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NAME Lalhriatpuia

Sl. Paper
No. No Subject Status
1 BMCO2 Marriage & Family Counselling C
2 BIDO6 Christian Faith and Witness in Pluralistic Scoieties C

First Semester
3 BIDO7 Eco-Juestice Theologies C
4 BMMO2 Church Organization and Pastoral Administration C
5 BTTO6 Theology of Calvin C

BRSO7 Islam C
9 BTT11 Person & Work of Jesus Christ S

Second Semester
10 BTT12 Intro. To Christian Theologies in India S
11 BIDO1 Science & Religion S
12 BHMO2 Cont. Issues and Trends in Christian Mission … S
BBO17 Prop. Resp. to the Struggle of the People of God (H) S
14 BFWO3 Field Work C

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