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Final project proposal

Online Pizza Hut Management system

Project introduction:
Fast food restaurants are very popular in the current scenario. Everybody likes to go
there and enjoy. It doesn’t only provide them good quality pizza but also provide them several
services like home delivery which is very good facility for the public. Automatic system can
bring a certain change in the business. The pizza hut management system is used to detect
caller basic information. All data is stored in a database. At the end of the day all the
transactions synchronize to central database.

Project purpose:
It is observed that most pizza serving restaurants don’t have any automatic system they
are taking orders by phone and working by using the old ways. There is a need of pizza hut
management system which not only records the daily sales of the company but to provide good
management of the goods. Mostly pizza serving centers are working manually so they are
facing lots of problems, so there is a need of management system which automate the work
and reduce the additional work load on the employees and this will help them a lot because it
just really works.

Project Feature:
 All data is stored in database.
 Online system helps customers to view menu and place order.
 Customers can order online.
 Orders will be taken automatically.
 In case no of orders exceed maximum limit; system will not take further orders.
 At the end of the day all transactions are stored into database.
 Stock management of Pizza Hut (maintained on weekly bases).
 System contains record of members and employers.
 System will manage records of Pizza Hut on daily basis.
 System contains information of markets that deliver raw material to Pizza Hut.
 Online Management system of Pizza hut is used to detect caller basic

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Final project proposal

Project goal:
This project will sufficiently reduce the additional work load of the employees as well as
helping them to manage the daily records of pizza hut on daily basis. Its primary goal is to save
the time of the workers when order is placed by the telephone land line numbers it will
automatically get their address without asking from the customer.

Project scope:
The project has got the significant commercial scope and advantages and will be
beneficial for the companies trading in fast food or pizza industry.

Project objectives:
The basic objective of the project is to automate the system and services of the pizza
hut company, our focus is to record the daily sales, and managing the total records of the pizza
hut activities regarding the users like getting their information of residence by using telephone

Anticipated benefits:
The academic benefit of the study will promote CS&IT students, however, in broader
terms the project will be utilized by companies trading in the relevant industry. Both academic
and commercial gains can be achieved through such a challenging and exclusive project.

Key success factors:

 Proposed project will complete with its full specifications.
 Timeline support us to complete its all modules.
 Group members’ expertise in different felids helpful for this project.

Major Deliverables:

Our target peoples are professional companies which have such sought of business but
this project is also a part of the formal assessment for CS&IT students at the end of term.

Estimated Timeframe:
The proposed project is medium level but its modules are time consuming, but our
estimate time after paper works is about 2 months, this project will complete in two months
with its full specifications.

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Final project proposal

Estimated Budget:

This project is a huge project having different modules so it’s really difficult to measure
its cost. Cost depends on the number of modules. As it can be extended according to the will of
the final consumers so it is not yet decided.

Potential Risks:

As we are doing this project in a very short period of time and this is a very complex project so
it is extremely challenging to complete this project within time limit. Our team is novice in
software development and possesses little domain knowledge so it is the possibility that we
may find it hard to decide on some important modules which can have a significant impact on
the project outcome.

Developer Requirements
Name Of Tool Version
Visual Studio Professional 2010, 2012
SQL Server Express 2008

User Requirements
Operating System System Specifications
Windows 8, 7, Vista Pentium 4 or Above…
Windows XP Pentium 4 or Above…

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Final project proposal

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