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Trịnh Thuỵ Ái Trâm _ K204041282

❖ Geopolitics: Location
- Location: Vietnam is in South East Asia (“the easternmost country on the
Indochinese Peninsula”) 🡪 easy for other countries to visit and commerce


- Area: total 331,699 km2 <Link:>

- Terrain: a country of tropical lowlands, hills, and densely forested highlands
🡪level land covering no more than 20% of the area <Link: >
- Climate: Tropical climate (tropical monsoon) 🡪 warm, sunny climate
+Rainy season: May – October
+ Dry season : November – April
� Suitable to plant tropical fruits, vegetable….
in-vietnam/ >
❖ Military:
- “Vietnamese People’s Armed Forces” includes : People’s Army of Vietnam
(Quân đội Nhân dân VN), Vietnam People's Public Security (Công an Nhân
dân VN) and Vietnam Self-Defence Militia (Dân quân Tự vệ VN). < Link: >
- Vietnam is the 23rd most powerful military in the world, ranked by U.S.
website Global Firepower in 2019 .
- “Vietnam has a total of 318 aircraft, including 140 helicopters, placing it 33rd
in this category, while its combat tanks strength of 2,575 was ranked 10th.
Vietnam's naval strength, with 65 ships, placed it in 36th position. Vietnam has
an estimated 5.4 million military personnel,with 1.65 million people reaching
military age every year.” (2019)

4003672.html >

❖ Human Capital:

- Vietnam reached 38th position among 174 economies in the 2020 Human
Capital Index, above Brunei (56th), Malaysia (62nd), Thailand (63rd),
Indonesia (96th), the Philippines (103rd), Cambodia (118th), Myanmar (120th),
Laos (126th) and Timor-Leste (128th). <Link:
index-4163357.html >

- Government has been committing to develop a strong education in Vietnam,

with the philosophy that “an illiterate nation is a powerless one” ( Originally from
The Works of Ho Chi Minh, Volume IV. 1984. Hanoi: Su That, as cited in Fredriksen and
Tan (2008)) : improve Education Quantity and Quality , attract and support
- Vietnam has a lot of intelligent, smart… people; we can find them on The Brain
Vietnam (people with extraordinary intelligence, amazing abilities, special
abilities); Road to Mount Olympia (a competition held annually for high
school students)…. 🡺 These may become Vietnam’s leaders, who can develop
the country
talents-for-australia-571946.html ,
%E1%BB%87_Vi%E1%BB%87t_Nam >

❖ Economics: Agriculture, fishery and forestry, Energy, mining and minerals,

Industry and manufacturing, Services and tourism
- The agriculture sector makes up one third of Vietnam’s economy and the
agriculture sector accounts nearly 40% of total employment in Vietnam (2020)
🡪 Vietnam is one of the top rice exporting countries in the world, Rice is the
most important component of agriculture and food scene.


- Vietnam has abundant resources given the country's long coastline and extensive
network of rivers and lakes 🡪 grow fishing industry, easy to commerce with other
countries all over the world

<link: >

- “Vietnam has various natural resources including forest, sea and mineral resources.
Vietnam's forests are valued to be high diversity with rich fauna and flora. In
addition to huge potential energy sources like oil, natural gas, coal and
hydropower, Vietnam is rich in other mineral sources, such as iron ore, copper,
gold and building materials”. 🡺 Important point which help peple have jobs, earn
money, develop the economy

resources.html >

- “Between 2002 and 2018, GDP per capita increased by 2.7 times, reaching over
US$2,700 in 2019, and more than 45 million people were lifted out of poverty. The
Vietnamese economy has been hit hard by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, but has
shown remarkable resilience.”


❖ Technology:

- “New infrastructure has given Vietnamese citizens easy access to the internet 🡪
propelled their country across the digital divide” 🡪 “The factory runs on
renewable energy sources, including hydroelectric power, biofuel and solar… “

- Lots of e-commerce platforms were born: Tiki, Shopee, Lazada… helping

people buy products conveniently.


� Modern technology not only help us evolve the economics, produce goods
quicker but also can be applicable into daily-life.

❖ Ideology and culture:

● Culture: Vietnam is a country rich in history and traditions

- Food is an important part of Vietnamese culture, characterized by rice, fish

sauce, snacks and regional diversity; fruits and vegetables produced and
consumed daily

Link :

- Clothing: In feudal Vietnam, clothing was one of the most important marks of
social status and strict dress codes were enforced. There’re many type of
traditional costumes: Ao Tu Than, Ao Giao Linh, Ao Dai, Ao Ba Ba,… .
Especially Ao Dai is the traditional costume of Vietnamese people which is
really well-known around the world. ; ;

- Vietnamese people usually place a altar with fruits, food, wine, votive paper,
lighting candles in their houses to remember their ancestor (Ancestor Worship)

- People also visit pagodas to pray for health, peace…

- There’re many festivals: Tet Holiday, Hung Festival, Mid-autumn festival…

or , special history occasions: Day of Southern Liberation for National
Reunification (30/04), Vietnam's Independence Day (02/09)…

⇨ Vietnamese special culture attract tourist from all over the world to visit, to
learn more about our traditional activities 🡪 develop tourism ;

● Ideology: Ho Chi Minh Ideology ( a political philosophy that builds upon
Marxism–Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought).

- “Vietnam is a socialist republic with a one-party system led by the Communist

Party. According to the Constitution, Vietnam is in a period of transition to
socialism ["Political system". Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Retrieved 20 April 2012]”

- The thought of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people
had come into being long before. The state of the people, by the people, and for
the people does not work for itself, but for the benefits of the whole people. Ho
Chi Minh once said, “The state must by all means do whatever is beneficial to
the people and avoid whatever does harm to the people. The cadres from the
central to the local levels must work as servants for the people.” 🡪 Due to that,
Vietnamese people believe in their government.

⇨ In the period of Covid-19, government always try to protect peoples by

enacting the rule to keep them not to come to crowed places, wear mask to save
health; trying to find vaccine to cure, …. 🡪 Contained covid19 and reopening
the economy :

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