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SLA: Fixed Asset

How to change Asset Cost for Asset Category?


In normal Case if we defining New Asset Using the Above Category (Furniture-
Desks), the journal is create will using the code combination for the Asset Cost
Assigned to Categories

In Our Case we need to using Other Account when Defining New Asset Using the
Same Categories. But the Default Status for the Category for all Assets is the

Step by Step

Navigate to GL

1- Setup>Financial>Accounting Set up Manager>Account Setup

Go to your Ledger and at from the first Item xxx Primary Ledger Click Update

At from Subledger Accounting Section Click on Button open Subledger

accounting Method

For to Aims

1- Take A copy from the Subledger Method Seeded By Oracle

2- Take the name of Application Account definition
3- Take the Name of Applications Definition and Go to Asset
4- Search by the Name at navigation Pass
Set up>Financial>Subledger Accounting >Accounting Method
Builder>Method and Definition>Application Accounting Definition

Search for Assets Standard Accounting and Take Copy

The Benefit of copying to can modify to any Components of SLA

I coped Assets Standard Accounting to HK_Asset_Standard

Our Case to change Asset cost Account AtAddition So we will Select the
Event Class Addition to Define journal line Definition

Journal Line Deff is Contain the Account code , Description , and the Type
if Debit or Credit , we need only to make overwrite to Account it Called
Account Rule Derivation
Press on Button Account Derivation Rule
At header

Enter Code Name, Rule name

Your Chart of Account name, Output Type * segment: Account

At Line

at line 1 Enter the priority number 10 ,

Value Type: Constant

Value: here Select the Account Number you need to created when Define new
Asset at Addition and Press on Conditions Button
This Condition means that the Account we assigned will achieve when using

The key Flexfield (HK Assets)


The Asset Key is One Component when define new asset.

At Line 2 Enter the priority number 20

Value Type: Source

Value; Asset Cost Account >> it mean if the asset not have the Asset key (Hk
Asset) at Addition it take the account Assigned to Category (the normal Case)

5- Validation

After Create Application Accounting Definition you must Press On Button and
make sure Validation Status is Valid
Note .

Don’t Forget to Assign your New Application Accounting To the Ledger

Defining 2 Assets

Number1 Using the Asset Key (HK Asset) > The Asset Cost will be 130020

Number2 Define other Asset using other Key it will take the account assigned to
Category 100060

For our Example asset number 41 will take asset Cost 130020

Asset 61 will take asset Cost 100060

To See Journals

1- Generate Create Accounting

2- Navigate to Inquiry>Subledger Accounting>Accounting Event

Enter Date From To And Press Go

Press on Button View Journal Entries

Asset 41 Using HK Asset

Other Asset
After Test we must see the 2 Line for the Journal is created
Correct or not if we find any Error we will update Again at SLA

For Example
At Addition
The journal Dr Asset Cost
Cr Asset Clear >>>> come From Category

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