; w1 ; w2 Þ, it is
retailers in the US. By shortening the supply chain, easy to check from the model description above that
the farmers get a higher selling price (Cameranesi the social enterprise’s profit is equal to
et al. 2010). Besides social enterprises, retail giants P0 ¼ ða  bQ  rÞsqi and intermediary 2’s profit is
such as Walmart, Carrefour and Metro have various equal to P2 ¼ ða  bQ  w2 Þðn  sÞqj , where
initiatives that are intended to cut the middlemen Q ¼ sqi þ ðn  sÞqj . By considering the derivative of
so that farmers can sell their produce at a higher P0 with respect to qi and the derivative of P2 with
price. For example, Walmart launched its Direct respect to qj , the equilibrium outcomes satisfy:
An, Cho, and Tang: Aggregating Smallholder Farmers
1422 Production and Operations Management 24(9), pp. 1414–1429, © 2015 Production and Operations Management Society

Figure 2 Supply Chain Configuration

r : selling price
s aggregation
Sell sqi

p = a − bQ : market price
where Q = sqi + (n − s )q j

w1 : selling price w2 : selling price

(n − s ) individual
Sell (n − s )q j

a  2r þ w2  a  2w2 þ r social enterprise (i.e., the direct channel) is equal to

qi ¼ ; qj ¼ ; and sqi ¼ 3b ð108 a  108
1 77 77
cÞ and the amount to be sold by
3bs 3bðn  sÞ ð16Þ
a  w2  r intermediary 2 is equal to ðn  sÞqj ¼ 3b ð54 a  19
1 19
54 cÞ,
Q ¼ :
3b where both quantities are independent of the size of
the aggregation s in equilibrium. Consequently, the
Next, for any given selling prices set by the farmers
total output Q ¼ sqi þ ðn  sÞqj ¼ 3bss
a  108

ðr; w1 Þ, intermediary 1’s profit is equal to
ðn  sÞ 19
P1 ¼ ðw2  w1 Þ½ðn  sÞqj . By using Equation (16) þ 3bðn  sÞ ð54 a  54 cÞ ¼ 3b ð108Þða  cÞ and the market
19 1 115

and by considering the derivative of P1 with respect  

price p ¼ a  kQ are also independent of s. There-
to w2 , intermediary 1 will charge w2 in equilibrium, fore, when the aggregation sells through a direct
where: channel, it has no impact on the market because the
total output and the market price in equilibrium are
a þ r þ 2w1
w2 ¼ : ð17Þ independent of s.
4 Next, let us compare the profit in equilibrium of
Finally, we analyze the equilibrium outcomes of the aggregation and other individual farmers. By using
aggregation members and individual farmers. For Equation (18) and retrieving the equilibrium out-
each of s aggregation members, the profit is equal to comes by backward substitutions through Equations
pi ¼ ðr  cÞqi for i = 1, . . ., s. Similarly, for each of (16) and (17), we can conclude the following:
those (n  s) individual farmers, the profit is equal
to pj ¼ ðw1  cÞqj for j = s + 1, . . ., n. By using PROPOSITION 3. Suppose there is an aggregation with s
Equations (16) and (17), and by considering the members that uses a direct channel to sell. Then the fol-
derivative of pi with respect to r and the derivative lowings are true in equilibrium:
of pj with respect to w1 , the prices in equilibrium (a) An aggregation member will produce more than
satisfy: an individual farmer if and only if
11 16 19 35 s \ 115
n  0:67n (i.e., qi [ qj if and only if
r ¼ a þ c; and w1 ¼ a þ c: ð18Þ s < 0.67n); and
27 27 54 54
(b) An aggregation member will earn more than an
By noting that r  w1 ¼ 543
ða  cÞ [ 0 , we can individual farmer if and only if s < 0.7n (i.e.,
conclude that, despite competition between two sup- pi ðsÞ [ pj ðsÞ if and only if s < 0.7n).
ply chains, aggregation members can always obtain
a higher selling price by shortening their supply By recalling from above that r [ w1 , one would
chain. expect the aggregation members will produce less to
To examine the impact of the aggregation on the support a higher selling price. However, as the aggre-
market as a whole, one can use Equations (16), (17), gation size s increases, it is easy to check from the
and (18) to show that the amount to be sold by the above that each aggregation member would need to
An, Cho, and Tang: Aggregating Smallholder Farmers
Production and Operations Management 24(9), pp. 1414–1429, © 2015 Production and Operations Management Society 1423
reduce his quantity sold qi to avoid price erosion (i.e., Normalð0; r2 Þ and Q ¼ nl¼sþ1 ql .10 This setting
qi ¼ 3bs ð108 a  108
1 77 77
cÞ is decreasing in the aggregation resembles the operations of the e-Choupal initiative
size s) and each individual farmer would respond by launched by ITC (http://www.itcportal.com) in
increasing his amount sold qj ¼ 3bðn1 sÞ ð19 54 a  54 cÞ,
2000 that was intended to help soya bean farmers
which is increasing in the aggregation size s. This in Madhya Pradesh to obtain a fair and stable sell-
explains Proposition 3(a): an aggregation member ing price of their crops.11 Specifically, ITC works
would sell more than an individual farmer when the with villagers to select a trained representative who
aggregation size is sufficiently small. helps them to access ITC’s web portal (via a kiosk)
Next, let us examine the size of the aggregation in in order to learn of the commodity prices traded at
equilibrium under open membership. To begin, recall various mandis (open markets) in different loca-
from Equation (18) that the aggregation members can tions in the previous day. At the same time, ITC
obtain a higher selling price r than other individual announces on its portal its offer to purchase the
farmers w1 ; i.e., r [ w1 , where r and w1 are inde- produce from the farmer at a fixed price. This way,
pendent of s. Also, recall from the above each farmer has two options: (i) sell to ITC accord-
qi ¼ 3bs ð108 a  108
1 77 77
cÞ is decreasing s, while ing to the pre-announced price (Sodhi and Tang

qj ¼ 3bðn  sÞ ð54 a  54 cÞ is increasing in s. These obser-
1 19 19 2012), or (ii) sell at the mandi at an uncertain mar-
ket price in the next day.
vations implies that the profit of each aggregation
Consider n identical risk-averse farmers that is com-
member pi ¼ ðr  cÞqi is decreasing in s, while the
monly assumed in development economics literature
profit of each individual farmer pj ¼ ðw1  cÞqj is
(Cardenas and Carpenter 2008). For any wealth z,
increasing in s. By comparing pi and pj , Proposition 3 each farmer’s utility function UðzÞ ¼ 1  eqz , where
(b) reveals that joining the aggregation is beneficial as q > 0. For each aggregation member i who produces
long as s < 0.7n; that is, pi ðsÞ [ pj ðsÞ if and only if and sells qi directly to the risk-neutral firm at a pre-
s < 0.7n. Hence, the equilibrium aggregation size is announced unit price pi ¼ a  bqi , his profit is equal
equal to 0.7n. This result is in contrast to the results to pi ¼ ða  bqi  cÞqi and his utility is equal to
obtained from the other models presented earlier in Uðpi Þ ¼ 1  eq½ða  bqi  cÞqi  , where i = 1, . . ., s. In this
sections 3, 4, and 5 that all farmers will join the aggre- case, maximizing the utility of an aggregation mem-
gation under open membership. This result may help ber is the same as maximizing CEi ¼ ða  bqi  cÞqi ,
explaining why some farmers do not join the aggrega- where CEi is known as the “certainty equivalence.”
tion in practice as observed by Coconut World (Came- By considering the first derivative, the optimal pro-
ranesi et al. 2010). duction and sales quantity of each aggregation mem-
Under exclusive membership, the equilibrium 2

aggregation size s ¼ 1 because the aggregation ber i is qi ¼ a2b c

and the optimal CEi ¼ ða  cÞ
4b , where

member’s profit pi ðsÞ ¼ 3bs 1 77  11

ð27  108Þða  cÞ2 is decreas- i = 1, 2, . . ., s. Next, for each individual farmer
ing in s. This suggests that only one farmer would sell j(= s + 1, s + 2, . . ., n) who does not belong to the
through the social enterprise by blocking the entry of aggregation, farmer j will sell its crop in the open
other farmers. Hence, we suggest that the aggregation market with uncertain market price. When the total
amount to be sold in the open market is equal to
focusing on improving selling prices using direct P
channel should be operated under open membership Q ¼ nl¼sþ1 ql , the market price is equal to
so as to prevent that only one farmer can enjoy the (a  bQ + ). Farmer j0 s profit is equal to pj ¼
entire benefits of the aggregation alone under exclu- ða  bQ þ   cÞqj and his expected utility is equal to
q 2 2
sive membership. EðUj Þ ¼ 1  Eðeq½ðabQþcÞqj  Þ ¼ 1  eq½ðabQcÞqj 2r ðqj Þ  .
The term CEj ¼ ða  bQ  cÞqj  q2 r2 ðqj Þ2 is known as
7. Focusing on Reducing Selling Price the certainty equivalence, and maximizing the
Risk expected utility EðUj Þ is the same as maximizing CEj .
Hence, we focus on CEj . By considering the best
We now examine a situation in which each farmer response of each individual farmer, we can determine
can either: (i) join an aggregation with s members the equilibrium quantity qj of each individual farmer
and sell directly to a risk-neutral firm that offers a
j as qj ¼ bðnsþ1Þþqr
2 . By substituting qj into CEj , the
guaranteed unit price pi ¼ a  bqi for i = 1,2, . . ., s
where qi is the process quantity of an aggregation equilibrium certainty equivalence CEj can be
member i;9 or (ii) refuse to join the aggregation and expressed as: CEj ¼ ðq2 r2 þ bÞðqj Þ2 ¼ ðq2 r2 þ bÞ
sell in the open market with uncertain unit price 2
2  . We summarize the production quanti-
pj ¼ a  bQ þ  for j = s + 1, s + 2, . . ., n that
depends on uncertain market condition , where ties and the certainty equivalences in equilibrium for
An, Cho, and Tang: Aggregating Smallholder Farmers
1424 Production and Operations Management 24(9), pp. 1414–1429, © 2015 Production and Operations Management Society

Table 1 Equilibrium Outcomes in Table 1, we can show that CEi [ CEj if and only if
Aggregation ½bðn  sÞ þ qr2 2 [ b2 ½3  2ðn  sÞ. By noting this
member i Individual farmer j condition holds when s ≤ n  1 for any value of
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
Production quantity qi ¼ ac
2b qj ¼ a c
bðn  s þ 1Þ þ qr2 0 \ r2  qb 3, and it holds when r2 [ qb 3 for any
Certainty equivalent CEi ¼ ða  cÞ 2
CEj ¼ ðq2 r2 þ bÞ½bðn  saþ1Þc þ qr2 2 value of s, we can draw the following conclusion.
First, when price uncertainty is sufficiently high (say,
r2 [ qb 3), CEi [ CEj for any value of s. Hence,
the aggregation members and other individual farm- under open membership, the equilibrium aggregation
ers in Table 1. size is equal to n. Second, when price uncertainty is
Based on the equilibrium outcomes summarized pffiffiffi
low (say, r2  qb 3), the equilibrium aggregation size
in Table 1, we can compare the selling prices of the
is equal to (n  1) under open membership. Finally,
aggregation members and other individual farmers
under exclusive membership, it is easy to check
as well as the certainty equivalences. First, the
that existing aggregation members will not oppose
unit selling price of each aggregation member i is
to the admission of new members because the cer-
equal to pi ¼ a  bqi ¼ a þ2 c : Second, the expected
tainty equivalence of each aggregation member
unit selling price of each individual farmer j is 2

equal to Eðpj Þ ¼ a  bQ ¼ a  bðn  sÞqj ¼ a  CEi ¼ ða  cÞ

4b is independent of the size of the aggrega-
bðn  sÞ½bðn  saþ1Þc þ qr2 , which is increasing in r. tion s in equilibrium. Hence, new member will join
the aggregation only when CEi [ CEj . Conse-
Hence, each aggregation farmer obtains a higher sell-
ing price only when the open market price uncer- quently, the equilibrium aggregation size under
tainty r is sufficiently low. More formally, we have: exclusive membership is the same as in the case of
open membership.
PROPOSITION 4. Suppose there is an aggregation with s Throughout section 3 to section 7, we have charac-
members that focuses on reducing selling price risks. terized the equilibrium outcomes including strategic
Then aggregation member i obtains a higher selling quantity decisions, profits, market price, total produc-
price than an individual farmer j if and only if tion in the market, and the equilibrium aggregation
sizes under both open and exclusive membership. We
r2 \ qb fðða2acÞðn
 1g. In other words, pi [ Eðpj Þ if
summarize these results in Table 2. We further high-
and only if r2 \ qb fðða2acÞðn
 1g. light the insights from these results in section 8 where
we conclude our study.
Proposition 4 can be explained as follows. When r
is sufficiently high, each risk-averse individual farmer 8. Concluding Remarks
j would produce less to reduce the risk of selling at a
lower price; that is, qj is decreasing in r (Table 1). In this study, we have investigated the five opera-
Consequently, individual farmers’ market price is tional effects created by an aggregation, and charac-
greater than the aggregation members’ when r is suf- terized the strategic quantity decisions of aggregation
ficiently high. This observation implies that the aggre- members and other individual farmers for each of the
gation member will obtain a higher price than the five effects. Further, we have examined the impact of
individual farmer only when r is sufficiently low. these effects of an aggregation on the market as a
Consider a special case in which the risk-neutral firm whole in terms of market price and total production
offers a guaranteed unit price pi ¼ a  bqi that has quantity. Even though we analyze separate models so
a = a, and b = b. (This situation is essentially the case as to isolate the impact of each effect, our models can
when the risk-neutral firm absorbs the price uncer- serve as building blocks for analyzing the case when
multiple effects are present simultaneously in a single
tainty.) In this case, the threshold qb fðða2acÞðn
 1g is aggregation. However, the analysis of a single model
reduced to qb ðn  s  1Þ and pi [ Eðpj Þ if and only if that deals with multiple effects simultaneously is
r2 \ qb ðn  s  1Þ. Also, observe that the threshold complex and we shall defer such analysis to future
b ðða  cÞðn  sÞ
q f 2a  a  c  1g is decreasing in s. This implies We have shown that most of the effects of an
pi [ Eðpj Þ occurs when the size of the aggregation is aggregation are beneficial to the market as a whole
sufficiently large. in terms of lower market price and higher total pro-
Next, we examine and compare the certainty equi- duction, but other effects are hurtful to the market
valences of aggregation members and other individ- in terms of higher market price (e.g., the aggrega-
ual farmers in equilibrium. By considering the special tion focusing on improving brand awareness).
case when a = a, and b = b and by utilizing the results When certain aggregation effects hurt the market,
Table 2 Equilibrium Outcomes Summary

Section 3* Section 4† Section 5‡ Section 6§ Section 7¶

a þ nc  ðs  1Þc sða  cÞ aðn  s þ 1Þð s  1Þ þ a  c 1 ac
qi  c 77 ða  cÞ
k ðn þ 1Þ ks k ðb þ s 2  s þ nÞ k ðn þ 1Þ 3bs 108 2b
a þ nc  ðs  1Þc ða  cÞ asð s  1Þ þ a  c 1 a c
qj  c 19 ða  cÞ
k ðn þ 1Þ k k ðb þ s 2  s þ nÞ k ðn þ 1Þ 3bðn  sÞ 54 bðn  s þ 1Þ þ qr2
sb a c 1 77  11 ða  cÞ2 ða  cÞ2
pi k ðqi Þ2 k ðqi Þ2 CEi ¼
3bs 27  108 4b
An, Cho, and Tang: Aggregating Smallholder Farmers

k b þ s2  s þ n
 2  2  2
b a c 1 19 ða  cÞ2 q a c
k ðqj Þ2 k ðqj Þ2 CEj ¼ ð r2 þ bÞ
2 2
k b þ s2  s þ n 3bðn  sÞ 54 bðn  s þ 1Þ þ qr
8 pffiffiffi 8
>   >  a þ c
< p  ¼ að s  1Þðn  s þ 1Þ þ a þ nc < pi ¼ 2
a þ nc  ðs  1Þc ða  cÞðs 2  s þ nÞ i 
p a  p
n ffiffiþ
ffi 1 a  k 115 ða  cÞ
n þ1 ðb þ s 2  s þ nÞ >
: p  ¼ a þ nc  asð s  1Þ 3b 108 :
> E ðpj Þ ¼ a  bðn  sÞ a c
j n þ1 bðn  s þ 1Þ þ qr2
nða  cÞ þ ðs  1Þc ða  cÞðs 2  s þ nÞ asð s  1Þ þ nða  cÞ 1 a c
Q 115 ða  cÞ ðn  sÞ
k ðn þ 1Þ k ðb þ s 2  s þ nÞ k ðn þ 1Þ 3b 108 bðn  s þ 1Þ þ qr2

n if r2 [ bq 3
(so )** n n n 0.7n
n 1 otherwise

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi n if r2 [ bq 3
(se )†† n þ1 1 f1 þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 þ 12ðn þ bÞg 1 ð3n þ 5  2pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
3n þ 4Þ 1
6 9 n 1 otherwise

*Focusing on cost reduction.

Focusing on process yield improvement.

Focusing on improving brand awareness.
Production and Operations Management 24(9), pp. 1414–1429, © 2015 Production and Operations Management Society

Focusing on improving selling prices using direct channel.

Focusing on reducing selling price risks.
**so : The size of aggregation in equilibrium under open membership.
se : The size of aggregation in equilibrium under exclusive membership.
An, Cho, and Tang: Aggregating Smallholder Farmers
1426 Production and Operations Management 24(9), pp. 1414–1429, © 2015 Production and Operations Management Society

higher market price can help farmers break their case when the number of aggregations in the market
poverty cycle. Besides aggregations, governments in is determined endogenously. Such analysis would
developing countries have instituted various policies enable us to characterize the aggregation structure in
(quotas or tariffs for importing or exporting various equilibrium. Fourth, due to the decentralized decision
commodities) to prevent price erosion (Gillson et al. making of the members of aggregation, one can
2004). However, as shown in this study, agricultural expect there would be free-riding problem on produc-
cooperatives can be an alternative way to improve tion quantity and quality. Hence, extending our
farmers’ earnings without government interventions. models to incorporate the issue of free-riding and
We have also provided the conditions under which self-interest could result in newer insights. Finally,
the farmers should join an aggregation in each of the while our models focus on the operational effects
five effects. Based on our analysis, we have observed associated with aggregation, there are other issues
a general pattern: it is beneficial for a farmer to join such as corruption and bureaucracy that tend to
the aggregation only when the size of the aggregation happen in emerging economies deserve further
is below a certain threshold. This result can be intui- examination.
tively explained as follows: One would expect that
each of the five operational effects can boost each
aggregation member’s profit. However, as the size of Acknowledgments
the aggregation increases, this benefit diminishes so The authors are grateful to George Georgiadis, Professor
that the incentive to admit a new member decreases. Mohan Sodhi, and anonymous reviewers for their helpful
This explains why there is a critical size after which comments on an earlier version of this study.
the admission of new members has an adverse effect
on the existing members’ profit.
Further, it is worth noting from Table 2 that the
Appendix A
equilibrium size of the aggregation would be different In this appendix, we describe how our model for the
depending on the type of cooperative formation: (i) cost reduction case in section 3 can be extended to the
open membership: farmers are free to join or leave the case when an admission fee f ( > 0) is required for a
aggregation; or (ii) exclusive membership: the admis- farmer to join an aggregation. The modified profit
sion process requires the approval of existing aggre- function of each aggregation member i ( = 1, 2, . . ., s)
gation members. Further, our analysis of the becomes p ~i ðsÞ ¼ pi ðsÞ  f, where pi ðsÞ is stated in sec-
equilibrium aggregation size explains why not all tion 3. The modified profit function of each individual
farmers join an aggregation (or a coop) in practice farmer j (= s + 1,s + 2, . . ., n) becomes p ~j ðsÞ ¼ pj ðsÞ
even when each effect is beneficial to aggregation where pj ðsÞ is stated in section 3. By considering the
members. For example, the aggregation focusing on first order conditions, we can show that the modified
improving selling prices using direct channel (section process quantity in equilibrium is given as
6) can explain this counter-intuitive phenomenon
~qi ¼ a þ nc  ðs  1Þc
kðn þ 1Þ  ksc for all i and ~qj ¼ a þ nc  ðs  1Þc
kðn þ 1Þ 
observed in practice (only a fraction of farmers join an    
aggregation even under open membership). This can ~ ~
k for all j. It is easy to see that qi ¼ qi and qj ¼ qj for

be one of the reasons why we do not observe the all i,j where qi and qj are stated in section 3. Further-
grand coalition (i.e., all n farmers join the aggregation) more, the modified total output Q ~  ¼ s~q þ ðn  sÞ~q
i j
in practice. ~  also
and the modified market price ~p ¼ a  kQ
Our models have several limitations that deserve
remain the same (i.e., Q ¼ Q and ~p ¼ p where Q
further investigation. First, because we examine dif-
ferent effects through separate models, an obvious and p are stated in section 3). Hence, we conclude
extension would be to consider ways to analyze the that the equilibrium outcomes including process
value created by combining different aggregation quantities, market price, and total output remain
effects simultaneously. To analyze the value of com- unchanged even if we introduce a positive admission
bining different aggregation effects, one needs to con- fee to the model. However, the equilibrium size of the
struct a unified model which incorporates multiple aggregation under open membership can be different
effects so as to examine the relationships among the because the equilibrium profit of an aggregation
effects analytically. Second, note that our analysis is member is not necessarily larger than that of an indi-
based on the assumption that all farmers are identical. vidual farmer. Specifically, a farmer will join the
Hence, it is of interest to extend our model to the case aggregation if p ~i ðsÞ [ p
~j ðsÞ under open membership.
when farmers are non-identical even though the equi- This condition is equivalent to pi ðsÞ  pj ðsÞ [ f.
librium may not be unique. Third, by noting that our Thus, if the admission fee is sufficiently high (i.e.,
analysis is limited to the case when there is only one f [ pi ðsÞ  pj ðsÞ), no farmers will join the aggrega-
aggregation (or coop), it is of interest to consider the tion under open membership. This result is different
An, Cho, and Tang: Aggregating Smallholder Farmers
Production and Operations Management 24(9), pp. 1414–1429, © 2015 Production and Operations Management Society 1427

from the result in section 3 where all farmers join the O is increasing in s. Consequently, the expected
aggregation under open membership without the market price p ¼ a  kO is decreasing in s. h
admission fee. Under exclusive membership, we
can determine the equilibrium size ~s by maximizing
an aggregation member’s profit p ~i ðsÞ. Since PROOF OF COROLLARY 2. Substituting qi , qj ; and O
~i ðsÞ ¼ pi ðsÞ  f, maximizing p
p ~i ðsÞ is the same as into pi ðsÞ ¼ Efða  kO Þyi qi  cqi g and pj ðsÞ ¼
maximizing pi ðsÞ. Hence, it is easy to show that Efða  kO Þzj qj  cqj g yields pi ðsÞ ¼ sb ac
k ðb þ s2  s þ nÞ
~s ¼ n þ 1 which is the same as s stated in section and pj ðsÞ ¼ bk ðb þ sa2cs þ nÞ2 . It is easy to see that
3. Therefore, the equilibrium size under exclusive
pi ðsÞ  pj ðsÞ for s ≥ 1. Hence, under open member-
membership remains the same.
ship, each farmer is better off by joining the aggre-
gation. Next, under exclusive membership, we can
Appendix B. Proofs determine the equilibrium size of the aggregation s
PROOF OF PROPOSITION 1. From Equations (1) and (2), by maximizing the aggregation member’s profit
it is easy to see that profit functions pi ðsÞ and pj ðsÞ pi ðsÞ. By considering the condition in which b is suf-
are concave in qi and qj , respectively. Hence the first ficiently small to ensure that Probðyi \ 0Þ  0 for all
i and Probðzj \ 0Þ  0 for all j, it is easy to show that
order condition is necessary and sufficient to obtain
the equilibrium process quantities. Taking the first the second derivative of pi ðsÞ ¼ sbk ðb þ sa2cs þ nÞ2 with
derivatives of Equations (1) and (2) yields respect to s is negative for s ≥ 1. This implies pi ðsÞ is
@pi ðsÞ concave in s (≥1). Hence, by considering the first
@qi ¼ a  kQ  s  kqi ¼ 0 for i = 1, 2, . . ., s and
order condition, it is easy to check that the equilib-
@pj ðsÞ
¼ a  kQ  c  kqj ¼ 0 for j = s + 1, s + 2, pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
@qj rium aggregation size s ¼ 16 f1 þ 1 þ 12ðn þ bÞg. h
. . ., n. We obtain a unique solution to this set of
equations given by qi ¼ a þ nc  ðs  1Þc
kðn þ 1Þ  ksc for i = 1,
a þ nc  ðs  1Þc PROOF OF PROPOSITION 2. From Equations (12) and
2, . . ., s and qj ¼ kðn þ 1Þ  c
for j = s + 1,
k (13), we compute the first order condition
@q @pj
s + 2, . . ., n. Then, @si ¼ kc ðs12  n þ1 1Þ, which is strictly @pi
¼ aðsÞ  kQ  c  kqi ¼ 0 and ¼ a  kQ 
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi @qi @qj
positive if and only if s \ n þ 1. Also, it is obvious c  kqj ¼ 0. Solving the system of linear equations
that qj is decreasing in s from Equation (4). Finally,
yields qi ¼ ðn  s þ 1ÞðaðsÞ  aÞ þ a  c
kðn þ 1Þ and qj ¼ sða kðn
aðsÞÞ þ a  c
þ 1Þ .
rearranging terms from Equations (3) and (4) shows 
Taking the first derivative of qi with respect to s
qi  qj ¼ kc ð1  1s Þ  0 for any s ≥ 1. By substitut- @q
ing the first order conditions into the profit func- shows that @si [ 0 if and only if @aðsÞ aðsÞ  a
@s [ n  s þ 1. This

implies qi is increasing in s if and only if
tions, we obtain pi ¼ kðqi Þ2 and pj ¼ kðqj Þ2 . @aðsÞ a 
Consequently, we can conclude pi  pj in equilib- @s [ naðsÞ
 s þ 1. Further, it is easy to see that qj is

rium for any s ≥ 1. h decreasing in s, and qi  qj given that a(s) ≥ a from
Equations (12) and (13). Finally, we have pi  pj
because pi ¼ kðqi Þ2 and pj ¼ kðqj Þ2 . h
PROOF OF LEMMA 1. Observe that qi is decreasing in
r2s from Equation (8). Also, because
PROOF OF COROLLARY 3. Since pi ðsÞ ¼ kðqi Þ2 , it suf-
l ðals  cÞð2r2 þ ðn  s þ 1Þl2 Þ  ðal  cÞls lðn  sÞ
qj ¼ fices to maximize qi for maximizing pi ðsÞ. After
ls ð2r þ l Þ
2 2
kf2r2 þ ðn  s þ 1Þl2 þ sls ð2r2 þl2 Þg
2 2 2

2rs þls @ 2 qi @ 2 aðsÞ

cð1  ll Þ some algebra, we obtain @s2
¼ @s2
ðn  s þ 1Þ 
; 2 @aðsÞ which is always negative because a(s) is con-
kð2r2 þ l2 Þ @s ,
cave-increasing in s (i.e., @aðsÞ @ aðsÞ 2

@s [ 0 and @s2
\ 0).
it is easy to see that qj is increasing in r2s . This Therefore, pi ðsÞ is maximized at s that s satisfies
proves part (a). The results stated in part (b) and (c) @qi
the first order condition (i.e., ¼ 0 () daðsÞ
ds s¼s ¼
follow immediately from Equation (7). h 
aðs Þ  a
n  s þ 1). h

PROOF OF COROLLARY 1. We can rewrite the total

ða  cÞðs2  s þ nÞ PROOF OF PROPOSITION 3. By retrieving all
expected output O ¼ kðb þ s2  s þ nÞ
as O ¼
equilibrium outcomes by backward substitutions
ða  cÞ
. Since ðs2  s þ nÞ is increasing in s (≥1), through Equations (17) and (16), we have
kð1 þ 2 b Þ
s sþn
An, Cho, and Tang: Aggregating Smallholder Farmers
1428 Production and Operations Management 24(9), pp. 1414–1429, © 2015 Production and Operations Management Society

w2 ¼ 108
a þ 108
c and qi ¼ 3bs ð108 a  108
1 77 77
cÞ and model can be easily extended to the case when there is an
 admission fee. In Appendix A, we illustrate how our
qj ¼ 3bðn  sÞ ð54 a  54 cÞ. Rearranging terms shows
1 19 19
model (for the cost reduction case) can be extended to the
that qi [ qj if and only if s \ 77
115 n. Further, case when an admission fee is required for a farmer to

pi ¼ ðr  cÞqi 1 77  11
¼ 3bs ð27  108Þða  cÞ2 for i = 1, . . ., s join an aggregation.
We assume that b is sufficiently small so that we avoid
and pj ¼ ðw1  cÞqj ¼ 3bðn1 sÞ ð19 2
 cÞ2 for
54Þ ða the case of negative yield, i.e., Probðyi \ 0Þ  0 for all i
j = s + 1, . . ., n. By rearranging terms, it is easy to and Probðzj \ 0Þ  0 for all j.
see that pi [ pj if and only if s < 0.7n. h Since the launch of Walmart’s Direct Farm program in
2007, over 700,000 farmers have participated in 2010 (See
http://www.wal-martchina.com for details).
One can consider the case where m > 2 but this compli-
PROOF OF PROPOSITION 4. We obtained the desired
cates the analysis significantly without providing addi-
results by comparing pi ¼ a þ2 c and Eðpj Þ ¼ a  tional insight.
bðn  sÞ½bðn  saþ1Þc þ qr2 : h 9
When there is an aggregation at the upstream tier of the
supply chain selling to risk-neutral firms at the second
tier, then we can obtain a linear demand function as
Notes shown in Corbett and Karmarkar (2001).
Technically, a firm can purchase directly with a single
Recently, Dawande et al. (2012) examine a water distribu- farmer without any aggregation requirement. However, in
tion problem arising from inefficient surface water alloca- most instances, this firm is a large multi-national company
tions among farmers that yield sub-optimal productivity. who buys crops as basic ingredients for their products.
To overcome this inefficiency that is caused by the natural Due to the scale of its operations, the firm usually deals
flow of water that goes through primary farms first and with the aggregation so that the scale of the transaction is
secondary farms second, they propose different mecha- large enough to justify direct purchases. For example,
nisms (internal payment, water guarantee, and reward) under the “Creating Shared Value” initiative, Nestle is
that help both primary and secondary farms to achieve committed to help poor farmers economically. They now
socially optimal water allocation. buy coffee beans directly from aggregation members in
Because we consider the case of poor and small farmers Ivory Coast under an exclusive arrangement at a guaran-
in developing countries, it is reasonable to assume that teed price. The reader is referred to Lee et al. (2015) for
every farmer has the similar scale of operations. details.
3 11
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