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Sustainable Development

LSquare, Formed by a group of IITians, GG01 09.01 2010

practices in sustainable design and
IGBC/USGBC/GRIHA green standards LSquare Solutions
certification facilitation across the Nation. Some Experience Solutions
Technology | Outsourcing |Consulting |Go Green
of our key areas of expertise in Greens & CDM
models are:-

 Green Building Consultancy

 LEED facilitation

 CDM Advisory


Home Automation Technology Helps Manage

Energy Use

Helping you achieve

your financial goals through Green Energy

Smart home automation is a growing can be one panel in the home, and it
industry and a popular trend for can also be designed for remote
homeowners who want the latest Internet-based operation.
technology. However, it can also be a
great new tool for green computing A few clicks from any computer can
and reducing energy costs by using turn down the heat and switch off all
your computer or any other computer the lights, reducing energy bills and the
in the world. carbon footprint of any home. LSquare,
a home automation technology
Home automation design involves one practice, estimates a three-bedroom
centralized system to control the lights, home with a smart home automation
temperature, music, televisions and system can save more than 385 KG of
security systems in a home. The system CO2 emissions per year.

“Going Green” has become the watchword in today’s real estate market.

The concept of “Green Building” aims at increasing the efficiency with which buildings
use resources - energy, water, materials - while reducing the impact of the building on
human health and the surrounding environment during its life cycle, through better
design, construction, operation, maintenance and removal and recycle of waste.
Maximizing the use of day lighting, reducing the burden on the electricity usage,
optimizing the cooling and heating loads of a building are few of such measures.
Getting the most SUSTAINABLE
from research Experience vs.
analysis Discipline
Costing Green: A Comprehensive Cost Database and
Budgeting Methodology
Research paper uses extensive sustainable design can and
data on building costs to should be analyzed holistically,
compare the cost of green including operations and
buildings with buildings housing maintenance implications, user
comparable programs, which do productivity and health, design
not have sustainable goals. The and documentation fees,
The first question often asked foundations are also laid to among other financial
about sustainable design is: analyze incremental costs over measurements. However, it is
what does 'green' cost, typically starting budgets, and to our experience that it is the
meaning does it cost more? This compare the costs for different construction cost implications Early Leasing
raises the question: more than specific measures and that drive decisions about Prefer Space
what? More than comparable technologies. Additionally, we sustainable design. By assisting Visible Performance
buildings, more than the present a budgeting teams to understand the actual Optimize Operational Cost
available funds, or more than methodology that provides construction costs on real
Employees Health
the building would have cost guidelines for developing projects of achieving green, and
Sustainable Development
without the sustainable design appropriate budgets to meet by providing a methodology
the building program goals, that will allow teams to manage Tax Reliefs
features? The answers to these
questions have been thus far including sustainability goals. construction costs, we hope to
elusive, because of the lack of enable teams to get past the
hard data. Various reports look only at question of whether to green,
construction costs. It is true or go straight to working on
that the costs and benefits of how.

From this analysis we conclude that many projects achieve sustainable design quiswithin
nostrud their initial
exerci budget, or with very small supplemental funding.
This suggests that owners are finding ways to incorporate project goals and values, regardless of budget, by making choices.
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However, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Each building project is unique luptatum
and should bedel
zzril considered
enit augueas such when addressing the cost and
feasibility of LEED. Benchmarking with other comparable projects can be valuable and informative, but not predictive. Any assessment of the cost of
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sustainable design for particular building must be made with reference to that building, its specific circumstances and goals.
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amet, plurius wisi consectetuer
Source: Research Papers
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Green Measure does not influence the project cost
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significantly; rather it helps in reducing operation cost.
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magna aliquam erat volutpat.
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wisi cons ectetuer delenit augue
duis dolore te.


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