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The six months student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES)

commonly referred to as industrial attachment was undertaken between 6 th
August, 2012 – 5th Feb. 2013 in our reputable and prestigious institution,
the Benue state university library. The library which has large learning
facilities with tremendous enrolment and large resources in positions to
make significant contribution to social services, publication, conservation of
knowledge and idea extension services and interpretation.

Librarianship therefore, is a professional course students who intend

to become prospective librarians need to avail themselves with the needed
experience in handling equipments and machinery of library profession
preparatory for employment after graduation.


A library is a professionally organised collection of graphic and non

graphic materials or print and non-print materials for exploitation by its
users. The library houses volumes of books, journals among others and
manages the library structure of the university. The Benue state university
library came into been on 25 TH December 1992, it has a floor area of 454
square meters and shelves provision for more than 12, 000 books. The
library was also planned to house 200 periodicals, 20 newspapers,
reasonable quality of audio-visuals software and hardware’s 200 seats for
readers. The library plans to stock general and specialized printed and non-
printed information resources to provide modern library services needed
by both students and staff with the present size facilities of the university.
The organization of the Benue state university library collection is done
using the library of congress classification scheme (LC)


The Benue state university library opens for service Monday through
Sunday as from 8. 00 am- 10pm. During the semester Saturday services are
also offered from 8.00am - 2pm, Sunday services from 3pm-6pm
respectively. During vacation, library services are from Monday through
Friday 8.00 am to 6.00pm and Saturday 8.00am-1 pm. the library remains
closed to patrons on public holidays.


Membership of the Benue state university library is open to the

university community and members must register with the library and
obtain a library identity card and borrowers tickets. On the other hand,
intending members outside the university community must bring an
introduction letter bearing the person’s details from the parent institution
or organisation where he or she comes from if he or she wishes to make
use of the library collections.


Some of the aims and objectives of the Benue state university library
are as follows
 To provide information materials required for the academic
programmes of faculties in the institution and also dissemination of
knowledge for human development.
 To provide facilities in various sister libraries (i.e faculty libraries) for
 To provide protection and security for materials through
preservation and conservation of materials from deterioration and
 To provide access to the recorded knowledge. This is done by
selecting and acquiring materials suitable for information need of
patrons or patron community. It also provides resource that will
facilitate teaching, learning and research.
 To provide inter-library co-operation with a view to developing and
providing information resources that will facilitate teaching
information seeking, learning and research.
 To serve as a storehouse of knowledge.


Some of general rules and regulations of the library include

 GSM mobile phones are switched –off before entry into the library.
 Noise making is prohibited in and around the library complex.
 Brief case, bags, large envelopes etc are not allowed into the library
 Library books and periodicals must not be mutilated or stolen hence
this attracts penalty.
 Once a book is being removed from the shelf, it must be left on the
reading table and not returned by the reader or user by him or her
self to the shelves.
 No sitting space should be reserved by any user who may be absent
to attend lectures or take meals.
 No pet or any kind of animal should be brought into the library.
 Readers possession must be submitted for checking or inspection
when leaving the library building at the exit.
 Group studies are prohibited in the library


Mutilation simply means the ripping off of pages, chapters or

sections of a book for selfish purposes. This is a serious anti-social activity
which impairs the usefulness of the publications, not only for the
immediate patrons but for future generation of users.



Vice Chancellor

University Council

University librarian


Technical Reader Serial Post Medical

Virtual Faculty
service Division Services Division Library Library graduate Library.
Division library.

Bindery Art
Collection Cataloguing Education
Developm- &
ent Classification

Circulation Reserved Reference Research
Section Section Section Unit Science


Management science

Administration is very important and vital in any given organisation,

because it normally carries out the proper managing skills for effective
dissemination of information or discharge of duties both human resources
and non print media resources.

The university librarian is usually the principal officer responsible for

the daily activities of the organization, such as planning, building,
promotion, recruitment of library staffs, discipline, dismissal and retirement
of staff. This university librarian works directly under the vice chancellor of
the Benue state university , he is also one among the principal officers of
the university.

Benue state university library is structured in a way that will make

the administrative and management functions easier to be carried out in
such a way that enhances the organizations productivity and also meet the
aims and objectives of the parents institution and have a well and effective
supervision control on both the resources owned by the library and its
staffs inclusive.

At the apex of the organisation’s structure we have the vice

chancellor who oversees the running and the affairs of the entire institution
the vice chancellor is the captain of the ship that moves the entire

The university librarian as the head of the university library, runs the
library with the assistance of other divisional librarians for the over all
objective of the parent organization i.e Benue state university and also for
the vice chancellor.

The University librarian carries out various functions or perform

various functions or role in the educational process of the institution these

1. Administrative and management functions

2. Book selection/Acquisition process
3. Consultancy services
4. lectures and orientation courses
5. conduct research areas such as improving library services
6. Contributing to professional literature, annual Nigerian Library
association (NLA) conferences.


Just like the organizational structure of the university library has

shown, the library has seven divisional operations under which some still
have operational sections. The divisions are also headed by professional
librarians, some para-professionals and other supporting staffs.
These seven divisions are namely

1) Technical service division

2) Readers services division
3) serial division
4) virtual library
5) Faculty library
6) post-graduate library and
7) Medical library


This particular division of the library is also referred to as behind the

scene. This is because, almost all the services carried out or performed in
this division are without the knowledge of the users or out of sight to the
user even though they are registered members of the library.

Most of the services in the technical division are collection

development which involves routine or book processing and cataloguing
and classification. The work carried out in this division i.e technical division
are highly technical in nature and deals with the routine connected with it.

a) Collection development. Ode and Omokaro( 2001:17) define

collection development as the process of assessing the strength and
weakness of a collection with the view of selecting which books and
other materials that will be included in a collection (for a new
library) or added to the existing collection to correct the weakness
and maintain the strength. Collection development can be viewed in
two perspectives namely.
i. Building a completely new collection. In this case, the librarian
has to study the demographic and Occupational characteristics
educational level and aspirations of a given community to
ascertain its needs and interest and
ii. Working on existing one in which case the librarian is already
aware of the strength and weakness of the collection. There are
therefore, numerous activities or processes that are involved in
book selection, acquisition, preparation of orders selection of
publisher (dealer) ordering, settlement of invoice, evaluation and
probably weeding among others. This also test the strength and
weakness of library collection and attempts to correct the
existing weakness, if any. It is regarded as the pivot around which
every other library activity revolves.
b) Cataloguing and classification section. Cataloguing is an organised
set of lithographic records that represents the holdings of a
particular collection. Catalogues are necessary whenever the
collection grows too large to be remembered item by item. This
section is within the technical department of the library and is
responsible for cataloguing and classifying every book for easy
retrieval of materials by patrons of the university library.
Objectives of this section.
Some of the objectives or purposes of the cataloguing and
classification section are as follows.
i. To enable users locate books or any library material with either the
author, title or subject is known by the library user.
ii. To show what the library has by a given author, subject and in a
given kind or particular type of literature.
iii. To assist in the choice of a book as to the edition and its character
(library or topical)
c) Classification: Classification simply means the assigning of numbers
to works, materials or books to show its subject area and indicate
the location of the collection of that work or book. This is done
based on the standard published library of congress classification
scheme and its schedule and their list of subject heading which is
usually consulted when processing library materials in Benue state
university library.
Library collections of any appeasable size are arranged according to
some system and the arrangement is generally referred to as
classification it provides formal, and orderly access to the shelves.
Classification therefore is done to achieve the following
 To bring related items of the collection together in a helpful
sequence from general to the specific
 For convenience when the collections are open on the shelf.
 To lead patrons to the information packages required
 For ease of access especially if the collection is heterogeneous.

The readers services division of the library deals directly with patrons of
the library or users of the library. The readers services division is where the
patrons or users come in contact with materials on their information need
and it is also where the five laws of library science operates

 Every reader his book.

 Every book its reader
 Books are for use
 Save the time of the reader
 Books are growing organism.

The readers services division is divided into four (4) section which are

i. Reserve section
ii. Circulation section
iii. Reference section and
iv. Research unit or section.


This is a place where costly or rare books or materials which can not be
easily seen in the market/ bookshops are kept in order to give access to
patrons based on the higher demand, out limited quantities, the library
preserves and loans out these materials to be used within the library
building and for specific hours. Users are however required to make
renewal if he or she wishes to do so. This section keeps record of books
that are loaned out and over due books or materials and usually users with
over due materials are required to pay a fine for the number of days he/she
has stayed with the book.

After the processing of library materials, they are usually taken to the
circulation section for shelving. The circulation section makes materials
available to users and regulates the use of materials by providing library
cards to users for borrowing the shelved materials. They are responsible for
charging and discharging, renewal and reserving of materials.

In the five laws of library science, it has been stated that, library
books are collected for use, kept for use and served for use. The endless
technical processes and routine are getting suggestion from experts
acquiring by purchase or gift, accessioning, classification, cataloguing shelf-
registering and discharging, all these are carried out only for use.

The circulation section is in charge of books for readers or users. No

reader can escape coming into contact or relation with this section of the
library if really or truly you are a user of the library. Thus it is the
performance and attitude of the circulation section that largely makes or
damage as well as spoil the reputation of the library.

The responsibility of the circulation section is particularly heavy in

open access libraries where things are so arranged that no body can come
in or go out except with the consent and surveillance of the circulation
section that no book or other materials can get out of the library without
permission, it takes care of entrance and exist of the library, it is extremely
vigilant, it also safe guard the resources of the library, it is this section
(circulation section) that admits users as members of the library and with
the withdrawal of membership it also takes charge of volumes of materials
returned after consultation by patrons.


Reference section is the major spot for assisting library users to

discover the true potential of the library. The reference section is the
section where users are assisted to have access to the resources of the
library. Reference section offers reference services with the aid of
reference materials by providing relevant materials with appropriate
information needed by the user. The section is concerned with answering
user’s queries on how best to utilize the library.

The reference section is usually equipped with dictionaries,

encyclopedia, directories, handbooks, indexes, abstracts, Government
publications year books, guides maps among other reference materials.

The organization of the reference section should be such that the

temptation of the administration prestige is kept as much as its sight is and
scent is possible. Full energy and time should be spent on understanding
the readers and resource of the library so that they may efficiently
discharge the important function of establishing contact between the right
reader and the book at the right time and right manner that is
dissemination role.

The research unit is commonly found in academic and research

libraries. In this unit (research), there is emphasis in the search for
something(s) involving scientific investigation. It contains private collection,
project, thesis, dissertation, maps, and manuscripts of renowned scholars
or important persons for the purpose of consultation. These are very useful
research materials that should be housed and kept properly in order to
make them accessible for research and teaching.


Another important division in academic library is the serial section or

department. This department or section is in charge of collecting and
processing publication issues in successive parts with chronological or
numerical designation intended to continue indefinitely. This department is
responsible for managing this kind of publications, serials are considered
very important because of their up to date information or current
information on various fields and subjects. They are essential for research
as they contain current information. The library staff who is the head of
serial division is referred to as serial librarian who carefully select, order
and receives serial publications and process for use by patrons. This section
or division houses materials such as newspapers, journals, government
publications proceedings, magazines, new letters, Annuals, Bulletins etc.
The serial division has only one section which is the binding section where
mutilated books are repaired.
Binding section

Binding section is the section where library materials are repaired

rebuilt or reinforced to make them become stronger and to be able to
withstand the rigor they are subjected to. They are responsible for binding
some serial materials like newspapers and magazines among other serials


Virtual library are libraries without walls. It is the library which

comprises of the operation of computers and other technologies, or
information and communication technology facilities or equipments for the
acquisition, organization retrieval and dissemination of information to
users. The virtual library is an information delivery station that collects
electronic base resources which are entirely accessed through computer
networks and other data base search engine. Some of the materials
available in this division of the library which must be subscribed are
electronic journals, books, newspapers etc.


Faculty libraries are simply the branch libraries of the main or central
institutions library. It is the duty or function of faculty libraries to provide
comfortable seating facilities for its users so that users can consult and read
books of their interest. Benue state university library usually provides study
carrels for users at the faculty libraries to those who intend to use the
library for research or any serious academic activity. Their operation and
objectives are all the same with the main library and each of them has a
section for serial collections or publication. The Benue State University
library has six faculty libraries which include faculty of Education, Art, social
science, law, science, and management science.


Post- graduate school library is a particular library that is only meant for
post –graduate students and staff of Benue state university who are
carrying out their research work in post –graduate programmes in the
university such as post- graduate diploma, master’s programme, ph.D
programmes. Materials in this library are essentially for research and
teaching, their collections also cut across all the disciplines offered by the
post-graduate school of the Benue state university. The library also has a
section for research materials and serials publications and is headed by a


The chapter reviews the activities carried out during the SIWES
programme in Benue State University library Makurdi. We started the
SIWES programme on the 2nd of October to the 31st of March and we
were grouped into four persons per group and posted to various divisions
of the libraries on rotational basis which is as follows.

a) Cataloguing and classification section 6th – 31st August 2012

b) collection development section 3rd – 28th September, 2012
c) Faculty of law library 2nd- 27 th October2012
d) Post graduate school library 29th October –23rd November 2012.
e) reader services division 26th November -20th December 2012.
f) Serial division 7th January-6th February 2013.



The librarian in charge of the cataloguing and classification is Mr.

Ephraim T. Alev. On resumption of my industrial attachment in the
department I was given an orientation of the activities or function of the
cataloguing and classification section. These include the classification of
books and also cataloguing of books before they are finally dispatched to
the readers services division. Classification of books is done using the
library of congress classification scheme (Lc), Anglo American cataloguing
rule II(AACR2R). library of congress list of subject heading and the schedule
for classification. I classified several books each day I went to work and
these books were books that cut across the following disciplines, library
and information science, technologies, Arts, science and social science etc I
also did cataloguing of books. Cataloguing of books is the description of the
physical characteristics of a book by identifying the author, title, place of
publication, year of publication, illustration, collation which also includes
the preliminary pages, series, size of the materials, indexes, bibliographies,
appendix and ISBN. I also did spine labeling of text books that were
classified and catalogued. In doing this I used the self adhesive labels and
other materials to spine label books. Also in this department I did record
classified and catalogued books into the movement register and after spine
labeling, the text books were dispatched to the readers service division to
be displayed on the shelves for patron’s use or consultation.


The librarian in-charge this section is Mrs. Ashaver Doosuur after a

month at cataloguing of classification section I moved to the collection
development section of the technical department. Here I was given an
orientation on the activities carried out in this section by a staff who works
in this section . I learnt that the main aim or function of this section is to
select, acquire and process library materials for users. Selection is done
because not all materials are relevant to users and acquisition could either
be through purchase, exchange or donation from individuals. After this
orientation, I started or commenced work on books that arived newly. First
by selecting and separating these books according to departments or fields
eg. management science books, library science books etc and then I
stamped these books on the secret pages e.g 17, 33, 55, 100, 200 and
above after this I pasted book pucket and date due slip on books and also
stamping of block stamp this particular stamp usually carries the accession
number of the book and class mark of the book ,after this I entered details
of book in a card called ownership card and lastly gave accession numbers
to books using an instrument called accession machine.

I also registered the collections in the accession register in order to

maintained record of all library collections or resources

 I also moved newly acquired books from the university librarians

office to collection development for processing.
 Stocking taking of new materials that were brought to C &D with
emphasis on number of titles, same titles, editors, edition, authors
and number of copies of the books.
 Register titles in movement register
 Processed books that were donated to management other disciplines
and were carefully registered under the supervision of Mr. Nyisher
Timothy of collection development section.


The librarian in charge of law library is Mr. R. G. Okplogidi. I was

given an orientation by the law librarian by name Mr. R.G. Okplogidi as to
what the law library is about. I was told that this library is specifically a
library that houses books and other materials on law as a profession, and
that the library does not make use of library of congress scheme
classification scheme or Dewey Decimal classification scheme in classifying
its materials but a classification scheme called Moys classification scheme.
After this orientation I was posted to the readers services division The law
library is divided into two Axis. ie A and B. A contains the Law librarian’s
office, reserve 8 reference section in it.

Axis B contain the open shelve, the serials section, the virtual library
and it also contains the office of the assistant law librarian. I worked at
both axis but first started at the A axis and mostly what i did was charging
and discharging of materials to students I e projects and book on reserve
which normally statistics were taken on every book or material that was
used e.g name of student, signature of staff and student, time returned,
date etc.

I also did stock taking of library materials at the reference and

reserve section and serial section. After some time I resumed work at the B.
axis which contains the open shelves where users come to make use of
books and other materials here I did sheif-reading of books consulted or
used by patrons and also stamped projects work and arranged them
according to their years e.g 2003, 2004, 2007, 2010 etc, after stamping
them I also recorded these project in a sheet of paper as to the author,
year etc. I also stamped newspapers and journals e.g of a journal titled the
silk and I also stamped Benue state law report vol 5.
I was also taught how to classify law materials using Moys
classification scheme.


The librarian in charge of the post-graduate school library is Mr. F.G.

Amaakaven. I received an orientation about what or the activities that are
carried out in this library by the librarian. This library houses materials and
project of post graduate students in post graduate diploma, masters ph.D
and others. I did shelf reading of books and arranged projects in their
proper order each day after I had been taught how to shelf read materials
in this library. I was introduced to all the sections of the library and I
worked in each section. At the research unit where project work of post
graduate students are kept i attended to students who came to make
research by searching for the project title, author year etc before searching
for the project title the patron or users had to make use of the catalogue
cards to be sure of what he/she wants. Another activity I carried out in this
library was stamping of newspapers that arrived each day and at the end of
the month e.g December 1st -31st December 2012 newspapers were tied
together and kept in a space provided for this. This activity is done in such a
way that when I user wants to make use of a newspaper easy access will be
made in other to retrieve the information he or she wants to make use of.


The librarian in charge of this section is by name Mrs. UGBAGIR. On

resumption of my industrial attachment at the readers services division of
Benue state university main library I was given an orientation or
introduction as to what is been carried out in this section by the librarian in
charge of this division. I was made to understand that this division has
other sections within which includes;-

 The research unit

 Reference unit/circulation unit
 Reserve unit

After this I was introduced to all the units and what is done in each of
them. Shortly after this introduction I was posted to the reserve /
circulation unit or section where book on reserve are kept on restriction or
for consultation or because of the numbers of copies not been much. This
unit or section I e reserve/ circulation is where the user comes in contact
with the staff and is cleared on every issued he/she does not understand. I
did stamp projects work of students belonging to department of religion
and philosophy and management science and also gave accession numbers
to them and also spine labeled them using self adhesive labels and other
materials before they were finally taken or dispatched to the research unit
for consultation.

Each day I did shelf reading of books from A-Z and arranged them
serially. I was also taught filing of books which is word by word filing or
letter by letter but the most commonly practiced type of filing here is the
word by word filing.

In this section of the library I attended to students who came to

make use of books on reserve first of all the user made use of the
catalogue cards in making easy access to the book he/she really wanted
after he must have gotten the title and author as well as class mark I then
received it from the user and checked for it.

Also in this section I did charging and discharging of books that users
made use of. I also checked students clearance forms using the registration
forms usually arranged in a tray alphabetically to ensure that students who
registered with the library return their identify cards and borrowers ticket
before their forms were signed and those who registered but misplaced
their ID cards and ticket had to pay a fine for the lost of those materials
belonging to the library.

After some time I was posted to the research unit where I also
worked on projects. I did shelf reading and arranging of these project work
every day and attended to students who came to make research using this
projects in addition I took statistics of books used at the reserve section e.g
the author name of the user etc.


The librarian in-charge of this section is Mrs Doosuur Ashaver On

resumption in this section of the library, I was given an orientation on the
basic functions of the serial division by the librarian in charge and other
staffs who took me round this section to explain every thing or function
carried out or performed. This section houses serials publication which
include newspapers, Journal, magazines, bulletines etc. I was made to
understand that these materials come directly from the librarians office and
after they arrive I usually processed them.
What i did first was recording these materials on a sheet as to the
number of copies of newspapers, magazines, journals etc, types of news
papers eg daily sun, new Nigerian, vanguard, the guardian, newswatch the
voice among several others.

After recording all this detail I went ahead to separate them to other
unit libraries according to the news paper title e.g law library post graduate
library etc. Thirdly I stamped or gave ownership stamp to the materials
allocated to this section, I stamped on each page.

I also did newspaper indexing in this section of the library in doing

this I picked an article from the newspapers either on politics, economic
Agriculture technology etc after that i picked the name of the author of the
article, the title of the article e.g unending questions over a governor’s slain
aide (politics), the type of newspaper, the day and date, vol and No and
lastly the page where the article is contained all these I did on an indexing

- I did shelf reading to the shelves allocated to me and re-arranged

seats and dusted chairs, shelves and moped the tables in this section
- I did enter journals in the Kardex cards and filed the cards.
- I also attended to students who come to make sure of these
materials by helping them locate information in newspapers and
magazines published some years ago.



Some of problems encountered during the SIWES programme include

1. Lack of friendless of some staff to it students’ some of the library

staff were unwilling to give the it student’s maximum corporation,
some of these library staff who are mostly para-profesionals or
library attendance decide to exhibit lack of concern toward the IT
student’s and even when a question was asked in order to build up
knowledge they tend to ignore these questions saying we have been
taught during lecture, so we shouldn’t disturb them. other’s say it is
not their business they are not been paid for teaching IT students
other’s just decide to transfer aggression or their anger from their
houses to IT students there by making the students to be like
unrespectful and unserious students who lack manners and several
other exhibitions by some staff.
2. Inadequacy of standard tools in the library for processing of newly
acquired information resources. For instance in classification and
cataloguing section they have inadequate tools. And also use old
editions of library of congress list of subject heading and its schedule
for classification. Meanwhile in classifying other materials they had
to request for current tools before making use of them to classify
some materials or books
3. Another problem encountered at Benue state university library was
the inability of materials or books that were been processed to be
placed on the shelves on time for library users to make use of them
especially in the readers service and serial division respectively.
Newspapers and magazines which were normally supposed to be to
used or placed for user on the very date of publication, usually come
behind the date of publication or after the date of publication and
the reason for this was that the university librarian had to read them
first before they were released for patrons.
4. Another problem Benue state university library is confronted with is
insufficient funding. Benue state university itself gets funding from
the founder, the Benue state government. Every sector of Nigerian
institution is been faced with this problem of inadequate financial
support to manage and maintain the institution goals and objectives
and this challenge or problem leads to low acquisition of current
information materials for students and staff need to enhance
teaching, learning and research. This problem also leads to over
dependence on Education trust fund (ETF) to acquire and distribute
books to various libraries and this delays the use of such resources as
the authority (university librarian) has to come for inspection before
such materials are placed on the shelves for use.
5. Another challenge been faced by the library is inadequate
accommodation. With the readership at nearly five thousand users
the library can at any given time accommodate only two hundred
and sixty eight readers (268). This is far below the minimum for the
university library, which should sit at least one quarter of its readers
at a time. And also because of lack of accommodation some sections
are been housed or merged together for example the readers
section is also the same place for reserve, reference, research and
documentation unit all have been joined together and also binding
section in the same place with the serial division of library.
6. There is also the challenge of bringing the library up to the twenty
first (21st ) century level through the introduction of modern
information and communication technology into operations. There is
need to improve on resources and services. And it can be done by
developing a global internet environment which covers the global
internet environment which covers global searching for data base on
the internet retrieving information on network resources and
communicating by e-mail word processors and desktop publishing
packages for study, teaching and research. It seems this challenge
has been met but these information and communication
technological facilities or tools are not managed properly or
effectively to ensure that the patron community’s needs at met.
7. Another problem the library faces is staff having difficulties in re-
orienting themselves to cope with the current trend in information
and communication technology. Many of the staff went through
traditional form of training in the library schools and as such they
have been having difficulties in adjusting and dissemination, retrieval,
packaging and delivery. These is no doubt that for them to carry out
their duties of information delivery well, they need to constantly
update their knowledge in the area of new techniques in information
delivery. This they can do through training and re-training in order to
re-orients themselves.
8. Epileptics power supply. The university library does not have a
standby generator to supplement the public power source as a result
of power outage, the users are usually forced to leave the library
especially at night hours. the situation also affects the online
registration process in the university when the virtual library and
other e-libraries in the school are assigned to handle student’s online
9. Another problem or challenge faced by Benue state university library
is the slow growth rate of book stock . This also is another great
challenge facing Benue state university library. The library is
supposed to have stocked at least fifty thousand volumes of books
and at least one thousand journal titles in its first three years of
existence as a minimum standard set for new libraries. Although it is
no longer a new library it has slow growth rate of book stock and
journals especially in areas like library and information science and
other departments in the university. The library is supposed to have
attained the growth level of at least two hundred and twenty five
thousand volumes of books when it clocked ten years and more so
that the library is more than ten years of existence now.
10. The SIWES programme in Benue state university library is not
properly coordinated, this is because throughout our six months in
the organization we were not addressed by the university librarian
and also we were not posted to the virtual library when we
complained we were told provision has not been made for that

These were some of problems encountered during the SIWES

programme including the problems of the Benue state university library as
at the time of this report.



This chapter summaries the activities carried out during the SIWES
programme and recommendations for improvement on the problems to
enhance quality service to patrons in the Benue state university library.
These include the following.

The six months student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES)

was undertaken between 6th August, 2012 to 5th February 2013 with Benue
State University Library (BSUL).

the historical development of the library is date back to 1992 when

the university was established with 454 square meters 25th December to
be precise.

The library uses the library of congress classification scheme (LC) in

processing its collections, the moys classification scheme for law materials,
processing of newly acquired materials in the collection development
(C&D), classification of such materials and also cataloguing of the materials
for easy identification and retrieval by patrons, filing of catalogue cards,
shelving of text books and shelf reading of books. There was also stamping
of newspapers and magazines,, indexing of newspapers, shelf reading of
journals, recording of journals in kardex cards, tagging of newspapers and
magazines, preparation of ownership cards to newly acquired books,
accessioning of new books, stamping of books with ownership stamp,
block stamp an recording of books in the accession register, charging and
discharging of books. The library also has rules and regulations that govern
the conduct of patrons and that of the staff as well

The library has the library organogram or institutional chart which

shows all the divisions and sections under its control.

In other to enhance effective services delivery and qualitative

services its users Benue state university library should adopt some
measures for considerations that will improve on the service rendered to
its users and for effective service delivery.


1. The future of new technology in libraries requires a technological

skilled workforce of librarian and library support staff. Benue state
university librarians should be willing and prepared to go for training and
retraining in order to equip themselves to take up the challenge of new
technology information and communication. Not only professional
librarians but also other staff should be trained as well and stop
discouraging themselves from hanging on to achieve notions of the
traditional librarianship through which they underwent.

2. Benue state university should provide funds for the management

and running of the library. though it is true that both federal and state
universities are producing the much required high level of man power for
the nation. It is therefore logical that state universities should be funded
more by its founders. By doing this it will give room for effective
acquisition of information resource materials to enhance effective teaching,
learning and research as well as to subscribe to online journals and
databases for staff and students to live with adequate information.

3 In view of the unsteady and unreliable electricity in the country generally,

the university library should be provided with a powerful standby generator
to avoid constant disruption of services due to power disruption. This
should be provided in other to supplement the public power source in
other to extend its services. To enables users have a conducive
environment in absence of public power supply

4. Benue state university library should coordinate the SIWES

programme properly, this is because some sections of the library were not
included in the programme like the virtual library. provision should be
made for student on industrial attachment to be able to work in this
section. And also we were not addressed by the university librarian
throughout our stay in the organization.

5. There should be adequate staffing in the university library especially

the professional staffs to be enable to perform functions like classification
of library materials, cataloguing of library materials current awareness
services, indexing and abstracting services.

6. The library should acquire current editions of library tools e.g library
of congress list of subject heading for better classification of materials in all
the disciplines and should be adequate to serve the students on ( IT) who
may also need it for practical purposes the library should also acquire more
of moys classification scheme in the law library,
7. Lastly, Benue state university should construct a new and bigger
building for library to make the library environment conducive to attract
users for maximum utilization of library resources and also enable the
library to house its resources.


Benue state university, (2007/2008) Benue state university, Head Books

makurdi, Aboki publisher.

Elijah O. Ode and Dominic A. Omokaro (2007) Basic principles and practice
of librarianship. Nigeria: PSG. Franc publishers

F.C. Ekera (2010) Administration of Academic libraries: A Book of Reading,

Enugu Praise House Publishers.

Personal observation an oral interview with some library staff ( BSU 20130.

Information and Guidence (1999) studies industrial work Experience

scheme SIWES operation, Jos, ITF Dept.

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