LOR - Pradnya Gothmare Mam

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Letter of Recommendation

It gives me great pleasure to recommend Sujay Torvi to your esteemed university for the Master's
program. In my capacity as the Assistant Professor in the Computer Engineering Department, I have
known him for two years. During the course, he has interacted with me on several occasions. He is
bestowed with a hard-working attitude and perseverance. I can assure you of his potential to excel in
his graduate studies.

My first interaction with him was as his faculty mentor for an internship project titled ‘Application
Development with Marathi Corpora for Semantic Resolution’. In the project, he performed the
translation of the Marathi language to English using Marathi-English sentence pairs collected from
government sources and performed the necessary analysis of the Marathi lexemes. I would also like to
underline his management skills which were brought to the fore when he led three other interns while
handling undergraduate coursework. He and his teammates performed the cleaning of the sentences
collected and performed lexical analysis which showed me __________. He also showed _________
when he studied the literature survey and chose attention model and encoder-decoder model to train
their sentences. After getting a satisfactory semantic translation of the sentences, the team then
published a concise report. Sujay’s ability to work well in a group as well as his command in
managing projects is commendable. Resolving each problem by accurately correlating it with the right
concepts has always been impressive.

He has also attended my Web Technology, System Processing and Compiler Construction, and
Software Project Management classes. He was an attentive and focused student in the classroom,
which made it a pleasure to mentor him. I evaluated his efforts in the classroom through his
involvement, assignments, and presentations; and felt he was most diligent in carrying them out to
completion and perfection. His understanding of the subjects were strong, because of which he
grasped complex concepts like the Project scheduling, Parse Trees and Context Free Grammars with
utmost ease. 

Along with his strong inquisition and technical skills, Sujay is bound to make great strides in his
course of study with guidance on a challenging, intellectual platform offered by a university of your
standing. I consider him most suitable to pursue graduate studies. Hence, I strongly recommend
Sujay’s candidature for admission to your institution.

Yours Sincerely,


Pradnya Gothmare,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Engineering,
K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering,
Mumbai, India
Contact No. 9819335769
Email ID: pradnyagothmare@somaiya.edu

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