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7 Your boss Meghan ison a business trip this week You receive this email from her. Choose the correct words in italics Arianna Boyle from TFF is going to visit / visiting us next Wednesday. It’s her first time here and she's 2 very important customer. Unfortunately, 'm only free to see her for part of the day. *She’s / ‘She will arriving very early in the morning on a night flight, spending Wednesday night in a hotel near the company and she is Sleave / leaving on Thursday. Can you meet her at the airport and decide what you *are / will do with her during the day: restaurant, local visits, etc.? There's a provisional schedule on my desk. Can you complete it? There's also an email from Arianna. ®1'm calling / I'll call you tomorrow morning to check that everything's OK. Meghan >» For more exercises, go to Practice file 7 on page 119, 8 Work with a partner to plan Arianna Boyle's visit Student A, turn to page 138. Student B, turn o page 12, Practically speaking | How to ask for directions 1. What different ways can you think of to ask for directions? Example: Can you tell me how to get to ..? 2 > 7.3 Listen to three short conversations and complete the sentences. 1 the way to the station, please? 2 Excuse me. the registrations office for the conference. 3. Excuse me the motorway? On, the nearest petrol station is? 3 > 7.3 Listen again and number the directions in the order you hear them. you'll see signs —_ ‘on your right take the third exit __ take the first left turn right at __ in front of you —_ go straight on go past the then go down the stairs __ Practise the conversations in 2 and 3 with a partner. a Work with a partner. Take it in turns to ask for and give directions fro + the room you're in to another part ofthe building * your present location to another place in the town 49

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