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A Hybrid Model for Ride-hailing Service Demand Forecasting

Chao Wang Changchang Zheng

Beijing National Research Center of Department of Automation
Information Science and Technology Tsinghua University
Tsinghua University Beijing, China
Beijing, China
Xiaodan Lyu Yibo Xue
College of Computer Science and Beijing National Research Center of
Technology Information Science and Technology
Guizhou University Tsinghua University
Guiyang, China Beijing, China
ABSTRACT appropriate scheduling measures in advance to reduce congestion,
The accurate prediction of the ride-hailing service demand is im- and the waste of resources caused by the empty car driving will be
portant for the improvement of transport capability. Due to the reduced to some extent.
nonlinearity and instability of the time series, the prediction accu- At present, researchers have proposed a large number of theoreti-
racy is not ideal. In this paper, we proposes a hybrid model that cal methods for short-term prediction, but mainly focus on road
combines Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Autoregressive traffic flow prediction, and this problem can be considered as a
Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), and Radial Basis Function typical time series prediction problem. A time series is a sequence
Neural Network (RBFNN) together, which takes advantage of the of data that represent recorded values of a phenomenon over time.
good fitting ability of the ARIMA model and the strong nonlinear Time series data constitutes a large portion of the data stored in
relation mapping ability of the RBFNN model, and use DWT to real world databases [1]. The traditional time series prediction
decompose the time series in order to isolate the influence of each method is represented by the "Box-Jenkins method" proposed by
resolution coefficient to a certain extent. The experimental results Box and Jenkins [2]. The time series prediction method is widely
show that the proposed model has higher prediction accuracy than used in various fields. Han [3] proposed a kind of real-time adap-
the single model such as ARIMA, RBFNN and other hybrid mod- tive forecasting method for short-term traffic based on the Box-
els such as ARIMA-DWT, RBFNN-DWT, RBFNN-ARIMA, Jenkins method. Kumar [4] used the ARIMA model to predict
SVR-ARIMA-DWT, LSTM-ARIMA-DWT. traffic noise levels in the future. Although the ARIMA model is
relatively simple, it does not rely on other external variables, but
CCS Concepts theoretically it is only able to capture the linear relationship of
• Mathematics of computing➝Time series analysis time series.
• Mathematics of computing➝Computation of transforms
In addition, various machine learning algorithms are also widely
Keywords used for traffic flow prediction. Zeng [5] presented a new-short
Ride-hailing service demand forecasting; Discrete wavelet traffic flow prediction model called AOSVR based on Support
transform; Radial basis function neural network; ARIMA Vector Regression (SVR) to improve time efficiency of prediction.
Although the SVR was suitable to describe the nonlinear data
1. INTRODUCTION pattern, a lot of adjustment work was needed in order to get better
With the development of the Internet, the transportation area has prediction effect. Hu [6] used particle swarm optimization to
been undergoing great changes. The ride-hailing service has be- search optimal SVR parameters. Wu [7] applied SVR to predict
come an important part of the urban transportation system, and the travel time. Alajali [8] presented ensemble decision tree models
control of the network traffic has become the focus in the con- including GBRT, RF, XGBoost to predict intersection traffic.
struction of the intelligent traffic control system. Scientific and Neural network models are also widely adopted in traffic predic-
reasonable network car demand forecasting is the key and core for tion fields. Rui [9] applied the LSTM neural network to the traffic
decision making. It can provide reference information for traffic flow prediction problem. Ma [10] applied LSTM to capture non-
managers and participants to make decisions, and help to make linear traffic dynamic in an effective manner and achieved the
good prediction performance in terms of both accuracy and stabil-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
ity. Duan [11] and Shao [12] proposed LSTM to predict travel
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies time and traffic flow respectively. In [13], ANN is used for short
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for term prediction of traffic flow, and the input also consisted of
components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. speed, density, etc.
Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to
post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission In the field of time series prediction, in addition to using a single
and/or a fee. Request permissions from method, the hybrid model has received more and more attention
CCIOT 2019, September 20–22, 2019, Tokyo, Japan [14, 15] . In [16, 17], a hybrid model combining the artificial neu-
© 2019 Association for Computing Machinery. ral network with the ARIMA was proposed, the experimental
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7241-1/19/09…$15.00 results showed that the combined model was able to improve
DOI: forecasting accuracy obtained by either of the models used sepa-
rately. The idea of model fusion has many applications in time

series prediction, Kunhui [18] combined linear regression with The ride-hailing service demand data X t often contains both linear
SVR model, and the same idea of ARIMA and ANN, respectively components Lt and nonlinear correlation structure N t , can be rep-
using linear regression and SVR models to describe the linear and
resented X t = Lt + Nt . Therefore, it is difficult for a single linear
nonlinear components of time series. Castillo [19] proposed a new
method for estimating the fractal dimension of geometric objects model or nonlinear model to simultaneously solve the prediction
using fuzzy logic techniques, and combining neural networks, of linear and nonlinear components in time series.
fuzzy logic and fractal dimensions for the problem of time series
prediction. 2.2 Basis Idea
From Section 2.1, the ride-hailing service demand data includes
Wavelet transform is widely used in engineering and signal pro- both linear component and nonlinear correlation structure. How-
cessing for signal and image analysis, noise reduction, compres- ever, a single time series forecasting model does not have the
sion, etc. [20] Nowadays, wavelet transform, as a means of data ability to simultaneously predict linear and nonlinear parts. In
processing, often appears in the prediction of traffic flow. Xie [21] order to solve this issue, we proposed the hybrid RBFNN-ARIMA
proposed a novel method combining the Kalman filter with wave- model based on the DWT to improve the accuracy of ride-hailing
let decomposition for short-term traffic volume forecasting, service demand forecasting. The ideas are as follow:
Mousavizadeh Kashi [22] developed a framework to predict the
value of traffic flow based on the combination of wavelet trans- a) We adopt discrete wavelet transform to decompose the origi-
formation and ANN, Sun [23] adopted DWT with different nal time series into approximate coefficient and detail coeffi-
threshold values to decompose the high-frequent-noise to improve cient. In this way, the correlation between the linear and the
the accuracy of the traffic flow prediction. In other fields, Yao [24] nonlinear components is able to be weakened to some extent.
combined the LSTM with wavelet decomposition for wind energy b) Then we need to model the approximate and detail coeffi-
prediction. Choi [25] used a hybrid model combining SARIMA cients obtained by DWT. However, there are still linear and
with wavelet decomposition to predict commodity sales. In [26], a nonlinear components in the coefficients. For the linear com-
hybrid model of Elman neural network and LSTM based wavelet ponents, we use the traditional linear model, ARIMA to pre-
decomposition method was proposed. dict. For the nonlinear correlation structure, we use RBFNN
It can be concluded that the accuracy of prediction is able to be to predict. So we can obtain the prediction result Lˆt of the
improved by the fusion of methods in the introduction of time linear part and Nˆ t of the nonlinear part, then we combine
series prediction. Inspired by this, we proposed a hybrid RBFNN-
ARIMA model based on the DWT. Since actual time series data them to obtain the prediction result Xˆ app of the approxima-
often contains both linear component and nonlinear correlation tion coefficient and X̂ det of the detail coefficient.
structure, while a single model does not have the ability to simul-
taneously model linear and nonlinear parts. In this regard, we c) Finally, we obtain the ride-hailing service demand forecast-
adopt the discrete wavelet transform method to isolates the influ- ing result X̂ through discrete wavelet reconstruction.
ence of each resolution coefficient to a certain extent. Further, the
hybrid RBFNN-ARIMA model aims to take advantage of the The framework of the proposed model is illustrated in Figure 1.
good fitting ability of the ARIMA model and the strong nonlinear Training Process Input
relation mapping ability of the RBFNN model. Through the inte- data
gration of these three models, it can efficiently improve the accu-
racy of the forecast of the demand for the ride-hailing service. Discrete Wavelet
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: In Section 2,
the principles of the proposed method are described. In Section 3, Low High High
the hybrid model will be applied to predict ride-hailing service Frquency Frquency ... Frquency
demand, and the prediction results are presented and compared Sub-layer Sub-layer Sub-layer
with those of other methods. In Section 4, conclusion will be Normalization Normalization ... Normalization

2.1 Problem Description Residual Residual ... Residual

A time series is the set of random variables sorted by time, usually
the result of observing a certain process in equal time intervals. ARIMA ( p1 , d1 , q1 ) ARIMA ( p2 , d 2 , q2 ) ... ARIMA ( pn , d n , qn )
The ride-hailing service demand data can be defined as a vector
x ( t ) , t = 0,1,2, where t represents the time elapsed. Prediction
... Prediction
The biggest difference between time series data and other types of Denormalization Denormalization ... Denormalization
data is that the current time data has relation with the previous
data value. It indicates that past data has an influence on the future
development trend of data and this feature of time series is exactly Inverse wavelet
the basis of time series prediction. The ride-hailing service de-
mand forecasting can be represented as: given ride-hailing service Final
demand data from the previous k time slices(i.e.,  xT − k , , xT  ), Testing Process prediction
the objective is to infer the value xT through  xT − k , xT −1  .
Figure 1. The framework of the proposed model

2.3 Hybrid RBFNN-ARIMA Model Where A represents the approximation coefficient, D represents
the detail coefficient, j is the scale, n is the number of data
The prediction accuracy can be improved by the fusion of meth- points, h and g respectively represents the low-pass and high-pass
ods, so we proposed the hybrid RBFNN-ARIMA model to predict
filters in the wavelet transform multi-resolution analysis.
the ride-hailing service demand. The hybrid model mainly con-
tains of two phases: Firstly, the time series is preprocessed by B. Sliding Window Technique
wavelet transform to obtain a set of well-behaved coefficients, and Sliding window technique is a kind of processing method in data
the wavelet coefficients are modeled and predicted respectively. streams, which has many applications in intrusion detection.
Secondly, considering that RBFNN has the best local approxima- When sliding window moves to the next block, new block is add-
tion ability, it can better analyze and predict nonlinear component ed to the window at intervals, and the oldest block is deleted.
in time series compared with MLP network, and at the same time Through this dynamic sample selection method, the sample for
we take advantage of ARIMA model for processing linear com- modeling is updated [30].
ponent in time series.
Through the sliding windows technique, it can convert the time
A. Data Decomposition with Discrete Wavelet Transform series prediction problems into the traditional supervised learning
“Wavelet” refers to a wave with features that are small in area, problems, including input variables (X) and the output variables
limited in length, and have a mean of zero, so the features enables (Y). The time series is divided into several parts of data blocks.
the wavelet transform to accurately locate the instantaneous char- Assuming the time series is  x1 , x2 , , xN  and the window size is
acteristics of the signal over time and frequency domains [27],
which is widely used for frequency conversion of complex signals. set to w , then the divided block will be  xi , xi +1, , xi + w  . In this
The type of wavelet used in this paper is ‘db4’ wavelet transform data block, the input variable is  xi , xi +1 , , xi + w−1  , the output
which is a sample Daubechies wavelet [28] and suitable to detect
time-localized information. variable is  xi + w  . In this way, the time series is decomposed into
data sets with input and output variables, and the time series prob-
For the input ride-hailing service demand y ( t ) , the formula of
lem is able to be solved by the traditional machine learning model.
discrete wavelet transform is shown as follow: If the length of the original time series is N , the datasets is ob-
 1  t − k 2j  tained through the sliding window technique, the number of fea-
DWT ( j , k ) =  y ( t )  j  dt (1) tures is the window size w , and the number of samples consisted
2j  2  in the datasets is N − w + 1 .
The wavelet transform has zooming performance with the change In the following example, one-step dynamic is adopted, that is,
of j, k, its time-frequency window automatically widens at low only one time point is predicted, and the next time point is pre-
frequencies, which can fully analyze the low-frequency infor- dicted based on the predicted value of the current time point, in-
mation characteristics of the signal. And at high frequencies, the stead of the actual value. The sliding windows technique and one-
time-frequency window automatically narrows, thereby determin- step dynamic forecast in time series are shown in Figure 3:
ing the high-frequency details of the signal.
Training Set Test Set
The algorithm for the discrete wavelet transform is the Mallat x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 . . . xm−3 xm−2 xm−1 x m x m +1 . . . xn
algorithm [29]. The Mallat algorithm can decompose signals into
approximate coefficient and detail coefficient at different scales j,
x1 x2 x3 x4 xm −3 xm − 2 xm −1 xˆm
and the decomposition structure is shown in Figure 2.
Train Predict
hn 2 D1 x2 x3 x4 x5 Model xm − 2 xm −1 xˆm xˆm +1

y (n) hn 2 D2 ...
xm − 4 xm −3 xm − 2 xm −1 xˆn −3 xˆn − 2 xˆn −1 xˆn
gn 2 A1 hn 2 D3
Input variable Output variable
Level 1
gn 2 A2 Figure 3. Sliding window technique (the size is set to 4) and
... One-step dynamic forecast
Level 2
gn 2 A3 C. The Nonlinear Component Training with RBFNN Model
Level 3 Prior to the training with RBFNN model, data must be normalized
to make the convergence of RBFNN training faster. The normali-
Figure 2. The Mallat decomposition algorithm zation technique adopted in this paper is Min-Max normalization,
For the multi-resolution characteristics of wavelets, the variable j a linear transformation on original range of data. The normaliza-
is used to determine the resolution at different scales. The rela- tion formula is as follow:
tionship between wavelet coefficients at adjacent resolutions in
Figure 2 is shown as follow. X − X min
X norm = (3)
X max − X min
A d
j +1, n = h
k =−
k − 2n A d
Where X min is the smallest value of the array X , and X max is
the biggest.
D dj +1, n = g
k =−
k − 2n Adj , k

Radial basis function (RBF) was firstly applied to artificial neural The implementation of sliding window technique on RBFNN is
network design by Broomhead et al, and then the radial basis shown in Figure 4.
function neural network (RBFNN) was constructed [31]. The
RBFNN consists of three layers: the input layer, the hidden layer, y
and the output layer. Unlike traditional artificial neural networks, Input Slide
the hidden layer uses a radial basis function including Gauss func- variable
tion, Reflected Sinusoidal function and Inverse Multiquadric func-
tion. In this paper, Gauss function is used.

 x − i

 ( x − i ) = exp  −  (4) t
 2 i 2

  xi + w

Where i and  i denote the clustering center and a kernel width

xi +1
parameter of the i-th hidden neuron. .
. . W1
. . Output
While the hidden layer and the output layer are in a linear rela- xi + k . variable

tionship, the output y can be obtained by
. .
n . .
y = Wi ( x − i ) +  xi + w −1 . Wn
(5) .
i =1

Where wi is the weight from the i-th hidden neuron to the output, Input layer Hidden layer Output layer
and n denotes the number of hidden neurons. Figure 4. Sliding window technique in RBFNN
The input and output variable obtained by using the sliding win-
dow technique will be applied for RBFNN training.

D. The Linear Component Training with ARIMA Model 3.2 Model Evaluation Indices
The ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) model In order to evaluate the performance of the fusion model proposed
is one of the most commonly used models for time series predic- in this paper, the following three indicators are adopted: RMSE,
tion. In this paper, the ARIMA model is adopted to model the MAE, MAPE.
linear correlation structure of the ride-hailing service demand data.
1 n
The modeling process of the ARIMA model are mainly three MAE =  yi − yi'
n i =1
steps: Model Identification, Model Estimation, and Model Valida-
tion. The detailed process is shown in Figure 5.
1 n yi − yi'
MAPE = 
n i =1 yi

Time series
 ( yi − yi' )
1 n 2
RMSE = (8)
n i =1
No Difference
Is series stationary?
Where yi is the real value, yi' is the prediction value, and n de-
notes the length of the time series.
Model identification
3.3 Experimental Design
Parameter estimation For the time series prediction, the hybrid model firstly preprocess-
es the data. In order to make the convergence of RBFNN training
Diagnostic checking faster, the data needs to be normalized. Then, the hybrid model
decomposes the original sequence into better performing approx-
imation coefficients and detail coefficients by discrete wavelet
Is the model valid No transform. Among them, the approximation coefficient represents
for the desired goals? the low frequency information in the original sequence, and the
Yes detail coefficient describes the high frequency information. Exper-
imental results show that the “db4” wavelet is suitable for wavelet
Time series forecasting
decomposition and reconstruction of the experimental data, and
the resolution of wavelet decomposition is set to 1.
A. Model Parameters Selection
Figure 5. Flowchart of ARIMA modeling In the time series prediction process, the RBFNN is first used to
E. The Algorithm of Hybrid RBFNN-ARIMA Model predict the nonlinear trend of the applied data. For the prediction
According to the model framework in Section 2.2, the algorithm of the approximate coefficient, the number of input layer nodes of
of proposed hybrid RBFNN-ARIMA model is elaborately pre- the RBFNN is set to 20, the number of hidden neurons is set to 90,
sented in Alg.1. and the number of output layer nodes is set to 1. For the prediction
of the detail coefficient, the number of input layer nodes is set to
3. Experiments and Comparisons 20, the number of hidden neurons is set to 60, the learning rate of
In this section, the proposed model is used to predict the ride- RBFNN is set to 0.01, and the initial parameters are randomly
hailing service demand. Detailed experiments will be conducted selected.
and the comparisons with the other methods will also be made. According to the training error of RBFNN, the linear relationship
in the experimental data will be obtained by using the ARIMA
3.1 Applied Dataset model to further improve the prediction accuracy. For the predic-
The data comes from the ride-hailing service demand data of a
tion of the approximate coefficient, the model parameters (p, d, q)
certain area collected by Didi Chuxing Technology Co. The time
is set to (9, 0, 0), and the parameters for the detail coefficient is
interval is 15 minutes, and a total of 840 data points are collected.
set to (6, 0, 3). Figure 7 shows the prediction results of the
The raw data is shown in Figure 6. In the experiment, one-step
RBFNN-ARIMA model on the wavelet coefficients.
dynamic forecast is used to predict 8 data points.
B. Experiment Comparison
Consider the comparison of the RBFNN-ARIMA model with
other models from three aspects.
⚫ The hybrid RBFNN-ARIMA model based on the DWT is
compared with the single models such as RBFNN, ARIMA,
and other hybrid models like RBFNN-ARIMA, RBFNN-
DWT to verify whether the proposed model is able to im-
prove the prediction accuracy of the ride-hailing service
⚫ The hybrid RBFNN-ARIMA model is compared with other
hybrid model based on different prediction algorithms, such
Figure 6. The raw data whether the RBFNN model has higher prediction accuracy.

⚫ Compare the prediction performance of the hybrid model tionships in time series is useful for improving the predic-
based on other different prediction algorithms like the SVR- tion performance of the model.
ARIMA-DWT model with its single model like SVR, SVR-
DWT, SVR-ARIMA to verify whether the prediction 2. Compared with the hybrid SVR-ARIMA-DWT and LSTM-
framework is valid. ARIMA-DWT models, the proposed model RBFNN-
ARIMA has the smallest prediction error. Its RMSE index
3.4 Result and Discussion decreased by 14.3% and 29.4%, respectively. The experi-
The comparison results are shown in Table 1, Figure 8, and Figure mental results show that RBFNN is more suitable for the
9. According to the results of the above comparison, the analysis ride-hailing service demand forecasting because it has the
of evaluation indexes are as follows: best approximation ability to nonlinearity. In addition,
RBFNN has higher training efficiency than other neural
1. By comparing the proposed hybrid model RBFNN-ARIMA network models such as LSTM and MLR.
with other models RBFNN, ARIMA RBFNN-DWT,
RBFNN-ARIMA, ARIMA-DWT, the proposed model has 3. By using the other prediction algorithms applied to the ride-
the smallest prediction error. For example, compared to hailing service demand prediction framework shown in Fig-
ARIMA, ARIMA-DWT, RBFNN, RBFNN-ARIMA, ure 1, including the SVR and LSTM algorithms widely used
RBFNN-DWT, the RMSE values of the proposed model re- in time series prediction nowadays, the hybrid models SVR-
spectively decreased by 78.2%, 77.12%, 52.7%, 43.2%, and ARIMA-DWT and LSTM-ARIMA-DWT perform better
26.3%. The experimental results show that using DWT to than its single model. The experimental results prove that
obtain better wavelet coefficients and combining RBFNN the model fusion idea is effective.
with ARIMA to characterize the nonlinear and linear rela-

Figure 7. One-step dynamic forecasting results of wavelet coefficient

Table 1. The evaluation indexes of models

ARIMA 40.048 32.695 0.563
ARIMA-DWT 38.140 32.082 0.546
RBFNN 18.431 14.639 0.257
RBFNN-ARIMA 15.364 13.579 0.180
RBFNN-DWT 11.850 10.449 0.145
RBFNN-ARIMA-DWT 8.724 8.420 0.123
SVR 14.759 12.087 0.170
SVR-ARIMA 11.180 9.155 0.135
SVR-DWT 14.016 11.863 0.180
SVR-ARIMA-DWT 10.174 8.170 0.125
LSTM 17.159 12.661 0.223
LSTM-DWT 12.631 10.668 0.169
LSTM-ARIMA-DWT 12.362 11.054 0.177

Figure 8. Performance comparison of different methods

Figure 9. Prediction results of different models

4. CONCLUSION ability of the hybrid model and simplify the parameter adjustment
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