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DILR Workshop: CWLR-1902

Set-1: Directions for Q.1 to 4: Answer these number of students who attended the interview of
questions on the basis of the information given exactly two companies, which in turn is greater the
below. number of students who attended the interview of
exactly 3 companies. It is known that there is at least
Two hundred CAT crackers are called for the GD & PI one person who attended the interview of all three
process in IIM Ahmedabad. During the Interview companies.
process 105 are offered tea, 56 are offered coffee and
50 are offered cold drink. 32 participants are offered tea 11.Find the maximum number of students who attended
and cold drink and 45 participants are offered tea and the interview of exactly 3 companies.
coffee. Also, 30 participants are offered coffee and cold
drink. 12. Find the minimum number of interviews possible
combining all the three companies together.
1.Find the maximum number of participants who offered
all three drinks 13. Find the minimum possible number of students who
attended the interview of company A.
(A) 23 (B)13 (C)19 (D) 30
2.Find the minimum number of participants who offered 14. Find the maximum possible number of participants
all three drinks. who attended the interview of company C.
(A) 19 (B) 43 (C)32 (D) 30 15. What is the minimum possible number of students
3. Find the maximum number of participants who who attended the interview of only company A?
offered no drink.
Set-4: Directions for Q16 to 19: Answer these
(A) 53 (B) 66 (C)55 (D) 77 questions on the basis of the information given
4.Find the minimum number of participants who offered below.
no drink.
(A) 56 (B) 66 (C)76 (D) 73 The following diagram gives the detail of the survey
Set-2: Directions for Q.5 to 10: Answer these conducted by an agency on behalf of four insurance
questions on the basis of the information given companies – A, B ,C and D – regarding the manner in
below. which companies responded to customer enquiries.
Exactly 200 customers of each company interviewed for
100 persons attended the party out of which 60 like tea, the survey. The manner in which a company responded
70 like coffee and 80 like cold drinks. to a customer enquiry always included at least one of
the six possible responses given in the diagram below.
5. Find the minimum and maximum number of person Also, a customer surveyed may belong to more than
who likes all three drinks. one of the four companies.

6. Find the minimum and maximum number of person

who likes none of the drinks.

7. Find the minimum and maximum number of person

who likes exactly two drinks.

8. Find the minimum and maximum number of person

who likes exactly one drink.

9. Find the minimum and maximum number of person

who likes at least one drink.

10. Find the minimum and maximum number of person

who likes at most two drinks.

Set-3: Directions for Q.11 to 15: Answer these

questions on the basis of the information given

120 students attended the interview of company A or

company B or company C. The number of students who For example, according to the above diagram, 20% of
attended the interview of company A is greater than that the customers of company B, who were surveyed, said
of the company B, which in turn is greater than that of that when they made an enquiry with the company, the
the company C. Also, the number of students attended company attempted to sell a different product to them.
the interview of exactly one company is more than the
16. What is the minimum possible number of customers Number of households reading two newspapers
of company C, to whose enquiries the response of the
company included at least four of the six possible
responses mentioned above?

(A) 120 (B) 96 (C) 80 (D) 72

17. What is the maximum possible number of customers

surveyed of company A, to whose enquiries the
response of the company included exactly one of the six
possible responses mentioned above?

(A) 80 (B) 70 (C) 56 (D) None of these

Number of households reading exactly three
18. What is the maximum possible number of customers
surveyed of company D to whose enquiries the
response of the company included at least five of the six
possible responses mentioned above?

(A) 200 (B) 190 (C) 180 (D) 160

19. What is the number of customers surveyed of

company D to whose enquiry the response of the
company included at most two of the six possible
responses mentioned above?

(A) 200 (B) 160 (C) 120 (D) Can’t be determined.

Set-5: Directions for Q20 to 24: Answer the

questions on the basis of information given below.
20.Find the minimum number of household which reads
A survey was conducted on the readership of four
all the four newspapers?
different newspaper—The Hindu (HND), The Times of
(A) 6 (B) 10 (C) 5 4)13
India (TOI), Economics Times (ET) and Business Line
21.Find the maximum number of household which
(BL). Each household surveyed reads at least one of the
reads all the four newspapers?
above four newspapers. The table given bellows gives
(A) 14 (B) 29 (C) 13 (D)8
the number of households which read any two of the
22.If at least 14 households read all the four
four newspapers. For example, the number of
newspapers find the total number of households
households which read TOI and HND is 58. The bar
chart given below shows the distributors of the number
(A) 179 (B) 198 (C) 213 (D)218
of households which read exactly three of the four
23.The number of households which read only ET and
newspapers. Also, it is known that the total readership
TOI is how much more/less than the number of
of each of the four newspapers is the same and it is
households which read only HND and BL?
equal to 108 households.
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D)4
24.What is the minimum possible number of households
(A) 166 (B) 176 (C) 212 (D)191

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