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reyonses. MaMany of the neurons that participate in integra- also the source of thoughts, emotions, and memories.

t e r n e u r o n s , whose axons extend
only for a short nerve impulses that stimulate muscles to contract and glands to
and contact nearby neuronsin the brain, spinal
secrete originate in the CNS. Components of the PNS are cranial
lion. Interneurons comprise the
cord, or a ganglio vast
majority nerves and their branches, spinal nerves and their branches,
in the body.
of neurons ganglia, and sensory receptors. The PNS may be subdivided fur
Mador function. The nervous system's motor function ther into a somatic nervous system (SNS) (sonat-= body),
iavolves responding to nlegration decisions. The neurons an autonomic nervous system (ANS) (auto- =
self; -nomic =
that serve this function are motor or efferent neurons law), and an enteric nervous system (ENS) (enter-
EF-er-ent: f
away Irom). Motor neurons carry informa- intestines) (Figure 12.2). The SNS consists of (1) sensory neu-
lion from the brain toward the spinal cord or out of the brain rons that convey information from somatie receptors in the head.
and spinal cord into cranial or spinal nerves. The cells and body wall, and limbs and from receptors for the special senses of
organs contacted by motor neurons in cranial and spinal vision, hearing, taste, and smell to the CNS and (2) motor neu-
nerves are termed effectors. Muscle fibers and glandular rons that conduct impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscles
cells are examples of effectors. only. Because these motor responses can be consciously con-
the action of this part of the PNS is voluntary.
The ANS consists of (1) sensory neurons that convey infor-
Organization of the Nervous System
mation from autonomic sensory receptors, located primarily in
De CNS (brain and
spinal cord) integrates and correlates many visceral organs such as the stomach and lungs. to the CNS,. and
ittrent kinds of incoming sensory information. The CNS is (2) motor neurons that conduct nerve impulses from the CNS to

of the (ENS)
nervous of
system. consisting
nervous the (CNS),
and system tissue

ofthe system
(ANS), central of all
12.2 the consisting
ner vous
autonomic are (1)
Figure (PNS),
system system
the nervous

(SNS), of the peripheral
main and (2)
wo cord, Sketetal muscle
The spinal
the Somatio motor
outside the CNS
neurons (voluntar

Somatic and special

SASsensoryreceptorsand CNS
Smooth muscle,
Autonomic motor
neurons cardiac muscle
and neurons (involuntary)
spinal cord
sympathetic and
and glands


Autonomic sensory
receptors and neurons


Smooth muscle
Enteric motor neurons
glands, and endocrine

(involuntary) in enteric cells of GI tract

Sensory receptors and plexuses

neurons in GI tract and PNS
ENS Motor part of
enteric plexuses

from the
part of PNSs output
Sensory CNS? That carry
input to the
that carry
are given to
What terms

Because its motor

cardiac muscle, and glands. action

muscle, control, the
mooth conscious O BJECTIVES
characteristics and the functionst
normally under
are not
responses the ANS consists Contrast the histological
imoluntary. The motor part of
is p a r a s y m p a - neurons and neuroglia.
of the ANS division and the matter.
branches. the sympathetic innervated matter and white
two effectors are between gray
With a few exceptions, have opposing
thetic division.
the two divisions cell: neurons and
divisions. and usually
by both increase heart rate,
neurons consists of tw0 types of
Nervous tissue functions
For example. sympathetic of the
actions. most of the unique
slow it down.
neurons Neurons provide
parasympathetic invol- neuroglia. con
w hereas remembering.
and its operation is as sensing. thinking.
"brain of the gut." of nervous system, such secretions
The ENS is the ENS consists
of the ANS, the and regulating glandular
Once considered part that trolling muscle activity, the n e u r o n s and man
untary. enteric plexuses
million neurons in nourish, and protect
approximately 100 (GI) tract. Many
Neuroglia support, neurons
of the gastrointestinal interstitial fluid that bathes
extend the entire length of tain homeostasis in the
function independently
enteric plexuses
of the n e u r o n s of the also communi-
some extent, although they
the ANS and CNS to
parasympathetic neu-
cate with the CNS
via sympathetic and Neurons
chemical changes
the ENS monitor electrical
rons. Sensory n e u r o n s of the
motor muscle cells, neurons have property of
of its walls. Enteric Like
within the GI tract and the stretching action or
smooth muscle, secre- to produce potentials impulses
n e u r o n s govern
contraction of GI tract excitability, the ability
the stom- arise. action potentials prop
tions of the GI tract organs
such as acid secretion by in response to stimuli. Once they
endocrine cells. next along the plasma membrane due
ach. and activity of GI tract gate from o n e point to the
to the presence of specific types of
ion channels.
What are the components of the CNS and
Parts of a Neuron
2. What kinds of problems would result from damage of sensory neu-
rons, interncurons, and motor neurons? neurons have three parts: (1) a cell body. (2) dendrites.
(3) an axon (Figure 12.3). The cell body contains a nucleus
What are the components and functions of the SNS. ANS, and suc
ENS? Which subdivisions have voluntary versus involuntary rounded by cytoplasm that includes typical organelles
lysosomes. mitochondria, and a Golgi complex. Neurom.

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