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Mom: Vy! Yesterday, I was informed of your score of Biology. It’s only 8. Explain it!
Vy: Cause there’s an advanced a very hard question for Biology major
studentsthe gifted, mom!
Mom: Really? Now, I truly have no idea what kind of excellent student you are that
can’t even answer the question for the gifted!That’s how you show your
excellence in schoolwork?
Vy: Mommy! I did try my best learning night over night!
Mom: I don’t care how much effort have you made! The only thing I need to see is
your marks! By the way, if you get 10 marks for all of the left rest exams, I
will surely buy you a new Macbook. But if not, don’t ever call me mom!
Vy: Ok, fine! But, I’m having Chemist test this morning so please stop saying
those words. If you keep saying like this, how can I be in the best mode for it.
So, you can go home now, I’ll get in the class.
Mom: I know everything I say is trite but it’s all for you only. I’m coming home and
you,Anyway, remember to get a 10 of today! I’ll be at home waiting for your
good news!
Vy: (coming in the class and approach Tien)
Tien: Are you blind? Didn’t see me, huh? Oh wait, you have just been
givenreceived a scolding from your mom, haven’t you? Whatever! I won’t
care about it, so instead of being worried, please focus on the test. as how I
take the exam is related to your attitude and your attitude in the
examination room will decide how you live in this school! Understand?
Vy: Get off of my table! (Push Tien + Slap) I know what to do so get out of my
sight! I’m tired!
Tien: Heyyy! How dare you saying so?
Ss 1: What’s the matter?
Vy: Nothing! I’m fine!
Ss 2: Teacher’s coming!
/Everyone gets in the class and so does the teacher/
Monitor: Stand up, class!
Teacher: (Making signal for Ss to sit down and go to the table)
Our class’ latest test is all corrected! Monitor, hand out these for me! (giving
the sheets) If you have any questions, find me! This period is free so you can
use it to prepare for the Chemist test. (Coming to Vy) Vy, you do need to
revise your learning attitude! Sleeping during lectures and getting bad marks
isscoring low are not what I hope to see at you! OK?
(Teacher leaves the room, Vy ducks)
Ss 1: Are you still okay?
Tien: Of course, she is! Whatever the score she getsot, the teacher is always giving
it 10 marks. You know, he is clearly biased in her favormarking.
Ss1: Stop it! You can’t speak against teacher behind his back like this!
Tien: I just tell the truth! What do you wanna do?
Vy: (Push Tien) Can’t you stop annoying other people?
(Running away, approach teacher) Teacher, the test, can I… can I do it again?
That 6 score could make get my parents kill meup the wall. Pleaseee!
/Vy comes in the class with teacher in tears/
Teacher: I know your parents are strict but it was the mid-term test, you know? Stop it
hereI can’t do anything about it, now go back to your seat and get ready for
the final test, it’s much more helpful for you.
Monitor: Class, stand up!
Teacher: Get ready for the the 45-mminute test?! I’m handing outHere are the
questions & answer sheets! (Hand out the sheets). And 3,2,1, your 45
minutes start now.
/While the whole class wais doing the exam, Vy, who wais not in a good mood,
lookinged around and seeingaw that everyone was minding their own business, she
secretly pulled out the document and copied. /
When Tien seesaw that, she smirksed and stood stands up:
Tien: Dear teacherMr. ???, Vy is cheating
Vy: (stutter) No, no I didn’t teacheram not. (Turn to Tien). I’m not cheating,
there’s nothing here.
/He walked over to Vy, pulled a bunch of documents under her desk./
Teacher: What is this, Vy?
Vy: (stutter) Sir, let me explain, it’s not what you think
Teacher: What is wrong with you? Is this what an excellent, outstanding student like
you should do?Why are you doing this?
/The whole class was flustered only to criticize Vy/
Tien: I thought you’re so smart, huh?
Vy: (stutter) No, no teacher… I… I didn’t
Teacher: Look, Vy, your academic performance is getting worsening. Along with this
act of wrongdoings during exams, I have to phone to inform your parents.
(turning to the class) Can you collect papers for me? (teacher pullsed out his
phone to talk for a while, Vy panicksed and ran runs to the teacher)
Vy: Teacher, please, don't tell my parents, if you do, you will kill me, you will turn
my family into hell, teacher. (begging)
Teacher: Vy, I just wanted to meet your parents to understand your current situation,
how can you say so? You are an excellent student, but lately your study has
gotten worse, what's the matter, tell me?
Vy: (suppressing emotions, talking in a breath) Dear teacher, I’m the only child,
but and my parents always care about my academic achievement. If I get a 9
points, my father will punish me. Well, for them, I am must always be an
excellent student, I always have to score 10, I have to attend extra classes
everyday, I have to study until late at night. (turning to other friends) When I
go to school, I will beam always mocked for being an excellent student, a
teacher’s pet. When I get a low score, they begin teasing me. I am not afraid
of when you reprimand me when I get bad grades but I'm afraid my parents
will scold… (cry), I'm afraid of my classmates (panic voice). Teacher, please
help me ... (Panicking, go backwards, look at the teacher and classmates)
please help me or else I will die (shouted) no… Or maybe I should die to
please you people.
Teacher and classmates: Vy….
Teacher: Vy, come down, listen to me
Friends: Vy, calm down, come down here and tell talk to us
Mom: (from outside) Excuse me, is there something that you called me so urgently?
How can my child do something like that? Are you sure? My daughter is an
excellent student, right? There’s got to be some misunderstanding (She
turned to Vy and said) It isn’t true, right, Vy? (Found Vy standing on the
balcony) oh my god ... why are you standing there, baby, go down.
Vy: I'm sorry, mom. I didn't mean to do it (cry)
Mom: (screaming) How could you even do that? I can’t believe my ears. How dare
you do that. Never in my wildest dream would I think that one day I have to
meet your teacher because of this. You have let me down, you disobedient.
Come down here, go home and your dad will be soget mad at you ... (teacher
try to stop she from talking)
Teacher: Hey Mrs, please just calm down ...
Vy: (screaming) Mom… Why do you always think I am excellent? Do you what
have any idea what your baby has gone through? Do you even care about
how I feel? (Pointing to classmate) And you, , why do you keep discouraging
me, why do you do harm to me, why no one understands me…? (Screaming)
Nobody cares about me.
Mom: Oh my god Vy, calm down please, come down here, baby, we can talk about
it when we come home.
Vy: No… I'm not coming back… no one cares about me… I'm all alone
Mom: I'm here, baby, I'm so so sorry
Classmates: We do care about you
Vy: If I died now, no one would even notice (panic, at that time the teacher
approached Vy, Vy was about to jump down, he hugged again)
Teacher: Vy, calmly listen to me (help her down)
Vy: (struggling) No, I don’t want to listen, don’t want to hear anyone speak at all
Tiên: Vy, I'm sorry, look, I'm so sorry Vy. I won't act like a bad person anymore,
please calm down Vy ...
Class monitor: Auntie, Vy is a good student, but she's really exhausted with
overexpectation and teasing.
Student 1: We really want to get good grades too, it's sad when we get low scores, but
we have tried our best.
Student 2: Any parents expect and urge for high scores, which puts pressure on their
children. And when their kids fail to achieve them, they will punish them,
making them too afraid to learnkeep being honest and even trying.
Mom: But, I only said that if Vy performed well, she would get a gift, I just meant to
encourage her. (cheeky)
Student 1: We don't need presents
Student 2: We don't need new laptops
Student 3: We don't need new phones
Student 4: We don't need expensive clothes
Monitor: We only need the empathy of our teachers and families. We just hope that
everyone listen and sympathize with us, we hope that you won't put
pressure on us.
Mom: (crying and hugging Vy) I understand now, dear. I won't force you to study
anymore. Your health and safety is what I’m concerned the most now. I'm
sorry, baby.
Teacher: Mrs! Their studying is undoubtedly important, but they also need a
reasonable time to rest, to participate in extracurricular activities to enhance
their life-skills. Parents need to pay attention to them, guide them. They
children are in need of encouragement, sharing and understanding of their
wishes, so that they can become more and more confident in life, not putting
pressure on their grades and performance.
Tien: We hope that all students won’t have to deal with over-expectation from
parents about their achievements and grades. We hope all parents pay more
attention, share and motivate our young generation so that we are more
confident to face hardships in life!

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