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1.4 The speaker should conder the listeners first before the speaker itself. 2That is
why ethics play an important role in technical communication because it is what
connects the speaker and the listener through a third-party channel. 3It eases the
listener's feelings and assures them that the speaker is a human and not an automated
machine, producing a much more active and positive feedback.
1.5 While on the phone about a complaint on my delivery, I spoke in a condensed
and professional matter to the company speaker and provided my points correctly
without bias or false information. 2After reaching an agreement, the listener asked an
extra moment to express their thanks for me not being angry and unreasonable on the
1.6 After speaking to my friend in Japan who is currently working in a billion-dollar
multi-international company, at their current branch there is a current shortage of staff
and diversity. 2Despite that, he mentions that the most important part of hiring is a
person's manner. 3As long as you conduct yourself respectfully and practice basic
manners, you are most certainly hired because you are less likely to cause problems in
the long run with your co-workers.
1.7 One example of cultural reference I often hear is the phrase "char" or "charot".
It is a term that signifies that the recently uttered statement is in fact a jest and should
not be taken seriously at all. 3In a multicultural setting, one can propose the usage of the
word "joke" instead because it is universal and often used by English speaking
countries to represent a state of hilarity and not so serious statement. 4Another one to
be wary of is the phrase "awit lods" although it is very recent and doubly used often in a
professional setting. 5It is a phrase used to represent displeasure and uncontented in a
playful manner. This phrase is not easily translatable because it is a colloquial term.
Despite that, I suggest the use of "oh no" or simply "aww" instead. 7Accompanied with
proper body gesture and face language, it can easily convey the state of discontent to a
person who is not even familiar to phrases of the English language.
1.8 The term used to describe a person's nationality is often a hotbed of gender
neutrality discussions. 2For example, the term Latino and Filipino are all coined as
masculine with their Latina and Filipina counterparts. 3As such, some terms have been
proposed such as Filipinx and Latinx. 4It is met with controversy, but the idea holds
promise. 5The term ballerina is also commonly given to female ballet dances despite
male ballet dancers being the same. 6One can propose the same idea as above,
namely Ballerine.
1.9 I would conduct a seminar and team building exercises on my company that
can provide communication to a culturally diverse workforce. 2Aside from language
barriers, I would encourage my employees to share something unique about their
culture, something they can be proud of and do an exchange gift type of event where
they think of something that is important to them culturally and share it to their co-
workers. 3Doing so will pique their interest in their coworker's background and insight
the act to get to know each other. 4Doing so should make them bond and hopefully
encourage them to hang out in their off days to increase camaraderie in the company.

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