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Rediscovering the kata way

Modified Toyota continuous improvement method can

lead to the next frontier of innovation

28 Industrial Engineer
For years, continuous improve- itive arena from which only the fittest should be on every manufacturer’s
ment has been the brass ring that many will emerge. The proactive captains of radar screen since the ability to inno-
organizations have reached for but industry who first discover the way of vate continuously has been identified
have failed to grasp. First total quality kata will outcompete their competitors, as the path to growth.
control, then total quality management whether down the street or on the other The IEMS process uses “the best of
(TQM) held early promises for the side of the planet. The way of kata will the best” for the idea phase.
continuous improvement ideal. TQM, become a competitive advantage in due Ideation has been widely identified
as robust a set of principles as can be course. This begs the question that if as the “fuzzy front end” of innova-
found, eventually was deemed a failure everyone of consequence is doing it, tion. The IEMS uses 40 or so “create
by many. Next came lean. With Toyota how can you stand out? Clearly, the tools," shown in Figure 2, to stimulate
as a point of reference, lean has been answer is innovation. ideation. These tools range from the all
pursued as the answer to the continu- too familiar brainstorming session to
ous improvement enigma for nearly Innovation Engineering more advanced methods such as TRIZ.
30 years. Unfortunately, according to a Management System To get the best out of those partici-
2007 IndustryWeek survey, as many as The National Institute of Standards and pating in the ideation session and to
75 percent of U.S. organizations that Technology-Manufacturing Extension discern which five to six tools will fit
have tried lean found it to be a cruel Partnership (NIST-MEP) has teamed the four to 16 participants’ inclinations,
mirage. with Doug Hall’s Eureka! Ranch in cultural surveys are administered. The
It seems that every generation flushes Newtown, Ohio, to develop the Innova- survey detects whether the partici-
out the previous generation’s concept of tion Engineering Management System pants are left brain, right brain or
continuous improvement only to find (IEMS). All MEP affiliates will develop whole brain thinkers. It seeks to distin-
that the newer permutation falls short the capability and capacity to deliver guish whether the participants believe
of the promise. IEMS services to the U.S. manufactur- they work in a command-and-control
Recently, Mike Rother discovered ing base. The IEMS process is attractive setting or within a collaborative envi-
the continuous improvement method because it provides organizations with ronment. It even helps the facilitator
that Toyota has been hiding in plain a robust repeatable process for inno- make sense of the proactive or reac-
sight. In his groundbreaking book, vation, shown in Figure 1. This system tive nature of the organization. These
The Toyota Kata, Rother described the
first verifiable method for continu- phases of innovation
ous improvement and goes on to
Figure 1. This funnel diagram of the Innovation Engineering Management System is
describe how the kata inculcates the adapted from Zachary Sorrells of Eureka! Ranch International.
improvement habit of mind through
the choreographed practice of daily
improvement. Rother’s book delves
into the brain science that supports the
concept of kata and how it can provide
dramatic changes in how an organiza-
tion can improve continuously.
Nothing in the literature before Roth-
er’s book details the power of a daily
regimen for improvement. This recent
development is at the forefront of lean
understanding and is recommended
for all lean practitioners. If indeed the
continuous improvement chimera has
been slain, it can be only a matter of
time until world-class performance
becomes a crowded and hyper-compet-

November 2012 29
rediscovering the kata way
the right tools
Figure 2. The IEMS uses dozens of “create tools” to stimulate the generation of ideas.

and many other cultural factors are benefit promise made to them, proof complete understanding of the innova-
considered in determining which create that it will work and the dramatic tion.
tools are best-suited for your particular difference of the innovation. Discern- Next is the discovery phase. From
group. ing these 3P’s (problem, promise and the 3P’s and the dramatic difference
The probability of successfully proof) and understanding the dramatic previously defined, we can construct a
commercializing an idea from any difference is the define phase. It’s concept. A simple math model based
create session is said to increase by 70 important to understand what the on Fermi estimating is used in this
percent when the participants perform customer cares about, not what the phase to get a grip on market viability
stimulus mining, a form of open inno- customer wants. As Henry Ford said, and cost. Even though Fermi estimat-
vation that seeks to stimulate new “If I had asked my customers what ing only can provide an approximation
and different combinations of ideas they wanted, they would have asked within one order of magnitude, the
for participants to discuss. Stimulus for faster horses.” His customers really resulting inferences are informative
mining session pre-work is a require- cared about convenient transportation. indicators for understanding a project’s
ment. As with all innovation, it’s pretty obvi- feasibility.
An adroit selection of create tools ous in hindsight. The discovery phase of the IEMS
will produce many unique ideas for new Skipping the define phase and requires you to deal with death threats
products, services, markets and even moving straight to prototyping is before entering the expensive and
better processes. The more ideas the premature. In fact, many consider the resource-intensive development
organization has, the more likely that define phase as the cheapest form of phase. Many organizations unnec-
one or some of those ideas are unique prototyping available. Since writing essarily bear the costs of not vetting
and desirable. promotes thinking, inventors must projects properly before starting prod-
Beyond the initial ideation phase, the perform a scrupulous investigation uct development. Neglecting this phase
IEMS also drives detail-oriented regard before they can describe their innova- induces risk-averse CEOs to consider
for what your customer’s customers tions in terms that even a fifth-grader innovation too risky and something to
care most about: their problem, the could understand. This evokes a more avoid.

30 Industrial Engineer
Next is the development phase. Far
too many organizations work hard to
from improvement
speed up their development cycles, to innovation
which is wasted effort if the innova- Figure 3. The comparison of an adapted version of Mike Rother’s improvement kata to a
tion/idea has no real consumer appeal. proposed innovation kata based on the Innovation Engineering Management System.
So even with a highly efficient product
The improvement kata Proposed innovation kata
development phase, the old IT adage
of garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) is 1. What is the target condition? 1. What is the actual condition now?
relevant. IEMS accounts for this huge (The challenge) (Go and see.)
• What do we expect to be happening? • Is the description of the current condition
mistake. • List the conditions (without adjectives). measurable?
For the development phase, use 2. What is the actual condition now?
– Value stream analysis (customer)
tools such as lean product develop- – Customer problem
(Go and see.)
• List the actual conditions.
ment, design for Six Sigma, and even • Is the description of the current condi-
tion measurable? 2. What is the target condition? (The invention)
stage/phase gate project management, – Block diagram, same every cycle? • What do we expect to be happening?
all of which can help improve prod- – Takt, cycle times, cycle times vary? • List the conditions.
– Output fluctuation, 1X1 flow, staff- – Benefit promise
uct development efforts. For smaller, ing? – Proof
less sophisticated organizations, the – Capacity/shifts, number of opera- – Dramatic Difference
fast turnaround scientific method that tors?
• List the actual conditions. DISCOVERY PHASE
Thomas Edison used in developing the – Concept
3. What obstacles are keeping you from the
filament for the incandescent light bulb target condition?
– Math model
can be used. Within the IEMS frame- Which are you addressing now? 3. What obstacles (death threats) are keeping
• Compare current vs. target conditions. you from the target condition? Which are you
work, the method is referred to as the • Focus on one obstacle at a time. Do addressing now?
"fail fast, fail cheap” methodology. In not worry about finding the biggest • Compare current vs. target conditions.
lean parlance, we use the word “kata.” obstacle; keep cycling fast and you’ll • Verify and validate your numbers.
find it. • Focus on one obstacle at a time.
Regardless, both refer to fast cycling of • Keep cycling fast.
W. Edwards Deming’s PDSA (plan, do, THE NEXT EXPERIMENT
4. What is your next step?
4. What is your next step?
study, act) cycle as a means of discovery (Start of next PDCA cycle)
(Start of next PDSA cycle)
through investigation and experimen- • Take only one step at a time but do so in
• Take only one step at a time but do so
rapid cycles.
tation. in rapid cycles.
• Many steps are further analysis, not coun-
• The next step does not have to be
The last step in the process is, of termeasures.
the most beneficial, biggest or most
• If the next step is more analysis, what do
course, the delivery phase. important. Most important is that you
we expect to learn?
take a step.
• If the next step is an action, what do we
• Many steps are further analysis, not
The next frontier countermeasures.
expect to happen?

For all of IEMS’ strengths, the one • If next step is more analysis, what do
we expect to learn?
gaping deficit is its inability to build an 5. What did we learn from what we expected?
• If next step is a countermeasure, what
• If another cycle is affordable, take that step
organizationwide continuous innova- do we expect to happen?
tion culture. A recent survey conducted PREPARE FOR REFLECTION
• If the death threat is insurmountable, learn
jointly by IndustryWeek and TBM to let go.
5. When can we go and see what we have
• Verify and validate your numbers before
Consulting made clear the connection learned from taking that step?
moving into the development phase.
• As soon as possible. Today is not too
between companies that were able to soon. How about we go and take that
innovate and those that had robust step now? (Strive for rapid cycles!)
improvement capability. Organizations
that can improve internally are the ones
that have the ability to innovate prod- for improvement and innovation are tivity and/or efficiencies. Improvement
ucts and services for their customers. similar. The only actual difference is is something that benefits the organi-
This should not be a big surprise. where you place the focus. For example, zation. In contrast, define innovation
Innovation is just improvement’s consider improvement as anything an as anything that a customer cares about
aristocratic cousin. The processes organization does to increase produc- and can benefit from.

November 2012 31
rediscovering the kata way
Arguments can be made that an in actual operations. If per chance you question 2 of the improvement kata
improvement that lowers the cost to decide to start using the innovation states, “Is the description of the current
a customer is an innovation. Such kata as depicted in Figure 3, know that condition measurable?” For the inno-
an assessment is fair. What we want using continuous improvement tools vation kata, fully understanding the
to avoid are games of semantics that on the kata itself is encouraged. Don’t current condition requires development
can devolve into petty differentiators. take the suggested innovation pattern of a customer value stream map. This
Regardless, we will assume these defi- as a recipe, but rather as a general activity is analogous to the measure-
nitions correct for the remainder of the guideline. ment requirement of the improvement
article. In the improvement kata, the first kata. In fact, the first dashed item in the
The idea is to produce a cultural question leads us to understand the improvement kata suggests the use of
regime conducive to constant inno- target condition and the challenge a block diagram, precisely what a value
vation. The theory is that if lean contrary to process improvement. stream map is.
continuous improvement can be For innovation, the practitioner must As an addition to the listing of condi-
attained through the daily practice of discern the challenges of the customer tions associated with the future state
improvement that Rother describes, the first. For this reason, questions 1 and map, make sure to describe the benefit
daily practice of innovation should be 2 of the two kata are reversed. The promise made to the customer. Also
able to provide similar results. second question of the improvement mount a convincing argument that
For example, Google has a policy for kata states, “What is the actual condi- the invention will work. It is said that
innovation that they call 20 percent tion now? (Go and see.)" This also is the cheapest kind of prototyping is
work. Company engineers are allowed an important measure for the proper achieved through the articulation of the
to develop their own innovative ideas execution of the innovation kata. written word.
during 20 percent of their workweek. It is best if the practitioner can go out Question 2 also transitions into the
That translates to an entire day for inno- and be subjected to the customer expe- discovery phase of IEMS. The customer
vation in a 40-hour week. Interestingly, rience. So, along with the development problem chosen in question 1 and the
50 percent of Google’s products are a of the value stream map, the practi- benefit promise and proof defined for
result of the 20 percent work. What’s tioner should go out and spend some question 2 all provide a condition-
important to consider is how frequently “carpet time” with the customer. Focus based product or service concept. And
innovation is practiced in the employ- groups, surveys and other methods for from the concept, a math model should
ees’ mind. Google’s 20 percent work is collecting the customer’s perspective be developed.
an exercise that helps build the innova- also should be performed. In IEMS The math model should answer two
tion “habit of mind.” vernacular, this step is called insight questions: Does a viable market exist,
In days gone by 3M had a similar 15 mining. The idea is to gain insight into and what will the innovation cost. As
percent rule that reportedly resulted in what the customer cares about. previously mentioned, the math model
both masking tape and Post-it notes. The innovation kata requires the should be based on a Fermi estimation
This type of latitude for innovation development of a current state value and is meant only as a rough approxi-
should not be constrained, but it must stream map. Analyzing the current mation of the situation.
be focused. This is where some of lean’s state coupled with insight mining will The third question of the improve-
concepts can help model company prac- provide the innovator an appreciation ment kata asks, “What obstacles are
tices. for the customer’s problems. As the last keeping you from the target condition?
bullet states, the innovator should list Which are you addressing now?” These
The innovation kata all of the actual conditions. questions are reminiscent of the “death
So what will a kata for innovation look In defining the target condition, threats” confronted in the discovery
like? The innovation kata can be a the two bullets used for the improve- phase of the IEMS. The improvement
cultural modifier, and since innovation ment kata apply: What do we expect kata is pointing the practitioner to some
is so closely related to improvement, a to be happening, and list the condi- level of realization that the obstacles are
logical starting point might be with the tions that would make it happen. This nothing more than the conditions that
improvement kata. The improvement is achieved by developing a future state need changing. This is somewhat differ-
kata has evolved through trial and error value stream map. The first bullet under ent for innovation. The resulting action

32 Industrial Engineer
for both, however, is that both obstacles innovation kata. The 3P’s and the prod- improve have an easier go of innovation
and death threats are dispensed with by uct/service concept must be solid. Also, and the resulting growth that comes
using fast cycles of PDSA. the math model must be completed. from it. This should not be surprising
Some reminders bulleted beneath As is true of question 4 of the since improvement and innovation are
question 3 are: Compare the current and improvement kata, a similar innovation so closely related.
target conditions, verify and validate kata should be about experimenting What’s new is the realization that
your numbers, focus on one obstacle and fast cycling of PDSA. There is some the fast and frequent practice of
at a time and keep cycling fast. These evidence that fast cycling reduces the improvement within an organization
four directives are meant to remind the fear of failure and makes one adaptable truly differentiates those that require
innovator that staying on track (current to change. In the tech world, numerous a short daily improvement routine by
and future states, validate numbers), companies like Yahoo! conduct hacker their leads, supervisors, managers and
staying focused (only one obstacle at a days. Even though these events are officers from other groups that prac-
time), and carrying on further experi- episodic, by allowing only enough time tice episodic improvement like kaizen
mentation (PDSA cycles) are the vital for the development of simpler appli- events.
activities that must proceed. cations, more learning gets done. Fast The step-by-step description of the
Question 4 of the improvement cycling is imperative for invention. improvement kata emphasizes the need
kata asks, “What is your next experi- Question 4 of the innovation kata for speed throughout all aspects of the
ment? (Start of the next PDCA cycle).” reminds the innovator that gaining new PDSA cycles. Speed is important to
The five bullets under this question knowledge is an important and ongo- keep from analysis paralysis. What was
remind the practitioner to choose any ing part of the process. The last two not mentioned was the importance of
obstacle and cycle fast, but that one bullets in this section require the inno- frequency, which cannot be overstated.
should predict outcomes before the vator to predict the outcome of their Frequency is the cultural modifier.
experiment is performed. This require- experiments to prepare for reflection Frequency is even more important than
ment for prediction helps you reflect. (“S” of the PDSA). The comparison of duration. In the supporting reference
Without predicting the experiment’s expectations to actual results leads the materials from The Toyota Kata, research
outcomes, it becomes difficult to innovator to the deeper understanding indicates that the repeated (read daily)
identify and understand what is being of why something occurred, which is an practice of an improvement routine
learned during the period of reflection. invaluable part of the learning process. changes the habits of the mind indi-
Since the current conditions change As a tool to determine if the concept vidual by individual. PDSA cycle speed
constantly due to improvements, make is ready to enter the expensive and and high frequency are the names of the
an assessment after every obstacle is resource-intensive development phase, game. The leaders and managers of the
overcome. Within an innovation frame- the last (fifth) question of the improve- organization should practice the inno-
work, reflection should be conducted ment kata asks, “What did we learn vation kata for 15 minutes daily in order
after every experiment. Recall that from what we expected?” What was to build an innovation culture.
Deming was adamant that the sequence learned should be documented. Is it any wonder that a high-velocity,
was PDSA (study), not PDCA (check). The bullets that follow question 5 high-frequency practice will deliver
In staying true to Deming’s intentions remind the innovator to keep cycling high-impact results in innovation?
and lean’s insistence on reflection, if appropriate or kill the project if what
the experimental outcome should be has been learned reveals an insur- Conrad Soltero is a field engineer with the
reflected on by comparing the predicted mountable death threat. Finally, one Research Institute for Manufacturing and
outcome to the actual outcomes. last check of the numbers should be Engineering Systems at the University of
A nuance differentiating the made before moving on into the devel- Texas at El Paso and a lean practitioner
improvement from the innovation kata opment phase. with the Texas Manufacturing Assistance
is that any relevant obstacle, not neces- Center. He co-authored The 7 Kata: Toyota
sarily the largest, can be chosen for A faster future Kata, TWI and Lean Training, which was
the improvement kata. In contrast, it’s As explained above, the IndustryWeek published in June.
advisable to first pick the larger or more and TBM Consulting survey revealed
dangerous death threats during the that companies that know how to

November 2012 33
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