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Chiron is the irony of the healer who cannot heal himself.

In our Natal charts, Chiron

aspects indicate innate problems of self function, and those innate problems are directly
related to and represented by Chiron’s correlated aspecting planet. For instance: Chiron
square Sun indicates terrible innate issues with the Ego, and a lack of self confidence; the
Chiron square Sun native understands that there are innate issues in these regards,
however they have no concept of how to rectify them, and so they are powerless to help

Chiron in Synastry represents how friends or partners may attempt to heal us, as they
subconsciously note there is error or affliction, and they take aim at these problems as
they arise. Chiron Natal aspects require Synastry aspects in order for resolution, and
relationships which would heal our innate afflictions that we are powerless to self
resolve. In order for there to be healing through relationships, Chiron doesn’t necessarily
need to be involved in an aspect, however if he is involved in an agreeable aspect, he will
give direction and precision to efforts of rectification, and the means of those specific
efforts may be more indicated by other Natal placements. For example: if a man has a
Natal Chiron square Natal Mars, which indicates an innately wounded masculinity, and a
woman with a Natal Venus sextile Natal Chiron enters his life, and her Venus trines his
Mars, then her Natal Chiron may lend her Natal Venus abilities of healing, and so she
may be able to quiet the disease of this man’s will and of his drive and self exertion, and
be able to regenerate his masculinity with the soft caress of her feminine love.

Another consideration of any chart, whether Natal or Synastrious, may be: ‘A lack of
aspects is actually an aspect.’ A lack of something and a nonexistence of something is
very relevant and to be acknowledged and considered. While dealing with a lack of Natal
Chiron aspects (assuming that the Natal chart is balanced and agreeable), it may simply
be that the native is whole in their being; but still sometimes, for instance with the Moon,
we often still need aid and reassurance from others: we all have emotional lows, and so
agreeable Moon synastry aspects from Chiron are always welcome; but these aspects will
only activate if there is a need for them: Continuing the example of Chiron/Moon
synastry, our partners and friends will not go about constantly attempting to heal our
inner pain, they simply will intuitively make attempts once there is a need.

Furthermore, just because Chiron doesn't create Natal aspects, it doesn't mean that all
facets of the Self (which are represented by planetary placements) cannot be wounded; on
the contrary, of course any facet of our being may be wounded, and so lack of certain
Chiron Natal aspects simply means that these hypothetical wounds would come from
external sources, and would not be innate and internal ones: Should there be wounds
from external sources, it would mean that these wounds are more easily resolved, because
the problems are not innate, and so they do not take continuous work and persistent effort
to rectify.

An example of someone who has externally inflicted wounds, but not internal wounds,
could be: the young girl who is bullied at school, and she is told she is ugly or perhaps
there is cruelty toward her fashion, and this occurrence happens with enough consistency
that a wound and a rift of the Self is created, however this girl’s Chiron does not aspect
her Venus, and so in actuality (assuming that the Venus is otherwise well aspected), the
femininity and core of this young woman is sound and strong, and it would only take a
certain man who should enter a trine to her Venus with his Sun, and shine his light on her
love and beauty, and then she may heal and realize that she is innately well, and that the
reoccurrence of the initial trauma would not continue, for the young woman has no innate
turmoil. So to recapitulate: ‘Chiron represents internal wounds, not external wounds; we
may all be wounded, however we do not all have persisting disease. The external wound
is a dagger or a poison, while the internal wound is a cancer.’

It is important to remember that, regarding any astrological explanation of a specific

planet or placement or aspect, they are all fractions of a whole, and so the observations
and speculations on these subjects are somewhat narrowvisioned, however it is essential
to narrow one’s vision while studying and gaining a concept of understanding, because it
is essential that the micro perspective should be seen and realized, and then later applied
to the macro perspective. Squint at the little things, and then open your eyes wide.
your chiron is centrally situated
it is in the 8thso you would have the best healing potential considering financial affairs
which are relevant to depth and regeneration, and you would do this with a
communicative means and a friendly kindness and affability

Chiron is the identifier, not the means and so just because chiron doesn't natally aspect
something, it doesn't mean it can't be wounded
it's simply that it is wounded from external sources and not internal ones
the wounds are more easily resolved because the problems are not innate, and so they do
not take continuous work and persistent effort

if chiron is unaspected
it simply means that the doctor is unaware of you completely
“the sleeping doctor” for synastry

The surgeon – trine (you may heal them)
The Experimental Doctor – square (it knows that it is fucked but doesn’t know how to fix
it), blind attempt to aid
The blind man who leads – opposition (it thinks it isn’t fucked, but it is actually fucked
and needs someone to make it healthy and legitimate self confidence/there is an
insecurity which always lurks, but it doesn’t tear down the façade)
- he believes he may help the person aspected, but he does them wrong
The doctor who treats healthy patients – conjunct
- Chiron may delude itself that the person needs healing, when really they don’t
- They try to heal but it is no mending, so it is frustrating
The doctor of too many methods – inconjunct

Natal chart
The surgeon without hands (it knows it is fucked, knows how to fix it but it is powerless)
The experimental doctor – the patient may need to tell the doctor how it is that he needs
to be healed. In order to overcome the square, the patient must realize in himself what he
needs and notify the doctor
The blind man who believes he sees -
The healthy man who believes is sick

The blind surgical chemist with no hands who believes he sees

- he knows what to do and what needs aiding
- he needs no aid
- he needs aid and doesn’t know what to do

For sextiles
The Surgical Nurse with No hands - natal

The Surgical Nurse – synastry

Sun square Chiron

– ego in need of healing
- don’t know how to fix it and you stab at ideas
- for someone to heal they have to aspect your sun, stabilize the ego
- the square denotes blindness and experimental attempts
- blind chemist

Chiron opposed Saturn

- it is about demeanor and parenting
- paternity and dominance
- you may be in control of circumstances , but you aren’t in actuality
- with people you give structure but maybe you are austere than properly dominant
and constructive
- a person well aspected to Saturn could help you have genuine traits: a true
dominant role, true parental role, true constructive role, true composure

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