Reference Data Change

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Frequent T3 Tickets

Version- Draft
RMT T2 Team

This document explains the frequent T3 tickets that occur in RMT and the solutions that can be
Table of Contents:
Add a New Service Request for an application............................................................................................3
SLA Times for New Service Requests........................................................................................................4

Reference Data Change:

-RMTi represents forms related with interfacing.

-RMTi Main is ------------DSO back up form from SD_Service Request

-Difference B/w menus ending with .All and without .All

-Discussion with NAIP Team.

ACN SLA the wording part is to be updated

 Add/Remove Queue(Assignment team),

 Add/Modify SLA
 Add/remove Category Data

Add a New Service Request for an application

The Menu attached to the Service Request field in the SD_Service Request form is

Menu: SD_ServiceRequest

The menu fetches the value of Service Request menu from SLAM:ServiceLevelAgreement
configuration form based on the below qualification.

(‘Service Level Agreement Type' = "IT SLA" ) AND (‘SLA Status' = "Valid")

AND (‘Request Type' = "Service Request")

AND (‘ReqType_Service' = Value of Service field in SD_ServiceReqest form)

AND (‘ReqType_Application' = Value of Application field in SD_ServiceReqest form)

1. Add a New Category

-To add a new Category, Group, Item, Module, Detail and Application Code.
- Open SD_Categories form in new mode.
- Enter the new values as required manually into the fields.
- Set the Status to Valid.
-Select “Show In Menu” as “Yes”
- Save the record.

The menus attached to fields in SD_ServiceRequest form.

- Category: SD_Category
- Group: SD_CategoryGroup.All
- Item: SD_CategroyItem.All
- Module: SD_CategoryModule.All
- Detail: SD_CategoryDetail.All

The above menus maintain a parent-child kind of relationship. i.e, based on the value in the Category
field, the value listed in the Group field will change. This applies for Item, Module and Detail field as

Result: The new values entered can be now viewed in the drop down list of Category, Group, Item,
Module, Detail fields respectively in the SD_ServiceRequest (Request) form.

2. Removal of exist Category:

- Select the particular record in SD_Categories form, which one should not be
disable in queue.
- Change the status of the record from valid to obsolete.
- And Show in menu checked as “NO”.
- Save the record.

Category Details:

01.Application/14.IT Support Tools/Request Management Tool/Server error.


The above given category should not view in the request form.
Please find the screen shot.

Another Way to Removal of exist Category:

 To delete a Application Code, Detail Module, Item , Group and Category

 Open SD_Categories form in search mode.
 Select the record in category field through menu and give the search and
take back up of particular record before going to be deleted.
 Among the selected data, choice the particular record which is going to be
 And give Ctrl+D the Particular will be deleted.
 Save the record.


The menus attached to fields in SD_ServiceRequest form.

- Category: SD_Category
- Group: SD_CategoryGroup.All
- Item: SD_CategroyItem.All
- Module: SD_CategoryModule.All
- Detail: SD_CategoryDetail.All.

The above menus maintain a parent-child kind of relationship. i.e., based on the value in the Category
field, the value listed in the Group field will change. This applies for Item, Module and Detail field as
well. So that we will delete the record start from detail field, module, Item, Group and finally category.

Result: The deleted values can’t be now viewed in the drop down list of Category, Group, Item, Module,
Detail fields respectively in the SD_ServiceRequest (Request) form.

SLA Times for New Service Requests

- Open the SLAM:ServiceLevelAgreements form.
- Select the Service Level Agreement Type as “ IT SLA”
- Enter values in the form from the data provided like shown in screen below.

- Save the record.

- The value given in the Service Request Field will be appended with the Target Time and
mapped to SLA Info3 Field.
- E.g. SLA Info3--- Minor Enhancements (25d)
- Now when a ticket is created for this service Request, the value in SLA Info3 field is
mapped to Service Request field in Request Form.


- Create a ticket in SD_Service Request form and select the Service, Application and
Service Request as above.
- The IT SLA Target Date populated in Request form for this Ticket will be Current Date +
25 days as defined in the SLA form.

ACN SLA Data (Accenture) ACN-Global

Local or
SLA Info Unit Measure
Other 150 hours Global
Account Modifications/Deletions 1 day Local
Minor Enhancement     25 days Local

- Open the SLAM:ServiceLevelAgreements form.

- Select the Service Level Agreement Type as “ IT SLA”
- Enter values in the form from the data provided like shown in screen below.

- Save the record.

- The value given in the Service Request Field will be appended with the Target Time and mapped
to SLA Info3 Field.
- E.g. SLA Info3--- Minor Enhancements (25d)

- Now when a ticket is created for this service Request, the value in SLA Info3 field is mapped to
Service Request field in Request Form.


- Create a ticket in SD_Service Request form and select the Service, Application and Service
Request as above.
- The IT SLA Target Date populated in Request form for this Ticket will be Current Date + 25
days as defined in the SLA form.

Add New Queue:(GSC function/Assignment)

GSC function field:

Open the regular form “SD_Assignment GSC Function”, and check whether particular
queue name (T2.Application support) is available or not in GSC function field. If it’s
available, no need to change anything, come back from the form.

GSC group & Sub Group:

Open the regular form called “SD_Assignment Group”, and select the particular given
queue name from the field of GSC function field. Check the given queue is available in
the GSC group function or not.
If it’s available, no need to change anything, just select the particular given queue.
If it’s not available we have entry given queue name in the particular field.
Same as for Sub Group Also.

Team & ESP Name:

Open the regular form called “SD_Assignment Team”,

we have to enter queue name which given in Excel sheet for “Sub Group” and enter the
Team queue name also.
Finally select the Esp Name as given as per the Excel sheet and save the particular

Create a ticket in SD_Service Request form and able select Queue which is given in
Excel sheet, in following field GSC Function, GSC Group, Sub-Group and Team.

Removal of Exist Queue (GSC functions/Assignment):


If we want delete the below given queue.

GSC Function: T2.Application Support

Group: Internal Tools

Sub-Group: Request Management

Team: Global.

- Open SD_ Assignment_team form in search mode.
- Select the Particular record in SD_Assignment_team.
- Press CTRL+D, the Particular record get deleted.
- And save the record.
-Please find the below given screen shot for reference.

Now that particular Queue is not available in SD_Assignment_team form.


Now that particular Queue won’t available in the USER form and SD_Service request form also.

(T2.Application Support, /Internal Tools, /Request Management, /Global) is not available.

The following forms are related to Interface.

RMTi_Main(Back up form for SD_Service Request)
RMTi_Main Archive


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