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Seismic stability analysis of gravity retaining wall supporting c–φ soil with

Article  in  Soils and Foundations -Tokyo- · May 2019

DOI: 10.1016/j.sandf.2019.01.004


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Xinpo Li Zhao Shuxi

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Siming He Xiaoqin Lei

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Soils and Foundations 59 (2019) 1103–1111

Seismic stability analysis of gravity retaining wall supporting c–u

soil with cracks
Xinpo Li a,b,c,⇑, Shuxi Zhao b,c, Siming He a,b,d, Qiwei Yan b,c, Xiaoqin Lei a,b,d
The Key Laboratory of Mountain Hazards and Earth Surface Process, CAS, Chengdu 610041, China
Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS, Chengdu 610041, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China

Received 31 March 2018; received in revised form 6 November 2018; accepted 21 January 2019
Available online 13 May 2019


This article presents an analytical approach for the seismic stability analysis of gravity retaining wall with c–u backfill soil. Cracks
which are pre-existing (open before the collapse) and are form as part of slope collapse are considered. For a translational failure mech-
anism assumed, formulas are provided to calculate directly the yield acceleration and the inclination of failure surface. Factors such as
cracks and cracks opening, wall back inclination, soil-wall friction, backfill slope are easily to be coupled into the formulations. Both the
depth and most adverse location of the crack can be determined from the optimization procedure. Comparisons are made with existing
methods and the influences of cracks opening are discussed. The influence of a crack presence on seismic stability of soil-wall system is
distinct and pre-existing (opened) cracks have more adverse effect.
Ó 2019 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society.

Keywords: Seismic stability analysis; Limit analysis; Retaining wall; c–u soil; Cracks

1. Introduction earthquake (Ling et al., 2001), the 2004 Chuetsu earth-

quake (Trandafir et al., 2009), and the 2008 Wenchuan
Gravity walls are widely used as earth retaining struc- earthquake (Han et al., 2009).
tures supporting fill soils adjacent to roads and residential To estimate seismic active earth pressure on retaining
areas, also in regions prone to earthquake. Many research- walls from backfill soil, the Mononobe–Okabe (M-O)
ers have developed design methods for retaining walls dur- method or its extensions are most widely used
ing earthquakes by using different approaches. Though the (Mononobe and Matsuo, 1929; Richards and Elms, 1979;
quest for rational design methods of retaining structures Saran and Gupta, 2003). M-O method is originally devel-
has been pursued for several decades, deformations rang- oped for cohesionless soil only. Saran and Gupta (2003)
ing from slight displacement to catastrophic failure have extended M-O method to evaluate seismic earth pressure
been observed in many earth retaining structures during on retaining wall supporting c–u soils. However, in these
the recent major earthquakes, including the 1999 Ji-Ji approaches pressure due to the contributions of friction
and cohesion are optimized separately, which can produce
two distinct failure planes. Richards and Shi (1994) pre-
Peer review under responsibility of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. sented a plasticity-based solution to calculate seismic lat-
⇑ Corresponding author at: The Key Laboratory of Mountain Hazards eral earth pressure limited to vertical walls retaining
and Earth Surface Process, CAS, Chengdu 610041, China. horizontal c–u backfill. Shukla et al. (2011, 2013) extended
E-mail address: (X. Li).
0038-0806/Ó 2019 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society.
1104 X. Li et al. / Soils and Foundations 59 (2019) 1103–1111

Coulomb’s expression for the seismic force on walls sup- surface makes with the horizontal a. The rate of work done
porting c–u backfill. More recently, Rankine earth pressure by the gravity forces is the vertical component of the veloc-
theory was extended to be used for c–u backfill under seis- ities multiplied by the weight of the wedges:
mic conditions (Iskander et al., 2013; Nian and Han, 2013). 
Though may have been used in engineering, there is a basic W g ¼ W s V 0 sinða  uÞ  W w V 1 sindb ð1Þ
shortcoming in the close-form solutions above mentioned: where Ws and Ww indicate the weight of soil wedge and
the limit equilibrium of the soil wedge is anlysised without retaining wall, respectively, db is friction angle between
taking into account the presence of the wall. retaining wall and the base, u is soil internal friction angle,
Numerical techniques have recently been adopted to V0 and V1 are velocities of soil and wall.
compute the seismic earth pressure against a retaining wall Once the system is subjected to horizontal seismic load-
(Psarropoulos et al., 2005; Tiznado and Rodriguez-Roa, ing, the rate of work done by the inertial force needs to be
2011). However, numerical modeling is generally costly, accounted for in the energy balance equation. It can be cal-
time consuming and difficult to implement in engineering culated analogously to the rate of work of the soil weight,
practices. and take the form of
In the present study the kinematic theorem of limit anal- 
ysis is used to find the yield acceleration of inclined rigid W s ¼ k h W s V 0 cosða  /Þ þ k h W w V 1 cosdb ð2Þ
earth retaining walls, supporting sloped c–u backfills. For the rigid-block mechanism considered, the energy
The authors prefer limit analysis over limit equilibrium, dissipation takes place along the failure line of the backfill
because the latter cannot be proved a rigorous upper or soil and the wall base. The rate of energy dissipation D, can
lower bound on the true solutions. This is because the be written as
proof of limit analysis theorems requires kinematics,
whereas the limit equilibrium method is based solely on  cHV 0 cosucosðx  iÞ
D¼ þ cA bV 1 cosdb ð3Þ
the equilibrium of forces (and (or) moments). Conse- cosxsinða  iÞ
quently, the kinematic admissibility of the failure mecha- where c is soil cohesion, cA is wall base adhesion (generally,
nism is not always enforced in the limit equilibrium cA equal to c or less). The upper bound solution for the
method, leading to approximate solutions that cannot be yield acceleration factor can be given by equating the rate
interpreted as rigorous bounds on true solutions of internal energy dissipation to the external rate of work
(Michalowski, 2013). A closed-form solution to the seismic
stability problem of retaining wall supporting c–u backfill W_ g þ W_ s ¼ D_ ð4Þ
is presented. Tension cracks which can be pre-existing or Substituting Eqs. (1)–(3) into (4) yields
opening with collapse occurrence are coupled into the solu-
tions. Comparisons with other published methods and a W s V 0 sinða  uÞ þ k y W s V 0 cosða  uÞ  W w V 1 sindb
discussion on the effects of crack opening, wall base adhe- cHV 0 cosucosðx  iÞ
sion and wall geometry are presented. þ k y W w V 1 cosdb ¼ þ cA bV 1 cosdb ð5Þ
cosxsinða  iÞ

2. Formulation of the analytical approach where ky is the yield acceleration coefficient of the failure
mechanism respect to angle a.
The two-block translational failure mechanism as illus- For a kinematically admissible failure mechanism, some
trated in Fig. 1(a) is considered in this work. The upper relationship should be satisfied between the velocity V0 and
bound theorem of limit analysis states that the soil-wall the velocity V1. Let us observe the two adjoining wedges as
system will start to slide under its own weight plus inertia shown in Fig. 1(b). The left and right wedges move with the
force induced by earthquake and any other loads, if the absolute velocities V1 and V0 which incline at angles db and
rate of work done by the external forces exceed the rate u to their bases, respectively. The relative velocity of the
of internal energy dissipation for any assumed kinemati- left wedge with respect to the right one along the interface
cally admissible failure mechanism. So, the yield accelera- is represented as V01, which inclines at an angle d. To allow
tion factor can be given by equating the rate of external the velocities assigned to the wedge failure mechanism to
work to the rate of energy dissipation. be kinematically compatible, the two adjoining wedges
Earthquake loading is simulated using pseudo-static must not move to cause overlap or indentation. This
horizontal acceleration ah = khg, where kh is the horizontal implies that the velocity hodograph must be closed, i.e.,
seismic coefficient. Vertical acceleration is not considered in V 0 þ V 01 ¼ V 1 ð6Þ
this study, and the seismic action is assumed uniformly dis-
tributed in the whole mass of the system. From Eq. (4) and Fig. 1(b), we obtain:
The failure mode shown in Fig. 1(a) consists of two cosðdb þ d þ xÞ
wedges, the soil wedge and the retaining wall wedge. This V0 ¼V1 ð7Þ
cosðu þ d þ x  aÞ
failure mechanism is geometrically specified by wall height
H, wall top and bottom width a and b, wall back inclina- where d is friction angle between retaining wall and backfill
tion x, backfill soil slope i, and the angle that planar failure soil.
X. Li et al. / Soils and Foundations 59 (2019) 1103–1111 1105

Fig. 1. Translational failure mechanism of retaining wall with c–u backfill and (b) velocity compatibility between adjacent blocks and velocity hodograph.

Substituting Eq. (5) into Eq. (3) and rearranging the and Elms (1979) in which the dynamic lateral pressure is
terms leads to the following expression for ky: determined by Mononobe and Matsuo (1929) solution.

cH cosucosðxiÞ
þ cA b cosðuþdþxaÞ
cosðdb þdþxÞ
cosdb þ W w cosðuþdþxaÞ
cosðdb þdþxÞ
sindb  W s sinða  uÞ
ky ¼ ð8Þ
W w cosðuþdþxaÞ
cosðdb þdþxÞ
cosdb þ W s cosða  uÞ

The critical seismic coefficient is obtained by minimising Introducing several dimensionless parameters c*, f and v
ky, with respect to a. This means taking the first derivatives which are defined as follows
of ky and equating them to zero, i.e. (oky/oa) = 0. Solving c
this equation and substituting the value of a, the least c ¼ ð10Þ
upper bound value of yield acceleration factor is calcu-
lated. This critical value of ky is indicated in the following f¼ w ð11Þ
text as kcr. c
When the backfill is cohesionless and the wall back face ða þ bÞ

is vertical, that is, c = 0, x = 0, Eq. (6) reduces to v¼2 ð12Þ

cA b
W w cosðuþdaÞ
cosðdb þdÞ
sindb  W s sinða  uÞ j¼ ð13Þ
ky ¼ ð9Þ cH 2
W cosðuþdaÞ
w cosðdb þdÞ cosdb þ W s cosða  uÞ
where c and cw are unit weight of backfill soil and
retaining wall. By considering the problem geometry,
Eq. (9) has been presented by Li et al. (2010). It was found
Eq. (8) can be represented in nondimensional form as given
that minimizing Eq. (9) can yield identical critical seismic
coefficient (kcr) with the method developed by Richards

c cosucosðxiÞ
þ j cosðuþdþxaÞ
cosðdb þdþxÞ
cosdb þ fv cosðuþdþxaÞ
cosðdb þdþxÞ
sindb  12 cosðixÞcosðaxÞsinðauÞ
cos2 xsinðaiÞ
ky ¼ ð14Þ
fv cosðuþdþxaÞ
cosðdb þdþxÞ
cosdb þ 1 cosðixÞcosðaxÞcosðauÞ
2 cos2 xsinðaiÞ
1106 X. Li et al. / Soils and Foundations 59 (2019) 1103–1111

Fig. 3. The translational failure mechanism for wall-backfill system with a

Fig. 2. Envelope of the yield stress states in soil containing cracks
(Michalowski, 2013). fc, uniaxial compressive strength; [v], velocity
The use of limit analysis is well written about in existing
discontinuity vector, respectively; dc, angle velocity discontinuity vector
[v] makes with the direction of an opening crack (velocity discontinuity); literature, but very few attentions have been paid on the
rn, normal component of traction on discontinuity; s, shear component. problem about work expenditure during crack-opening in
soil. Recently, a method was presented for including the
presence of cracks in slopes stability assessment based on
From Eq. (14), it can be found that ky is a function of the kinematic approach of limit analysis. The envelope of
problem geometry, soil properties and wall friction the yield stress states in soil containing cracks is illustrated
parameters. in Fig. 2. In the stress range where cracks are expected to
form, the envelope of yield is curved whereas yielding at
3. Tension cracks other stress states is the classical Mohr-Coulomb function
(linear). According to the flow rule associated with this
The effect of tension cracks is quite important in active yield condition, a closed-form solution for the rate of work
earth pressure problems. While opening of a crack in soil dissipation per unit area of the discontinuity surface
at the top of a retaining wall backfill is a common occur- (Michalowski, 2013)
rence, typical analyses do not include the process of 1  sindc
crack-opening. At most, a pre-existing crack is considered d c ¼ c½vcosu ð15Þ
1  sinu
and the issue is addressed using a traditional limit equilib-
rium analysis (Spencer, 1968) or limit analysis (Utili, The failure mechanism of wall-backfill system consider-
2013; Zhao et al., 2016). In this study, two cases are consid- ing presence of tension cracks is illustrated in Fig. 3. Intro-
ered as related to the crack presence: (i) pre-existing cracks ducing parameter n to define the depth of the crack (Fig. 3),
present in the backfill soil, (ii) cracks does not exist prior to the rate of works dissipation during incipient failure can be
failure, but is formed as part of the collapse mechanism. calculated easily. For the case of pre-existing cracks, the
Including the tension crack as part of solution using limit following expression for the upper bound to the yield accel-
analysis involves calculating the rate of energy dissipation eration coefficient of the failure mechanism respect to angle
along the opening crack. For case (i), no energy dissipation a and n can be given by resolve the work-rate balance
: equation
is expended for the crack opening (Dc =0). For case (ii), the

c cosu½cosðxiÞ
 þ j cosðuþdþxaÞ
cosðdb þdþxÞ
cosdb þ fv cosðuþdþxaÞ
cosðdb þdþxÞ
sindb  12 sinða  uÞ½cosðixÞcosðaxÞ
cos2 xsinðaiÞ

ky ¼ 2 ð16Þ
fv cosðuþdþxaÞ
cosðdb þdþxÞ
cosdb þ 12 cosða  uÞ½cosðixÞcosðaxÞ
cos2 xsinðaiÞ

rate of energy expended (dissipated) for the crack-opening Consider now the case where crack (Fig. 3) does not
has to be determined (Dc –0). The method that presented exist prior to failure, but is formed as part of the collapse
by Michalowski (2013) will be adopted in this study. mechanism, with the soil strength described by the function
X. Li et al. / Soils and Foundations 59 (2019) 1103–1111 1107

in Fig. 2. It follows from the geometrical relations in Fig. 3 cient of the wall-soil system is determined directly by the
that the velocity vector must be inclined at angle work equation without calculation of earth pressure force.
dc ¼ p2  a þ u to the opening crack. This relation follows In order to make the comparison, seismic earth pressures
from admissibility requirements of the failure mechanism. obtained by existing methods are substituted to the simple
Substituting dc into Eq. (15), and integrating the rate of equation presented by Richards and Elms (1979) to get the
work dissipation over the crack length nH, the rate of work values of kcr.
expended (dissipated) for the crack-opening becomes k y W w þ P AE cosd ¼ ðW w þ P AE sindÞtandb ð20Þ
: 1  cosða  uÞ Factors considered in existing solutions are not all the
Dc ¼ cV 0 cosu nH ð17Þ
1  sinu same as in the proposed approach; therefore, the compar-
isons are made only for conditions where solutions are
To account for this additional work expenditure needed available. The three parameters db, f and v represent the
for the wall-soil to collapse, the dissipation rate in Eq. (17) material and geometry properties of retaining wall. Though
is added to the left-hand side of Eq. (16), giving rise to the the values of f and v have some effects on the results of kcr,
following expression for the upper bound to the yield accel- it is not the aim of this paper. So values db = 30°, f = 1.2,
eration coefficient of the failure mechanism respect to angle v = 0.375 are adopted in all the discussions of this paper.
a and n.

c cosu½cosðxiÞ
þ nncosðauÞ
 þ j cosðuþdþxaÞ
cosðdb þdþxÞ
cosdb þ fv cosðuþdþxaÞ
cosðdb þdþxÞ
sindb  12 sinða  uÞ½cosðixÞcosðaxÞ
cos2 xsinðaiÞ

ky ¼ 2
fv cosðuþdþxaÞ
cosðdb þdþxÞ
cosdb þ 12 cosða  uÞ½cosðixÞcosðaxÞ
cos2 xsinðaiÞ


Comparison 1. Wilson and Elgamal (2015) performed a

The depth of tension crack zc is generally given for static shake table testing on a wall supporting a 1.7 m engineered
loading by the following expression based on Rankine’s dense sand backfill with 7% silt (SP-SM, c-/ soil) com-
analysis pacted and tested at optimum moisture content (about
2c p u 8.5%). The compacted dry unit weight of backfill soil was
zc ¼ tanð þ Þ ð19Þ about 19.3 kN/m3, and the internal friction angle and cohe-
c 4 2
sion of the soil are 48° and 14 kPa, respectively. The scaled
Eq. (19) is sometimes employed in seismic analysis as a versions of a modified Century City Station record of the
rough approximation of the tension crack under seismic 1994 Northridge earthquake (E) were developed for use
conditions. In the both two cases of this study, the depth as the input shake table excitations. The series tests evalu-
and most adverse location of the crack are all determined ated a 0.8 g yield acceleration for the system and no ground
from an optimization procedure where the minimum of crack was observed during or after the tests. By using the
the critical seismic coefficient of the system is sought. This same soil parameters and a wall with db = 40°, f = 1.2,
will be done herein by minimizing ky with respect to two v = 0.375, d = 32°and x = 0, the yield acceleration
independent variables: a and n. obtained by the proposed approach are 0.79 without ten-
sion cracks and 0.73 with tension cracks.
4. Comparisons with available solutions Comparison 2. For cohesionless backfill, the proposed
method is compared with the classic methods of the M-O
It is instructive to compare the values of kcr calculated theory and a method based on Coulomb’s sliding mecha-
by the proposed method to those obtained from other solu- nism by Shukla (2013). Wall base adhesion are not taken
tions published in the literature in order to show the possi- into account, that is, cA = 0. It comes out that the three
ble differences. Comparisons are conducted herein for c–u methods give identical critical seismic coefficient kcr for dif-
backfill soils. In this approach, the critical seismic coeffi- ferent values of u and i. So in this case, upper bound

Table 1
Comparison of kcr for cohesionless backfill soil (d = 2/3u is used).
Backfill slope i (deg) 0 10
Soil friction angle u (deg) 20 30 40 30
The proposed method kcr 0.093 0.202 0.291 0.159
M-O theory 0.093 0.202 0.291 0.159
Shukla (2013) 0.093 0.202 0.291 0.159
1108 X. Li et al. / Soils and Foundations 59 (2019) 1103–1111

Fig. 4. Comparison of the proposed method with other methods from literature for kcr against c*.

method of limit analysis results in same outcome with limit used both in Shukla’s method and the proposed method.
equilibrium method provided identical failure mechanisms But an assumption that the mobilized cohesive resistance
are considered in both analyses (see Table 1). within the tension crack zone varies linearly from c at the
Comparison 3. In this case, c-u backfill is considered but bottom of the tension crack to zero at the top of the tension
tension cracks are not taken into account. Kim et al. (2010) crack was made in Shukla’s method. In the proposed
developed a simple formula that can take into account the method, the mobilized cohesive resistance is assumed to
effects of backfill cohesion and wall adhesion on dynamic be zero within the whole crack. So the value of kcr obtained
active earth pressure. The formula was derived by compos- by the proposed method is smaller than that of Shukla’s
ing force equilibrium equations for the entire backfill method. Furthermore, Eq. (19) is used to determine zc in
wedge behind the retaining wall, and the maximum Shukla’s method and an iterative calculation method is
dynamic active earth pressure was determined by selecting used in the present study. It is shown from the calculations
different failure surface angle values by trial and error. In that zc changes with both kh and i (Fig. 5), which also indi-
the method of Iskander et al. (2013), the Rankine classic cates that the Eq. (19) will significantly overestimate the
earth pressure solution has been expanded to predict the depth of the tension crack for c–u backfill under seismic
seismic active earth pressure behind rigid walls supporting conditions, especially when cohesion is high. This explains
c–u backfill. Comparisons are made among these methods why the results of the two methods are very close when
as shown in Fig. 4. It is observed that the resultant values cohesion is low while the differences are much more distinct
of kcr determined by the present study are consistent with when cohesion is high.
that by methods of Kim et al. (2010) and Shukla (2013), Figs. 4 and 5 also shows that the backfill soil slope has
but somewhat different from Iskander et al. (2013) due to important effects on the ability to resist earthquake thrust,
the difference in the assumptions involved. The Iskander as backfill slope increases, the critical seismic coefficient
et al. method is a stress-based solution where the distribu- decreases remarkably.
tion of the net active thrust and the soil–wall friction angle
are calculated directly. The soil-wall friction is assumed to 5. Discussions
be constant in most earth pressure solutions (e.g., Coulomb
assumes d = 2/3u). Herein, d = 2/3u is used in the other 5.1. Significances of crack opening and backfill slope
three methods while in Iskander et al. method the value
of d is from a function of problem geometry, pseudo- In practice, opening of a crack in soil at the top of a
static accelerations and soil properties; it varies with depth. slope can occur prior to slope collapse or with the collapse.
Comparison 4. In this case, backfill cohesion and pre- Formation of a crack during the failure process is sensitive
exiting tension cracks are taken into account. Comparisons to the tensile strength of the soil. Even if the tensile strength
of kcr and crack depth ratio n are made among the pro- is nil, there is still work expenditure needed to open the
posed method, Shukla (2013) method and Iskander et al. crack, as such cracks are seldom subjected to pure tension
(2013) method as shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen from (Michalowski, 2013).
Fig. 5 that differences appear among the methods due to The significances of considering tension cracks in pre-
the difference in the assumptions involved. Iskander et al. dicting the critical seismic coefficient of the wall-soil system
method is a stress-based solution and the other two meth- is depicted in Fig. 6(a). Two cases of soil cohesion with
ods use trial failure wedge mechanism. Furthermore, meth- c* = 0.06 and 0.12 are considered and cA is set to be zero.
ods used to determine zc are different. This is the reason It is obviously unconservative to ignore the tension crack
why the results of Iskender et al. are different with the depth in the analysis. When considering tension cracks,
two other methods. The trial failure wedge mechanism is pre-existing (opened) cracks have a little more adverse
X. Li et al. / Soils and Foundations 59 (2019) 1103–1111 1109

Fig. 5. Comparison of the proposed method with other methods from literature for kcr and n against c*.

influence on system stability than crack formation (open- crack. But the differences between the two cases of crack
ing) as part of the collapse mechanism because no work opening (prior to or with collapse) are not very significant
needs to be expended for the opening of a pre-existing especially when c* is set to low value.
1110 X. Li et al. / Soils and Foundations 59 (2019) 1103–1111

Fig. 6. Comparison of kcr and n among conditions of no cracks, pre-existing crack and crack opening with collapse for i = 0° and c* = 0.06, 0.12.

Fig. 7. Effects of adhesion of wall base and wall geometry on kcr.

The depth of tension crack represented by parameter n adhesion ofcA = 0, 0.5c and 1.0c, wall back inclination
herein is obtained by a minimizing procedure. Compar- angle x = 5°, 0° and 5°, width ratio of top to base
isons between the proposed method and Eq. (20) for a/b = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 are considered. As can be
c* = 0.06 and 0.12 are depicted in Fig. 6(b). It can be seen expected, wall base cohesion has a significance effects on
that the depth of tension crack determined by this method the results of kcr, and the presence of cA can enhance the
is lower than the limitation on the crack depth defined by stability of the wall-soil system dramatically. From com-
Eq. (20). It is likely that the failure mechanism will engage parison among Fig. 7(a), (b) and (c), the wall back inclina-
not the deepest crack but the one at the that has the most tion also has some effect on the system stability and a tilt to
adverse effect on stability (more deeper cracks may be pre- wall face has an adverse effect. As to the width ratio of top
sent prior to slope collapse because cracks can be caused by to base, it is found that a small value of a/b is more favour-
factors other than overall stability such as desiccation able. It should be noted that wall geometry influence the
cracks). overturning stability of gravity walls which is not consid-
The importance of cohesion in predicting the critical ered in the present analysis. In practice using, both anti-
seismic coefficient can also be found from Fig. 6. It is clear sliding and overturning stability should be checked.
that as cohesion increases, kcr increases significantly.
6. Conclusions
5.2. The effects of wall base adhesion and wall geometry
This work attempts to develop a method to analyze the
The effects of wall base adhesion, wall back inclination seismic stability of gravity retaining walls with c–u backfill
and width ratio of top to base are plotted in Fig. 7. Param- under the category of upper bound theorem of limit analy-
eters c* = 0.12, i = 0°, and u = 10° are used, and only the sis. For a translational failure mechanism assumed, closed-
case of pre-exiting tension cracks are conducted. Wall base form solutions are derived that are based on the soil-wall
X. Li et al. / Soils and Foundations 59 (2019) 1103–1111 1111

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